What is oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp? How to treat oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Seborrhea – inflammatory disease skin associated with dysfunction sebaceous glands.

Most often, seborrhea is expressed by thickening of the stratum corneum, greasy shine and skin exfoliation. Seborrhea affects those areas where hairline largest (head, forehead, ears, anterior chest area). Due to damage to the scalp, thinning and thinning of the hair can be seen.

Symptoms: How to understand whether you have seborrhea or not. The answer is quite simple, if you have dandruff, it means your scalp is already inflamed. You might think that dandruff is all? Unfortunately, dandruff alone is not enough; you will have terrible itching.

You need to wash your hair as often as possible, otherwise the disease will progress quickly and begin to affect other parts of the skin in the form of red, flaky spots.

If seborrhea is left untreated, red spots can appear on smooth skin (face, back, chest), in worst cases they can become a bacterial infection.

Causes of seborrhea

Forms of seborrheic dermatitis

  1. fatty (thick and liquid forms);
  2. dry;
  3. mixed.

Oily seborrhea

Progresses with increased sebum production, sebaceous glands work at a fast pace. The main symptom is the appearance of a lot of dandruff in the form of flakes, they cling to the base of the hair. The scalp becomes oily much faster, the hair weakens and as a result this leads to hair loss.

Thick seborrhea

The scalp becomes denser, the hair becomes coarse and stiff. This serves to greatly expand the sebaceous glands, the inflamed area of ​​​​the skin becomes black-brown. Oily, thick dandruff appears on the hair, which sticks to the hair and secretes a viscous secretion. There are cases when an epidermal cyst (atheroma) forms on the surface of the skin, which is filled with a pasty mass. This can lead to suppuration.

Mostly, the thick form of oily seborrhea occurs in men, but by the age of 28 it disappears. This does not mean that treatment is not necessary. Since this can lead to the development of furunculosis and other purulent diseases. Does not lead to hair loss.

Liquid seborrhea

Hair acquires an unhealthy shine and moisture. After washing your hair, you may notice how your hair begins to stick together and become covered with greasy yellow dandruff. This will cause itching and profuse hair loss hair, can lead to baldness. Due to the development of liquid seborrhea, we may notice rounded pinpoint formations on the skin white. If treatment is not started in time, this can lead to serious purulent disease(furunculosis, abscess), easily lead to baldness of the entire head.

Dry seborrhea

The amount of sebum decreases. Due to this, the skin begins to peel off, which leads to dandruff. The scalp begins to dry out, the hair splits and breaks. After washing your hair, you feel tightness of the skin, red spots appear on areas of the skin, which are covered with small scales and itch very much.

Mixed form

This means that it combines fatty and dry form. It forms in different areas of the scalp. The skin of the face (forehead, nose, chin) is oily, the cheeks are dry, and may be weakly expressed on the head. Unfortunately, it won't be possible without hair loss.

How not to get sick seborrheic dermatitis? Prevention is indispensable here.

Prevention of seborrhea

What needs to be done to eliminate advanced seborrhea?

If you have started treatment for seborrhea, you immediately need to start taking antifungal agents; they will prevent the activity of the pathogenic fungus on the skin. These remedies can eliminate itching and prevent the growth of fungus.

To effectively treat an advanced form, you will need tar soap, which has the following properties:

  • effective and cheap antiseptic;
  • exfoliating excess skin;
  • excellent keratolytic (removes dead skin cells);
  • prevents infectious complications.

Physiotherapeutic effect on seborrhea

In addition to folk remedies and medications for the treatment of seborrhea, the following physiotherapeutic procedures are used:

  1. Cryotherapy;
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation;
  3. Ozone therapy;
  4. Phytotherapy;
  5. Massage.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the head at home

Salt (coarse or sea salt) is the most effective medicine from seborrhea. Surely you will ask the question: can salt cure seborrheic dermatitis?

The effect will please you, thanks to it:

  1. Hair will stop falling out;
  2. The dead parts of the skin will begin to peel off;
  3. The skin will not be injured because the salt will melt;
  4. Blood circulation will increase significantly.

To do this, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and then rub coarse salt into wet hair. You need to rub in with massaging movements for several minutes. After this, rinse your hair with water. Dandruff will disappear after the first procedure, after a while your hair will delight you with thickness. The procedure can be carried out after each hair wash, or for prevention once every 1-2 weeks.

There are several other ways to combat seborrhea.

  1. Dissolve salt in hot water, soak in it soft cloth, it is advisable to use linen or cotton. After this, wrap it around your head and massage for about half an hour. As a result, blood circulation will improve, the salt will not damage the skin;
  2. Before the procedure, you need to moisten your hair and apply salt with massaging movements. Leave everything as is for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the salt without using shampoo. You can use a rinse or any moisturizing mask. The hair should dry on its own.

It should only be used once a week. Don't forget that salt dries out your skin. If you have dry hair, then you will have to abandon this procedure. Since this will have a detrimental effect on your hair and dandruff will increase even more.

6% apple cider vinegar

Beneficial features:

  1. Contains pectin.
  2. Rich in vitamin B, carotene and ascorbic acid.
  3. Neutralizes pesticides.
  4. Cleanses the scalp.
  5. Heals micro injuries.

The procedure has come to us since ancient times; it will improve the health of the scalp and normalize the acid-base balance.

Hair rinse

To prepare it, you will need 4 tablespoons of vinegar, dilute them in a glass of water. Done, now you can rinse your hair, focus on the roots. After use, rinse with water.

Mask 1. You will need vinegar in a 5% concentration, apply it to a sponge, and then to the dermis of the head. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Mask 2. You will need two tablespoons of vinegar 5% diluted in half a glass of water (room temperature). Add a decoction of chamomile/mint or oil (castor/burdock). Rub into the scalp and cover with plastic and a towel until the hair is soaked. The mask can be washed off after an hour, only with water.

Apply masks twice a week, treatment duration is 30 days.

Shampoo and sulsena paste 2%

Sulsena – pharmaceutical product, intended for the treatment of seborrhea. To get the effect you need to use the paste and shampoo in combination. Follow instructions strictly. The course of treatment will be quite long, from 3 months or more.

Selenium disulfide works in this way:

  • Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Destroys the fungus that is responsible for the appearance of dandruff;
  • Regulates the rate of exfoliation of dermis particles.

Thanks to sulsena you can achieve the following results:

  • A healthy shine will appear;
  • Hair will stop falling out and become thicker;
  • You can wash your hair less often because sulsena will restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • The itching will stop;
  • Hair will begin to grow faster.

Tar soap

  • Increases blood circulation;
  • accelerates the regeneration process;
  • eliminates the process of cell keratinization.

What needs to be done for this:

You need to wet your hair, then rub the soap in your hands until you get foam and apply it to your scalp and hair. Massage for about 7 minutes, rinse hair generously with water.

Be careful with soap as it dries out your scalp, which can lead to more dandruff. There is no need to use soap more than twice a week; if your goal is prevention, then using soap once a week is enough.

Do not forget:

  • soap must be rinsed off only warm water;
  • use balm after soap to soften hair;
  • use essential oils or apple cider vinegar to get rid of the tar smell.

Tar soap will not only restore your hair, but also make it healthier.
Video lesson on the treatment of seborrhea.

Seborrhea, or seborrheic dermatitis, is one of the most common chronic skin diseases, the main manifestations of which are peeling and redness. This pathology affects areas of the skin rich in sebaceous glands. The most common target is hairy part heads. People call this seborrhea dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis occurs in approximately 5% of the population, mainly affecting men, which is associated with hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands as one of the main causes of seborrhea. Another etiological factor is the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the skin, primarily fungi of the genus Malassezia.

Malassezia - fungus

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp - photo

Triggers are considered to be operational problems digestive system, changes hormonal levels, poor nutrition, overuse alcohol, stress, use of inappropriate shampoos and poor personal hygiene, allergic dermatitis And so on.

Seborrhea in a child - photo

Exactly causative factor is the main criterion for prescribing therapy, including medication.

As in the treatment of many dermatological diseases, drugs that can be divided into 2 groups are used to treat seborrhea:

  • local, which include lotions, ointments, shampoos containing anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, drying, keratolytic (softening and dissolving skin scales) components;
  • systemic remedies can be aimed both at eliminating inflammation and microorganisms, and concomitant diseases that started seborrhea.

Right choice hygiene product for scalp care - the basis successful treatment and prevention of exacerbation of seborrhea. Shampoos should not contain components that are common cause skin irritations such as fragrances, parabens, silicones, etc.

Today the pharmacy offers a whole range of various means for the care and treatment of scalp prone to seborrhea: “Friderm”, “Nizoral”, “Sulsena”, etc.

Their action is not just aimed at cleaning skin and hair, but also to eliminate the cause of the disease and manifestations inflammatory reaction. The composition of shampoos may vary, but the main components are the substances described in the table below.

Active substance and means with itCharacteristic

(“Nizoral”, “Keto Plus”, “Dandrhotal”)

One of the most studied and traditional antifungal agents, which is usually found in shampoos in a concentration of 1-2%. Not approved for use in children under 12 years of age. Among side effects observed with long-term use is a decrease in libido in men.


Stops the proliferation of fungi and also has antibacterial properties. The concentration of this substance is about 1.5%.

Zinc pyrithione
(“Friderm-zinc”, “Keto Plus”)

It has an antimicrobial effect, reduces the intensity of peeling, and relieves inflammation.

Gives a weak anti-inflammatory effect. The main property is keratolization. Acid can reduce sebum production.

Reduces the intensity of formation of horny epithelial cells. Relieves inflammation.

Selenium sulfide
(Vichy DERCOS, "Sulsena")

It has an antifungal effect and normalizes the division of epithelial cells.

Some shampoos may also contain components such as climbazole and ichthyol.

Many detergents contain several active ingredients. Usually medicated shampoos It is recommended to use 1-2 times a week for a period of 2-4 weeks. The duration of therapy depends on the intensity of symptoms. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to wash remedy head once a month.

Note! To active ingredients were able to manifest their properties, it is necessary to apply shampoo 2 times while washing your hair and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Your doctor may prescribe a combination or alternation of different shampoos, or a combination of a medicated cleanser with other topical medications.

Ointments, creams, lotions

In addition to shampoos, topical agents in the form of ointments, lotions and lotions are usually prescribed. The last 2 options for the scalp are more preferable.

These preparations may contain the same components as shampoos: selenium sulfide, fungicides (antifungal substances), salicylic acid, zinc compounds. Common topical remedies include:

If a bacterial infection occurs, antibiotic ointments may be prescribed.

Special group local funds, which are used for intense and persistent inflammation, are preparations with glucocorticosteroids that effectively eliminate redness, itching and flaking. The steroid hormone may be the only active ingredient, for example, in Elokom lotion or ointment.

But for the treatment of seborrhea, preference is given to hormonal drugs containing antimicrobial components or salicylic acid, for example:

Note! The use of topical hormones should follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor. This will help reduce the chance of side effects.

Systemic remedies for seborrhea

Oral medications prescribed by a doctor for seborrhea may have different directions of action.

Important! You can take any medications only if they are prescribed by a doctor and according to the prescribed regimen. This is the only way to reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences and increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Medicines for the treatment of concomitant diseases

Seborrheic dermatitis can be triggered by various external and internal reasons. The latter can often be eliminated with the help of medication.

It is better not to delay the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and the elimination of etiological factors. Otherwise, the inflammation will spread to other areas, for example, eyelids, skin folds on the body, etc. You should not self-medicate for the same reason. Only complex therapy and the right scalp care product will help achieve remission and prolong it.

Important! Treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist. In some cases, consultation with a gastroenterologist, gynecologist, or allergist is required.

Video - What remedies are used to treat seborrhea of ​​the head


Seborrheic dermatitis is chronic illness in the form of disruption of the sebaceous glands. Most often, teenagers go to the doctor with this problem, but by the age of 25, the symptoms may go away on their own.

For 10% of patients diagnosed with seborrhea of ​​the scalp, drug treatment is prescribed for life. Home remedies can be used with varying success, the same article talks about treating seborrhea with medications.

The causes of the disease have not been fully established; the occurrence of seborrhea of ​​the head is associated with an increased content of sex hormones in adolescence. The disease refers to ailments that are passed on from generation to generation. If someone in your family has had seborrheic dermatitis, it may well appear in future generations.

Seborrhea develops against the background of certain mental disorders, as well as with an increased level of progesterone. In men sudden appearance seborrhea may signal the presence of a testicular tumor. Therefore, it is so important to see a doctor in time. By characteristic symptoms and course, the disease is divided into:

  • oily seborrheic dermatitis. The skin is characterized by enlarged pores, it is oily and shiny. Hair often gets dirty and dandruff appears. IN neglected form the ducts are clogged with sebum, a profuse rash in the form of acne and pustules is characteristic;
  • Dry seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by dry skin due to low sebum production. The upper layers of the skin peel off and crack from drying out. Reddish-pink spots and fine dandruff may appear on the scalp. The patient feels itching, which becomes more noticeable from cold water. The hair becomes brittle and dry. This type of disease is fraught with the proliferation of pathogenic microbes on the skin, which will increase itching and dandruff;
  • mixed seborrheic dermatitis is manifested by simultaneous symptoms characteristic of both types listed above.

Medications for the treatment of seborrhea

Considering that seborrhea is not always an independent disease, a medicine for it is carefully selected; medications can be prescribed by a dermatologist, gynecologist or andrologist, endocrinologist and neurologist. The doctor, first of all, seeks to determine the cause of the disease and relieve the patient of the factors influencing the development of the disease. Main recommendations:

After eliminating such factors, medications are prescribed to treat seborrhea. As for the causes of diseases, they are eliminated by the following drugs:

  1. Pantocrim, diazepam - any drug that can restore function nervous system;
  2. complex vitamins, which include A, E, B and D;
  3. zinc lozenges;
  4. hormonal preparations in the form of ointments and tablets;
  5. Imunofan – a drug for normalization protective forces body;
  6. Linex - tablets for restoring microflora.

Additionally, antifungal drugs are prescribed, a popular one is ketoconazole. It is able to stop the proliferation of fungi and cause their death. The medicine defeats the fungus and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, heals the scalp and hair structure. Patients with oily seborrhea need to rub a solution of salicylic acid or sodium thiosulfate into the skin every day for a month. These will help relieve itching and inflammation: antihistamines, such as: chloropyramine, clemastine. It is important to remember that seborrhea is not a cosmetic problem, but a disease. It needs to be treated comprehensively under the supervision of a doctor.

Inexpensive remedies for seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Among the relatively cheap drugs that fight seborrhea of ​​the head, one can note sulsena in the form of a paste. A small amount of product is squeezed out of the tube and rubbed into pre-moistened scalp. After half an hour, rinse your hair with warm water. The paste is used once a week. When choosing Sulsena for seborrhea, you will not be able to get rid of seborrhea in one go. The course of treatment is about 2 months. A 2% paste is used for treatment, and 1% for prevention.

Inexpensive shampoos used to treat seborrhea are Sebuton and Friederm Tar. In their composition - medical tar, which relieves inflammation and peeling of the skin well. Seborrhea on the head can be easily treated with sebiprox shampoo containing cycloperox. It is able to destroy the fungus as effectively as drugs based on ketoconazole. But Sebiprox costs much less.

Effective medications for seborrhea

The most effective shampoo for any type of seborrheic dermatitis is Mycozoral. A full course of treatment allows you to forget about the disease for a long time. The cost of the shampoo is average and is available without a prescription. The active substance is ketoconazole. The recommended method of use is every 3 days for a month. For prevention, use shampoo once every two weeks, the rest of the time use a regular cosmetic product.

Zinocap is produced in the form of cream and aerosol. The action of the medicine is directed against fungi and bacteria. The drug is based on zinc pyrithione, which is most effective against Pityrosporum fungi. Aerosol and cream have the same composition; patients can choose a convenient form of application. You need to spray or apply the drug daily thin layer on the scalp several times, the duration of therapy is 2 weeks.

Ointments for the treatment of seborrhea

Local effects on seborrheic dermatitis are carried out with ointments, which are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

Non-hormonal ointments are prescribed to children, pregnant and lactating women. Most often prescribed:

  • Lamisil – fights fungus, reduces inflammation, exfoliates dead skin cells;
  • Bepanten (Panthenol, Pantoderm) – restores the skin layer, is well tolerated by infants;
  • Randevit – relieves itching, makes the skin softer, improves local immunity, prevents keratinization of the skin;
  • Videstim – stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, contains vitamin A;
  • Solcoseryl - excellent for healing wounds.

Hormonal ointments are prescribed in advanced stages of the disease. The treatment will be short-term and will be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Hydrocortisone ointment is a time-tested drug for seborrhea. It even affects advanced disease.
  2. Akriderm, celisoderm are made on the basis of glucocorticosteroids. Relieves inflammation and itching well;
  3. Flucinar is prescribed from 2 years of age.

Methods for treating seborrheic dermatitis

In the case when seborrhea on the head is accompanied by bacterial infections, the doctor prescribes tetracycline antibiotics with wide range actions. The treatment is not quick, 1 tablet will not help. Initially, the doctor prescribes a “loading” dose of the drug, gradually reducing the dosage. While taking medications, you need to adjust your diet - exclude alcohol and soda, too spicy and fried foods. It is necessary to improve intestinal function, for which more foods containing fiber are introduced into the diet. Long walks will give good results. fresh air and good rest.

Combining drugs in the treatment of seborrhea gives good results. Just don’t prescribe medications for yourself, after listening to your friends and neighbors, or reading forums on the Internet. Self-medication is a sure way to complications, long-term and expensive treatment. The doctor will tell you about medications and folk remedies that will help defeat the disease.

For example, simple vegetable oil softens scales. The doctor prescribes astringents - mercury dichloride, zinc acetate. They will narrow the sebaceous ducts and reduce sebum production. If the patient complains of fatigue, this may be caused by a lack of iron. To compensate for its deficiency, supplements with iron and fish oil are prescribed. Comprehensive treatment allows you to count on a speedy recovery.

Seborrhea on the scalp is in most cases accompanied by skin infiltration. To eliminate it, it is prescribed special ointments and astringents. Itching and hair loss usually disappear during treatment, but complete absence Such symptoms are possible only in a recovered person. To reduce hair loss, you can rinse your skin twice a day saline solution. The presence of hyperemia is a contraindication.

In order for the treatment to be successful and in a short time, you must follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, including advice on caring for the scalp. For example, during therapy you cannot perm or dye your hair. If there is a great need for coloring, you can use dyes on plant based, which do not injure the skin and strengthen the hair.

When washing your hair, do not use too hot or cold water. For hygiene you need to use by special means. Typically, hair is washed once every five days, but if it becomes very dirty, you need to choose a product for daily care. A gentle massage with your fingertips is helpful. This will improve blood flow and help normalize hair condition. It is better not to use a hairdryer; you can dry your hair naturally. Every day you need to wash your combs, combs, and massage brushes. It will be possible to avoid re-infection with the fungus. The same applies bed linen, hats, towels - they need to be changed.

As for correcting the diet for seborrhea, you need to reduce the amount of spicy and smoked foods, consume less salt, animal fats, fast carbohydrates. You need to include fermented milk products in your food, which can improve digestion and improve microflora.

It is important to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. The work and rest schedule should be adjusted so that there is enough time for good sleep, Personal things. Exercising and daily walks will strengthen your immune system, and with it your overall health, which will allow you to defeat any disease faster.

The beauty of hair depends not only on the right shampoo and the absence of split ends, but also on the condition of the scalp. When the condition of the skin is unsatisfactory, our hair takes on a lifeless, dull appearance, so no shampoo for “hair shine” will help you, because the problem comes from within and requires detailed analysis.

There are many scalp diseases. One of the most common and problematic diseases is oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, which needs to be treated.

Causes and symptoms of oily seborrhea

Seborrhea is dermatological disease related to severe violation functions of the sebaceous glands. Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp is the most common form of this disease, most often affecting areas of the body such as the chest, scalp and face. This disease most often affects teenagers who have too active hormonal changes.

Oily seborrhea is characterized by excessive secretion of sebum, which settles in layers on the skin and thereby creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of various infections and inflammatory processes. Causes of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp include:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland.
  • Impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Unbalanced diet (an abundance of too spicy, fatty, salty or sweet foods).
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Stress, frequent emotional outbursts, mental illness.
  • Hormone imbalance (increased androgen levels).
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Reception hormonal drugs, anabolic steroids leading to endocrine disorders.

Symptoms of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

  • Dull, thickened skin with enlarged pores, similar to lemon peel and having a characteristic shine. Hair gets dirty very quickly.
  • Sebaceous cysts on the skin.
  • Possible baldness due to excessive hair loss.
  • Hair is greasy, hard, rough, dull.
  • Abundant dandruff, forming whole layers and clusters, resulting from flaking scales of the scalp.
  • Peeling, itching of the skin, acne, inflammation.

Seborrhea most often occurs as an independent disease, but it can also develop against the background of other diseases and serve as one of their manifestations. Therefore, in addition to your own efforts to combat this disease, it is necessary to undergo medical examinations(blood analysis, ultrasonography thyroid gland). To determine the exact treatment plan, you need to visit the following doctors:

  • dermatologist (primarily)
  • neurologist
  • andrologist/gynecologist
  • endocrinologist

Treatment of seborrhea is prescribed after a thorough examination. In addition to maintaining personal hygiene, trying to avoid stress and reducing consumption harmful products, doctors may prescribe a specific treatment plan, which will include:

  • treatment of diseases that contribute to the development of seborrhea of ​​the scalp
  • hormone therapy
  • taking tablets, vitamins B, A, D, antimycotic drugs zinc and sulfur
  • physiotherapeutic procedures
  • intake based diet fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, various cereals

Oily scalp: treatment methods

  1. Compliance special diet. The diet should not contain too many carbohydrates and fats; preference should be given to protein and plant foods.
  2. Taking medications with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. In order for the fight against oily seborrhea to be more effective, multivitamin complexes are often added to medications. Also for oily skin D-Panthenol is a good choice.
  3. Physical methods (hormone-corrective methods, sedative methods, diaphrotic methods).
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures to help get rid of excess fat (for example, cryomassage).
  5. Ozone therapy. After this therapy, hair will stop falling out quickly, and the amount of dandruff and sebum will decrease.
  6. Mesotherapy. Not many people will agree to this therapy, since it consists of intradermal microinjections. However, due to the fact that the drugs act directly on the mesoderm, results come quite quickly.
  7. Mandatory regular physical activity.
  8. Avoiding traumatic procedures such as frequent dyeing and perms.

Traditional treatment for seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Folk remedies are always very effective and efficient, so it makes no sense to bypass them. Often with the help folk recipes You can achieve better results than using expensive medicated shampoos. There are a lot of useful folk recipes that are aimed at relieving the symptoms of excessive oily scalp:

    Decoction onion peel. Boil two tablespoons of onion peels in 200 ml of water. Then strain with gauze and remove the remaining pulp. Moisten your hair with the decoction. Do not rinse off.

    For this recipe you will need two or three yolks and honey. Mix the yolks with two tablespoons of honey, apply the mixture to your head and leave for several hours (you can even overnight). Then wash your hair thoroughly.

    Decoction pharmaceutical chamomile. Brew two or three tablespoons of chamomile flowers with boiling water and steam over heat for several minutes. After the broth has cooled, carefully apply to the roots of the hair, do not rinse.

    This recipe requires ingredients such as leaves walnut. Brew finely chopped leaves in boiling water and leave on fire for 10-15 minutes. Then strips of gauze or bandage are moistened in the already cooled broth, they are wrapped around the head, a special cap is put on top or the head is wrapped in a towel. After 20 minutes, the compress is washed off.

Also pay attention to masks against oily dandruff, which will become good addition in the treatment of oily seborrhea.

Shampoos against oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

For people suffering from oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, special shampoos. These products do an excellent job of treating fungal infections, peeling, relieving inflammatory processes, and reducing sebum.

Shampoos for the treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp may contain active ingredients, for example: tar, ketoconazole, sulfur, zinc pyrithione. To the very effective shampoos for oily seborrhea include Friederm Tar, Nizoral and Sebiprox.

The main component of the first of them is coal tar, which comes together with various auxiliary substances. These products help to partially or completely eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea, maintain optimal skin balance, and have a strong antifungal effect, suspend active growth skin cells, which subsequently move to the surface layers and turn into dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis: crust on the scalp

Yellowish, pale gray or reddish crusts on the scalp of adults and children are a rather serious phenomenon called seborrheic dermatitis. If ignored for a long time, they can even appear on the face.

  1. To eliminate crusts in children, a more gentle and soft care behind the scalp than behind the scalp of an adult. Namely: add medicinal herbs to baths, gently and in small proportions rub into hair roots nourishing oils(coconut, burdock, oil tea tree and etc.). Mothers of babies also advise using breast milk, which will be very soft and gentle on the skin.
  2. In order to eliminate crusts in adults, it is recommended to use antifungal medications and creams, lotions that enhance their effect, undergo special physiotherapy procedures.

Don’t forget - the sooner you start treating oily seborrhea, the greater your chances of overcoming it. minimal losses. Therefore, at the first symptoms, consult a doctor. HairFace wishes you health!

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, accompanied by increased production of sebum. Seborrhea is a very common skin problem; it affects those areas of the body that are characterized by an increased accumulation of sebaceous glands, so the scalp, face (nose wings, forehead, chin), chest and back (between the shoulder blades) most often suffer from manifestations of the disease.

Oily seborrhea is not life-threatening, but it gives its owner a lot of unpleasant moments, as it worsens the appearance and is perceived as cosmetic problem. The disease is dangerous because the active production of fat, characteristic of this type of seborrhea, provokes the addition of secondary infections. This is facilitated by plugs of sebaceous secretions and dead skin particles, which clog the gland ducts and create a favorable environment for development and reproduction. pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of a quick and full recovery. Therefore, when alarming symptoms do not put off visiting a dermatologist. Based on the examination results, the specialist will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Let's find out what factors provoke the development of the disease, what symptoms you need to pay attention to, and how to treat oily seborrhea?

The main reason that provokes the development of oily seborrhea is an imbalance of lipid ( fat metabolism), which is called hormonal disorders. Therefore, this type of pathology is more common in adolescence, When hormonal changes The body helps to increase the production of sebum. Along with this, the disease often develops as a result of high content male sex hormones - androgens in the blood (not only in men, but also in women). In addition to the main causes, a number of accompanying factors can trigger the disease:

With oily seborrhea, there is hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, Chemical properties And physical composition sebum can change and have Negative influence on the scalp. Therefore, the disease is often accompanied by another problem - gradually developing alopecia (baldness).

Main symptoms - photos

Symptoms of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp depend on what form the disease takes. Experts distinguish three forms of oily seborrhea: thick (dry), liquid and mixed.

  1. Dry form. It is characterized by the appearance of dandruff on the scalp and acne vulgaris on the body. The appearance of dandruff is provoked by the activation of bacterial microflora, which penetrates into the upper layer of the epidermis and disrupts the processes of keratinization of cells. The skin becomes loose, it protective functions weaken and create favorable conditions for the development of fungi and other pathogens.
  2. Liquid form. With this form of seborrhea, the affected areas of the skin on the face, torso or head look excessively greasy and acquire a characteristic oily sheen. On smooth skin, enlarged pores are noticeable, and blackheads (comedones) appear, which are nothing more than clogged ducts of the sebaceous glands. Over time, the affected skin thickens, becomes like a lemon peel, takes on an unkempt appearance and a dirty gray tint. When the scalp is affected, the skin becomes covered with greasy yellow crusts, the hair becomes greasy and unkempt.
  3. Mixed form seborrhea combines a complex of the above symptoms, expressed in varying degrees. For example, the skin on the wings of the nose and on the forehead may be oily, while on the cheeks it may be excessively dry.

Seborrhea in any form is accompanied by irritation, peeling and skin itching. When the scalp is affected, the symptoms of seborrhea become especially noticeable. Hair quickly becomes greasy, the head looks dirty and unkempt, despite frequent use. Dandruff in the form of yellowish scales crumbles onto clothes, the skin on the head itches, itches and becomes covered with dry or greasy crusts. When there are lesions on the body, a greasy sheen appears; if you apply a paper napkin to the affected area, it immediately becomes saturated with excess sebaceous secretions.

If treatment for oily seborrhea is not started on time, then as the disease progresses, the inflammatory phenomena worsen, which leads to persistent disruption of the sebaceous glands and a decrease in the protective functions of the skin. This, in turn, creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of secondary infections (fungal or bacterial), the emergence and development of diseases such as:

  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • eczema,
  • rosacea,
  • pyoderma,
  • furunculosis

The most unpleasant consequences Oily seborrhea is the appearance of dandruff and weakening of hair, which begins to actively fall out, which can lead to baldness. IN severe cases pustules appear on smooth skin, and dry crusts and plaques appear on the scalp, which itch and itch, and if they are damaged, bloody discharge appears.

If a person scratches the affected areas, this contributes to the further spread of infection to areas with healthy skin. Symptoms of seborrhea cause physical discomfort and psychological stress. Constant itching prevents you from sleeping at night, and is not aesthetic external manifestations illnesses cause complexes and low self-esteem. The disease is much easier to treat in the initial stages of its development, so if any unfavorable symptoms appear, consult a dermatologist or trichologist to conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

To clarify the diagnosis, one visual inspection may not be enough. Usually the doctor prescribes biochemical analysis blood and blood tests for hormones. If there is a suspicion that the development of seborrhea is associated with a disease internal organs abdominal cavity, thyroid gland, a number of additional research(ultrasound, CT).

Consultations with various specialists will help in identifying provoking factors: gynecologist, andrologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist. Based on the results of blood tests and other laboratory research, the doctor will individually select the most effective scheme treatment.

Treatment methods

Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp consists of the following steps:

  • Use of medications;
  • The use of medicated shampoos for damage to the scalp;
  • Adjusting your lifestyle, giving up bad habits;
  • Following a certain diet;
  • Vitamin therapy;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

What medications are prescribed for the treatment of oily seborrhea? The choice of drug will largely depend on the factors that provoke the symptoms of the disease. If the cause of seborrhea lies in internal pathologies body, these diseases are first treated. To eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Antifungal agents for external use (creams, lotions, ointments, sprays, medicated shampoos with ketoconazole). They have a powerful fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and exfoliating effect.
  • Used to treat affected skin antiseptic drugs(solution boric acid, hydrogen peroxide). Use ointments and creams with a drying and anti-inflammatory effect ( ichthyol ointment, zinc paste). The most effective for oily seborrhea is sodium theosulfate (6%), sulsenic paste, salicylic acid solution (2%), preparations based on naphthalan oil and birch tar.
  • Medicines with an antibacterial component are used for complications associated with infection.
  • At severe forms diseases the doctor will prescribe hormonal therapy short courses. Such drugs quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of seborrhea and alleviate the patient’s condition.
  • Part complex treatment include vitamin and mineral complexes that support the body’s protective functions and increase its resistance to infection.

In addition, medications are prescribed to maintain immunity, normalize the functions of the nervous system, and drugs designed to combat concomitant diseases.

To treat the scalp, medicated shampoos with an antifungal component are widely used:

  1. Nizoral,
  2. Ketoconazole,
  3. Sulsena,
  4. Mycozoral

They should be used twice a week for a month. If necessary, the doctor can extend the course of treatment with shampoos. Therapeutic detergents are easy to use, they effectively eliminate itching and irritation of the scalp, fight dandruff, soften dry crusts and eliminate other manifestations of oily seborrhea.

Complex treatment is complemented by changes in diet. The patient is advised to comply dairy-vegetable diet with a predominance of fermented milk drinks, fresh vegetables and fruits. Animal fats, fatty meats and fish, spicy, salty dishes, spices, alcohol, canned foods, and fast food are excluded from the daily menu. You should not indulge in sweets, strong coffee, carbonated drinks that contain preservatives and artificial colors.

Physiotherapeutic procedures include ozone therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, cryotherapy, mesotherapy, Darsonval. The patient should avoid stressful situations, active image life, spend more time outdoors, engage in active sports.

Folk remedies

Recipes traditional medicine actively complement the main treatment and promote rapid recovery. The most effective methods Treatments include ingestion of decoctions medicinal herbs, the use of masks and therapeutic wraps.

Remember that oily seborrhea is much easier to prevent than to treat for a long time and painfully. As preventive measures Experts recommend carefully taking care of your scalp, observing personal hygiene rules, and not using someone else’s combs, hairpins, or shower cap.

Do not overuse perm or dye your hair with aggressive dyes. To care for your scalp, you should use high-quality cosmetical tools based natural ingredients. If any alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist and strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

Watch the video: Treatment of dry and oily seborrhea (dandruff) with tablets, creams and ointments