Diet for the brain. Prevention of Alzheimer's disease (nutrition therapy)

Each of us, if, of course, we are lucky, will be able to live to a ripe old age, and, as we know, in these years, the risk of developing many serious illnesses, among which is such a terrible pathology as Alzheimer's disease or as it is sometimes called hydrocyanic dementia.

What is Alzheimer's disease?

Typically, the disease “starts” when a person reaches 65 years of age. The first sign of Alzheimer's disease is memory loss, which initial stages The disease may simply manifest itself as some completely harmless forgetfulness.

But over time, this symptom begins to take on a threatening character, when a person cannot remember events of the past, or even what happened to him just a couple of minutes ago.

Unfortunately, the disease is prone to progression and develops over several decades, and can destroy a person’s nervous system in a much shorter period of time.

In addition to memory impairment, other symptoms occur: irritability, sudden mood swings. There may be a disturbance in speech and perception of reality. A person simply cannot understand what is being said to him, as if the conversation is in an unfamiliar language.

Late stages diseases are characterized by the presence of complete desocialization of the individual. Lethal outcome occurs as a result of multiple disruptions in the functioning of vital important organs.

Treatment and prevention

Of course, correction of the patient’s condition must be comprehensive, namely the use of medications, and psychosocial interventions. The prerogative of prescribing one or another treatment method is entirely within the competence of the specialist.

I just want to touch on the issues of preventing this disease. IN Lately many medical specialists They talk about dietary habits that should significantly reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease. How should you eat to get rid of the prospect of getting such a terrible attack?

About the dangers of obesity

About what obesity promises its owner, in last years a lot has been said. And this is not without reason. According to the World Health Organization, every third person on the planet has problems with excess weight.

When a person is young, he may not notice any troubles, except for some social discomfort, but over the years, and as the pathology progresses, a mass arises in orgasm pathological processes, which can lead to circulatory disorders of the central nervous system.

Damage to the blood vessels of the brain leads to its oxygen starvation, which may stimulate the early onset of this disease. Besides vascular disorders, recently there has been a lot of talk about some relationship between the frequency of detection diabetes mellitus and senile dementia. And, as you know, obesity increases blood sugar.

In light of the above, it becomes clear that the basis for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, first of all, is the fight against obesity. It is very important to recognize the presence of problems with excess weight in time and accept everything necessary measures aimed at eliminating it.

Diet features

In addition to the quantity of food consumed, its quality composition is also very important. Many nutritionists talk about a direct relationship between the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the food consumed, and the frequency of occurrence of this disease.

As is known, the leader in the content of these the most valuable substances is sea ​​fish and some seafood, more precisely, salmon, fatty herring, salmon and some other varieties.

In addition to seafood, many nutritionists rave about quail eggs. This product contains a huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids, and can also significantly reduce blood sugar levels.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Why are unsaturated fatty acids so beneficial for humans? The thing is that these substances can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, therefore, they are excellent means prevention of early onset of vascular atherosclerosis.

As a result of this, discirculatory disorders in the central nervous system, if they arise, it happens much later. In addition, the likelihood of occurrence should also be taken into account cardiovascular pathology, significantly worsening the patient’s quality of life.

Low glycemic index foods

What's happened glycemic index? This is an indicator that determines the change in blood glucose levels after consuming any product. As a matter of fact, everything we eat, one way or another, can be characterized by this value.

Fluctuations in sugar levels are more significant if you eat something containing a large amount of simple sugars. For example, a chocolate bar has a very high glycemic index.

Products, poor simple sugars- lean meats and grains have virtually no effect on blood sugar levels. What's all this for? Some scientists argue that sharp fluctuations in blood glucose significantly increase the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, it is very important to take this indicator of products into account. What should be given priority? Here is a small list of necessary provisions: lean meat, non-starchy vegetables, fruits, whole grains.

About the benefits of coffee

Coffee is a product that significantly enhances cerebral circulation. As a result of this, mental and physical activity, the perception of the surrounding world improves through our senses.

Scientists have long noticed one trend - just one cup of an invigorating drink in the morning can significantly reduce the likelihood of early onset of disorders in the central nervous system, including this one terrible disease.

True, one should not place high hopes on the ersatz drink called instant coffee, no matter how much marketers extol it. The substance located inside a beautiful jar, before it gets there, passes through 10 to 20 different chemical reactions, which completely destroy the useful component.


In conclusion, I would like to say that in addition to nutritional features, one should not forget about physical activity. As they say, movement is life. If you don’t have time to visit gyms, you can improve your health with regular jogging or walks in the fresh air.

Scientists recognize this disease by characteristic changes in brain tissue, as a result of which the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted, work becomes difficult and gradually becomes impossible nerve cells, which after a few years leads to their gradual death. The National Research Center for Healthy Eating has collected the most modern approaches and basic recommendations for preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Recent research data indicate a leading role of cholesterol in the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. This is what causes damage to nerve cells. For the first time, the connection between Alzheimer's disease and nutrition was clearly traced within the framework of the North Karelia project. Men who preferred fatty and meat foods had increased level cholesterol in the blood (more than 6.5 mmol/l) and were three times more likely to suffer from dementia.

Several large studies have been conducted on Alzheimer's disease. different time in several countries. With their help, important data was identified. High consumption saturated fat doubles the risk of presenile dementia, and consumption of trans fats, even in small doses, triples it. Wherein simultaneous administration Saturated and trans fats increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease ninefold.

Martha Claire Morris, the Chicago-based author of a series of studies on the issue, states: “Eating saturated and trans fats at least quadruples the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, a truly terrible form of acquired dementia in which middle-aged and older adults gradually lose their memories, identity, personality and, ultimately, life."

According to some reports, it is enough to eat poorly for only 2-3 years for the first signs to appear.

As preventive measures You can consider introducing unsaturated fats into your diet, which are rich in vegetable oils, fish, olives and avocados - they reduce the risk of developing senile dementia. Clear memory and a strong mind are determined in those whose blood contains a higher content of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, C, E, D.

“The world is now paying a lot of attention to the problem of Alzheimer’s, and a lot of research is being conducted to prevent it. The simplest and most accessible to everyone is to eat right. It sounds ordinary, but it really works. The well-known Mediterranean diet, as well as the MIND diet, according to 2015 studies, are good at preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease. The basis - plant food, vegetable oils, nuts, berries, lots of green vegetables and salads, and limited consumption saturated fats, animal foods with trans fats and cholesterol. Don't forget the principles healthy eating, then you won’t forget everything else longer,” commented Professor Oleg Medvedev.

Diet Thought, which was named the main neuroprotective diet of 2015. combines the approach of two well-known nutrition plans - the Mediterranean and Dash diets.

If you follow it Not recommended consume foods that increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease: red meat, animal fats, including butter, cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream - due to the high content of saturated fats; confectionery, products with artificial increased sentence shelf life, certain types of bread, fried foods - due to the content of trans fats.

  • chicken or fish - you can safely eat them 2-3 times a week, in portions of 100-120 grams;
  • lean meat - if you can’t eliminate red meat from your diet, eat it occasionally and in small portions;
  • beans and peas (if tolerated) - eat 3-4 times a week, 150 - 200 grams in prepared form, they are a source vegetable protein and rich in vitamins;

    vegetables - they should form the basis of your diet, you can eat them every day up to 750 grams raw or up to 400 grams cooked;

  • fruits are allowed 500-750 grams per day, this also includes berries, they well satisfy the desire to “eat something sweet” and do not harm your body;
  • milk and dairy products should be consumed only low-fat and fat-free, otherwise you will get a good dose of saturated fat along with them and take a step towards Alzheimer's disease;

Replace butter with spread and you will significantly reduce the consumption of saturated fats, while simultaneously increasing the consumption of unsaturated fats - and this is a serious prevention of senile dementia;

Minimize confectionery and refined sweets, let your dessert be fruits and berries - this way you will get rid of trans fats, which lead to Alzheimer's disease even faster than saturated fats;

Do vegetable oil product daily use in a dosage of 1-2 tablespoons and you will create all the conditions so that your memory and thinking do not fail for as long as possible.

Do you think that all these tips are not for you? Take our test and find out how healthy your

For people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, balanced diet especially important. Special diet for people with Alzheimer's disease, no, unless, of course, the patient has concomitant diseases, for example, diabetes, which requires a special diet. But balanced nutritious food will be very useful. At proper nutrition the body works more efficiently and the person is more energetic.

basic information

    Food should be varied.

    Eating a balanced diet and regular exercise will help keep your weight at the same level.

    You should also eat foods low in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol.

    Sweets must be limited.

    Salt can be consumed only in moderate doses.

    Alcohol consumption should be moderate (but always consult a doctor).


The doctor may also inform the patient if any foods may interfere with the interaction medicines which the patient takes.

To avoid constipation

You should eat foods rich in fiber. A lot of fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, and whole grain cereals. Fiber and water help facilitate the passage of stool through the colon. Most of the fruit fiber is found in the skin. You should eat bread with bran or add bran to other dishes, such as soup and yogurt.

Tips for relieving constipation

    Drink 2-4 glasses of water a day.

    Eat more fruits and vegetables.

    There are prunes and/or bran products.

    If necessary, take a mild laxative. Do not take mineral oil or other laxatives for more than two weeks without consulting your doctor.

General instructions

    It is better to eat food slowly, slowly.

    It is better to cut food into small pieces.

    You should not try to eat more than half a tablespoon at a time.

How to eliminate dry mouth?

With age, the body loses moisture. In addition, some medical supplies can absorb water, so consuming enough fluid is very important.

    You should drink 8 or more cups of fluid every day, 10 or more if you have a fever (unless there are restrictions on fluid intake).

    Dip bread, toast, buns, crackers in milk or decaffeinated tea or coffee to soften them.

    You should drink it after each bite of food to moisten your mouth and help you swallow food successfully.

    You can add sauces to soften and moisten your food. Better eat gravy meat broths or slightly melted butter.

    Eat sweet and sour candy or popsicles to promote salivation and keep your mouth moist.

    Regarding the use of artificial saliva for hydration oral cavity you should consult your doctor. Artificial saliva is available with or without a prescription.

How to keep weight at the same level?

Poor nutrition and conservation healthy weight is often a problem for people with Alzheimer's disease.

    You should eat food in small portions, but often. It is better to eat food in small portions 5-6 times a day than to eat the same amount of food in three meals.

    Take vitamin/mineral supplements daily.

    Soluble nutritional supplements will be very useful.

    Before making any changes to your diet, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist.

A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease dramatically changes the life of both the person and his family and friends. Information about the disease and support are available to everyone. the site shares with you simple tests which you can take at home with your elderly relatives.

In the “Three Comrades” program via video link there was Zhibek Zholdasova - candidate medical sciences, CEO Center for the Treatment of Neuroses and Alzheimer's Disease, who spoke about the symptoms of the disease, tests and the work of the center.

Center for the Treatment of Neuroses and Alzheimer's Disease opened about a year ago: before that there was a hospital that functioned for two years as a clinic for the treatment of neuroses of this terrible disease.

“I have been dealing with the problem of Alzheimer’s disease since 2011 - then I opened the gerontology department at the Republican Center for Psychiatry and Narcology, and somehow I was drawn into this topic. Due to the fact that special attention We don’t have a problem with this disease; a lot of patients are coming in now. I started working on this topic. It's very relevant."- shared in live Zhibek.

Alzheimer's disease has a double code: it relates to both neurology and psychiatry. Both specialists can detect the disease through standard tests. Zhibek noted with regret that in the post-Soviet space it is not customary to put this disease in first place, which is why it is often masked by other diagnoses.

The disease begins unnoticed: a person’s memory deteriorates, he loses something or cannot remember where he put this or that thing. Causes: multiple strokes, head injuries and brain surgeries.

“And we think that memory has deteriorated - this is an old man, It's OK. But if this condition is not treated in the early stages, then in a few years you will come to the point where your relative will begin to see hallucinations, he will stop sleeping at night, he will run around the house, he will no longer control his physiological needs and will need to be bathed, feed, clothe - that is, do everything for him if you miss the first symptoms. Aggression may occur. Very often, Alzheimer's disease begins with depression and, it would seem, old man, he became depressed, he’s not interested in anything, he sits at home all day in front of the TV, doesn’t want to go anywhere, doesn’t want to talk to anyone - everyone thinks: “Oh, he’s the one who retired, he’s worried.” “Depression in the elderly is very often a symptom of the onset of Alzheimer’s disease,”— Zhibek Zholdasova noted important symptoms.

Even if you notice symptoms in an elderly person, you may encounter the fact that he does not want to go to the doctor - he considers himself healthy. Here Zhibek advised bringing the patient under any other pretext: sore joints, headaches or problems with blood pressure. Further in the center, specialists quietly, during the dialogue, conduct memory research or special tests to understand how much memory and intelligence have deteriorated and specific medications are prescribed to support the condition.

Signs of illness

- Change in gait;

— Deterioration or decrease in sense of smell;

— People become unkempt and may walk around with stains on their clothes;

— They cannot switch to normal operating mode for a long time;

- Those who manage vehicle, driving style changes;

- In men - sexual dysfunction;

- In hypertensive patients, blood pressure normalizes - this is a sign that dementia is beginning;

- Inability to learn something new. For example, gadgets or a computer.

The genetic factor for this disease is very low, but scientists have identified a gene for predisposing to Alzheimer's disease, which can be tested in large laboratories. If, nevertheless, it is detected in you, you need to carry out preventive actions: go for a run, follow a certain diet, learn something new.

Tests to detect Alzheimer's disease

1. Ask in your mind to subtract the number 7 from 100 five times and count how many times your relative or close person. You can't give any hints.

3. Ask you to remember three words that are not related to each other. After one task, ask these words.

4. To carry out the next test, you will need a blank sheet of unlined paper and a pencil. The patient is told: “Please draw a round clock with numbers on the dial. The hands show the time - fifteen minutes to two.”

The patient must independently, without prompting, from memory, draw a dial in the form of a circle, correctly position all the numbers and arrows indicating the time. Usually this test does not cause difficulties, but in the presence of cognitive impairment and memory problems, the patient makes inaccuracies and errors.

The test result is assessed on a 10-point scale:

10 points - the norm, a circle is drawn, numbers in in the right places, arrows show specified time;
9 points - minor inaccuracies in the location of the arrows;
8 points - errors in the position of the hands are more noticeable (one of the hands deviates by more than an hour);
7 points - both arrows point wrong time;
6 points - the hands do not show the time (the time is circled);
5 points - incorrect arrangement of numbers on the dial (the numbers are in the reverse order, that is, counterclockwise, or the distance between them is unequal);
4 points - the integrity of the clock is lost, some of the numbers are missing or located outside the circle;
3 points - the dial and numbers are no longer related to each other;
2 points - the patient attempts to complete the task, but is unsuccessful;
1 point - the patient makes no attempt to follow the doctor’s instructions.

And after this test you are asked these three words that you said.

How should those caring for such people behave?

People caring for such patients are themselves in a state of neurosis or depression - this is depressing and difficult. Eat certain rules behavior with such patients.

- You can’t argue: no matter what a person says or does, you need to assent and agree;

- You cannot persist: if a sick person tells you one thing, and you try to prove something else, you will only get aggression in response. Distract him from what he is saying, and in five minutes, due to memory impairment, he will simply forget what he said;

- Don’t teach life lessons to such people - you need to calm them down: against the backdrop of a decline in intelligence, people become anxious;

- You can’t use force here - you need to explain, show and argue everything;

— You can’t shame people who have Alzheimer’s;

“You can’t say: “You can’t”, “You can’t do it.” You need to focus on what a person can still do;

- You need to communicate in simple phrases.

Don't forget about your elderly relatives and loved ones! Give them due attention and respect. Don't give up if you are faced with this disease. Maybe only you can help in this difficult situation. You can and should seek qualified help! detailed information Online