Quotes about girls smoking. Quotes from great people about the dangers of smoking

Smoking allows you to believe that you are doing something when you are doing nothing.
Ralph Emerson

Smoking weakens the power of thought and makes its expression unclear.
Lev Tolstoy

First God created man. Then he created a woman. Then God felt sorry for the man, and he gave him tobacco.
Mark Twain

I have seen many men turn their gold into smoke, but you are the first to turn smoke into gold.
Elizabeth I to Walter Raleigh

A cigar can serve as a good substitute for thought.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Smokers and non-smokers cannot be equally free in the same compartment.
George Bernard Shaw

A drop of nicotine kills five minutes of working time.
Ratmir Tumanovsky

Medical reports have not yet forced anyone to quit smoking, but they have ruined the pleasure of smoking for many.
author unknown

It has now been proven with complete certainty that smoking is one of the main causes of statistics.
Fletcher Knebel

I smoke ten to fifteen cigars a day. At my age you need to limit yourself.
George Burns

The harm of smoking is obvious. Smoking makes you stupid. It is not compatible with creative work.
Goethe Wolfgang

I made it a rule to never smoke more than one cigarette at a time.
Mark Twain

I have made it a rule never to smoke while I sleep and never to abstain from smoking when I am awake.
Mark Twain

Don't smoke in bed: the ashes you have to sweep up later could be your own.
Jack Burnet

Never smoke someone else's cigars under the pretext that you don't smoke.
Sasha Guitry

Yes, if I quit smoking... I’ll get drunk with joy!!
author unknown

The time it takes to smoke one cigarette is directly proportional to the intensity of protests from non-smokers.
Ray Dowan

Your smoking may have a detrimental effect on my health!
author unknown

You can learn tolerance from smokers. Not a single smoker has ever complained that a non-smoker does not smoke.
Sandro Pertini

The tube gives smart person an opportunity to think, and for a fool to hold something in his mouth.
"Trishman's Paradox"

If you think nicotine has no effect on a woman's voice, try flicking the ashes onto the carpet.
Jean Richard

I already quit smoking once - it was the worst eight hours of my life.
Lily Savage

You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man.
Georges Simenon

Quitting the habit of not smoking is quite easy.
Leszek Kumor

Smoking is a slap in the face of society.
Erian Schultz

Once you drink it, it feels like you're quitting smoking.
Gennady Malkin

A cigarette calms you down... 5 years earlier.
author unknown

There is nothing easier than quitting smoking - I have already quit thirty times.
Mark Twain

A woman who smokes is vulgar.
Lev Tolstoy

Now they write so much about the dangers of smoking that I have firmly decided to stop reading.
Joseph Cutten

Diseases occur partly from the way of life, partly from the air that we introduce into ourselves and with which we live.(Hippocrates).

Something incorporeal, unclean, caustic and smelly has become a pleasure and even a necessity of life for people(Gufeland)


Don’t drink wine, don’t sadden your heart with tobacco - and you will live as many years as Titian lived (99 years).(I. P. Pavlov)


Nicotine poisoning through smoking undermines both a person’s physics and psyche.

Every smoker should know and understand that he poisons not only himself, but also others.(N. Semashko)


If I had not smoked, I would have lived another 10-15 years.(S. Botkin)


The ability to prolong life is, first of all, the ability not to shorten it.

Abuse of wine and tobacco has a very harmful effect on the nervous system.(A. Bogomolets)


A smoker, when he wants to smoke, will without the slightest difficulty find the tobacco that he has hidden from himself.(V. Veresaev)


The first cigarette is the most dangerous, the first sip tobacco smoke– the most terrible, like the first drink for a future alcoholic.

Tobacco of all varieties is poisonous, all varieties of it destroy human health.

If tobacco is harmful for adults, then for adolescents, whose bodies are not yet fully developed, it is doubly harmful.

Tobacco stunts growth in youth who smoke.

Although it is difficult to quit smoking, it is still possible. You just have to decide.(B. Seagal - DMN)


Tobacco is the number one cause of death in our society, ahead of cancer and car accidents.. (Maurice Toubian, French professor)


Tobacco is the worst enemy of beauty, it is an accelerator of aging.

Smoking by a woman preparing to become a mother is a double harm: both to herself and to her unborn child.

Tobacco is the cheapest, most “soft” drug, severe consequences the applications of which are immediately invisible, but appear in a more or less distant future, which creates the illusion of its harmlessness.


(V. Bakhur - DMN).


When smoking 20 cigarettes a day, a person actually breathes air whose pollution is 580–1100 times higher than hygiene standards. (M. Dmitriev – Doctor of Chemical Sciences) None of them bad habits

does not take away as much health as smoking tobacco. The strength of the smoking habit progresses the faster the younger age

novice smoker. How smaller child


Currently, the opinion of oncologists is unanimous: the main reason lung cancer– smoking.(L. Serebrov, academician)


Smoking is not a habit, but a powerful need that commands a person.(S. Tormozov, Russian scientist)


What we need most for our bodies also has the greatest impact on our health: mainly water and air.


(Aristotle) Tobacco lulls grief, but it also inevitably weakens energy.


(O. Balzac) Smoking makes you stupid. It is not compatible with creative work.


(Goethe) Breaking bad habits is easier today than tomorrow


(Confucius) Habit dulls our judgment


(M. Montaigne) The first duty of someone who wants to become healthy is to cleanse the air around him.


(R. Rolland) Smoking weakens the power of thought and makes its expression unclear.


(L. Tolstoy) Man is often his own worst enemy


. (Cicero)

After I completely quit smoking, I no longer have a gloomy and anxious mood. Habit is the tyrant of people.


(Shakespeare). Smoking or health – choose for yourself!


(Motto of WHO Health Day, 1980) If you are not ready to quit smoking yet, but are already starting to think about your addiction to tobacco, then first let’s relax and think about wise sayings

great people: poets, musicians, politicians, scientists, ...

“Smoking makes you stupid, it is incompatible with creative work”

(W. Goethe)

Joseph Cutten

« “Now they write so much about the dangers of smoking that I have firmly decided to stop reading”

Smoking is one of the biggest businesses on the planet, and that's why it's so difficult to escape its grip."

Georgy Alexandrov
Jack Burnet

« “Don’t smoke in bed: the ashes you have to sweep up later could be your own.” Dumber smoking woman

« only a smoking horse can look like. But has anyone seen this?

Every person of our modern average education recognizes it as ill-mannered and inhumane to disturb the peace and comfort, and especially the health of other people for his own pleasure..., but out of a thousand smokers, not one will hesitate to blow unhealthy smoke where there are non-smoking women, children, sick and old people ."

L.N. Tolstoy

Ray Dowan

“The time it takes to smoke one cigarette is directly proportional to the intensity of protests from non-smokers”

Mark Twain

« “First God created man. Then he created a woman. Then God felt sorry for the man, and he gave him tobacco.” Most The best way

quit smoking - don’t start smoking from childhood.”

Vladimir Borisov

Ratmir Tumanovsky

« “A drop of nicotine kills five minutes of working time”

Thoughts about beauty save not only the world, but also a woman from smoking.”

“I smoke ten to fifteen cigars a day. At my age you need to limit yourself."

George Burns

“A cigar can serve as a good substitute for thought”

Arthur Schopenhauer

« Tobacco lulls grief, but it also inevitably weakens energy.”

O. Balzac.

“Smoking allows you to believe that you are doing something when you are doing nothing.”

Ralph Emerson

« Every smoker should know and understand that he poisons not only himself, but also others.”

N. Semashko

“Never smoke someone else’s cigars under the pretext that you don’t smoke.”

Sasha Guitry

“The Ministry of Health is tired of warning and is announcing a draw. Dear smokers, every third pack contains a surprise with a fatal outcome. Collect 10 stories about the best surprises and get gravestone as a gift, engraved with stories, or your own cremation urn..."

quit smoking - don’t start smoking from childhood.”

“I have made it a rule never to smoke while I sleep and never to abstain from smoking when I am awake.”
Mark Twain

“The smoker blows smoke into his own eyes.”

Leonid Sukhorukov

“If you think nicotine has no effect on a woman’s voice, try flicking the ashes onto the carpet.”

Jean Richard

« Tobacco harms the body, destroys the mind, and makes entire nations stupid."

O. Balzac

“When you drink it, it feels like you’re quitting smoking”

Gennady Malkin

« Smoking is a HEALTHY habit. For death."

Alexander Borovik

“It has now been proven with complete certainty that smoking is one of the main causes of statistics”

Fletcher Knebel

« This vice brings the treasury 100 million francs in taxes a year. I would ban it right now if you find an equally profitable virtue.”

Napoleon III

“You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man."

Georges Simenon

« A smoker smokes for one reason: to stop smoking as quickly as possible, and at the same time to stop living.”

Thoughts about beauty save not only the world, but also a woman from smoking.”

“Nothing is easier than quitting smoking - I’ve already quit thirty times”

Mark Twain

« Currently, the opinion of oncologists is unanimous: the main cause of lung cancer is smoking.”

L. Serebrov

“You can learn tolerance from smokers. Not a single smoker has ever complained that a non-smoker does not smoke.”

Sandro Pertini

« Smoking helps people who are afraid to gain weight: they die thin. From lung cancer."

A. V. Ivanov

“It’s quite easy to break the habit of not smoking”

Leszek Kumor

“Smoking extinguishes the sacred fire of motherhood in a woman, and ignites in her the hellish flame of slow suicide.”

Thoughts about beauty save not only the world, but also a woman from smoking.”

« Smokers and non-smokers cannot be equally free in the same compartment.”

George Bernard Shaw


S. Tormozov, Russian scientist

"Cigar smokers are my natural enemies"

V. Belinsky

“Tobacco, which I have given up for several years now, in my opinion, together with alcohol, is the most dangerous enemy of mental activity.”

A. Dumas the son

“Smoking is an antisocial habit”

G. V. Khlopin, scientist - hygienist

« I have seen many men turn their gold into smoke, but you are the first to turn smoke into gold. (To Sir Walter Raleigh, who brought tobacco from America to England)"

Elizabeth I

“Expensive cigarettes differ from cheap ones because they have cleaner, tastier and more aromatic poisons.”

Stas Yankovsky

« Every ton of cigarette butts makes a hole in the country’s national security.”

Smoking is one of the biggest businesses on the planet, and that's why it's so difficult to escape its grip."

« If the Nazis needed a gas chamber, then smokers only need a cigarette to kill themselves.”

Thoughts about beauty save not only the world, but also a woman from smoking.”

“Am I sure that I like any particular cigars? Well, of course, I’m absolutely sure - unless someone cheats me and sticks my brand on some rubbish - after all, like everyone else, I distinguish my cigars by brand, and not at all by taste.”

Mark Twain

« A cigarette is a fuse with a light on one end and a FOOL on the other!”

Bernard Show.

« I feel unbearably sorry for the lives that were wasted on the tip of a cigarette.”

F. G. Uglov

"A cigarette in a woman's hands is the same as a dead child."

Thoughts about beauty save not only the world, but also a woman from smoking.”

« A woman who smokes is vulgar.”

L. Tolstoy

« A cigarette, if used correctly, kills.”

Anti-smoking slogan in the US

« Tobacco is the cheapest, most “soft” drug, the severe consequences of its use are invisible, but appear in a more or less distant future, which creates the illusion of its harmlessness.”

V. Bakhur, Doctor of Medical Sciences

« Hopeless smoker quits bad habit only in the next world."

Smoking is one of the biggest businesses on the planet, and that's why it's so difficult to escape its grip."

« It’s not you who goes to smoke, it’s the cigarette that leads you to smoke.”

Ravil Aleev

« You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man.”

Georges Simenon

« Smoking is not a habit, but a powerful need that commands a person. The fight against smoking should be public, like the fight against opium. Generations of smokers are doomed to extinction"

S. Tormozov, Russian scientist

“Only a fool would start smoking. Don't let tobacco campaigns fool you!

American poster.

« A revolution begins with fire, fire with a spark, spark with a poorly extinguished cigarette... Conclusion: Don’t smoke people!!!”

Vladimir Borisov

« There are so many smokers that it’s time to open “non-smoking corners.”

Mark Melamed

« Smoking is not only harmful, it is, above all, stupid!

Academician F.G. Angles

“You won’t have matches? - I won’t have matches or lung cancer.”

A.V. Ivanov


People of different eras different professions, - they all agree that the harm of smoking is truly enormous. In an ironic manner, beautifully or scientifically substantiating your words, famous people speak out about negative aspects smoking, its dangers for physical and mental development person.

Think about the quotes we have given about smoking. Perhaps it’s still worth giving up this bad habit?

If you are not yet ready to quit smoking, but are already starting to think about your addiction to tobacco, then first let’s reflect on the wise sayings of great people: poets, writers, musicians, politicians, scientists. Let's read!

V. Goethe

“The harm of smoking is obvious. Smoking makes you stupid.

It is incompatible with creative work.”

L.N. Tolstoy.

“Every person of our modern average education recognizes it as ill-mannered and inhumane to disturb peace and comfort for one’s own pleasure, and even more so

the health of other people..., but out of a thousand smokers, not one will hesitate to blow unhealthy smoke where there are non-smoking women, children, sick and old people.”

“A woman who smokes is vulgar.”

“Smoking weakens the power of thought and makes its expression unclear.”

Mark Twain

“First God created man. Then he created a woman. Then God felt sorry for the man, and he created tobacco for him.”

“Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve quit a thousand times myself.”

“Am I sure that I like any particular cigars? Well, of course, I’m absolutely sure - unless someone cheats me and sticks my brand on some rubbish - after all, like everyone else, I distinguish my cigars by brand, and not at all by taste.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

“A cigar can serve as a good substitute for thought.”

O. Balzac.

“Tobacco kills grief, but it also inevitably weakens energy.”

“Tobacco harms the body, destroys the mind, stupefies entire nations.”

ON THE. Semashko

“Every smoker should know and remember that he poisons not only himself, but also others.”

“Nicotine poisoning through smoking undermines a person’s physics and psyche.”


“This vice brings the treasury 100 million francs in taxes a year. I would ban it right now if you find an equally profitable virtue.”

Georges Simenon

“You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to prove that you are a man.”

George Bernard Shaw

“Smokers and non-smokers cannot be free in the same compartment.”

“A cigarette is a fuse with a light on one end and a FOOL on the other!”

V.G. Belinsky

"Cigar smokers are my natural enemies."

A. Dumas

“Tobacco, which I have already given up-son.several years, in my opinion, along with alcohol there is the most dangerousthe enemy of mental activity."

Elizabeth 1

“I have seen many men turn their gold into smoke, but you are the first to turn smoke into gold.” (To Sir Walter Raleigh, who brought tobacco from America to England).

Smoking is one of the biggest businesses on the planet, and that's why it's so difficult to escape its grip."

“Every ton of cigarette butts makes a hole in the country’s national security

“Passionate smoking gives a boost to aging.”

V. Veresaev.

“A smoker, when he wants to smoke, will without the slightest difficulty find the tobacco that he has hidden from himself.”

S.P. Botkin

“If I hadn’t smoked, I would have lived another 10-15 years.”

A. Bogomolets

"Abuse of wine and tobacco has a very harmful effect on the nervous system.”

“The ability to prolong life is, first of all, the ability not to shorten it.”

I.P. Pavlov

“Don’t drink wine, don’t burden your heart with tobacco - and you will live as many years as Titian lived” (99 years).

F.G. Angles

“I feel unbearably sorry for the lives that were wasted on the tip of a cigarette.”


“Diseases come from the way of life, partly from the air that we introduce into ourselves and in which we live.”

W. Shakespeare

“After I completely quit smoking, I no longer have a gloomy and anxious mood.”

“Habit is the tyrant of people.”


“It is easier to overcome bad habits today than tomorrow.”

R. Rolland

“The first duty of anyone who wants to become healthy is to cleanse the air around him.”