Flowers matching your zodiac sign. Flower horoscope by month

Distributing indoor plants according to zodiac signs will help everyone find those flowers that will really bring good luck and help fulfill their desires.

In the article:

If your goal is to decorate your home, you can choose almost any plant that will best fit into the interior. But for special, magical purposes it is worth choosing houseplants according to the signs of the Zodiac.

Such plants enhance positive features character inherent in a person born under a specific sign reduces and softens the manifestations of their negative qualities. Most often, they even correspond to the tastes and preferences of people who choose indoor flowers according to their horoscope. In addition, if you know the properties of flowers and trees, you can easily choose those that are suitable for magical work. This could be assistance in fulfilling a desire, creating family comfort or in a relationship.

Indoor flowers by zodiac sign - Aries

Aries is fire, and plants that have flowers of hot, red tones correspond to it. Patron - Mars, who loves thorny plants. Those born under this sign like to stand out among people and be the first in everything, so their home tree according to their zodiac sign should be tall, or at least have a lush crown:

  • ehmeya;
  • indoor pomegranate;
  • red and pink geranium;
  • coleus;
  • red and pink azalea;
  • begonia;
  • spurge;
  • chlorophytum;
  • guzmania.

These plants are intended to help achieve goals, get rid of indecision, and concentrate attention. Well suited for all men, single people and those who are seriously involved in sports.

Home flower according to zodiac sign - Taurus

Low plants with aesthetic inflorescences are suitable for Taurus. Even the symbolic image of this sign tends to the earth. Small growth For him, flowers are due to their economy. And the beautiful inflorescences are caused by the influence of the planet Venus:

  • Uzumbara violet;
  • begonia;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • cyclamen;
  • primrose;
  • hydrangea;
  • pelliomia.

This sign is characterized by physical strength, endurance and survival. Therefore, using these house plants is necessary for these qualities. These flowers stand out and money talismans, since Taurus are always famous for stability and wealth.

Plants and the Zodiac sign Gemini

Since Gemini has always been associated with something light and airy, all climbing, creeping species are considered their plants. Patronizes this sign Mercury- air planet. The leaves of plants for Gemini are usually narrow or small, collected in lush crowns. The ideal varieties are those that do not require abundant watering or soil:

  • asparagus;
  • all types of ivy;
  • Canarian date and other pinnate palms;
  • fern;
  • coconut;
  • tradescantia;
  • homemade ginseng;
  • purpurea setcreasia;
  • cyanotis;
  • chlorophytum.

Gemini is a sign of good relationships, so relevant plants Suitable as talismans for anyone who wants to make new friends and maintain good relationships with them.

Home flowers by zodiac sign - Cancer

The element of Cancer is water, so home flowers, suitable for people of this sign, have thick stems, fleshy leaves and are highly saturated with moisture. It is associated with home and family and flowers, accordingly, grow in groups:

  • aglaonema;
  • begonia;
  • Venus flytrap;
  • philodendron;
  • fuchsia;
  • peperomia;
  • agave;
  • pachyphytum;
  • sedum;
  • indoor agave;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • Echeveria;
  • gasteria;
  • Haworthia.

Cancer corresponds to peace in the family, home environment, family ties. If you want to purchase an amulet that will protect your family from scandals, choose Cancer’s home flowers.

Indoor plants according to zodiac signs - Leo

Leo plants tend to bloom well and smell nice. The king of animals is used to choosing the best for himself, and the green corner of his home is no exception. Planet Leo - Sun, and plants that correspond to it need good lighting:

  • Akalifa;
  • amaranth;
  • aphelandra;
  • calla;
  • camellia;
  • touch-me-not;
  • calceolaria;
  • gardenia;
  • mimosa;
  • geranium;
  • rose.

Creativity and love are what the amulet plant of the Leo sign can give. It is necessary for those who are looking for their true love, trying to preserve and hold it, for all representatives of the creative profession.

Virgo indoor flowers

Virgo is an earth sign, but it is under the influence of air Mercury. Virgo plants are distinguished by a flexible trunk and light, like aerial roots. Their list also includes climbing varieties. The practicality of people born in September is known to many, so among Virgo’s indoor flowers there are also fruit species:

  • aucuba;
  • fatsia;
  • monstera;
  • philodendron;
  • damn ivy;
  • birch;
  • syngonium;
  • cissus;
  • dracaena.

The practicality of this sign makes all these flowers useful for humans. But their main meaning is health. If you need a talisman in a tub, then choose these. They will give you wellness, the ability to think soberly in any circumstances and easily develop your mind.

Indoor flower according to the zodiac sign for Libra

Libra is influenced by two planets at once - Saturn And Venus. The first gave Libra flowers strong stems and an upright position. Venus influenced the attractiveness of flowers, fruits and leaves:

  • Achimenes;
  • white azalea;
  • a pineapple;
  • Decembrist;
  • Bell pepper;
  • celosia;
  • cestrum;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • cross;
  • croton;
  • crossandra;
  • kufeya;
  • fatsia;
  • heliotrope;
  • Chinese rose;
  • hydrangea;
  • lily.

These varieties have a positive effect on the formation of a refined taste. They are needed if you want to achieve harmony in your home and office, and at the same time emphasize your taste and ability to combine interior items and clothing.

Plants and Zodiac Signs - Scorpio

Like Scorpio himself, his plants look attractive. But they often turn out to be poisonous or smell too rich. Scorpio plants have thorns or thorns and are saturated with moisture. Those subspecies that feed on insects also include:

  • cacti;
  • dope;
  • dragon tree;
  • ginura;
  • oleander;
  • slipway;
  • aloe;
  • faucaria;
  • mountain grate

These types are necessary for those who want to achieve the development of clairvoyance abilities, simply to develop their intuition. If you are interested in the other world and magical practice, get Scorpio flowers.

Home flowers by zodiac sign - Sagittarius

Sagittarius always strives for new worlds, places on the planet, travel and impressions. Its flowers stretch upward and have inflorescences. Lovers of thought and philosophy are born under this sign, so bonsai are also considered suitable, as are sour citrus fruits, which correspond to Jupiter:

  • homemade grapes;
  • Sheflera;
  • mother-in-law's tongue;
  • palm trees of many varieties;
  • Lachenalia;
  • hemanthus;
  • ficus;
  • eucharis;
  • crinum;
  • clivia;
  • citrus;
  • bonsai.

Sagittarius home flowers convey to their owners all the qualities useful to travelers. They develop an interest in travel and the culture of other peoples.

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Indoor plants according to zodiac signs - Capricorn

Capricorn is an earth sign. He is controlled Saturn, which gives stability of character and a straight, strong trunk of plants. Mars endowed them with thorns and thorns. Capricorn is in no hurry, and its flowers grow slowly:

  • dracaena;
  • coniferous varieties;
  • yucca;
  • ficus;
  • laurel;
  • live rocks;
  • palm trees;
  • Crassula.

Capricorn is a lover of restrictions, even an ascetic. He is capable of depriving himself of something in order to achieve a goal. Therefore, these home plants are indicated for those who are losing weight, quitting smoking, and breaking up with others. bad habits and those who are experiencing unhappy love.

Indoor flowers - Aquarius

Prayer plant

Poppy March 1−10

Be careful, there is a dangerous moment: it is absolutely impossible to resist the charm of the young lady Mac, but you should not entrust your own destiny to her - at least not right away. Because Mac is usually all so mysterious and contradictory - she doesn’t know what she wants, and doesn’t strive to find out: it won’t be interesting either!

Lily March 11−20

A mysterious nature, capable of bewitching anyone with one or two casually thrown phrases. Lilia's true thoughts and feelings remain a mystery even to those closest to her, and all they can do is speculate and draw conclusions, usually false ones. Which amuses Lilia extraordinarily, if you know what we mean.


Foxglove March 21−31

Athlete, Komsomol member and simply beautiful. A determined and uncompromising young lady who would be an excellent leader if she did not take on too much responsibility for those she leads. But without this ballast, Foxglove flies up at supersonic speed, simultaneously sweeping away any life troubles with a slight movement of the hand.

Magnolia April 1−10

An unusually spectacular young lady who needs the attention of others like air. From the outside it seems very frivolous; a series of short novels and endless parties strengthen those around her in this opinion. While Magnolia, like an eminence grise, imperceptibly imposes her own will on those around her.

Hydrangea April 11−20

From the outside it seems that Hortense is a real extrovert. “Let's have a party!” - this is her motto in life. But all these people who constantly revolve around Hortensia in no way disturb her inner loneliness. Which suits her quite well: Hortense likes to think good things about people, but she doesn’t like being disappointed at all. Therefore, she only allows a select few to come close. Well, or no one.

Dahlia April 21−30

The Dahlia young lady seems contradictory to many, and even hypocritical to some, but in fact she is simply a multifaceted nature. At the same time, she is crystal honest and very modest, by the way. Well, it’s not her fault that the kingdom is small and there’s nowhere to turn around, it’s not her fault.

Lily of the valley May 1−10

A visionary and dreamer who prefers to spend most life in Inner Mongolia, inhabited by tame rabbits and unicorns. Behind real life prefers to observe from afar, but not participate. What for? They will come themselves and give everything themselves. And, interestingly, they come and give.

Purslane May 11−20

A pessimist with an explosive character: she constantly expects some kind of trick from life, so she prefers to strike for defeat in advance - rather, before it starts! Thus, nothing usually begins, because Purslane has all his moves written down, and in any situation there is not only a plan “B”, but also a plan “C”, a plan “D”, and all the other letters.

Chamomile May 21−31

Holy Simplicity: a charming, simple-minded and unusually sweet young lady, slightly absent-minded, unpunctual and very naive. Allegedly. In fact, she is a quiet pool, inhabited by devils with halos: Romashka only pretends to be holy in simplicity, but not in order to harm anyone, but out of love for art.

Summer flowers

Bell June 1−10

A very conservative young lady: she hates any changes and is not at all eager to learn and try anything new. He tries to choose his home, business and loved one once and for all. And then, with incredible inspiration and enviable tenacity, he begins to improve it all and bring it to an unattainable ideal. And she succeeds, which is interesting.

Daisy June 11−21

A friendly and serene shy woman who wouldn’t hurt a fly, and who also knows how to see something good in everyone. Very responsive and kind, and overall a cute cat. So sweet that scoundrels of all stripes try to stay away from her: she poisons their atmosphere with her goodness.

Tulip June 22 - July 1

A fantastically lucky young lady: she never denies herself anything, but at the same time manages to deftly avoid any blows of fate. He never gets tired of extreme sports, and therefore starts a family late, but always successfully. Tulip's children live serenely until they become parents themselves: Granny Tulip is able to take her grandchildren for a weekend and go with them around the world. So what?!

Water lily July 2−12

Water Lily has an easy-going character: she is confident that everything will be fine, does not worry about failures and does not carry the burden of disappointments with her throughout life. At the same time, she is also selfless, which is why those around her love to use Water Lily as a vest, capable of absorbing a bottomless sea of ​​tears. Which, however, doesn’t bother her at all, because Water Lily sincerely loves people. She's just a saint, that's what.

Violet July 13−23

Harmonious personality: firm in her convictions, but not aggressive; friendly, but not overly trusting; talented, but not prone to creative crises; demanding, but not boring; honest and principled, but she won’t broadcast from an armored car. In general, the pioneer is an example to all the guys.

Rosehip July 24-August 2

Stubborn, uncompromising and aggressive thorn - externally. Inside there is a sensitive and vulnerable flower. All she needs is peace and freedom, and no one touches her cookies. Then the rosehip becomes tender, caring and even flexible.

Sunflower August 3−12

A bulletproof flower that can grow not only through asphalt, but also through a titanium plate. Will find its place in the sun under any conditions and will not get lost vitality in any situation. The main thing is that those around her value her. I mean, they praised me.

Rose August 13−23

Queen of flowers. She is confident in her own uniqueness and that others should treat her with due respect. Rosa indeed has many advantages, but she strives to exaggerate them. Well, just in case. I would be completely unbearable if I didn’t know how to be sincerely grateful. She can. And in such a way that everyone around is trying to do her a favor: they will be credited with incredibly generous interest.

Delphinium August 24-September 2

She is unusually demanding of those around her and lenient with herself, her beloved: she sincerely suffers, observing the imperfections of this world, while not paying attention to her own shortcomings, because it will do anyway, just think. On the other hand, Delphinium has only one really serious drawback - laziness. And at the moment when she is not too lazy to do something, she moves mountains with her left hand, because she is very smart and talented. Due to which, by the way, she manages to masterfully imitate vigorous activity when she is again lazy to do something.

Autumn flowers

Carnation September 3−11

Truth teller and fighter for justice. She is not shy about saying what she thinks to her face and is not afraid to seem harsh. The problem is that Gvozdika always thinks the same thing, because she measures those around her by her own standards. The fact that all people are different does not fit into her, in general, bright head. Fortunately, Carnation usually finds a person who completely and completely shares her life values, and stops doing good and benefiting others.

Astra September 12−22

A bright and charismatic personality with an amazing sense of humor. Even 5 minutes of communication with Astra will charge anyone vital energy a week in advance. Astra is happy to share her excess vitality with others, because she, in fact, has nothing to spend this excess on: in her life there are no unnecessary things, unnecessary things to do and unnecessary people. She gets rid of life's garbage easily and without regrets.

Heather September 23-October 3

Walking encyclopedia. She is very smart and erudite, but at the same time she is terrified of losing control over herself and disrupting her ideal life order. At the same time, Veresk is prone to reflection, so she usually directs her destructive passion for total control in a safe direction: to work, for example. Thank you for not being on others.

Camellia October 4−13

A brave heart, a rich imagination, a passion for adventure and incredible artistry - this explosive cocktail could bring Camellia into trouble if she did not know how to correctly calculate her strength. But, fortunately, she can. That's why everyone envy her: it seems to those around her that the blessings of life fall into her hands, in a beautiful wrapper. Which, of course, is not true. The blessings may fall, but Camellia brings beauty itself. This is actually her favorite activity, by the way.

Lilac October 14−23

An amorous and flighty young lady who changes admirers like gloves. Some people think that Lilac is infantile - she looks at life through the eyes of a child and expects from her only an endless holiday with cotton candy and carousels. In fact, Lilac simply knows how not to attach any importance to life’s troubles. Just think! Tomorrow, a truck with gingerbread will still overturn on her street!

Freesia October 24-November 2

Freesia is a virtuoso manipulator and puppeteer. Someone else's will for her is plasticine, from which she molds what her darling wants. And she usually wants to win and be on top in any situation. It’s useless to fight Freesia - she’ll bite off her head and won’t ask for her last name. Loving Freesia is difficult: her true feelings are a sealed secret. It is unbearable to be friends with her, because Freesia believes that there are two opinions: hers and the wrong one. It is best to become the object of her love: then you will have a sky of diamonds and other goodies.

Orchid November 3−12

A young lady with mystical thinking: she sees signs, lessons of fate and magical omens in everything. At the same time, interestingly, he almost never makes mistakes. Perhaps because he does not recognize any authorities and always acts in his own way, focusing on common sense and logic. But he never forgets to let in the mystical fog.

Peony November 13−22

A wonderful friend, faithful and honest, ready to give her all and risk herself for the sake of friendship. At the same time, she has a countless number of friends, and she sincerely loves everyone. This is the secret of Peony's success in life: as soon as she has problems, the army of her best friends immediately enters the battle, saves Peony from the captivity of fate and returns her home with honors.

Gladiolus November 23-December 2

Hardworking, assiduous and persistent. Excellent qualities that Gladiolus cannot use without the sensitive guidance of an older comrade. Not because she’s lazy, but because she’s scared: something might happen, huh? And usually something does work out, because Gladiolus does not know how to learn from his own mistakes and constantly steps on the same rake. Why? Well, because Gladiolus.

Dandelion December 3−12

“I like to have fun, especially food!” - that's her motto. Gray everyday life kills Dandelion, so she tries to brighten it up with delicious food, as well as unconventional actions and funny jokes. The consequences of which are unpredictable. However, this does not upset Dandelion at all: she sincerely admits that she arranged all this for herself, and just as cheerfully and joyfully deals with the consequences. Easy nature!

Lotus December 13−22

A noble and sincere young lady with the strictest moral principles. It is absolutely impossible to persuade her to do vile acts. Moreover, what Lotus does not allow himself, Lotus will not forgive others. And it would be better to be alone than with just anyone. An impeccable young lady, sheer perfection.

Edelweiss December 23−31

Freedom-loving and generous optimist. She cannot stand routine and boredom; the monotonous course of life kills her. At the same time, frivolity is in no way characteristic of her: she is smart, rational and prone to careful planning. Well, that is, she plans her life so that the routine takes up the tiniest and most inconspicuous part. Talent!

Winter flowers

Gentian January 1−10

Introvert and altruist. That is, Gentian is unusually kind, but she still prefers to love people from a distance, so that they don’t get into their soul: they will leave dirty shoes there and won’t say thank you. Therefore, Gentian prefers to live in such a way that gratitude for good deeds is sent to her by e-mail, or, even better, she is given likes. Otherwise she gets very embarrassed.

Thistle January 11−20

An explosive person, prone to outbursts of anger, but righteous anger: Thistle has an excellent understanding of people and their actions. At the same time, she is very quick-witted and always tries to balance evil with good. Well, she’s just temperamental, what can you do about it.

Immortelle January 21−31

Immortelle’s favorite pastime is helping other people, and completely free of charge, that is, for nothing. Which does not mean that the immortelle does not know how to think about himself. On the contrary, it is Immortelle who is the main fashionista in any company. Which, alas, makes some people envy her, but that doesn’t bother her: Immortelle knows how to truly ignore envious people, and not just pretend that she doesn’t care.

Mistletoe February 1−10

Mistletoe will never remain without the attention of the opposite sex, and this is simply wonderful. Because she needs such attention like air. At the same time, Mistletoe cannot stand competition on the personal front and is ready to do anything to destroy her competitor. True, few can compete with her in terms of attractiveness, so there is nothing to worry about.

Belladonna 11−20 February

Under this cute name hides a very cute, but deadly poisonous plant- belladonna. Actually, that’s all you need to know about Belladonna: she’s very attractive, but it’s not so easy to get close to her if for some reason she doesn’t want it. At the same time, Beauty is not characterized by delicacy; she always directly says what she thinks. And if she thinks she doesn't like you, leave her alone as quickly as possible. Otherwise it will be worse.

Mimosa February 21−28/29

Mimosa is truly incredibly gentle - any careless movement can cause her severe mental pain. She cannot stand loneliness and suffers greatly if there is no one to take her in her arms. At the same time, Mimosa cannot be broken by truly serious shocks: she instantly grasps the essence of events and makes decisions with lightning speed. Always faithful, that's what's amazing.

Flowers, herbs, plants and trees are ruled by the zodiac signs. For representatives of each sign there are flowers and plants that bring good luck and love in accordance with zodiac influence.

Knowing these astrological patterns will come in handy if you want to give flowers as a sign of love and respect.

If you love indoor flowers, give preference to those that match your zodiac sign; they will help create an atmosphere of harmony and well-being in your home.


The sign Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Flowers and plants, bringers of good luck Aries: honeysuckle, cactus, red roses, poppy, tulip, red pepper, amaryllis, all red flowers.

Gentian - attracts money and love

Hawthorn - for healing and protection

Snapdragon - for love

Orchid - protects from enemies and helps to seduce the person you like

Aries is a sign of Fire; flowers and plants that belong to the element of Fire bring good luck to representatives of this sign: linden, calendula, orange, mint, rosemary, sunflower, rowan, yucca.


Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: rose, poppy, foxglove, lavender, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet pea, flowers of all fruit trees.

Violet - attracts money

Apple tree flowers - for love and a successful marriage

Cherry flowers - for love and a successful marriage

Geranium - for health

Hyacinth - for health and happiness

Taurus is an Earth sign. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the elements of the Earth are good for this sign: buckwheat, cotton, fern, honeysuckle, oleander, tulip, verbena, wheat.


The sign Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: lavender, cherry blossoms, ranunculus, coriander, acacia, mimosa, daffodil, lily, cactus.

Clover - for health and well-being

Schisandra - for health and protection

Fern - for endurance and physical strength

Gemini is an Air sign. This sign is suitable for flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air: borage, hazel. palm, sage.


The zodiac sign Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this sign: all white flowers, especially roses, chamomile, cornflower, fern, passionflower, hydrangea, iris.

Melissa - for health and happiness

Rose - for love and fidelity

Gardenia - for love and a successful marriage

Lily - for love

Lotus - for peace, emotional balance and spiritual development

Cancer is a sign of Water. Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable for plants and flowers that are governed by the element of Water: sea buckthorn, lilac, peach flowers, poppy.

a lion

The zodiac sign Leo is ruled by the Sun. Flowers and plants of good luck for this zodiac sign: marigolds, sunflowers, gerberas, dahlias.

Carnation - for love and marriage

Heliotrope - for fame and influence

Juniper - for health and protection

Linden flowers - for self-control

Willow - for healing and peace

Leo is a sign of Fire. For representatives of this sign, flowers and plants of the element of Fire are favorable, the same as for Aries. In addition, the sign Leo corresponds to: olives, pineapples, rosemary, rue, saffron.


The sign Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Flowers and plants for good luck for representatives of this zodiac sign: ranunculus, aconite, St. John's wort, chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, violet, ivy, thistle flowers.

Orange flowers - for love and wealth

Lavender - for peace and health

Lemongrass - for health and protection

Mulberry - for protection and happiness

Virgo is an Earth sign. For representatives of this sign, plants and flowers related to the elements of the Earth are favorable: barley, fern, horsetail, magnolia, patchouli, peas and primrose.


The zodiac sign Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Flowers and plants for good luck for this sign: bell, rose, orchid, gardenia, tea rose, tuberose, gladiolus.

Iris - for wealth and career

Heather - for love

Lilac - for love

Pear flowers - for health and protection

Violet - for wealth and fame

Libra is an Air sign. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air bring good luck to Libra: clover, dandelion, lemongrass, marjoram, mistletoe, papyrus, pine, elm, anise.


The zodiac sign Scorpio is ruled by the planets Pluto and Mars. Flowers and plants that attract good luck to representatives of this zodiac sign: orchid, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, peony, cactus, all dark red flowers.

Broom - for protection and money

Holly - for protection, especially for children

Milk thistle - for health and protection

Snapdragon - for love

Yucca - for love and money

Scorpio is a sign of Water. This water sign flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Water will bring good luck: aster, camellia, cherry, cyclamen, lavender, chamomile, strawberry, lily.


The sign Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: carnation, lily, crocus.

Borage - for money, health and protection

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire. Flowers and plants that are ruled by the element of Fire will bring good luck to this zodiac sign: rice, gentian, juniper, honeysuckle, pineapple, rosemary, rowan and snapdragon.


Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to Capricorn: tulip, violet, philodendron, snowdrop, jasmine flowers.

Belladonna - for protection

Ivy - for wealth

Pansies - for money

Quince flowers - for love and wealth

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by the element of Earth. Flowers and plants of the Earth elements are favorable for Capricorn: fern, horsetail, magnolia, oats, oleander, primrose, rye and wheat.


The sign of Aquarius is ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn. Flowers and plants bring good luck to Aquarius: orchid, lily, lily of the valley, aloe.

Belladonna - for protection

Ivy - for wealth

Bindweed - for health and love

Mimosa - for love

Aquarius is an Air sign. For Aquarius, flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Air are suitable: borage, chicory, clover, dandelion, papyrus, pine, sage.


The sign of Pisces is ruled by the planets Neptune and Jupiter. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to Pisces: lily, violet, papyrus, lilac, narcissus, gypsophila.

Dandelion - for money and health

Honeysuckle - for wealth and fidelity in love

Hyssop - for health and true love

Linden flowers - for charm and attractiveness

Maple - for physical strength

Pisces is a sign of Water. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Water bring good luck to this zodiac sign: camellia, cherry, crocus, lotus, thyme.

Flowers, herbs, plants and trees are ruled by the zodiac signs. For each sign, there are flowers and plants that bring good luck and love according to their zodiac influences. Knowing these astrological patterns will come in handy if you want to give flowers as a sign of love and respect. If you love indoor flowers, give preference to those that match your zodiac sign; they will help create an atmosphere of harmony and well-being in your home.


Representatives of this sign are suitable for plants that are controlled by the first of the fire signs - Aries. Mars, the ruler of this sign, gave Aries thorny plants. And since Aries loves to be the center of attention, his plants, as a rule, have high growth. Aries is a fire sign, its plants are often large, prickly, and have red, burgundy, pink and orange hues. Aries plants: azalea, royal begonia, geranium, pomegranate, gusmania reed, spurge, rose, sparkling and striped echmea. If a person born under the sign of Aries is prone to various diseases, then cacti will work for him as a preventive and strengthening agent, preventing the illness of Aries. Plants such as asparagus, asters, laurel, lemon, arrowroot, orchids, sansevieria, chlorophytum, chrysanthemum, and cissus are not recommended for Aries. Plants belonging to the sign of Aries are endowed with certain qualities. First of all, these are symbols of career and personal success. They express prosperity and solidity. Aries plants can also be used by those people who need support in building a career; they help set goals and achieve them.


Taurus is an earth sign, a material sign, directed towards the earth, stable, hardy. Taurus is the first of the earth signs in the zodiac circle, which means it is closest to the material spheres. The short growth of plants of this sign is associated with the economy of Taurus. People born under this sign are well suited to plants that are resistant and strong, as well as plants with beautiful flowers. Plants of Taurus: decorative flowering begonia, gloxinia, Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Mangina, peperomia, primrose, Uzambara violet, Persian cyclamen. Plants such as agave, calceolaria, pepper, and echmea are not suitable for Taurus. Plants belonging to the sign of Taurus are designed to increase physical endurance, as well as guide a person on the path to material prosperity. Taurus plants are talismans of prosperity. If you were born under a different sign, then you, of course, have every right to keep Taurus plants in your home: they will help you maintain strength and improve health.


Gemini is the lightest, airiest, changeable sign, the most mobile sign of the Zodiac. It is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the air element, which endowed Gemini with climbing plants and plants with lush foliage. Gemini plants - have numerous, but often small or narrow leaves. These plants will primarily help people born under the sign of Gemini improve their physical and mental health, cleanse the atmosphere in the house. Gemini is a sign of friendship, friendly relations. Any plants of this sign can be used as talismans at home. good relations with friends. Gemini is also a sign primary education, therefore, it is good to have its plants at school and at home as a talisman for successful study and quick assimilation of information. Gemini plants: asparagus (densely flowered, pinnate, asparagus), tillandisia, palms, ferns, ivy, tradescantia. For those born under this sign, it is not recommended to keep codiaum (croton) and arrowroot in close proximity.


The element of this sign is water, and the Cancer plants themselves are moist, with fleshy stems and leaves. These plants will help people born under the sign of Cancer maintain their physical and mental health and improve the atmosphere in their home. Cancer plants: American agave, aloe, Mason's begonia, lovely dieffenbachia, bushy peperomia, hybrid fuchsia. For representatives of this sign, dracaena, monstera, oleander, fatsia, ficus, and yucca are undesirable. Cancer plants are amulets of family happiness. They, like many others, help maintain physical health and mental fortitude. Cancer plants are suitable for representatives of many other zodiac signs. These plants protect family well-being, eliminate conflicts and misunderstandings.

a lion

Leo is a fiery, demanding sign; its plants are quite unpretentious. Leos are ruled by the Sun itself, so plants of this sign need good lighting. Solid, endowed with beautiful leaves and flowers, all Leo plants are most beneficial for people born under this sign. Leos need these plants at home or at work to maintain emotional and physical tone and to cleanse the energy of the atmosphere around them. Leo and its ruling Sun in astrology are associated with creativity and high feelings, true love. Any of the plants of this sign can be kept at home as a talisman for successful creativity and happiness in love. Leo plants: acalypha bristlecone, balsami, gardenia, geranium, calla lily, hybrid calceolaria, Japanese camellia, Chinese rose. For those born under a different sign, Leo plants are not contraindicated: on the contrary, they are unique, solar properties can be successfully used by a representative of any sign who strives for love or is engaged in creativity. Representatives of the Leo sign are not recommended to keep codiaum (croton), laurel and arrowroot in their immediate vicinity.


The earthly maiden is endowed with many powerful plants. Although Virgo is an earth sign, it is ruled by airy Mercury, so among the plants of this sign there are climbing vines, plants with flexible stems and sending out aerial roots. The practical Virgo also owns some fruit plants, for example, self-pollinating cucumbers, which are grown in the house not so much for the sake of decorative beauty, but for the benefit of the table. All Virgo plants contain energy to maintain good emotional and physical tone and cleanse the energy of the home of people of this sign. The plants of the practical Virgo have many beneficial properties for humans, but there are two unique ones that can be used by those born under any of the zodiac signs. Any of the plants of this sign can be kept at home as a talisman to maintain health and develop mental abilities. Virgo plants are intended to help promote health; they also develop a person’s intelligence, because this sign is rational and pragmatic. Virgo plants often have medicinal properties. Virgo plants: aloe, aucuba japonica, dracaena reflexum, monstera, rhoicissus, syngonium, scindapsus, philodendron, cissus. Representatives of this sign are not recommended to grow clivia cinnabar and bulbous plants.


Venus gives Libra plants beautiful flowers and fruits, colorfully colors the leaves or envelops the plants in a halo of attractiveness, and Saturn strengthens the stems, allowing them to stay straight. Libra plants can bring great benefit not only to people born under this sign. Of the many useful properties, inherent in Libra plants, we will highlight two universal ones: influence on partnerships and assistance in the formation of taste. The plant’s zodiac sign taught them to harmonize partnerships, because Libra rules precisely this area human relations. And Saturn and Venus gave Libra plants the ability to develop delicate taste in people. Libra plants are amulets for partnerships, business, and marriage. They also contribute to the development of an aesthetic understanding of beauty. These properties are useful not only for those born under the sign of Libra, but also for representatives of other signs. Libra plants: azalea, pineapple, hybrid heliotrope, hibiscus, hydrangea, truncated zygocactus, camellia, croton, capsicum, Japanese fatsia, small-flowered chrysanthemum. Representatives of this sign are not recommended to grow plants such as echmea, agave, begonia, dracaena, and Kalanchoe.


Scorpio is a sign of the water element, ruled (together with Pluto) by Mars. Its plants are saturated with moisture and have thorns. The insidious Scorpio also protects insectivorous plants, although they are difficult to grow at home. Scorpio plants are suitable not only for Scorpios, but also for everyone who believes that they are endowed with the abilities of clairvoyance and telepathy and would like to achieve perfection in them. Understanding hidden cosmic processes, awareness of invisible factors influencing existence - this is the area in which plants of this sign help to realize oneself. Scorpio plants: agave, aloe, gynura captiva, dracaena, Kalanchoe, common oleander, cacti, faucaria tiger, echmea. For Scorpios, it is not advisable to grow plants such as hippeastrum, clivia, citrus fruits, and palm trees in the house.


Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual aspiration to other worlds. Therefore, among its plants there are many tall ones or their flower stalks elongated in an upward direction. Scorpio plants are often tall, slender, strong, with abundant flowering, and original. Sagittarius governs the theme of foreign countries, long journeys, so its plants develop in a person the qualities necessary for travel and increase the attraction to the cultures of other countries. Plants of this sign help in any undertaking related to a long journey. These properties can be used by everyone whose life is in one way or another connected with wanderings and travel. Sagittarius plants: bonsai, Clivia cinnabar, Sansevieria three-lane, Tetrastigma Voignier, citrus fruits, schefflera. It is not advisable for representatives of this sign to grow aloe, cacti, calceolaria, ferns, capsicums, and ivy at home.


Saturn, which rules Capricorn, endowed this sign with a strict form and stable character, which is why many Capricorn plants have straight, strong stems, and sometimes thorns. Capricorn is leisurely, so there are very slow-growing plants under this sign. Capricorn is the sign of the boss, plants of this sign are career amulets. The sign of Capricorn is in charge of the topic of work, social status person, so all Capricorn plants can be had at home or in the office as a talisman for successful work. Capricorn plants: dracaena derema and fragrant, laurel, livistona, lithops, silver crassula, ficus benjamina, rubber ficus, yucca. It is not advisable for representatives of Capricorn to grow in large quantities plants such as reeds, hoya, ginura.


Aquarius is the sign of ideas, inventions, discoveries, so its plants can serve as mascots for all of us for innovative activities. Any Aquarius plants stimulate people to search for new, unconventional solutions in all areas of life. Plants of this sign often have an unusual, unique appearance. Among the plants of Aquarius: abutilon, dracaena Godsefa, groundsel, rheo variegated, arrowroot, spurge. It is not advisable for representatives of this sign to grow bulbous plants.


This is a sign of divine service. The water element endowed Pisces with aquarium, terrarium and algae-like land plants. In Pisces, Venus most manifests its qualities, in its incarnation - Neptune, which endows some Pisces plants with a fragrant smell or beautiful flowers. Plants of the Pisces sign are intended for the development of spirituality and detachment from worldly vanity. It is recommended that representatives of other signs also have plants of this sign in their homes. Pisces plants: aquarium plants, platicerium, tolmia, geranium, hyacinth, orchid, syngonium, Crassula lycophyte, alocasia, helxina, cyperus papyrus. It is not advisable for representatives of this sign to keep bulbous plants, as well as echmea and capsicums, near them.

Flowers and Zodiac signs

The ancient science of astrology claims that each plant has a certain energy. This energy manifests itself in appearance plants - their length and width, color and shape, structure of leaves and stems, shape and color of flowers have their own meaning. Wherein increased value is given not, as one might think, to flowers, or even color, but to leaves. It is the leaves that are the part of the plant that cleanses the space of the house both biologically and energetically and has the largest range of functions and characteristics.

When it comes to cleansing, protecting the home and shaping its energy, the flowers of the plant and its stems are also involved. All these parts, taken together, with their subtle influence have a certain effect on the energy state of the house, and, thanks to their characteristic properties, influence a person’s mood. His behavior, emotions and thoughts. And, as a result, on the events of his life. The greatest opportunity to make our life the way we want it to be, without succumbing to the course of blind fate or the flow of our own pessimistic thoughts. This is true unique property, which absolutely all plants are endowed with. The difference is only in the degree of expression of the energy of a particular plant and in the nature of its influence.

We should not forget that astrology also states: each plant is influenced by a certain planet, and each plant is under the determining influence of one or another celestial body. As a result, the plant acquires some character traits, attributed to the properties of a given planet. It would seem that everything is quite simple: we all know that each planet has a certain color, and it is enough to correlate it with the color of the plant. But in fact, this method seems simple only at first glance. First of all, which part of the plant should be taken as a basis - for example, if the stem of your flower is green and the flower is red - which color should be considered the main one?

In order to avoid confusion, astrology offers its own system in determining whether each plant belongs to a particular planet. This system allows you to determine which planet rules the plant you love and whether the planet of your zodiac sign correlates with the planet of the plant you have chosen. In fact, there are many approaches to determine how suitable a particular plant is for you. That's why this method we will call it astrological.

For everyone who has special confidence in astrology, let us recall the correlation of planets with the signs of the Zodiac: Aries - Mars and the Sun; Taurus – Venus and Moon; Gemini - Mercury; Cancer - Moon; Leo - Sun; Virgo - Mercury; Libra – Venus and Saturn; Scorpio – Pluto and Mars; Sagittarius – Jupiter; Capricorn - Saturn and Mars; Aquarius - Saturn; Pisces - Venus and Jupiter. When choosing a plant as a gift for another person, be sure to focus on his zodiac sign. Below is a brief description of how to astrological characteristics, you need to choose plants.

Houseplants, like people, obey the laws of the universe. The influence of space extends to all life on planet Earth, and plants are no exception. According to astrology, plants can be divided into certain groups corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac. Growing indoor flowers of a certain zodiac sign helps to cope with health problems ( Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius), climb the career ladder ( Capricorn, Aquarius), acquire supernatural abilities ( Scorpio, Virgo), and etc. According to the zodiac sign, indoor flowers are recommended for everyone who wants to support peace of mind, energy, protect yourself and your family from troubles and sudden changes.

What flowers can or cannot be grown at home, according to horoscopes?

Aries - strong fire sign under the influence of the planet Mars, which embeds in a person’s character the desire for high goals. Aries purposefully strives to achieve its plans, no matter what. Representatives of the fire sign prefer plants that do not require careful care, are unpretentious and hardy. Flowers for the Aries sign should be bright, with large inflorescences, powerful stems, and thorns. Responsible for personal success.

Aries loves indoor flowers:

  • azalea (Indian, Japanese);
  • dwarf pomegranate;
  • geranium;
  • ehmeya (striped, sparkling);
  • prickly cacti;
  • guzmania reed;
  • royal begonia;
  • spurge;
  • Haworthia striped.

Preferred shades: red, orange, pink. Aries will not get along with asters, lemon, asparagus, laurel, arrowroot, chrysanthemums, sansevieria, chlorophytum, cissus.

Taurus (21.04 – 20.05)

Taurus is an earth sign under the influence of Venus, like Pisces. These people love to dig in the ground and take care of plants. Plants for the Taurus sign must be hardy, since representatives of this sign are naturally lazy. It is a symbol of physical health and material well-being. Taurus loves low, showy indoor flowers:

People born under the sign of Taurus should avoid indoor plants: aechmea, agave, pepper, calceolaria.

Gemini (21.05.-21.06.)

Gemini is an airy and mobile sign of the Zodiac under the influence of Mercury. Indoor flowers for representatives of this sign serve as a talisman for good relationships in the family, at work, and in school. Geminis prefer plants with narrow leaves and dense aerial parts. Geminis love houseplants:

Gemini will not get along with arrowroot and croton (codiaum).

Cancer (22.06.-22.07.)

Cancer - representatives of this zodiac sign are balanced and calm in any situation. Cancer prefers plants that will protect the comfort of the family hearth, mental and emotional peace. Indoor Cancer flowers should be planted if you want to restore good neighborly relations and family well-being. Compact bushes growing together in one pot, with fleshy leaves - this is what Cancer loves. For people born under the sign of Cancer, such plants help cope with stress, unnecessary emotions, illnesses and illnesses. It is recommended to grow indoor Cancer flowers at home for those who suffer from long-term illnesses and who want to improve their health.

Cancer prefers flowers:

  • aloe;
  • agave americana;
  • dieffenbachia charming;
  • peperomia;
  • fuchsia;
  • Mason's begonia.

It is undesirable if Cancer grows dracaena, monstera, ficus, oleander, yucca, and fatsia at home.

Leo (23.07.-22.08.)

Leo is one of the strong, powerful, majestic signs of the Zodiac under the influence of the Sun. Leo uses flowers to strengthen love and achieve success in creativity. Flowers should be large, with beautiful leaves and inflorescences.

Leo prefers indoor plants:

  • balms;
  • gardenia;
  • Akalifa bristle-haired;
  • geranium;
  • calla;
  • Calceolaria hybrid;
  • Chinese rose;
  • camellia japonica.

It is undesirable for Leo to grow codeum, laurel, and arrowroot at home.

Virgo (23.08.-22.09.)

Virgo - representatives of this sign are distinguished by practicality and order in everything. The same applies to the plants with which Virgo decorates the windowsill. These are indoor flowers that, in addition to aesthetics, bring benefits: cereals, ornamental fruit trees, medicinal plants (see photo). Since Virgo is born under the influence of the air element of Mercury, plants that occupy a lot of space are subject to her: vines, flowers that produce many aerial roots, drawing strength and energy from the air.

Virgo loves:

Clivia cinnabar and bulbous plants are not suitable for Virgo.

Libra (23.09.-22.10.)

Libra - representatives of this zodiac sign love originality; stereotypes and rules are alien to them. Libra prefers exoticism and chic. This sign gives care, warmth, and hospitality.

Libra chooses as home plants:

Not suitable for Libra: aechmea, agave, kalanchoe, dracaena, begonia.

Scorpio (23.10.-22.11.)

Scorpio - those born under this sign have strength, great energy and the ability to influence others. Scorpio draws energy from its surroundings, so plants are a match for it. Scorpio will prefer a beautiful shell with a dangerous filling inside. These are botanical predators that feed on insects: flycatchers, prickly cacti. Such plants are difficult to grow and nourish at home. Therefore, Scorpio chooses an alternative:

Not suitable for Scorpio: clivia, any citrus fruits, hippeastrum, palm trees.

Sagittarius (23.11.-21.12.)

Sagittarius - believes that the flower should correspond to the owner. Sagittarius symbolizes the desire for knowledge, distant countries and the culture of other peoples, and is responsible for travel, trips, and business trips. Sagittarius loves large, strong plants, slender and strong. Sagittarius's home flower is a symbol of movement and good luck on long journeys.

Sagittarius chooses:

It is undesirable for aloe, ivy, ferns, cacti, calceolaria, and capsicum to grow near Sagittarius.

Capricorn (22.12.- 21.01.)

Capricorn - representatives of this sign were born under the influence of Saturn, who endowed them with a strict disposition and resistance to provocations and changes. Capricorn is in no hurry, so he chooses plants that grow slowly. Capricorn strives to achieve high status in society and at work, so the flower of this zodiac sign is a symbol of climbing the career ladder.

Capricorn plants are chosen to improve social status, for success in career, study, for achievements and fame.

Flower that suits Capricorn:

  • laurel;
  • lithops;
  • ficus benjamina;
  • Crassula;
  • dracaena;
  • yucca;
  • rubber ficus;
  • Liviston.

Reeds, ginura, and hoya are not suitable for Capricorn.

Aquarius (23.01.-19.02.)

Aquarius – those born under the sign of Aquarius are constantly on the move, they are pioneers and innovators. The Aquarius flower serves as a symbol of discoveries and extraordinary solutions. Aquarius prefers beautiful flowers of unusual shape, with asymmetrical leaves and irregularly shaped inflorescences. Aquarius flowers are chosen if you need to look at the situation with different eyes, broaden your horizons and change your worldview.

Aquarius chooses:

  • reo variegated;
  • arrowroot;
  • spurge;
  • abutilone;
  • Dracaena Godsefa;
  • ragwort.

Houseplants that develop from bulbs are completely contradictory to Aquarius.

Pisces (20.02.-20.03.)

Pisces are representatives of the water element, born under the influence of Neptune and Venus. Pisces prefer beautiful and fragrant plants, which neutralize emotions, calm vanity and bring peace. Home flowers under the sign of Pisces are a symbol of calm and balance. These plants are recommended to be grown not only by Pisces, but also by other signs of the Zodiac, especially Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, and Capricorn.

Pisces are the element of water, so flowers love moisture, abundant watering, or prefer life in water (aquarium plants).

The appearance of Pisces flora often resembles underwater inhabitants ( see photo).

Pisces prefer:

  • tolmia;
  • geranium;
  • aquarium plants;
  • hyacinth;
  • orchid;
  • alocasia;
  • Crassula;
  • Helxina;
  • Cyperus.

Bulbous plants, echmea, and capsicums are not suitable for fish.

Indoor flowers, selected according to the signs of the Zodiac, can influence fate. They serve as a talisman that brings happiness and prosperity ( Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Virgo, Pisces), good relationships (Gemini), helps fulfill desires ( Scorpio, Aquarius) and achieving success in any activity ( Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius).