Zinc: what foods it contains and why it is important. Products - sources of zinc

Zinc has been known to us since school as chemical element, but few people know how valuable it is for our life. All hormones and enzymes in the body include zinc. Thanks to it, proper metabolism is carried out, tissue regeneration occurs, and blood supply improves. The functioning of the body's systems (hormonal, immune, circulatory, bone) depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of zinc.

In order for the level of zinc in the body to always remain within normal limits, it must be replenished. Most zinc is absorbed from food. The following are zinc-rich foods by category:

  • seafood- oysters, salmon, eel, anchovies, sardines, tuna, seaweed;
  • vegetables- tomatoes, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi;
  • fruits and berries- orange, blueberry, raspberry;
  • legumes- peas, corn, beans, soybeans, lentils;
  • nuts and seeds- sesame seeds, pine nuts, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, flax, poppy seeds, almonds;
  • meat products- lamb, beef, liver, tongue;
  • other categories- garlic, egg yolk, mushrooms, yeast.

A small table will help you find out which foods contain the greatest amount of zinc:

Oysters 60 mg/100 g
Veal liver 16 mg/100 g
Wheat bran 16 mg/100 g
Acne 12.1 mg/100 g
Beef (stew) 9.2 mg/100 g
Poppy 8.2 mg/100 g
Yeast 8 mg/100 g
Sesame 7.9 mg/100 g
Pumpkin seeds 7.7 mg/100 g
Chicken hearts (boiled) 7.3 mg/100 g

Adding these zinc-containing foods to your daily diet will help prevent its deficiency in the body. The consequence of such a shortage could be various disorders, such as skin and hair problems, developmental delays in children, and blurred vision.

How much zinc does the body need?

Our organs already contain a certain amount of zinc. Most of it is in the liver, kidneys, and genitals. An excess of zinc is just as harmful as its deficiency, so it is important to know what daily requirement in zinc various categories of people. Another small table will help you navigate this.

There is also an opinion that some people need more zinc than others of the same gender and age. This is for example:

  • athletes;
  • people doing heavy physical labor;
  • people exposed to stress;
  • coffee lovers;
  • residents of environmentally unfavorable areas.

In addition, zinc is especially important for men, starting from the moment of their prenatal development. Products for men containing zinc should be in the diet already from early age. We can say that his masculinity depends on the zinc content in a man’s body.

Features of zinc absorption

Zinc in food is fully absorbed by the body if certain conditions are met:

  • absence of alcohol addiction;
  • sufficient protein intake;
  • simultaneous maintenance of proper levels of fluoride and calcium.

If these conditions are met, zinc will only have an effect on the body positive influence. If you consume enough food containing zinc, you will not have to compensate for its deficiency with store-bought pharmaceutical drugs.

The recommended dose of zinc is 15 mg per day. But even with sufficient intake of the mineral into our body, no more than 2/3 of this dose is retained, since zinc is released through sweat glands. That is why it is important to include foods containing this micronutrient in your diet.

Failure to consume enough zinc can result in a weakened immune system, loss of appetite, hair loss, skin and eye damage, diarrhea and, for children, stunted growth. On the other hand, if you consume too much zinc, the absorption of iron and zinc is altered, which can lead to an increase in the amount of toxic free radicals in organism.

Here are 10 foods high in zinc.

1. Dried watermelon seeds. This zinc-rich product is loved in Asia and the Middle East. In 100 gr. watermelon seeds is about 70% of daily dose this mineral.

2. Cocoa powder and chocolate. Good news for those who love chocolate! 100g of chocolate contains approximately 10 mg of zinc, which corresponds to 65% of the recommended value daily norm this mineral. But we should not forget about the calorie content of this product. If you decide to lose weight, chocolate is not for you. For its part, 100 g of cocoa powder contains about 40% of the required daily dose of zinc in the body.

3. Lamb: 100 grams of this meat contains up to 58% of the zinc you need per day.

4. Beef (lean) - 100 grams contains up to 70% of the recommended daily dose.

5. Oysters are known as an aphrodisiac and are also famous for their high zinc content. Depending on the type of oyster, 100g contains from 100 to 1000% of the daily dose of zinc.

6. Peanuts. Among nuts, peanuts act as one of the foods rich in zinc. A 100 g serving of dry roasted peanuts contains 22% of the daily requirement for zinc. Peanuts should be consumed in moderation because they are a high-calorie food. And without salt!

7. Pumpkin seeds - by eating 100 grams of them, you will receive almost 70% of the recommended daily intake of zinc in the body.

8. Sesame. Sesame oil, and in general all sesame products, are excellent zinc providers. 100 g of product contains up to 70% of the recommended daily intake of this mineral.

9. Calf liver is very rich in zinc, as well as many others useful elements. 100g contains 80% of the daily dose of zinc.

It is no coincidence that zinc is called the source of beauty and youth: healthy clean skin and strong hair is a clear result of its work in the body. This microelement is vital, because without it life itself is impossible: it actively affects the reproductive function, primarily of men.

Fortunately, nature itself has made sure that we do not experience a shortage of it: products containing zinc are easy to find in any supermarket or market.

Scientists began to deeply study the effects of microelements on the body quite recently: in the second half of the last century. Although, for example, its amazing wound-healing properties were well known in Ancient Egypt: even then an analogue of the modern one zinc ointment was held in high esteem by doctors! Zinc-bound selenium for a long time generally considered poison. And only in our days have both of these substances been appreciated.

Zinc and selenium are in second place after iron in terms of content in the body. Most of them are in the internal organs (kidneys, liver, spleen), in the genitals, especially in men, and also in the hair.

Almost all organs and systems of the body experience their beneficial effects:

  • zinc and selenium are involved in internal metabolic processes;
  • strong vision, a keen sense of smell and well-functioning taste buds are only possible if there is a lot of this substance in the body;
  • this microelement helps remove from internal organs heavy metals;
  • it is also capable of restoring damaged tissues and strengthening the immune system;
  • The great merit of zinc is that it starts the process of producing the male sex hormone testosterone and maintains it throughout life. That is why men should have more of it in their diet than women;
  • zinc and selenium are involved in cell division and ensure their normal functioning;
  • microelement included in bone tissue and participates in its updating;
  • zinc is beneficial when combined with taurine. The lack of both of these substances is one of the factors in the occurrence of epilepsy;
  • vitamin A contained in the liver is released and absorbed only with the assistance of this substance;
  • more high mortality rate among men these days is associated by scientists with reduced level in the body zinc;
  • its antiviral effect is well known;
  • microelement is indispensable for mental stress. In addition, it plays an important role in saturating the brain with oxygen and even helps cope with senile insanity;
  • A diet rich in zinc and selenium can reverse the development of diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis;
  • One of the causes of stomach ulcers is frequent stress and strain on the nervous system, which lead to a sharp loss of zinc. Replenishing its reserves helps cope with stomach ailments;
  • The occurrence of prostatitis is also associated with a lack of this microelement in the body. The more it is in the diet, the higher the chance of saying goodbye to the disease as quickly as possible.

When there is not enough zinc

Zinc, like selenium, does not accumulate in the body; its supply must be constantly replenished. Healthy image life and balanced diet– that’s quite enough.

The downside is that the microelement is easily washed out of tissues and organs. Alcohol, caffeine, nervous tension, and frequent stress lead to rapid loss of it.

Signs that should alert you:

  • hair loss;
  • skin diseases;
  • long wound healing;
  • loss taste sensations and the ability to distinguish odors;
  • white spots on nails;
  • night blindness (weak vision at dusk);
  • slow development in children.

Daily value: how much?

Undoubtedly, this depends on many factors. Irreconcilable coffee lovers, people living in constant psycho-emotional stress, athletes, expectant mothers need zinc and selenium to a greater extent than, for example, those who prefer healthy diet and doesn’t waste your nerves. For men, a high level of this microelement is more relevant.

And yet some average daily norms scientists know:

  • boys 0.5–3 years old– 3 mg; 4–8 years – 5 mg; 9–13 years – 8 mg. The indicators for girls are slightly lower than for boys - minus 1 mg for each age category;
  • boys 14–18 years old– 11 mg, for men 19–50 years old – 15 mg, over 50 years old – 13 mg. For the fair sex age groups, you need to subtract 3 mg;
  • expectant and nursing mothers under 18 years of age should ensure that their daily diet contains 15 mg of zinc, the indicators for women over 18 are 14 and 17 mg, respectively.

Mothers expecting boys need it most of all: they should know better than others what foods contain zinc. The first three months of pregnancy are critical, when internal organs and baby systems.

One of effective ways to give birth to healthy boys and raise real men from sons - to ensure that the level of zinc in the body of both mother and child does not fall below normal.

Eating right: what foods are rich in zinc

The easiest way to increase the level of this trace element is to go to the pharmacy for zinc-containing preparations. Simple, but far from the most useful and effective. Another way is much more environmentally friendly and natural - to take nature as an ally. Fortunately, foods rich in zinc and selenium are inexpensive and available to everyone today.

An excellent source of zinc is an infusion of birch buds. What other foods contain zinc? Vegetables include tomatoes, beets, garlic, radishes, and cabbage.

Oranges, blueberries, and raspberries are rich in it. Most of it is found in meat and seafood: oysters, eels, seaweed. Selenium paired with zinc is found in eggs, lentils, many types of nuts, and cauliflower.

Zinc storehouse – wheat bran and sprouted grains, as well as bread made from flour coarse. Moreover, the dough should be kneaded not with the usual yeast, but with dough. Why?

Opara neutralizes phytin, a substance found in many grains. It absorbs zinc, as well as calcium and iron, preventing them from being absorbed by the body. So it turns out that ordinary village bread, baked according to the recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, is many times healthier than what is produced today in factories and bakeries.

Create a balanced and rich in zinc The table below will help you with your diet.

The product's name Zinc content per 100 g of product, mg
Oysters 60
Wheat bran 16
Sesame seeds 7,8
Pumpkin seeds 7,5
Boiled chicken hearts 7,3
Boiled beef 7,06
Peanut 6,68
Sunflower seeds 5,6
Boiled beef tongue 4,8
Pine nuts 4,62
Turkey meat 4,28
Egg yolk 3,9
Coarse wheat flour 3,1
Walnuts 2,7
Hazelnuts 1,9
Sardines 1,4
Boiled lentils 1,27
River fish fillet 1,2
Tuna in oil 0,9
Boiled mushrooms 0,87
Tofu 0,8
Dried apricots 0,74
Boiled brown rice 0,63
Oatmeal 0,49
Corn 0,48
Prunes 0,45
Cow's milk 0,4
Green onions 0,39
Avocado 0,31
Cauliflower 0,3

Zinc and selenium are microelements that you cannot do without. It is very important to take care of their high levels in the body. This applies to men to a greater extent, but women too special diet should not be neglected. The reward will be a wonderful appearance and excellent health.

Modern people are susceptible to stress due to the fast pace of life, so it is useful to consume foods high in zinc. This mineral affects metabolism and improves well-being. Without a trace element, cellular metabolism will be disrupted, which will lead to fatigue, increased fatigue And nervous breakdowns.

What are the benefits of zinc in food?

Doctors say that zinc in food and diet performs the following functions for the health of the human body:

  • improves metabolism - takes part in the creation and breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, proteins;
  • supports the functioning of the immune system - affects leukocytes, antibodies to diseases, hormones;
  • improves the body's resistance to infections;
  • affects the growth of the child, participates in the process of cell division;
  • V adolescence is necessary when forming reproductive system, production of sperm and eggs;
  • cleanses of toxins, removes heavy metals;
  • slows down cell aging;
  • normalizes the condition of hair and skin.

Due to a lack of zinc, the following list of unfavorable factors may occur:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia);
  • allergies, dermatitis;
  • disruptions in immunity;
  • decreased blood circulation, anemia;
  • pregnant women experience difficult labor, fetal growth retardation, even miscarriage;
  • difficulties with wound healing;
  • decreased growth, delayed puberty;
  • hair loss – the result is immediately visible in the photo and in life;
  • frequent colds;
  • absent-mindedness, decreased concentration;
  • in adolescents, a lack of an element causes a craving for alcohol;
  • in men after 50 years – increased risk prostate adenomas.

The most a large number of The microelement is found inside the male genital organs, blood cells and the retina of the eye. Mineral deficiency is caused by a lack of substance in incoming food, due to active physical activity, resulting in profuse sweating. If you consume large amounts of carbohydrates and diuretics, you will not have enough microelement, so it is useful to remember which foods contain zinc.

It is important to know that the mineral is better absorbed with big amount protein and vitamin A. Phytates - derivatives of phytic acid - slow down absorption. Foods rich in iron, calcium and lead should be avoided. It is better to consume these microelements separately to improve metabolism within important tissues and organs throughout the body. For children and adults, regular intake of the element with food is recommended. Daily norm in mg:

  • the first six months for girls – 2;
  • six months for boys – 3;
  • 0.5-3 years – 3;
  • 4-8 years – 5;
  • 9-13 years old – 8;
  • 14-18 years old for girls – 9;
  • 14-18 years old for boys – 11;
  • 19-59 years old for women – 12;
  • 19-50 years old for men – 15;
  • after 50 years for women – 10;
  • after 50 years for men – 13;
  • daily requirement for pregnancy under 18 years of age – 15;
  • during pregnancy over 19 years - 14;
  • nursing mothers under 18 years old – 15;
  • those who are breastfeeding after 18 years – 17.

Useful facts about the mineral:

  1. Use oral contraceptives significantly reduces the concentration of the element.
  2. Zinc toxicity starts at 150 mg per day.
  3. If you have intestinal diseases or are taking diuretics, then you need to get more zinc from foods that contain it.
  4. Dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol wash out the element, preventing it from being absorbed.
  5. The element is better absorbed with legumes, peanuts, baking powder, and soy products that have undergone fermentation (for example, miso - Japanese soup).

What does zinc contain?

When searching for information about which products contain zinc, you can find facts confirming the leadership in the content of this element in grains, beans, and nuts. The leaders are oysters, boiled fish, wheat bran. Meat products and meat will be the answer to the question of which foods contain zinc. Dry and pressed yeast is abundant in minerals. Rich in zinc:

  • bird;
  • onions, garlic, green vegetables;
  • potato;
  • buckwheat, lentils, soybeans;
  • barley flour, bread;
  • dry cream;
  • radish;
  • citrus;
  • nuts (peanuts, cashews);
  • apples, figs, dates;
  • berries;
  • green tea.

What foods are high in zinc?

You will find the highest zinc content in products in the table below:


Fried calf liver

Wheat bran

Boiled eel (fish)

Beef stew

Pine nut

Zinc-containing animal products

When asked what foods contain zinc, nutritionists give the answer – most of the mineral is found in food of animal origin. The table shows foods rich in the element:


Boiled chicken hearts

Fried lamb liver

Boiled beef tongue

Fried lamb kidneys

Dry yeast

Plant foods with zinc

When understanding which foods contain zinc, do not forget about food plant origin. The table contains information about them:



Brazilian nut


Coconut pulp


Dried apricot

Dried plum


Pumpkin (seeds)

Sunflower seed

Soya beans


Coarse wheat flour

White beans

Boiled beans




Boiled white rice


Common snot

Green onions

Video about products containing zinc

Products containing zinc must certainly be present in healthy diet. Zinc can rightfully be considered a microelement of youth, since its effect on the body as a whole is carried out on cellular level. This follows from the fact that this element is directly involved in metabolism, as it is part of all hormones, enzymes and vitamins. Seafood is the richest in zinc.

The presence of zinc in the body is vital, since its deficiency can have a detrimental effect on reproductive function man, his immune system, blood formation processes, healing processes. This is why it is so important to eat foods containing zinc. For children, zinc deficiency can have Negative influence on the process of normal growth, puberty, ensuring taste qualities and sense of smell. 5-10 mg is the daily requirement child's body in zinc.

Products containing zinc are primarily meat, poultry and seafood (in particular shrimp and seaweed - kelp), cheeses, and soy. Vegetables containing zinc include beets, tomatoes, garlic, ginger, and pumpkin seeds. Grain products containing zinc include legumes, some cereals, sprouted wheat, wheat bran, sunflower seeds, and corn. Fruits and berries also contain zinc - raspberries, blueberries, oranges.

However, only a minority of the zinc contained in food is absorbed by our bodies. Therefore, it should be remembered that the content of zinc in vegetables and fruits, as well as in dairy products, is very small when choosing a vegetarian or dairy diet. This form of diet can lead to zinc deficiency in the body. We emphasize that it is necessary to consume foods containing zinc!

However, excess zinc is no less detrimental to human body. You can get such toxic effects from long-term storage and cooking in galvanized dishes (especially acidic ones).

The main signs of zinc deficiency in the body are brittle nails, white spots on the nails, prolonged healing of wounds and abrasions, deterioration of growth, memory, attention, and weakened immunity. And only products containing zinc will help here.

Replenish the deficiency of zinc and other vital important microelements in the body is possible by taking biologically active additives. As a more affordable folk remedy To replenish zinc deficiency in the body, you can use an infusion of birch leaves.

Products containing zinc should always be in your diet, as this microelement interacts with other elements that are equally important for our life. To absorb vitamins A and B6 you need zinc and, of course, you should eat foods containing zinc. But in order for zinc to be properly absorbed by your body, it should be taken with fluoride and calcium.

From the table below it becomes clear which products contain zinc:

Zinc content in food products

The product's name The product's name

Amount of zinc in mg per 100g of product

Yeast for baking 9,97 Sesame seed 7,75
Pumpkin seeds 7,44 Boiled chicken hearts 7,30
Boiled beef 7,06 Peanut 6,68
Cocoa powder 6,37 Sunflower seeds 5,29
Boiled beef tongue 4,80 Pine nuts 4,62
Grilled turkey meat 4,28 Popcorn 4,13
Egg yolk 3,44 Coarse wheat flour 3,11
Walnuts 2,73 Peanut butter 2,51
Coconut 2,01 Sardines 1,40
Boiled beans 1,38 Boiled lentils 1,27
River fish cutlets 1,20 Boiled green peas 1,19
Eggs 1,10 Boiled peas 1,00
Canned salmon 0,92 Tuna in oil 0,90
Boiled mushrooms 0,87 Tofu 0,80
Boiled spinach 0,76 Dried apricots 0,74
Brown rice 0,63 Wheat porridge 0,57
Vermicelli 0,53 Oatmeal 0,49
Corn 0,48 Boiled white rice 0,45
Milk 1% fat 0,39 Green onions 0,39
Boiled broccoli 0,38 Boiled cauliflower 0,31
Avocado 0,31 Radish 0,30
Boiled carrots 0,30