Cash payments to disabled people: EDV and NSU, amount, how to apply. What is included in the disability allowance for the second group, the rules and conditions for receiving it For the disabled person of the 2nd group in

People with disabilities in Russia are entitled to monthly cash payments, briefly called EDV. Their size depends on the disability group and social status of the person, so in each specific case the amount of the amounts paid may differ significantly.

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And the question of how to get EDV for disabled people of group 2 in 2019 is quite popular and a must-learn for those who are not yet familiar with the procedure for applying for benefits.

General aspects

First of all, you need to understand that they are awarded only to persons who can document their availability, that is, to those who have passed a medical examination and received a group.

EDV has existed since 2005, and helps people with disabilities survive in conditions of an insufficiently developed labor market for them and a low level of social security.

But since 2019, working pensioners have ceased.

Therefore, you should understand the procedure for receiving such payments, as well as the laws that protect citizens with limited legal capacity.

What it is

EDV is a monthly cash payment that certain categories of citizens can receive.

It exists both in the form of a financial payment and in the form of a set for the disabled.

You can receive this payment:

  • military operations;
  • people with disabilities and people with disabilities from birth;
  • citizens who went through concentration camps as minors;
  • victims of the Chernobyl accident;
  • heroes and holders of the orders of labor and glory.

A similar payment can be issued for a third child who was born after 2012 and lives in a region with a difficult demographic situation.

Where to go for information

In order to obtain comprehensive information about receiving such benefits, you should contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The territorial office of this government agency will help:

  • determine the possibility of receiving payment - the grounds for registration;
  • write an application for registration of EDV;
  • collect the necessary documents.

But you need to understand that all stages of the procedure will take place only in the Pension Fund department that is attached to the place of permanent residence of the disabled person.

Legal grounds

The main legislative act in this area is the Federal Law.

Procedure for receiving payments

This type of benefit will be assigned based on the period for which the right to receive the payment is assigned.

But the start of the payment countdown is the day you apply for it. Before the right to such assistance arises, a disabled person cannot apply for its registration.

The day of application is the day when the Russian Pension Fund received all the necessary documents for processing a person’s data. In this case, the moment of submission of the last required document is considered.

For each recipient of such assistance, the Pension Fund opens a separate personal account. If a pensioner is already registered with this branch of the Pension Fund, then he does not need to open another account - payments for the EDV will go to an already existing one, but in a separate section.

In the event that an incapacitated citizen or a minor applies to the Pension Fund, a representative of this person is entered into the recipient’s personal account.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, EDV payments that were accrued and not withdrawn from the account can be inherited in the event of the death of a citizen.

What is included in the EDV of a group 2 disabled person?

First of all, EDV is financial assistance.

In addition to the basic amount, a disabled person has the right to receive additional services:

A disabled person may refuse to receive these services and receive monetary compensation. To do this, you must write a corresponding application and submit it to the Pension Fund before October 1.

In this case, you can refuse not all services, but one or several. Benefits can be waived once and they will be recalculated only after submitting a return application.

It is worth noting that starting from February 1, 2019, a new cost of all social services for disabled people of the second group has been established. It is 1048.97 rubles monthly.

Design algorithm

To apply for EDV, you should contact the Pension Fund of Russia and perform the following actions:

  • submit an application for the appropriate payment;
  • provide a complete package of documents;
  • receive a payment into your retirement account.

There are several nuances in this algorithm. So, it is necessary to understand that pensioners are required to contact their Pension Fund branch.

And in most cases you need to go to the fund that is located at your place of residence. For those disabled people who are in a sanatorium institution on a permanent basis, an appeal is provided to the Pension Fund, which is attached to this institution.

Required documents

The main document in the preparation of EDV is the application. It should be filled out carefully and ensure that all data is correct. Otherwise you may get rejected.

This document contains the following set of information:

The text of the application itself should also indicate that the person undertakes to inform the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about his changes of residence.

Third parties can also submit such an application. But in order for the Pension Fund to accept the document, you need to issue a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Two documents must be attached to the application for EDV:

  • passport;
  • certificate of disability.

In this case, you will need to provide photocopies of documents. There is no need to bring the originals of these papers to the Pension Fund.

All documents must be submitted by October 1. It is from this moment that the Pension Fund will begin accruing amounts for the EDV.

How is the amount calculated?

The calculation of the monthly cash payment amount is based on several factors. Thus, it is necessary to understand that the determination of the amount of payment is based on the category of disabled people the user belongs to.

The highest payment amount is 5 thousand rubles. And the smallest one is 600 rubles.

It affects the amount of payment and under what laws a disabled person has the right to receive EDV:

The exception in this case will be those who received a radiation dose at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. For them, it is provided for the establishment of payments on two grounds for EDV.

The payment is also summed up for those who received the status of Hero of the USSR, Hero of the Russian Federation and full holder of the Order of Glory, Hero of the ST, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation and holders of the Order of the TC. In 2019, accruals are indexed starting from February 1.

Is it possible to refuse this service?

The law provides for the refusal of such a service. To complete this procedure, you must write a corresponding application and submit it to the Russian Pension Fund.

There is no need to re-submit such applications every year. One statement is enough. If a disabled person wants to return the payment, he will need to contact the Pension Fund again and complete the necessary documents.

Is it possible to increase the payment?

An increase in EDV payments is possible.

This occurs due to several factors:

Only these two methods allow you to influence the size of the payment. Plus, at the registration stage, some citizens have the opportunity to choose one of several grounds for receiving EDV.

During this process, it is worth determining the most profitable and advantageous option for receiving funds.

Advantages and disadvantages

This social assistance has both positive and negative aspects. Anyone who wants to make a payment should know them. Since this will help to identify all the weak and strong points of the program.

How to calculate temporary disability benefits in 2019 (sample).

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Citizens receiving monthly social payments are also entitled to receive set of social services(NSU), which is an integral part of EDV in its natural form. NSU is a list of services provided to disabled people free of charge.

In this case, citizens can choose: either to receive a set of services in kind, or by replacing it with money. Such replacement can be carried out in whole or in part. In case of refusal of the in-kind form of social assistance, it is necessary to submit an application for refusal to receive all or some of the services to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) before October 1.

NSU consists of several parts:

  • Providing necessary medical drugs and products.
  • Providing free travel on suburban and intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.
  • Providing vouchers to a sanatorium if such treatment is necessary.

Please note that to register a refusal to receive NSO in full or any part of it in 2020, it was necessary to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia until October 1, 2019.

The amount of money allocated to pay for social services from February 1, 2019 is:

  • 863 rubles 75 kopecks to provide necessary medications;
  • 133 rubles 62 kopecks for the provision of vouchers to sanatoriums;
  • 124 rubles 05 kopecks for free travel on suburban railway and intercity transport.
  • Full cost of NSO from 1.02.2019 - 1121 ruble 42 kopecks.

It is worth noting that current legislation provides for the complete or partial replacement of the NSO in financial terms.

Last year, citizen Ivanova, being a group II disabled person, received EDV in full, refusing the full set of social benefits. services. In 2018, Ms. Ivanova was issued a certificate by her attending physician regarding the need for sanatorium-resort treatment. The Social Insurance Fund provided her with the opportunity to receive such a voucher in 2019 in accordance with her treatment profile and the date of arrival. In order for gr. Ivanova was able to exercise the right to treatment in a sanatorium in 2019; she applied to the Pension Fund before October 1, 2018 with a request to refuse the provision of necessary medications and travel by railway transport, while retaining the right to sanatorium treatment.

Consequently, from January 1, 2019, the amount of EDV accrued to her was reduced by the cost of social services for the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment.

We calculate the amount of EDV paid by gr. Ivanova from February 1, 2019, taking into account the indexation:

  • 2701.62 - 133.62 = 2568 rubles.

Indexation of monthly cash payments

Starting from January 1, 2010, the size of the EDV was subject to indexation once a year from April 1 current year. This increase in the monthly cash payment was carried out taking into account the forecast of the inflation rate established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.

This procedure for indexing the size of the EDV was changed from January 1, 2016 - now it is indexed in February. In 2019, one of the most massive social payments is indexed taking into account the inflation level of the previous year (2018).

According to Rosstat, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%. Therefore, indexation was carried out precisely by this value.

From February 1, 2019, the monthly cash payment was increased by 4.3%. Simultaneously with the increase in this social benefit, the amount of funds allocated for the provision of social assistance in kind also increased, namely.

Assignment of monthly payments to pensioners

To assign a monthly cash payment to citizens entitled to it in accordance with Russian legislation, you need to contact the Pension Fund office with a corresponding application at the place of permanent or temporary registration. This application can also be submitted at the place of actual residence due to the lack of a place of residence confirmed by registration.

  • Applicants already receiving a pension should contact the Pension Fund of the area where their pension file is located.
  • Citizens living in a social service institution must contact the district office of the Pension Fund at the location of this organization.

Registration of EDV in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The assignment of a monthly cash payment and its subsequent payment are carried out on the basis of an application from a citizen or his representative who has submitted the necessary documents to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

To establish social benefits, depending on the category to which the citizen belongs, a number of documents must be submitted:

  1. Documents confirming the identity and citizenship of the applicant or the identity and powers of his legal representative.
  2. Documents confirming residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Documents that allow you to establish the fact that a citizen belongs to one or another preferential category.

The application for the appointment of EDV must also contain information about the choice of the basis for establishing EDV if there are several such grounds and the citizen’s obligation to promptly inform the Pension Fund about changes in circumstances affecting the amount of social benefits.

Appointment decision monthly payments are accepted within ten working days from the date of application. The applicant must then be notified of the decision within five days.

EDV is established from the day you apply for it, but not before the right to it arises. Such social assistance is assigned for the time during which the person belongs to the category entitled to social benefits.

Procedure for providing monthly cash payments

The citizen receives a monthly cash payment simultaneously with pension if he is a pensioner. In this case, the delivery of the EDV will be carried out in the same way as the payment of the pension:

  • through post offices;
  • through credit organizations.

If the citizen is not a pensioner, then he chooses the payment option that is convenient for him and submits an application for the delivery method.

If a citizen wants to change the payment method, he will need to apply to the district office of the Pension Fund. For citizens living in a social institution and having this organization as a legal representative, the amount of EDV can be transferred to the account of the specified institution.


  • A monthly cash payment is assigned to certain people, including disabled people, disabled children, citizens, and former minor prisoners of fascism.
  • EDV is assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether the citizen entitled to such payment has reached retirement age or not yet.
  • Amount of monthly cash payment for everyone different. The amount of EDV depends on which category the citizen belongs to.
  • Indexation of the size of the EDV is carried out every year based on the level of inflation in the country for the previous one.

When a citizen contacts the client service of the district administration of the Pension Fund with an application for the appointment of an EDV, he automatically has the right to receive. The applicant may refuse the NSO or its individual component in favor of the cash equivalent or vice versa at his own request.

Latest news and changes

When a person loses the ability to work and is unable to partially or fully care for himself, he is assigned a disability of one group or another. Determination of disability occurs at a special medical labor commission of the ITU or VTEK in the old way. In total, Russia provides three disability groups. The first and second groups include people with severe health problems who, as a result, have lost completely or partially the ability to move, self-care and work. The third group of people includes people with diseases that do not allow them to perform one or another type of work activity. Groups may be assigned indefinitely, or repeated visits by the expert committee may be required. Disabled people receive monthly cash payments from the state. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 is calculated taking into account a number of individual factors and may vary in the amount received.

Who is considered disabled group 2 in 2019?

Medical examination

VTEK expertise The examination must be carried out at the place of registration of the person who needs to receive a disability. If a citizen cannot move independently, the procedure will be carried out at his home. A positive medical and social examination report will allow you to officially receive a monthly benefit from the state.

The result of the commission's work is the execution of an act expressing the general decision of the commission. The second disability group is given for up to a year. After this, you need to undergo a second medical examination. The amount of the benefit does not depend on the period of disability.

Pensions for disabled people of group 2

Increase in pensions for disabled people of group 2 in 2019

For disabled people of the second group in 2018, the size of the social pension was increased on April 1 by 2.9%. The amount of security is 5160.01 rubles per month. If a person is registered as a childhood disabled person in the second group, then he receives a pension of 10481,34 rubles per month.

The legislator determined the basic size of the fixed part of the insurance pension for disabled people of group 2 with work experience. If a person has no dependents in the family, then the size of the labor pension will be 5334.19 rubles. per month. The size of the IPC from January 1, 2019 is - 87.24 rubles. The combination of these two values ​​will be the required pension amount. The specified data is relevant for 2019 after indexation, which took place on January 1 7,05% .

If there is one dependent in the family, the size of the basic labor pension will increase:

  • on 1661 ruble with 1 dependent;
  • on 3322 rubles at two;
  • on 4983 rubles at three.

Benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2019

Monthly cash payments to disabled people of the second group in 2019 after indexation on February 1 will be RUR 2,678.31 rub with a complete refusal of social services (their amount was 1121.42 rubles). Every year the EDV increases in accordance with price changes over the past year .

Citizens can also receive regular or one-time compensation for utility bills and.

NSO for disabled people in 2019, and for other categories of beneficiaries, will increase by 46.23 rubles and will be 1121.42 rubles versus 1075.19 rubles in 2018. Included:

  • provision of medicines or necessary products in the amount of 863.75 rubles;
  • payment for sanatorium treatment in the amount of 133.62 rubles;
  • payment for travel to the place of treatment and back in the amount of 124.05 rubles.

The recipient of the NSO has the right to fully or partially refuse the services provided. The amount of EDV receivable will be revised monthly by price these services. It goes like this:

  • if the beneficiary needs the entire range of services provided by the state, then the amount of the monthly allowance will be reduced by the entire size of NSO in 2019– for 1121.42 rubles;
  • if he refused only part of the services, then 863, 75 rubles, 133, 62 rubles or 124.05 rubles will be deducted from the EDV amount, respectively;
  • if the beneficiary refuses all services, then he will receive the EDV in full size.

Table of increasing the amount of daily allowance for disabled people of group 2 from February 1, 2019

Severance pay for disabled people

If a person is recognized by a medical commission as unfit to perform a certain work activity that he was previously engaged in, then upon dismissal he receives severance pay for disability. Severance pay to a disabled person can be paid only in cases where there is no suitable place for him or his incapacity prevents the employee from performing any more job duties.

If an employee who has been recognized as disabled refuses the job offer, he will not be paid severance pay.

The amount of severance pay for disability is equal to the amount of wages two working weeks in this position.

Additional payments for housing and communal services

For disabled people of the second group, it is necessary to provide housing in the amount of not less than 50% of the current tariff, a citizen also has the right to receive an additional payment for fuel if he lives in a room without central heating.

Compensation payments are processed through the local pension fund. To do this you must provide:

  • passport;
  • documentary confirmation of the rights of a disabled person to receive preferential additional payments;
  • a certificate from the housing department about the number of persons registered in the apartment;
  • current receipts for housing payments.

Procedure for obtaining benefits

The stages of applying for disability benefits include:

  1. Passing a medical and social examination to obtain disability.
  2. Appeal to the pension fund with a request to register all benefits due to a disabled person. To do this, you must submit a passport, ITU conclusion, and work book.

List of required documents

To apply for disability benefits and payments you will need to provide:

  • passport;
  • ITU conclusion;
  • work book;
  • certificate of presence of dependents.


A person who is a disabled person of the second group has the right to receive social protection from the state. Such a monetary allowance allows him to realize himself in this life. Citizens are entitled to:

  • monthly payment of social pension;
  • surcharges for housing and communal services;
  • severance pay in case of loss of previous job;
  • accrual of a regular labor pension on the basis of pension legislation;
  • opportunity to work in a suitable position.
  • preferential medical examination and treatment;
  • benefits for higher education.

The most popular questions and answers regarding benefits for disabled people of group 2

Question: How is a citizen officially recognized as disabled? How can I pass the ITU?

List of laws

Samples of applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents:

Disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, as well as disabled children and disabled children have the right to receive EDV and NSU in the prescribed manner. In the article, we will analyze what amount of the monthly allowance and the National Social Security is established for persons with disabilities in 2019, and we will also find out how to process cash payments to people with disabilities and what documents are required for this.

What are EDV and NSU

EDV, or monthly cash payment, is financial assistance that is provided by the state to persons with limited physical and social capabilities (disabled people), as well as veterans, military personnel, citizens affected by man-made disasters, victims of the Nazi regime, etc.

EDV is an additional payment and is assigned regardless of whether the citizen receives a pension, as well as other compensation, additional payments, and benefits.

NSO, or a set of social services - assistance provided to recipients of EDV in kind - in the form of granting the right to free travel, vouchers to sanatoriums, medical care and medicines.

The NSI is assigned to all EDV recipients automatically at the time of issuing a monthly cash payment. The recipient of the EDV can refuse the NSO in kind by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund (the form can be downloaded here ⇒). In this case, the size of the UDV will be increased by the amount of the monetary equivalent of the NSO.

Who can apply for EDV and NSU

Current legislation grants the right to receive EDV and NSU to the following categories of citizens:

  • disabled people, including disabled people with combat injuries;
  • WWII and combat veterans;
  • relatives of fallen servicemen;
  • persons who suffered radiation sickness, other citizens who suffered from the consequences of man-made disasters;
  • Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, Socialist Labor, holders of the Order of Glory.

A complete list of persons entitled to payment in the form of EDV is contained in the relevant legislative acts, as well as on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia ⇒

Cash payments to disabled people: amounts in 2019

The size of the EDV and NSO is fixed and is established at the legislative level. From 02/01/2019, the size of the EDV was indexed for all categories of recipients by 2.5%.

The amount of monthly payments is determined based on the disability group and from 02/01/2019 is:

  • for disabled people of group 1 – 2,551.79 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 2 – 1,515.05 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 3 – 998.32 rubles/month;
  • for disabled children (persons with disabilities under 18 years of age) – 1,515.05 rubles/month.

The above amounts of EDV are assigned on the condition that the citizen receives NSO in kind.

NSO for disabled people in 2019

From 02/01/2019, the cash equivalent of the NSO is 1,075.19 rubles/month, including:

  • compensation for the cost of medications – 828.14 rubles/month;
  • the right to receive vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions (if there are medical indications, no more than once every 2 years) – 128.11 rubles/month;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport – 118.94 rubles.

The specified amount of NSO is valid both for disabled people and for other recipients of EDV.

Amount of EDV if a disabled person refuses NSU

The recipient of the EDV due to disability has the right to refuse to receive NSI in kind - in the form of medicines, free vouchers to a sanatorium and free travel on suburban railway transport. In this case, the monthly amount of payments to the disabled person will be increased by the cash equivalent of the NSO.

If the disabled person completely refuses the NSU, the size of the UD will be increased by 1,075.19 rubles/month. and will be:

  • for disabled people of group 1 – 3,626.98 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 2 – 2,590.24 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 3 – 2,073.51 rubles/month;
  • for disabled children (persons with disabilities under 18 years of age) – 2,590.24 rubles/month.

The recipient of the EDV may waive the TSA in kind, either completely or partially. For example, a disabled person may refuse free vouchers to a sanatorium and free travel on railway transport, but retain the right to receive medications. In this case, the amount of EDV will be increased by 247.05 rubles/month.

The table below provides information on the amounts of UD in case of partial refusal of the disabled person from the NSO:

EDV recipients Disabled people of 1st group Disabled people of 2 groups, disabled children Disabled people of 3 groups
Amount of EDV if you refuse free railway travel RUB 2,670.73/monthRUB 1,633.99/monthRUB 1,117.26/month
The amount of EDV if you refuse free railway travel and vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 2,798.84/monthRUB 1,762.10/monthRUB 1,245.37/month
The amount of UDV if you refuse free medicines and railway travel RUB 3,498.87/monthRUB 2,462.13/monthRUB 1,945.40/month
Amount of EDV upon refusal of vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 2,679.90/monthRUB 1,643.16/monthRUB 1,126.43/month
Amount of UDV if you refuse free medications RUB 3,379.93/monthRUB 2,343.19/monthRUB 1,826.46/month
The amount of EDV if you refuse free medications and vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 3,508.04/monthRUB 2,471.30/monthRUB 1,954.57/month

If you refuse the NSU, an additional payment to the EDV is assigned from the month following the month of submission of the corresponding application to the Pension Fund.

Cash payments to disabled combat veterans

The right to receive EDV and NSU is granted to citizens who have acquired a disability as a result of a combat injury. For this category of persons, the amount of EDV is set as follows:

The basis for assigning payment to disabled combatants is a document issued by a medical institution and confirming that the reason for assigning disability was an injury (wound, mutilation, concussion) or disease acquired during military service or participation in hostilities.

Disabled people who participated in the Second World War also have the right to receive EDV in the specified amount, regardless of the reasons for the assignment of disability.

Separately, it is worth noting that henceforth disability does not need to be confirmed every year, if it was received before 2015, all other citizens with disabilities, of any group, are required to undergo an annual confirmation commission. - Labor veterans will be able to receive a monthly cash payment of up to one (1.0) thousand rubles; - EDV payments to other categories of social benefit recipients will, as before, be calculated individually, taking into account personal characteristics, etc. In conclusion, monthly cash payments, or as they are commonly called EDV, are paid to the recipient on a monthly basis and are aimed (designed) to compensate for the refusal of a pensioner, veteran or disabled person from state social benefits with an in-kind material payment. Compensatory assistance from the state is provided to preferential categories of Russian citizens along with their social benefits (pensions).

Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2018

This social payment appeared as a result of the so-called “monetization of benefits,” when people were given the right to choose whether to receive benefits in kind or in cash. To receive a monthly monetary compensation payment, it is necessary to collect a package of documents, which should include an application in the prescribed form, an identification document of the pensioner, as well as his pension certificate.
If the total material income of a disabled person does not reach the regional subsistence level, then from February 1, 2018, he will receive a federal social supplement to his pension up to this amount.

Indexation of disability income in 2018 for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3

This year, the last recalculation was made, in which the EDV increased by 5.5%. After indexation, you can calculate the exact amounts of EDV.

It should be noted that they are different for each disability group, veterans and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. As mentioned above, payments are made by the pension fund, and if a person cannot for some reason receive payments on his own, then this right can be transferred to a representative for whom a power of attorney can be issued.

The social pension for this category is assigned for the period during which the citizen is recognized as disabled. If the disability is indefinite, then the pension can also be indefinite.

Work experience also does not affect the payment of a social pension. EDV news in 2018.

Benefits for disabled people of group 2

That is why Russian legislation provides for a number of different benefits in its social orientation, such as free or reduced-price medical care, including medications, free travel in city and suburban transport, which somehow make life easier for these people and other. Today, there is no accurate information regarding the increase in the monthly allowance for different categories of beneficiaries, including disabled people of any category.

According to experts, there is a shortage of funds in the state budget. Therefore, the only guaranteed source of increasing pension provision is indexation.

My son, a group 2 disabled child, was not given EDV in January. The regional social security authorities said that they would pay only when they check if he has debts for housing and communal services.

Also in Russia there is courier delivery of social assistance, the services of which can be arranged through the local pension fund, in this case the money for the EDV will be delivered directly to the recipient’s home, from hand to hand. Indexation of EDV by disability in 2018 for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3.
EDV for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in 2018 What social payments will be, namely, compensatory cash (monthly) payments (EDV) to domestic disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in the future 2018, is still not exactly known and unclear today, What can this category of our compatriots count on, who, by and large, first and foremost have the right to count on such material compensation (financial support) from our state.

Sizes for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in 2018


Will there be a promotion or increase? Just like disabled people of group 3, disabled people of group 2 receive both insurance and social pensions. We have already talked about the difference in receiving them. Now let's see how much it will be in 2018.

As for the calculation of the insurance pension, it is calculated as follows: TPPI = PC/(T x K) + B, where PC is the amount of the estimated pension capital of a disabled person, which is taken into account from the day when he was assigned a disability retirement pension; T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age pension. If the pension was assigned in 2012, then this figure will be 216 months, and starting from 2013 - 228 months; K is the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period (in months) as of the specified date to 180 months.

So, this very standard duration up to 19 years of age is 12 months.

Pensions for disabled people of group 1, group 2, group 3 in 2018

The fact is that depending on the extent of a person’s illness, the medical examination requires a repeat examination every year. Therefore, if a person’s health improves, he may be assigned a lower, higher category of disability, or even cancel it altogether.

Thus, following the legislation of the country, a person of disability group 3 has the following degree of health in relation to physiological limitations:

  • A group 3 disabled person is able to care for himself independently. He can prepare food and perform the necessary hygiene procedures without the help of third parties.
  • A person can independently move around the city. Moreover, he does not require auxiliary means for this. For example, sticks or crutches.

How to get disabled people of group 2 in 2018

In 2018, there are quite a few amendments to the Budget, which are aimed at increasing cash payments and expanding preferential programs for needy segments of the population. Group 3 disabled people, depending on regional programs, may receive additional payments and benefits.

You will find out what they will be in this article later. The content of the article:

  • 1. Who is a category 3 disabled person?
  • 2. What additional payments and benefits are available to disabled people of group 3 in 2018: latest news
  • 3.

    What will be the payments to disabled people of group 3 in 2018?

  • 4. How is disability benefits calculated?

Who is a disabled person of category 3? First of all, in order to understand what a particular person with limited mobility is entitled to, it is necessary to determine exactly who exactly belongs to the 3rd category of disability.
What will be the payments to disabled people of group 3 in 2018? To correctly calculate what is due, we need a special formula. Everything is simple here: P = PC / (T x K) + B What do the letters mean: T – the number of months that are counted before the calculation of the old-age pension begins; PC – pension capital of a disabled person, which is taken into account; P – pension amount according to category 3 disability; K – ratio of insurance period to 180 months; B – basic amount of disability pension.


Now let's look at the basic values ​​by category: Category The size of the basic value for disability group 3 For persons without dependents 1200 rubles. With the maintenance of 1 dependent 2100 rubles. With the maintenance of 2 dependents 3000 rubles.

With the maintenance of 3 dependents 3850 rubles. The amount of monthly cash payments (MCP) for disability group 3 in 2018 is planned at the level: group 3 - 2022.94 rubles.

Barely disabled person of group 2, 3 degree in 2018

Anyone who wants to make a payment should know them. Since this will help to identify all the weak and strong points of the program. The benefits of a monthly cash payment include

  • the opportunity to receive additional assistance every month;
  • high payments for disabled people;
  • It is possible to register for a set of social services

As for the negative aspects, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • the inaccessibility of this payment to certain categories of disabled people - since only those who have such a right in accordance with adopted legislative acts can apply for it;
  • in some cases it is impossible to combine EDV and NSO, and in other registration options it is necessary to refuse part of the payment

Based on these indicators, you can choose any of the options, depending on which option is best for the person.

Barely disabled people of group 2, 3 degrees in 2018

People with disabilities in Russia are entitled to monthly cash payments, briefly called EDV. Their size depends on the disability group and social status of the person, so in each specific case the amount of the amounts paid may differ significantly. And the question of how to get EDV for disabled people of group 2 in 2018 is quite popular and a must-learn for those who are not yet familiar with the procedure for applying for benefits. General aspects First of all, you need to understand that EDV is awarded only to persons who can document the presence of disability, that is, to those who have passed a medical examination and received a group.

EDV has existed since 2005, and helps people with disabilities survive in conditions of an insufficiently developed labor market for them and a low level of social security. But since 2018, the monthly allowance for working pensioners has been terminated.