Treatment for dermatitis in dogs at home. Algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs

Dermatitis in dogs– an unpleasant skin disease due to complications and duration of treatment. In our article we'll talk about the types and causes of inflammation, as well as methods of getting rid of such a scourge.

Types of canine dermatitis

As mentioned above, dermatitis is considered to be inflammation of the skin. Depending on the causes of occurrence, the disease is divided into the following types:
  • Mechanical dermatitis – an ailment that appears as a result of any damage to the skin (cuts, abrasions, scratching after insect bites, etc.). The skin on the affected areas looks thin, dry, bright pink, the hair at the wound site becomes thinner;
  • Periwound dermatitis – if the wound on the animal’s body does not have time to heal successfully, then suppuration begins. With periwound dermatitis, the fur at the wound site is constantly wet from exudate, the skin is red, and swelling is noticeable. This disease is otherwise referred to as weeping dermatitis;
  • Infectious dermatitis – fungi, bacteria and viruses, caused by diseases such as microsporia, staphylococcosis, herpes and others, can affect the skin of an animal (symptoms of infectious dermatitis – rash, itching, swelling, suppuration, etc.);
  • Drug dermatitis – some drugs for external use can cause severe irritation to the dog’s skin. Those areas where the medicine was applied directly become red, painful, and hair falls out there. The animal usually makes the situation worse by constantly scratching and licking the itchy skin;
  • Thermal dermatitis – a disease that develops as a result of frostbite or burns. The affected area of ​​the body is very hot and painful, red, swollen, and itchy. Skin wounds may fester;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis – the disease can also occur due to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. With this problem, the dog's fur (especially on the back, as well as on the neck and hips) looks oily, strewn with dandruff, the skin flakes and turns red. Sometimes with seborrheic dermatitis your pet smells unpleasant.
  • It is worth noting that the disease often affects not only the torso and head, but also the limbs of animals (the so-called interdigital dermatitis, pododermatitis). Usually, dermatitis on the paws of dogs occurs due to injury, irritation after walking on icy streets sprinkled with reagents, as a result of infections introduced into microcracks on the toe pads. If the disease affects the dog’s limbs, then the animal will certainly begin to limp on its paws, which hurt and swell.

    Symptoms of dermatitis in dogs

    Common symptoms of dermatitis in dogs are:
    • Attempts to scratch the wound with claws or teeth;
    • Redness of the skin;
    • Coarsening or thinning of the skin;
    • Skin affected by dermatitis is hot to the touch;
    • Edema;
    • Thinning or hair loss in affected areas;

      Is it really impossible to help your dog without a visit to the doctor? Unfortunately, a trip to the clinic is required. However, you can alleviate the animal’s condition at home. This is what treatment at home will look like until the doctor prescribes special medications:

      • The fur on the inflamed area should be cut;
      • Treat the dog's problematic skin with hydrogen peroxide, then apply an antiseptic cream (Levomekol, Salicylic, Zinc, Ichthyol ointments or other antimicrobial agents);
      • Can be given internally to a dog antihistamines in drops, tablets or ampoules (Suprastin, Zodak, Allervet, Tavegil). These tools will help not only with allergic dermatitis, but also with its other varieties, if there is itching;
      • If inflammation brings pain to the dog (especially when the affected area is large), it makes sense to administer a 0.5% solution of novocaine in accordance with the instructions for the drug;
      • Vitamins (especially A, B, E, PP) will help strengthen the dog’s body. You can choose the following drugs: “8 in 1 Excel”, “Gimborn”, “Doctor-ZOO” or others;
      • Immunotherapy drugs (“Glycopin”, “Azoksivet”, etc.) can improve the animal’s condition;
      • To relieve swelling, reduce pain and relieve inflammation, you can give your dog Rikarfa tablets;
      • Furosemide tablets will help relieve swelling and reduce the likelihood of intoxication;
      • If a dog’s dermatitis is definitely caused by an allergy, it is appropriate to bathe the animal with an anti-allergenic shampoo (for example, brands “Synergy Labs”, “Beaphar” or others);
      • An animal accustomed to ready-made feed, it is reasonable to temporarily switch to a special hypoallergenic diet (for example, Royal Canin, Yarra, Akana, or others). Dogs trained to natural diet, you should stop feeding eggs, fish, red vegetables, and any sweets. You need to leave boiled dietary meat (rabbit, turkey, veal), green vegetables (cabbage, zucchini), water porridge, and low-fat sour milk on the menu.
      All of the above remedies will not cure dermatitis, but will significantly improve the dog’s condition. By the way, if the owner decides to use medications (hydrogen peroxide and “harmless” antiseptic ointment are not considered), then it is better to call a veterinarian for consultation. Only a specialist will say with confidence whether this or that product is worth using.

    Skin diseases in dogs are not uncommon. There are a lot of dermatitis in nature, and they all lead to serious disturbances in the general well-being of the pet. Learn to identify the first signs of a skin inflammatory process in order to have time to seek help from a veterinarian and help your pet in time.

    Dermatitis in dogs: symptoms and main causes

    IN normal conditions skin performs protective function body from bacteria and external influence environmental factors (mainly traumatic). When something starts to go wrong, the skin undergoes painful changes. One of these changes is dermatitis. This term combines any inflammatory processes of the skin, covering all its layers. The main feature of this pathology is the absence of an obvious rash.

    Main symptoms of dermatitis:

    • itching and soreness;
    • signs of irritation (redness, peeling);
    • increase in local temperature;
    • minor bleeding from capillaries when they are damaged (sometimes in the form of minor hemorrhages);
    • swelling and puffiness, turning from traumatic to inflammatory (preconditions for ulceration);
    • release of exudate (inflammatory effusion of fluid onto the surface of the skin - from serous - transparent - to purulent).

    In case of prolonged flow or incorrect and long-term treatment the skin in the affected areas becomes rougher, thickens, flakes, and hair begins to fall out. If there are wounds, they become deeper and more extensive, turning into weeping ulcers.

    Classification and specific characteristics

    Dermatitis is classified depending on the reasons that caused it. There are many types of skin inflammation, but there are several main types that are most common. Each has its own specific characteristics by which differentiation occurs.

    Then areas of redness, peeling, hair loss, scratching and scratching appear due to constant itching. Usually the areas with the most delicate skin are affected: the muzzle, lower abdomen and groin, and armpits.

    The source of irritation is not only the saliva of animals, but also their bites, and the fruits of their vital activity in the form of subcutaneous passages. The most common type of dermatitis is flea dermatitis.

    Burn (or thermal) dermatitis

    If a dog receives a burn of any degree, this type of inflammation is 100% likely to develop. It is often complicated by the fact that the animal licks the burn sites, introducing an infection into the wound, which quickly spreads over the entire burn surface.

    Particular danger in in this case represent skin breakdown products that can lead to local poisoning of the body involving the liver and kidneys. It is important that this type of dermatitis refers not only to exposure high temperatures, but also low, i.e. frostbite.

    For burns, the clinical picture is classic with the formation of blisters, open wounds and weeping ulcers. In case of frostbite against the background of inflammation, foci of necrosis and rotting of dead skin areas may occur.

    Contact dermatitis

    The name speaks for itself - it occurs during prolonged contact with irritating substances: chemical substances, sun rays, metal on the collar, synthetic fabric bedding, exposure to a hot radiator in winter, etc.

    It often appears as interdigital dermatitis in dogs when the dog's paws come into contact with salt that is sprinkled on icy roads in winter. There is swelling, redness, the formation of small bubbles with liquid, and dry skin.

    Often imperceptibly flows into chronic form, which can turn purulent due to the contamination of cracks that form on the skin with bacteria.

    Allergic dermatitis

    Occurs under the influence of allergens and can often be confused with other diseases. One of the few manifestations of the disease, which is accompanied by urticaria, local redness of certain areas of the body (most often on the face, abdomen, in the interdigital space).

    A type of allergic skin reaction is juvenile dermatitis (or juvenile cellulitis), in which the muzzle of young dogs swells in places, ulcerates and begins to literally rot. Recently referred to autoimmune diseases, because the real reason veterinarians do not know.

    Periwound dermatitis

    This type of skin damage occurs only around necrotic or purulent wounds. The resulting purulent and decomposing exudate (liquid released from the wound) irritates adjacent healthy areas of the skin. Inflammation occurs, to which bacteria join. Thereby wound surface increases its area. Features clinical manifestation are redness and swelling around the wounds, glued fur and the formation of further areas of baldness. Temporary formation of crusts is possible, which, falling off, form new areas of open wounds.

    Drug irritation

    This type of lesion is very often combined with the previous type. With improper and inept treatment with contact agents (ointments, antiseptic liquids), irritation occurs, which can quickly develop into dermatitis. Incorrectly administered injections can also lead to this pathology. medicines, as well as when instructions regarding injection sites are violated (for example, when irritating substances are administered subcutaneously, which should only be administered intramuscularly and vice versa).

    Infectious and fungal dermatitis

    These names appear second in frequency after allergic ones. There is only one reason - weakening of the immune system and activation of opportunistic microflora and fungi (normally they are always present on the skin, but they multiply when weakened). protective forces organism). Treatment takes a very long time, because... not always immediately installed correct diagnosis. Bacterial dermatitis is most often caused by staphylococci, fungal dermatitis is caused by the Malassezia fungus. Staphylococcal dermatitis has classic inflammatory signs, fungal - often affect the skin, redness and an increase in local temperature are not always present.

    Diagnosis of dermatitis

    To make a diagnosis of one or another type of skin inflammation, the veterinarian carries out:

    • collecting anamnesis and detailed questioning of the animal owner;
    • clinical examination;
    • scrapings from the skin surface and bacteriological or mycological cultures from the affected areas;
    • blood tests (biochemical, clinical, hormones), feces and urine.

    First aid for dermatitis in dogs at home

    Treatment at home does not always give the expected result, because... Before starting treatment procedures, you need to know the exact cause of the disease. Without accurate information, what factor provoked the development of inflammation skin, treatment will be ineffective.

    Having applied everything pre-medical measures, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Further self-medication is inappropriate, because the situation may get worse chronic course or putrefactive-purulent process of the skin and general intoxication of the body. Treatment will be complicated and supplemented long period recovery.

    Veterinary assistance

    Medical treatment will include:

    • determining the exact cause that caused skin lesion, through history taking, clinical examination and laboratory tests;
    • relieving itching and local anesthesia;
    • local treatment of affected areas of the skin;
    • systemic antibiotic therapy (if necessary);
    • general strengthening and detoxification therapy (if necessary).

    Dermatitis in dogs is treated depending on its type and the general condition of the animal. The following medications are usually prescribed by your veterinarian:

    The main rule for local treatment: wet the dry, dry the wet. Those. dry, flaky skin lesions are smeared with ointments and creams, weeping ulcers and open wounds, including purulent dermatitis, are treated with drying agents (antimicrobial powders, drying solutions).

    Common treatments for dermatitis in dogs:

    1. In the moment acute course the affected areas of the skin are cleaned of excess hair (if this was not done by the owner of the house).
    2. The surface of the diseased skin is treated antiseptics– best in the form of applications (streptocidal emulsion, syntomycin ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, a mixture of dexamethasone cream with vitamin PP and B6, Levomekol). On a gauze napkin thin layer superimposed medicine, applied to the affected area of ​​skin and secured with a bandage. It is enough to change 1-2 times a day.
    3. In case of a purulent process, the hair is trimmed from the wounds, the wound surface is generously washed with hydrogen peroxide or a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution, blotted with a gauze cloth and thoroughly covered with antimicrobial powders (norsulfazole, streptocide, streptocide with antibiotics, iodoform with boric acid).
    4. For weeping wounds, it is effective to use alcohol-drying compresses and lotions with camphor or ichthyol alcohols (moisten and apply bandages 3-4 times a day with an alcohol concentration of no more than 30%).
    5. To relieve and prevent inflammation around diseased skin areas, you can lubricate the skin with 3% boric acid or iodine solution (not in abundance).
    6. To relieve pain, infiltration novocaine blockades (around wounds) or intravenous administration novocaine 0.25% in a dose of 5-20 ml per animal, depending on its size.
    7. For prolonged purulent dermatitis, antibiotic therapy is used (cephalexin - 15-30 mg/kg twice a day for a week; Baytril - 0.2 ml/kg once in a course of 3 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process; enrofloxacin - 5-10 mg /kg once a day for a course of at least 5 days).
    8. During vitamin therapy, vitamins of group B, E, A, and PP are prescribed.
    9. To accelerate the elimination of toxic substances during general intoxication, furosemide (diuretic) tablets are introduced into the treatment regimen at a dose of 8-10 mg/kg of body weight - once a day in the morning before meals.
    10. To improve the general condition of the dog, it is possible to use autohemotherapy (blood is taken from the antebrachial saphenous vein, observing all the rules of asepsis, and injected subcutaneously into the affected area or intramuscularly, starting from 5 ml (maximum up to 25 ml) - a total of 4 injections with an interval of 2-4 days ).
    11. Immunity is boosted by immunofan (1 ml per day), cycloferon (daily on days 1-2-4-6-8 0.8-0.12 ml/kg in inverse proportion to weight), gamavit (0.3-0. 5 ml/kg once).
    12. To eliminate itching, antihistamines are used:
      1. suprastin – 0.5-2 ml intramuscularly 1 time per day;
      2. allervet – 0.2-0.4 ml/kg three to four times a day for up to 5 days, intramuscularly or subcutaneously;
      3. tavegil – 0.5-2 ml depending on the size of the dog up to 2 times a day; diazolin in tablets or dragees - up to 0.1 mg per animal 1-2 times a day)
      4. or glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, betamethasone).

    Glucocorticoids are usually used in mid-life therapeutic doses for no more than 3 days, reducing the dosage over the next 4 days - strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian. This group of drugs, along with good antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties, has a lot side effects in case of overdose or incorrect treatment regimen.

    Prevention of dermatitis

    Timely prevention of skin diseases in a dog significantly alleviates its condition during illness and speeds up its recovery when treating existing inflammation.

    Dermatitis in dogs is inflammation of the skin without the formation of papules, vesicles, or pustules. It manifests itself as an increase in local temperature, redness, and sclerotization (thickening) of tissues. It may appear by various reasons: injuries, the effects of irritating ointments, skincare cosmetics, as a result of frostbite or burns, insect bites.

    All these types of skin diseases are easily treated and do not pose a particular danger to the quality of life and health of the pet. IN separate group Atopic dermatitis, caused by genetic predisposition, can be distinguished.


    Usually, pathological process on the skin causes the action of various allergens.

    Most Frequent

    • dust mites,
    • pollen,
    • spores of microscopic fungi,
    • epithelial cells of humans or animals,
    • food allergens (usually of protein origin).

    Who is at risk

    Mostly dogs aged from six months to six years are affected.

    The hereditary factor plays an important role in the appearance and development atopic dermatitis. In some cases, signs of the disease are observed year-round, which indicates the constant presence of the allergen in the apartment.

    In many ways, the development of dermatitis depends on the dog’s environment. For example, in a dog, symptoms of dermatitis may appear and disappear when changing climate zones. Sometimes the manifestations of the disease increase during the period of active flowering of some plants, which indicates the seasonality of the disease.


    There are acute, subacute forms, as well as periods of relapse.

    Common symptoms of dermatitis - skin lesions are observed in the area around the eyes, lips, anus, on inside ear, groin (as in the photo below) and armpits, interdigital space.

    At first the skin turns red, as the disease progresses, signs appear chronic inflammation. Hair falls out, hyperpigmentation or acanthosis nigricans is visible in areas of baldness. The situation is aggravated by secondary microflora, leading to even greater inflammation.

    The most unpleasant symptom is an unbearable itching that makes the dog nervous. In addition, scratching injures tissues, which in turn leads to the formation of wounds with subsequent development purulent process(pyoderma).

    Chronic dermatitis is characterized by sclerotization: the skin thickens, dries, and takes on a wrinkled, brownish appearance.

    The photo shows a manifestation of atypical dermatitis on the stomach and groin of a dog.

    Diagnosis of dermatitis

    Quite a difficult and costly process. Often, Russian veterinary specialists do not have sufficient knowledge to accurately make a diagnosis. Most often it is done by eye based on the symptoms. But this approach is not ideal, since other diseases have similar symptoms.

    Abroad, to confirm the diagnosis, the presence of immunoglobulin E in the dog’s blood, to which the allergen binds, is determined, and special intradermal allergy tests are also carried out.

    Due to the impossibility of conducting special research methods, our specialists most often make a diagnosis based on medical history:

    • age,
    • when did the first symptoms of dermatitis appear?
    • Availability similar signs from the puppy's closest relatives,
    • is there seasonality?
    • Are there relapses?
    • under what conditions symptoms increase,
    • Is there a relationship between dermatitis and feeding?

    Sometimes a special veterinary diet to rule out food allergies can confirm the diagnosis.

    How to treat

    It is impossible to completely cure a dog, but the symptoms of atopic dermatitis have to be dealt with throughout the pet’s life.

    First of all, they try to determine the allergen that causes the disease. They work by elimination:

    • treat premises against fleas and ticks,
    • replace care items,
    • refuse to use detergents,
    • Air filters are used to clean the air from dust and gases,
    • an elimination diet is prescribed.

    If the allergen is definitely known, then immunotherapy is performed: the introduction of microdoses of the irritant to achieve a state of immunity.

    Traditional treatment for dermatitis involves the use of antihistamines and corticosteroids (diphenhydramine, tavegil, suprastin, dexafort, prednisolone, kenalog).

    However, there is debate in the scientific community about antihistamines: many experts argue that their role in therapy is negligible.

    To fight with inflammatory processes Antimicrobial drugs help, but they should be used only after determining the causative agent of the secondary infection and sensitivity to antibiotics.

    To prevent relapses, immunostimulants (Polyoxidonium, Immunofan, GamaVit, Immunofor, etc.) are periodically used.

    To enhance immunity, periodic injections of Polyoxidonium are indicated.

    Reducing dryness and itching is achieved by using steroids and shampoos that contain antifungal and antibacterial ingredients (for example, Globalvet, Zoomikol, Imavrol, Fungin, Perfect Coat, etc.)

    In the treatment of atopic dermatitis important has recovery intestinal microflora and comprehensive cleansing of the body, which can be achieved by taking sorbents and bifido- or lactobacilli (Eubicor, Omega-10 - veterinary multibacterin, Enterosgel).

    Flea dermatitis

    One of the varieties of the disease is flea dermatitis, which also causes allergic nature. In this case, the allergen is insect saliva.

    More often inflammatory reaction flea bites are detected in dogs suffering from cutaneous form allergies, so these two diseases are often not separated.

    Dog owners are often surprised by this diagnosis: where can it come from if regular flea treatment is carried out?

    However preventative treatment does not exclude the possibility of getting sick. The fact is that there is no direct relationship with the number of bites and the manifestation of symptoms of the disease. Even one random flea will lead to a severe skin reaction if the dog is prone to allergies.


    The main symptom of flea dermatitis is itching, and the dog literally chews the skin to bloody wounds. The animal experiences not only physical discomfort, but also becomes nervous and even aggressive.


    In order not to further harm the animal’s skin from potent drugs, the dose, agent and frequency of treatment should be selected by a competent dermatologist who will take into account the characteristics of a particular patient.

    The most fun way to remove fleas from a dog. About serious ones.

    Good results Anti-flea collars are recommended for preventing bites: Bolfo, Bars, Frontline, Rolf.

    If skin reaction has already developed, then they resort to heavy artillery: ointments, creams, corticosteroids, antihistamines, etc. In principle, the treatment is the same as for atopic dermatitis. Important: only a veterinarian should select the regimen!

    To relieve itching, the animal is bathed periodically special shampoos(the same ones that are used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis), which also helps to wash away the allergen and reduces the severity of the reaction.

    One of the most common pathologies is atopic dermatitis in dogs or, as it is also called, atopy. The pathology makes itself felt by itchy inflammation of the skin of animals, accompanied by characteristic features arising in them in one form or another against the background hereditary predisposition to the formation of antibodies to environmental allergens. And since environmental conditions Lately are not encouraging, then one should not be surprised that according to statistical data, almost 15% of dogs are susceptible to this disease. What is pathology, how dangerous is it, is there any hope for recovery for our pets?

    Clinical picture of atopic dermatitis

    Atopy develops against the background of a combination of many factors and is characterized by a variety of clinical pictures, which makes its diagnosis and treatment certain difficulties. Often this disease manifests itself as alopecia in certain places skin formed at the sites of scratching due to itching, granulomas, spots, ulcers on the lips, lower neck, abdomen. The disease mainly affects young animals from one to three years of age. True, it rarely happens that six-month-old puppies get sick.

    Atopic dermatitis is a reaction of an animal’s body to an active allergen. The pathology is hereditary. However, even among puppies of the same litter, the pathology is inherited. Puppies from the same litter have different allergens. Depending on the underlying allergen, the disease may be seasonal or non-seasonal.

    The severity of the ailment is determined by the duration of exacerbations, remissions, as well as the area of ​​distribution on the animal’s body. For example, in terms of the frequency of exacerbations, the picture looks like this:

    • mild course - the disease makes itself felt no more than 2 times a year for 2-3 weeks;
    • moderate – 3-4 times a year for 1-2 months;
    • severe - more than 2 months more than 4 times a year.

    Regarding the duration of remission, in mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis it lasts 6-8 months. In severe cases, relief may be observed for 30 days or may not occur at all.

    If we take into account the area affected by atopy, then when mild degree these will be single limited spots, with moderate spots - multiple lesions skin. In severe cases, these multiple lesions may combine into one large area with full manifestation of erythroderma.

    What causes atopy

    Atopy in dogs can occur for a variety of reasons. Allergens are concentrated nearby - in the apartment, in the courtyard of the house - where the pet always stays. His health may be affected by an unexpected change temperature regime, increased air humidity, other environmental changes, as well as household dust, houseplants, food, etc.

    The most prominent representatives of allergens that provoke atopic dermatitis in dogs are dust mites, fleas, house dust, pollen of flowering plants. Atopy caused by fleas occurs in almost every animal, usually when there is no proper care for it.

    Among the common causes contributing to the occurrence of this pathology in dogs, it should be noted:

    • change of place of long-term stay - in a dog that is not genetically adapted to the location, this may cause a rash;
    • microclimate of residence - indoor flowers, house dust, unusual food also often provoke the disease;
    • poor quality care for your pet, as a result of which it can be bothered by worms, fleas, ticks, posing a direct threat to the occurrence of atopy;
    • accompanying ailments – in the presence of hypothyroidism, giardiasis, urolithiasis, dyskinesia bile ducts etc. Atopic allergic dermatitis may occur.

    Who gets sick more often

    Some dog breeds are predisposed to pathology. It is important to know them so that when purchasing one for yourself four-legged friend, it was possible to immediately protect him from the possibility of getting sick. Therefore, if you take into your home a terrier, Labrador retriever, cocker spaniel, boxer, Dalmatian, German shepherd, english bulldog, English or Irish Setter, sharpei, miniature schnauzer, then it should Special attention pay attention to their content, remember that they can contract atopy.


    The symptoms of atopy in dogs are quite pronounced. The affected areas of the skin are clearly visible on the paws, face, near the ears, in the groin, under the limbs. The fur in such a place has a greasy appearance, and the flaky skin is covered with scales. At severe itching The pet is constantly itching. The nature of the course of the disease depends on the allergen that caused the appearance of dermatitis - it will make itself felt seasonally or bother the animal almost all year round.

    Among the most obvious signs of atopy it is necessary to note:

    • itching, which can be so severe that the dog often itches a lot;
    • redness, purplishness of the skin;
    • hair loss;
    • baldness of the skin in areas of scratching.

    Dogs with atopic dermatitis often develop a yeast infection (promoted by inflammation, oily seborrhea). Along the way, pathologies such as otitis externa(inflammation of the ears), asthma, rhinitis, staphylococcal pyoderma, accompanied by ulcers, fistulas, inflammation.

    If your pet often suffers from otitis media or pododermitis, in which the animal’s paws can be so affected that it simply cannot walk normally and limps, then such conditions are an undeniable sign of atopy.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Since the clinical picture is often similar to other pathologies, diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in dogs is associated with certain difficulties. A diagnostic base veterinary clinics not so perfect that all studies can be carried out.

    An important place in studying the picture of the disease is given to a conversation with the dog’s owner, during which the reasons that caused atopy and its symptoms are clarified. It is the collected information that often helps the veterinarian draw up a high-quality anamnesis and prescribe effective therapy. Great importance is given laboratory research, among which:

    • results of scraping from the animal's skin and culture for fungi;
    • general tests of stool, blood, urine;
    • biochemical, endocrinological examination of blood serum.

    In order to exclude food allergies, a strict elimination diet is prescribed (usually for 6-12 weeks).

    Complex therapy

    Treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs is a rather lengthy and demanding process. integrated approach. But if we consider that pathology refers to chronic diseases, then this is, as they say, for the rest of your life. The owner will first need to change the pet's habitat. In this regard, you will have to replace the collar, bowl, bedding, muzzle, and detergents. He will need to be fed non-allergenic food.

    The success of combating atopic dermatitis in a dog directly depends on the allergen and how quickly the animal’s contact with it is prevented. If it is defined and is unique, then the problem is easily solved. But when a pet is affected by several irritants, it is quite difficult to cope with them all. You can reduce allergens if you constantly:

    • carry out wet cleaning of the premises;
    • monitor the room humidity level;
    • fight dust where dust mites usually live;
    • disinfect the house.

    Drug treatment begins with immunotherapy (hyposensitization), which is carried out over a quarter to six months (according to indications). In almost 70% of animals, this technique allows them to completely relieve unbearable itching. Sometimes, in order to alleviate the condition of the animal and reduce itching, they may be prescribed long time injections of prednisolone via intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

    At the same time, antibacterial or antifungal therapy can also be carried out (in accordance with the indications, drugs can be prescribed simultaneously). The use of antibiotics is practiced for 2-6 weeks, sometimes allowing a week-long break. Cefaclor, Oxacillin, Amoxiclav, Cephalexin, Cefuroxime, Erythromycin, Gentamicin, etc. are used. The dosage is determined by the veterinarian, and injections are usually given 2-3 times a day.

    A good effect for overcoming the symptoms of the disease is the use of antifungal drugs systemic action, including Flucostat, Rumikoz, Nizoral, Orungal, Diflucan, etc. Their administration is indicated 1-2 times a day.

    A number of antibacterial and antifungal agents are prescribed for local impact. Among them:

    • creams, ointments - Triderm, Travocort, Pimafucort, Nistaform;
    • ear drops - Aurizon, Candibiotic;
    • shampoos that cleanse and moisturize the skin - Sulfoden, Mikohex, etc.

    Success in the treatment of atopy depends on the identification and treatment of these concomitant diseases. Doctors often also prescribe multivitamin supplements that help restore skin and coat. They are usually prescribed for at least 10 weeks. Such a complex disease as atopy in a dog should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. Only strict adherence to the veterinarian’s advice will help achieve certain successes, and in the case of a simple stage, completely cure the animal.

    To achieve remission of the disease, clear collaboration a veterinarian and an animal owner who understands that this is not a one-day problem and not a low-cost one. For this reason, you should be prepared for patience and certain material costs. After completing the course of treatment, your beloved pet should be observed by a specialist, visiting the veterinary clinic at least every other week (preferably more often). Consultation is also indicated before each start of a course of therapy.

    Such visits will enable the attending physician to assess the dynamics of the disease, the condition of the dog, and the effect of the use of medications. When the pet’s condition returns to normal, you can visit the veterinarian once a quarter, and if everything is fine, then once every six months. For the pathology in question, you can use traditional treatments atopic dermatitis. But only as additional funds. We offer the most famous tips:

    • raw potato compress – it’s easy to make: raw potatoes grate, squeeze and apply to sore spots of the skin, bandage and leave for 1 hour. Helps relieve itching and promote wound healing;
    • antipruritic ointment - 1 tbsp. l. fireweed flowers and pharmaceutical chamomile add water and boil for 5 minutes, then add 2 cups of pre-infused hay dust, 1 tbsp. l. butter, stir and cook until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then mix all the contents with glycerin in equal proportions. This ointment should be applied to problem areas 4 times a day for a month, keeping it in the refrigerator.

    Prevention of atopy in dogs

    Atopy is not life-threatening in dogs. But the pathology, if left untreated, can cause a lot of trouble for their health. The condition will deteriorate all the time and, turning into severe form, will significantly increase the intoxication of the body.

    Certain preventive techniques will help you, if not prevent, then at least reduce the risk of atopy in your pet:

    No need to ignore regular checkups your dog at the vet. After all, only he can promptly determine the onset of pathology and prescribe adequate therapeutic measures. And the main thing to remember is that everything healing procedures should only be carried out as prescribed by a veterinarian. This will prevent undesirable consequences barriers to quality therapy.

    Atopic dermatitis in dogs, being chronic disease skin, bothers pets with itching and rashes on the body. Delaying its therapy contributes to the increasingly frequent occurrence of relapses and their increasingly pronounced form. This will not give you any hope of success. Spontaneous treatment from atopy occurs very rarely. Therefore, do not ignore your dog’s behavior, monitor its health and let it always please you with its healthy welcoming bark.

    Depending on the reasons, causing dermatitis in dogs, the following types of disease are distinguished.


    It runs in families and is very difficult to diagnose as it can easily be confused with other species. The main causes of appearance: mites, plant pollen, food. Most often it affects the folds of the paws and ears.


    Appears as a result of bruises, cracks, scratching mainly on the head and tip of the tail.


    Occurs as a result of exposure to direct sunlight, wearing a collar, or using ointments. It affects only those places that were in contact with the irritant.


    Occurs due to the formation of IgE bodies in response to allergens (food, environment): plant pollen, flour mites, dust mites, fungal spores, proteins, etc. First appears on the face, groin, armpits, around the anus, between the fingers, in ear canal. Has a clear seasonal dependence.


    It is characterized by swelling, redness, and ichor that oozes from scratches, cracks, and wounds. Quickly complicated by the development of secondary infections. Often begins on the back of the body. Reason: flea bites, allergies, poor care, degenerative disease joints, etc.


    Mycosis of the skin is caused by the yeast fungus Malassezia pachydermatis. It appears in the lip area, on the interdigital folds of skin, in the external auditory canal, vagina, and on the paraanal glands. Occurs as a result of weakened immunity, increased sweating, long-term therapy antibiotics and corticosteroids, hypothyroidism, atopic dermatitis, demodicosis.


    This external manifestation diseases that occur in the body. It is characterized by the appearance of a rash in the form of skin bumps (papules). The skin becomes inflamed and peels. Pigment spots remain in place of the papules.


    It occurs mainly in puppies from one to four months, less often in juniors up to a year. Its signs are a rash in the form of papules, pustules in the lips, eyelids, genitals, anus, and in the external auditory canal. An increase in submandibular nodes may be observed.


    Dermatitis occurs when the body's own immune system attacks elements of the skin, protecting the body. Reliable reasons for this failure immune system unknown. It could be hereditary factor, infection and so on.


    The disease is caused by staphylococci (Staphylococcus intermedius) and other bacteria that usually make up normal microflora skin. Once on damaged areas, bacteria multiply quickly. Penetrating deep into the skin, they provoke inflammation.


    This form of dermatitis is referred to as allergic pathologies. It occurs as a reaction to an allergen - an irritant. Symptoms - rash, itching, redness of the skin, swelling, exudation.

    Pustular or purulent

    It is characterized by the appearance of pustules (pustules), which are deep and superficial. As a rule, it is a consequence of a bacterial infection.



    Occurs when scratching turns into painful sores. Often the cause of ulcerative dermatitis is burns or severe infestation with mites. Wounds do not heal on their own. It appears mainly on the soft skin of the abdomen and chest.



    More common in large breeds dogs. Localized on the paw pads as a result of injuries and calluses. Clinical picture similar to others skin diseases. To clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy is often performed.


    In dogs, regardless of what type of dermatitis the animal suffers from, approximately the same symptoms appear, these include:

    • itching and painful sensations on the affected area of ​​the skin;
    • increased body temperature;
    • skin redness;
    • swelling;
    • crust formation;
    • thickening of the skin, peeling;
    • hair loss.


    You cannot self-medicate, since the choice of treatment method depends on the cause of the disease. The veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate medication.

    Main methods of treatment:

    1. Trim the affected area, which is then treated with an antiseptic.
    2. Ozocerite and paraffin dressings can be applied to the affected areas.
    3. Treatment with novocaine blockade will help relieve pain syndrome. To do this, a 0.25% or 0.5% solution of novocaine is usually administered.
    4. If a secondary infection occurs, the veterinarian may prescribe antibiotic therapy.
    5. Relieve itching and improve general state Hormone therapy will help your pet. Hormonal drugs administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
    6. Treatment antihistamines relieves itching and other allergic symptoms.
    7. Immunotherapy treatment is effective in 60% of cases. However, it has one drawback - at the beginning of taking immunostimulants, the itching intensifies, which needs to be relieved with antipruritic drugs. The effect of immunotherapy will become noticeable only after 5-6 months.
    8. Vitamin therapy helps strengthen the dog’s body. Usually prescribed intramuscular injection vitamins of group B, A, PP, E.
    9. Treatment with Furosemide will help remove toxins from the body.
    10. Crusts can be removed using hydrogen peroxide. If peroxide cannot cope with this task, then you can try applying 10% salicylic ointment.

    You should not self-medicate, because there can be many reasons for the appearance of dermatitis. First of all, you need to visit a veterinarian. He will not only prescribe medications that can be used at home, but will also give recommendations on the pet’s diet.


    It is necessary to exclude dry food, canned food, carbohydrates, and all grains. Do not give bread, potatoes, red meat.

    To determine what food a dog is allergic to, it must be kept on a strict diet for at least 2 months.

    If after this time there is no improvement, then the problem is not in the pet’s nutrition.

    And if improvements in the condition are noticeable, then it is best to transfer the pet to a specially developed food for animals suffering from allergies.


    If a dog has purulent dermatitis, then it should not be bathed, but if seborrhea is diagnosed, bathing is necessary. In this case, you need to bathe your dog in disinfectant solutions.

    Use shampoos containing antimicrobial agents that protect the skin from drying out.

    Good antipruritic results can be achieved by using antipruritic shampoos and antihistamines. Sometimes, in addition to urea and glycerin, hormonal and antiallergic agents are added to the composition of such shampoos. It is important to rinse the shampoo thoroughly.

    For better effect This shampoo should be on the animal’s skin for at least 10 minutes. At first detergent apply 2 times a week; if improvement occurs, the number of procedures is reduced to 1 time a week or even 1 time every 2 weeks.