Baby porridge - the best recipes. How to cook porridge for children

Milk porridge – traditional and healthy dish children's diet, however, it is better to cook the first portion of porridge for a baby in water. After checking the body’s reaction to the selected cereal and making sure that it is positive, the mother can begin preparing the dish with milk. It turns out to be high in calories and has high nutritional value. Most children love milk porridges and eat them with pleasure.

Most kids enjoy eating milk porridges

When can you introduce milk porridge into a child’s diet?

A question for which there is no clear answer. For many housewives, the “milk porridge” dish involves the use certain type cereals and milk. We often cook rice, oatmeal, and millet cereals, and not only for children. Preparing such a dish for babies is significantly different from the usual recipe.

You can cook the cereal yourself or use it ready mixture. Stores offer a wide selection of baby cereals that are not cooked. The variety of methods, of course, pleases, but we must not forget about the characteristics of the body small child.

The timing of introducing a new product into the baby’s menu depends on its composition and the baby’s reaction to the new food. Some babies are ready to eat porridge as early as six months, while others eat only mother’s milk for up to a year.

When to start feeding milk porridges?

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Let's start the conversation with ready-made baby food products that arrive on our shelves. Today developed unique recipes gluten-free and dairy-free hypoallergenic cereals. They are based on breast milk and formula, due to which the risk of developing food allergies in the child is reduced to a minimum. Pediatricians believe that milk porridges with these properties are ideal for feeding infants as complementary foods.

If your baby has already tried cereals cooked in water and is used to it, you can introduce milk porridge with gluten-free (buckwheat, corn, rice) cereals into his diet.

If your baby likes porridge with water, you can switch to dairy-based gluten-free porridge.

For example, your baby happily eats buckwheat with water, which means it’s time to let him try the same, but with a 1:1 mixture of milk + water. Doctors believe that when breastfeeding, this type of complementary feeding can be introduced from 8 months.

Let’s clarify a small nuance: first, prepare the dish in water. Once you reach the age of 8 months, you can partially eliminate water and cook a dairy dish (using special baby milk).

Early complementary feeding may be due to other reasons that do not depend on the wishes of the nursing mother. Porridge is added to the baby’s diet if:

  • little breast milk is produced;
  • the child is not gaining weight well;
  • a deficiency of B vitamins was identified;
  • There are reasons why it is impossible to feed the baby with breast milk or formula.

Ready-made milk porridges for baby food

To buy or not to buy a ready-made baby food product is a choice that causes justifiable controversy. Ready-made, balanced porridge that does not require long cooking helps the mother to introduce the baby to a new product and provide him with adequate complementary foods. Manufacturers are sophisticated in culinary delights, and on the shelves we see compositions with fruits and cereals, berries and vegetables. There is a temptation to buy such a dish and not bother with home cooking. However, if you breastfeed or formula feed your baby, or feed him cereals cooked in water, there is no need to take the product from the store.

If the baby is breastfed, you can also prepare porridge for him yourself

You should take into account the fact that porridge from the store, which contains milk (cow or goat), is boiled in water. The time when they can be used as complementary foods is determined by the type of milk from which they are made (more details in the article:). The methods of using them are different and are indicated on the product packaging. Produced by manufacturers and liquid types products, both those that should be diluted with water and in the dry version.

Features of porridges made from whole and normalized milk

Let's look at the features of both types of milk. Whole milk is a dry version of unmodified cow's milk. When producing a normalized type, they resort to bringing its fat content to a certain level, necessary for the body child, level.

Both types are saturated mineral elements, which are capable of overloading excretory system crumbs. The protein content deviates from that of breast milk; they also contain allergenic proteins, and therefore pediatricians do not recommend using cereals made with these types of milk for starter feeding.

Such products are suitable for feeding 8-9 month old children. If before this age the baby’s digestion reacted negatively to new dishes, replace it with others made from a simplified mixture.

The composition of goat's milk is better correlated with the composition of mother's milk, but its absorption requires time for the child's body to adapt. If you are not lactose intolerant, you can get by with regular cow's milk.

Porridges that are prepared at home and those produced on an industrial scale are introduced at the same age.

If the baby is healthy and digests cow's milk normally, there is no need to switch to goat's milk

Since the assortment is large, we studied the properties of the products of the most popular brands that make their products using whole and normalized milk. Our detailed review will help you approach your purchase wisely and make right choice for your baby. Please pay Special attention on the composition, at what age you can start using it, correlate this with your needs.


Produced in Slovenia, the brand is widely known throughout the world, the raw materials are grown in environmentally friendly places in the country. Baby products are presented:

  • numerous variations of compositions;
  • made from whole milk, enhanced with vitamins, minerals, and sugar;
  • the “Premium for Afternoon Tea” series is available with berries, fruit additions and cookies;
  • porridge “5 grains with apricot and raspberries, enriched with prebiotics” due to the added dietary fiber, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • "Premium" variety, intended for night feeding, is made from oatmeal, rice and corn grits, the composition includes various vitamins, sugar, minerals, extracts of such medicinal plants, like lemon balm and chamomile;
  • Children under one year old are offered porridges made from whole milk and puffed cereal obtained from cereals, which help develop the child’s chewing skills.


A US brand that has been present on the baby food market since the late 19th century. Today offers:

  • Porridge is made with whole milk and contains sugar.
  • Rice and buckwheat, without fruit, wheat with vegetables (with pumpkin), containing cream.
  • All products contain prebiotic fibers derived from chicory, iron, calcium, iodine, zinc and 12 types of vitamins.
  • The “Tasty Milk Porridges” series is represented by a variety of compositions, the proportion of fruits and milk is increased in it, and berries such as currants, cherries, blueberries, and prunes are added. Helps to expand the child's diet with new tastes.
  • Easy to prepare “Drinking milk porridges”, which just need to be heated to correct temperature. The list of components has been expanded to include prebiotics, fructose and starch.
  • For one-year-old children, “Porridge Lyubopyshki” with extruded cereals and fruits, which help the baby learn to chew. Salt is added, many fruits and vegetables are included, and some types contain yogurt powder.

Made in Switzerland European standards from natural raw materials. Types and features of products:

  • The entire range is made from whole grains without the inclusion of minerals and vitamins. The exceptions are wheat, rice and oat variety, to which vitamin B1 is added.
  • The raw materials for Fleur Alpin products are grown without the use of various growth stimulants.
  • Milk from a cow or goat is used and maltodextrin is added.
  • The Alpine Goat series includes rice, oat, buckwheat and spelled cereals. There are no fruits in the composition. Manufactured by goat milk, less allergenic than from a cow (we recommend reading:).
  • The assortment of the “Bavarian Cow” line includes buckwheat with apple, rice, oatmeal with pear, and a mixture of cereals.

Well-known domestic brand of baby food. Features of “Fruttonyanya” porridges:

  • A mixture of two types of milk (skimmed and whole) is used. Added 12 vitamins, sugar and three minerals.
  • Most of the range contains cream; several types are enhanced with fruit-derived fillings.
  • Rice and buckwheat varieties are made with inulin (a prebiotic).
  • Dry and liquid types are made from dry raw materials, containing maltodextrin, starch, fructose, inulin and fruit. Types are also available without flavoring additions.
  • Interesting “Millet milk porridge with fruit”, made from boiled wheat flour, fruit purees and fructose are added. Fruttonyanya porridges are made without the introduction of vitamins and minerals.

Belarusian brand that produces inexpensive and high-quality baby food. Product characteristics:

  • A normalized type of milk is used, sugar, vitamins, and mineral components are added.
  • Varieties are presented, supplemented with fruit fillings.
  • Dairy varieties are produced without inulin. Dairy-free is fortified with this prebiotic.


The Russian baby food brand Agusha was founded by Wimm-Bill-Dann. Main products:

  • Dry porridges made from whole milk. To enhance useful properties fortified and mineralized, contains fructose and salt.
  • The product “Rice-corn porridge with banana and milk” is produced with fruit filling and prebiotics (FOS, fibregam) (see also:).
  • The “Zapyka” series includes “Milk-rice with apple and pear” and “Milk-buckwheat”, which do not need to be cooked (see also:). The main component is normalized milk, there is sugar and prebiotics. The Agusha brand does not produce dairy-free porridge.

Domestic brand with wide range products. What kind of cereals does it produce:

  • “Vinny” porridges are made from whole milk (powdered). Sugar is added for taste, vitamins and minerals are present.
  • Series with prebiotics and fruit supplements are offered. The presence of additives is indicated on the product packaging.
  • There is also a selection of dairy-free products with fruit.

Brands of cereals made from skim milk

By offering low-fat porridge to children, the manufacturer implies replacing milk fat with vegetable fat, which contains a lot of polyunsaturated acids. Such acids are necessary for the baby to good development and successful growth. The porridges are balanced in fats, but retain the entire set of proteins. Products with a low-fat base are not suitable as first complementary foods. Among the manufacturers, we will highlight two: “Nestlé” and “Humana”, and we will consider them.

Famous swiss mark, offering baby food for over 150 years. Product Features:

  • Porridges made from gluten-free cereals contain traces of gluten.
  • All types of products contain BL prebiotics, which can improve microflora and work to strengthen the immune system.
  • The Pomogayka series is porridge with a milk yogurt base. A product that improves digestion and strengthens the body’s defenses with the help of live yogurt cultures, bifidobacteria, mineral components and vitamins.
  • The Shagayka line is offered to children 10-12 months old. To develop the chewing skill, pieces of fruit are added to the porridge.


A German brand distinguished by a variety of products suitable for first feeding and for children aged one year and older. Product Features:

  • all types of porridges are prepared using raw materials from which fat has been removed;
  • composition includes 13 vitamins and mineral elements;
  • Porridges with fruit are produced, varieties with the addition of biscuit flour and crackers are presented, some types contain sucrose.

Porridge made from whey or adapted mixture

Adapted or simplified formulas and whey are devoid of casein protein, which suggests they are safe in terms of food allergies. However, children who are prone to it should not be given these types of cereals. For them, experts recommend using dairy-free or cooked porridges. breast milk. Let's see what products can be found on the baby food market today and what their features are.


The oldest German company Hipp (HiPP) has been involved in baby food for a long time. What are the features of its products.

Baby cereals are introduced into a child’s diet as complementary foods from 7-10 months. After all, it’s time for the baby to receive more complete and balanced diet. You can buy special instant baby cereals, but you cannot give “quick” cereals, such as muesli, with various fillings. They are not adapted for the stomach of a small child; they contain dyes, flavor enhancers and other food substitutes. What can cause allergies or stomach upset in your baby? It is best to prepare porridge yourself from natural cereals. And you can start with rice. This cereal does not contain gluten, is completely hypoallergenic, and does not irritate the intestines at all. And then gradually you can introduce porridges from other cereals into the menu. For children under one year old, porridge with a liquid consistency is cooked.

Baby cereals - food preparation

If you are preparing dishes for children, then the processing and preparation of products should be approached with special care. All cereals, except semolina, are sorted, i.e. inspected visually to prevent the ingress of foreign small objects, and then washed several times. If the dish includes vegetables or fruits, they must be thoroughly rinsed under water and peeled. And then, according to the recipe, they are cut into pieces or grated.

If there is Small child, it is advisable to immediately buy a measuring cup with divisions so that it is convenient to measure the amount of cereal or liquid. For children under one year old, whole grains of any cereal must be ground to flour, and then cooked porridge. It is convenient to use a coffee grinder for this. If there is no coffee grinder, then the finished porridge is rubbed through a sieve or ground with a blender and diluted to the desired consistency with water or infant formula (breast milk).

Baby cereals - best recipes

Recipe 1: Rice porridge with apple for children

You can start introducing such porridge into your baby’s diet at six months of age. And older children will eat it with pleasure. Rice porridge can be cooked with or without apples. Children over the age of one year can cook rice in milk and add a little sugar, fructose or jam to the plate. Rice grains must first be ground in a coffee grinder or blender.
Ingredients: 3 tablespoons rice, 250 ml water, butter, small apple.

Cooking method

Pour the crushed rice with water, add an apple (you must first peel it and cut it into pieces). Cook the porridge for 15 minutes, then beat in a blender until pureed, add butter. If porridge is cooked for babies under one year old, you can add formula or breast milk.

Recipe 2: Semolina porridge for children

Semolina porridge It is recommended to give to children from one year of age. Milk is diluted half and half with water. From the age of three you can cook porridge with milk alone. It is generally accepted that semolina is cooked for 10-15 minutes. During this time, it manages to boil well, but also loses a certain amount of protein and useful substances. Therefore, it is better to change the cooking technology: boil the porridge for two to three minutes, then remove from the stove and wrap in a towel for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the porridge will swell and become ready.

Ingredients: semolina – 4 teaspoons, 250 ml of liquid (125 ml of milk + 125 ml of water), sugar (fructose), butter – 5g.

Cooking method

Bring the liquid to a boil and add semolina. It is convenient to do this through a sieve. Firstly, the cereal is sifted in thin streams and no lumps are formed, and secondly, if there is any debris in the cereal, it will remain in the sieve.

Let the porridge boil for about two minutes, remove from heat and wrap in a towel or blanket for 10 minutes. Add butter, sugar or jam to the plate with porridge and mix well.

Recipe 3: Oatmeal with banana for children

To prevent oatmeal from becoming boring, you can serve it with jam, honey or various fruits - banana, grated strawberries, or apple.

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons oatmeal, glass of milk, ½ banana, salt, 1 tsp. Sahara.

Cooking method:

Boil milk (you can dilute it with water), add sugar, a pinch of salt, add cereals. Turn the heat to low and cook for half an hour. Allow the finished oatmeal to cool slightly, add the chopped banana and blend with a blender.

Recipe 4: Corn porridge with milk for children

Porridge for children over one year old. If you cook it for babies, you should first grind the cereal into flour in a coffee grinder or beat the ready-made porridge in a blender. If porridge is being prepared for children over one year old, add butter to the plate and sweeten with jam, sugar or honey.

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. spoons of cereal, 250 ml of water, 100 ml of milk.

Cooking method

Stir 3 tbsp in water. spoons of cereal, boil. Turn the heat to low and cook for 20 minutes. Beat the porridge in a blender (if necessary).

Recipe 5: Buckwheat porridge with milk for children

For children's cereals, it is better to buy unfried buckwheat(light yellow-green color) – it contains more useful substances. But regular buckwheat will do as well.

Ingredients: buckwheat – ½ cup, water – 1.5 cups, ½ cup milk, 10 g butter, sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking method

Pour water over buckwheat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covering with a lid, until the water boils away, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat, wrap in a towel for 10 minutes to allow the buckwheat to melt. Add milk to the porridge, add salt, sweeten and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add butter. Serve the porridge warm.

Recipe 6: Millet porridge with pumpkin for children

IN fresh pumpkin is stored until spring without losing its beneficial properties. Therefore, during the winter months, she will help the child get essential vitamins. It is used to make casseroles, pancakes, and porridge. They turn out juicy and tasty and are liked by many children.

Ingredients: ½ cup millet cereal, a glass of milk, 2 small pumpkin slices (about a glass if cut into pieces), sugar and salt, butter.

Cooking method:

Pour water over the millet so that it covers the grain by about 2 centimeters. Cook for 15 minutes, turn off the heat, leave the porridge on the stove. At this time, you can start pumpkin.

Cut the pumpkin into small pieces, add milk and cook. As soon as it is cooked and becomes soft, it must be crushed and added to the millet porridge. Add salt, sweeten, if the porridge turns out to be thick, add hot milk and boil for 3 minutes. Add butter and serve.

If your baby doesn’t eat well, you can interest him by using drops of jam to make a design on the porridge - a sun, a car, a bunny, a flower. Or decorate with pieces of fruit or berries.

Pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods in the form of healthy and tasty porridge from the age of five months. But at the same time, it is very important to determine the moment when porridge should be introduced into the diet. Pay attention to your child's behavior. If he asks for the breast very often, it means that the baby is no longer getting enough. Any new food should be introduced in small doses. First time five month old baby One small spoon of porridge will be enough.

Evaluate your child’s reaction, because the first tasting of porridge can be either an unpleasant surprise or a pleasant discovery for him. If your baby turns away from a spoon with porridge, do not panic and under no circumstances try to force food into his mouth. Try offering him a different porridge, adding a little breast milk.

If the child has recently suffered from an illness or is sick, do not rush to introduce complementary foods, do not overload immune system child's body. Wait a couple of weeks, then you can safely offer your baby new dishes

About the benefits of porridge

Buckwheat porridge should be the first in a baby’s diet; it is rightfully considered the absolute champion in terms of content nutritional properties and is easily digestible by the child’s stomach, has useful action on the functioning and formation of all systems and organs. Buckwheat contains a large number of: - vegetable protein, - salts of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. There is almost six times more iron in this cereal than in semolina or rice.

Rice porridge is considered hypoallergenic, so it is always appropriate in baby food. It contains little protein, but is very rich in minerals and vitamin composition. Rice porridge should be included in the diet of infants, but not often, as this can lead to problems with stool. Oatmeal is considered the second most nutritional value and usefulness. It contains a lot of: - potassium,

Protein, - iron, - phosphorus, - magnesium, - B vitamins. Oatmeal contains a large amount of vegetable fats.

After ten months of age, you can introduce corn porridge into your baby’s diet. The cereal is saturated with iron and starch, the phosphorus and calcium content is not very high. Corn porridge also requires a long cooking time. Millet porridge is a little heavy for a child’s body, so it is inferior to other types of porridge due to poor digestion. It should be introduced only from one and a half years.

How to cook porridge for a baby?

Cook healthy porridge It is not particularly difficult for a baby. You just need to rinse the cereal thoroughly and dry it a little. Prepare flour from the cereal using a coffee grinder. In the first stages, it is recommended to cook porridge with breast milk, water or vegetable broth. Not suitable for this purpose cow's milk, as it is too heavy for a child's stomach.

It is absolutely unacceptable to cook porridge for a baby by eye. The concentration should be as follows: per 100 milliliters of water or breast milk, take 5 grams of crushed cereal. Accordingly, if you take large quantity liquid, then you will need more flour. Rice and buckwheat should be poured into cold water, and oatmeal and semolina - hot. Never use a microwave oven to prepare porridge.

Add 5 grams of butter to the finished porridge (only if the baby does not suffer allergic reactions). As for salt or sugar, it is recommended to avoid the use of these ingredients for as long as possible in order to avoid rapid formation taste preferences at the baby's.

By six months, the child’s body begins to need additional nutritional components that cannot be obtained from milk. During this period, the first complementary foods begin to be introduced. Among them is oatmeal for babies. In order for the dish to bring only benefits, it is necessary to use a recipe intended specifically for small children.

Oatmeal contains many vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the development of a child’s body. Contains a lot of carbohydrates, which are fully digestible and provide energy.

If you give your child oatmeal as a first complementary food, this leads to improved well-being, increased performance and mental activity.

Oatmeal for babies will bring many other benefits:

  • will strengthen nervous system, relieve irritation and improve sleep;
  • removes harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • will satisfy hunger and give energy for a long time;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • will remove acute symptoms diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis);
  • strengthens blood vessels and improves heart function;
  • rid the body of excess fluid;
  • will strengthen the skeletal system.

The benefits of eating oatmeal are many, but the following points should be considered:

  1. Cereals contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium.
  2. An allergy to oatmeal in infants can occur due to the vegetable protein it contains - gluten.
  3. The product is high in calories and should be included with caution in the diet of children who are prone to weight gain. excess weight. In this case, you can try cooking oatmeal.
  4. Oatmeal contains a lot of starch, which is converted into sugar in the body and increases the risk of developing diabetes.

When a child is bothered by colic, bloating, or has a tendency to allergies, you should refrain from this porridge.

Oatmeal should be consumed in small portions 2-3 times a week. Only in this case the body will benefit.

Important Rules

When oatmeal is introduced as complementary food for a baby, a number of features are taken into account: the baby’s age, condition digestive system, presence of problems with stool. One more important point is a recipe for cooking a dish.

At what age to start giving porridge depends on what kind of feeding the child is on. It is recommended to introduce oatmeal to babies who are breastfed after 8 months. Artificial babies can be introduced earlier, at the age of 6-7 months. By this time, the body begins to produce enzymes that can digest oatmeal.

  1. If complementary foods are in the form oatmeal introduce earlier, you can provoke digestive upset. Colic, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea will occur.
  2. It is worth introducing oatmeal only when the baby’s body gets used to porridge made from buckwheat and rice.
  3. The first porridges need to be boiled in water. Their consistency should be liquid. If you cook porridge with milk, the calorie content of the dish increases and creates an extra burden on the stomach. He will have to digest not only plant fibers, but also milk protein.
  4. The first time the child should be given no more than 1 teaspoon of porridge. If there is no reaction from the body, then the dosage is increased.
  5. If rolled oats porridge caused a rash or diarrhea, the product should be removed from the diet for a while.
  6. Fruits and butter can be added after one year of age.
  7. It is better to give porridge to your child before lunchtime, before the main breastfeeding or formula feeding.

How to choose high-quality and healthy cereals

All grains must be selected and stored correctly. Oat grains may undergo various processing. There are several types of final results:

  • uncrushed cereal;
  • flattened and polished cereal;
  • Hercules cereal;
  • "Extra" cereals;
  • oatmeal;
  • flour.

Oatmeal is produced by grinding oat and barley grains into flour. Before this, the raw materials are cleaned, steamed and dried. Oatmeal contains many vitamins and amino acids. It can fight anemia, diseases digestive organs. Oatmeal is especially useful as complementary food for infants. It contains few calories (120 kcal).

IN medicinal purposes It is better to cook oatmeal in water. Enveloping the walls of the stomach, it relieves inflammation, irritation and improves digestion.

To kid infancy it's better to buy special porridge instant cooking. There is on the box detailed recipe, how to bring porridge to a ready-made state. If mom decides to cook porridge on her own, then you need to use children's recipe, and it is better to choose Hercules flakes.

Hercules porridge as a first complementary food prepared at home has its advantages:

  1. Whole grains, without additional processing, contain more beneficial components.
  2. You can choose the grind size yourself. This will allow you to adapt to individual characteristics chewing of each child.
  3. Homemade porridge has a natural taste, without the taste of artificial processing.

But it also has its drawbacks: long time preparations, the presence of additional equipment (coffee grinder or blender). If you cook porridge incorrectly, there will be no vitamins and minerals left in it.

The advantages of choosing store-bought cereals are that they contain additional vitamin complex, and the dish is prepared quickly. The disadvantage is high price and the presence of preservatives.

When choosing oatmeal There are a few things you need to pay attention to:

  • yellowish color, pleasant smell;
  • It’s better if the cereal is packaged in sealed bags, so it retains more nutrients, does not spoil, and does not change the taste;
  • be sure to pay attention to the expiration date;
  • You need to store the cereal in a cool place, you can put it in the refrigerator.

The first complementary feeding of new foods should not exceed 1 teaspoon. Therefore, you can start with store-bought porridge, which can be quickly prepared, and gradually switch to home-cooked porridge.

How to cook a delicious dish

Oatmeal as a first complementary food should be cooked without sugar and salt. Only after the baby gets used to the dish and he does not have allergies can these components be introduced.

Before cooking, sort the grains, rinse until clear water appears and dry. For convenience, you can take a lot of oatmeal so that you don’t have to do a similar procedure every time before cooking.

Oatmeal is prepared in a ratio of 1:2. For the first few times, it is enough to take a teaspoon per 100 ml of water.

It is better to choose a metal pan with a thick bottom so that the porridge does not stick or burn. You can use a slow cooker.

It is better to cook complementary foods in the form of porridge for an infant using water, vegetable broth, breast milk or special baby milk.

1 Recipe for porridge made from ground flakes with water or milk

Required amount rolled oats grind and add to heated milk or water. Cook the porridge over low heat, stirring constantly. The cooking time after boiling is 5 minutes.

2 Recipe for whole grain porridge with water and milk

Pour a glass of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When the water boils, add the cereal. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat. After this, the resulting mass is passed through a sieve. At the same time, heat the milk. The finished mashed porridge is diluted with milk and brought to a boil again.

3 Recipe for oatmeal porridge with milk or water

The product is poured boiled water and leave for a while. At this moment, milk is boiled in a saucepan. Place oatmeal into boiling liquid and cook for 3 minutes.

4 Recipe for oatmeal decoction with milk

Boil water and add flakes. Cook for 30 minutes. Pour in the milk and cook for another 5 minutes. The broth is infused for an hour. Strain through a sieve.

The decoction helps cope with constipation and weight loss. It can be added to bathing water as it softens the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation. You should not give the decoction to your child often, as it can cause diarrhea, colic, and abdominal pain.

When offering a baby any dish as a first complementary food, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The benefits of oatmeal are great, the main thing is to know when to stop and be careful.

Any mother knows that complementary feeding begins with porridge. However, even this simple task How to cook porridge can turn into a problem. After all, if it is cooked incorrectly, the baby may have stomach problems. In our article we will talk about how to cook different types porridge for kids.

How to cook porridge for babies

When the child turns six months old (if he is breastfeeding) or five months (subject to artificial feeding), pediatricians advise introducing complementary foods. Most often these are vegetables and cereals.

Complementary feeding is necessary to gradually familiarize the baby with food. You shouldn’t immediately “stuff” your baby with all kinds of cereals in large quantities. You need to start with a couple of spoons.

Quite often, parents who have their first child wonder: how to cook porridge for a baby? Nothing could be simpler. You can choose two options.

  1. The simplest option is ready-made cereals sold in children's stores. To prepare porridge for the first complementary feeding, you need to choose dairy-free porridge.
  2. A longer option is to grind the cereals in a blender and cook on gas. For children who are artificial feeding You can add a little dry milk mixture to the cooked porridge.

Every mother knows how to prepare porridge for her child:

  • For dairy-free porridge purchased in a store, you just need to follow the instructions on the package;
  • If you want to cook baby porridge with milk, then first just put a small amount of water on the gas. As soon as the water boils, turn the heat to low and carefully pour in the porridge. Cook until done, stirring constantly. Before giving it to the child, it should be cooled. You can add a little milk to whiten the porridge.

IN modern world, equipped with technology, there are a huge number of possibilities for preparing porridge for a child. The multicooker is especially popular among mothers. IN detailed instructions It describes how to cook porridge for an 8 month old baby.

Remember that porridge for the first feeding should not be very thick.

How to cook buckwheat porridge for babies

Of course, the most advantageous option for preparing buckwheat porridge for babies is ready-made store-bought porridge for children. Their preparation will not take you much time. After heating the kettle to the desired temperature, you brew required amount bulk product. And voila, in five minutes delicious porridge ready for your baby.

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to buy such porridge, you can try cooking buckwheat porridge for babies from regular cereals. First you need to grind buckwheat or buckwheat flakes to flour. And only then start preparing it. This porridge is cooked in the usual way. If you decide to cook buckwheat milk porridge for your child, then you should add enough milk to just “tint” it, or, as they say, “whiten” it a little. After which it is necessary to cool the prepared buckwheat porridge.

How to cook corn porridge for babies

In order to cook corn porridge, a child should follow the same rules as when cooking buckwheat. However, cooking corn porridge for a baby it will take a little longer (about half an hour).

Pre-soak the cereal for 25 minutes in water.

Corn porridge should be introduced into complementary foods no earlier than 8 months. This is due to the fact that this type of porridge is rich in fiber. What can lead to bloating and increased gas formation in the baby's belly.

How to cook semolina porridge

Semolina porridge is the most delicious for babies, but does not contain useful substances. However, doctors do not recommend introducing it into early complementary foods due to possible problems with a baby's belly. Recipe for semolina porridge one year old child is no different from preparing semolina for adults. Again, it is worth remembering that the consistency of the porridge should be watery.

How to cook rice porridge for a child

To cook rice porridge The child will need milk, water and cereal. If you want to prepare rice porridge for a baby, then it is advisable to use rice flakes ground in a coffee grinder or blender. To prepare rice porridge for older children, you can use uncrushed flakes or round rice. So, in order to properly cook rice porridge, a child needs.