Didactic games on ecology for preschoolers. Nature and the man-made world: a didactic game for children Didactic game living and inanimate nature

Elena Shramko

Didactic game for older children

« Live nature»

Purpose of the game:

Enrich knowledge children about the world around them, learn to name objects alive nature.


Develop attention, creative thinking and vocabulary children. Expand and generalize knowledge children about living organisms. Develop a conscious and caring attitude towards living things nature.

Description of the game's production:

To create this game, you need to print 12 pictures of animals, birds, flowers and trees. For strength, you can stick it on cardboard, you can laminate the pictures. For creating "drum" I used a circle cut out of cardboard and lined into 4 even parts. On each of these parts I pasted a picture depicting which group it belongs to. (animals, birds, flowers or trees) In the middle "drum" I attached a rotating arrow.

Progress of the game:

The game can be played by 3, 4 or 6 players. Cards with images of animals, birds, flowers and trees are divided among all participants. Children take turns turning the arrow "drum" The player’s task is to find a picture in his possession in accordance with what fell out and name it correctly (animal, bird, flower or tree) and put it aside. If the picture dropped on "drum" If the child doesn’t have one, the turn goes to another participant in the game. The winner is the one who does not have a single card left.

Publications on the topic:

OO: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development. Goals of the game: 1. Exercise children in identifying an animal.

When working with children, we use the main teaching method - play, according to the Federal State Educational Standard as the leading activity of preschool children. Using the game.

Objectives: to form and maintain positive cognitive motivation; update vocabulary on lexical topics “Wild.

Didactic game for children of senior preschool age with speech impairments “Insects” Purpose: to consolidate ideas on the topic “Insects”.

Didactic game for children of senior preschool age “Such different moods” The goal of the game is to develop the emotional sphere of older preschoolers, the ability to understand their emotional state, and recognize the feelings of others.

Dear Colleagues! I present to your attention the didactic game "Summer Sudoku" for children of senior preschool age (5-8 years old). This.

The material is designed for use in the work of preschool teachers and will diversify the group’s developmental environment. This game will allow children to learn.

Consultation for educators “Didactic games on ecology in working with preschoolers”

A game
It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of play to the development of a child, including the formation of his environmental awareness and environmental culture. While playing, the baby learns the many-sided world of nature, learns to communicate with animals and plants, interact with objects of inanimate nature, and masters a complex system of relationships with the environment. As a result of this, the child’s intellectual and volitional skills, his moral and aesthetic feelings are improved, and physical development occurs.
A game- this is a way of understanding the world around us and our place in it, mastering behavioral patterns appropriate to various situations. In the game, the child is given the opportunity to solve many problems without fatigue, overstrain, or emotional breakdowns. Everything happens easily, naturally, with pleasure, and most importantly, in a situation of heightened interest and joyful excitement.
A fairly serious problem for preschool children is the assimilation of rules of behavior, as well as such moral norms as responsibility, selfless help, compassion, and these norms and rules are best learned through play activities. The child not only plays himself, but also watches the games of other children. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of conscious behavior in nature and society, self-control over actions and deeds, that is, the practical development of moral norms and rules of behavior occurs.
Playing together with other children and playing together plays an important role. In such games, children clearly show themselves from both good and bad sides, which allows the teacher to use joint games to diagnose children’s attitudes to nature, to other children, to adults, as well as to understand the degree of formation of an individual’s ethical qualities, environmental empathy and reflections.
Trying on the roles of animals and plants in the game, recreating their actions and states, the child becomes imbued with feelings for them, empathizes with them, which contributes to the development of environmental ethics in the child.
Among the educational tasks that preschool teachers solve with the help of games, the creation of favorable psychological conditions for immersion in the natural world is of no small importance.
However, we must keep in mind that not every game is environmental in its goals and content. In the practice of preschool environmental education, the selection of games is often not well thought out and often even random. To implement the tasks of environmental education through games, careful pedagogical selection and analysis of game material is necessary.
What requirements can be used to select games for environmental education of preschoolers?
Games must be selected taking into account the patterns of children's development and the tasks of environmental education that are solved at this age stage.
The game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice already acquired environmental knowledge and stimulate him to learn new ones.
The content of the game should not contradict environmental knowledge formed in the process of other activities.
Game actions must be carried out in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature.
Preference is given to those games that allow solving not only the problems of environmental education, but also provide a solution to the general problems of the upbringing and development of a preschool child.
In order for a game to be an effective means of environmental education for preschoolers, it is necessary to trace the internal connection of each game with previous and subsequent games. This will make it possible to predict what existing experience the child will rely on and what new step will take place in his development.
In modern pedagogical literature there are various approaches to the classification of children's games. But in manuals on preschool environmental education, there were practically no attempts to systematize games.
Various principles can be used to classify environmental games:
According to specific characteristics;
By thematic distribution of content;
According to the form of organization and the extent of regulation;
According to the direction of action.
According to specific characteristics, creative games and games with rules are distinguished. They, in turn, are divided into subgroups.
Creative games:
According to the thematic distribution of content, there is the following classification.
Games on the theme “Wildlife”:
recognition, naming;
properties, signs, features of appearance;
functions. Behavior;
growth, development;

relationships with other living organisms, humans;
diversity of wildlife;
classification into the “Wildlife” group.
Games on the theme “Inanimate Nature”:
recognition, naming;
characteristic features, properties;
inanimate nature as the environment for living things;
difference between inanimate and living nature;
assignment to the group “Inanimate Nature”;
connection between living and inanimate nature;
interrelation and interdependence of living and inanimate nature;
natural communities;
ecological chains.
According to the form of organization and the degree of regulation, the following are distinguished:
independent play activity of the child;
joint play activities with the teacher (under the guidance of an adult).
According to the direction of actions (aimed at obtaining sensory experience; at studying the properties of objects, playing with them; at imitation of someone, something, displaying someone’s actions, states; at improving communication skills, interaction with other people; at receiving a win; for greater success in comparison with others) the following games are distinguished:
games with transformation (imitation);
The content of environmental education, which makes it possible to acquaint children with objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature, their diversity and connections and relationships accessible to the perception of a preschooler, is the basis to use games on the following topics.
1. “Where is living and inanimate nature?”
2. “Neighbors on the planet” (wildlife).
3. “Who is friends with whom?”, “Who is afraid of whom?”
4. “Who likes where”, “Who lives where”.
5. “What grows where.”
6. “Who needs what.”
7. “What is it?”, “Who is it?”
8. “Why does this happen?” (connection between living and inanimate nature).
9. “Why are we so different?”
10. “How you can and how you can’t” (rules of behavior in nature).
11. “We all need each other.”
12. “Natural - man-made.”

Within each theme, different variations of games should be used. For example, within the topic “Who lives where” the following options are possible: “Find your home”, “House animals (plants)”, “Who needs what kind of home”. In the topic “What is it?”, “Who is it?” you can include the games “One, two, three, run to the birch (spruce, rowan) tree”, “Find yourself a mate”, etc.
Pedagogical guidance of games with environmental content.
The effectiveness of the pedagogical process of environmental education using game activities largely depends on competent pedagogical leadership.
When choosing the direction of managing environmental games, one should take into account the fact that the special role of the game in education requires it to saturate the entire life activity of children in the group. Therefore, it is necessary to build the pedagogical process of environmental education in such a way that the game is included in all regular moments.
When determining the place of play in the pedagogical process of environmental education, one should also take into account its connections with children’s work in nature and learning in classes to become familiar with the environment.
With the transition from one age group to another, children's stability of attention constantly increases, the processes of intentional memorization and recollection intensively develop, and visual, auditory, and tactile perception becomes more perfect. Children gradually begin to distinguish fairly complex shapes of objects. Starting from middle age, children's vocabulary increases and visual-figurative thinking develops: along with generalization based on external features, children begin to group objects by quality and purpose, and establish the simplest causal relationships in familiar phenomena.
Based on the age characteristics of children, didactic games are selected for each age group that ensure the development of each child’s personality, elements of his environmental awareness, as well as deepening, clarifying and consolidating knowledge about living and inanimate nature. The game includes didactic toys, a variety of natural materials, and ready-made printed board games are used: various lotto games, cut-out pictures. It is also appropriate to turn to didactic games that activate movements and are combined with solving mental problems.
In games such as “Find Your Pair” and “Find Your House,” children choose a house or pair with a piece of paper attached to it, similar in color or shape to the one given by the teacher. Such games are also useful because they involve various forms of organizing children (they can be played with the whole group or a small subgroup).
The selection and introduction of didactic games into the pedagogical process is carried out in such a way that, based on the children’s existing experience, gradually and consistently expand children’s ideas about living nature, teach them to use existing knowledge to solve didactic problems, develop and improve such mental operations as analysis , synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification.
Distribution of games according to the didactic task
To make it easier to use didactic games to familiarize yourself with plants, they can be divided into groups according to didactic tasks.
The tasks are varied, and the following can help you decide what kind of didactic tasks you need to plan for children in introducing and using games of an environmental nature: tasks:
Plant and animal recognition games.
Games for comparing plants and animals.
Games for the ability to group plants and animals according to some characteristic.
Games to develop a child’s moral position.
Games to establish connections and dependencies in natural phenomena.
Didactic games with environmental content can be grouped into three groups:
1.To enrich environmental ideas:
About the diversity and diversity of natural objects.
About relationships in nature.
About man as a part of nature.
About the culture of behavior in nature.
2. To develop an emotional and value-based attitude towards nature:
To develop an aesthetic perception of nature.
To form moral and evaluative experience of behavior in nature.
3. To get involved in environmentally oriented activities

1. N.K. Andrienko “Game in environmental education of preschoolers”,
zh-l "Preschool pedagogy" No. 1 2007.
2. L.P. Molodova “Game-based environmental activities with children.” Minsk “Asar” 1996

Kokkonen Margarita
Interactive game “Living and Nonliving”

Target: Introduction to concepts "live" And « inanimate» nature

Tasks: learn to distinguish which objects belong to wildlife, which to inanimate nature, and which are man-made.

Develop attention, memory, speech

Description of the game.

A game consists of 18 slides. Move from slide to slide by clicking on a control button. The game is accompanied by a hero - the Wise Owl, who sums up the results and rewards nuts for correct answers. On slides 3-4 we look at photographs and find objects related to nature. 6 slide – a game"Find Pairs".Given 8 pictures: in the top row there is a church dome, an airplane, a helicopter and a submarine, in the bottom row there is a seagull, a bud, a sperm whale and a dragonfly. You need to find pairs and explain your decision. By clicking on the desired picture from the bottom row, it goes to its pair. On the eighth slide there is a warm-up. 11-12 slide a game“Distribute the pictures”: there are 6 pictures on the slide that need to be distributed in columns « alive» And « inanimate» . 15-17 slide a game"One extra". Each slide has 6 pictures, you need to select the extra picture. If the answer is correct, the picture disappears with a click and wiggles if the answer is incorrect. Three slides and, accordingly, three groups: something that refers to inanimate nature, that which relates to wildlife, and what is created by man. On the last slide, the owl thanks you for your diligence.


Bondarenko T. M. “Environmental activities for children 6-7 years old”.

Internet sources

Publications on the topic:

Interactive Game Goal: to develop verbal and logical thinking, the ability to classify, compare, generalize, establish cause-and-effect, logical.

Interactive game “Fruit platter” The relevance of the use of information technology in modern preschool education is dictated by the rapid development of information technology.

Interactive game “Where is the logic” A distinctive feature of our time is the rapid entry of information technology into all spheres of life. Modern children, k.

Interactive game “Speech therapy cards” (author’s development) Purpose: to motivate children to compose their own story about the object.

Interactive ecology game Goal: broadening the ecological horizons. Objectives: familiarization with the culture and nature of the native land, development of cognitive interest.

Interactive game "Professions" The game consists of game tasks. Selecting the correct answers in each task is done by clicking on the pictures. Right and wrong.

Interactive game “Travel around Ufa” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the city of Ufa. Objectives: 1. Expand children's knowledge about their hometown, know.

“Catalog of didactic games on ecology (inanimate nature) for children 5-7 years old Compiled by teacher: Krekhtunova I.A. ..."

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city

Nizhnevartovsk child development center – kindergarten No. 25 “Semitsvetik”

Catalog of educational games on ecology

(inanimate nature)

for children 5-7 years old

Compiled by the teacher:

Krekhtunova I.A.


Find the same one

Didactic task.

Teach children to compare pictures depicting seasons, phenomena

nature; find signs of similarities and differences in them; cultivate observation, ingenuity, and coherent speech.

Progress of the game.

For this game, different pictures are selected, among which there must be identical ones. During the game, you can add or remove pictures to make the task more difficult.

Children, today we will learn to quickly complete tasks; There are pictures on the table here. I will count to 3, and at this time you must find two completely identical pictures. Be careful! 1-2-3!

Identical ones, find them! – the teacher finishes.

Children who see 2 identical pictures raise their hands, and then come up to the teacher and show them and name what is depicted on them. To increase the children's attention, the teacher places pictures (almost identical) among others: then the teacher gives a signal. The children immediately try to find and show the pictures, but the teacher reminds them that the pictures must be the same.

Lotto Didactic task.

Systematize children’s scattered knowledge about inanimate and living nature, activate children’s speech, practice the correct naming of objects and natural phenomena, and use generalizing words:

inanimate and living nature, forest, pond, meadow, sky, space.

Progress of the game.

Children take the cards themselves. They choose a driver, at whose signal everyone begins to quickly look for small cards and cover the cells with them. Whoever closes all the cells first wins and gets a chip.

Answer quickly Didactic task.

Strengthen the ability to classify natural phenomena and signs of the seasons, teach them to think quickly and respond.

Progress of the game.

The teacher, holding the ball in his hand, stands in a circle with the children and says:

Now, I will name a sign of any season or any natural phenomenon and throw a ball to someone. The one who catches the ball must name any other sign of the same season or natural phenomenon. The same natural phenomenon or sign can be named twice.

When repeated, the game can be complicated by naming not one sign or phenomenon, but two.

What changed?

Didactic task.

To cultivate in children observation skills, the ability to notice minor, unnoticeable changes that have occurred in pictures, and to explain coherently what has changed.

Progress of the game.

The teacher turns to the children and says:

The game is familiar to you, but in this game you need to be especially careful, the changes will be very subtle, you all try to notice and name them all.

We will choose the first presenter with a counting rhyme, and then the leader will be the one who correctly guessed what has changed. The one to whom the ball was thrown guesses.

Therefore, be prepared to answer quickly and correctly.

The selected presenter offers to look carefully at the table with pictures and remember them.

Then, covering the table with a screen, he changes something, then removes the screen and gives the children the opportunity to look carefully at the pictures and throws the ball to someone. He catches it and answers. If the answer is correct, it becomes the driver.

Collect a picture Didactic task.

Exercise children in composing a whole picture from individual parts;

Progress of the game.

The teacher, together with the children, looks at pictures depicting the season or the solar system, etc., explaining the rules of the game, the teacher reminds how to put together a whole picture from individual parts.

But now we have one more rule: put the picture together quickly.

Start putting together a picture and finish at the signal: hit the table with the cube,” the teacher clarifies the rules of the game. Having distributed the pictures according to the number of players, the teacher says, “Let’s start!” and hits the table with the cube. Children select the necessary parts of their picture from the box on the table.

Whoever put the picture together first gets a chip. Then you can exchange pictures and repeat the game.

Who will collect it most quickly?

Didactic task.

Teach children to group objects of inanimate nature, develop speed of reaction to the teacher’s word, endurance and discipline.

Progress of the game.

When addressing children, the teacher reminds them that they already know many objects of inanimate nature.

And now we will compete - whose team is most likely to collect pictures with objects of inanimate nature; in this box (rain) we must collect objects of inanimate nature, and in this box (man) - objects that were made by man.

Whoever thinks they have collected everything lifts the box like this. We will all check later to see if they forgot anything.

The teacher and children lay out pictures on the floor. Two teams of 2-3 people are selected. At the teacher’s signal (clap), children collect objects into the appropriate boxes. The team that picks up the box first wins.

Dominoes Didactic task.

To consolidate children’s knowledge about natural phenomena, about the signs of the seasons, to note their features, to continue to develop the ability to play together, and to subject them to the rules of the game.

Progress of the game.

For this game you need to make cards, like in any game like Dominoes. The card is divided into two halves. Each of them depicts different natural phenomena or signs of any season.

The game is designed for 4-6 people. There should be 24 cards. If there are four players, 6 cards are dealt. The game is played like a Domino game. The one who puts down the last card, while others still have them, wins and gets a chip. As the game is repeated, the cards are shuffled. Children count out 4-6 cards without looking, and the game continues.

–  –  –

Didactic task.

Consolidate knowledge about the planets of the solar system, describe the planets according to the most typical features.

Progress of the game.

Children sit in a circle. A presenter is selected and begins to describe the planet. The rest of the children begin to guess. Whoever guesses first is the next leader.

Droplets go around in circles

Didactic task:

Give children the first basic understanding of the water cycle in nature.

Progress of the game:

The teacher says that she is mother Cloud, and the guys are her children Droplets, and it’s time for them to hit the road. (Music sounds like the sound of rain.)

The droplets jump, run, and dance. Mama Cloud tells them what to do.

The droplets flew to the ground... Let's jump and play. It became boring for them to jump one by one. They gathered together and flowed in small cheerful streams. (Droplets form streams holding hands). Streams met and became a big river (streams are connected into one large chain). Droplets are floating in a big river, traveling. Tekla - a river flowed and ended up in a large ocean (children line up in a large round dance and move in a circle). The Droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mother Cloud told them to return home. And then the sun just warmed up. The Droplets became light and stretched upward (crouched Droplets rise, then stretch their arms upward). They evaporated under the rays of the sun and returned to mother Tuchka. Well done, Droplets, they behaved well, they didn’t get into passers-by’s collars or splash themselves. Now stay with your mom, she misses you.

Solid, liquid, gaseous people

Didactic task:

Help children understand the difference between gaseous, liquid, and solid substances.

Progress of the game:

Children are given cards depicting the state of substances in liquid, solid, gaseous form (solid objects - stone, ice, wood, clay;

liquid – water, juice, milk, butter; gaseous - steam from the spout of a teapot, the nose of a person breathing air - oxygen). The child who is given the chip begins to take the picture and explains the image. When all the pictures have been explained, they are divided into three groups according to their main characteristics - solid, liquid and gaseous matter.

Catch up with your shadow

Goal: To introduce children to the concepts of light and shadow.

Progress of the game:

Guys, guess the riddle:

I walk - she walks, I stand - she stands, I run - she runs.

(Shadow) On a sunny day, if you stand with your face, back or side to the sun, a dark spot appears on the ground. This reflection of you is called a shadow.

Where does this dark spot come from? How is a shadow formed? (The sun sends its rays to the Earth, they spread in all directions. Standing in the light, you block the path of the rays, they illuminate you, but your shadow falls on the ground).

Where else are there such dark spots? What are they like? Try to catch up with your shadow. Why is this not possible? Is it possible to catch up with someone else's shadow? How can I do that? (Children are trying to catch up with their shadow, someone else’s shadow).

A shadow is formed not only from the human body, but also from any opaque object that meets in the path of the sun's rays.

The shadow can move, dance, jump, stand - do everything that the one to whom it belongs does, but it is always silent.

Children, when given a signal or accompanied by music, portray a shadow.

Living and inanimate nature

Didactic task:

Progress of the game:

Option 1. The teacher names objects of living nature - the children move, names objects of inanimate nature - the children stand.

Option 2. The teacher throws the ball and names, if objects of living nature - the child catches the ball, if he names objects of inanimate nature - the child throws the ball to the teacher.

Wonderful bag Didactic task.

Continue to teach children to distinguish between living and inanimate objects.

Progress of the game.

Each child has a bag containing cones, pebbles, dry branches, and pieces of brick. Children must guess by touch what is living or inanimate nature.

–  –  –

Didactic task.

Develop the ability to name inanimate objects by location on the playing field, which must be remembered within a certain time.

Progress of the game.

In front of the child is a playing field divided into squares; on each square is placed a picture depicting inanimate objects and natural phenomena.

The child looks at the pictures, memorizes them, and when the teacher closes them, the child must name them.

–  –  –

Purpose of the game: to lay the foundations of environmental consciousness, to form in children the basic skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior, economic attitude towards natural resources, careful attitude towards living and inanimate nature;

learn to justify your point of view.

Equipment: green ties, emblems, tablets with an environmental screen for each group, environmental signs, environmental screen of a preschool educational institution.

Stages of environmental police work.

Stage 1. Gathering of the environmental police headquarters. Captain's choice.

Discussion of the plan for the upcoming raid on group premises.

Stage 2. Work of environmental police in group 9 assessment of the environmental situation, conversation with children and teachers of the group, inspection of the premises).

Stage 3. Summarizing. Discussion of inspection results and grading on the environmental screen. Comparison of the results of this raid with previous ones.

Progress of the game.

During the game, the group turns into the headquarters of the environmental police. On the map of the kindergarten, a route for visiting groups is outlined, responsibilities are distributed among team members - each of them notes each type of inspection.

Controllers must establish the following:

1. Is there trash in the group?

2. Are water and light used rationally (for example, are there any faulty or open taps)?

3. Is there a lot of food waste?

4. Do children care for plants correctly?

5. Are the animals well cared for?

6. Is the air in the room clean?

Participants in the game attach badges with symbols corresponding to the type of test to their clothes. Once responsibilities have been assigned and a route has been mapped out, the action of the game shifts to the group where the raid is taking place. Each team member assesses the environmental situation in the team, talks with children and teachers, and inspects all group rooms. The test results are entered into the work tablet.

After everything is finished, the guys return to the environmental police headquarters and discuss the results. Then, using an ecological screen of the entire kindergarten, the results of different raids are compared. Having summed up the results, the environmental police return to the group and introduce the children to the results of their work and give ratings on the group’s environmental screen.

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Preschool age is an important stage in the development of an individual’s ecological culture. Ecological games not only contribute to gaining knowledge about natural objects and phenomena, but also develop skills in careful and non-destructive handling of the environment.

While playing, children learn to love, learn, cherish and multiply.

The proposed games contain interesting facts about the life of animals and plants, puzzles and intricate questions about nature and promote the development of curiosity.

Ball game "I know..."

Target: To develop the ability to name several objects of the same type.

Develop the ability to combine objects based on common features.

Game actions:

Children stand in a circle, with the leader with the ball in the center. The presenter throws the ball and names a class of natural objects (birds, trees, flowers, animals, plants, insects, fish). The child who caught the ball says: “I know 5 flower names” and lists them (for example, chamomile, cornflower, dandelion, clover, porridge) and returns the ball to the leader. The leader throws the ball to the second child and says: “Birds” and so on.

"Birds, fish, animals"

Target: To train children in the ability to name an object of a certain group of objects.

Game actions:

The presenter throws the ball to the child and says the word “birds.” The child who catches the ball must select a specific concept, for example, “sparrow,” and throw the ball back. The next child must name the bird, but not repeat himself. The game is played in a similar way with the words “animals” and “fish”.

"Guess what's in your hand"

Target: Identify vegetables, fruits and berries by touch.

Game actions:

Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The teacher places models of vegetables, berries and fruits in the children’s hands. Children must guess. The teacher shows, for example, a pear and asks to determine who has the same object (fruit, vegetable, berry).

“Guess which bird is singing?”

Target: The ability to identify bird calls from sound recordings.

Determine which bird sings and how it sings (subtly, sonorously, melodiously, loudly, quietly, drawn out, etc.).

Cultivate interest and caring attitude towards birds.

Game actions:

The teacher offers to listen to a recording of bird voices. We need to determine which bird is singing. How can you determine by its voice which bird sings and how. Invite children to practice pronouncing the sounds of bird songs. The game uses a disc with recordings of bird voices.

"Plants of the forest, garden, vegetable garden"

Target: Expand children's knowledge about plants in the forest, garden and vegetable garden.

Game actions: similar to the game “I know...”

"Garden Garden"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of what grows in the garden or vegetable garden.

Develop children's memory and attention.

Game actions:

The teacher brings a basket of vegetables and fruits.

Children, I accidentally mixed up vegetables and fruits. Help me please. During the game, children summarize objects in one word and determine the place where vegetables and fruits grow.

"What it is?"

Target: Exercise children in the ability to guess living or inanimate objects nature.

Describe the characteristics of objects.

Game actions:

The teacher or presenter makes a guess about a living or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs, and the children must guess the given object.

"Intricate Questions"

Target: Develop intelligence and resourcefulness.

Game actions:

The teacher reads a riddle-task:

Four birches grew.

On every birch -

Four large branches,

On every big branch -

Four small branches each

On every little branch -

Four apples each.

How many apples are there in total?

"Flies, swims, runs"

Target: Depict the way an object moves.

Game actions:

The presenter names or shows the children an object of living nature and invites the children to depict the method of movement of this object. For example, when hearing the word “bear,” children begin to imitate walking like a bear; “magpie” children begin to wave their arms and so on.

"Migration of Birds"

Target: Recognize and name wintering and migratory birds.

Reinforce the concept of “wintering” and “migratory”.

Game actions:

Object pictures of birds are laid out on the table. Each participant in the game takes a picture and “turns” into a certain bird. The child says: “I am a crow!”, “I am a sparrow!”, “I am a crane!”, “I am a cuckoo!” and so on. At the leader’s signal: “One, two, three, fly to your place!”, children who have pictures depicting wintering birds run to a conventional image (winter landscape), other children who have pictures depicting migratory birds run to another conditional sign (spring landscape). You can play several times, children must take different pictures.

“Alike - not alike”

Target: To develop in children the ability to abstract, generalize, highlight objects,

Similar in some properties and different in others, compare, compare objects or images.

Game actions:

The game uses a game screen with three “slot windows” into which ribbons with symbols of properties are inserted; ribbons - strips with designations of the properties of objects. Strips depicting objects are inserted into the first and third “windows”, and a strip indicating properties is inserted into the second.

The options may be different:

1 option: The child is asked to install the “screen” so that the first and third windows contain objects that have the property indicated in the second “window”.

At the initial stage of mastering the game of mastering the game, the property is set by adults, then children can independently set the feature they like. For example, the first “window” is an apple, the second “window” is a circle, the third “window” is a ball.

Option 2: One child installs the first “window”, the second child selects and sets the property that the data has, the third child must select an object that fits the first and second “windows”. For each correct choice, children receive a chip. After the first round, the children change places.

Option 3: used in the final stages of development. You can play with a large group of children. The child asks a “riddle” - he lines up images in the first and third “windows” that have a common property, while the second “window” is hidden. The rest of the children guess how the depicted objects are similar. A child who correctly names a common property gets the right to open a second “window” or make a new “riddle.”

"Who lives where?"

Target: Determine the habitat of the animal, correctly determine the place of the “home” of the object.

Game actions:

The teacher has pictures with images of animals, and the children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (hole, hollow, den, river, nest, and so on).


Target: To form in children concepts about the seasons and the dependence of living nature on seasonal changes occurring in inanimate nature.

Game actions:

The teacher tells the children that the seasons are constantly changing. Children name the seasons and characteristic features sequentially.

The teacher shows pictures depicting the season and pictures of objects that are undergoing various changes, for example, a white hare - winter; a blossoming snowdrop means spring, ripe strawberries mean summer, and so on. Children must explain the contents of the picture.

"Question answer"

Target: Develop the ability to answer questions posed.

Show resourcefulness and intelligence.

Game actions:

The teacher asks questions and the children answer


1.Why does a person look back? (because he has no eyes on the back of his head).

2. Why does a cat run? (can't fly).

3.What kind of comb can you use to comb your head? (rooster).

4.How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one thing: after the first one there will be no more fasting).

5. Why does a goose swim? (from the shore).

6. How will you reach the sky? (with a glance).

7.What does the dog run on? (on the ground).

8.What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream).

9.What can’t you bake bread without? (no crust).

10. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (behind the teeth)

11. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (at the mushroom).

"Flowers" (outdoor game)

Target: Name and identify flowers.

To cultivate love and the ability to admire their beauty.

Game actions:

Children remember garden and forest flowers and compare them.

Each participant in the game chooses a flower emblem for themselves. Each child has his own picture. Several children cannot have the same name.

By lot, the chosen flower, for example, cornflower, begins the game.

He names a flower, for example a poppy or a rose. Poppy runs, and the cornflower catches up with him. When the poppy is in danger of being caught, he names some other flower participating in the game. The named flower runs away.

The caught flower changes its name and is included in the game again. The winner is the one who has never been caught.


Target: Expand children's knowledge about the animal and plant world.

Promote the ability to think and make inferences.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals and plants.

Game actions:

A teacher or a trained child asks problems - puzzles:

1. Six sparrows are sitting in the garden bed, five more have flown to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left?

2. A pair of horses ran 40 km. How many kilometers did each horse run?

3. Garden flowers grew in the clearing: daisies, cornflowers, roses, clover, violet. Tanya picked all 1 rose, 2 clovers, 3 daisies. How many flowers does Tanya have in her bouquet? (identify garden and forest flowers, count only forest flowers).

4. There are fruits in the vase: bananas, oranges, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, lemons. How many fruits are in the vase?

5. Juicy, tasty apples and tangerines, ripe cherries and eggplants grew in the garden bed. How many vegetables grew in the garden?

"Find out from the advertisements"

Target: Continue to introduce the characteristics of animals and birds (appearance, behavior, habitat)

Develop logical thinking.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the children to play. Explains the rules of the game, you need to listen carefully to the announcement and guess who it is about (animal or bird), the announcement says. The one who guessed correctly gets a chip and the result is summed up at the end of the game.

1. Come visit me! I don't have an address. I always carry my house on me.

2. Friends! Anyone who needs needles, contact me.

3. Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings?

4. Will I help everyone whose alarm clock is broken?

5. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey.

6. I want to build a nest. Lend, give down and feathers.

7. It became very boring for me to howl at the moon alone. Who will keep me company?

8. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a keepsake. I'm successfully growing a new one!

9. I’ve been waiting for a friend for 150 years! The character is positive. There is only one drawback - slowness.

10. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Who has a need for horns? Contact me once a year.

11. I teach all sciences! I make birds out of chicks in a short time. Please note that I conduct classes at night.

12. I can help kind but lonely birds find family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life. Cuckoo!

13. I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. Don't call her Patrikeevna anymore!

“Where does it ripen?”

Target: Exercise the ability to use knowledge about plants, compare the fruit of a tree with its leaves.

Game actions:

Two branches are laid out on the flannelgraph: on one - the fruit and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves of the plants. (For example, gooseberry leaves and pear fruits). The presenter asks the question: “Which fruits ripen and which don’t?” Children correct mistakes made in drawing up a drawing.

"The postman brought a letter"

Target: Develop the ability to describe objects and recognize them by description.

Game actions:

The teacher brings a box to the group and says that the postman brought a parcel. The package contains various vegetables and fruits. Children take packages out of the box, look into them and describe what the postman brought them. The rest of the children guess.


Target: Identify trees by their leaves.

Teach children to behave correctly in the game: do not give hints to each other, do not interrupt their peers.

Game actions:

Before starting the game, children remember different trees, compare them by shape and size of leaves.

Before the game, children must choose a phantom for themselves - any small thing, toy. Players sit down and choose a forfeit collector. He sits in the middle of the circle and gives the other players the names of the trees (oak, maple, linden, etc.) and the children take and put on a wreath of leaves. Everyone must remember their name. The forfeit collector says: “A bird flew in and sat on an oak tree.” The oak should answer: “I wasn’t on the oak tree, I flew to the tree.” The tree names another tree and so on. Whoever misses gives away a forfeit. At the end of the game, forfeits are redeemed.


Target: Expand children’s knowledge about migratory birds.”

Develop attention and observation skills.

Game actions:

The presenter shows a picture of a migratory bird.

Children look at the picture and talk about it in turn: the first child - the first sentence, the second child - the previous sentence and his own, the third child - repeats the two previous ones and adds his own. For example: “The rook is a migratory bird.” – “The rook is a migratory bird. It's big and black." – “The rook is a migratory bird. He's big and black. Their habitat is called a rookery,” and so on.

“Who should we treat with what?”

Target: Know what animals and birds eat.

Game actions:

The leader throws the ball to the children and names the object (animal, bird), and the children answer and return the ball to the leader. For example, a sparrow - crumbs and seeds; tit - lard; cow - hay; rabbit - carrot; cat - mouse, milk; squirrel – pine cone, berries and so on.

Game "Good - Bad"

Target: Improve children's knowledge about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, animals and plants.

Game actions:

The teacher or teacher offers children different situations, and the children make conclusions, for example: “Is a clear sunny day in the fall good or bad?”, “All the wolves have disappeared in the forest - is this good or bad?”, “It rains every day - is this bad or bad?” good?", "Is a snowy winter good or bad?", "All the trees are green - is this good or bad?", "A lot of flowers in our garden - is this bad or good?", "Granny in the village has a cow - is this good or bad?”, “All the birds on earth have disappeared - is that good or bad?” and so on.

“Who is after whom?”

Target: Show children that in nature everything is connected to each other.

Continue to instill in children a caring attitude towards all animals.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the called child to connect with a ribbon all the animals that hunt each other. Other children also help find the correct pictures of animals. You can suggest starting the game with a plant, a frog or a mosquito.

"To each his place"

Target: To develop in children the ability to use schematic images of generalizing concepts.

Develop independence and the ability to think logically.

Game actions:

The teacher distributes one card to each child (of the same type). Then he distributes one picture to each child in turn. Children, having received a picture, must place it under a schematic representation of the concept to which the image in this picture fits. When all the pictures have been sorted out, the children check the correctness of their actions and the actions of their peers.

Children must independently check whether the task was completed correctly and explain why they did it that way.

“The Falcon and the Fox” (outdoor game)

Target: Expand children's knowledge about wild animals and birds of prey.

Ability to act quickly on a signal from a leader.

Game actions:

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Falcon and Fox”. Shows a picture of a falcon and talks about where this bird lives and how it behaves.

Remember the habits of a fox.

Choose a “falcon” and a fox according to the children’s wishes or use counting rhymes.

The rest of the children are “falcons”. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes flying movements with his hands. A flock of falcon chicks runs after the falcon and exactly repeats its movements. At this time, a fox suddenly jumps out of the hole.

The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

The appearance of the fox is determined by the leader's signal. The fox catches those who did not have time to sit down.

"What happens if …?"

Target: Know what to do in order to protect, preserve and increase nature.

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and inferences.

Game actions:

The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, from which the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to maintain a sense of proportion and protect nature. For example: what will happen if one boy throws a Coke can into the river? How about two? How about three? Are there many boys? What happens if one family brings an armful of snowdrops from the forest on the weekend? Two families? Five? What happens if one driver's car emits a lot of exhaust gases? Three cars? Half the city's drivers? What will happen if one person in the forest turns on the tape recorder at full power? Group of tourists? All vacationers in the forest? (Similarly - about a fire, about a broken branch, about a caught butterfly, about a ruined nest, and so on).


1. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! St. Petersburg “Childhood-Press”, 2003.

2. Gor’kova L. G., Kochergina A. V., Obukhova L. A. Scenarios for classes on environmental education for preschoolers. M.: “Vako”, 2007.

3. Kondratyeva N.N. "We". Children's Environmental Education Program, 2004.

4. Makhaneva M.D. Ecological development of children of preschool and primary school age. M.: Arkti, 2004.