The girl sits on the ground in danger. Why can't you sit on the cold ground? Why girls can't sit in the cold

Peak holidays and travel are in full swing, but not for everyone. For various reasons, many cannot afford to leave the city: there is no money to go somewhere; they do not give a full vacation, but only a few days; There are other problems in the city...

The most important thing is don’t get upset! Catch a few ideas for those who are forced to spend their holidays in the city:

Idea 1

No one has canceled the weekend yet! So wait until next Saturday and go by bus... or at least to the next city! Wander the streets, go to a museum or art gallery, walk along ancient squares or embankments, visit a zoo or dolphinarium - it depends on the attractions that the city has. To make it more fun, you can invite a friend (or several) with you. If you have a child (or several), take him with you: the impressions received from such a trip will be remembered by the child for a long time.

Idea 2

Jump with a parachute! Why not? This will be a feat that you can be proud of for the rest of your life. Option: paragliding - this service is provided in many cities today. Just imagine: you are flying like a bird, admiring the surroundings and persuading yourself not to be afraid. Extreme? Adrenalin? What a great one!

Idea 3

Go to the SPA salon. You don't need a vacation for this, just a day off is enough. Pamper yourself to the fullest: masks, peeling, massage, body wraps, manicure, pedicure... You will feel wonderfully relaxed and gain strength!

Idea 4

Find a service such as horseback riding in your or a neighboring city. This is a great vacation! Even if you have never seen horses up close before, you can take a couple of lessons from a trainer, after which you will simply fall in love with these smart and friendly animals. And what kind of photos you will get as a souvenir!

Idea 5

Meet old friends. The modern rhythm of life is that sometimes we don’t see close friends and acquaintances for months and even years. Summer - why not? Call everyone you want to meet and chat over a glass of something cold. Go to a bar or restaurant and allow yourself an evening of pleasant memories!

Idea 6

For the most energetic! Rearrange your apartment. Or even renovation! Just don't struggle alone: ​​call one or more friends with strong muscles to help, otherwise you'll need extra time off.

Idea 7

Finally, watch all the films you've been meaning to watch for a long time. Tools – computer with internet (or DVD with discs). Conditions: free time. That is, exactly what you will have in abundance if you are on vacation.

Idea 8

Visit your parents or grandparents. They will definitely be happy! After all, they love you completely unselfishly and exactly as you are.

Idea 9

Start leading a healthy lifestyle. No cigarettes, plenty of clean water, eat a little, but often, and only healthy foods - cereals, vegetables, fruits, fish and lean meat, cheese and cottage cheese... Go in for sports - at least walks in the fresh air, at least an hour a day. Or twist the massage hoop - in a couple of months you will get a wasp waist! Set yourself a task: to maintain this rhythm for two weeks. Is the month weak? And if you hold out for two months, you can continue this lifestyle further, the habit will become stronger, and that’s just great!

Idea 10

The fact that you spend the summer in the city is not a reason to look like a "pale toadstool." Get some company and sunbathe - if there is no sea nearby, then on a lake or river, or at least in a clearing in a forest or park. In extreme cases, a solarium will do, and for those who don’t tan well, self-tanning has long been invented! Just imagine how impressive you will look with tanned skin in a new sundress!

Idea 11

Arrange yourself a photo shoot! To do this, you can go for a walk with your friends and take pictures of yourself against the backdrop of beautiful nature or attractions. Or you can visit a professional photographer who will make a gorgeous portfolio for you.

Idea 12

Just take a walk around your city. After all, tourists come here to explore, say, an ancient fortress, or an ancient temple, or a famous museum. And you are incredibly lucky - you live in this city and can admire its sights every day! So take this opportunity, walk through the most beautiful places and appreciate your luck. Feel proud of your native place!

Idea 13

Re-read the classics. Sound boring? But in fact, it often turns out to be very interesting. For example, Anna Karenina. It’s one thing to “go through” the story of an unhappy lover in boring literature classes tours, and it’s quite another thing to read about her heartbreaking feelings of her own free will, compare with similar situations among friends or relatives, sympathize...

Idea 14

Learn something new. For example, knitting or cross-stitching, baking a cake or pickling tomatoes. Find an interesting hobby on the Internet: you can paint glass on the kitchen door, plant an exotic plant and care for it, learn how to make homemade cherry liqueur, master the art of henna painting on the body... There are thousands of options! At worst, learn a few dozen common phrases in foreign languages. You will surprise your friends, but who knows! – maybe you’ll go to a distant country...

Vacation in the city is great! If you don’t become despondent and succumb to sad thoughts, everything will be the other way around: you won’t envy your friends who spent their holidays in Egypt, but they will envy you.

Routine work, boring evenings in front of the TV, and here it is, a real vacation! That time when you don’t have to wake up to an alarm clock, a period of relaxation, recovery and new experiences.

Everyone goes to the seaside, travels to other countries. But what to do if you have absolutely no money for relaxation? What if “finance sings romances”, but you want to relax? How to have a great vacation without allocating a separate budget for it?

1. Walks to new places

Surely, your weekdays follow the usual “work-home-shop” route. What if during your vacation you “go” for new experiences without leaving the city?

Visit an area or area you've never been to. There is absolutely such a thing, even in a small town. Create the atmosphere of a mini-trip - prepare your clothes the night before, think over the route, and arm yourself with a bag of snacks for snacking during your walk.

These don't have to be picturesque areas. A regular sleeping bag will also work.

2. New cuisine - new emotions

Do you have a dedicated budget for food? Spend it on new “culinary experiences.”

Instead of the usual cutlets with a side dish, prepare some new dish from a different cuisine that is completely unusual for you. Indian, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Italian - the ingredients can always be found on sale even in the most ordinary stores, and detailed recipes are described on many culinary sites and video notes on YouTube.

Finding the right ingredients is also a kind of interesting quest. After all, you will have to pay attention to a group of products that have never been included in the review field.

Is it boring and unusual to do something like this alone? Invite a friend or loved one. We assure you that cooking together will not only take your leisure time, but will also bring you closer to this same person.

3. Part-time work in a modern way

If you are really concerned about the question of how to spend a vacation without money, then you have a limited amount of that same money.

What if you earn extra money during your vacation while sitting on your smartphone and walking through the streets of the city? Do you think this is impossible? No matter how it is!

Toloka application from Yandex– allows you to earn money online. Do simple tasks like “take a photo of the facade of the building” and “photograph the operating hours of the establishment” - and get instant money for it. By the way, they can be immediately transferred to the card and spent in any store. By the way, this can be done as a vacation activity after an impromptu working day.

4. New looks

Rest is any activity other than your main job. What if, during the holidays, you create a new look for yourself from the things that are in your wardrobe?

We are sure that there are a lot of clothes on your shelves that have been lying around for years without use.

Organize a global cleaning, go through every item, organizing a small fashion show. As an experiment, you can create various images by photographing them and posting them for public viewing on any social network.

5. Spa day

Treat yourself to a day of water relaxation without leaving your home. Take a warm bath and create an entourage of candles and scents. Add sea salt to the water, turn on relaxing music or your favorite movie.

Complete the process with subsequent spa treatments - make a scrub, apply a mask to your entire body and hair, and soak your skin with moisturizer.

Never been to a spa? Don't know how to repeat something you've never done before? The order of procedures, as well as an approximate program, can be found on the Internet. There are many videos posted on YouTube where girls show the process from the inside.

If you don’t have the necessary cosmetics, replace them with improvised products. For a scrub, use ground coffee; for a whole body mask, use blue clay from a pharmacy, costing 15 rubles.

Improvise, relax, meet friends and enjoy the sun. Visit parks, read books, go to the nearest bodies of water. You can have a great vacation, gain new impressions and learn something new without leaving the country, without spending money.

As they say, happiness is within a person. It is important that the desire to relax and a positive attitude be inside. In its absence, even the most expensive holiday at sea will be an uninteresting hard labor and not at all a joy.

If you still want to save money and spend a well-deserved vacation in other countries and at sea, we advise you to read the article - The article contains a lot of practical advice and has received a lot of positive feedback from our readers.

We live in Europe, and here all children are always seated with their butts on the floor - by themselves, by teachers at school and in kindergarten. And not on some kind of warm floor, but on the most ordinary tiles. Moreover, they get so used to it that they continue to do the same for up to 20 years - they can sit outside on cold stones, or sit on the floor in a store to try on shoes. And you said that you can’t sit in the cold... Who’s right? Please tell me!


Let's try to theoretically substantiate: why is it still impossible to sit in the cold? When two bodies with different temperatures come into contact, heat is transferred from the warmer body to the colder one. This is what we were taught at school. If a person steps on something cold, the leg reacts in a very specific way: a spasm of the blood vessels in the skin occurs, and accordingly, the amount of blood that flows to the skin of the leg decreases sharply. As a result, the temperature of the skin of the leg decreases, and the amount of heat that the human body loses, in turn, decreases. This completely understandable physiological mechanism makes it possible for people in general and human babies in particular to walk barefoot for quite a long time without any harm to health. Let us note once again: the human foot is anatomically and physiologically adapted to contact with cold. There are no such contacts (from birth there are always socks, shoes, carpets, warm floors) - the vessels lose the ability to quickly limit blood supply, and wet feet (an option is a cold floor) lead to hypothermia and provoke health problems. Now let's try to imagine what will happen if the butt comes into contact with a cold one. It is clear that the skin in the buttocks area is thinner and more delicate than the skin on the feet. However, nothing dangerous will happen from short contact with cold - first there will be a spasm of the skin vessels, then a spasm of the muscle vessels. Already at the stage of spasm of skin vessels, a person will begin to experience real discomfort, so he (a person with a frozen butt) will get up from the cold, i.e. there are no real dangers. So, it turns out that they are right there in Europe? In most cases, yes. However, prolonged contact of the skin of the buttocks with cold objects that are large in size and have high thermal conductivity (for example, granite steps near the entrance to the museum) can lead to serious local hypothermia and provoke vascular spasm not only of the skin and muscles, but also of the urinary system. tract, genitals. And local hypothermia of the sciatic nerve is generally a separate risk. But let me draw your attention once again: in order for a risk to arise, several conditions are necessary:

  • bare or scantily clad bottom;
  • a large cold object with high thermal conductivity in contact with this butt;
  • long contact time.

It is possible to reduce the risk. To do this, from an early age (more precisely, from the crawling stage), you should train the vessels of the buttocks, allowing occasional contacts with the cold floor, but controlling the duration of contacts. Again, it is quite obvious that the temperature of the floor (even unheated tiles) is not comparable to that of a metal bench sleeping under the open winter sky.

Two nuances, purely European. Firstly, it seems to me that most European countries are a little warmer than most Russian territories, and a direct comparison of the habits of Brussels residents with the habits of Krasnoyarsk residents is not entirely correct. Secondly, modern Europe has nothing against the use of disposable diapers, and here not only grandmothers, but also many doctors sing songs about overheating of the testicles and other passions. But a disposable diaper is a very good heat insulator. Agree that sitting on a tile in a diaper or in wet underpants are slightly different things, and Europeans do not consider a three-year-old child in a disposable diaper to be inferior. In most cases, our parents don’t really want to analyze and learn. And these conversations about blood vessels, thermal conductivity, physiological mechanisms, time control, etc. and so on. - all this is boring and not interesting. Why waste time on proceedings if another series about unhappy love is shown on TV! Therefore, they want a direct answer from me, as a doctor: is it possible or not to walk in the cold? So is it possible or not to sit in the cold? In the first case, I prefer to say “yes”, and in the second, “no”. But common sense is either there or not. If there is, it will be like in Europe...

Not only women risk their health when they swim in cold water, wear thin tights in the cold or sit in the cold... For men it is no less dangerous. But many of them, especially young people, neglect the simple rules of preventing hypothermia, because they believe that their health will not suffer from the cold. However, men, just like women, are susceptible to many serious diseases associated with hypothermia, including the lower body.

For example, sitting on a cold surface (ground, concrete, bench, etc.) is fraught with many very unpleasant consequences. Hypothermia of the lower body can provoke the development of inflammatory processes, including: swelling of the scrotum, inflammation of the prostate and other infectious diseases.

If it so happens that you sat in a cold place, your lower abdomen and testicles hurt, naturally, you have to think about what to do in this case. The answer is simple - contact us as early as possible. This will help avoid serious complications. We will talk about which diseases most often arise from hypothermia in the male body on this page www.. We will also talk about some folk recipes that will help alleviate the painful condition. However, their use does not cancel an early visit to the doctor.

Prostate inflammation:

It is very easy to get a cold in the prostate gland. To do this, it is enough to walk around in the cold in light trousers, thin jeans, plunge into ice water or sit on a cold surface.


The disease manifests itself differently in every man. However, there are a number of common signs that you need to pay attention to, these are: acute pain in the perineum, rectum, genital area, pain in the lower abdomen. The pain worsens when sitting. There is frequent urination, accompanied by pain and burning. Well, we sat in the cold - what to do now?!

Measures necessary for treatment

This inflammatory disease is fraught with numerous problems and complications in the future, so treatment should be started as quickly as possible. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, hormonal agents, and immunomodulators. Physiotherapy methods are used and a course of prostate massage is prescribed.

If the disease is not treated, drug therapy may not be effective. Then only surgical methods will help. Want to?! Probably not...

Folk remedy

Pour a glass of high-quality alcohol (96%) into the jar. Add 40 g of propolis. Close the jar tightly, shake, put in a dark room for 10 days. Take 30 drops. with milk.

In the evening, mix the tincture and olive oil thoroughly, maintaining the ratio: 1::4. Heat a little in a water bath until it is comfortably warm. Make a microenema (50 ml) at night. A course of 10 enemas, every other day in the evening.

Kidney inflammation

One of the main reasons for the development of the inflammatory process is hypothermia. It’s easy to catch a cold in your kidneys even on a cool summer evening: you swim in cold water, sit in cold water, and after a while unpleasant symptoms appear:


It all starts with a feeling of discomfort, aching or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating. In addition, nausea, vomiting, fever, and increased temperature may develop. The urine becomes cloudy, sand and bloody spots may appear.

What to do if you sit in a cold room in this case?

To avoid serious complications, it is very important to start professional therapeutic treatment on time. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics (always individually) and anti-inflammatory drugs. Bed rest and a special diet with plenty of fluids are indicated.

Folk remedy

Finely chop the garden parsley and celery roots. Mix with chopped asparagus and fennel fruits. Take all plants equally. Put 1 tbsp. l. mixture into enamel dishes. Pour one and a half glasses of cool drinking water there. Wait 6 hours. Then boil everything, reduce heat to low, cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, wrap in a towel. Let it cool on its own. The entire broth should be drunk, after straining, a day before.

Inflammation of the epididymis

During a date, we sat in the cold and our testicles got cold... It happens. If a man is lightly dressed, even sitting for a short time on a cold bench, ground or other surface can lead to an inflammatory disease from hypothermia of the scrotum. Serious diseases may develop, in particular inflammation of the epididymis. This disease is called epididymitis.


In the presence of an acute process, the lower abdomen hurts, swells, the scrotum and testicles hurt, soreness in the groin appears, and body temperature rises. General malaise appears. There is a burning sensation when urinating. The pain intensifies with bowel movements.

What to do?

You should go to bed and call a doctor. The doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. These drugs are always prescribed individually after performing the necessary tests. The following drugs are also prescribed: Safotsid, Tavanik, Vitaprost. Perhaps the doctor will recommend using Vishnevsky ointment topically. In case of suppuration of the appendage, the patient is indicated for surgery.

Folk remedy

As an aid, you can use an infusion from a collection of plants: mix the same amount of crushed dried cinquefoil leaves, celandine herb, finely chopped steel grass roots. Add the same amount of birch leaves and juniper berries. Add 2 tbsp. l. into enamel dishes. Pour half a liter of boiling water. Warm the dishes well and wait until they cool down. Drink half a glass three times a day. Don't forget to strain first.

At the end of our conversation, it would be useful to remind you that it is easier to prevent any disease than to have a very long and expensive treatment later. To avoid hypothermia, do not neglect basic preventive measures: if it is cold outside, wear insulated trousers or jeans. Wear thermal underwear, long johns, or sweatpants. And, of course, do not swim in icy water, protect yourself from the chilly wind, try not to get your feet wet in the cold, and do not sit in the cold. Be healthy!

Spring was late and did not have time to warm up the soil before the May holidays. Therefore, everyone who wants to lie on the grass risks ending their picnic in the hospital.

With the warmest weather in May, it is easy to get hypothermia in various organs. It is enough to spend some time on the cold ground, stone, or sit on an ordinary floor covered not with parquet, but with linoleum. Wet your feet in a stream, river or run in the dew. How can such a vacation turn out and how to recognize the first symptoms of illness?

Cystitis and prostatitis are popular “complications of a picnic”

Sitting on a blanket during a picnic in our latitudes is contraindicated by doctors until mid-June. Thin fabric will not protect you from the cold. The same applies to the “semi-crouching” pose (as well as the lotus position, resting only on the knees). The best solution is a folding fabric chair or a wooden bench.

How to recognize?

After half an hour spent on the cold ground, a woman has every chance of getting cystitis, and a man - prostatitis. Symptoms may take several hours or days to become apparent. The first signs are: pain with frequent urination, pain in the pubic bone and groin, and in men the scrotum also hurts. If the bladder is hypothermic, inflammation of the kidneys can develop within a day. Its signs, in addition to those listed, are temperature of 38 degrees and above, chills, nagging pain in the lower back. Self-medication is dangerous here: attempts to do warming procedures at home (including folk ones) can lead to the opposite result - the occurrence of purulent forms of inflammation, when surgical intervention is already required. At the first symptoms of hypothermia of the genitourinary system, you should consult a doctor.

Self-diagnosis of radiculitis

An unusual position for an office person, sitting on the ground or floor, as well as when the floor is cold, causes problems in the spine. First of all, the lumbar region suffers; the sciatic nerve may become inflamed (especially in those who already have a chronic form). A May picnic may end with the first manifestation of radiculitis in my life - inflammation of the spinal nerve roots.

How to recognize?

Sometimes it all starts with a slight malaise, discomfort in the lower back. After a day or two, the pain can become shooting, sharp, and the person cannot move or sleep normally. Radiculitis should be treated with warming and anti-inflammatory ointments, in addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken orally. You will have to observe a limited regime of work and movement, and in especially severe cases - bed rest. For acute muscle spasms, which often accompany radiculitis, take muscle relaxants (drugs that relax the muscles of the spine), but only as directed by a doctor. Important: radiculitis does not lead to an increase in temperature. Very rarely - 37-37.4 degrees. And even then, in most cases, this is a signal about the presence of other inflammatory processes. With severe hypothermia, radiculitis is easily combined with inflammation of the same bladder.

We decide for ourselves!

You can diagnose radiculitis yourself: sharp pain occurs when pressing on the lumbar region, the most painful movements are during tension movements, that is, when lifting the legs, bending the torso. Thoracic and cervical radiculitis is accompanied by pain when coughing, restrictions on movement (you cannot turn your head to the side or tilt), and headache.

Walking in the dew after pre-hardening

Walking through the first dew is useful only for those who are doing it not for the first time. If you take off your shoes during a May picnic on unheated ground, you can get hypothermia. With weak immunity, this will give the green light to the development of previously dormant infections of the genitourinary system, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Hypothermia in the feet very quickly affects the vocal cords, causing sore throat and hoarseness. From cold feet there is a direct path to a runny nose and associated otitis media and sinusitis.

You should start preparing for a barefoot walk by briefly dousing your feet with warm water (25-30 degrees) at home, at least for two to three weeks. Gradually increase the interval of dousing, reduce the heat of the water. If no consequences for the body are noticed (fever, chills, aching pain in the joints, headache, runny nose), you can try going out into the dew. The first walk is no more than 120 seconds.

How dangerous is hypothermia?

1 Sitting on a cold surface can cause hemorrhoids, because hypothermia causes poor circulation. If a person has already had problems, as well as during pregnancy, abuse of spicy and salty foods, the risk of having such a complication is very high. Those who have already been diagnosed with hemorrhoids should take more warm baths and not sit on the ground even in the heat. Otherwise, aggravation cannot be avoided.

2 It is better for girls and women to go on a picnic with a sun lounger or a chair. You can use tourist air mattresses, but in no case blankets or towels. The fastest complication is adnexitis, or inflammation of the ovaries. It is caused by infection, but it is activated by hypothermia of the legs and pelvic organs.