The menstrual cycle in phases. There are four phases in the menstrual cycle

The female reproductive system performs many functions every month to prepare for fertilization and the subsequent birth of a baby. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 21-36 days, ideally 28 days. The beginning of the cycle is the first day of bloody secretion (menstruation). Women experience various symptoms, for example, pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, severe irritability, etc. This is how the body prepares for the maturation of a new egg.

The menstrual cycle is divided into phases that invariably replace each other. In order for a woman to better understand what we are talking about, we need to sort out the phases menstrual cycle by days. The first phase is follicular and lasts approximately 14 days. The second is ovulatory, replacing the follicular one on days 14-15. The third is luteal, begins on days 15-17 menstrual cycle and lasts about two weeks. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Main phases

The menstrual cycle begins after the endometrium is shed. Bloody secretion can be abundant, scanty, spotting - it all depends on individual characteristics woman's body. When the old endometrium is shed, the body begins to prepare for the maturation of the egg.

The beginning of the cycle represents preparation for the fertilization of the egg and subsequent pregnancy. The entire cycle is divided into three main periods:

  1. The first phase of the menstrual cycle is follicular.
  2. The second phase of the menstrual cycle is ovulation.
  3. The third and final one is the luteal one.

So, based on its name, each phase performs certain functions. During this period, hormones are actively produced, which are responsible for the beginning and outcome of all processes. It all starts with the follicular phase monthly cycle, it is she who triggers the formation and subsequent maturation of the egg

Below you can see a diagram of the female cycle by day.

Follicular phase

Phase 1 lasts on average two weeks. The first 3-7 days of the follicular phase are accompanied by the release of bloody secretion. On the seventh day of the cycle, menstruation stops, after which the endometrium is actively renewed. Simultaneously with the proliferation stage, the follicle and egg cell mature. During this period, estrogens and follicle-stimulating hormones are actively produced.

After a week, one follicle overtakes the others, which is why they stop growing and developing. The leader vesicle grows the egg cell until it reaches 20-25 millimeters. After the end of the follicular phase of the cycle, the entire reproductive system prepares for possible fertilization. At the end of the proliferative phase, ovulation occurs.

At the same time, the level of estrogen increases significantly, which serves as a signal for the production of another hormone - luteinizing hormone. It is what prepares the body for ovulation. High concentrations of estrogen help saturate the endometrium useful substances and blood, so that during pregnancy the uterus can normally contain the egg, promoting its growth and development. This is where the first phase of the cycle ends and the second begins. menstrual phase. It is the shortest, as it lasts only 24-35 hours.

Having understood what the follicular phase is and which days of the cycle it affects, we can begin to consider the ovulatory phase.

Ovulatory phase

After the egg has matured, the second phase of the menstrual cycle begins. During this period, the level of estrogen and luteinizing hormone is greatly increased, and follicle-stimulating hormone is decreased. Some girls calculate the beginning of ovulation using a calendar so as not to miss the release of the egg from the follicle and possible fertilization. This time is ideal for planning a pregnancy. Many people do not know how many days ovulation lasts. Phase 2 lasts no more than 36 hours, right now a woman can become pregnant.

During the ovulatory phase, the egg is ready for fertilization, is released from the follicle and begins to move into fallopian tube. She waits for two days to meet the sperm, which can live for about 5 days. In the cavity of the follicle, from where the egg is released, the corpus luteum is actively growing. As a result, progesterone is intensively produced, which is responsible for the successful attachment of the egg to the endometrium. Then everything depends on whether there was conception or not. The luteal phase of the cycle develops according to two scenarios.

Luteal phase

What is the luteal phase, how it proceeds and on what day of the cycle begins - the main questions of women, which will be discussed in the article below. The phase begins as soon as the egg leaves the follicle, and the corpus luteum grows in its cavity, triggering the production of progesterone. This hormone prepares the lining of the uterus for the attachment of an egg. The secretory phase lasts approximately 2 weeks. 7-12 days after conception, the body is actively preparing for the implantation of the embryo. If fertilization has occurred, human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced, a hormone necessary to support the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone.

It is possible to accurately determine the luteal phase only if a woman knows the duration of her menstrual cycle. Conventionally, the cycle should be divided into 2 main phases, and between them there will be ovulation. Starting from the middle of the menstrual cycle to the end, the corpus luteum or luteal phase is activated. During this period, you can already find out about your pregnancy, since all tests react to human chorionic gonadotropin - the so-called pregnancy hormone.

If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum and egg die, and the uterine lining is destroyed. At the very end of this process, the endometrium is shed and comes out along with bloody secretion. The completion of the cycle in women is characterized by a slowdown in metabolism, and 7 days before menstruation, work increases sebaceous glands. Women may notice the appearance of acne, some of them suffer from PMS. A decrease in hormone levels leads to psychological disorders.

The girl becomes irritable and vulnerable, so at this moment she needs the support of others. The luteinizing phase can also occur differently. If conception has occurred, luteal hormone is actively produced, supporting the egg until the placenta is formed. Together with progesterone, luteal hormone ensures favorable fertilization, necessary protection and nutrition of the fertilized egg. At this moment, the woman feels great, as nausea, weakness and dizziness appear a little later.

Factors influencing cycle shift

Phases of the female cycle – difficult process, which is sometimes broken. Hormones are often the cause. They are the ones who ensure conception and further birth of the baby. Violation of the amount of hormones leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Doctors identify several main reasons:

  • Long-term depression or stress;
  • Reception strong drugs or COC - oral contraceptives with hormones;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Puberty of girls or menopause;
  • Bad habits;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Injury or surgery on the reproductive organs.

All women are individual, so any provoking factors can affect the cycle. Some women have periods that are too long, while other women suffer from PMS. In order for all phases to proceed harmoniously, it is necessary to healthy image life and take care of your intimate health.

The phases of the cycle in women are a regular and unchanging phenomenon. They successively replace each other, but the duration is always individual. Knowing all the nuances of your body, you can accurately calculate favorable days for conception and predict the onset of PMS. For convenience, a special diary is kept, then any violations will be noticeable immediately.

Menstruation is a consequence of cyclical changes in hormonal background and female physiology. In order for her to conceive a child, carry him to term and give birth, her body has a complex system of transformations, regulated by hormones. The phases of the menstrual cycle normally follow one after another, ensuring the development of the egg and preparing the body for conception and pregnancy.

In medicine, a cycle is considered to be the period from the first day of regular bleeding until the start of the next one.

How many phases are there in the menstrual cycle? Depending on what changes the uterus undergoes, three phases of the cycle are distinguished. The ovaries also work cyclically, and each cycle is divided into

  • ovulatory

First phase of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual phase begins on the first day of menstruation and is externally manifested in the form of bleeding. This period brings the greatest inconvenience to the woman, as dying endometrial tissue is rejected and must be removed from the uterine cavity as soon as possible. Since they are rich in blood vessels, the process is accompanied by heavy bleeding and nagging pain due to contractions of smooth muscles.

The inconvenience lasts on average from 3 to 6 days. As such, the discharge contains no more than 30% of blood, the rest is dead tissue of the internal lining layer, as well as the mucous secretion of the cervix and vagina. Regular blood loss is so small that it does not significantly affect hemoglobin levels.

At this time, changes occur in the ovaries. During the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the brain starts the process of producing hormones that regulate the functioning of the ovaries. Several primary follicles begin to develop in them at once, normally from 5 to 15 pieces.

Within seven days they increase in size by about 10 times and are covered with multilayer cell membrane. Normally, at this moment the most viable single follicle is determined, which continues to develop.

The rest stop growing and atrophy. This behavior of the follicles is due to the minimal content of FSH and LH, however, if the balance is shifted for some reason, then the follicle will either not develop at all, or there will be several of them.

Second phase of the menstrual cycle

In the second phase of the normal menstrual cycle, the body actively prepares the egg. The uterus has been cleared of dead endometrium, the inner layer has been prepared and its blood supply has been restored. New processes in the uterus are active cell division, which leads to tissue growth, which in medicine is called proliferation.

The formation of the endometrium is associated with the action of hormones produced by the ovaries. At this time, the first phase in the ovary is completed, the dominant follicle has already been determined. Hormones begin to be produced in the tissues of its shell. The production of these hormones is extremely high; they play a decisive role in the process of conception, gestation, childbirth and feeding. The system for producing these hormones is usually called the follicular apparatus. During this period, the egg finally matures and prepares for release into the abdominal cavity. The proliferative phase ends with the rupture of the follicular membrane. From the moment menstruation begins, it can take from 7 to 20 days; the process of follicle maturation is very individual, and for each woman it can vary from cycle to cycle. This is affected by

general state

health, stress and lifestyle. The body is designed in such a way that it tries to choose the most favorable moment for conception. There are cycles in which it seems to cancel the maturation process, and the follicles simply do not develop, and therefore ovulation does not occur. This is also considered normal. Third phase of the menstrual cycle At the beginning of the last, third phase of the cycle, ovulation occurs. By the time it was released, the egg had increased in size almost 20 times. The follicle shell is already fully formed, now it is a full-fledged organ

During this phase of the normal menstrual cycle, a woman experiences a slight weight gain and may experience an increase in breast size due to increased blood supply. The body is preparing for conception, and the uterus can already receive a fertilized egg. Corpus luteum produces hormones that maintain the integrity of the endometrium - progesterone and estrogen.

If pregnancy occurs, they will start the process of forming the placenta. If conception does not occur, after a short time it dies, the production of hormones stops and the uterus rejects the endometrium, that is, menstruation comes. The lifespan of the corpus luteum is approximately the same for all women and is about 10 - 13 days.

The menstrual cycle consists of several phases. Gynecologists divide the phases of the menstrual cycle by day as follows:

  • menstrual phase: from 3 to 6 days;
  • second phase - follicular: about 14 days;
  • ovulation phase: about 3 days;
  • luteal phase: 14-16 days.

Menstrual phase

The beginning of the menstrual cycle should be considered the first day of the onset of menstruation. This physiological process occurs due to rejection of the endometrium of the uterus. Every woman may have bloody discharge different character: from heavy bleeding before smearing. When the endometrium of the uterus is shed, the body prepares to produce a new egg. Every menstrual cycle is a preparation female body to fertilization and pregnancy.

The first phase of the cycle is accompanied by painful sensations lower abdomen, weakness, drowsiness and irritability. These days it is better to refrain from physical activity and, if your life schedule allows, rest more and be in a calm environment.

Painful sensations can be reduced with the following drugs: Tamipul, Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Paracetamol. It should be noted that all medications should be taken only after the recommendation of a doctor.

In healthy women, these symptoms appear in a mild form. Often the reason painful menstruation can be:

  1. Heredity. If a mother or grandmother suffered from pain before menstruation, then there is a high probability of these manifestations in subsequent generations.
  2. Pathology of the uterus: bending, curvature or underdevelopment of the organ. In this case pain syndrome will accompany menstruation even in women who have given birth.
  3. Tension in the pelvis due to contraction of the uterine muscles.
  4. Squeezing nerve endings due to an enlarged uterus.
  5. Increased sensitivity of the body to ongoing physiological processes.
  6. An increase in prostaglandin hormones, which affect the genitals and thereby cause pain.
  7. Stagnation of blood in the pelvis and tissue swelling.
  8. Intrauterine device. It can cause intense contraction of the muscles of the uterus, resulting in pain.

However, very often painful periods are associated with inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. To make sure that these manifestations are absent, you need to be examined by a doctor and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

During menstruation healthy woman loses about 10 ml of blood. To avoid anemia, these days you should eat more fruits and vegetables containing iron, and also take a complex of vitamins. This applies primarily to teenage girls, whose bodies are not yet fully formed.

Useful for women during this period Fresh air and a calm environment. Family members should not forget that during menstruation complex events occur in a woman’s body. hormonal changes, because of which she perceives everything very acutely, can be irritable and unbalanced. That's why the best medicine

these days, a woman will receive support and understanding from her family.

Follicular phase and ovulation

The second phase of the monthly cycle lasts about 2 weeks after the end of bleeding. However, stress and poor lifestyle choices can affect the normal duration of this phase. During this period, the ovaries produce a hormone that stimulates the development of follicles, FSH. IN dominant follicle

subsequently the egg matures.

The follicular phase is characterized by the release of the hormone estrogen, which promotes renewal of the uterine wall. This hormone affects the biological environment in the cervix, making it insensitive to sperm. Nature has decreed that during this period the female body prepares for fertilization, and premature entry of sperm is undesirable.

Estrogen is considered the main beauty hormone. Skin, hair and nails become strong and beautiful. During this period, all kinds of cosmetic procedures are appropriate.

On day 14, the body releases the luteinizing hormone LH, while the production of the hormone FSH decreases. The LH hormone has a beneficial effect on the mucus in the cervix, making it receptive to sperm. Under the influence of this hormone, the maturation of the egg ends and it is released from the follicle. This process called ovulation, which lasts from 2 to 4 days. Exactly this for conception. Many girls who want to get pregnant calculate these days on the calendar.

The mature egg moves along fallopian tubes, where he awaits a meeting with sperm within 2 days. Sperm can live for about 5 days, so if sexual intercourse occurs shortly before ovulation, there will be a high probability of fertilization of the egg.

In this phase, girls' appetite increases, which threatens speed dial weight. This is due to the body’s accumulation of necessary nutrients in case of possible pregnancy. At this time it is better to increase your consumption fermented milk products and plant foods.

The likelihood of conception is possible as early as the 9th day of the cycle. There is even a certain theory of conceiving a child of the desired sex. If parents dream of a girl, then sexual intercourse should be performed before ovulation, since the X chromosome, which determines the female sex, is more viable. And if the desired sex of the child is male, then he should be conceived on the days of ovulation - on days 12-14 of the cycle.

Ancient eastern teachings say that before ovulation, a woman accumulates energy, and after ovulation, it is redistributed. Conserving energy allows a woman to achieve harmony and peace of mind.

During ovulation, women develop a special smell that attracts men. She shines with beauty, health, and her sexuality these days is at the highest level.

Luteal phase of the menstrual cycle

After the egg is released, the empty follicle, or corpus luteum, begins to produce the hormone progesterone. It prepares the endometrium of the uterine cavity for the implantation of a fertilized egg. At this time, the production of the LH hormone ends and the cervical mucus dries out.

The luteal phase lasts from 14 to 16 days. The female body is preparing for the implantation of an embryo. This process occurs within 6-12 days after fertilization. As soon as this happens, the production of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin begins. It supports, which produces progesterone throughout pregnancy, which ensures normal bearing of the child.

Modern pregnancy tests are sensitive specifically to human chorionic gonadotropin, which is called the pregnancy hormone.

If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum and egg die, and progesterone production stops. The endometrium of the uterus also begins to deteriorate.

From the 20th day of the cycle, the concentration of luteinizing hormone decreases and the corpus luteum begins to reverse development in the ovary. It is believed that from this day on the probability of becoming pregnant becomes minimal.

At the end of the luteal phase, the upper layer of the uterus begins to shed and subsequently comes out of it with menstrual flow. This is the beginning of a new cycle.

In the final phase of the menstrual cycle, metabolism slows down. A week before the onset of menstruation, the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin intensifies. Girls begin to develop skin rashes. These days it is advisable to refrain from physical activity, as connective tissues become more vulnerable.

PMS - premenstrual syndrome - affects not only appearance, but also on mental state women. As a result of a change in hormone levels, a woman becomes vulnerable and vulnerable; she needs the support and understanding of her family.

The mammary glands increase in size, daytime sleepiness, feeling of anxiety or apathy. Gynecologists these days recommend such “medicines” as sex and chocolate. However, some women experience decreased libido during PMS, so chocolate remains, which promotes the production of the happiness hormone.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is individual for each woman.

Therefore, the duration of the monthly phases may vary for each woman.

Cycles lasting from 21 to 32 days are considered normal.

The reproductive system of the female body is complex mechanism, created by nature to continue the human race. From the moment of puberty until the onset of menopause, the purpose of the fair half of humanity is to bear and give birth to a child. To prepare for this event, invisible events take place. with the naked eye processes monthly, which are called the phases of the menstrual cycle.

First phase of the menstrual cycle

The cyclical period itself is an individual phenomenon for each woman. Its beginning is considered to be the first day of menstruation, and the duration ranges from 21 to 35 days. The average ideal value is considered to be 28 days.

Cycle graph - clearly shows the development of the egg (follicular + ovulation + corpus luteum)

Beginning of egg growth

The first phase of the menstrual cycle is responsible for the beginning of the growth and development of the egg; it is called follicular. A woman's ovaries contain a large number of rudiments of liquid vesicles. Along with the first day monthly bleeding those that will grow in the current month are outlined.

Estrogen production

Phase 1 of the menstrual cycle is a period where, under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, the production of estrogen gradually increases, which supports the development of follicles. Approximately on the 7th day of the cycle, one bubble is significantly ahead of the rest in all respects; this is something like a signal for them to stop growing and reverse development. And the leader of the race continues to grow the egg, reaching a limiting size of 20-25 mm in diameter. By this time, estrogen levels reach their highest point, which provokes the release of luteinizing hormone (LH), a precursor to ovulation.

Features of ovulation

As soon as the increase in LH is recorded, the ovulatory phase is approaching; this is, as it were, a separation of two halves of the cycle, which can be called phase 3 of the menstrual cycle, although rather it is the dividing line between them, located in its middle.

Ovulation is the shortest period in the cycle, 24-36 hours long, but the most significant. It is at this time that the mature egg breaks through the wall of the ovary and rushes into the fallopian tube, where it will meet the sperm. If such a meeting does not happen, the cell dies within a day.

Second phase of the menstrual cycle

As soon as the egg leaves the ovary, the second phase of the menstrual cycle begins. At the site of the follicle rupture, the corpus luteum begins to grow, producing progesterone, which helps fertilization occur, causes the endometrium to become loose, soft and thick enough to ovum was able to easily penetrate its wall.

Luteal phase

The second segment is called the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle; what it is and why it is called that is explained simply. From scraps of tissue of the liquid vesicle and blood vessels, special cells with yellow. Gradually, the cells turn into a temporary gland that produces luteal hormone, the pregnancy hormone. The gland is called the corpus luteum, and since it plays a leading role in the second period of the cycle, the phase is called the luteal phase.

Progesterone production

Phase 2 of the menstrual cycle is the process responsible for the onset and development of pregnancy with the help of progesterone produced by the gland until the placenta is formed, taking it upon itself. In the absence of conception, the corpus luteum disappears by the beginning of a new cycle.

Very detailed information about the menstrual cycle

How long do the cycle phases last?

Now let's return to the digital values ​​and analyze the phases of the menstrual cycle by day. We remember that the boundaries of this monthly phenomenon range from 21 to 35 days. Numerous studies have proven that its second half is constant and amounts to 14 days. It can change its duration towards decreasing or increasing only when pathological abnormalities in the female reproductive system. But the first phase is different for each lady.

Let's look at it in detail - how many days each phase lasts and how it is characterized

Now let’s see how our girls feel about how the first phase of the menstrual cycle proceeds and how many days it can take with a 28-day length:

  • The first and second days are not encouraging, almost all of our ladies suffer from pain in the lower abdomen, and of course, bloody issues Also, the mood does not improve, performance decreases, the usual rhythm of life decreases.
  • From days 3 to 6, the condition and physical well-being begin to gradually stabilize.
  • 7-12 days proceed at good mood, the zeal for work and doing usual things increases, sexual desire appears and a host of other positive emotions.
  • Days 13-14 – waiting for ovulation.

With a different duration of the rhythmic period, a similar table fits between 7-21 days.

And we smoothly move into the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and we have already determined how many days it lasts as an established constant value - 14 days.

From days 15 to 22, you feel great and are in a great mood. But sometimes, at the end of this period, in some women after fertilization has taken place, the moment the embryo is fixed in the uterus is marked by the release of a few drops of blood and the appearance of slight pain in the lower abdomen during the day.

If the egg dies without meeting male cage, then you can observe signs premenstrual syndrome from 23 to 28 pm. They express themselves in irritability frequent changes mood, tearfulness, tendency to depression, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands.

Table of phases of the menstrual cycle

If we link these days to the possibility of fertilization, then the table of the phases of the menstrual cycle looks like this:

  • From the first day of menstruation until the 11th day, with a 28-day period, fertilization is unlikely.
  • Maximum time for conception occurs on days 12-16. It is during this time period that if you want to get pregnant, sexual intercourse can be crowned with success, in the form of the birth of a new life.
  • Well, if there is a joyful event in this moment did not happen, then from 17 to 28 days the ability for fertilization is zero.

But it should be taken into account that all these calculations relate to the regular menstrual process. If it is violated, any outcome may occur. Yes, plus the individuality of each woman, so it’s not worth relying entirely on the proposed tables, since reproductive system- a very cunning mechanism, capable of presenting unexpected surprises, in a seemingly calculated to the smallest detail life situation.

Scheme of the menstrual cycle - menstruation and ovulation

To avoid disruptions in smooth operation reproductive function, it is necessary that the phases of the menstrual cycle and the hormones that support them are in complete harmony. Nature has thought through everything to the smallest detail in this process.

If estrogen increases during egg maturation, then progesterone has its minimum value. As soon as the first reaches its peak, the second immediately rises, taking its turn in controlling the following actions. Estrogen will not increase by the middle of the cycle, there will be no surge in LH, ovulation will not occur, there will be no corpus luteum, and there will be no one to produce the hormone of the second phase.

The slightest violation in this complex pattern of interaction leads to disturbances that prevent the conception and birth of a baby.

More often Negative influence affect hormone function external factors. Therefore, to make your menstrual cycle work like a clock:

In case of internal reasons in the form of gynecological diseases, do not try to cope with the problem on your own; for this, qualified doctors capable of as soon as possible save you from the troubles that arise.

Third phase - ovulation

Women's cycle consists of two phases, in the first the egg matures, and in the second the wound from the rupture of the follicle heals or conception occurs. The normal course of processes is controlled by the hormones produced. Phase 3 of the menstrual cycle is considered ovulation, the release of cells, when conception is most likely. A girl should keep a calendar - a table where she marks the beginning of menstruation every month. With its help, you can calculate the day of ovulation and monitor the normal course of the cycle.

What is the second phase of menstruation Not known to every woman, but it depends on how ready the body is to bear a fetus. During the second phase, the process of formation of the corpus luteum in the ovary occurs, which is why this phase is also called the luteal phase. All phases of menstruation take place under the control of hormones, under the influence of which the maturation of the egg and follicular apparatus occurs. If fertilization occurs, the woman carries the child. If fertilization does not occur, then unnecessary tissue is rejected, which is called menstruation. But it is worth remembering that the second phase of the menstrual cycle is the period when disturbances that arise can lead to pathological conditions.

Second phase: processes in the uterus

During the luteal phase, changes occur in both the ovaries and other organs. reproductive system. Average duration This period is equal to 14 days, starting from the ovulation process. A day before the onset of the luteal phase, the percentage of hormones in the blood changes - the content of estradiol increases, which contributes to a sharp increase in the release of luteinizing hormone (LH). These hormones are responsible for the timely rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg. From this moment the development of the second phase begins. In other words, we can say that the formation of the corpus luteum or gland internal secretion- this is what the second phase of the menstrual cycle means. The corpus luteum synthesizes a hormone such as progesterone, which controls the preparation of the mammary glands for pregnancy and suppresses uterine contractions.

Second phase failure

Some may not know what the second phase of the menstrual cycle means and how it can affect pregnancy. Experts clearly answer this question, saying that pregnancy suffers from insufficiency of the luteal phase. That is, the pregnancy will be under constant threat of miscarriage. Since hormones are the main thing during this period, doctors prescribe hormonal correction.
Best to take natural analogues progesterone, which will not harm the body. Most widespread received non-hormonal drug"Remens". It contains substances that can not only restore hormonal balance, but also influence the entire process occurring in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system.
This drug was developed by the famous Austrian company Richard Bittner GmbH and is used in complex treatment all menstrual cycle disorders. Its use does not cause side effects and guarantees achievement positive results. Knowing the processes that the second phase of the menstrual cycle entails and what it is, you can avoid many problems and not worry about future pregnancy.