Darsonval in medicine: indications and contraindications. Darsonval: use, indications and contraindications

Despite the vast number of fashionable, effective cosmetic procedures, the Darsonval device has been extremely popular in the field of cosmetology and complex dermatology for decades. His technique is absolutely painless, and the effect is stunning.

How does current affect the skin?

This is an easy-to-use compact cosmetology device that helps solve a lot of external problems, such as the appearance of wrinkles, alopecia on the head, unhealthy skin color, numerous acne and pimples. During the darsonvalization procedure, several types of current affect the patient:

The currents of the device are aimed exclusively at a positive therapeutic effect - irritating or cauterizing. Low-frequency currents affect the superficial and deeper epidermis. They strengthen the vascular walls, resolve small adhesions in the capillaries, and improve the overall blood supply to the cells.

As a result of exposure to Darsonval, the skin and pores begin to regenerate themselves. A layer of ozone appears on their surface, which has antiseptic properties, healing the skin, which acquires an even color.

Dermatological problems that Darsonval treats:

  1. formation of wrinkles;
  2. flabby, atonic, withered skin;
  3. postoperative sutures or scars;
  4. vascular pathologies;
  5. sweating of the skin (palms, feet, face area);
  6. oily skin;
  7. warts;
  8. enlarged and significantly larger pores;
  9. the presence of stretch marks (striae) after pregnancy or significant weight loss;
  10. noticeable loss of eyelashes and hair;
  11. old cellulite.


Physiotherapeutic procedures with Darsonval may be contraindicated:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • intolerance to current waves;
  • neoplasms;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dilated vessels;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pathologies of the epidermis;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic rosacea;
  • oncology.

A dermatologist or a highly professional cosmetologist will accurately determine whether it is possible to undergo Darsonval sessions or whether it is safer to refuse them.

Positive effect of Darsonval

The currents of the device stimulate lymph circulation and blood circulation, remove all kinds of heavy toxins and harmful wastes, increase venous tone, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and arteries, relieve intercellular and muscle spasms, activate cellular restoration and biochemical reactions.

Under the influence of the device, cells are more quickly supplied with oxygen and nutrients. It has a bacteriostatic and good anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, anesthetizes the outer epidermis.

Darsonval is also suitable for salon use in the field of professional cosmetology, and is also convenient for home procedures. They are saved in the presence of youthful pimples and acne, increased oiliness and inflammation on the skin. To treat and quickly heal significant external skin irritations, use

How to carry out the procedure

Beforehand, the skin at the sites of treatment with the Darsonval apparatus must be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetic residues and external contaminants. Head and neck jewelry must be removed.

Then you need to select the appropriate attachment with an electrode that may not touch human skin. There is usually no pain in the affected area, only warmth or a slight tingling sensation.

The duration of physiotherapeutic darsonvalization is usually 5-10 minutes. The duration of the session is increased if necessary. They are carried out every day. You can also do daily intervals.

The course is best developed by cosmetologists, who on average usually prescribe 10 standard procedures. As a result, your skin should improve.

Result after currents

Usually after a course of Darsonval it is possible to achieve significant success:

  • elimination of inflammation and swelling;
  • rejuvenation of the skin of the face, hands, décolleté, neck;
  • increasing firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • elimination of vascular minor pathologies;
  • improvement of skin color;
  • correction of the oval of the face;
  • elimination of cellulite manifestations.

Home use of the device

There are electric shock devices on the market that can be easily used at home. It’s just that Darsonval for individual use is usually weaker in power. But it is quite enough to put the skin in order, improve its elasticity and overcome minor inflammations.

How to use Darsonval at home is indicated in the instructions. The purpose of each nozzle, time and methods of their operation are indicated there. The main advantage of such home care is that the attachments and the device itself belong to the same owner.

There is no need to thoroughly disinfect them. The course of home use of Darsonval is the same as in the salon.

The device provides non-contact or contact work on a specific area of ​​the body. Both therapeutic procedures have a pronounced bactericidal effect. When exposed to contact, the nozzle with the electrode moves along the skin, forming a “quiet motion”.

During non-contact operation, the electrode is placed at a distance of 1-8 mm from the body. The “spark charge” begins to operate. At the same time, light tingling sensations are felt. This is how hematomas, wounds, burns, and pigmentation are treated.

Main types of Darsonval apparatus:

Types of skin problems and selection of attachments


To enhance the results from Darsonval, the skin is nourished in advance with a special talc or protective cream. The affected area is pre-cleaned and dried.

To correct small wrinkles, a mushroom-shaped attachment is suitable, which is used to make circular movements without pressure from the eyes, from the nose to both ears, from the forehead up, along the neck from bottom to top.

It is better not to touch the delicate skin around the eyelids. The current should be selected first as the weakest one. Apply to the face for 5-15 minutes for 20 days.

Lifting effect.

The electrode is moved above the face without touching it by 5 mm. Skin cells begin to activate, and within a couple of days the result will be noticeable - your face will be pleased with a radiant and fresh look.

Acne and inflamed pimples.

It is better to carry out Darsonval for such skin pathologies in a beauty salon. The doctor will prepare your face and pores by clearing it of cosmetics and impurities. The inflamed areas are first cauterized with a sharp tip at a distance using a powerful current.

If the face is significantly inflamed, only precise, precise remote exposure with the device is used, using high voltage current and short courses - 12-15 seconds each.

Then contact treatment is allowed if the main inflammations have dried out. A mushroom-shaped attachment is suitable to help prevent acne recurrence and scarring.

Treatment at a distance of 4-5 mm of the affected skin with a fungal attachment is also effective. It creates an ozone layer that prevents the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

How to care for your skin after Darsonval treatments

After exposure to low-frequency currents, it is important to apply a good nourishing cream or mask to the face or other areas. The procedure for applying currents is simple and effective, but it is necessary to consolidate its results.

Under the influence of Darsonval, the skin becomes refreshed and rejuvenated, and this should be maintained.

Darsonvalization is a modern procedure that belongs to the category of physiotherapeutic methods of therapeutic effects on the human body. Darsonval has not been used in cosmetology for very long, but it received well-deserved respect quite quickly. Treatment with this device is electrotherapy with alternating pulsed current.

The founder of this procedure is the well-known French physiologist named D'Arsonval. He devoted his entire life to studying the influence of alternating currents on the human body, for which he received respect and recognition from others.

The use of high-frequency currents in the medical field began in 1891. And later, D'Arsonval's technique was gradually improved and began to be named after its discoverer.

The essence of the method

Darsonval in cosmetology, used since the end of the 19th century, affects the human body with current, the frequency of which ranges from 110-400 kHz. The procedure can be either local (local) or general (inductotherapy). Their main difference is that with the first method, the capacitor electrodes are passed to the patient himself, and with the second, the person is placed in a solenoid.

The procedure during which darsonval is used in cosmetology is based on a positive discharge between the mucous membranes, as well as the epidermis with vacuum electrodes. Inductotherapy is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

The use of darsonval in cosmetology is usually prescribed by a physiotherapist. This procedure is considered an auxiliary technique for the conservative treatment of certain cosmetic problems.

The use of darsonval in cosmetology

Darsonval current can be used either separately or in conjunction with various procedures (massage, cleansing, mask, etc.). Most often, people with pronounced facial skin defects resort to the procedure, but patients often turn to it to get rid of minor problems.

Darsonval has simple indications in cosmetology:

  • relieving swelling in the area under the eyes;
  • elimination of acne, dermatitis, irritation and inflammation;
  • effects on excessively dry or oily skin;
  • elimination of facial wrinkles;
  • cleansing pores and reducing skin porosity;
  • smoothing out acne scars and spider veins.

In most treatment rooms and specialized salons, current is applied for 2-4 courses, consisting of 10-15 sessions, alternating with a rest period of 3-4 weeks.

Current efficiency

The technique can have a positive effect on the human body, showing excellent results already by the middle of the very first treatment course. The local effect is determined by the anti-inflammatory effect of several electrical discharges combined with ionization and exposure to ultraviolet radiation (insolarization).

Darsonvalization, in comparison with similar chemically acting techniques, does not lead to injuries or burns of the epidermis. During the procedure, bacteria and microorganisms that infect damaged areas of the skin die, and the scars are disinfected and quickly smoothed out.

Due to the effect of current on the nerve receptors of the skin, the following effects can be noticed:

  1. Stimulation of collagen synthesis. Many people use darsonval in cosmetology for rejuvenation. It is because of collagen synthesis that the skin becomes more toned and youthful.
  2. Normalization of sweating and the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Darsonval works especially well in cosmetology for sweaty hands. Thanks to this procedure, you can forever forget about wet palms, irritations and rashes on them.
  3. Vasodilation. With the enlargement of blood vessels, blood circulation in certain areas of the skin is normalized.
  4. Fast recovery process. After exposure to current, microdamages heal almost instantly.
  5. Increased skin tone. If you go through several stages of treatment, the smoothness of the skin, elasticity and firmness will be clearly visible, and its color will become fresher.


As an auxiliary technique, darsonvalization is often used in combination to treat problems such as:

  • joint diseases (bursitis, arthritis);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • problems in the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis);
  • dermatological diseases (acne, baldness, psoriasis, eczema).


Darsonval is often used in cosmetology, because many people want to try its effect on themselves. But there are some restrictions due to which it is strictly prohibited to go for the procedure. The main contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • active stage of tuberculosis;
  • heart failure syndrome;
  • diseases or severe damage to the epidermis;
  • frequent epileptic seizures in any form;
  • bleeding disorders.

In addition, the specialist may insist on canceling the next session or suspending the course of treatment if there is an elevated body temperature, poor health, or nosebleeds.


The innovative device is presented on the market in various variations and is a compact cosmetic and physiotherapeutic device designed for darsonvalization.

The devices always contain the following elements:

  • generator;
  • transformer;
  • electrodes.

The attachments of the device, that is, the electrodes, exist in several forms. Each of them has its own purpose. The most common and frequently used nozzles are: comb, T-shaped and mushroom-shaped.

Types of darsonval

More details on how darsonval is used in cosmetology will be described below, but first you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of this device. The most popular are:

  1. GEZATONE BT-101. A device for home use, complete with a comb and a fungus-shaped attachment. The French pulse-massage device does not differ from others in its method of application and does not cause any particular difficulties when using it.
  2. Gezatone Healthy Skin. Another one designed exclusively for face and hair care. People often purchase it for use in neurological diseases.
  3. Gezanne. The high-frequency device copes well with acne, wrinkles, and redness. When caring for facial skin, such a device is simply irreplaceable.
  4. Gezatone Family Doctor. The innovative device differs from the rest in its appearance. It is made in a more modern style, so it attracts the attention of young people even more.
  5. "Crown". The Ukrainian device is no less popular. It is intended for use at home and treatment of hair, problem skin, as well as respiratory and neurological diseases.
  6. "ELAD MedTeCo" A portable device made in Russia is very widespread in cosmetology. It is used by many professional salons to achieve almost instant results. It comes with different types of attachments, a comb and additional accessories.

Darsonval for hair

Before carrying out the procedure on the head, it is necessary to free this area from all kinds of metal objects and comb the hair thoroughly. Treatment is carried out using a special attachment that looks like a regular comb. The specialist uses it in smooth movements, moving from the forehead to the back of the head. The power of the current is gradually increased until the patient experiences a slight tingling sensation. One such procedure takes approximately 10 minutes.

The device will give a positive effect only if it is used regularly, without interruptions in the treatment course. The procedures must be repeated 4-5 times a year. With proper use of the device and its current, hair begins to grow noticeably.

Darsonval for the face: all the advantages and disadvantages

By using the device to clean and improve the condition of facial skin, you can get rid of such imperfections and defects as:

  1. Expression wrinkles. The skin is cleaned of decorative cosmetics and dirt, and then dried. Next, using a mushroom-shaped nozzle, circular movements are carried out, moving from the nose to the ears. The current should affect the skin for no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Lifting. The skin is prepared for the procedure in the same way as for the elimination of wrinkles, but the electrode itself does not touch the skin, but acts on it at a distance of about 5 mm. After several sessions, you may notice a deterioration in the condition of the skin, but you should not be afraid of this. During this period, the regeneration capabilities of the epidermis are activated, and after 6-7 sessions the face will become rejuvenated and fresh.
  3. Acne and pimples. The face is cleansed of all kinds of impurities and dried. Next, all inflammatory elements are cauterized using a sharp nozzle, and then the skin is treated with a flat nozzle. In this case, the flat tip must be used to avoid any festering elements. The procedures must be performed every day, the duration of one session is 2-6 minutes, and the course of treatment is 15 sessions.

What does it go with?

After the procedure, you should not apply ultrasound to the same areas. Also, at first you will have to refrain from using other electrical procedures. If there is a desire to enhance the effect, then it is allowed to use some massagers (mechanical impact). You can use lymphatic drainage massage, facial cleansing and so on.

Heat treatment of areas subject to the procedure is not prohibited. Wraps, warming up, saunas - all this will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure. It would also be a good idea to apply beauty products (masks, oils, lotions with anti-cellulite effect).

Update: October 2018

Darsonvalization refers to physiotherapeutic methods of therapeutic effects on the body. In essence, treatment with Darsonval is electrotherapy with alternating pulsed current.

The founder of darsonvalization is the French physiologist D’Arsonval. He devoted almost his entire professional activity to studying the effects of alternating currents on the human body.

In 1891, it was first proposed to use high-frequency currents for therapeutic purposes. Subsequently, D’Arsonval’s technique was improved and received its current name in honor of its discoverer.

Before using any physical therapy treatment, you should consult your doctor. It is recommended that anyone who is planning to buy a similar device for home use or attend salon procedures with Darsonval carefully weigh the pros and cons of the technique and be sure to consult a doctor, preferably a physiotherapist, about how much you need these procedures and what risks they carry. Our article is about the benefits and harms of Darsonval, indications and contraindications, instructions for using this device.

How effective is darsonvalization?

The effectiveness of darsonvalization can only be assessed after completing the full course of procedures; intermediate results, both positive and negative, are uninformative.

The reaction of each organism to Darsonval is individual, and it is possible that the existing situation may worsen - every person should understand this, and in beauty salons, workers are obliged to warn about a possible negative reaction to the physiotherapy procedure.

The effectiveness of Darsonval is confirmed by its constant use, i.e. One course over a lifetime will definitely not restore youth and health, and will not clear up chronic foci of infection.

How safe is the use of Darsonval - possible harm to health?

Darsonval is a targeted effect on the human body of several physical factors simultaneously, which are aggressive in nature and significantly affect the physical and chemical reactions of the body. And in principle, “harmless” currents and radiation do not exist; all this is unnatural for the body and is stress.

Darsonval poses the greatest danger in terms of the factor that provokes either the degeneration of benign tumors into malignant ones. Often a person does not even suspect that he has such a pathology, which then suddenly appears without any warning signs. Before deciding on such treatment, you need to be examined by doctors as much as possible (see).

Inept handling of the device can easily lead to burns, discoloration of the skin and aggravation of existing problems.

The list of contraindications given below according to the instructions for use of Darsonval is by no means arbitrary. This means that exposure can significantly aggravate and aggravate the course of existing pathologies. But the beneficial effect of the procedures is not obvious, since it is not observed in everyone or is short-lived.

The use of Darsonval is contraindicated for the following diseases and conditions

What is the Darsonval apparatus?

The modern Darsonval device, of which there are many variations on the market for similar products, is a compact-sized physiotherapeutic and cosmetic device for carrying out darsonvalization. The attached instructions for Darsonval clearly and in detail explain how to properly use this device at home.

Darsonval devices include: a generator, a transformer and electrodes. Electrodes, otherwise called Darsonval nozzles, can be of different shapes depending on the purpose - mushroom-shaped, comb-shaped, elongated, T-shaped.

Classification of darsonvalization
General or inductotherapy Local
Features of the technique
The electric current generated by a high-frequency pulse generator is supplied to the patient sitting or lying in a “D'Arsonval cage” - a coil of an oscillating circuit The electric current generated by a high-frequency pulse generator is supplied through vacuum or glass electrodes, which move contact or non-contactly over the surface of the body or are inserted into the cavity
Physical factors affecting humans
  • High frequency current
  • High frequency pulsed electromagnetic field
  • Heat generated by fabrics
  • EMR arising in tissues
  • High frequency current
  • Heat generated by fabrics
  • EMR arising in tissues
  • High voltage corona discharge
  • Weak UV
  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Improving blood macrocirculation
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Stabilization of metabolic processes
  • Toning the vascular network of the brain
  • Normalization of excitation and inhibition processes in the central nervous system
  • Slowing down the blood clotting process
  • Improving local blood circulation
  • Activation of biochemical metabolic reactions occurring directly in the skin and tissues located underneath it
  • Reduced sensitivity of pain receptors to external irritations
  • Improving tissue trophism
  • Tissue oxygenation
  • Increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes
  • Normalization of the function of sweat and sebaceous glands
Impact result
  • Improved mood
  • Normalization of sleep
  • Relieving headaches
  • Increased performance
  • Elimination of pain syndrome
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Relieving muscle spasm
  • Resorption of inflammatory foci and elimination of edema
  • Increased skin elasticity
Where is it held?
Carried out only in medical institutions (a less common technique) It is carried out both in medical institutions and at home (a widely used technique)

Indications for the use of Darsonval - for what diseases is its use acceptable?

The cardiovascular system
  • Obliterating endarteritis
  • Raynaud's disease (initial stage)
nervous system
  • General darsonvalization - ), insomnia, neuroses, depression
  • Local - osteochondrosis, headaches, neuralgia of peripheral nerves
genitourinary system
  • amenorrhea
  • cystalgia
  • genital infantilism
respiratory system bronchial asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis
musculoskeletal system
  • Polyarthritis
  • Arthritis
  • Spondyloarthrosis
  • Periostitis
  • Miaglia
digestive system
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Gastritis
  • Gastric dyskinesia
  • Intestinal dyskinesia
  • Inflammation of the rectal wall
ENT diseases
  • Vasomotor rhinitis
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis
  • Qatar, laryngitis
  • , otitis, (hearing loss)
oral cavity
  • Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease
skin, hair
  • Ulcers, frostbite, sutures, non-epithelializing wounds, burns
  • Furunculosis, herpes, lichen,
  • Erythema, eczema, psoriasis,
  • Bruises and hematomas
  • Cellulite, wrinkles, aging skin
  • Acne, pustules, infiltrates
  • Focal and systemic scleroderma
  • , dandruff
  • Scars and stretch marks

Views of Darsonval

A home pulse-massage device, the areas of application of which are similar to other devices.

The attachments included in the kit are a comb. fungus, curved.

  • Darsonval Gezatone
    Healthy Skin

It is also a home pulse massager, intended mainly for facial skin and hair care, as well as for neurological diseases.

Manufacturer France GEZATONE

  • Darsonval Gezanne

This high frequency device is mainly used for skin, acne treatment, wrinkle smoothing, neurology.

Manufacturer France GEZATONE

  • Gezatone Family Doctor

A fairly new device, used for the same purposes as other devices.

Manufacturer France GEZATONE

  • Darsonval Corona

It is used at home to treat not only hair and problem skin, but also for the prevention and treatment of vascular, neurological, respiratory and other diseases.

Manufacturer of the Darsonval apparatus Korona Ukraine "Novator"

  • Darsonval ELAD MedTeCo

Portable device , used to treat skin diseases, used in cosmetology and dentistry.

Manufacturer LLC "MedTeco" Russia, Moscow.

In addition to the 3 attachments included in the kit, you can purchase additional ones (vaginal, nasal, rectal, ear, gum, etc.).

How to use homemade Darsonval?

The device involves both contact and non-contact effects on a certain part of the body. Both therapeutic directions are characterized by a pronounced bactericidal effect. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to carry out about 10-12 procedures.

When exposed to contact, the Darsonval electrode moves directly over the skin, creating a so-called “silent discharge”. Contact local darsonvalization is indicated for correcting problems of aging skin, combating cellulite, improving hair growth, treating varicose veins, etc.

During non-contact exposure, the electrode moves above the skin at a distance of 1-10 mm, a “spark discharge” is formed, which is felt in the form of a slight tingling sensation. The technique is justified in the treatment of neuralgia, pain, hematomas, wounds, etc. You should not use the device for serious diseases without first assessing the benefits and harms of Darsonval in each specific case.

Preparation for the procedure

  • Immediately before the procedure, an appropriate electrode is installed, pre-treated with alcohol and dried, after which the device itself can be brought into working condition.
  • Skin and hair should be clean and dry.
  • Do not apply alcohol- or acid-containing cosmetics to the affected area, as this can cause burns.
  • Compositions that are not compatible with UV radiation should not be used.
  • Any jewelry containing metal should be removed from the body.
  • During the procedure, you must limit yourself from contact with other people to prevent electric shock.

Darsonval for hair

Before darsonvalization of the scalp, the hair must be freed from all metal objects and combed.

Hair treatment with Darsonval is carried out with a special attachment in the form of a comb, which is used in slow movements, starting from the forehead and ending with the back of the head. At the same time, the hair seems to be combed back. The power of exposure gradually increases until a slight tingling sensation appears. One procedure takes about 10 minutes, the course of treatment is 20-25 sessions with daily repetition.

The Darsonval device for hair growth is justified with regular, course use with repetition of procedures 3-4 times a year. The effect is very good, hair grows noticeably faster. After the procedure, it is good to rub various masks and serums into the hair roots to stimulate their growth.

Darsonval for face against wrinkles and acne


Before the procedure, the facial skin is cleansed of cosmetics and dirt and dried; a special talcum powder or cream can be used to enhance the effect. Using a mushroom-shaped attachment, light, pressure-free circular movements are made over the skin - from the nose to the ears, from the forehead up to the hairline, from the eyes to the temples, from the top of the face to the chin, from the collarbones up the neck to the chin. Do not apply to thin skin of the eyelids. The intensity of the current gradually increases until a feeling of warmth is felt. The duration of exposure is from 5 to 20 minutes, daily or every other day, the course is about 20 procedures. Darsonval for the face against wrinkles is recommended to be used continuously, 3-4 courses during the calendar year.


The skin is prepared in the same way, but the electrode is passed above the skin, maintaining a distance of 5 mm. After several procedures, the opposite effect is possible - the skin condition may worsen. However, you should not be afraid of this, since the skin’s reserve capacity for regeneration is activated, and after 5-7 procedures, your facial skin will delight you with a fresh and toned appearance.

Pimples and blackheads

Treatment of acne and acne with Darsonval, especially multiple ones, is recommended only within the walls of beauty salons or medical institutions. The procedure requires precise movements, which is difficult to do on your own face.

The face is cleansed of dirt and makeup and dried. Initially, the inflammatory elements are cauterized with a sharp nozzle using a strong current supply in a non-contact manner. Then, using a flat nozzle, the entire face is treated using a contact method, avoiding severely inflamed and suppurating elements. The procedures are carried out daily or at one-day intervals, for 2-10 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-15 sessions.

In the presence of a large number of inflamed elements of significant size, only targeted remote darsonvalization is used without treating the entire skin, and short, up to 10-15 seconds for each element at high voltage. Once the inflammation begins to dry out and resolve, contact treatment with a mushroom tip can be used to prevent scarring and acne recurrence.

Salons often use various medicinal formulations (serums, lotions, etc.), which are applied to the skin before the procedure and allowed to absorb and dry. It should be remembered that these liquids must not contain acids, alcohol or substances incompatible with UV radiation.

Darsonval for the face against acne is also used to degrease the skin. The mushroom-shaped electrode is moved along the massage lines of the face (from the chin, nose and center of the forehead to the ears) so that one edge of the electrode touches the skin, and the second is raised by 3-5 mm. At the same time, a slight tingling sensation is felt. This treatment must be carried out every other day for 7-10 minutes per procedure. The course consists of 10-15 sessions, and after a two-week break, treatment of the skin directly against acne begins.

Treatment of the skin against propionic bacteria that provoke acne is indicated: treatment of the affected skin with a mushroom-shaped nozzle at a distance of 3-5 mm. This creates ozone, which creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria to thrive.

Darsonvalization is a therapeutic physiotherapeutic method that consists of using high-frequency alternating current (up to 400 kHz) of low magnitude (0.015-0.2 A) and high voltage (up to 20 kV). This current is generated in the form of a pulsed damping charge in a special apparatus for local darsonvalization.

This method was first proposed by the French scientist J.A. d'Arsonval back in 1892, who noticed a certain physiotherapeutic effect of low-magnitude alternating current on body tissues, capillaries and blood circulation. Later, the method was named after its developer, refined and maximally introduced into medicine: in modern medicine, darsonvalization is the most famous technique, which is used in cosmetology, dermatology, dentistry, gynecology, proctology, neurology, otolaryngology, etc.

The effect of darsonvalization is to stimulate blood flow, metabolism, reduce pain, combat itching, accelerate wound healing, stimulate tissue repair, regeneration, and reduce muscle tension.


As a result of many years of clinical research and based on the practical experience of the world's leading clinics, the following indications for darsonvalization were established:

  • Raynaud's syndrome in the early stages (stages 1 and 2).
  • Hair loss, eyelashes.
  • Acne.
  • Eczema.
  • Flabbiness of the skin.
  • Varicose veins of the legs.
  • Hemorrhoids, anal fissures.
  • Skin frostbite.
  • Long-lasting wounds.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis.
  • Periodontal disease, gingivitis.
  • Acoustic neuritis, neuralgia, menopausal neurosis.
  • Initial stages of hypertension, coronary heart disease.
  • Improving the overall condition of the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity.

Local treatment with darsonvalization is carried out using special vacuum electrodes, while the patient is in a sitting or lying position. The electrode is sprinkled with talcum powder or powder and with circular movements, as if “massaging” the desired area of ​​skin with it. To treat anal fissures or hemorrhoids, the electrode is lubricated with Vaseline. It is imperative to remember that the current is turned on only after the electrode is in the correct position on the body. When the procedure is completed, the electrode is washed in soapy water and wiped with an alcohol wipe; do not boil.

General darsonvalization (inductotherapy) consists of placing the patient in a special large apparatus (solenoid). This technique is used to treat common diseases - the nervous system, cardiovascular system, etc.

The darsonvalization procedure is prescribed exclusively by a doctor; performing such a procedure independently without consulting a specialist can be very dangerous! In medical clinics and beauty salons, this treatment procedure can be performed by nurses, i.e. not necessarily the doctor personally.

The equipment for the procedure is purchased from trusted manufacturers of medical products, one of which is the Geltek-Medica company.


There are a number of factors that are contraindications for this procedure:

  • Serious cardiovascular diseases (after a heart attack, high blood pressure, etc.).
  • Installed pacemaker.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Nervous breakdown, hysteria.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period.
  • The procedure is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.
  • Individual intolerance to the effects of electric current on the body.


To perform the procedure, a device for local darsonvalization (Iskra-1, Darsonval Corona, Darsonval Spark, etc.) is required. The device comes with a number of glass-coated electrodes: ear, rectal, vaginal, mushroom, gingival and some others.

The patient sits on a chair or lies down on the bed. Before starting the procedure, the electrodes are disinfected with alcohol, and the body area is sprinkled with talcum powder for better movement of the electrode. Set the voltage value and begin the procedure. As the procedure progresses, the voltage can be changed by lifting the electrode away from the body or reducing the area of ​​the electrode.

During the darsonvalization procedure, the patient experiences a slight tingling, burning, and warmth. The duration of 1 session is from 3 to 15 minutes, the total course of treatment is 10-20 sessions.

Darsonvalization of the face

Before starting darsonvalization, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and oil, to do this you need to wash with soap and wipe with a cleansing lotion. Next, the skin is covered with talcum powder.

The technique depends on the goal. If the task is to “refresh” the face, increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, then choose a “quiet” mode, which activates tissue metabolism and accelerates cell renewal. If it is necessary to fight acne, dermatitis or scars, then a spark charge mode is used, which releases ozone and nitrogen oxides, which help dry the wound and localize ulcers. After the procedure is completed, a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin, designed to “soothe” the skin where it has become too dry.

The duration of 1 session of darsonvalization of the face is 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is individual, but usually lasts 10-15 sessions. Usually sessions are carried out every other day.

Darsonvalization of hair

Used for hair loss, seborrhea, excessively oily scalp, it helps strengthen hair and stimulate its growth. For the procedure, a comb-shaped nozzle is selected. Circular or progressive movements of the electrode from the back of the head to the forehead and back stimulate the hair follicles and strengthen them. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes, usually 15-20 sessions are needed, which can be done at least every day.

Application in dentistry

Used for inflammatory gum diseases. A gingival electrode is selected from the attachments, brought at a distance of 2-3 cm from the inflamed area of ​​the gums and the procedure begins. The duration of 1 session is determined by the attending physician; usually 5-7 sessions are performed.

Darsonvalization of the vagina

A vaginal electrode is installed, which is inserted into the vagina every day for 8-10 minutes. The duration of treatment is determined by the gynecologist individually in each case, but usually 12-15 sessions are performed.

Darsonvalization in cosmetology

The main goal is to combat cellulite, mainly in the early stages. Darsonvalization helps prevent blood stagnation, reduce swelling of the skin, and slow down the formation of crusts on the skin. In later stages, such procedures have a more modest effect and can only be used as an addition to the main treatment.

The procedure only takes a few minutes; the leg is “massaged” with an electrode not only on the hips, but also down to the heel. After treating the right leg, a break of about five minutes is required, then they take on the left leg (or vice versa). The patient may feel a burning, tingling, tingling sensation.

Stimulation for varicose veins

A mushroom-shaped electrode is installed, and the leg is treated along the veins of the left leg for 8-10 minutes per session. The course of treatment is 12-15 sessions, which are performed every other day.

Darsonvalization for hemorrhoids

A rectal electrode is installed, the anus is lubricated with Vaseline, the electrode is inserted into the anus 3-5 cm. There is no need to move the electrode, the power is adjusted until a slight warmth is felt. One session usually lasts about 10 minutes, there is a break of 1 day between sessions, and the entire course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.

In all areas of application, local darsonvalization usually has a positive effect after 3-4 sessions: pain is relieved, the skin is dried, and blood circulation is improved. The procedure, when performed by specialists in the clinic, is completely safe and practically painless (mild burning and tingling should not scare you). The cost of the procedure in clinics and beauty salons is relatively low compared to the final effect that the procedure gives. And the wide range of applications of darsonvalization in various fields of medical science make it one of the most common techniques in modern medicine.

For more than a century, physiotherapy has used the method of applying electric current to living tissue. Therapeutic discharges have a high frequency and low power, making their use safe and pain-free. They are produced by a special device - a high-frequency alternating current generator. Today, portable devices for darsonvalization at home are available for sale. Why do you need the Darsonval device and which Darsonval is better to choose for hair loss?

Each cell of the body at rest has a negative charge on its surface, which changes to positive when it is excited. In this way, it transmits information to its neighbors, which is necessary for the coordinated functioning of the entire tissue or organ. Nerve innervation has the same principle of operation - an electrical charge is transmitted along the nerve fiber and causes changes in the places of contact with other cells.

The Darsonval device produces electrical charges with variable voltage, low strength and high frequency. Their beneficial effect on the human body is a discovery by the physiologist D’Arsonval, which he made back in the 19th century. The scientist noticed that after the electrotherapy procedure, patients felt better, noted a surge of strength and improved appearance.

Further study of Darsonval currents showed that they create alternating potentials on the cell membrane, that is, they change their charge many times during the procedure. As a result, metabolic processes in the cell are stimulated and its chemical composition is normalized. The impact of impulses on the nerve endings of the autonomic nervous system leads to vasodilation, improvement of blood microcirculation and fluid outflow from tissues. As a result, cell nutrition and the functioning of the organ, and therefore the entire system as a whole, improves.

The effect of the Darsonval apparatus on the scalp leads to the activation of hair follicles by increasing local blood circulation and stimulating cellular processes.

Follicle cells begin to divide intensively, which accelerates hair growth. Darsonval for hair, when used regularly, can prolong the period of activity of the hair follicle, which increases the thickness of the hair and allows you to grow longer braids. Darsonval device is effective against hair loss

, as it slows down the transition of follicles into the inactive phase and the rejection of the hair shaft. In addition, the device has a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands of the scalp, eliminating excess oiliness or dryness. The strands do not stick together due to excess sebum, but it is enough to lubricate the hair cuticle along the entire length. The appearance of the hair improves: shine and smoothness appear. Excess secretion of the sebaceous glands leads to seborrhea, dandruff formation and irritation of the skin. The Darsonval device successfully combats itchy scalp

, as it reduces the sensitivity of skin receptors and normalizes sebum production.

In addition, under the influence of electrical discharges from the Darsonval apparatus, ozone and volatile nitrogen compounds are formed near the skin. They have a pronounced bactericidal effect: they kill pathogenic bacteria and fungi. This speeds up the treatment of dandruff and improves the patient’s condition with eczema, lichen, and psoriasis.

The Darsonval device for home use has benefits and harms: its incorrect use can lead to negative consequences. Darsonvalization of the scalp is indicated for people with:

  • hair loss and baldness;
  • oily or dry seborrhea;
  • dandruff;
  • eczema of the scalp;
  • psoriasis;
  • we deprive.

The Darsonval device affects the skin with a physical factor - electricity, therefore the instructions indicate possible contraindications to its use:

  • malignant tumors of any location;
  • acute period of infectious diseases with fever;
  • tendency to convulsions, epileptic seizures;
  • cardiac arrhythmia, artificial pacemaker;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • bearing a child.

There are people who have increased sensitivity to electric current - when exposed to it, they feel unwell, fatigued and weak. It is detected during physiotherapy or treatment with Darsonval; if it is present, the device cannot be used.

How to use it?

Each Darsonval device comes with instructions for use, which must be studied before the first hair strengthening session. It provides a detailed description of the modes and duration of exposure to darsonvali, and how to apply it in each case. The recommendations should be strictly followed to ensure that hair care is effective and safe.

Before using Darsonval, you should comb your hair thoroughly and remove all hair clips, especially metal ones. The Darsonval device is connected to an outlet, after which you can set the required current power on it. The Darsonval hair device usually has an attachment in the form of a comb with thick teeth, which is used to massage and comb the hair for 8-12 minutes. You can move it both in the direction of hair growth and against it. It is important to relax during the process and enjoy it - this will enhance the therapeutic effect.

The discharge is generated when the Darsonval comb comes into contact with the scalp. During the procedure, the electrode glows orange, heats up slightly and makes a rather loud crackling noise. During the session, a slight ozone smell appears due to air ionization. The force of impact should be such that a slight tingling sensation is felt on the skin. You should not endure painful sensations - this is a sign that the power has been selected incorrectly and should be reduced. Otherwise, skin irritation, redness and dandruff may occur.

The course of treatment for hair and head is long, at least 20-30 procedures. They are carried out daily or with a break of several days; it is best to discuss the darsonvalization regime with an experienced cosmetologist. At the end of each session, you can apply a solution of nicotinic acid, pepper tincture, burdock oil - any means to enhance hair growth - to the skin. This measure will significantly increase the effectiveness of darsonvalization.

How to choose darsonval?

The Darsonval device should be purchased in medical stores or on specialized websites. Before choosing darsonval, it is advisable to attend several darsonvalization sessions with a cosmetologist in order to get acquainted with its action and the body’s reaction to the procedure. You can choose a Darsonval device based on reviews from its owners from the network.

It is best to give preference to domestically produced devices - they have been on the market for a long time and have proven their effectiveness. The Darsonval device undergoes mandatory medical certification, which guarantees its correct operation: such a Darsonval device produces a charge with a certain frequency and strength. In addition, if necessary, the domestic Darsonval device will be repaired under warranty free of charge.

Darsonvals of dubious origin should be avoided: made from low-quality plastic, without a quality certificate and clear instructions for use. At best, such a Darsonval device will have no effect, and at worst, it will provoke a deterioration in the condition of the hair.

The device usually has several different attachments designed for topical use. Darsonval for hair is usually equipped with an attachment in the form of a comb. It is made of glass, hollow inside and filled with rarefied air. You can understand what it is and what darsonval for hair looks like by looking at the photo.

The principle of operation in all dansorvals is the same, they differ only in power, size and number of attachments. To decide which darsonval is better to choose, you should understand the purpose of its acquisition. For individual use at home, the low-power Darsonval Corona 3 is suitable, while a beauty salon requires a Darsonval that can withstand long-term load.

Darsonval Corona 3 is a small plastic case containing a generator of electrical charges. Replaceable attachments - electrodes - are attached to it; there are three of them in the set: a comb for hair, a mushroom for the face and a stick electrode for targeted impact on the skin. The weight of the device is no more than 800 g.

Darsonval Iskra 1 is a stationary physiotherapy device that is used in hospitals and beauty salons. It consists of a metal case that contains a charge generator and an electrode connected to it via a wire. It comes with a large number of attachments that allow you to use Darsonval for the local treatment of various diseases. The weight of the device is about 9 kg.