What is a healthy tooth? How to avoid caries? Regular dental examination. Teeth grinding destroys enamel

Every person dreams of a beautiful and healthy smile. It's no secret that toothache and the upcoming trip to the dentist frightens many adults.It is impossible to completely protect yourself from diseases of the teeth and gums. However, this largely depends on us. Maintaining healthy image life, good habits and compliance with hygiene rules protect oral cavity and solve many problems. Modern dentistry a huge amount is known interesting facts about teeth.

Whitening harms tooth enamel

Professional means and hardware techniques lead to thinning of the top layer of the tooth, and excessive enthusiasm for the procedure gradually completely destroys the enamel. Many patients experience hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity).

Whitening pastes for home use contain harsh abrasives and aggressive chemical components, which erase and corrode the enamel. Considered the safest laser technique, but you should also be careful.

Food acids have a negative effect on teeth

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The condition of teeth is adversely affected not only by chemical substances, but also organic acids contained in many healthy products. The acid reacts with calcium and eats away the top layer of enamel.

Citrus fruits, fruits and berries have the highest acidity. It is worth remembering that these products are very useful and necessary for the body, including teeth. You need to use them in moderation. After eating, do not brush your teeth with toothpaste for 30 minutes, but simply rinse your mouth with water.

Oral hygiene after every meal

After eating, a lot of food remains remain in the mouth. They get stuck in the interdental space and settle on the mucous membrane. Food, under the influence of saliva, begins to decompose, which is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Problems encountered:

After eating, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth or brush your teeth. Regular hygiene should become a habit.

Fluoride is needed for healthy teeth

Fluoride is a compound of organic or inorganic origin that contains fluorine. Almost all toothpastes are rich in this element; it is also found in some foods and drinking water. Fluoride is really necessary for the teeth and the body as a whole, but its excess can have a detrimental effect on health (in high concentrations, fluorides are toxic).

Benefits of fluoride:

  • changes the color and condition of the surface of the crowns (white chalky spots appear);
  • negatively affects metabolism;
  • promotes deformation bone tissue;
  • affects the nervous system;
  • disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland.

White toothpastes are better than gel toothpastes

This statement can easily be classified as a myth. Experts say that white or gel pastes have the same cleaning and protective properties. In terms of their basic composition, they are completely identical. White color The paste is given titanium dioxide and calcium carbonate.

The choice between regular paste and gel is a matter of personal taste. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and suits the individual.

Mouthwash protects teeth and gums

Using mouthwash in the morning and evening has a beneficial effect on the health of your teeth and gums. After brushing your teeth, a certain amount of bacteria and plaque remains in your mouth. In addition, the brush does not clean the cheeks, palate and tongue, which also need hygiene.

The rinse contains refreshing, cleansing and protecting ingredients. Ethyl alcohol is good antiseptic. Many liquids contain herbal decoctions that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Green tea will help prevent caries

Green tea has many useful qualities. It invigorates, supplies the body with antioxidants, and is a natural antiseptic. Many people have heard that tea helps prevent cancer.

Scientists have found out about positive impact drink on the oral cavity. It really protects against the development of caries and periodontal disease. Green tea kills bacteria and also reduces the acidity of saliva to normal levels. In addition, it effectively freshens breath.

Wearing braces requires careful care

Braces consist of a continuous arch along the dentition and small “clasps” that are attached to each tooth and almost completely cover it. While eating, food is constantly retained in the brace system. This often provokes caries, periodontal disease and the formation of unsightly dark yellow plaque.

Careful care is mandatory for those with braces. It ensures dental health and protects the expensive structure from possible oxidation (if it is titanium).

Avoid eating particularly hard foods

Eating solid foods is necessary for the proper functioning of the facial and jaw apparatus. Such products strengthen teeth and gums and prevent the chewing muscles from atrophying. However, the habit of gnawing bones, cracking nut shells, or excessively eating seeds (if you crack them with your teeth) will not bring any benefit. Too hard food damages the tooth surface, injures the gums (scratches or wounds appear), and in some cases leads to crown breakage.

Professional cleaning - every six months

Professional cleaning should not be confused with whitening, as cleaning at the dentist's office is beneficial and is recommended every 6 months. With careful care, mouthwash and dental floss, plaque and bacteria remain in the mouth, forming hard tartar. Cleaning removes all types of dirt from hard-to-reach places. The procedure is especially useful for coffee, tea, red wine lovers and smokers.

Hard stone becomes one of the main causes of dental diseases. It multiplies many microorganisms that are harmful to health. During the procedure, in addition to stone and dense plaque, bacteria are destroyed, pigmentation is eliminated, as a result of which the enamel becomes 1-2 shades lighter (it acquires its natural shade).

On the advice of a doctor, you can choose one of the cleaning methods:

  1. ultrasonic;
  2. air flow;
  3. laser;
  4. mechanical (hygienic).

Chewing gum is not always healthy

Around chewing gum There are many myths about teeth. According to experts, it can bring both benefit and harm at the same time.

  1. cleanses the oral cavity after eating;
  2. freshens breath;
  3. accelerates food digestion processes;
  4. provides additional chewing load for better blood circulation.

Harm (especially when using low-quality chewing gum with sugar):

  1. the habit of chewing becomes an addiction, like smoking;
  2. can pull out fillings;
  3. increases stomach acidity;
  4. Sugar causes tooth decay.

Cheese and cottage cheese are the best foods for teeth

Cheese and cottage cheese of natural origin are rich in calcium and phosphorus. These microelements form and strengthen bone tissue. In addition, these products have a beneficial effect on the entire body and well-being. It is worth including cottage cheese and cheese in your regular diet, consuming them at least several times a week. Those who don’t like cottage cheese at all can add berries, honey to it, make delicious casserole or cheesecakes.

Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the composition of saliva

Saliva is a secretion secreted salivary glands. Its normal chemical composition is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body.

Many essential oils have a positive effect on the entire oral cavity. They normalize the pH of saliva, have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing, and sometimes analgesic properties.

The best oils for aromatherapy:

  • tea tree;
  • sage;
  • grapefruit;
  • juniper;
  • myrrh;
  • pine;
  • orange;
  • neroli lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • geranium;
  • mint;
  • thyme.

You need to change your toothpaste every 3 months

Using medicinal pastes they need to be changed every 1-2 months, otherwise the internal microflora will get used to the composition and stop responding to therapy. It is believed that with ordinary hygiene products the same thing happens. Dentists cannot confirm this 100%, but they do not see anything wrong with changing the product.

It is also very important to change the brush every 3 months. Bacteria accumulate on it and are not washed away with water. As a result, cleaning is completely unhygienic.

Teeth grinding destroys enamel

Bruxism ( night rattle) negatively affects teeth and gums. Pathology appears in adults and children due to malocclusion, psychological disorders, stress, disorders in the central and peripheral nervous system.

When grinding, the jaws put a lot of pressure on each other. As a result, the enamel first becomes thinner and cracks, then the crown is damaged. Sometimes this leads to spalling or complete loss tooth

The pressure produced by the molars reaches 8 MPa

The pressure created by the masticatory muscles can reach high levels. A special apparatus was invented to measure it - a gnathodynamometer.

Depending on gender, physical strength and dental condition, it can range from 25 kg to 80 kg and even more. It should be noted that too high performance dangerous, teeth may crumble or break.

It is a known fact that the pressure produced by molars reaches 8 MPa. This means that the muscles and teeth press with a force of 800 g per square millimeter.

We all know very well that a person has thirty-two teeth and over each of them there is always the danger of getting sick if you do not pay proper attention to them. Dental health, no less important than the health of any other vitally important component of the human body.

Of course, you can object to me, saying that all these rules for caring for teeth, we all know a long time ago, from childhood.

However, not everyone is spared dental troubles. For this reason, it is extremely important to know yourself and explain to your children how to properly care for their teeth.

I think almost everyone knows the main function of teeth, which are designed to hold and chew food.

Getting poorly chewed food into the stomach can cause serious problems for it, creating a very significant load, and digestion with great difficulty.

Food that has gone through the complete chewing process is digested much easier in the stomach.

If you delve into the anatomy of a tooth, it consists of three main components: crown, neck and root.

The latter is not in our field of vision; it is completely immersed in the gum. The narrow part of the tooth, which is located near the gum, is called the neck. And the part that rises above the gum is called the crown. Enamel, dentin, cement - the main ones bone substances, which are part of the tooth and make it strong, and therefore healthy. The strength of teeth has a beneficial effect on their resistance to various negative reasons, leading to . The integrity of the enamel can be considered key factor on the issue of healthy teeth. Sudden change temperature indicators food intake, acid-base exposure, mechanical injuries can serve as a very powerful argument leading to violations of the enamel integrity of the tooth. Constant and professional care of your teeth and oral cavity is complete confidence that dental health and a beautiful smile will always accompany you.

Removing dirt from your mouth

A toothbrush, used to clean teeth, is the main tool for necessary care behind the oral cavity. The number of microbes taken from just one milligram of dental plaque is simply very large. The minimum number of times a person needs to clean their teeth per day is two (morning and evening). External surface tooth It is necessary to clean with movements in a circle from the gum to the tooth.

I would like to note that for complete cleansing, it is recommended to perform such circular movements at least ten times. Taking this into account, the process of brushing your teeth should take at least 3-4 minutes. An even greater healing effect for teeth can be achieved by periodically alternating movements in a circle with vertical and horizontal ones.

It is much more difficult to carry out internal tooth cleaning, but this activity must be carried out in mandatory, since bacteria and microbes most often look for “shelter” in hard-to-reach places. At the end this process It is necessary to massage the gums and clean the tongue.

At the end of all the above-described cleaning procedures for the oral cavity, it is recommended to use a dental elixir. His antibacterial effect prevents the formation of plaque and significantly freshens breath.

Toothbrush age

The time interval during which it is recommended to use the same toothbrush directly depends on the intensity of its use and the effort with which pressure is applied to it. Average duration The life of a toothbrush should be approximately three months. During this time, the bristles have time to become inappropriate and become seriously contaminated with bacteria. They are a fundamental factor in the appearance of various diseases In addition, they can significantly complicate the healing process of diseased teeth due to their secondary infection.

If your body has been exposed infectious diseases: sore throat, acute respiratory infection, then it is strongly recommended to replace your toothbrush, since the lifespan of bacteria remaining on it after an illness can be measured as a whole month. This rule especially needs to be taken into account by people with a sick digestive system. And finally, of course, since a brush is a personal hygiene item, then, of course, you should use exclusively your “tool” for cleaning your teeth.

Baby teeth

By the age of six months, the baby begins to cut teeth. Over the period from 6-12 years, all milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. To maintain dental health at the proper level and preserve their strength, you need to tirelessly educate your children proper care for teeth. Until the child begins to do this completely consciously, the responsibility for this lies with his parents. U temporary teeth the risk of developing caries is much higher. Starting from the age of three, it is allowed to use a children's toothbrush and specialized toothpaste, which will not harm the baby's esophagus, since he may accidentally swallow some of it during the brushing process. A child is usually able to completely independently care for his teeth from the age of 4, but this does not mean that parents’ attention to the correctness of this process should weaken.

It is better to use for these purposes regular brushes, since then the chance of damage to the child’s fragile tooth enamel will be much lower. Considering the fact that modern manufacturers Today they offer a large assortment of bright brushes with a soft cleaning surface, so the process of cleaning your teeth, which may not be exciting at first glance, can easily be turned into an entertaining game.

Visit the dentist at least twice a year, regular cleaning toothpaste and the use of dental floss and rinses are traditional recommendations for maintaining dental health, which are constantly promoted in the media. However, health and appearance teeth depends not only on the listed manipulations.

1. Dental health depends on balanced nutrition fetus during mother's pregnancy and heredity.

The condition of teeth depends, among other things, on physical condition his mother. Poor nutrition, which does not provide enough vitamins and microelements to the fetus, can become one of the causes of problems with the child’s dental health in the future. Particularly important from this point of view is the 3-4th month of pregnancy. Calcium and vitamins D and A are most needed for the health of a child’s teeth. A lack of vitamins B6 and B12 can lead to cleft lip(non-union upper lip) and cleft palate (cleft palate).

2. Dental health depends on the person’s diet and lifestyle.

Calcium, fluoride, and vitamin D remain important for dental health throughout their development. The presence of fish, dairy products, and protein-containing foods in the diet helps strengthen and preserve teeth. So called bad habits also affect dental health. This is how smoking affects the enamel of teeth, which is visible even without any special research- Smoker's teeth usually have a more yellow tint.

3. Dental health depends on the use of medications.

Medicines cause the most serious harm to the teeth of adults. This is caused by the large number of medications that adults use. Some medications, such as antidepressants, sedatives, and diuretics, change the composition of saliva, which increases the risk of dental damage. In addition, the amount of saliva simply decreases, which means its cleansing function becomes insufficient.

4. Dental health depends on the consumption of carbonated drinks.

It is typical that both sweet drinks and drinks that do not contain sugar and acids cause harm to teeth. It is estimated that about forty percent of teenagers get a large amount of carbohydrates from sugary carbonated drinks. Their constant use increases the risk of developing caries due to the activation of the activity of bacteria that feed on carbohydrates. "Lite" drinks consumed in large quantities, can lead to demineralization of tooth enamel.

5. Dental health depends on the condition of your gums.

The gums are not only the location of the teeth, but also take an active part in their protection. The mucous membrane of the gums helps reduce pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity. Suffice it to note that in mature age diseased gums account for quite a lot large percentage loss of teeth.

In the process of human life, microbes form on his teeth, which harm both the teeth themselves and the body as a whole. Scientists around the world have discovered a connection between poorly maintained teeth and a significant number of pathologies occurring in the body. Let's take a more specific look.

Teeth and memory

Bacteria that are found on teeth are quite active life, the result of which are acids that slowly destroy the enamel, which leads to the emergence and development of caries, and then pulpitis and periodontitis. This can lead to tooth loss, which negatively affects your appearance. Losing several teeth adds to a person's extra years, which is especially unpleasant for female audiences. However, that's not all.

Impact studies are underway around the world various systems organisms against each other. Japanese scientists made an amazing discovery. They determined that the more teeth lost, the worse memory. An experiment on four thousand people over 65 years of age confirmed a direct correlation between infections that contribute to tooth loss and catalysts for inflammation in the brain. Under the influence of infections, neurons die and memory deteriorates. At the same time, mood swings and unmotivated irritability are also observed.

Teeth and nervous system

The human body is a single interconnected system. Therefore, it is not surprising that failures in one of its parts affect other organs and systems. Thus, the nervous system permeates all our tissues, illnesses and manipulations with teeth immediately affect the tomogram, and the loss of each tooth leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of areas in the brain. As research has proven, the issue here is trigeminal nerve. It penetrates both jaws and the frontal part of the brain. Disease or tooth extraction damages some part of the nerve, which leads to changes in the brain.

In addition, consequences are also observed in the balance of the muscles that work with the jaws. All these factors have a bad effect on the neuromuscular harmony of the body as a whole.

These issues are addressed by a new direction in dentistry - functional or neuromuscular. The task of a specialist in this field is to restore the correct balance between teeth, jaws, joints and muscles.

Bacteria as a source of disease

A diseased tooth is a constant source of infection for the body as a whole. Because of banal caries, the entire immune system suffers. A person with dental cavities regularly gets colds and viral diseases, his illnesses that have become chronic are difficult to cure.

It was found that about 350 feels great in the oral cavity various types bacteria. Some of them can have an extremely negative effect on the body.

It has been noticed that the condition of the teeth can determine disharmony in the functioning of the liver, pancreas, joints, and gastrointestinal tract.

So, it plays a fatal role Helicobacter bacterium pylori, which is always present in dental plaque. It has been proven that it causes stomach ulcers.

Members of the gingivalis family contribute to poor blood clotting, which in turn causes blood clots. Today it is believed that 70% is the percentage by which the risk of developing a cardiovascular disease increases solely due to poor quality oral care.

Dental health and lung health

The root of evil is in dental plaque, which is teeming with various microbes, including pathogenic ones. Periodontitis threatens to worsen the course of pneumonia. Smoking is also a catalyst for various pulmonary diseases if a person has untreated teeth.

Teeth and diabetes

Inflamed gums, which are a source of infection, undermine the immune system already weakened by diabetes and can lead to cardiovascular abnormalities. However, there is also a reverse relationship. Diabetes affects gum disease, increasing the risk of tooth loss.

Teeth and heart

Research conducted at Indiana University on the effects of oral hygiene on heart function confirmed fears that not only inflammatory diseases gums, but also tartar and plaque contribute to an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood, which is one of the provoking factors of a heart attack.

Periodontitis itself leads to a significant risk of strokes and heart attacks. Bacteria spread throughout the body, weakening the walls of blood vessels, which over time leads to serious heart pathologies.

Dental health and male strength

Chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity negatively affect potency. Infections affect blood vessels, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Teeth and gastrointestinal tract

Thoroughly chewed food is more easily processed and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. If due to loss of teeth or their painful condition mechanical restoration food is insufficient, then all gastrointestinal tract is under threat.

Dental condition and pregnancy

The expectation of a new life is associated with hormonal changes organism, which leads to gum inflammation. This process must be noticed and eliminated in time, otherwise the fetus may become infected.

Dysfunctions caused by poor dental health

Chronic infections in teeth are the cause of many problems observed by doctors in the human body:

  • Osler's endocarditis is caused by caries and pulpitis;
  • Malfunctions nervous system and brain;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Hair loss;
  • Problems with the endocrine glands;
  • Sore throats;
  • Undermining the immune system in general.

Obviously, healthy teeth are a tax good health many organs and systems of the whole body. It depends on the teeth as the coordinated work of numerous internal organs, including the brain, and the aesthetics of appearance.

Each of us dreams of a beautiful white-toothed smile, which is why regular hygiene and oral care is very important. If you do not take proper care, you risk getting a whole range of unpleasant problems. dental problems, such as gum disease, various infections, thinning of bone tissue, as well as other diseases (strokes, heart attacks and many others). Thorough teeth cleaning and a dental checkup every six months will help you prevent all of this. In addition, with these simple steps you can ensure good oral hygiene.

Below is a list of 10 useful tips, which should be taken into account if you want your teeth to be healthy and beautiful.

1. Thorough cleaning

This is the easiest and most affordable way to keep your mouth clean. All you have to do is keep your toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees to the gum line. That is, both gum lines, as well as the surface of the teeth, should be in close contact with the bristles of the brush. Close your jaws together and use a back-and-forth and up-and-down motion to begin brushing the outer surfaces of your teeth. You should not press too hard on the toothbrush - you can damage your gums. For cleansing inner surface teeth, position the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line and teeth. The movements are the same: “up and down”, “forward and back”. Don't forget about the tongue and palate - they are often the main cause of bad breath (poor hygiene promotes the active growth of bacteria, which, in turn, causes bad breath). It is recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day to prevent excessive acid accumulation - the result of the process of breakdown of food by bacteria. If, for any reason, you cannot carry out a complete cleansing of the oral cavity, then it will be useful to rinse your mouth with water after each meal. This way, you will remove food debris from your teeth, depriving bacteria of a nutrient substrate.

2. Dental floss

Many will say that it is too tedious and tiring to floss after every snack or meal. Many people simply forget, others neglect this simple procedure. But in vain. After all, only dental floss can penetrate into the most inaccessible places, unlike professional brush or rinse aid. Dental floss perfectly cleans the interdental space, removes plaque, and removes food debris. Dentists recommend flossing at least once a day.

3. Stop smoking

Believe me, your teeth will thank you very much! Firstly, quitting smoking will save you from... possible cancer oral cavity, as well as various periodontal complications. Secondly, you will reduce the consumption of lollipops, chewing gum, tea, coffee, since there will no longer be a need to mask the tobacco smell. This is also a big plus for the condition of the teeth.

4. Limit consumption of carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol

The fact is that all these drinks contain a lot of phosphorus. And even though he is useful mineral for the oral cavity, in large quantities causes calcium deficiency, which entails serious problems with teeth and gums. Caries also develops due to a lack of calcium in the body. Also, these drinks often contain various additives, such as corn syrup and food coloring - they are very harmful to tooth enamel. Even the most snow-white smile will quickly fade if you do not limit your consumption of sweet soda, coffee and alcohol. Milk is what you need to strengthen enamel and nourish tooth tissue. Don't forget about clean water- it will nourish your body life-giving moisture and will help maintain dental health.

5. Calcium and other vitamins are essential for oral health.

For supporting beautiful smile calcium is needed. Lots of calcium. This mineral is very important not only for teeth, but also for bones. Include freshly squeezed milk in your diet Orange juice, yogurt, broccoli, cottage cheese and other dairy products. You might think about additional intake food additives and vitamin complexes, but only after consulting a doctor. Remember: calcium and vitamin D are good for teeth and gums. Vitamin B plays an important role in protecting the oral cavity: it prevents bleeding and cracking gums. Copper, zinc, iodine, iron and potassium are also necessary for good oral hygiene.

6. Visit your dentist regularly

You should visit your dentist at least twice a year to preventive examination and conducting hygiene procedures. In addition, it is necessary to do from time to time X-ray oral cavity to exclude or detect any pathologies.

7. Use mouthwash

Not all rinses help. You need to choose exactly the liquid that suits you. For example, Listerine rinses contain chlorine dioxide, which is very beneficial for teeth because it kills bacteria, removes plaque and prevents bad breath. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve perfect oral hygiene with just one rinse, but it’s perfect as a finishing touch after daily brushing and flossing.

8. If you are worried about toothache

If you have a toothache, do not put off visiting the dentist. The doctor will diagnose the cause of the pain and eliminate it. Don't wait for minor discomfort to develop into a big problem.

9. Dental problems can cause serious illnesses

We all should pay great attention to the condition of the oral cavity, because it is the teeth and gums that indicate the level of general health. Dental problems can lead to diabetes, diseases of cardio-vascular system, various infections, as well as speech defects and the inability to chew food. Crooked teeth cause inflammation of the gums, which, in turn, can cause tooth loss. Remember: straight teeth are not just for beauty.

10. Be sure to clean your tongue

The tongue should be cleaned daily. Using a special tongue brush, you can remove pathogenic bacteria from its surface, which are the cause of many diseases and infections. In addition, due to the activity of bacteria, a bad smell from the mouth (halitosis).