Defloration cystitis. What is honeymoon cystitis and how to treat it

Cystitis honeymoon- this is a fairly common phenomenon, which most women try to bashfully keep silent about, without showing visible signs to your partner. In this regard, the preconditions are being formed for the emergence of several problems in the near future:

  • decreased sexual activity due to psychological factors;
  • chronic infectious diseases genitourinary system;
  • hidden course of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • the birth of a sick child with congenital defects.

Honeymoon cystitis, treatment of which is started promptly and in full, goes away quickly without leaving any negative consequences.

Honeymoon cystitis – causes

The causes of honeymoon cystitis may be various factors, Related:

  • the presence of hidden foci of genitourinary infection in the sexual partner;
  • incompatibility of the microflora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs of partners;
  • inflammation of the vagina and bladder tissue associated with defloration;
  • unprofessional intimate hairstyle of a sexual partner.

All these factors can influence both individually and collectively. Honeymoon cystitis is most acute in cases where the partners did not have sexual intercourse before marriage. However, honeymoon cystitis can also occur in those people who have just started their sex life regardless of marriage.

The beginning of sexual activity for a girl has a huge impact on her organs and systems. Happening hormonal changes, the activity of the immune defense decreases for some time, and a process of irritation in the genital area and urethra is observed. Immediately after the violation of the virgin pleura, the woman’s vagina is a continuous wound surface. All surrounding tissues and organs also suffer under the influence of coagulated blood proteins.

Treatment for honeymoon cystitis should begin immediately. First of all, you should completely stop having sexual intercourse until all symptoms of honeymoon cystitis completely disappear.

At the first manifestations of honeymoon cystitis, you should contact a gynecologist to determine the true cause that provoked it. It is possible that your sexual partner has an outbreak of a hidden sexually transmitted infection. In this case, your health is at risk.

Honeymoon cystitis - inflammatory disease Bladder. IN in this case The factor that provoked the development of pathology is sexual contact, because the risk of transmitting the infection is high, especially if contraceptives were not used. If your partner does not have sexually transmitted infections, cystitis can be caused by E. coli.

Why is cystitis called the honeymoon disease?

The pathological condition of the bladder in this case is a consequence intimacy. Inflammation develops in women who have not previously had sexual intercourse, which is why the pathology got its name.

However, not only the onset of sexual activity is the cause of the disease. When changing partners, honeymoon cystitis can also make itself felt. An inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bladder, which develops after sexual intercourse, can occur at any age, but more often the disease of this body diagnosed in young and middle-aged people.

Forms of the disease

Regardless of the factor that provoked the inflammation, the pathology develops in stages. First note acute course disease, then it becomes chronic. Acute cystitis during the honeymoon period among newlyweds it is characterized by obvious signs, so it is difficult not to notice the pathological process. Inflammation covers the surface layers of the bladder walls. Easy to treat. Cured in short period(7-10 days).

The development of the chronic form of the disease occurs slowly. The symptoms are subtle and nonspecific, so they can easily be mistaken for manifestations of another pathology.

Chronic disease is more difficult to cure, since in this case the deeper layers of the organ walls are affected.

If you get rid of the signs acute form cystitis and stop treatment, the source of the disease will not be eliminated, inflammation will develop again after a while.

Reasons for appearance

Honeymoon cystitis develops after sex. This is the main factor provoking this pathological condition. Signs of cystitis are a consequence of the inflammatory process that developed as a result of coitus. However, the causes of inflammation during the honeymoon period can be different: infection with harmful microorganisms from a sexual partner, injuries during sexual intercourse, neglect of hygiene rules.

Symptoms of the disease appear almost immediately after coitus. Sometimes in the absence external factors Cystitis during the honeymoon period manifests itself after some time.

Among women

Inflammation during the honeymoon period is more common in women than in men. This is due physiological structure genitourinary system: the urethra is wide and short, located close to the anus and vagina. For this reason, if the vaginal microflora is disturbed, bacteria quickly penetrate the urethra, and from there into bladder.

In men

Bladder inflammation, called honeymoon syndrome, can develop in men as a result of stagnation or diseases of the genital organs (tumor, diverticulitis, adenoma prostate gland, prostatitis, urethritis, vesiculitis, etc.). The cause may be stones that block the urethra or deform the walls of the bladder.

Symptoms of honeymoon cystitis

Development pathological condition accompanied by a number of signs:

The symptoms may disappear for a short time, but then they return with greater intensity. If treatment is stopped at this stage, there is a high probability that the disease will become chronic.


If you have cystitis, you should contact a urologist. The specialist will collect anamnesis and refer you for examination. Women are advised to consult a gynecologist to eliminate the risk of developing genital infections. At the same time, a smear is taken on the flora.

If inflammation of the bladder walls is suspected, a number of studies are performed:

If there are no obvious symptoms and the urine structure is almost unchanged, cystoscopy may be prescribed.

How to treat honeymoon cystitis

The disease responds well to treatment at an early stage of development. During the treatment period, it is important to avoid sexual intercourse.

It is advisable to maintain bed rest.

Honeymoon cystitis is treated according to the following scheme:

The disease in its chronic form is difficult to treat. In this case, an antibiotic is prescribed, but it is applied locally - injected into the affected organ. Stimulation of the immune system is recommended, for which it is used vitamin complexes, adjust nutrition by introducing foods containing a large number of useful substances.

First aid

If symptoms of honeymoon cystitis appear, you need to follow simple steps. Do the following:

  1. Increase the volume of liquid you drink per day, and prepare warm decoctions, herbal teas. Prohibited to use alcoholic drinks, as well as coffee.
  2. Place a heating pad on the area where discomfort and pain are felt. Heat will help relieve the spasm. It is forbidden to take hot baths.
  3. If it is not yet possible to see a doctor, you must adhere to a diet: do not eat salty, spicy, smoked foods. Carbonated drinks are prohibited.
  4. It is necessary to reduce the level of physical activity.
  5. They consume natural remedies, for example, a decoction of cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries. These drinks prevent bacteria from attaching to the lining of the bladder.

NTV - Union Clinic - cystitis after sex - Dilanyan O.E.

Drug treatment

Assign medications different groups: antibiotics, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory. The most effective of them for inflammation of the bladder during the honeymoon period:

  1. Monural. This antibiotic has a negative effect on most existing bacteria.
  2. Nolitsin. A drug wide range action, helps relieve inflammation of the bladder during the honeymoon period or simply after sexual intercourse.
  3. Canephron is a remedy for plant based, has a diuretic effect.
  4. Antispasmodics Papaverine, Pentalgin.

Traditional medicine recipes

Exist different means for cystitis: decoctions, infusions and tinctures. Most of them are prepared from herbs and plant fruits. Effective recipes.

Honeymoon cystitis is a fairly common form of cystitis that occurs with the onset of active sexual life. It is quite easy to explain the nature of the disease - during sexual intercourse, a significant amount of infectious and fungal agents migrate to the bladder from the genitals of the sexual partner. This form of the disease is official medicine most often referred to as postcoital cystitis.

Cystitis manifests itself inflammatory processes mucous membrane of the bladder. At the same time, the pathogens that cause the disease can be of both endogenous and exogenous origin. Women get sick more often than men. This is due anatomical features organs of the genitourinary system.

Main reasons:

  • Intestinal dysbiosis;
  • Vaginal bacteriosis;
  • Entry into the body coli, chlamydia, trichomonas, staphylococcus by vaginal, anal, oral and other possible routes;
  • Fungal pathologies;
  • Non-compliance intimate hygiene one of the partners;
  • Violent sexual intercourse;
  • Total hormonal imbalance;
  • Exacerbation of one or more chronic diseases(thyroid disease, diabetes, other);
  • Overheat;
  • Hypothermia.

If a person suffers from several negative factors at once that contribute to the development of the disease, then the likelihood of developing postcoital cystitis is very high. Anyway, accurate diagnosis Only an experienced urologist can diagnose.

Clinical picture of postcoital cystitis

Honeymoon cystitis manifests itself in a number of ways characteristic symptoms. The first signs indicating the rapid development of the disease:

  • Urinary incontinence (total or partial);
  • Urination that is accompanied by palpable pain syndrome and general discomfort;
  • Redness of the mucous membranes and dermal tissue;
  • Cutting pain in the lower abdomen, worse before urination;
  • Hematuria in urine;
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet, often unproductive;
  • A burning sensation in the urethral canal and vagina.

It is noteworthy that honeymoon cystitis develops instantly, and symptoms occur immediately after sexual intercourse. IN in rare cases first signs developing inflammation appear only after a few days.

Acute and chronic forms of the disease

Sometimes unpleasant symptoms may suddenly disappear. However, this does not indicate speedy recovery. Sometimes there may be no symptoms at all. This development option is considered the most unfavorable.

This asymptomatic form of the disease can progress from an acute form to chronic stage in a matter of weeks. In this case, treatment of the disease will be lengthy and associated with a number of symptoms.

The main signs of chronic postcoital cystitis:

  • Painful urination;
  • The urge to go to the toilet is more frequent than normal, and urine is always released in small quantities;
  • Signs of the disease appear from time to time, but disappear after 2–3 days on their own;
  • Reoccur unpleasant manifestations illness only after a few months.

At endoscopic examination The diagnostician can clearly notice abnormal wrinkling of the bladder walls. There cannot be such changes in the number.

Diagnostic measures

Latent forms of pathology are difficult to diagnose. First of all, the patient himself may ignore a minor ailment and not seek help from a doctor.

Reveal pathological processes in the bladder and the reasons that caused the problem can be done by resorting to a cystoscopy procedure. The doctor uses a special probe to examine the walls of the bladder. To make a final diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Sowing urine for microflora;
  2. General blood analysis;
  3. General urine analysis;
  4. Tests according to Nechiporenko;
  5. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  6. Immunogram with subsequent analysis of the results.

How to relieve pain from honeymoon cystitis

Considering the fact that postcoital cystitis occurs quite suddenly, in order to subside unpleasant symptoms, you'll have to put in some effort. Cope with unpleasant signs A moderately warm bath (up to 37 degrees), to which a concentrated herbal decoction is added, will help.

Just 15 minutes and a person can feel significant relief. This method is only relevant as first aid. It will help you endure your symptoms as comfortably as possible until you see a doctor.

Key aspects of therapy

Local and general procedures are used to treat cystitis. Basic medicines– uroseptics, antispasmodics, antibiotics.

Basic drugs for antibiotic therapy:

  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

To enhance the overall therapeutic effect recommends to patients drinking plenty of fluids. You need to drink not just plain water, but medicinal infusions and decoctions:

  • Infusion of lingonberry leaves;
  • A flock of chamomile and calendula;
  • A decoction of wintergreen leaves;
  • Infusions of parsley roots;
  • Warm teas with dill.

Particular attention is paid to diet. Spices, excessively hot, salty and peppery dishes are completely excluded from the menu. All of them can irritate the already damaged structure of the bladder. The diet is enriched with dairy products, which will normalize work digestive tract, in particular the large intestine.

It is unacceptable to treat postcoital cystitis at home on your own. Only a competent doctor will be able to study all the features of the disease and carry out proper diagnostic measures and only then choose the most effective medications.

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Doctors call cystitis the “honeymoon disease” because intense lovemaking often leads to bladder inflammation.

This disease mainly affects women of childbearing age. When the bladder is inflamed, it bothers you frequent urination, burning sensation or pain during urination. The urine becomes cloudy and sometimes stained with blood.

The first sign of cystitis is acute, often cutting pain when urinating. Gradually the pain spreads to bottom part belly, goes into dull ache in back. The patient's temperature rises and she feels general malaise.

In men, the infection first penetrates the urethra, then the prostate gland and bladder. Re-infection of the bladder usually occurs due to chronic bacterial inflammation of the prostate gland.

Men, unlike women, suffer from cystitis less often - it protects them from this infection anatomical structure body: the large length of the urethra does not allow bacteria to reach the bladder and infect it.

Causative agents of cystitis

Causative agents of cystitis - intestinal bacteria E. coli group. Like other bacteria that inhabit our body, they are safe as long as they are in their “native” environment.

However, when E. coli travels from the intestines or vagina into the urethra and bladder, problems arise. E.coli multiply rapidly in urinary tract. Among women anal hole, the entrance to the vagina and the exit of the urethra are located next to each other, so bacteria often penetrate from one of them to the other.

Rapid proliferation of bacteria leads to inflammation, which can spread throughout urethra into the bladder and then along the ureters to the kidneys, causing inflammation renal pelvis(pyelitis). If left untreated, pyelitis develops into kidney damage.

An attack of cystitis can be triggered by various periods in life or events. Cystitis is often associated with the onset of menstruation. To reduce the risk, you need to teach the girl to wash herself daily warm water and wipe from front to back. Do not use tampons, but pads.

Inflammation may occur due to careless suturing of the perineum in the maternity hospital. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor, and to reduce irritation, take hot baths with special salt.

The risk of cystitis increases if the patency of the ureters is impaired.

Sex and cystitis

Doctors call cystitis “honeymoon disease.” And that's why. Couples who rarely had sex before marriage usually do it very actively in the beginning life together. From intense lovemaking, careless insertion of the penis or inept manual stimulation, the entrance to the vagina and the area around the urethral opening are often injured and inflamed. Bacteria that normally live in the perineum “seize the opportunity” and penetrate the bladder. As they multiply, they cause cystitis.

To active intimate life did not lead to cystitis, follow simple rules. Apply gel lubricant to the vagina, and after sexual intercourse, rinse the vagina with water.

Certain methods of birth control can lead to cystitis. unwanted pregnancy. For example, some spermicides may irritate the area around the urethra. It happens that cystitis is provoked by hormonal birth control pills.


If you suspect that you have cystitis, you need to be examined and begin treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, treatment will be delayed and difficult.

It is known that every fifth woman who has recovered from cystitis gets it again 3-4 times a year, some even suffer every month.

On early stages You can stop cystitis by taking antibiotics. First, a urine test is performed on the patient. It is sent for culture to determine the type of bacteria that causes the infection. Then the specialist checks the sensitivity of this type of bacteria to antibiotics and prescribes the most effective one to the patient.

Symptoms of cystitis can be reduced if the urine is alkaline. It is enough to drink the solution daily baking soda or potassium citrate.

If the doctor has identified a local estrogen deficiency, he will recommend using a cream that contains this hormone. The cream is applied to the vagina for several days. This improves the condition of the mucous membrane and reduces susceptibility to infection.

If the diagnosis is unclear to the doctor, he may prescribe intravenous pyelography or tomographic examination. These examinations will help obtain information about the condition and functioning of the kidneys and ducts, and possible reasons diseases.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, which occurs 3 times more often in women, since the structure of their genitourinary system predisposes them to this disease. Honeymoon cystitis is due to the fact that sexual relationship The female genital organs also become more intense, suffering from unusual stress and poor sexual hygiene. Which together leads to the onset of the disease.

How does cystitis manifest?

The main signs of cystitis are:

  • frequent and painful urination,

  • pain increases at the end of urination, while the amount of urine released decreases,

  • feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, lower back pain,

  • weakness, feeling of cold sweat, chills.

Is it possible to have sex during cystitis?

If you need to abstain from sex until complete recovery.

If you are faced with this disease at the beginning of your family life, do not hide your problem from your husband. Explain to him how you feel. Tell him that it is neither your nor his fault in what is happening and that, with the right timely treatment you'll be up and running soon. Think together about how you can get out of this situation. Discuss what alternative erotic games can help you abstain from direct sexual contact.

Treatment of cystitis

Try to lie in bed more. Drink as much as possible, preferably water or chamomile tea, tea with milk. If you have the opportunity, take antispasmodic and painkillers. To reduce the feeling of pain, you can apply warm heating pad on or between the legs. Warm chamomile infusion baths for the perineum also help well.

Keep your feet and lower back warm. Beware of hypothermia. During the period of cystitis, swimming in the sea and being in direct sunlight are contraindicated.

As soon as possible, contact a urologist or the emergency room of a nearby hospital to clarify the disease and prescribe drug therapy.

Prevention of cystitis

  • Empty your bladder before and

  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene before and after sex,

  • For frequent and extreme sex, use lubricants and a condom.

  • Don't get too cold or overheat, strengthen your immunity.

Remember prevention is easier and more enjoyable than treatment.