Nutritionists answer: what is healthy to eat for breakfast. Why is it good to eat eggs for breakfast? Help with weight loss

Therefore, eggs are more than appropriate during the morning meal. And, by the way, it is best to eat them soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet, because in this form they are absorbed faster. Let's focus our attention on the omelette, its beneficial qualities for health and figure.

Composition of the product

The word "omelet" is of French origin. Only in our country this dish is prepared quite differently than in Europe. In our country, an omelet is a tender, airy delicacy by adding milk or water to beaten eggs; with them it is a flat pancake. We prefer to eat the omelette without anything or cook it with ham, mushrooms, and sprinkle with grated cheese or chopped herbs on top. The French fold the egg product into an envelope, inside which vegetables are placed. However, the difference in tastes does not prevent representatives of both nationalities from loving equally this dish. However, to be fair, it is worth noting that omelette is also prepared with pleasure in other countries: in Italy, Japan, Spain, Great Britain - and everywhere in their own way.

Omelette is a quick dish to prepare and not too high in calories. In 100 g of this product contains a little more than 180 kcal. Announced indicator energy value explained by the presence of yolks in the omelet, containing fats and carbohydrates. A protein omelet is a low-calorie delicacy, and therefore dietary.

French egg dish is rich in B vitamins, especially B6, B12, B2, as well as D, A and E. It contains such organic compounds, like lutein and lecithin. Unfortunately, an omelet, which contains yolks, also contains cholesterol, but in much less quantity than, for example, in hard-boiled eggs or fried eggs. Thanks to protein, the dish is rich in essential amino acids. Minerals Also present in this product are sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, fluorine, chlorine, iodine.

Health benefits of omelet

Omelet is a fairly nutritious dish, as you can already see by reading its chemical contents. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins in it, it has a beneficial effect on the most different organs and organ systems.

Egg product promotes growth and recovery muscle tissue. The essential amino acids that make up this dish improve metabolism and make possible leakage reactions in the body that are important for its general functioning.

Vitamin A in combination with lutein nourishes the retina, improves night and twilight vision, relieves eyes from fatigue, a feeling of sand and redness.

Renders an omelette positive influence and on the skin: with regular consumption of this product, the body becomes smoother, loses dryness and flaking. And this is due not only to retinol, but also to vitamin E. The latter, by the way, also works reproductive organs has a beneficial effect.

Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D contained in omelettes strengthen bones and teeth. Along with proteins, they restore structure damaged hair, prevent hair loss. Interestingly, vitamin D also has powerful antiseptic properties, protecting the body from various kinds infections, and vasodilating effect, which is useful to note for hypertensive patients.

Omelet helps reduce levels bad cholesterol in the blood if you cook it from large number whites and small yolks. This becomes possible thanks to a complex of amino acids, vitamins, but most importantly - lutein and lecithin.

Omelet should be included in the diet of heart patients, as it is difficult to overestimate it healing power, manifested in relation to of cardio-vascular system. It also improves the condition of nerves and memory, increases to some extent the speed of thinking, and gives good mood. People who often eat omelettes for breakfast are less likely to get sick infectious diseases because they have higher immunity.

Omelette for weight loss

A dish made from eggs and milk can be safely included in the menu for those who are overweight and want to lose weight. Women, on the contrary, who do not want to gain weight if they have a wasp waist, can also eat it. This is because omelet is a source of properties aimed at losing weight.

Firstly, it quickly and permanently satisfies the feeling of hunger. It is for this reason that it is recommended to eat omelet for breakfast, although it is not forbidden to enjoy this dish for dinner if it consists of several proteins and only one yolk with minimum quantity skim milk or even better water.

Secondly, an omelet included in the diet prevents the development of vitamin deficiency and fatigue against the background of targeted weight loss - it is too stuffed with useful organic and mineral compounds.

Options diet menu, where omelette is an obligatory component of the morning meal, there can be as many as you like. Let's look at a couple of such examples.

Menu No. 1.

Breakfast. Omelette of two eggs with milk, a slice of flour bread coarse, a cup of green unsweetened tea.
Dinner. A portion vegetable soup, 150 g vegetable salad With linseed oil as a dressing.
Afternoon snack. One Big apple green variety.
Dinner. A piece of boiled beef, 120 g of stewed vegetables (carrots, zucchini, eggplant).

Menu No. 2.

Breakfast. Omelet with mushrooms and low-fat grated cheese, two breads, a cup of herbal tea.
Dinner. A portion of buckwheat porridge on water, a piece baked in the oven chicken breast, a glass of birch sap.
Afternoon snack. 200 ml natural yogurt without fruit and berry filling.
Dinner. Steamed fish with vegetables - 200 g, a glass of kefir.

Omelette recipes

Diet protein omelet. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. milk, 2 raw egg whites, olive oil(for frying), salt to taste, any chopped greens. Heat a frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Beat the whites with milk with a mixer or a broom until fluffy foam appears. Salt the mixture, add chopped herbs into it. Then pour the prepared mixture into a heated frying pan, close the lid and keep on low heat for 5 minutes.

Baked omelette. Ingredients: 200 ml milk, 5 raw eggs, salt to taste. Break the eggs, pour into a deep bowl, add milk and beat this mixture well. Add some salt. Line a baking dish with parchment paper and pour the container with the egg-milk mixture into it. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 150ºC for 20 minutes.

Omelette with tomatoes. This recipe can no longer be called dietary, since instead of vegetable, it requires using as much as 2 tablespoons for frying. butter. You will also need 4 chicken eggs, several small fresh tomatoes, 100 g of hard cheese, a small bunch of green onions, salt to taste.
Preparation. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin, cut the pulp into cubes and fry in butter. Place the finished tomatoes on a plate. Then beat the eggs, add a little salt, grated cheese and finely chopped onion. Reheat the frying pan with butter. Place the tomato pieces in it and pour the prepared egg-cheese mixture on top of them. Cook the omelette over low heat for 7 minutes.

The harm of an omelet

Since the main ingredient of an omelet is chicken eggs, this dish can cause a painful reaction in the body. This is especially true for those people who suffer from food or direct allergies to eggs.

If you eat too often and a lot of omelettes containing yolks, you can actually provoke a jump in the level of “bad” cholesterol. Therefore, people with lipid metabolism disorders and those diagnosed with diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension should approach the issue of consuming this delicacy wisely.

Regardless of your health status, give preference to omelette, steamed or baked in the oven. As additional ingredients, choose vegetables (tomatoes, bell pepper), mushrooms, herbs (parsley, dill, green onions and garlic), skim milk. This will help you not to make your health worse or gain weight.

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Today products for quick and healthy breakfast quite expensive. But the undoubted favorite (despite the price) remains the omelette. Its benefits and harms are largely determined by the composition of the liquid mixture. After all, rarely does anyone use the most simple basis- eggs and milk. We also need to crumble the sausages and sprinkle them with cheese. And it’s better to fry it in butter... In general, our article is not about recipes. Let's talk about the benefits and risks for those who like to have omelette for breakfast.

Scary dish

Some people outright refuse to eat omelet, calling it a nightmare for the heart and blood vessels. They make huge eyes: “What are you doing! There are eggs there! Cholesterol!"

Meanwhile, independent studies were conducted in many countries. And they didn't show any relationship between blood cholesterol levels and eating an omelet for breakfast.

In fact, my worst fear is frying. Especially with butter with the addition of other high-calorie ingredients. But if you cook an omelette by steaming or in a slow cooker (in extreme cases, let it cook for vegetable oil), then such a breakfast will not bring much harm.

But, besides cholesterol, there is another danger from scrambled eggs. And it lies precisely in eggs. Firstly, they themselves are quite a powerful allergen. Therefore, they may well provoke an attack of at least diathesis. Especially in young children and people with individual intolerance.

And secondly, the notorious salmonellosis. Many people fear him like fire. But few people know that the inside of the egg is almost sterile. Remember, as a child, they covered small wounds with shell film and ran outside for a walk. Salmonella bacteria may be found on outer surface shells. It’s not for nothing that we are told that eggs must be washed before eating! Preferably with soda.

This precaution at one time saved many lives. Don't forget to follow it always. Then the disease will not overtake you.

Or maybe useful?

Why are we all talking about the bad and the terrible? On the other hand, an omelet is a very good component of breakfast. Although eggs lose some of their vitamins and microelements during heat treatment, milk adds its own minerals. Therefore the omelette:

  1. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels, promotes rapid healing of cuts, wounds and scratches. This is vitamin E trying.
  2. Supports the skin from the inside, helps the body normalize oxidative processes, and serves vision. Vitamin A is responsible for this.
  3. Supports skeletal system and prevents osteoporosis. It is the calcium from milk that serves you.
  4. Helps work nervous system, strengthens and enhances hair growth. B vitamins are at your service.
  5. It supplies the body with vitamin D quite well. By the way, it is not destroyed by heat treatment.

As you can see, a very good set is very useful substances. And an overdose is almost impossible. Still, it’s rare that anyone can eat a lot of omelet in one sitting. Well, whoever can, let him control himself. A lot of good is already bad.

Lutein and lecithin

Isn't it true that the words sound similar? But in terms of action they are completely different. But both are very important for human body.

Lutein. Essentially, it is a pigment. On the other hand, it is a fat-soluble substance. It is responsible for visual acuity. With its lack, the human ability to see falls catastrophically. Therefore, a full-fledged omelet has a beneficial effect on your eyes.

Of course, you can get lutein from yellow vegetables and fruits. But it is in an omelet that it is in an easily accessible form and is absorbed almost completely.

Important! Protein omelet does not contain lutein. And it won't do any good for the eyes.

Lecithin. This is the name of a complex of substances. They have a very wide coverage area:

  • support the liver, help its function and recovery
  • normalize metabolic processes
  • improve memory, activate brain activity
  • are responsible for the quality of membranes of all body cells
  • participate in all energy reactions of the body
  • support proper brain function
  • participate in cell homeostasis

It is interesting to know that lecithin is found in all tissues human body. But the most important thing is his high content in an omelet. Therefore, the benefits of the dish are simply invaluable. If only because if there is a lack of lecithin complex in the body, a person ages almost before our eyes. Plus, the body’s ability to regenerate is lost, and serious illnesses. Moreover, their etiology is unclear, and diagnosis is difficult.

But the most important thing is that this state cannot be cured by any medicine or traditional methods. Only replenishment of lecithin in the body during meals will help. Therefore, do not take risks, eat omelettes regularly.

If you eat an omelet of 2 medium eggs a day, you can get 45% of daily requirement in iron, phosphorus, potassium and copper.

Some sources advocate benefits eggshells. They say it contains calcium. But who adds shells to an omelet? And for what? So that, having tasted the most tender mass, then grind your teeth at the disgusting piece? Curb your ardor, gentlemen who love to chew omelette with shells. There is plenty of calcium in this dish from milk.

The egg white contains essential amino acids. They are involved in many processes of the human body. Interestingly, amino acids are not destroyed by thermal effects. And when combined with milk, they are perfectly absorbed.

Did you know? It turns out that the simplest omelet is a component of many diets. Prepared without additional fatty ingredients, it itself has a low amount of calories. At the same time, it saturates the body well. This trick has long been discovered by athletes. They often eat omelettes as food. This gives them strength and vigor. And at the same time, it does not reflect on the figure and is not deposited on the body in unnecessary folds.

Such a familiar omelette, familiar from childhood. Its benefits and harms are very interesting. Especially in light of the craze healthy eating. To avoid harming yourself, read our recommendations. And may everything be fine with you.

Video: recipe for a fluffy omelet like in kindergarten

No one will remain indifferent.

So that you don't have to worry about breakfast in the morning, we've put together 4 simple recipes delicious omelet.

Omelet with cheese and white bread

You will need: 3 eggs, 50 g cheese, 50 g white bread, 3 tbsp. milk, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

  1. Soak the bread crumb in milk, knead it, then add raw eggs to the bread and milk mixture.
  2. Next, beat this mixture thoroughly with a spoon. Add grated cheese and salt during the process.
  3. Then pour the egg mixture into a hot frying pan with oil and cook as you would a regular omelet.

Omelette with herbs

You will need: 3 eggs, 5 g parsley, 5 g dill, 20 g butter, add salt and ground white pepper to taste.

  1. Beat eggs with salt, pepper and finely chopped herbs.
  2. Melt in a frying pan butter.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan at the moment when the oil begins to sizzle. When the omelette in the frying pan begins to thicken, use a spatula to tuck the edges to the middle of the omelette on both sides. After this, turn off the heat and leave the pan on the stove for literally half a minute so that the omelette is cooked.

Classic French omelette with cheese

You will need: 3 eggs, 1 tsp. milk, 50 g cheese, 1 tbsp butter, salt and ground black pepper to taste.

  1. Beat the eggs and milk thoroughly with a fork.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan. To make the omelette airy, you need to heat the pan well.
  3. As soon as the oil in the frying pan stops foaming, add the beaten egg mixture, completely covering the bottom of the heated pan. Don't stir the omelette. Lift the set side of the omelet to allow the liquid egg mixture to flow underneath. Do this several times, shaking the pan slightly until the omelette is set on all sides.
  4. A minute before readiness, distribute the grated cheese evenly throughout the omelette and keep on the fire for another half a minute.
  5. Using a spatula, carefully cover one cheese half with the other half of the omelette. Turn off the heat and leave the dish to simmer for another 30 seconds.

Omelet with vodka and salmon

You will need: 3 eggs, 50 g salted salmon, 30 g cottage cheese, 15 g butter, 10 ml vodka, 5 g dill, cayenne pepper to taste.

  1. Beat eggs, vodka and pepper.
  2. Place the butter in a still cold frying pan to melt it. As soon as the butter melts and begins to sizzle, pour in the egg mixture and cook until the bottom of the omelet is set. The top should be runny.
  3. Place a slice of lightly salted salmon in the semi-liquid center of the omelette, and spread the curd cheese over the piece of fish.
  4. Using a spatula, fold the edges toward the center of the omelet, where the salmon and cheese lie.
  5. After wrapping the omelette in an envelope, turn off the heat and let the pan sit for another half a minute to allow the omelette to cook. The omelette turned out well if it was a little runny inside and the piece of salmon didn’t turn pale pink.

Eggs for breakfast - why is it healthy? Breakfast is a necessary daily meal for every person.

It is the food we eat in the morning that energizes us until the next chewing session in the kitchen. Therefore, it is very important that the dish eaten in the morning is nutritious and contains many vitamins.

Unfortunately, at the moment it is quite difficult to find time to prepare a normal breakfast. We usually eat something that won't take us much time.

Sandwiches with sausage, cheese or anything similar to this food - all this quickly satisfies our hunger and is most often the choice of millions in the morning. However, this is also completely unacceptable.

After all, after such a breakfast, the body during the day will be configured to receive the same food for lunch and dinner, even though it is harmful to it.

Nutritionists have long been occupied with the age-old question of finding what? Earlier medical specialists This profile was recommended to be used in the morning oatmeal with fruits.

After all, our body, especially in the morning, should receive not only calories. Numerous in sufficient quantities healthy vitamins, fiber, minerals and other useful components should be present in your morning diet.

As scientists learned relatively recently, an egg eaten in the morning will be the most the best option . Although from the very beginning, doctors were against excessive enthusiasm for this product, due to the excessive cholesterol content in it.

After this, scientists dispelled this myth, explaining this fact by the fact that cholesterol can be both “harmful” and “useful”, it all depends on its type. Therefore, now, when eating eggs for breakfast, you don’t have to worry about blood vessels and health problems.

Most of the “good” cholesterol is found in the yolks. Therefore, by consuming eggs in moderation, you do not risk your health at all.

This is another positive news for all those who scrupulously monitor their own weight. It turned out that those people, who start their breakfast with an omelet or scrambled eggs, able to lose weight faster, than the rest.

It seems that eggs are a very high-calorie product. However, it must be remembered that after eating an egg you quickly feel full and you don’t want to eat anymore.

It is worth noting that the usefulness of eggs depends on what the chickens that produce them are fed. Healthy chickens will lay good, high-quality eggs for you. In such useful product contains twelve types of vitamins and most of from existing beneficial microelements.

Lecithin contained in eggs has a positive and beneficial effect on memory. General state brain is also improved as a result of its exposure. Now you're probably wondering why omelet for breakfast is so healthy?

Still would! Particularly important for women is the fact that, which is a vitamin of longevity and beauty, is also found in abundance in eggs. The calcium contained there makes your teeth and bones strong.

American scientists conducted an experiment and found that scrambled eggs for breakfast are much more healthy than the same bun, for example.

Eaten in the morning, it is excellent for improving mental and physical activity, effectively charging you with energy and vigor for the whole day. Since scrambled eggs are full of protein and vitamins, and the bun is only carbohydrates.

Good effect on the body vitamins D and B as well as those contained in the test product antioxidants and acids. In addition, when regular use for breakfast, eggs allow you to lose weight sixty-five percent more effectively.

Therefore, those who regularly eat eggs for breakfast can exhale calmly, because all this time you have been eating very healthy and dietary foods.

True, with all this, you don’t need to think that if you fried a couple of eggs, then this is very good breakfast and it can be considered the most optimal.

It is best to learn new and healthy recipes, combining eggs with other ingredients. This way your body will receive the maximum of vitamins, minerals and microelements it needs.

We offer you the most useful and sufficient delicious recipe properly prepared egg breakfast.

1. Take four egg whites, Italian spices and a piece of grapefruit.

2. Mix the protein well with the spices and pour into a glass form or plate.

3. Place the resulting mixture in the microwave for three minutes and bake.

4. Serve the dish with peeled grapefruit and a glass of juice.

Bon appetit and the most healthy egg breakfast!

Mornings are different for everyone. And the mood that this morning creates, too. For some, it is important to inhale the smell of freshly cut peonies early in the morning - and the anticipation of magic will last until the evening. Some people can’t wait to feel the sparkles of a cool shower on their back – and then the whole day will pass in good shape. Someone, having just thrown back the blanket, is in a hurry to open the curtains and see the lake behind the new buildings. Catch the moment when the rising sun scatters sunbeams across the water surface. And I love to feel the taste of natural food in the morning: the saltiness of cheese with an obligatory milky aftertaste, the tartness of green seasonings from the garden. But I especially love the way the morning omelette, rustic and fluffy, melts on your tongue.

Omelet with milk

0.3 glasses of milk,

1 tsp country cream,

50 grams of cheese,

Dill, cilantro.

Mornings can be feminine, when you don’t need to wake up your children for kindergarten. Weekends and grandmothers help us. When you don't expect your husband to wake up, things happen in family life fishing, hunting, business trips, after all. Days when you completely forget about preparing nutritious meat and can afford a menu without this product. So, today let’s treat ourselves to a delicious omelette with aromatic herbs. It is advisable that its components come from your own farmstead, in as a last resort- from the so-called collective farm market.

Grate the cheese. It is better if it is of a hard variety: it behaves more decently when grated, and the aftertaste lasts longer.

Chop the greens. It is for the morning omelet that I like to choose soft, weak compared to other herbs, cilantro and prickly dill. Their combination will make our breakfast indescribable.

Shake village milk in a jar and pour in a third of a glass. If the next ingredient is missing, the cream on top would certainly save the omelette, but today the richness and tenderness of the dish will be achieved at the expense of another. So, mix milk and two eggs with a blender.

Place a frying pan on the stove and melt the country cream on it. The kitchen is filled with the atmosphere of a village hut from childhood, where my school holidays took place every summer. The first smell when I woke up on the bed was the smell of cream being distilled through the separator. Then you could doze a little more, you could hang your head from above and talk to your grandfather, who was having breakfast at the table. Grandma was a woman of few words, especially when she was doing business.

Pour our egg-milk mixture into a heated frying pan, the cream will completely dissolve in it, and our morning omelette will not float in fat.

Sprinkle chopped herbs on top. Before the eggs set, dill and cilantro naturally fall into the middle of the dish.

Now comes the turn of grated cheese. So that everything is baked in at its best, I usually cover all this beauty with a glass lid for a couple of minutes.

They say how you greet the day is how you spend it. I hope this omelette, easy to prepare and complex in flavor, will become a truly morning omelette for you: aromatic and healthy.

Bon appetit!