Children's oral rehydration solution. Oral rehydration for dehydration: basic rules

One of the most common pathological conditions in children themselves of different ages is considered to be poisoning. They are most often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, among which vomiting and diarrhea are not the least important. Both of these phenomena are quite dangerous for the body, especially if we're talking about about the child, since such symptoms are fraught quick loss body fluids. Accordingly, when similar manifestations you need to quickly take measures to restore the water-salt balance, namely, take special solutions for rehydration.

For oral rehydration child's body At home, you can use various medicinal formulations that can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most common medications of this type are considered to be Humana Electrolyte, Gastrolit, as well as Regidron and Gidrovit. Let's talk about the features of oral rehydration; we'll take a closer look at medications for children.


This drug is one of the most common among rehydration formulations. It is manufactured in Finland by the Orion Corporation. In the pharmacy, this medication is sold in the form of a dosed powder, which contains three and a half grams of sodium chloride, two and a half grams of potassium chloride, almost three grams of sodium citrate, and ten grams of glucose. One package of Regidron contains twenty sachets, each of which contains slightly less than nineteen grams of crystalline powder, colored White color, and highly soluble in water. The liquid obtained as a result of diluting this composition has both a sweetish and salty taste.

The main purpose medicinal composition Rehydron (like other rehydration solutions) is to restore and also correct the acid-base balance, which has been disturbed due to the removal of electrolytes from the tissues, which is observed with diarrhea or vomiting.

Since this drug is a source of glucose, it effectively maintains the proper level of salts and citrates, maintaining optimal acid balance. Rehydron is recommended to be used most often, since it contains a slightly lower sodium content and slightly more potassium.

For cooking medicinal solution you just need to dilute the contents of the sachet with a liter of warm, pre-boiled water; for young children, the concentration can be made weaker, but it is worth slightly increasing the amount of the drug consumed. The resulting product should be given to the baby in small sips after each attack of vomiting or loose bowel movements. The solution should be mixed before each use. Optimal dosage Regidrona is ten milliliters per kilogram of weight per hour, if diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then this volume should be doubled or even tripled.

It is worth considering that this medicine is not used for kidney problems, as well as for diabetes mellitus or intestinal obstruction. Contraindications also include the patient's unconscious state or increased arterial pressure.

Since Regidron does not contain any flavoring additives, children are usually reluctant to drink it. In this case, such a medicine can be replaced with compounds that are more pleasant to taste.

Humana Electrolyte

This medication is excellent for treating children from the first days of life, if we are talking about using a solution with fennel. Banana composition is allowed to be used in relation to children from three years of age. The medicine is available in the form of a powder for preparing a solution, while the cardboard package contains twelve sachets of 6.25 g each. This volume should be diluted with one glass of pre-boiled warm water. Children under three months of age should be given two hundred to six hundred milliliters of the drug in three to eight doses; in general, the dosage can range from fifty to one hundred (one hundred and fifty) milliliters per kilogram of body weight.

The main advantage of Humana Electrolyte is its pleasant taste qualities. In addition, the addition of fennel helps eliminate colic and bloating, and the presence of banana pectin in the composition helps bind and eliminate from the body various kinds toxins.


This medicine, unlike the formulations already described above, is available in tablet form; the package contains thirty tablets. A couple of tablets of this substance must be dissolved in one hundred milliliters of ordinary hot water. The resulting solution should be cooled to body temperature. This medicine is given to children literally from birth, and as in previous treatment options, infants drinks should be given in fractional, minimal portions. For one kilogram of body weight, it is worth consuming ninety to one hundred and thirty milliliters of solution.

The main advantage of this Gastrolite is its pleasant chamomile taste, in addition, the extract of this medicinal plant, which is part of the drug, has a good antispasmodic effect, copes with inflammatory processes, optimizes peristalsis, and also prevents intestinal bloating from developing.

It is worth considering that diarrhea and vomiting in children is serious reason Call a doctor as soon as possible, as such conditions can become dramatically complicated and require more serious treatment.

Human life is inextricably linked with the formation of various fluids - the body constantly produces sweat, tears, gastric juice etc. Even the air we breathe can be humidified before being processed by our body.

During the process of metabolism, the body produces and accumulates a variety of toxic substances which are excreted in the urine. All these processes lead to normal, natural loss of fluid, the deficiency of which is replenished by quenching thirst.

Most childhood, as well as adult, diseases are accompanied not by natural, but by pathological fluid losses, which include, for example, vomiting and diarrhea.

Causes of pathological fluid loss and its consequences

At various diseases Pathological fluid loss can be caused by various factors:

  1. In case of poisoning, infectious diseases intoxication, vomiting and diarrhea are observed.
  2. With a cold, fluid loss is caused by the formation of snot and sputum, as well as high temperature, rapid breathing, and excessive sweating.
  3. Burns and wounds - liquid also evaporates from their surface.
  4. Some diseases cause frequent urination.
  5. Dehydration can be caused by significant blood loss or heat stroke.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that when sick, a person usually eats less or does not eat for several days in a row, and is not always able and willing to drink on his own - all this makes the intake of water into the body even more scarce compared to the normal state.

In case of pathological loss of fluid, simply quenching thirst to level out water balance the body is not enough.

The consequences that can occur if the level of fluid in the body is not increased in time are potentially extremely severe, even fatal (sometimes this only takes a few days). Group increased risk– infants, small and middle-aged children, the elderly, pregnant women, patients with any chronic diseases.

What measures are taken in case of pathological loss of fluid?

To improve the patient’s condition and stop further dehydration, it is necessary to create conditions that are most appropriate for this situation:

  • The room in which the patient is located must be well ventilated, the air should not be dry, and the air temperature should not be high;
  • Measures such as forcing you to drink water (little by little, in small sips, making sure that the urine is separated in proportion to the liquid you drink) are being taken;
  • A drip may be placed with a solution that will balance the water balance in the body and remove toxins;
  • Blood transfusion is also one of the methods of replenishing fluid volume in the body.

One of the most common home treatments for dehydration is oral rehydration.

What is rehydration therapy

Rehydration, in essence, is replenishing missing moisture in the body. The term “oral” refers to the way this liquid enters the body - through the mouth. However, this therapy should not be confused with drinking plain water!

Rehydration preparations are much more complex in composition than water and are close to the chemical content of body fluids.

When the body loses any fluid, it releases not only water, but also other substances, such as chlorine and sodium through sweating. This means that when dehydrated, the body becomes deficient not only in moisture, but also in salts.

To solve this problem, preparations used for rehydration were developed - an ideal balance of water, salts and glucose. Sometimes the composition of such products is supplemented with herbal extracts and cereal decoctions.

Medicines for rehydration

Preparations for rehydration therapy are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The price for them is not high, and the effectiveness of such funds can at some point save lives. That is why you should always have in home medicine cabinet at least a small supply of these medications.

One of the most popular and easy to use is “Regidron”. It is sold “in portions” – in bags. One serving is enough to prepare 1 liter of liquid, which will quickly and gently restore water-salt balance body.

All other products are essentially duplicates of “Regidron” - they are made in the form of powder or granules, diluted with water. For example, medications such as “Hidrovit”, “Maratonic”, “Normohydron”, etc.

To make oral rehydration medications as effective as possible, you need to follow some rules.

Before preparing the solution, be sure to read the instructions for use and answer the following questions for yourself:

  1. In what liquid should the powder be dissolved? In the vast majority of cases it is water, but you should make sure.
  2. How much water should be used to dissolve one portion of powder or granules?
  3. Should water be boiled? What should the temperature of the liquid be when diluting the medicine?
  4. What conditions must be created to properly store the rehydration solution?
  5. How quickly should the patient take the drug, and for how long?

Do not add anything to the prepared solution that is not provided for in the instructions for preparing the drug - no vitamins, no tinctures, no decoctions.

Try to maintain the temperature of the rehydration solution as close as possible to the patient’s body temperature - this way the liquid will be absorbed by the patient’s body much faster and more efficiently.

Remember that you need to take rehydration medications until signs of dehydration disappear, such as:

  • Constant thirst;
  • Rare urge to urinate, lack of sweating and tears;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • The color of urine is deep yellow;
  • Dry skin, as well as mucous membranes.
  • Antipyretics are practically ineffective; it is very difficult to bring down the temperature.

If you do not understand something in the instructions for use, you doubt that you can alleviate the patient’s condition with oral rehydration solutions, and if the patient’s health is consistently poor or worsening, you need to consult a doctor!

Preparing a rehydration solution at home

If the disease takes you by surprise and there is no time, opportunity or money to go to the pharmacy for powder, it is very easy to prepare an oral rehydration solution yourself. Even a child can make it, because all the components are sure to be found in any kitchen.

In 1960, WHO compiled the first recipe for a solution to treat dehydration - it consists of salt (less than a teaspoon) and sugar (4 tablespoons), as well as a glass of water and orange juice (preferably freshly prepared). This liquid is often prepared for children because the taste orange juice Helps you come to terms with taking the medication a little.

There is one more standard recipe, the simplest, recommended by the World Health Organization - 3 grams of salt, 18 grams of sugar, 1 liter of water.

The loss of a tenth of the fluid contained in our organs and tissues leads to irreversible consequences. Losing a quarter of water is fatal.

To prevent dehydration, against the background of basic treatment, Oral rehydration therapy is mandatory(this is what doctors call “watering” a child who loses fluid due to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases).

If the body is severely dehydrated, it is necessary to immediately restore the water-salt balance.

One of the most common drugs for restoring water-salt balance is Regidron. That's what we'll talk about today.

What is Regidron?

As indicated in the annotation, this product is in the form of a white crystalline powder, which is used to prepare a water-salt solution.

It includes:

  • sodium chloride(the same table salt we know in everyday life);
  • sodium citrate(reduces acidity and regulates osmotic reactions);
  • potassium chloride(also responsible for regulating osmotic pressure and acid-base balance, replenishes the loss of potassium in the body);
  • dextrose(a type of sugar that is a universal antitoxic agent; provides energy for metabolic processes).

Make sure that the powder dissolves completely in the water. The solution must be absolutely transparent.

Obtained by diluting 1 sachet of the drug in 1 liter boiled water, the solution must be transparent, colorless, and free from suspension, flakes, and other foreign particles. The mixture cannot have any foreign odors. The resulting life-saving elixir will taste slightly salty-sweet.

Symptoms of diseases for which Regidron is most effective

Since the main task of the drug is to restore water balance, its purpose is obvious in conditions associated with sudden loss of fluid.

Because, traditional indications for the use of Regidron are considered:

  • , with diarrhea and vomiting, leading to disruption of water and electrolyte balance.

Acute intestinal infection can cause dehydration.

  • Heat injuries and increased physical exercise , leading to a sharp loss of fluid through increased sweating.

Is it possible to store the prepared solution?

The finished mixture can be stored at the temperature of the main compartment of the refrigerator (2-6°C). The product does not lose its properties when frozen (we will talk about one of the “unconventional” methods of using Regidron solution below).

We store the prepared solution only in the refrigerator.

Shelf life for already diluted powder, should not exceed 24 hours.

How do Regidron and similar drugs work?

Once in the body, the solution restores electrolytes washed away by diarrhea and vomiting. Replenishing the required level of salts, The product corrects the acid-base balance and brings it back to normal. The sugar contained in the preparation, in the form of dextrose, preserves citrates at the level necessary for normal operation organs, level, thereby restoring the lost acid balance.

Regidron will quickly restore the baby's strength.

Consequently, Regidron simultaneously acts on the child’s body, exhausted by dehydration, both as a rehydrant and as an antidote.

How many milliliters of solution can be given to the baby, and how often?

In the instructions for use of the drug, its manufacturer indicates that the volume of the mixture consumed should be twice the fluid loss during illness. That is, a decrease in body weight due to dehydration by half a kilogram is compensated by one liter of solution.

But this calculation is valid only for adult patients. Regidron for children is used according to a different scheme. Feeding a baby is quite long and delicate process. The initial dose of solution for the baby is up to one year old, should not exceed a volume of 5-10 ml. If rehydration therapy is carried out against a background of incessant vomiting, this makes the task even more difficult.

Carefully pour the prepared solution one teaspoon at a time every 10 minutes. On average, the total volume of formula consumed is calculated based on 30-50 ml per kilogram of infant weight.

If a child vomits uncontrollably, we wait out the attack and try, drop by drop, with a pipette, to give life-giving moisture to the little sufferer.

Another unexpected way to give your baby Regidron when vomiting

It is best, of course, to absorb liquid that is equal in temperature to our body. Therefore, when an adult urgently needs to replenish lost moisture, drinks at room temperature will do this most organically.

But often, with incessant vomiting, a child does not retain even a teaspoon of water in the stomach. How to give Regidron to children in this case?

Frozen Regidron can also have an antiemetic effect.

Experienced mothers advise... freeze the solution into small cubes! And after each attack of vomiting, simply place another refreshing “icicle” on the baby’s tongue.

The effect of an icy touch on the receptors can suppress the gag reflex. In addition, part of the melting medicine will be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the baby’s mouth.

Of course, this method is applicable only to children who no longer choke on solid food.

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At what age can Regidron be used?

Until recently, it was believed that the drug could be prescribed even to newborn children and pregnant women. But in last years, more and more pediatricians began to recommend Regidron and its analogues for infants with caution.

What is the reason that in the modern edition of the instructions for use of the medicine, a note appeared about the desirability of replacing it for children age group, to others similar drugs(For example, Gastrolit or Humana electrolyte for children)?

Humana electrolyte also effectively restores water-salt balance.

This is due to the rather high sodium content in standard packaging (3.5 g of sodium chloride and 2.9 g of sodium citrate).

On the one hand, an excess of sodium is indeed dangerous. But, on the other hand, Regidron is still the leader in the speed of restoration of water-salt balance in case of critical dehydration.

Contraindications for the use of the drug also include renal failure, diabetes and excess potassium in the patient’s body.

There can be no universal advice here. You see, in any case, you are the mother. And only you are responsible for the safety of your baby. If in doubt, be sure to consult your local pediatrician. Some doctors recommend diluting the drug in a lower concentration, some suggest using analogues or making a water-salt solution yourself.

Making your own rehydration mixture at home

In general, there is nothing complicated here. ORS (oral rehydration salts) solution is a mixture clean water, salt and sugar. Traditional concentration of ingredients - 20-30 g sugar, 3-3.5 g table salt per liter of boiled water. It is acceptable to add 2-2.5 g of soda and replace half the water with carrot or raisin broth to replenish potassium.

You can prepare an ORS solution at home.

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon table salt;
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda.

Regidron in pharmacies. Release form

The drug is available in sachets containing a dose sufficient to prepare 1 liter of solution. The weight of one package is 18.9 g of powder. Packed in cardboard packs of 20 pieces.

Average price in pharmacies - 350-400 rubles per package. Majority retail outlets sell Regidron and one sachet, at a price of 20-25 rubles.

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With vomiting, prolonged diarrhea, especially if infection is accompanied high temperature, the child faces a very dangerous prospect - dehydration may begin. Therefore, every time Dr. Komarovsky talks about such conditions, he emphasizes the need to use oral rehydration products, such as “Regidron”, “Humana Electrolyte”, etc. They allow you to quickly restore the water-salt balance in the baby’s body and avoid problems the most severe consequences dehydration.

But not always in emergency situation Is it possible to visit a pharmacy or is it impossible to stock up on such medicines in the home medicine cabinet. Then you can prepare the solution with your own hands, and its properties will not be inferior at all pharmaceutical drug. Pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky talks about how to do this and how to properly use the resulting solution.

About rehydration products

Evgeny Komarovsky calls oral rehydration products the most important in the family medicine cabinet of sensible parents. Since the overwhelming majority of childhood illnesses are infectious in nature, pathological loss of fluid by the child’s body is a common occurrence. Both for intestinal infections and viral diseases which are accompanied by high fever, intoxication, vomiting or diarrhea, and with food poisoning- Rehydration products will be the main treatment for the baby.

They are a mixture of salts, which, when dissolved with ordinary boiled water provides liquid that not only compensates for water loss when drinking. It also makes it possible to restore the deficit lost through vomiting, frequent loose stools, with sweat of salts and minerals, which are very important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

During illness, a child eats less, and this is quite natural, but it is through food that small children receive a large number of liquids, because they eat cereals, soups, and kefir. Lack of appetite, although caused physiologically, has additional influence to the dehydration process.

A method in which treatment is aimed at replenishing fluid and salt balance is called rehydration therapy. If necessary, you can introduce the necessary substances into the child’s body in two ways:

  • through the mouth, if he drinks, absorbs and excretes the solution;
  • intravenously - through a drip, if he refuses to drink or vomits so often that everything he drinks comes out immediately.

The second method is not practiced at home; this is the task of emergency doctors and specialists from infectious diseases hospitals.

In most cases, parents are excellent at coping with the problem in the first way - orally. If you have ready-made pharmaceutical sachets of “Regidron” or another drug from the list above, just dilute them with the required amount of water, as written on the package. The drug is not a prescription and is available to everyone.

If for some reason there are no ready-made sachets, and it is not possible to get them in the next half hour, then you can prepare the solution yourself. It does not include any special ingredients that would not be in the kitchen of any housewife.

Homemade recipe

The World Health Organization considers it correct if a solution for drinking in case of intoxication with a volume of 1 liter of water contains:

  • sodium chloride (3.5 g);
  • sodium bicarbonate (2.5 g);
  • potassium chloride (1.5 g);
  • glucose (20 g).

When treating children with severe intestinal infections, accompanied severe diarrhea or vomiting, it is recommended to add trisodium citrate in an amount of 2.9 g to the solution instead of sodium bicarbonate, and reduce the salt content (sodium chloride) to 2.6 g.

Home cooking has nothing to do with the chemical laboratory, and therefore Komarovsky provides the above recommendations solely for general information about the composition of the rehydration solution. At home, preparing the product will look like this:

  • 1 liter of boiled warm water;
  • table salt (you can use iodized salt, but it’s better to use ordinary salt) - 3 grams (this is 1 level teaspoon);
  • sugar 18 grams (or sucrose for those who cannot tolerate sugar in the same amount). This is a little less than a tablespoon.

This recipe is approved by the World Health Organization as fully meeting the requirements for a drug with rehydration properties.

How to use?

The prepared solution must be thoroughly mixed until all crystals of both salt and sugar are completely dissolved in the water. The taste of the mixture is not the most pleasant, and therefore you should not expect that the child will start drinking it with delight, says Evgeny Komarovsky.

The resulting solution should be given warm. It is desirable that the temperature of the liquid be equal to the baby’s body temperature - if this condition is met, the liquid will be absorbed and absorbed faster.

There is no specific dosage, but there are important rule: the more the child drinks, the better. Therefore, you need to drink as much and as often as possible. If there are no symptoms of dehydration, it is enough to give the child a prepared liter of solution in three to four hours.

If there are alarming symptoms dehydration, the dosage should be increased. These signs include:

  • dry skin, crying without tears, dry tongue, sensation constant thirst in a baby;
  • infrequent urination (in three hours he never passes for a “minor need”);
  • urine has a bright, rich color and sometimes a pungent odor;
  • antipyretic drugs do not give any pronounced effect;
  • sharpening of facial features, appearance dark circles under the eyes.

If the vomiting is very intense, and it is not possible to give the child something to drink normally, you need to give him a drip feed from a disposable syringe without a needle, a baby bottle, a teaspoon - whatever you like, as long as he drinks. If even such a small amount is not absorbed, you should call “ Ambulance”, so that the child is given intravenous rehydration. You should not store the homemade solution for too long: if not the entire diluted amount is drunk in 3-4 hours, it is advisable to prepare a new portion.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about dehydration of a child’s body and how to prepare a rehydron solution at home in the next video.

  • Rotavirus
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Regidron
  • How to do it yourself

Rehydration- replenishes fluid loss human body. As a rule, we are talking about restoring the water-electrolyte balance - the ratio of water content and main electrolytes (potassium, sodium, chlorine, etc.). Rehydration is carried out depending on the severity of the patient’s condition in 2 ways: oral or intravenous.

There are 2 options for rehydration: oral and parenteral.

Oral rehydration

Involves the introduction of liquid through the mouth, that is, in fact it drinking plenty of fluids. Effective on initial stages disease, unless there is excessive repeated vomiting. Successful oral rehydration involves using liquid in small portions, but often (several teaspoons every 7-10 minutes, never in one glass, as this will provoke vomiting). Use regular unsweetened tea or mineral water without gas (dining room).

The ideal liquid for oral rehydration is special sachets with a dry mixture (Oralit, Regidron, Ionica). The dry mixture is mixed with boiled water in accordance with the instructions. The patient should drink 1-1.5 liters per day.

Parenteral rehydration

Implies introduction saline solutions intravenously. Carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and under supervision medical worker. Parenteral rehydration allows for rapid recovery water-electrolyte balance, regardless clinical manifestations diseases. The method is more effective than oral fluid administration. The duration of intravenous infusion is determined by the severity of the patient's condition, usually taking several hours.

To carry out parenteral rehydration, the doctor may prescribe the following solutions:

  • "Trisol";
  • "Disol";
  • "Acesol";
  • "Quartasol";
  • saline sodium solution;
  • Ringer's solution;
  • "Neohemodesis";
  • "Reosorbilact".

The volume of solutions used is determined individually.

Factors contributing to moisture loss

Among possible factors, provoking dehydration, you need to consider external and internal.


Among the external ones, the following are significant:

  • high ambient temperature;
  • high wind force;
  • incorrect (inappropriate climatic conditions) clothing per person.

All of the above leads to profuse sweating. With sweat, a person loses both water and electrolytes. leads to severe (sometimes irreversible) changes in the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.


TO internal factors Somewhat conditionally, diseases that are accompanied by loss of fluid and electrolytes can be classified as:

  • oncological processes of the digestive canal;
  • endocrine pathology (sugar and diabetes insipidus);
  • (salmonellosis, cholera, foodborne illnesses).

A prerequisite for successful rehydration is the elimination of the provoking factor, otherwise the loss of water and electrolytes will continue.

Symptoms and degrees of dehydration

IN medical practice classification of degrees of dehydration is applied in accordance with a certain clinical symptoms. This allows the doctor to assess the severity of the patient’s condition and prescribe the necessary rehydration therapy without waiting for the results of a laboratory examination.

Table 1. Symptoms of dehydration depending on the degree of moisture loss from the body.

Degree Symptoms
Grade 1 (mild dehydration, losses do not exceed 1-3% of initial body weight)
  • moderate weakness;
  • thirst and slight dry mouth;
  • loose, watery, small stools from 3-4 to 10 times a day;
  • sometimes vomiting 1-2 times a day;
  • blood pressure and pulse characteristics (filling, tension, frequency) do not change;
  • color skin and mucous membranes are normal;
  • the amount of urine excreted does not change.
2nd degree (dehydration medium degree severity within 4-6% of body weight)
  • severe weakness;
  • dry skin and cyanosis (bluish discoloration) of the lips appear;
  • rare convulsive twitching of the muscles of the limbs, tachycardia begins;
  • it is possible to lower blood pressure to 90/60 mmHg;
  • profuse watery stools up to 10-20 times a day;
  • profuse vomiting 5-10 times;
  • decreased amount of urine excreted (oliguria).
Grade 3 (severe dehydration, loss of 7-9% of initial body weight)
  • severe weakness;
  • significant dryness of mucous membranes;
  • the skin is pale, the limbs are cold and bluish;
  • skin turgor is reduced;
  • pointed facial features;
  • prolonged painful muscle spasms of the limbs;
  • voice hoarse and weak;
  • blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg. and below;
  • tachycardia up to 120 per minute;
  • repeated diarrhea, feces lose their characteristic appearance;
  • excessive repeated vomiting;
  • oliguria or anuria ( complete absence urine).
4th degree – hypovolemic shock (extremely severe degree of dehydration, condition, life-threatening patient)
  • severe weakness;
  • sunken eyes, a symptom of “dark glasses”, pointed facial features;
  • the skin is cold to the touch, general cyanosis;
  • turgor (elasticity) of the skin is sharply reduced;
  • generalized muscle spasms of the limbs and abdomen;
  • blood pressure and pulse are not determined;
  • anuria (no urine).

At home, only first-degree dehydration can be treated. Everything else is only under the supervision of a doctor.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

  • there is no effect of oral rehydration;
  • the frequency of bowel movements and vomiting increases;
  • the patient becomes lethargic and drowsy;
  • blood pressure decreases, pulse rate increases;
  • the amount of urine excreted decreases.

Rehydration is an essential component of the treatment of many diseases, but the rules for its implementation are important.