To make the cat's fur shine. Hair and skin of a healthy cat

A cat’s healthy and fluffy coat is an indicator of its health and a source of pride for its owner. It is no coincidence that one of the signs of good physical condition animals are called shiny and thick fur. But what to do when a cat begins to rapidly lose its hairline? Should the owner sound the alarm and run to the doctor to prescribe treatment? In any case, if the owner notices abnormal hair thinning in his pet, he should carefully monitor the behavior and general health of the animal. Hair loss in cats(or alopecia scientifically) may be one of the symptoms terrible diseases, or maybe a banal molt.

Causes of hair loss in cats

The main causes of hair loss in cats:
  1. Seasonal shedding. Shedding is such a way of nature that in the spring and autumn periods cats change their coats in accordance with the upcoming heat or cold weather. During this period, the animal behaves as usual, does not look sick, and its appetite is normal. By the way, when molting an animal does not become bald, it simply loses its old coat and acquires a new one in return. The owner should not worry if the shedding continues for a long time (sometimes up to 3 months), there may be reasons for this, for example, the cat lives in an overly suffocating and poorly ventilated room. However, it will not be superfluous to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house for the animal, as well as to maintain the body in the off-season.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. A cat carrying kittens often loses hair because its body is completely rebuilt, giving away the lion's share of vitamins and nutrients from the mother to her cubs. As a rule, after stopping feeding, the cat regains its fur, and its coat looks no worse than before. The owner should remember that pregnant and lactating cats need special enhanced nutrition And vitamin preparations.
  3. Stress. A cat is a sensitive and deeply vulnerable animal, so rude treatment from people, loss or change of owner, or any unusual situations can cause depression in the animal. In stressful situations, cats may lose their fur, their mood may be apathetic, and they may have no appetite. The most the best medicines V in this case there will be human affection, understanding, care and time. In the most severe cases the veterinarian may prescribe special sedatives.
  4. Senile age cats. Older cats often experience thinning hair on the face and around the ears. This hair loss does not require drug treatment, but it makes sense to consult with a veterinarian about the nutrition of an old animal and vitamins.
  5. Allergic reactions. Cats, like people, can experience allergic reactions for anything: food, medicine, chemical substances and plants ( contact dermatitis), mold, dust (inhalation dermatitis), blood-sucking saliva ( flea dermatitis), sunlight (solar dermatosis). In addition to hair loss, symptoms of allergies in cats include itching, constant licking and scratching of irritated areas of the body, redness of the skin, and the possible appearance of scales and blisters on the body. For successful treatment animal, the allergen should be identified and the possibility of the cat coming into contact with it should be excluded. Often prescribed by a doctor antihistamines, special diets, immunomodulators, insecticides, depending on the allergen causing the animal’s painful condition.
  6. Hereditary or congenital diseases. These diseases include: seborrhea (alopecia, peeling and inflammation of the skin, bad smell), hypotrichosis ( total loss wool under the age of one year) and other diseases. After medical examinations, tests and biopsies, treatment may be prescribed, if possible.
  7. The reaction of the cat's body to drug treatment. Sometimes the cat received chemotherapy or any other drug treatment can affect its coat: the cat’s coat becomes thinner, and the areas around the injection sites become inflamed. Sometimes hair loss may not occur immediately after treatment. Such loss, as a rule, does not require special treatment. Perhaps your doctor may prescribe vitamins or immunostimulants.
  8. Weakening of the cat's immune system. Any diseases stressful situations, periods of estrus may cause weakening immune system in an animal. The hair falls out, but the cat has no itching or restlessness. The owner must consult a doctor for a prescription. vitamin complexes. It is also a good idea to review the animal’s diet; under no circumstances should you feed the animal food from your table or cheap and low-quality food.
  9. Disruption sebaceous glands. Adenitis and hyperplasia - a violation normal functioning sebaceous glands, in which areas of the cat’s skin may become excessively shiny and covered with scales, and patchy baldness is also possible. Doctors prescribe antiseborrheic shampoos and retinoids for treatment.
In fact, there can be many reasons for hair loss in cats; as a rule, baldness only accompanies any disease. The owner should always pay attention to general state animal: depressed mood or excessive anxiety, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and others alarming symptoms may indicate serious illnesses that require special treatment.

The shiny fur of a cat attracts the eye, you want to touch it - and in general, when the fur looks good, it immediately becomes clear that the cat is healthy and well-groomed. Your cat's fur may become dull over time, from... various diseases or other factors.

Check your diet

Diet is extremely important for a cat's health. They have their own characteristics in this matter. As you know, cats are predators, in other words, carnivores. Some call them "hyper-carnivores" because, unlike many other carnivores, they truly cannot survive without meat.

We know that cats have a high need for animal protein, but that's not all. They need several special amino acids that are found only and exclusively in meat.

It is also very important to have Omega-3 in your diet. fatty acids, which are contained in some types of fish. Good producers They add fish to the main type of protein for this very purpose.

But economy-class food should be excluded, as well as an incomprehensible product that is sold by weight under the name “cat food”. What is included in this food and where it comes from is generally unknown to science.

Make sure there are no tangles or matted fur.

The presence of tangled hair and tangles causes constant discomfort to the cat, and therefore affects its well-being and overall health. Tangles are a medium for development various kinds pathogenic bacteria, because they are warm and moisture regularly gets there.

In addition, tangles constantly pull the skin with their weight. Therefore, very often, under the removed mat, you can find inflamed skin.

Some breeds of cats have difficulty keeping their coats clean and mat-free because their fur is too long and soft. The cat is physically unable to put it in order. In this case, you should help her.

Teach her to put up with daily procedures: alternate brushing with giving treats, and, of course, be very careful, because cats have very sensitive and thin skin.

Injuries to the tongue and mouth

Cats create beauty with their tongue - and they have no other tool for combing their hair. Therefore, it is clear that if it hurts them to lick themselves, they are unlikely to do it effectively. But not every cat will allow a person to examine its mouth, especially if it hurts there. If for some reason your pet decides not to trust you in this matter, call for help.

It's best if it's veterinarian or at least a person competent in handling cats - who knows how to hold them correctly. Perhaps the cat will be offended by you or even bite you, but still check oral cavity- The cat's health is more important.

Health to you and your cats!

Igor Stus

What canned food tastes best for cats?

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Leaving hairs all over the apartment is common for most domestic felines. A cat's hair will fall out regardless of its breed and hair length. The only exceptions are hairless cat breeds (Sphynxes) and pets with plush skin, for example, the British.

In this article we will tell you about what it is cat hair, why a cat can rapidly begin to lose precious hairs and how to solve the problem of hair loss in a pet.

Let's start with the fact that regardless of the breed of the cat, the type of its coat (smooth, velvety or wavy), as well as the length of the hair, the coat consists of two layers: a thin inner (undercoat) and a coarser outer (protective).

The main function of cat skin is thermoregulation and protection of the skin from adverse effects. environment. In the hot season, the cat “sheds” its undercoat, the skin becomes lighter and the animal tolerates it more easily. high temperature air.

The coat is also renewed in cold weather: the pet loses fine hairs that have served the whole summer and acquires new ones, fluffier and warmer, according to the season.

Causes of hair loss in cats

Intense hair loss can be a symptom of a disease. Therefore, carefully monitor the well-being of your tailed friend.

However, it is too early to sound the alarm. If your pet shows no changes in behavior, is active and eats well, then there is most likely no cause for concern. His seasonal molting has begun.

The cat's hair is falling out: features of shedding in modern pets

Molting is common to all living things, even insects molt. And this process also does not bypass the cat. However, shedding in cats that constantly live in an apartment is special. Let us explain why.

Cats living in their natural environment shed twice a year - in spring and autumn. The processes of hair loss and regrowth are regulated in their body by the changing seasons. Pets who constantly live in an apartment lose their biorhythms that regulate the molting process. Their bodies are affected by central heating, their metabolism is disrupted by stress, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity.

That is why for a cat living in a city apartment, it is important to talk about constant shedding, which does not stop throughout the year, and intensifies during the off-season.

Unbalanced diet. Common cause of hair loss in pets

If the diet is incorrectly formulated, cats often develop problems with their fur. This happens due to the fact that the pet’s body lacks nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This problem occurs when feeding a cat low-quality food or products from your own table.

Prevention of seasonal shedding. Keep your cat's fur smooth and fluffy

The basis for caring for a cat's fur during shedding is:

  • Proper nutrition.

    In order for the cat's fur to remain perfect appearance, choose only high-quality premium food. The composition of the feed must take into account individual characteristics animal: its age, needs, existing problems. A pet store consultant will help you choose the most suitable food to maintain the health of your cat's fur.

  • The use of vitamin and mineral complexes that strengthen the coat and increase the body's immunity.

    Modern manufacturers of vitamin-mineral complexes offer cat owners all kinds of products that solve various problems. different stages animal life. There are also special vitamins to solve problems associated with hair loss. Their use is especially important before the animal’s spring and autumn molting, although vitamins for fur will be useful for a cat at any time of the year.

  • Regular brushing with special brushes and combs.

    The assortment of pet stores includes many products for caring for the coat of your beloved cats. According to the owners, the most effective “comber” is the furminator. This device doesn’t just comb out the cat’s loose hair, but removes hairs that are about to fall out. The pet does not experience any discomfort, and combing is more efficient.

By following these rules, you can significantly reduce the amount of hair loss in your cat. However, it is not always possible to reduce shedding using these methods. In some cases, the pet requires more serious help.

Hormonal disorders in cats. See a doctor urgently

Hormonal imbalances are characterized by localized hair loss. The cat develops bald spots on its back, belly, and tail. The skin in these areas turns red and peels. The animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, loses its appetite. At hormonal disorders cat needs special treatment, which is prescribed by a veterinarian after diagnosis.

Weakened immunity. The pet requires special care

Deterioration in the quality of the skin is typical for pets who have suffered serious illnesses and operations. In this case, cat hair loss is temporary. At proper care and with care, your pet's skin will be restored and will delight you again.

Worms: dull and sticky fur will not take long to appear

Worms weaken the cat’s body from the inside: they disrupt metabolic processes, suppress the pet’s immunity, and become causes concomitant diseases. A cat's fur, like a litmus test, reflects its overall health.

Fleas: cause scratching, scabs and allergic dermatitis

A pet infested with fleas cannot be happy. An unbearable itch torments him day and night. Fleas feed on blood and cause the cat to itch by making tiny bites in the animal's skin.

When treating a cat, the owner will encounter the following difficulties:

  • Choose and buy two different products;
  • Spend a lot of time - the anthelmintic is applied no earlier than 7-10 days after using the insectoacaricidal agent;
  • Encounter difficulties in use - often it is not easy for an animal to give medicine into the mouth.

Protection against internal parasites.

However, if your pet cannot or does not want to properly clean his coat, he will need to be bathed more often.

  • The frequency of bathing depends on the cat's breed and activity level. For example, long-haired or very active cats should be bathed more often. More frequent bathing will also be necessary if the animal suffers from arthritis and finds it difficult to care for its coat.

Prepare your pet for a bath. Some experts recommend putting a few drops of mineral oil in your pet's eyes before bathing to protect them from shampoo. You can also plug them with cotton balls to prevent water from getting into your cat's ears.

Brush and wash your cat. Before bathing, you should thoroughly comb the animal's fur. After this, soak a soft washcloth in clean warm water and wipe gently ears and the area around the ears. You can also lightly wipe the animal's face.

Prepare a bath. Fill the bathtub or sink with some warm (not hot) water. There should be enough for you to wash your cat, but not too much so that the animal becomes completely submerged in it. If you are bathing your cat in a bathtub or basin, place a towel or non-slip rubber mat in the bottom. This will make the cat feel safer.

Carefully place the animal in the bath. You may need someone's help to hold your cat in the bath. Cats generally do not like water, and your pet may resist.

  • To protect your hands, you can wear long sleeves and gloves to prevent your cat from scratching or biting you while bathing.
  • Use suitable shampoo. Cat skin is different from human skin, and you should not use human shampoo or soap when bathing your pet. Look at your local pet store for a shampoo or conditioner that is specifically made for cats, or talk to your veterinarian.

    • If your pet skin allergy or other skin problems, your veterinarian will be able to recommend special shampoo. Please follow the instructions for use supplied with it.
  • Wash your cat carefully. Dial warm water, add a little shampoo to it (one part shampoo to five parts water) and gently rub it over the animal’s fur. Act quickly, but confidently and calmly, and give Special attention problem areas (dirt, tangled hair, etc.). Lather your cat from head to tail and be careful not to get the shampoo into the animal's eyes or ears.

    Rinse the animal thoroughly. Since cats constantly groom their fur, your pet will most likely begin to lick his fur after a bath. Before letting your cat out of the bath, rinse off any remaining shampoo or conditioner to prevent your cat from accidentally ingesting it. Otherwise, your cat may experience an upset stomach and other problems.

    A cat's fur is not only soft and silky to the touch, it protects her from external influence environment, protects the skin from injury and acts as an indicator of health. Nutrition, illness and grooming affect the condition of your pet's coat and skin.

    Health is in the balance

    The cat's breed determines the length of its coat: whether it is short, medium, or long, as well as the texture of the coat, that is, whether it is rough, wiry, or soft to the touch. In all healthy cats, it is shiny and free of tangles.

    Dull and brittle fur may indicate illness. See your veterinarian if your cat's hair breaks easily or falls out excessively, leaving bald spots. Remember: a cat should not lick its fur until bald spots appear!


    Just like humans, a cat's skin is a sensory and protective organ that helps maintain body temperature. And although cats don't sweat like people, a large number of blood vessels in the skin they expand to reduce body temperature or contract to retain heat.

    Examine the cat's skin by gently parting the fur. Pay attention to anything that is unusual, such as swelling of the skin, rash, or discoloration. Chunks of skin, scabs, a foul odor, or skin that feels oily to the touch indicate skin diseases. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian to determine the cause.

    Also, check your cat for fleas or small black spots on the skin. These spots are flea waste, an obvious sign that your pet is infested with fleas. Fleas make your pet suffer, so take immediate action to treat your cat and facility. The veterinarian can give you qualified advice in this case.