Diagnosis and treatment in Israel.


Controversial diagnosis? Doctors can't determine what's wrong with you? Want to make sure you're healthy? Get tested in Israel. The cost of diagnostics is from $500.

Treatment and diagnostics in Israel is one of the most popular areas of medical tourism in the CIS. This is largely due to the need for better medical services. According to international experts, in the countries of the post-Soviet space, every third diagnosis made is incorrect, and more than 40% of citizens of these countries are confident that doctors made mistakes both in establishing the diagnosis and in choosing treatment. We are often convinced of this too. Diagnostics in Israel of our patients quite often reveals errors in previous examinations. In at least 30% of cases, the diagnosis with which they come to Israel is subsequently clarified, not confirmed, or undergoes more or less significant changes.

Due to the doctor’s diagnostic error, it is impossible to provide the patient with qualified and effective medical care in the future.

There are many reasons for such errors: outdated diagnostic equipment and examination protocols, lack of reagents and consumables, low level of qualifications of doctors, and as a result, erroneous examination results and incorrect formulation of the diagnosis.

As a result of medical errors, more than 50 thousand people die every year in Russia alone, including because the diagnosis of the disease was not accurate and timely enough. Serious problems in providing medical institutions with modern diagnostic equipment and insufficient qualifications of specialists in the CIS countries have led to the fact that an increasing number of patients prefer to undergo examination in Israel. Prices for examination average $3,000, which is worth it in terms of price and quality.

  • The Izmed coordination center offers its clients to undergo a full examination in Israel at the largest medical centers:
  • medical center in Tel Aviv Sourasky (Ichilov)
  • private clinic Assuta
  • State Clinic Assaf ha Rofe
  • Rabin Medical Center

Currently, the level of development of healthcare in Israel is so high that it makes it possible to carry out any laboratory and hardware diagnostic tests that exist in modern world practice, which make it possible to identify and establish the nature of most diseases. Diagnostics in Israel is accurate and modern, it is worth coming to Israel.

Israeli clinics are equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment from leading global manufacturers. Highly professional specialists of all major specialties with extensive experience and many years of practice in the field of diagnosing diseases are at the service of patients. A full examination in Israel today is available to most citizens of the CIS.

undergo diagnostics

In what cases is diagnostics especially necessary in Israel?

  • for controversial or unclear diagnoses
  • If necessary, undergo an urgent examination
  • in diagnosing rare diseases
  • in the diagnosis of genetic diseases
  • to determine the exact stage and type of cancer
  • for conducting modern immunogenetic examinations
  • to predict cancer recurrence

We offer you to undergo all the necessary diagnostics in Israel on an outpatient basis, on a day hospital basis (day hospitalization, then the patient returns to the hotel), or during hospitalization in a clinic.

We provide assistance to everyone who wishes to undergo an examination in Israel in organizing preventive diagnostics differentiated for men and women, as well as multidisciplinary specialized examinations, which involve a comprehensive and multifaceted health assessment. Patients are offered a certain amount of research, which can be adjusted depending on the wishes and individual characteristics of the patient.

We offer various diagnostic options in Israel:

  • gastroenterological,
  • hematological,
  • gynecological,
  • cardiological,
  • neuropathological,
  • oncological,
  • orthopedic,
  • urological
  • and endocrinological examination.

Check-Up in Israel

The extensive experience of the Izmed coordination center allows us to offer clients a complete preventive examination in Israel (Check-Up) at the lowest prices. Full diagnostics in Israel is possible in various options. A basic prophylactic examination of the body for the purpose of early recognition of hidden pathological changes, as well as preventing further development of chronic diseases, taking into account the patient’s risk group, gender and age is called chek-up. A check-up examination in Israel takes four hours and includes the following services:

  • consultation with a therapist;
  • consultation with a cardiologist;
  • ophthalmologist consultation
  • consultation with a urologist (for men;
  • consultation with a gynecologist (for women);
  • consultation with a nutritionist;
  • lung check;
  • A complete blood test (including testing to detect certain types of cancer);
  • Analysis of urine;
  • chest x-ray;
  • ergometry (study of heart function under load);
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • doctor's conclusion and recommendations.

The minimum cost of examination in Israel is $500. This amount is affordable for most people, for this money you will receive a professional, accurate basic diagnosis and peace of mind for at least a year.

Many of our clients successfully combine treatment of various diseases and diagnostic tests for preventive purposes. The unique natural conditions of Israel and the highest level of development of medicine create all the conditions for combining treatment and active recreation. And MS “Izmed” is always ready to help you in the prevention and prevention of any disease!

Cost of examination in Israel

Name of procedure

Prices, USD

Consultation with a specialized specialist

Basic check-up

Advanced blood tests

Daily ECG

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs

Endo ultrasound without biopsy and with biopsy

Gynecological vaginal ultrasound


Colonoscopy under anesthesia

Cardiological check-up


CT angiography

MR angiography

Revision of previous biopsy



Examination of the entire gastrointestinal tract with a video capsule

Spinal cord puncture

The cost of diagnostics in Israel depends on the choice of clinic for the examination, the qualifications of the consulting doctor, the volume and type of examination. In order to find out a more accurate and individualized cost of examination in Israel, contact our specialists at the specified phone numbers, email, or send a request via the feedback form. We are ready to answer all your questions and help you choose a suitable clinic, prepare all documents, organize transport, housing and resolve all organizational issues.

Israeli medicine is rightfully considered a leader in the implementation of innovative protocols for the treatment of various pathologies. Diagnostics is developing no less actively in Israel - an extensive research base has been created here, which is modernized and updated every year in accordance with the latest technical and methodological advances.

Israeli diagnostic centers provide:

Cost of diagnostics in Israel

The set of diagnostic procedures necessary to identify pathology will differ in each case. This means that the final cost of the diagnostic program can only be obtained on an individual basis. The cost of the same medical procedure will differ for each patient, as it depends on the duration of the course of therapy, the extent of surgical intervention, and other factors. At the same time, prices for diagnostic procedures are strictly fixed, so familiarizing yourself with the prices for diagnostics makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the price level of a particular medical institution as a whole.

Prices for diagnostics in Israel depend on the choice of medical institution. Thus, pricing in public hospitals is based on the recommendations of the Israeli Ministry of Health, which has determined the minimum cost threshold. If the prescribed procedures are identical, diagnostics in private medical institutions in the country will cost slightly more. However, this is compensated by the lack of queues and the ability to choose a doctor, available only in private medical institutions.

DoktorIsrael has studied the market and collected for you the best prices for diagnostic procedures in the center of the country at the Ichilov State Hospital and the Assuta private clinic. These prices are fixed and you can expect to get the necessary examination at them.

Name Ikhilov Assuta

Colonoscopy under anesthesia (sedation)

710$ 1197$

Gastroscopy under anesthesia (sedation)

384$ 863$

Gastroscopy (for children) with anesthesia (Ichilov)

975$ 1394$

Colonoscopy (for children) with anesthesia (Ichilov)

1301$ 1857$

Ultrasound in the hospital (each department)

172$ 421$

CT scan of the abdomen/chest

293$ 532$

Angiography (in hospital)

1506$ 2153$

CT urography/arthrography

529$ 823$
1408$ 1497$

PET-CT (PSMA/choline) – Ichilov

1894$ 2300$

Contrast agent for MRI

121$ 172$

MRI of the brain/abdomen/chest, without contrast agent (each section)

861$ 1231$

Breast MRI

861$ 1231$

MRI of the spine/joints (each section)

861$ 1231$


115$ 250$

Ultrasound of the mammary glands (in the hospital)

123$ 220$

Day hospital in the oncology department (not including chemotherapy drugs)

726$ 1197$

Hospitalization in the therapeutic department

1300$ 1912$

Hospitalization in the oncology department

1797$ 2200$

Cystoscopy (in hospital)

242$ 560$

Cystoscopy with sedation (in hospital)

629$ 899$

Densitometry (bone density test) DXA

103$ 147$

Isotope bone scan (scintigraphy)

394$ 563$

Isotope scan of the thyroid gland

302$ 451$

Kidney isotope scan (SPECT)

672$ 955$

Endoscopic ultrasound, diagnostic

682$ 1098$

Endoscopic ultrasound with biopsy taking

1793$ 2652$


76$ 130$

Electromyography (EMG)

348$ 508$

X-rays of light

55$ 144$

X-ray of hip joints

63$ 112$

Daily Holter A/D

224$ 386$
43$ 65$

Echocardiography (TTE)

213$ 368$


141$ 236$

Stress echocardiography during exercise

254$ 465$

TEE - transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)

804$ 1147$

Liver fibroscanning

218$ 311$

For many, the priority criterion for choosing a diagnostic center in Israel is reviews. If this method of obtaining information may be useful to you, you can read the reviews of patients who shared their experiences in Israeli clinics on our website.

Medical diagnostic methods in Israel

Preventing pathology is much easier than treating it. And providing medical care in the early stages of a disease is several times easier than developing a therapeutic regimen for an advanced disease. This is why genome research and comprehensive body screening programs are so popular today.

The development of programming and technological progress in general have allowed doctors to realize their dream: today a doctor can painlessly assess the patient’s health from the inside and make an accurate diagnosis. Such manipulations are especially important for the diagnosis of benign and malignant neoplasms.

Israeli medicine has the following diagnostic techniques in its arsenal:

  • X-ray and visual examination methods: three-dimensional mammography "Tomosynthesis", radiography, radiography, CT, MRI, positron emission tomography (PET), virtual colonoscopy, ultrasound, Dopplerography, virtual catheterization of cardiac vessels.
  • Isotope scanning: this method helps to identify foci of pathologically changed tissues in the liver, bones, heart, thyroid gland, lungs, kidneys.
  • Morphological and functional diagnostics pathologies of the cardiovascular system, performed through coronary artery catheterization, echocardiography, stress tests, round-the-clock monitoring of heart function, and much more. etc.
  • Study of the bronchopulmonary system using spirography, bronchoscopy and pleural puncture.
  • Gynecological diagnostics: colposcopy, transvaginal ultrasound, endoscopic examination of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.
  • Endoscopic and radioisotope examination of the urinary system through the condition of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra (cystoscopy, scintigraphy).
  • All types of diagnostics of male and female infertility(instrumental and laboratory techniques).
  • Full examination of ENT organs(ears, nose, throat) using endoscopic devices, ultra-precise optical devices, unique radiographic and functional techniques.
  • Non-invasive and microsurgical methods for determining pathologies of the visual organs(cornea, lens, retina, optic nerve).
  • Tissue biopsy: specialists use minimally invasive techniques to obtain material, for example, fine-needle aspiration (performed under ultrasound control). A biopsy sample is also taken during an endoscopic examination of the affected organ.
  • Lab tests: the necessary indicators of blood, urine, puncture or other liquid being studied are determined. Also, diagnostic clinics abroad are equipped with equipment for studying hormonal levels, the human genome, and the presence/absence of tumor markers.

Worth a special mention endoscopic examination methods in Israel. The use of fiber optic technologies allows the doctor to examine the affected area of ​​the hollow organs, assess its condition, and also obtain a tissue sample for histological examination without open surgery. The most common endoscopic techniques include gastroscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, cystoscopy.

Diagnosis of a child in Israel

The difficulty in diagnosing young patients lies in the fact that the child, due to his age, cannot fully describe the cause of anxiety. However, the diagnosis stage is the most important component of successful treatment. In addition to standard diagnostic procedures, to reliably determine the nature and nature of a child’s disease, it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth analysis. What can parents who choose Israel to diagnose their child expect?

Diagnostic accuracy is achieved through additional research methods and the involvement of a team of doctors of related specialties. Israeli specialists have vast experience in diagnosing and treating children, including those from abroad. To assess medical indicators of children's health, the latest advances in the world of diagnostic technology are used.

Fast diagnostic result. The beginning of diagnostic measures is agreed with the parents and depends on the child’s condition, including after the flight. As a rule, the examination begins on the day of arrival, and diagnosis takes no more than 7 days, even in complex clinical cases.

Painless and safe procedures. When working with children in Israel, preference is given to minimally invasive diagnostic methods and imaging devices with minimal emitting power.

Parental presence. Particular attention is paid to maintaining the child’s emotional comfort. There are children who find it difficult to adapt to new conditions, therefore, during procedures in children's medical centers in Israel, parents are encouraged to be with the child.

How are diseases diagnosed in Israel?

We discuss the choice of diagnostic program and its duration with the patient in absentia before his trip to Israel. An individual scheme of diagnostic measures and consultations is developed depending on the health status of the applicant and the expected pathology.

Already on the day of arrival in Israel, you will be met by a personal assistant who will accompany you and ensure smooth interaction with the clinic’s medical staff.

The examination begins on the first day. After completing the diagnosis, you will receive the results of tests and studies, as well as an expert collegial opinion of specialized specialists on the diagnosis and necessary treatment. In general, the entire range of diagnostic measures takes no more than 4-7 working days, which allows you to quickly decide on treatment tactics and avoid excessive material costs associated with staying abroad.

How to prepare for diagnosis?

Before visiting the clinic, we will definitely inform you what documents it is advisable to have with you. In general, you will need:

  • Collect a package of documents containing the results of the latest screening performed at home and the conclusions of specialists.
  • Study your family history (when and what your closest relatives were sick with).
  • Prepare a list of vaccinations and medications taken in the past, health procedures (for example, physiotherapy), indicating dates.
  • Prepare in advance the questions you want to ask the doctors consulting you.

Also be prepared to provide the following information:

  • When did you notice a disruption in your body?
  • Do you have headaches and how often, do you feel tired?
  • Are there any menstrual irregularities, problems with urination and/or bowel movements?
  • Have there been any changes in your diet and its quality?
  • Do you complain about uneven sleep or causeless restlessness?
  • Do depression occur?
  • Have you had any injuries recently and what type?

You can learn about modern diagnostic and treatment methods, the level of equipment of specialized medical institutions and the best specialists on the official websites of Israeli clinics. They are radically different from unofficial web resources, they have special functionality and their own specifics of operation. Thus, using the offer of such a portal, it is impossible to contact Israeli doctors directly: such a service is provided by hospital departments of clinics (international departments), which work only with patients from abroad. On such resources, visitors have the opportunity to obtain information regarding innovative scientific and clinical research and innovative technological developments, as well as view the resumes and portfolios of doctors working there.

The main feature of official websites is that most of them are created in Hebrew, and this presents a number of difficulties for Russian-speaking patients. In addition, the cost of medical services for foreigners indicated on such resources differs significantly from prices for local residents. This difference is not an overpayment - it is just a state duty, which is established by the country’s Ministry of Health for medical tourists. If you wish, you can undergo treatment without intermediaries by simply contacting the international department, but this will require thorough knowledge of English and/or Hebrew. In addition, it is important to understand the peculiarities of the functioning of different treatment and diagnostic centers.

First of all, you need to choose a suitable medical institution and compare prices. By using the information provided on the websites of Israeli clinics, patients will avoid mistakes and incorrect ideas about the organization of treatment. The choice mainly lies in the type of clinic (private or public), since there is a huge difference between them. It lies not only in the level of prices for treatment, but also in the attitude towards the patients themselves and the complexity of the procedures. For example, private hospitals do not perform organ transplantation, while transplantation is actively practiced in government institutions. Moreover, patients from abroad receive certain advantages when visiting a private clinic - treatment without a queue. At the same time, it is impossible for foreigners to get to such a hospital on their own: this happens through medical tourism departments or providers who will organize the entire trip, select a clinic and specialist, book a hotel and sign up for a waiting list. The cost of services also includes the assistance of a translator and consultant accompanying the patient.

Functionality of websites of Israeli clinics

On the web resources of Israeli hospitals, you can find information not only about prices and conditions of treatment, but also find information about the latest technological developments and ongoing scientific research.

Information support for patients is provided on the official websites of all Israeli clinics, including:

  • Medical Center "Assuta", the structure of which includes a number of stationary units. The private profile of the institution allows us to treat patients from abroad without waiting in line. Website - https://www.assuta.co.il/.
  • Sheba State Hospital. This is a world-famous clinic that offers innovative treatment in the field of cardiology, neurosurgery, oncology and other areas. There is also a center for internal organ and bone marrow transplantation, a children's department and a unique immunological laboratory. Official website of the Israeli clinic https://www.sheba.co.il/.
  • Center "Ichilov". This is an entire medical complex, which is funded by the country’s Ministry of Health and is known throughout the world not only for its innovative treatment methods and successfully carried out complex interventions. The main advantage of the center is the best doctors in Israel in all medical fields. http://www.tasmc.org.il/
  • Rambam Center, which is the standard for an individual approach to patients. Separate departments have been created here in the field of pediatrics, orthopedics, and plastic surgery, which have achieved significant success. Official website of the clinic - https://www.rambam.org.il/.
  • Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem. It is a unique diagnostic and treatment complex that adheres to the highest international standards of treatment. Website of this clinic in Israel - http://www.hadassah.org.il/
  • Beilinsson Clinic, which is part of the large Rabin medical center. Known all over the world for the scale of care provided, as well as the high quality of services provided and comfortable living conditions for patients. http://hospitals.clalit.co.il/

Basic check-up for $350 or premium for $950 in a VIP clinic in Herzliya, or a full examination within a week in Tel Aviv, what to choose? The main reason for high life expectancy in developed countries is early diagnosis of dangerous diseases. Early detection of various diseases allows you to avoid not only serious consequences, but also reduce the costs of treatment. Below are examples various diagnostic programs, costing from 450 to 9000 dollars.

And for example, an urgent PET CT scan costs $1,487, a non-urgent one costs $900, and a consultation with a professor costs $490. Now compare with other offers. If you want to do an examination in Moscow, as in Israel, contact our Medis-center.com. This will also be an accurate examination from 30 thousand rubles and the diagnosis will be made by leading Israeli doctors.

We will be able to provide you with reviews of body diagnostics in Israel in the form of video reviews from real patients. Or look at them on the left in the "reviews" section. And then call or write to us. Sign up for diagnostics. For those who cannot leave Russia or want to do an economical examination in Moscow, we offer an excellent option in our clinic in Moscow, with an Israeli doctor, according to Israeli protocols.

If you undergo a series of checks and consultations with highly qualified specialists in time, you can really improve your future quality of life and prevent many diseases: heart attack and stroke, diabetes, cancer...

We offer our patients premium check-up diagnostic packages costing from $950, and others up to 2,4 thousands of dollars for men, and up to 2,8 thousands for women. Such a high-quality, but inexpensive check-up can be performed in a clinic in the resort town of Herzliya on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It's close to Tel Aviv and a great place to relax. The price of this check-up even includes genetics, gastroscopy and colonoscopy with anesthesia, if necessary! And this is in a private VIP clinic. Write to us or call if you are interested in this check-up. We will send you his program upon request.

There are inexpensive body diagnostic programs in Israel - check-ups, which are appropriate for still young people without any special health problems. The cost of such programs is from 350 to 1500-2500 dollars. They can identify some problems, but they do not have much power, and they are not very high quality. They are carried out by ordinary doctors, often young and inexperienced. This refers to the cheapest program options.

If a person has a bunch of health problems, or the patient is old, he should undergo specialized diagnostics of the body in Israel, costing 3000-7000 dollars. This is a full-fledged examination, and not a check-up, with a large number of expensive checks, possibly with gastro- and colonoscopy under anesthesia. The doctors involved in such examinations in our clinic are highly qualified, and therefore the chances of identifying all problems are high. If any problem is detected, additional examination is carried out. If this is expensive for you, you can conduct some examinations in a quality place near your place of residence, and then go for a consultation with a classy specialist on the problem that concerns you. Call our consultant, we will teach you. If you have specific problems, send us a request from the website and we will send you an examination program within a day.

You can undergo either a comprehensive diagnosis of the body in Israel or carry out a specialized one aimed at solving 1-2 problems.

Leading Israeli diagnosticians can participate in the diagnosis:

Professor Eli Sprecher in dermatology,

Professors Shmuel Banai and Bernard Bellansen in Cardiology,

Professor Dan Grissar in Gynecology,

Professor Chaim Matzkin in urology. We will offer you a leading diagnostician for each disease.

The essence of a comprehensive diagnosis of the body is to quickly undergo an extensive medical examination program and exclude all the most common diseases, as well as make a health forecast for the coming years. All the doctors who are involved in complex diagnostics are highly qualified, professors, for example, even a nutritionist - the president of the Israel Dietitians Association.

The latest technology and the most modern diagnostic methods are perfectly combined with a short examination period (2 days) and make it possible to identify almost any disease.

For specialized diagnostics of the body in Israel, narrow specialists on a specific problem are involved. This will certainly be a doctor with a high reputation, a professor, and often a world-famous specialist. During the examination, the patient can stay in a quality hotel on the Mediterranean seafront or in a hotel attached to the clinic.

The examination will be organized either by the international department of the top clinic or by a leading medical provider in Israel. You will understand each point of the examination program and its cost.