Part-time work and combination in the new edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part-time work: dealing with complex issues

The organization is considering candidates for the position of part-time driver. A personnel specialist knows that there are certain categories of workers who are prohibited from working part-time. I don’t want to break the law, so I need to decide whether it’s possible to work part-time as a driver? Our experts have prepared an answer to this question especially for readers of the portal.

Part-time work implies a separate employment contract

Part-time work is a situation when an employee, in his free time from his main job, works under a separate employment contract (Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If additional work is performed at the place of primary employment, then such part-time work is called internal. If an employee combines work for several employers, then this external part-time job(Part 3 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Current legislation does not impose restrictions on the number of part-time jobs. That is, in fact, the employee may have labor Relations with an unlimited number of organizations (Part 2 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Not everyone can be part-timers

  • minors (Part 5 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • state and municipal employees (Article 17 Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ, art. 14 Federal Law dated March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ);
  • military personnel, except for teaching, scientific and other activities creative activity, which does not interfere with the execution military service(clause 7 of article 10 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ);
  • guards regarding civil service and paid work in public associations (Article 12 of the Federal Law of March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1);
  • judges, lawyers, prosecutors, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities (clause 3 of article 3 of the Federal Law of June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1, clause 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 63- Federal Law, clause 5, article 4 of the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1).

In addition, current legislation imposes restrictions on part-time work for persons hired:

  • with harmful or dangerous working conditions, if their main work is harmful or dangerous (Part 5 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • related to driving vehicles or traffic control Vehicle, if they do the same thing at their main place of work (Part 1 of Article 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, List, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2008 No. 16);
  • heads of organizations.

IN last years We are increasingly faced with such concepts as combination and part-time work. The difference between these terms is invisible to most workers. In reality, the concepts differ greatly from each other in terms of design and wages. Those who are planning to increase their income should know the difference between part-time and part-time jobs.

Definition of concepts

The concept of “combined work” refers to those cases when an employee of a particular organization is involved in performing the duties of several positions during the working day. At the same time, he also manages to work in his main position.

What is the difference between a combination and a part-time job? Part-time work involves regularly performing work duties in a non-main position in free time. Part-time work can be internal or external. Concepts external and internal alignment does not exist.

Internal and external part-time work

With internal part-time work, an employee performs duties in other positions at the same enterprise. This increases working time. The search for such vacancies may take an indefinite period of time.

With external part-time work, the employee can get a job at another enterprise. He can work only in his free time from his main job. The names of additional professions, as a rule, differ greatly from the main ones.

Features of performing part-time job duties

The part-time worker is obliged to fully perform both the main and extra work. There may be two or more jobs. Labor schedule part-time job has its own characteristics. Working time is taken into account in the timesheet. If the job involves internal part-time work, an employee of the organization may be assigned an additional personnel number. Payment for labor is made according to the contract.

The working time of a part-time worker should not exceed 50% of the normal working time. That is, if a 40-hour workload per week is provided for core employees, then for part-time workers this figure will be no more than 20.

Employees of enterprises performing part-time work may be sent on business trips. With internal part-time work, there are no problems with organizing working hours. But with an external one, an employee can be sent on a business trip only when he is free from performing his main job duties. If it is not possible to reschedule a business trip, employers enter into an agreement on the procedure for performing work by the employee.

The legislative framework

The main document that regulates the performance of additional work is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Issues related to part-time work are contained in 60 (1), as well as 282-288 articles. Articles 60 (2), 151 regulate combinations. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, both in case of combination and part-time work, requires written consent of management and employees. This rule applies to internal combinations and part-time jobs of any type. Hiring procedures must be prescribed in internal documents organizations.

Registration process

Enrollment into the organization's staff occurs by order. The order is signed by the director and agreed with the human resources department and the immediate supervisor of the new employee.

How are combination and part-time jobs fundamentally different in the registration process? The difference is that when working part-time, a separate employment contract is concluded with the newly hired employee. It indicates the salary, working hours, as well as the fact of part-time work. At the request of the new employee, you can make a part-time job, which is located in the HR department at the main place of work.

If it is necessary to conclude employment contract part-time, then when combining this there is no need to do this. You only need to provide the HR department with the employee’s consent to perform additional work in writing. It is drawn up and filed with the main employment contract. No notes are made in the work book.


Additional payment for combination is regulated by additional labor agreement. This information is also contained in the combination order. In this case, an additional payment for combining an additional position is added to the employee’s basic salary without all bonuses and allowances. Often the payment is calculated as a percentage of the basic salary. If wages are piecework, then the amount of payments is calculated depending on the volume of production. A part-time employee may be paid a bonus for an additional position.

In combination, it assumes that new employee no different from others. Salary is calculated based on hours actually worked. The payment procedure is similar to that applicable to main employees. Bonuses and allowances may be awarded. However, such an employee's salary is usually less because he works less. But if the payment is based on the work done, then it may be more than for main employees.

Part-time workers may be involved in the implementation. Labor legislation mentions a norm for overtime work: no more than 4 hours over a two-day period. During the year, this time cannot exceed 120 hours. Remuneration is carried out on the basis of Article 152 Labor Code.


What is the difference between a combination and a part-time job in the question Combination assumes that the employee performs additional job responsibilities without interruption from your main activity. Therefore, the amount of vacation pay is calculated based on the main and additional earnings. Leave for both the main and additional positions must be the same.

If we talk about part-time work, then the employee has equal rights with key employees. The part-time contract involves the calculation of vacation contributions on an equal basis with all employees. For example, the main employee is entitled to 28 days of annual leave. A part-time worker also has the right to 28 calendar days. This rule applies to both maternity and study leave. Part-time leave must be granted to the employee, even if his schedule is arranged to the detriment of additional work. For example, if an employee goes on legal leave at his main place of work, but the additional one is not yet due, the employer releases the part-time worker in advance. Often, at the main place of work, the number vacation days more than extra. Then, at the additional place of work, a additional leave for the difference of these days without pay.


When combined or part-time income tax paid in general procedure, both from the main and additional wages. However the size tax deduction may be reduced if the employee has dependent minor children. You can take advantage of this benefit either at your main or additional place of work. Taxes levied on wages are transferred to:

  • To the pension fund;
  • To the social insurance fund;
  • To the health insurance fund.

Termination of employment relationship

A part-time employment contract can be terminated as follows: general principles, and at the end of its validity period, if we talk about a fixed-term agreement. By decision of the manager, the contract can be terminated unilaterally. This can happen if the staff is enlisted new employee, who will perform the duties of a part-time worker as the main ones. However, the part-time worker must be notified of this decision in writing 14 calendar days before the expected date of termination of the employment agreement.

If the work is performed under a combination contract, termination occurs on a general basis and, as a rule, after the expiration of its validity period. These jobs are temporary. An employee of an organization has the right to refuse to perform additional work duties even before the expiration of the agreement. The employer himself can exempt an employee from additional work. In this case, the employee must be notified in writing of the termination of additional duties 3 days in advance. calendar days until the agreement is terminated.

Part-time work and combination of professions

External part-time workers have the right to work at least two completely different professions. Also, part-time and combination of positions can be in the same or similar professions in terms of job responsibilities. These issues are not clearly spelled out in labor legislation, since part-time workers perform duties in agreement with management. The part-time worker is obliged to fully perform both the main and additional work. It is important to note that usually a combination within one organization can be in the same job categories. In some cases, managers allow a combination of various positions and professions.

Combination and part-time work of teaching staff and enterprise managers

Russian labor legislation does not mention the imposition of clear restrictions on part-time and part-time work for managers of enterprises and organizations.

For example, if the organization is small, CEO may also perform the work of an accountant or other staff specialist. In this case, part-time work is formalized by general rules. Payroll for performing duties for an additional position will be calculated on the basis of work performed. The amount of time is not taken into account since job duties are performed as part of a normal working day. It is necessary to provide the bank with sample signatures of both the head of the enterprise and the accountant. If these positions are shared by one person, then only one sample is required.

Teachers of educational institutions various levels also have the right to combine positions. Combination and part-time teaching staff can be issued in one or several organizations at the same time. Work can only be performed if the requirements established by labor legislation are taken into account. According to the Labor Code, a teacher can work at least 16 hours a week. If the combination occurs during the holiday period, the work is paid according to the usual scheme.

Who cannot work part-time

Carry out work on additional positions Not all categories of part-time workers can. In Russian labor legislation, the following cannot be accepted for part-time or part-time work:

  • minors;
  • police and prosecutors;
  • employees of municipal, state and government organizations;
  • employees of the intelligence service, FSO, federal field communications;
  • managers without the consent of the owner of the enterprise;
  • judges;
  • lawyers;
  • persons included in the Board of Directors of the Central Bank;
  • persons performing heavy work;
  • persons working under hazardous working conditions;
  • persons involved in work related to driving vehicles.

By agreement with management, employees may be internal part-timers, but only in the same category or industry of the organization. It is also important to take into account the fact that employees must have the necessary level of qualifications and skills.

What is beneficial for the employee?

So, we looked at what combination and part-time work are. The difference between these concepts is significant. But which type of work is more beneficial for an employee?

The process of registering a combination is simpler and faster than a part-time job and does not require collecting the main list of documents and certificates. Absent probation, since the employer already knows how the employee performs his duties. Additional and main work is performed within one working day.

For part-time jobs, a number of restrictions have been established related to positions held and working conditions. A probationary period may also be established. Part-time work can only be done in free time.

Based on the above, we can conclude that combination is more profitable. But it may seem so only at first glance. When combined, the employee almost fully performs other work. In other words, he works for two. In this case, the amount of additional payment, as a rule, does not exceed 50% official salary. In fact, the employee receives no more than half of the money that he is actually entitled to. The main advantage of part-time work is that the employee receives no more than 50% of the salary, but with all bonuses and allowances. However, his work is not so intense. When working part-time, social guarantees are also provided. Another advantage is payment sick leave. In case of part-time work, the employee receives payment for both places of work.

What are the benefits for employers?

Obviously, for employers themselves it is more profitable to register a part-time job. The salary of one employee will be less than for two employees. The combination is also beneficial, since the employer is already familiar with the employee and has an established opinion about him and his work qualities and professional skills. The manager will probably entrust the part-time worker with work that he can fully handle.

Part-time work is also beneficial, especially for those enterprises that are on the verge of bankruptcy. It is more profitable to employ part-time employees than to pay the main employees salaries during periods when there is no work at all. It is difficult to transfer core employees to short-time workers labor regime. At the same time, the employer pays much less taxes for part-time workers, which means his additional costs are reduced.

Nowadays, we increasingly hear such concepts as combination and part-time work. The difference between them is quite big, but there are also similarities. Combination and part-time work are ways to earn extra money. Part-time or part-time work should in no case be performed to the detriment of the employee’s health or his main position.

Any person who works in an organization can enter into employment contracts with other enterprises and engage in additional work activities in their free time. This is called part-time work. Basics workplace differs from an organization where a worker works on a part-time basis, in that this enterprise stores and maintains the employee’s work book. Since the work book is very important document, many personnel officers are interested in the question of whether it is necessary to make an entry in the work book about part-time work, and what documents are needed for this. Moreover, a person can work part-time either at the place of his main job (internal part-time job) or in another company (external part-time job).

Features of working part-time

If a person gets a part-time job at his main place of work, he should be aware that his employer cannot demand that he present any documents. This is explained by the fact that on this enterprise and so there is everything that contains the necessary information about the employee.

Choosing Additional income in another organization, an employee can independently choose whether to provide his work book to the new management or not. Making this decision is the legal right of any working citizen of the Russian Federation, and not his responsibility. If the organization where a person gets a part-time job requires a work book, he can turn to a lawyer to protect his rights.

Work record and part-time work

A work book is a document that contains all the information about labor activity employee. Relevant records of admission/dismissal/transfer are made in the personnel department at the main place of work.

Article No. 66 of the Russian Labor Code states that a record of the fact that a person is hired for part-time work is not mandatory. However, the employee himself can decide whether to include part-time work in the work book or not. A mark on part-time work is made only at the main workplace. The basis for it is a document that confirms additional work activity.

The only caveat is that the legislation does not provide information on whether the employee’s desire to make an entry about part-time work in his work book must be expressed in writing or whether an oral statement will suffice. One way or another, lawyers advise writing a written statement indicating the corresponding request to the manager.

Why do you need a part-time record?

It will be beneficial for any employee to insist that an entry be made in the work book about part-time work. This is justified by the fact that with its help, during subsequent employment, he will be able to prove his experience in a certain position. Despite this, there are times when such recording is undesirable. In particular, this applies to those cases where management at the main workplace is categorically against their employee having additional income.

The absence of a record of part-time employment is not a violation of the rules of the Labor Code. However, labor relations between a manager and a part-time employee appear only after the signing of a cooperation agreement, which is considered a mandatory document, regardless of the type of work.

Making a record of external/internal part-time work

After answering the question about whether information about part-time work is entered into the work book, it is necessary to talk in detail about the rules for registering the corresponding note in the work book. When carrying out additional work activities, the employee is obliged to provide a certificate to his main workplace, which is the basis for making a record of part-time work. IN this document must be indicated:

  • Business name, structural unit,
  • title of the position held,
  • employment date,
  • organization details.

In addition to the certificate, management from the part-time workplace will issue a copy of the employment order, which must be certified in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. On this paper the inscription “Copy is correct” is written, a stamp, position, full name and signature of the personnel officer are placed.

An application for making a record of part-time work is drawn up in free form and a copy of the certificate and order from the additional place of work is attached to it. The original certified copy of the order and certificate is stored in the employee’s personal card at the main place of work or is inserted into the work book.

In addition, it is necessary to consider the procedure for making an entry about internal part-time work and find out whether an entry about part-time work in the same structural unit is made in the work book. Since the entry on part-time work is the personal desire of the worker, work activity in any position (including in the same structural unit of the organization that is the main workplace) can be indicated in the work book. To do this, the employee must draw up an application addressed to the manager (in free form), and then the employer issues a corresponding order, on the basis of which the necessary entry is made in the personnel department. At the same time, the manager must be aware that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a unified form of such an order, and therefore it can be drawn up in any form.

The entry itself, which indicates the fact of part-time employment with one employer and is entered in the work book, is drawn up in the same way as a mark on employment. It should be written in the section with information about the work, indicating the serial number, date, name of the structural unit, organization and profession of the employee.

Making a record of part-time employment after dismissal

Lawyers are often asked whether it is possible to make an entry about part-time work in the work book after dismissal from the main workplace. Since information about additional work will never be superfluous, the employee can, if he wishes, go to former leader and ask him to make a note that at the time of his employment at his main place of work, he worked part-time in another organization. To do this, you will need to have a certificate of part-time work (taken from the place of work as a part-time worker). You should visit the HR department with this document former place work, where his employee will make the necessary entry.

An employee of one company/enterprise can work at a second job before work, after work, or on his day off, and do this regularly and officially, with a contract drawn up and the corresponding receipt of wages and all payments due. This form of work is called external part-time work - if the employee works at different enterprises, and internal part-time work - if at the same one.

Moreover, it is quite officially possible to work not only two, but also three or more jobs. For example, on the main one - full time, on the second - 0.5, on the third - 0.25. Internal and external part-time work is common in both public and private structures. And although the latter sometimes have more choices, the basic provisions remain the same for everyone.

Registration of a part-time worker

According to the law, a person working in this way can and should be officially registered. They submit a standard package of documents to the HR department: passport, identification code, etc. It is impossible to provide the original employment document, since it is located at the main place of work, but the person has the right to demand, and the HR department to issue a certified extract.

  • an application from the candidate for employment is submitted, with the relevant documents attached;
  • an employment contract is drawn up at the enterprise;
  • the head of the enterprise issues an order about Even if there is no order as such, the contract is considered concluded from the moment the employee begins to perform his duties.

In the HR and accounting department, a personal card is created for the employee and a personnel number is assigned.

Part-time agreement

The agreement is drawn up, as a rule, on the basis of a standard establishment agreement. And it must include the following information:

  • date of compilation, name, details of the employee and employer and their signatures;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • payment order;
  • provisions regarding working time and rest;
  • information about the possibility and procedure for terminating the contract;
  • validity period of the document.

The last point is quite important. The contract can be of two types - fixed-term and indefinite. In the first case, it is valid until certain period, after which it may be terminated permanently or extended further. In the second, it is valid until one of those who signed it decides to terminate the external part-time job. An entry in the work book is made at the main place of work (at the employee’s request).

Probation period and procedure for its appointment

The decision to assign a probationary period is made by the manager. If the position for which an employee is hired requires a testing period, then he can be appointed.

Also, a probationary period can be assigned by the manager if he considers it necessary (although the position may not require it). In any case, this must be reflected in the employment contract.

Working hours and wages

A part-time worker should not work more than four hours a day. Full-time work (but no longer) is permitted only if the main place of work is this moment day off or vacation. However, these norms apply only to employees of private companies; there are no such strict acts. However, a person should not work more than 40 hours a week.

In general, it is advisable to take into account the time worked and maintain compliance - part-time work should not take up more than half of the time spent on the main job.

The wages of such an employee are set by the manager, who may be based on indicators such as the number of hours worked, sales figures, volume of work performed, etc. The allowances due to the main employees in such a position must also be taken into account. The methodology for calculating wages can also be reflected in all details in the contract.

In addition, there is a provision according to which external part-time work must be paid in accordance with the established minimum. If, after calculation, the salary is less, the law provides for additional payments.

Full time job

In terms of hours worked, an external part-time worker cannot legally work full-time at both jobs. However, full-time wages are entirely possible.

The amount of wages is set by the employer, and he can assign external part-time worker the same pay that key employees in that position receive. All these nuances must be present in the contract.

Operating mode

The legislation regulates not only the duration of a part-time job, but also the conditions. If the main job is harmful to health, then the employer does not have the right to take the employee to a second job, also with harmful conditions. If external part-time work involves difficult or harmful conditions, the employee should be provided with a certificate from the first workplace stating that he does not perform such work there.

The same applies to employees managing traffic flows and drivers.

Maternity, educational and planned leave

External part-time workers have the right to annual leave length not less than the period established by the state, as well as for compensation in the event that the vacation was not used. There must be information regarding the procedure for provision, and its time is indicated in the company’s vacation schedule

In addition, the Labor Code states that leave must be granted at the same time at the main and additional places of work. Its duration should also be the same. Since external part-time work can be arranged without the knowledge of the main employer, responsibility for compliance of this rule lies with the employee. It is advisable for him to notify both employers in advance and agree on dates.

If the employee worked at his second job for less than six months, the company must provide him with leave in advance. In the case when a person has more free days at his main place of work, the part-time worker can take additional days at his own expense at the second place of work.

In addition, an employee can take leave in the following cases:

  • if he worked abnormally;
  • if you performed work of a special nature;
  • if he has sufficient experience;
  • as an incentive from the employer.

External part-time work provides the right to maternity and educational leave. The first one is provided for the same period at both the main and additional places of work. If an employee has worked at both companies for the last two years, she can receive maternity benefits in both. Sick leave is submitted to both places.

Child care assistance, however, is allowed by law to be paid only for one place of work, and the expectant mother is allowed to choose where exactly.

As for study leave, according to the law, it is granted on the basis of documents from the educational institution at the main workplace. Student benefits are also only available there. The laws regulating external part-time work do not provide for them for part-time workers.

At this time, the employee can either take leave at his own expense or continue to perform his duties - this will not be considered a violation, since the work is performed in his free time part-time.

Sickness benefit

Sick leave for external part-time work is provided for by law, but only if the employee has worked for at least two years. More precisely, such length of service gives the right to payment. If it is not there, then sick leave is paid for only one place of work.

Marks in the work book

As already mentioned, a person does not need to inform management that he has decided to take a second job and arrange an external part-time job. In this case, an entry in the work book will appear only if the employee wishes, on the basis of a document confirming the fact of work. The absence of such a record is not a violation.

Additional responsibilities and positions

Combination and part-time work are two quite similar, but with specific differences concepts. If during part-time work the second job is performed in free time from the first, then when combining positions or professions - during the main work, in parallel, without exemption from it. Carrying out the duties of another employee during his absence also applies here. The law does not limit the number of positions and work that one employee can perform.

Who can hold multiple positions

Previously, it limited the range of specialists who were allowed to combine positions. However, in 2009 this changed. Now, according to the rules, combination is possible for any person, subject to his consent (there is a serious difference here from the conditions that part-time work imposes on people: formalizing cooperation at two or more enterprises is not permitted for police officers, some scientists and some other categories of citizens ).

The only restriction concerns the heads of an organization or institution - people occupying such positions cannot simultaneously perform supervisory functions, for example, be auditors.


For registration, it is necessary that the desired position is present in the staffing table of the enterprise. Supervisor government agency has the right to independently approve staffing table. The consent of the body performing the functions of the founder is not required for this. Moreover, you can combine both a position for which a full rate is provided, and a position with 0.75 or 0.25 rate.

The scope and duration of duties are determined by the employer with the written consent of the employee. In practice, this is formalized by an order drawn up in free form, which includes the deadline, the scope of new responsibilities, and the amount of additional payment. The employee must give his consent in writing, for example, by writing “I do not object” on the order and putting his signature.

There is no legal restriction regarding the time during which an employee can perform part-time work. Both the employee and the employer can terminate part-time work early - this should be notified in writing and no later than three working days in advance.


The legislation does not regulate the minimum or maximum amount of monetary remuneration, therefore the amount of additional payments is established by agreement of the parties. On state enterprises the amount is determined in relation to the salary for the main position. For example, plus 55% of the salary, 0.25 of the salary, etc. However, although combination and part-time work are quite well provided for by law, there are no clear and ambiguous calculation schemes for private companies. Here, how much a person will ultimately receive depends largely on the decision of the manager.

Thus, an employee who combines professions or positions must have additional payments. However, they are not required if the employee is doing additional work. In this case, a bonus is possible if it is provided for in the regulations on incentive payments adopted in this particular institution.

Looking for additional source income, a decision may be made to take a second job. The official conclusion of a part-time contract will allow you to receive the guarantees provided for by labor law. This type of employee registration is beneficial to employers in cases where part-time employment is expected. Like regular employment relationships, part-time work has its own characteristics. Knowledge important points Such work will help to correctly draw up the contract and fully use the rights provided by law. The article gives actual information regarding this type of employment and lists cases in which part-time work is not permitted.

Basic information about part-time jobs

Part-time work means that an employee performs other paid work in his free time. The conclusion of an employment contract is mandatory. It is assumed that the employee will work in another specialty on a regular basis and receive payment for this. The main provisions on this type of employment are contained in Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code). Part-time work (employment in another organization) and internal (additional employment at the place of main work).

When choosing this type of work, employees can claim all the basic guarantees and compensations provided by labor law. For some categories (for example, doctors, cultural workers, pharmacists) additional conditions labor. Medical workers Quite often they combine the functions they perform. But far away. In Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 41, paragraph two provides a list of what does not belong to this type:

  • medical examination, which involves a one-time payment;
  • doing work without class full-time position in the same or another organization (this also includes duty on a schedule exceeding working hours);
  • provision of consultations by highly qualified specialists, the volume of which does not exceed 300 hours per year.

In addition, medical and pharmaceutical workers have their own part-time working hours. It is also indicated in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 41 in subparagraph “b” of paragraph one.

Pregnant women who are employed by several employers have the right to receive maternity benefits for each place of work. External part-time work is considered to be in this case full activity. Future mother may qualify for “maternity” payments in full under each official employment contract. Thus, according to Law No. 255-FZ (Article 11, paragraph 2), pregnant women can count on the maximum amount of payments for both their main and additional places of work.

Persons who hold leadership positions in organizations may perform part-time paid work only with the consent of the authorized person legal entity(body) or owner of the company. Earlier, before the decision was made Supreme Court dated December 14, 2000 No. GKPI2000-1293, part-time work was prohibited. According to Article 276 of the Labor Code, a manager who holds senior positions in several organizations should not be a member of the bodies that exercise control and supervision in a given company.

For whom is part-time work prohibited?

Despite the widespread use of this type of employment, the law establishes some restrictions. They are used to indicate who is and is not authorized to perform such work. A list of persons for whom part-time work is not permitted has been established. These include:

Documents required for registration

Article 283 of the Labor Code contains a list of documents required for employment. This documentation contains all personal information that may be requested by the employer. To apply you need to submit:

  • identification document (passport or any other);
  • document confirming education (diplomas, certificates or their certified copies);
  • documents confirming qualifications, level vocational training(or certified copies thereof);
  • documents depending on specific position, for which the applicant is applying (if the work will take place in difficult or hazardous conditions, you will need a certificate from the main place of work about the nature and conditions of work)

In addition to those listed above, you may need:

  • for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription - military registration documents;
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance.

Do not forget about Article 65 of the Labor Code, which states that it is prohibited to demand documents that are not contained in laws and regulations (codes, regulations, decrees). The employer does not have the right to request documents not required by law.

Conclusion of an employment contract

When applying for a part-time job, presentation work book not required. At the request of the employee, information about the place of main activity can be entered into it. A part-time contract is concluded in accordance with the general procedure. It must be drawn up in two copies and signed by the parties. The employment contract must include a note that the job is a part-time job. Each party takes one copy.

If part-time work is expected at the place of main work, then it is possible to conclude fixed-term contract. The initiator of such an agreement can be either an employee or an employer. Article 57 of the Labor Code contains a list of information that is mandatory must be specified in the contract. These include:

  • information about the employee and employer (full name, name);
  • information about employer and employee identification documents;
  • date and place of conclusion of the contract;
  • labor function (position);
  • compensation;
  • operating mode;
  • conditions of rest, vacation, etc.

A contract concluded for an indefinite period with a part-time person can be terminated if a full-time employee is hired for the position held. The manager is obliged to notify the part-time employee of this in writing two weeks in advance.

Article 284 establishes the duration of working hours. As stated in the law, it cannot exceed four hours a day. This restriction does not apply if the employee is not employed at his main place of work (temporarily suspended - Article 73, part one or four of the Labor Code; suspended work - Article 142, part two of the Labor Code). On days when an employee is free from performing duties at his main job, he can work part-time full time. When recalculated to the total number of hours, part-time work should not exceed half the time spent on the main job, for reporting period(month, six months, etc.).

Salary and vacation

The main document that determines the procedure and amount of salary is the employment contract. It specifies the indicators on which the calculation will be made. These may be hours worked, volume completed, or other specified conditions. If there are any allowances or coefficients for wages, they are also taken into account for part-time workers. Part-time employees are subject to the same rules labor law, as for ordinary workers.

Part-time workers are expected to be granted leave. As a rule, it is issued at the same time as vacation from the main job. If an employee holds a position for less than six months, leave is granted in advance. If the annual paid leave at the main job is greater than at the combined job, then an extension of the leave is provided without the possibility of saving wages.

Part-time work is one way to increase your income. For employers, it is an opportunity to reduce their tax burden. Additional employment within the limits established by law helps the employee to realize himself in his or her related fields. A part-time contract can be concluded either with the current employer or with a new one. However, their number is not limited. An employee has the right to combine several jobs subject to compliance with the requirements established by law.