Pediatric dentistry on a regular operating schedule.

The doctors in the free department are very kind and patient, but in the paid department there is a dentist named K. I. Surkova. She definitely shouldn’t work with children. We had the opportunity to visit her twice. At the first appointment, I noticed that she was nervous, and the pain relief was somehow unusually painful. My son is not a crybaby and this is not the first time he has had his teeth treated. We went to to different doctors, and no one did anesthesia so painfully. I thought she was not in the mood or it had turned out badly, which doesn’t happen to anyone, but no, the second appointment was no less painful and, in addition, she acted as if she had some kind of claim against me. This is a paid appointment! I remembered Soviet times, when they saved on everything and dentists were the most terrible doctors in the world. I repeat, this is a paid appointment: she charged 7,000 rubles for the central incisor. You come to any paid office, they don’t breathe on you, K.I. Surkova behaved nervously and in a demostratively condescending manner. When I said, “Enough!” and took my son, she had the audacity to tell me to pay for the examination. Like this interesting doctor. Radenko D.V., father of 5 children, reception was 07/07/17

I was there in November. The nerves were removed and a filling was installed. The tooth sometimes ached, well, I think it might go away, I’ll get some time. In March the filling fell out. The warranty on the tooth is 3 months, I paid 8 thousand. I call and they say: “We’re having lunch, call later.” The scoop is thriving. I'll go and redo it somewhere else. "Thank you" for your time and money. Any self-respecting clinic has a one-year warranty. Next time I will read the contract more carefully.

It’s an excellent clinic, I’ve been treated there since childhood, and now I bring my children. Thank you very much to Dr. Feoklistova L.S. for her work, she treated 6 teeth of our daughter very efficiently and gave valuable recommendations on further care behind the oral cavity. And also to the anesthesiologist S.N. Afanasyev. who professionally carried out the procedure for induction and recovery from anesthesia! Thanks again!

I want to write a thank you to the doctor Olga Vladimirovna Telkova, for her impeccable rudeness, a deep bow to you, she put her out the door, what’s more, and with her instrument she hit the child on the lip several times with the words that the child was biting (the child was three years old), her cheek was swollen, they put her out the door, We spend this night with Nurafen, the child has a temperature, it will get worse, I promise you, I will reimburse you) and this is not my first complaint, I will complain anywhere. Luckily for you, I didn’t film your behavior, they treat children like adults, We were all children and were terribly afraid of dentists! I won’t say anything about Inal Ruslanovich Bessolov, build your career! Fear God....

I willingly believe it. I’m 30 years old, my tooth was knocked so hard that I thought it would knock it out. Very rude, although my doctor was different.

There are cockroaches running around in the waiting room! In the lobby there is some strange noise from some kind of generator. Bad place. The doctor did not have the skill to communicate with children.

Today I was treated rudely at the reception desk of this clinic. We came to the registration address because the dentist who came to the school wrote in his 10-year-old daughter’s diary to “urgently” treat a permanent tooth. We were sent to a machine to register, which did not work for our policy (traditional model). We tried 8 times, called someone from the reception for help (when we left there were already four of them there), finally the lady came up, showed how and realized that it wasn’t working. To this she said indifferently - sign up by phone or at pgu. Pgu, by the way, is closed until March 10th. Today is February 29th. They called me deaf and dumb and mocked me when I said that we needed to make an appointment for the afternoon because the child was studying. I left them in a terrible mood without signing up! Previously, we went there to see different doctors and ended up with good ones. There are no questions here. What now - I don’t know. It’s a pity that there’s nowhere to complain, well, you can’t do that to people! I was even confused - well, just a word with a mockery! Why is that?

We contacted our daughter many times, without any problems. But today, when we contacted the registration office with a question about how we can get a coupon, we made an appointment a week ago, a woman in a white coat named Mirzoeva told us to get a coupon at the terminal on the basis of the child’s insurance certificate. I told her explained that the child was 10 years old and she forgot it at home and asked to look at the certificate number on the computer or in the child’s card, she RUDELY refused and said that the doctor already had the card and the computer network was hanging all over Moscow, and the doctor would not accept us without a coupon. My child and I went to the doctor and without a coupon she didn’t have a card, and after the examination the doctor personally went to their reception to get the child’s card. It’s sad and funny when you have to deal with rudeness and trash in our clinics!

My daughter’s braces were installed in another city. At the place of their present residence, by the will of fate, they fell into the hands of “goldsmiths”! Svetlana Vladimirovna Vishnyakova is not just an experienced orthodontist, she is an attentive, sensitive doctor who deeply knows all aspects of her work! From the first visit everything was sorted out. All manipulations are performed carefully, painlessly, comfortably! I recommend this wonderful soul to everyone!

My daughter, 17 years old, had an appointment with Gavlovsky because there was no appointment with our doctor. I went alone, she was already old enough, reception in the evening. The doctor began to scold his daughter, refused to believe what she was saying, and raised his voice. Treatment began without anesthesia. The daughter said that she was in pain, but nothing changed, the doctor continued to drill. He told me to be patient because “the hole is not the first day.” She cried throughout the reception. We really regret that we contacted him. And don’t let the children go alone, someone must be...

Dyachenko Ekaterina Ivanovna is a pediatric dentist who understands that she communicates with children, that they are different - some cry, some endure, some are hysterical. She calmly explains what she is doing and why, and conducts a polite and professional conversation with both the little patient and the accompanying parents. We had a reception with our son on 09/03/3018, we are glad that we got to Ekaterina Ivanovna. The office across the street (anesthesia/surgery) has excellent staff, no negativity.

I would like to sincerely thank the emergency pediatric care team. I arrived with my daughter at one in the morning. The child had sharp pain And panic fear. We were greeted politely, communicated affectionately with the child, showed restraint and tact, and most importantly, treated the tooth quickly and painlessly. Many thanks to Dr. Sanshikov A.S. (I hope I got the last name right) and the doctor who registered us (unfortunately I don’t know the last name). Night shift 02/20/2018. Thank you!

Horrible behavior of Gavlovsky A.P. My daughter (13 years old) came to see this doctor because of tooth pain. Gavlovsky took a photo and said that my daughter was lying, that she didn’t want to go to school and was sitting and fantasizing about the pain. And the cheek was all swollen. I began to tell Gavlovsky that my daughter cannot lie and deceive. In the end, he didn’t find anything, he said to rinse with chamomile, because a wisdom tooth was coming out. As a result, we went to another doctor in another clinic, and it turned out that my daughter had pulpitis...

My daughter had her teeth treated only by A.P. Gavlovsky - he treats conscientiously, is friendly and patient!

I want to thank the staff emergency care, where my daughter had her tooth removed today at 13.30 (09/02/17). All the staff were very friendly. Unfortunately, worrying about the child, I did not find out the name of the doctor who removed the tooth. He was a wonderful, attentive person who got along well with children. My child didn’t even realize that the tooth had been removed. All the way home she only talked about him, how kind and good he was and that next time she would only go to him! Thank you all so much and...

Good afternoon My son was 4.7 months old when we first went to clinic No. 28. The child complained about a tooth. We arrived there around 12.00, checked in at the reception desk, and were sent straight to the second floor to see the doctor, supposedly the one on duty. We went into the office and they immediately let me sign papers about the injection. Afterwards, the doctor said the child’s tooth decay needs to be treated, immediately without talking, open the child’s mouth, we will give you an injection. She didn’t talk, didn’t explain to the child, after this injection the child naturally didn’t open his mouth anymore...

I want to leave negative feedback About work pediatric dentist Gavlovsky. The doctor is unfriendly. I came with a 6-year-old child and they kicked me out the door. I was surprised because I believe that preschoolers should be in the classroom with official representatives(adults, parents). Of course, I put a seal. Thank you. But he answered my simple and few questions with irritation! I asked the child, the doctor, what did he tell you? “Nothing,” answered the child. I am a teacher myself, working with children. Strange...

Contacted for medical care child at the State Budgetary Institution "Children's Dental Clinic No. 28 DZM", since previously a filling had been placed there baby tooth, this filling fell out after two months. Through the portal public services We made an appointment for September 20, 2016, two weeks later. The clinic called in advance, warned that the doctor was sick, re-register or come in the general queue to see the doctor on duty. There was no opportunity to re-register, because two doctors did not have an appointment...

I am writing a review not about the clinic as a whole, but about an individual “doctor” Artem Petrovich Gavlovsky. We noticed that our son had caries, and while the hole was small, they decided to treat it. I made an appointment with Artem Petrovich, we arrived. Next came the questions: Does your tooth hurt? Answer: “No, it doesn’t hurt.” Why did you come? Answer: “Cure caries.” However, unhappy that he was disturbed, Artem Petrovich said that his son is already 8 years old and he will not treat this tooth because after 8 years these teeth cannot be treated! And if it hurts, then remove everything. After...

I went to this “free” clinic. I needed a dental plate for a child. I was assigned (my pole and Moscow registration are all there) and sent to the doctor. The doctor said that everything is very bad, an x-ray is needed urgently and it will cost 573 rubles, I think, okay. I did it, I came and it started, they say, the plate will not help you, you need braces, they will be paid and further service will also cost money. The prices are simply exorbitant, but that’s okay, he said that two molars and one milk tooth need to be removed, and...

We have plaque on our teeth. Lyudmila Mikhailovna was very attentive - she talked to the child and taught him how to brush his teeth correctly. They cleaned and made masks. I recommend him to everyone - very attentive and professional doctor. Thanks to Lyudmila Mikhailovna, my daughter began to approach dentistry without fear, with an understanding of the importance of timely treatment.

I want to tell you about the dentist A.P. Gavlovsky. Our baby was still small, 3 years old, when we came to G.A.P. for an appointment, there were small dark spots between two teeth. He said that it was pigmentation and that I should come back in six months to see him again. We arrived, the spots were growing, but it was all pigmentation. As a result, this pigmentation of ours developed into deep caries. They came to him for an appointment to treat caries, and he, apparently either was in a hurry to go on vacation, or someone spoiled the mood, sat the child in a chair, took out...

My daughter was treated many times without any problems. But today, when we contacted the reception with a question about how we can get a coupon, we made an appointment a week ago, a woman in a white coat named Mirzoeva told us to get a coupon at the terminal on the basis of the child’s insurance certificate. I explained to her that the child was 10 years old, and she forgot it at home and asked to look at the certificate number on the computer or in the child’s card, she RUDELY refused and said that the doctor already had the card and it was a computer one...

Today we contacted emergency department Children's dental clinic No. 28 with a tooth that was bothering and required removal. We were received by the wonderful doctor Roman Valentinovich Ryzhov. Very friendly, gets along well with children, jokes and says kind word. While we were waiting our turn, we watched the doctor interact with the children. He went out into the corridor to ask about the well-being of the children, calling everyone by name. I explained everything to my parents in detail. My daughter watched this and calmly went into the office...