Diagnosis of diseases of the small intestine. Acute perforated ulcers of the small intestine in patients with widespread purulent peritonitis

Approximately 5% of the world's population lives with a chronic disease that affects the intestinal mucosa in various places and leads to the formation of ulcers. In men, this disease occurs especially often between the ages of 25 and 50 years. This is partly due to the fact that they drink alcohol and smoke more often than women. With an intestinal ulcer, symptoms usually appear in the spring and autumn, when a period of exacerbation occurs. During remission, the patient may feel relatively well.

Symptoms of a small intestinal ulcer

With a pathology of this nature, the symptoms can be either mild or severe. Sometimes people feel minor discomfort for years, take antispasmodics, but do not see a doctor. Gradually the intensity of symptoms increases. Many people are starting to worry:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Colic before and after meals;
  • Spasms;
  • Vomiting, sometimes with blood;
  • Decreased appetite.

It also adds a feeling constant fatigue. The patient may experience sudden weight loss. With such signs, you need to make an appointment with a specialist, since due to starvation and exhaustion, the functions of other organs and systems may be impaired.

Symptoms of a colon ulcer

Pathologies of this part of the gastrointestinal tract are often mistaken for normal eating disorder. Moreover, the signs are largely similar. Patients may experience diarrhea and constipation, sometimes even in turn. Over time, they are added to:

  • Flatulence;
  • Feeling of fullness in the abdomen;
  • Pain in the anus;
  • Atypical discharge from anus of different nature;
  • Involuntary passage of gases;
  • Constant feeling of weakness;
  • Avitaminosis.

Sometimes people self-medicate and bring their health to a critical level. dangerous condition. Then the development of such a complication as ulcer penetration is possible. The wound begins to grow into neighboring organs, for example, to the liver or pancreas.

Lit.: Big medical encyclopedia 1956

With ulcers of the large and small intestines, the symptoms lead to the fact that people cannot eat normally, lose weight, and their body loses nutrients. If you know the causes of the disease, you can reduce the likelihood of developing damage to the mucous membrane. So, to external factors include:

  • Frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • Smoking;
  • Stress and psycho-emotional experiences;
  • Depressive states;
  • Poor nutrition.

It is important to consider genetic predisposition. In some people, gastric juice is produced in significant quantities exceeding the norm. This is also due to genetics. People with such a predisposition must carefully monitor their diet, follow a diet, and minimize the consumption of coffee, alcohol, and smoking.

Typically, intestinal ulcers develop by two main mechanisms:

  • Hydrochloric acid has an aggressive effect on the membranes of organs, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, and wounds form;
  • Bacterium Helicobacter pylori falls into digestive tract and begins to multiply, which leads to the death of mucosal cells.

Sometimes the activity of Helicobacter Pylori is provoked by medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as glucocorticoids, pose a danger. If you notice signs of a small intestinal ulcer, including vomiting or diarrhea, you should urgently seek medical help and stop taking the medication or adjust the dosage.

Which doctor will help?

The disease cannot be cured on its own. Delay is fraught with perforation of the ulcer, which can lead to damage to other organs. If you have symptoms of the disease, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible:

This specialist deals directly with gastrointestinal diseases. He will examine the patient and prescribe additional tests. Also, the doctor will select the optimal nutrition plan, since the success of recovery largely depends on the patient’s diet. During the consultation, the doctor will most likely ask:

The human body is complex mechanism, consisting of a system of blood vessels and organs. For full functioning, proper care is required. In simple words, you need to eat a balanced, regular diet, maintain a healthy and active image life, maintain hygiene. This will have a positive effect on your overall health. Gastrointestinal diseases are very dangerous. One of them is ulcerative intestinal disease. To curative therapy gave positive results, it is important to identify an ulcer in a timely manner and know what its main symptoms are.

Intestinal ulcer - progressive form chronic disease, manifested by defective transformations of the intestinal mucosa. Peptic ulcer disease requires special treatment, diet therapy. Stomach and intestinal ulcers have the following stages: remission, exacerbation. Most often, signs of stomach and duodenal ulcers appear in spring and autumn.

According to research, the main cause of ulcers is a bacterial microorganism called Helicobacter pylori. It has been found to promote the formation of ulcers. Due to the influence of this bacterium, it produces toxic substance. In addition to infection pathogenic bacteria There are other possible causes of the disease.

Etiology of peptic ulcer

The main cause of the pathology is Helicobacter pylori. For intestinal ulcers, the following provoking factors can also be identified:

Taking certain medications. In particular, painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The predisposition is genetic. Helps reduce mucus production correct amount cells that synthesize hydrochloric acid, protecting the walls of the stomach and intestines. It's in the genes. In the case of a large amount of gastric juice, the course of the disease is aggravated.

Irregular and unhealthy diet. Excessive consumption of spicy, fatty, salty and sweet foods causes disruption in the production process. gastric secretion. It is important to eat at least five small meals a day to provide strong support for a healthy metabolism.

Nervous system. Depression, stress and mental disorders are considered important reasons development of the disease.

Bad habits. Smoking and drugs, abuse of alcoholic and carbonated drinks are fraught with intoxication of the body, weakening protective functions immune system and damage to the mucous membrane.

Ulcer symptoms

The main symptoms of an intestinal ulcer can be compared with those that appear with. They appear immediately, so a diagnosis can be made in time. With an intestinal ulcer, the symptoms are as follows:

  • heartburn;
  • the pain syndrome has a boring, hungry and pulling character, localized in the lower abdomen. Pain from an ulcer can radiate to the spine, behind the sternum;
  • with an ulcer, the stool becomes black, its consistency is tarry, viscous;
  • at increased acidity the pain becomes more frequent, which provokes belching. Food takes a long time to digest;
  • the presence of pain during an intestinal ulcer provokes a gag reflex and profuse vomiting.

Symptoms ulcerative colitis consist of the following manifestations on the part of the body:

  • diarrhea, sometimes mixed with blood, rarely with pus;
  • abdominal pain;
  • the ulcer provokes weakness, apathy and weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • internal bleeding;
  • perforation.

During exacerbation, the following symptoms of an ulcer appear:

  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea with blood, mucus;
  • body temperature 39 degrees;
  • vomit;
  • flatulence.

Having discovered the listed symptoms of an ulcer, the patient should take urgent measures and visit a doctor. Treatment of ulcers is a long, labor-intensive and painful process that should not be neglected.

Therapeutic therapy for ulcers

Diet therapy

Decisive role in the treatment of pathology gastrointestinal tract plays the correct fraction balanced diet. It is important to put the secretion of the stomach in order, to completely restore it, since the activity depends on this duodenum.

The patient must follow strict regime diet recommended for ulcers, consume foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins, and also eliminate all irritants. You should eat at least five to six times a day.

The therapeutic diet during the period of exacerbation of intestinal ulcers prohibits such foods as:

  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • rich broths, borscht;
  • fried, spicy, salty and hot, smoked products;
  • berries and fruits with hard skin;
  • sweets, baked goods and fresh baked goods;
  • peas, beans, corn and asparagus.
  • lean meat - turkey, chicken and veal;
  • milk porridge;
  • honey, jam, marshmallows, jelly and jelly;
  • biscuits;
  • stale bread, crackers;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • tea with milk.

The ideal temperature of the finished dish should be no less and no more than thirty degrees. It is advisable to add butter, olive oil in porridges, soups during exacerbation of ulcers. Diet therapy during an ulcer involves consuming 3 thousand kilocalories per day. Thanks to a balanced and nutritious diet, the healing process and scarring of the ulcer are significantly accelerated.

Marked ulcerative pathology gastrointestinal tract amenable to conservative treatment. It is necessary to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time. Thanks to healthy image life, balanced diet, medication can help the patient get rid of unpleasant symptoms ulcers

Ulcer small intestine- a common gastrointestinal disease in gastroenterology. In total, in medicine there are several types of small intestinal ulcers: nonspecific, idiopathic, peptic, trophic, round, etc.

Case statistics and frequency of the disease depend on the type of small intestinal ulcer, as well as on the type of gastrointestinal tumor (carcinoid or other). So, for example primary ulcer small intestine - enough rare disease. The basic characteristics of small intestinal ulcers are somewhat similar to gastric and duodenal ulcers. But the main difference between small intestinal ulcers is that in most cases this disease occurs in men. In fact, a small intestinal ulcer is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of this part of the gastrointestinal tract with the presence of numerous lesions on its wall. An ulcer of the small intestine can occur due to the lack of treatment for a number of gastrointestinal diseases, including Helicobacter, as well as due to the lack of treatment for gastrointestinal candidiasis.

Rarely, patients suffering from small intestinal ulcers complain of pain in the epigastrium or right iliac region. As a rule, these pains occur within a couple of hours after eating. If the patient is examined by a gastroenterologist, he will note tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall.

When testing for the presence of a small intestinal ulcer, it indicates the presence of hidden bleeding in stool. If the patient is prescribed targeted X-ray examination, then the specialists diagnostic center an ulcer of the small intestine is detected based on this method only in in rare cases.

Nonspecific ulcers of the small intestine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Nonspecific ulcers of the small intestine are extremely rare. Only isolated descriptions of this disease can be found in the literature. These are nonspecific ulcers, in contrast to ulcerations of an established nature, which can be tuberculous, syphilitic and cancerous. It is believed that this disease is approximately 3 times more common in men than in women, and is found mainly in middle-aged and elderly people.

The causes and pathogenesis of the disease are unknown. Since the pathomorphological picture is more often dominated by the phenomena of acute necrosis than the changes characteristic of a chronic (peptic) gastroduodenal ulcer, it can be assumed that local vascular factors(embolism, thrombosis), local mechanical damage to the mucous membrane or focal inflammatory process can be the cause of these diseases.

Symptoms, course and complications. Small intestinal ulcers can be acute or chronic, asymptomatic or with atypical pain in the paraumbilical area. However, most often for the first time they manifest themselves suddenly with symptoms of intestinal perforation and clinical acute abdomen. Thus, after analyzing 130 reports described in the literature about primary nonspecific ulcers small intestine, it was found that in 81 cases it was perforation of the ulcer.

In more rare cases, ulcers of the small intestine are complicated by intestinal bleeding.

Clinical diagnosis is difficult. Only in rare cases, in the presence of ulcer-like pain and signs of repeated intestinal bleeding, by excluding peptic ulcers and other diseases of the gastroduodenal zone, as well as lesions of the colon, can the doctor come to the conclusion about a possible disease of the small intestine and direct the radiologist to a targeted examination of this part of the intestine. However, due to known difficulties due to the structural features of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, as well as the location of the intestine, it is difficult to detect an ulcer of the small intestine even radiologically. If the ulcer perforated or a massive intestinal bleeding, during laparotomy and resection of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers of the small intestine can often be detected.

Signs of perforation of a small intestinal ulcer do not differ from those of perforation of a peptic gastroduodenal ulcer.

For chronic ulcers rare complication is stenosis of the intestinal lumen.

Treatment of small intestinal ulcers is therapeutic and poorly developed in uncomplicated cases. Since it is never certain that an ulcer represents ulceration of a tumor, it is more advisable surgical treatment. In complicated and diagnostically questionable cases, treatment is surgical.

Intestinal ulcer signs and methods of diagnosis

The duodenum is the most common site for peptic ulcers to appear. Our stomach usually produces hydrochloric acid to help digest food and kill pathogens and bacteria. This acid is quite caustic, so the superficial accessory cells create a natural mucus barrier that protects the lining of the stomach and duodenum. There is a balance between the amount of acid the body produces and the amount of mucus. If this balance is disturbed, an intestinal ulcer develops.

Risk factors for intestinal ulcers

  • Use of aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori
  • Chronic gastritis
  • Smoking
  • Old age
  • Specific problems with blood clotting

Symptoms of duodenal ulcer

  • Pain in the upper abdomen, just below the sternum. As a rule, it appears and then disappears. May occur before meals or when you have not eaten for a long time. The pain is relieved by eating or taking antacid tablets. Sometimes discomfort can occur at night.
  • Bloating, vomiting and feeling unwell. Sometimes the pain gets worse after eating.

In some cases, intestinal ulcers can cause complications. These include:

  • Bleeding. Can range from a trickle of blood to life-threatening bleeding
  • Perforation. This is the name for a situation in which an ulcer passes directly through the wall of the duodenum. Food and acid from the duodenum will then enter the abdominal cavity. Typically, perforation causes unbearable pain and requires immediate attention. medical care

Methods for diagnosing intestinal ulcers

If you suspect you have an ulcer, then it is useless to search the Internet for “intestinal ulcer signs photo.” The first step is to do an endoscopy. This test can confirm or deny the presence of the disease. The doctor will be able to “look” inside the stomach and duodenum using a thin, flexible tube that will go down the esophagus. This way it will be possible to detect any inflammation or ulcer. Also, if a duodenal ulcer is suspected, doctors usually recommend a test to detect the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. If it is found, then most likely it is the cause of the disease.

Sources: zheludok.ru, ilive.com.ua, yazvainfo.ru

Ileum (from Latin word"ileum") represents lower section This element of the gastrointestinal tract has its own functions and structure. You can find out a little about them below.

Ileum: where is it located?

The ileum is located in the right iliac fossa (or lower part abdominal cavity) and is separated from the cecum by the bauhinian valve, or the so-called ileocecal valve. A small part of this organ occupies the epigastrium, the umbilical region, and the pelvic cavity.


The ileum and jejunum are quite similar in structure. The entire inner layer of such an organ is a mucous membrane, which is abundantly covered with villi (raise by about 1 millimeter). In turn, the surface of these elements consists of columnar epithelium. In the center there is a lymphatic sinus, as well as capillaries (blood vessels).

It should be especially noted that there are much fewer villi in the ileum than in the jejunum. However, they all participate in the process of obtaining useful and nutrients. Fats are absorbed through the veins, and amino acids and monosaccharides are absorbed through the veins. All mucous membrane ileum has a rather uneven surface. This is due to the presence of crypts, villi and circular folds. These formations significantly increase the total surface of the intestinal lining, which undoubtedly affects the process of absorption of digested food.

Features of the structure of the ileum

The jejunum and ileum have identical villi, the shape of which resembles leaves or fingers. It should be noted that they are found only in the lumen of these organs. The number of villi in the ileum can vary from 18 to 35 pieces per 1 square meter. mm. Moreover, they are slightly thinner than those located in the duodenum.

Intestinal crypts, or the so-called Lieberkühn glands, are depressions in the membrane, shaped like small tubes. The mucosa and submucosa of the ileum form circular folds. The epithelium on them is prismatic, single-layered, bordered. By the way, the mucous membrane of this organ also has its own submucosa, which is followed by muscle tissue. The latter are represented by 2 smooth layers of fibers: external (or longitudinal) and internal (or circular). Between them there is a loose connective tissue, which has blood vessels and nerve myenteric plexuses. The thickness of this layer decreases towards the terminal part of the small intestine. It is worth noting that the muscular layer of this organ performs the function of mixing the chyme and pushing it through.

The outer lining of the ileum is serous. It is covered with it on all sides.

Main functions of the ileum

The represented body performs several functions. These include the following:

  • enzyme release;
  • absorption of nutrients, minerals and salts;
  • digestion of incoming food.

Features of the ileum

The intestinal juice of this organ begins to be released under the influence of chemical and mechanical irritation of the walls by chyme. In 24 hours its production can reach 2.4 liters. In this case, the reaction of the juice is alkaline, and its dense part consists of lumps-epithelial cells that produce and accumulate enzymes. At the right moment, the cells begin to be rejected into the intestinal lumen and then destroyed, thereby ensuring cavity digestion.

It should be noted that on the surface of each epithelial cell there is a microvillus. They are peculiar outgrowths on which enzymes are fixed. Thanks to them, another level of digestion occurs, called membrane (parietal). At this stage, food is hydrolyzed and absorbed in the ileum.

As you know, intestinal juice contains exactly 22 enzymes. The main one is called enterokinase. This enzyme is designed to activate pancreatic trypsinogen. In addition, the ileum secretes juice, which contains substances such as lipase, amylase, sucrase, peptidase and

The movement of chyme into other parts of the intestinal tract is carried out due to the contraction of the fibers of the muscle layer. Their main types of movement can be called peristaltic and pendulum-like. The second group of contractions mixes the chyme. As for the worm-shaped (peristaltic) waves, they propel food to the distal sections.

By the way, both presented types of digestion exist in direct connection. In cavitary hydrolysis occurs of more complex substances to so-called intermediate substances. The processed foods are then broken down using membrane digestion. Next, the process of absorption of nutrients and useful substances. This occurs due to an increase in intraintestinal pressure, as well as the motility of muscle tissue and the movement of villi.

Disorders in diseases of the ileum

Ileum (where is this body, described a little above) is quite often subject to inflammatory processes. All diseases of this part of the small intestine have similar manifestations. As a rule, they are based on a violation of the digestive, excretory, absorption and motor functions. IN medical practice These deviations are usually combined under one common name- malabsorption syndrome.

General symptoms of diseases

Ileum, diseases of which can occur due to various reasons, almost always makes itself felt by common features ailments. These include the following:

  • pain syndromes;
  • stool disorder;
  • rumbling in the intestines;
  • increased gas formation.

Quite often, patients complain to their doctors that they have long-lasting diarrhea with trips to the toilet up to 4-7 times a day. In this case, undigested food remains may be found in the stool. In the first half of the day, the patient often feels it, which usually subsides only in the evening.

The affected ileum sometimes causes pain. They may have different localization(in the umbilical region, to the right of the midline of the abdomen and under the “spoon”) and character (bursting, pulling and aching). As a rule, the intensity of such pain decreases noticeably after the gases that have formed are released.

External symptoms of ileal diseases

Diseases of this part of the small intestine may also be accompanied by extraintestinal manifestations. They are caused by impaired absorption and breakdown of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, patients lose weight quite quickly and cannot gain weight. Deficiency of B vitamins and iron often leads to the development of anemia, cracks in the corners of the lips and inflammation of the oral cavity. If the body begins to lack vitamin A, this can manifest itself in dry conjunctiva and night blindness. If there are hemorrhages on the patient’s body, this indicates a vitamin K deficiency.

Crohn's disease

The most severe and common disease of this part of the small intestine is Crohn's disease (or the so-called. Usually with this diagnosis, inflammation is localized in the last 15-20 centimeters of the ileum. Rarely, the process involves the blind, thick and duodenum Gastrointestinal tract.

Inflammation of the ileum, the symptoms of which we will consider below, should be treated in time. Otherwise, after 3-4 years the patient may develop complications such as intestinal obstruction, fistulas, abscesses, peritonitis, amyloidosis, bleeding and others.

Symptoms of Crohn's disease

The signs of this disease vary.

  • Intense pain in right area(often reminiscent of a clinic acute appendicitis). At the same time, the patient has a fever and is worried constant nausea and vomiting. Typically, pain occurs 3-5 hours after eating.
  • Development of anemia and exhaustion.
  • Scar changes in the ileum that cause intestinal obstruction.
  • Constant constipation or diarrhea, as well as rumbling in the intestines.
  • Heavy bleeding or slight blood in the stool

Other diseases

Lymphoid hyperplasia of the ileum occurs against the background of an immunodeficiency state and proliferative changes in the intestinal walls. Typically, such changes are transient and often disappear without a trace on their own. The reason for the development of such a deviation may be an inadequate reaction lymphoid tissue intestines, which occurs in response to external stimuli.

Signs of lymphoid hyperplasia

Symptoms include:

  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • blood and mucus in the stool;
  • increased gas formation and bloating;
  • weight loss;
  • reduced body resistance to various infections.

With severe hyperplasia, they can form. Among other things, diseases of this part of the intestine include enteritis and cancer.

Diagnosis of diseases and causes

Inflammation of the ileum is diagnosed by the external signs and condition of the patient after taking blood, urine and stool tests, as well as using such modern method examinations such as fiber endoscopy. At the same time, patients often exhibit changes in the submucosal layer of the intestine. Such nonspecific abnormalities can develop against the background of diffuse polyposis, chronic tonsillitis And functional disorders in the colon.

Treatment of diseases

Usually affects only the terminal ileum. This disease is a concomitant condition and therefore does not require treatment. What about Crohn's disease, cancer and others? inflammatory processes, then with delayed treatment they can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract, which subsequently leads to death. In this case, therapy consists of the use of medications, including antibacterial ones, which are prescribed only by an experienced gastroenterologist. By the way, often such diseases late stages developments are treated with surgical intervention.

It is also worth noting that, along with medicines for disease therapy ileum small intestine is prescribed and strict diet. As a rule, it includes only light, quickly digestible and vitamin-rich foods. In addition, the patient is strictly prohibited from using alcoholic drinks, highly salted, spicy, fatty, fried and heavy meat, fish, and mushroom dishes. The patient's diet should include warm porridges prepared with semi-milk, day-old white wheat bread, and sometimes butter, egg omelet, tea, compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions of rose hips, blueberries, bird cherry. If you follow a diet and take all medications prescribed by your doctor, the outcome of treating an inflamed ileum will certainly be favorable.

Pathological processes affecting the intestines develop gradually and over initial stages practically do not bother patients. This is why people are often left without adequate medical care until the disease becomes chronic. What symptoms indicate diseases and how to treat an intestinal infection, we will understand together.

Intestinal diseases are a group of inflammatory processes occurring in the large and small intestines. As a result of various negative factors, damage and thinning of the mucous membrane lining occurs. internal organs. Gastroenterologists deal with intestinal problems.

Factors influencing the development of intestinal pathologies

And intestines are caused by the impact of negative factors on the body, and in rare cases, the cause of inflammation is one circumstance. The more various reasons simultaneously affect the human body, the more difficult the disease will be and, as a result, the more difficult it will be to treat.

Factors influencing the development of any intestinal pathologies include:

Dietary disorders;

Immunological disorders;

Mental stress and stressful situations;

Genetic factor;

Physical inactivity;

Enteric viral infection;

Bacterial intestinal infection;

Alcohol abuse, smoking;

Taking some medicines(for example, antibiotics).

Diseases of the small intestine include enteritis (pathological dysfunction of the small intestine), carbohydrate intolerance, celiac enteropathy (arising due to the lack of necessary enzymes in the body), vascular and allergic diseases small intestine, Whipple's disease and others. All of them begin their development due to a violation of the integrity or irritation of the mucous membrane lining the small intestine due to proper nutrition or taking specific medications.

Diseases include colitis, including ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis and other colon irritations, tumors and other diseases. Most often, inflammatory processes in this area occur due to bacterial infection, however, cases cannot be ruled out when the cause is a long course of antibiotics, malnutrition, etc.

Diseases of the small intestine

If we're talking about about intestinal disease, symptoms and treatment depend on the negative factors that provoked the pathology. The small intestine is the longest part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is involved in the adsorption of nutrients from food. When considering diseases of the small intestine, it is necessary to take into account not only the factors of their occurrence, but also their various combinations. This will allow the patient to be given the most appropriate therapy.

Inflammatory processes that occur in the small intestine are called enteritis. The disease is usually acute or chronic. Acute enteritis is usually caused by infection ( food poisoning, "disease dirty hands"and so on). Characteristic symptoms of diseases of the small intestine are expressed by the appearance of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other signs of general intoxication, as well as increased body temperature and fever. The causative agents are salmonella, cholera and other microorganisms of the typhoid paratyphoid group. For chronic enteritis characterized by bacterial and various disorders of the immune system. Feature chronic form enteritis is the fact that it is preceded by an inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic disorder occurring in the small intestine. As a result of this disorder, a person develops the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the small intestine, which leads to immune and metabolic problems.

Symptoms of diseases of the small intestine

With intestinal disease, symptoms and treatment depend on the severity of the inflammation and its location. Signs of the disease can range from mild to severe. Periods active phase illnesses are replaced by periods of remission. Clinical picture inflammation of the small intestine is characterized by the following manifestations:

Diarrhea is a common problem for people with similar diseases;

Increased body temperature and increased feeling of fatigue - often with intestinal problems a person develops low-grade fever, he feels exhausted and defeated;

Abdominal pain, colic - inflammation and ulceration of the small intestinal mucosa can affect the normal movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract and thereby cause pain and cramping;

Nausea, vomiting;

The presence of blood in the stool usually indicates internal bleeding small intestine;

Decreased appetite - abdominal pain and colic, as well as the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, as a rule, dulls the feeling of hunger;

Rapid weight loss.

The clinical picture of chronic diseases of the small intestine is determined by the development of recurring diarrhea and malabsorption syndrome. Diarrhea is provoked by hypersecretion of water and calcium ions in the body, intestinal hyperexudation, increased osmotic pressure and impaired transport function of intestinal contents. Malabsorption syndrome is a consequence of recurrent diarrhea.

Symptoms of the chronic form of the disease include enteral dispersion syndrome (the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen in the area around the navel). In addition, the patient is tormented by rumbling and a bursting feeling in the lower abdomen, bloating. Abdominal pain can be spastic, cramping or dull. If the pain intensifies after eating, this means that the disease has become advanced.

Colon diseases

Colon diseases include chronic inflammation all or individual parts of the large intestine. First of all, these are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Both diseases are associated with severe diarrhea, excruciating abdominal pain, feeling tired and weight loss. If a person is suspected of having bowel disease, symptoms and treatment should be determined as soon as possible, as the lack of adequate treatment can lead to life-threatening complications.

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease that causes ulcers to form in inner wall colon. Crohn's disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract, inflammation usually extends deep into the affected tissues and can affect both the large and small intestines. Collagen and lymphocytic colitis are also considered diseases of the colon, but, as a rule, are considered separately from classical inflammatory bowel diseases.

Exact reasons inflammatory diseases intestines still remain unknown. Previously, stress and diet abuse were considered pathological factors. Doctors now know that similar reasons may aggravate, but do not provoke the problem. It is believed that most often diseases of the large intestine occur as a result of a bacterial infection that penetrates into it with low-quality food, drinks, intake antibacterial drugs. Also one of possible reasons is a violation of the immune system and heredity. Problems with the intestines also appear due to narrowing blood vessels in the colon and disruption of its blood supply. As a rule, this reason is typical for older people.

Symptoms of colon diseases

Many signs of intestinal diseases are typical and overlap with each other. TO characteristic symptoms include abdominal pain of a dull or cramping nature, spasms are possible. The inner surface of the large intestine becomes covered with ulcers that may bleed. Patients complain of morning fatigue, defecation with the release of blood and mucus, anemia (with loss of a large amount of blood), and joint pain. Often when the disease occurs, uncontrolled weight loss, loss of appetite, increased body temperature, flatulence, and dehydration occur. Often the patient develops anal fissures.

It is very important that such a colon disease, the symptoms of which can be mistaken for other diseases, is diagnosed in a timely manner. In the absence of adequate treatment, the patient's risk of developing complications (oncology, fistulas, and intestinal obstruction) increases.

Chronic enterocolitis

Chronic enterocolitis is a simultaneous inflammation of both the small and large intestines, which is characterized by atrophy of the mucous membrane lining inner surface intestines, which causes disruption intestinal functions. Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, the disease is classified for the small (enteritis) and large intestines (colitis) separately.

Reasons chronic enterocolitis are caused by the impact on the human body of the following pathological factors:

Long-term poor nutrition;

Impaired immunity and metabolism;

Hormonal disorders, stress;

Intoxication medications and chemicals;

Features of the intestinal structure;

Enteric viral infection;

Diseases of internal organs;

Chronic enterocolitis often results from untimely or poor-quality treatment of acute forms of inflammatory bowel processes. In addition, there is a risk of transmission of the disease by inheritance and in people who were bottle-fed in infancy.

Adhesive bowel disease

Adhesions are thin fibrous tissues that form in the abdominal cavity due to various negative factors. Adhesive intestinal disease, the symptoms of which are often expressed in the appearance of spasmodic pain, is especially dangerous for humans. The main complaint of patients is usually chronic pain in the stomach, the nature of which is difficult to determine. Sometimes intestinal obstruction, constipation, and disorders are observed. In addition, adhesive intestinal disease, the symptoms of which may be similar to gynecological problems, often becomes the cause of female infertility.

The main symptoms of the disease include discomfort in the navel area, cramps, and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. In places where adhesions appear, twisting of the intestines occurs, which interferes with the normal movement of its contents. It is possible to develop complete intestinal obstruction. Unfortunately, not many diagnostic methods are able to detect adhesions: they are not visible both on an x-ray and ultrasound examination. They can be seen when using barium contrast when performing computed tomography. Treatment adhesive disease performed by laparoscopic surgery or open surgery by cutting adhesions with a scalpel or electric current.

Diagnosis of intestinal diseases

Inflammatory bowel disease should be diagnosed only after excluding others. possible problems. This will require a combination of diagnostic tests. Diagnosis of intestinal diseases includes the following tests and procedures:

Blood test - this is necessary to monitor hemoglobin levels.

Analysis of stool to detect blood in it.

Colonoscopy - allows you to view everything using a thin flexible tube with a camera connected to it. During the procedure, the doctor may take tissue samples for additional analysis (biopsy).

Flexible sigmoidoscopy - performed using a thin flexible tube with a light sensor, which allows you to examine the sigmoid portion of the colon.

Upper endoscopy - The doctor uses a thin, flexible, lighted tube to examine the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine.

Capsular endoscopy - performed to diagnose Crohn's disease.

X-ray diagnostics - necessary for serious problems with the intestines, in order to exclude serious complications(for example, perforation of the colon).

Computed tomography - a method that allows you to see more different details in the image than with an x-ray. The test evaluates the entire intestine, as well as tissues outside of it.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a particularly effective method for excluding fistulas, ruptures and other complications.

Treatment of intestinal diseases

To effectively heal intestinal diseases, symptoms and treatment must be closely related. The goal of treating inflammatory bowel disease is to reduce the inflammation that causes symptoms and discomfort. Adequate therapy will not only alleviate the manifestation of the disease, but will also lead to long-term remission and reduce the risk of complications. Before treating an intestinal infection, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis, which will allow you to choose the most effective methods therapy.

Treatment can be carried out using medication, folk and surgical methods. Medicines can relieve symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. It should be said right away that many patients will be forced to take drug treatment over an extended period of time. The choice of medications depends on the location of the inflammation, the severity of the symptoms of the disease and will be aimed at preventing relapse of the disease. Sometimes it may be necessary to combine medications, supplementing drug therapy with traditional recipes.

For treatment intestinal infections and inflammatory processes the following categories of drugs are used:

Anti-inflammatory drugs (aminosalicitals, corticosteroids);

Antibacterial drugs (for example, Ciprofloxacin);

Immunomodulators (drugs "Methotrexate", "Azathioprine");

Disease-modifying agents (drugs Infliximab, Adalimumab).

Treatment medications should be accompanied by changes in diet, stress reduction, and adherence to a rest regime. Very important stage treatment is for patients to follow a diet for intestinal disease. The diet should consist of healthy balanced products with sufficient proteins and nutrients. The diet is selected individually for each specific patient. TO general recommendations regarding proper nutrition include the following:

Eat small meals throughout the day;

Drink a lot clean water(up to 2 liters in small portions, evenly distributed throughout the day);

Avoid products with high content fiber (legumes, nuts, bran);

Avoid fatty and fried foods, sauces, foods, causing bloating intestines;

Limit dairy products (if lactose intolerant);

During treatment, it is important to take vitamins B12, D, calcium, and iron supplements.

Often, treatment of intestinal diseases is carried out surgically. Basic operations, called resections, involve removing affected areas of the intestine. Treatment of abscesses and fistulas in the anal area is carried out using surgery followed by drainage.


Correct digestive function starts off good general condition health. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract depend on a robust immune system that can resist infectious factors. Preventive measures aimed at improving human health and well-being.

  1. Quitting smoking. Everyone knows that smoking provokes heart and lung diseases and causes hypertension. According to statistics, 30% of all diseases caused by smoking occur in the digestive system, more than 40% of them are intestinal diseases. Smoking increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, impairs the functioning of the liver and pancreas, etc.
  2. Body weight control. Obesity, especially if overweight localized in the abdominal area, causes diseases digestive system, diseases of the esophagus and rectal cancer are especially likely.
  3. Active lifestyle. Research shows that physical activity reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, intestinal disorders in older people.
  4. Rational nutrition. Avoiding foods high in fat will help you lose weight. Besides healthy food rich in fiber, which helps normal operation intestines.