Documentation of write-off of fixed assets. Write-off act

No matter how careful an enterprise’s attitude towards property is, over time it wears out or becomes obsolete. It is necessary to liquidate objects. How is a write-off act formed when liquidating fixed assets?

Property assets in an enterprise are disposed of for various reasons. This could be due to complete physical wear and tear, or the need to replace equipment with newer ones, or other reasons.

In any case, you need to document the write-off of the fixed asset. For this purpose, a special act is drawn up. How is this document formed?

Important aspects

When writing off a fixed asset, a certain object is excluded from the balance sheet of the enterprise. The write-off process is carried out in a strictly defined order. In anticipation of the write-off, a special commission is being formed.

She carries out technical expertise and analysis of the characteristics of the fixed asset. This allows you to set the current state of the object.

Based on the results of the inspection, a conclusion is prepared on the possibility of restoration or subsequent use and the appropriateness of these actions.

If, based on the results of the study, it turns out that the asset cannot be used further, an inspection report is drawn up. It indicates the reasons why the object needs to be written off.

Based on the commission’s conclusion, the fixed asset is removed from the balance sheet, which is what is drawn up.

What it is

Write-off of fixed assets in accounting and tax accounting refers to the write-off of an object's value due to its non-use.

Here, writing off fixed assets means excluding from accounting the amount of value of property that has been disposed of, liquidated, or is no longer capable of bringing economic benefits to the entity.

The liquidation of an object means not only writing it off from accounting, but also recognizing the corresponding under-depreciated cost in accounting.

Nobody obliges an enterprise to write off its assets. That is, the subject can continue to store property that has become unusable and unused. At the same time, the objects will continue to be accounted for as fixed assets.

An act of write-off of fixed assets is a document that provides the basis for deregistration of liquidated objects.

All objects owned by the subject are accepted for accounting on a documentary basis. Consequently, until the disposal is documented, the object is considered existing and in use.

For what purpose is it created?

All fixed assets that are on the balance sheet of an enterprise are subject to property tax.

When determining the tax base and calculating tax amounts, the suitability of the property for use and the possibility of generating income from its use do not matter.

The basis for its accounting is the display of objects in the organization’s balance sheet. That is, if for some reason fixed assets have fallen into disrepair, are outdated, liquidated or retired, they need to be written off from accounting.

The essence of writing off fixed assets is the cessation of their accounting as fixed assets. The residual value of under-depreciated property is written off as a loss to the enterprise.

Documentation of the write-off is necessary regardless of what was the reason. The only difference is in the form of accompanying documentation.

So, if a fixed asset has fallen into disrepair or was liquidated due to a natural disaster, accident or other emergency, confirmation from the responsible structures will be required.

For example, a certificate from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a similar authority. When an object is written off due to moral or physical wear and tear, the basis is the act of write-off.

It is drawn up based on the results of an inspection of the property by a special commission. You can create an OS write-off act using the recommended format or a sample you developed yourself.

After write-off, the fixed asset ceases to be taken into account - it is not inventoried, depreciation is not charged on it, is not taken into account in the tax base, etc. Also, the object is written off from financially responsible persons.

Regulatory regulation

The rules by which the information base for fixed assets is formed are determined by the Accounting Regulations PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets”. This is accepted.

Form of act for write-off of fixed assets

To write off fixed assets, an act is prepared in form No. OS-4. It states:

  • the date on which the object was accepted for accounting in accounting;
  • year of creation of the fixed asset (construction or manufacture);
  • the moment of putting the property into operational use;
  • useful period determined at the time of registration;
  • the amount of the initial cost of the object;
  • the amount of depreciation calculated for the period of application;
  • information about revaluations;
  • information about repair work;
  • reasons for write-off and justification therefor;
  • technical condition of individual elements of the facility.

The OS write-off act is created in two copies. They are certified by the commission members. Based on the first copy, the accounting department carries out further registration of write-offs from accounting.

The second document is retained by the person and becomes the basis for the transfer to warehousing or sale of parts and components remaining after write-off.

Acceptable Reasons

Reasons for writing off a fixed asset may include:

  • sale of assets;
  • termination of use due to physical or moral wear and tear;
  • emergency response;
  • transfer in the form of an investment in the authorized capital of another organization;
  • transfer based on or ;
  • detection of asset damage or shortage during the inventory process;
  • partial liquidation during reconstruction;
  • other similar situations.

In general, all possible reasons for writing off the OS can be divided into two groups.

Thus, objects can be written off due to:

If an object is disposed of due to its transfer, then the documentation becomes formalization, which means that the asset has been disposed of.

We talk about write-off when there are insurmountable reasons that do not allow the use of the property. And in this situation, a write-off act for the fixed asset is drawn up.

Procedure for compilation

The write-off of a fixed asset item must be carried out in a predetermined order. First, based on the order of the head, a special commission is formed.

It includes employees responsible for preserving the facility, the chief accountant and specialists.

If necessary, third-party experts and representatives of various inspections that control the use of certain types of property may be involved.

The commission carries out an inspection of the facility, guided by technical documentation and accounting information. Based on the results of the inspection, the possibility of further use of the property is considered.

If it does not appear probable, appropriate reasons are established. It also analyzes how feasible it is to recreate the object or repair it.

When a fixed asset fails before its intended service life due to improper handling, the perpetrators are identified.

The work of the commission ends with the preparation of an inspection report, that is, a conclusion. Then an act of write-off of fixed assets is prepared.

OS inspection report

The commission's conclusion or OS inspection report does not have a standard form. Therefore, you can use a form independently developed by the organization for registration.

The main requirement for the document is the presence of details required for primary documentation. The inspection report shall contain the following information:

  • reasons for liquidation of the facility;
  • technical condition based on inspection results;
  • the possibility of recovery and the feasibility of this action;
  • a list of persons responsible for premature wear and tear of property or damage;
  • the ability to use individual elements of the object.

It happens that individual parts of a fixed asset can be used. For example, parts, materials or assemblies may be useful for repairing other objects or they can be sold.

In this case, the commission evaluates these parts of the object based on market prices. If the inspection report confirms the need to liquidate the fixed asset, a write-off report is drawn up.

If defective

A defect report is a document that lists the defects discovered by the commission during an inspection of the object. In addition, this act specifies the quantitative parameters of defects. The document does not take into account cost indicators.

A special commission determines all existing faults of the facility, their units of measurement and number. Based on the defective act, recommendations are prepared.

Through a detailed study of the defect report and estimate, it becomes possible to draw a conclusion about the advisability of further use of the OS.

Fallen into disrepair

The disposal of labor equipment that has become unusable is documented in an act. An object is considered unfit if there is physical wear or moral wear and tear.

Thus, the property may fall into disrepair with the impossibility of repair or simply become outdated in its technical characteristics. The write-off of unusable property occurs on the basis of an order from the manager to write off the fixed assets.

A specially created commission controls the inspection processes of the object and prepares a decommissioning act. The document is signed by all members of the commission and directly by the head.

Information about the disposal of a fixed asset is displayed in. This is stored by the organization for at least five years from the date the OS was written off.

Sample filling OS-4

Form OS-4 is a form consisting of three tables.

You can not use the official form of the OS-4 act, but independently develop forms of primary accounting documents, including for registering the liquidation of a fixed asset. A document that confirms the liquidation of a fixed asset can be, for example, an act of write-off (liquidation) of a fixed asset item. You can develop the document yourself; to fill it out, take the unified OS-4 form as a sample. The form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated January 21, 2003 No. 7.

The decision to liquidate fixed assets must be formalized by order of the manager. Data on the disposal of fixed assets must also be included in the documents that are drawn up by the company to record the presence and movement of fixed assets (for example, you can use an inventory card for recording a fixed asset item in Form No. OS-6). It is worth paying attention that the registration of liquidation of vehicles must be carried out differently, in a special order.

Sample of filling out the OS-4 form

In the header of the OS-4 act, fill in the name of the organization, the form code according to OKUD, and the code according to OKPO. Next, you need to fill out the basis for drawing up form n OS-4, the date of write-off from accounting, number, date of preparation of the document, surname and initials of the financially responsible person. This is followed by the manager’s signature and date.

The main part of the OS-4 form consists of 3 tables. Before the tables, you must indicate the reason for writing off the OS in a separate line. For a sample, we list the reasons for write-off, which can be indicated in the OS-4 form: the asset is morally or physically obsolete, the object was improperly operated, an accident occurred, a fire, etc.

Table 1 “Information on the state of the fixed asset item as of the date of write-off” consists of 9 columns:

  • name of the property;
  • inventory number;
  • factory number;
  • object release date;
  • date of acceptance for accounting;
  • lifetime;
  • the value of the object at the time of acceptance for accounting;
  • the amount of accrued depreciation;
  • residual value.

The reverse side of the form contains 2 tables “Brief characteristics of the OS object”, which consists of 7 columns:

  • OS object name;
  • quantity;
  • name of precious materials;
  • item number;
  • unit of measurement;
  • quantity;
  • weight.

The final Cost Details table contains 14 columns:

  • dismantling costs – type of work;
  • supporting document, date, number;
  • amount spent on dismantling;
  • correspondence of accounts – debit;
  • correspondence of accounts – credit;
  • document, date, number;
  • name of the material value (received from write-off);
  • number;
  • unit of measurement;
  • quantity;
  • cost of an individual unit;
  • cost of everything;
  • and again two columns for correspondence of accounts: debit and credit.

Under the table you need to fill in the write-off results, sales proceeds, and the signature of the chief accountant.

Before downloading the OS-4 form and starting to fill it out, carefully read the sample of filling out the OS-4 act. By first studying the OS-4 sample, you will spend less time filling out the form and will not make mistakes.

An example of filling out the OS-4 form is given below.

One of the types of accounting reporting is the act of writing off groups of fixed assets. It is used in cases where it is necessary to write off an entire group of material assets attributed to the enterprise's fixed assets.

The document is drawn up at the enterprise in 2 copies, certified by the signatures of the commission members and the director, and then transferred to the accountant for further accounting work.

The act of writing off groups of fixed assets is a type of document drawn up in the OS-4b form and taken into account by the accounting department as objects no longer suitable for operation. The document is applied equally with other acts: for fixed assets (form OS-4) and for vehicles (form OS-4a).

Purpose of the form

OS-4b refers to unified forms, and was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 7 of January 21, 2003. Must be used for write-offs.

Unlike OS-4, this act involves the introduction of information about group objects. After drawing up an act on the write-off of groups of fixed assets, before handing it over to the accountant, the form must be signed by a specially created commission and approved by the director of the organization.

If one copy is to be handed over to an accountant for further accounting, then the second is deposited with the responsible employee, whose authority is to control the safety of the OS. Based on this document, an employee can deliver the groups specified in it to a warehouse and sell material assets and scrap metal.

Write-off is carried out in a situation where part of the operating system of a legal entity is recognized as worn out from the point of view of physical and moral indicators. The decommissioned objects cannot be further used, and their operation in the future is not economically feasible.

The basis for the write-off procedure is a separate liquidation order signed by the manager, as well as an act drawn up by the commission on the inadmissibility of the subsequent use of the specified fixed assets in the company's activities.

Sample act on write-off of groups of fixed assets:

From an accounting point of view, the OS-4b form confirms the fact of disposal of a group of objects, as well as the write-off of the specified fixed assets from the corresponding account 01. The signing of the act serves as a reason for the accountant to stop accruing amounts for, as well as adjusting the base for calculation, starting from the month following the write-off procedure .

As a result of write-off, materials may appear in the organization that are suitable for further use in the process of supporting the activities of the enterprise. An example is the use of individual parts that, after decommissioning the operating system, are considered suitable. If available, the receipt of these components is registered at the expected prices. Acceptance is documented using Form M-11.

Information about the liquidation that occurred must be entered into the OS-6 inventory cards or reflected in the OS-6b book (used by organizations classified as small businesses).

Correctly filling out the act on write-off of groups of fixed assets

Like any accounting document, form OS-6b must be filled out in accordance with the approved requirements for preparation:

  1. Particular attention is paid to correctly filling out information about the write-off date and the assigned personnel number.
  2. The title page must contain information about the employee responsible for the liquidation, his last name and first name.
  3. The tabular part of the form is filled in with information about the status of the OS groups of interest at the time of liquidation. If any object is written off separately, form OS-4 is filled out.
  4. When specifying the name of objects, it is recommended to indicate its special parameters and differences.
  5. The inventory number of the object, service life, cost (initial or replacement) are entered.
  6. After depreciation is reflected in monetary terms, the residual value is determined.

The reason for the write-off must be mentioned (in the vast majority of cases, wear and tear of physical indicators is mentioned). If among the objects being written off there are materials that contain precious metals, they are indicated in a separate table along with the cost, type, and quantitative value.

The reverse side contains the conclusions adopted by the commission. In the text of the conclusion, conclusions are drawn regarding further suitability/unsuitability. Cases of repairs that were carried out previously are described, and it is indicated that further restoration work is impossible due to exhaustion of the resource.

After entering information about the receipt of part of the material assets remaining after write-off and entering the result of write-off from the proceeds received from the sale.


When drawing up an act, it is important to reliably reflect the information and provide a complete description of both the objects being written off and their quantitative values: volume, cost.

The form consists of a text and tabular part, represented by the following parameters:

  • group serial number;
  • name of objects indicating distinctive characteristics;
  • inventory number;
  • actual service life;
  • the cost of objects upon arrival or after restoration;
  • accrued depreciation;
  • residual value;
  • information about the presence of precious metals in write-off items.

On the reverse side of the form, the commission draws up its conclusion on the exhaustion of the strength resource, making a decision on the further inexpediency of using the funds indicated in the tabular part and the impossibility of taking measures for further restoration for operation in the interests of the company.

Physical wear and tear is most often cited as the cause. At the end of the conclusion, a responsible employee is appointed who will carry out dismantling or liquidation, as well as further actions with the decommissioned objects.

After the conclusion, a description of the documents attached to the act on the liquidation of groups of objects is provided.

Below the conclusion, the form contains another tabular part, which contains information about all materials remaining after write-off that arose during the write-off process (liquidation and dismantling). The table reflects the fact of receipt of financial assets formed after write-off.

In addition to the description of the received materials (parts, components), the following information is entered into the tabular part:

  • deep of the document on the basis of which the material was received (receipt order) and its number;
  • date of document preparation;
  • name of material assets;
  • quantity and unit of measurement;
  • individual unit price and total cost;
  • information regarding correspondence of accounts.

After all information about the receipt is reflected, a record is made of the receipt of revenue as a result of delivery, indicating the contract value. A note is also made that the write-off is noted in the corresponding inventory cards for accounting for the enterprise’s operating assets.

When filling out the form, certain rules are followed. Thus, when making a record of the original cost at the time of registration for objects that were subject to revaluation, information about the replacement cost based on the results of the revaluation must be reflected. If the object has not been subjected to this procedure, the initial cost at the start of accounting is entered.

When entering information in the columns about the amounts of accrued depreciation or depreciation, the total value of depreciation charges from the moment the fixed asset was put into operation is reflected.

If it is necessary to indicate the costs incurred during the liquidation and the value of the values ​​received (during disassembly, dismantling work during the liquidation of groups of objects), the information is entered in the second section of the form.

The sample will give you a clear idea of ​​how to enter information. After drawing up the act, it is necessary to complete the process of registering the liquidation by entering the results obtained into the book of accounting for groups of objects or inventory cards for accounting for groups of objects available as part of the organization’s fixed assets. For this purpose, reporting forms OS-6 (for individual fixed assets), OS-6a (vehicles as part of fixed assets) and OS-6b (group accounting) are used.

Any equipment has its own service life, after which it must be written off. To do this correctly, you need to act in a certain order, regulated by law. We will look at how to write off fixed assets in 2017 in the article.

Any accountant directly involved in the acceptance, depreciation and write-off of fixed assets must clearly know the procedure and the required list of documents. Otherwise, the tax service may have questions regarding the legality of the write-off and the lack of required documents.

Before writing off fixed assets at an enterprise, it is necessary to study the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 33n dated July 20, 1998. It contains information about mandatory activities and documents and regulates the procedure for accounting for fixed assets.

Write-off of fixed assets: documentation

Writing off fixed assets seems to be a common and simple matter, but in reality the company needs to draw up a number of papers that would confirm the legality of the disposal of fixed assets.

The disposal is preceded by the execution of an order to create a special commission, which is tasked with writing off fixed assets (documentation of the formation of such a commission is strictly necessary). It includes the following persons:

  • chief accountant of the company;
  • technical specialists;
  • MOLs to which fixed assets subject to disposal are assigned.

Responsibilities and functions of the commission for writing off fixed assets

During the creation of the commission, their powers are determined. The guidelines provide for the inclusion of the following functionality in this list:

  • The commission is inspecting the decommissioned facility. She is also responsible for drawing up all documentation related to write-offs. This includes not only technical and commercial documents, but also accounting documents.
  • The reason for write-off is established, as well as the impossibility of using the OS object for subsequent use, restoration or sale.
  • The circle of culprits is determined if the OS has become unusable before the established service life, was damaged or partially damaged. During the proceedings, the Commission develops proposals to involve these workers in compensation for damages.
  • If some parts of a fixed asset can be used in further work (for example, as a spare part for other equipment), then a list of these parts is compiled and their cost assessment is carried out. In the future, it is the commission that is responsible for the dismantling of all the listed parts.
  • Filling out write-off acts, signing all necessary documentation.

Upon completion of the inspection of the object, a special commission draws up a decommissioning act. The form of this document is approved by the head of the organization. If desired, you can also use unified acts approved on January 21, 2003 after the release of Resolution No. 7 of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. If an enterprise independently develops forms of acts, then they must comply with the requirements reflected in Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011.

Forms of acts for write-off of fixed assets

During the work of the commission, acts of the following forms can be drawn up:

  • OS-4 is used to write off one object that is not a vehicle;
  • OS-4a - to be filled in in case of disposal of vehicles;
  • OS-4b - it is necessary for writing off several fixed assets not related to motor vehicles at once.

When transferring fixed assets to other organizations, an acceptance certificate is used. This is the justification for the write-off in this case.

Mandatory details of write-off acts

The main document confirming the work of the commission is the write-off act. It must indicate the following information about the written-off fixed asset item:

  • when it was produced or erected;
  • when and at what cost it was accepted onto the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • lifetime;
  • the total amount of accrued depreciation;
  • why is it written off?
  • its quality characteristics.

Features of drawing up a write-off act

After drawing up, the act is signed by all members of the commission and approved by the head of the organization. Only after this, information about its disposal is entered into the inventory card of the object. This is done by the chief or other authorized accountant. The inventory card must be kept at the enterprise after disposal of the object for another 5 years.

All accounting entries are made on the basis of the write-off act. The document must be drawn up in two copies. They are handed over to the following persons:

  • responsible accountant;
  • MOL of this object (only with the presence of an act is it possible to deliver the object’s spare parts to the warehouse).

According to the guidelines, when writing off a fixed asset item, the organization must draw up a corresponding act. No additional documents are required to be drawn up in accordance with the law. For example, an order to write off fixed assets, a sample of which will help you draw up the paper correctly, is not mandatory.

But sometimes tax authorities may request it when auditing an enterprise. This is possible if during the write-off procedure associated expenses appeared. Sometimes an order is needed to indicate it as the basis for drawing up a write-off act.

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-03-06/1/454 dated July 9, 2009 also makes it clear that it is better to draw up an order for write-off in order to avoid confusion. But not a single legislative act specifies what such a document should look like, so it can be drawn up in any form.

In addition to the standard details (number and date of the order, name of the organization, city), the text of the order must contain:

  • object inventory number;
  • reason for write-off;
  • liquidation period (if implied);
  • the basis for drawing up the order;
  • instructions to an accountant, MOL, storekeepers or other responsible persons.

All persons receiving instructions in accordance with the order must affix a signature indicating their familiarity with the document. The order must also be signed by the head of the enterprise.

Write-off of fixed assets: postings

Write-off of fixed assets involves making changes to the balance sheet of the enterprise. The responsible accountant, knowing the reasons, makes appropriate entries. Depending on the reason for which fixed assets are written off, different entries may be used.

Write-off of fixed assets unfit for use

If an organization writes off due to wear and tear of an object, then the following entries must be used:

  • D01 (a special subaccount for the disposal of fixed assets is used) – K01 – to write off the original cost;
  • D02 – K01 (subaccount) – depreciation is written off;
  • D91 - K01 (by subaccount) - write-off of the remaining (non-depreciated) cost of the object.

OS sales

If an enterprise decides to sell a fixed asset to another organization, then the following transactions are applied:

  • D01 (subaccount) – K01 – write-off of the original cost;
  • D02 – K01 (subaccount) – depreciation is written off;
  • D91 – K01 (sub-account) – the remainder of the cost of the object is written off.

In this case, the residual value is shown as part of other income. Additionally, revenue is displayed in accordance with posting D62 - K91. It is also necessary to reflect the amount of accrued VAT using postings D91 - K68.

Using OS as a contribution to the management company

We are talking about a situation where a fixed asset is transferred to another organization as an investment. Subsequently, the original owner of the object will receive dividends. The write-off of the original cost and depreciation proceeds in the same way as in the two previous cases, but the transfer itself is displayed with the following posting: D58 - K01 (subaccount).

There are several other specific situations that require the use of special entries in the accounting of an enterprise.

Reasons for writing off fixed assets: examples and terms

A write-off act, a write-off order - both of these documents require indicating the reasons for writing off fixed assets (examples and terms will help you understand possible situations).

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 26n dated March 30, 2001 states that if a fixed asset is removed from the organization’s fixed assets or cannot generate income for the organization, then its value must be written off.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 91n dated October 13, 2003, as a justification for the disposal of fixed assets, indicates that the object is not used on an ongoing basis for production or management purposes.

If we consider the write-off of fixed assets more globally, we can identify the following reasons:

  • the organization sold the OS;
  • the object was transferred to another organization free of charge;
  • the main means was changed to another;
  • due to physical or moral wear and tear;
  • damage (partial or complete) due to an emergency;
  • OS is used as a contribution to the management company;
  • the object was stolen, lost or damaged, which was established only as a result of an inventory at the enterprise.

Depreciation of fixed assets

Any basic equipment (with rare exceptions) loses its quality characteristics and fails. Over time, the use of such equipment becomes unprofitable for the enterprise. The following types of wear are distinguished:

  • Physical deterioration. This is the material wear and tear of the fixed assets used, as a result of which its properties and performance characteristics deteriorate.
  • Obsolescence. This implies a depreciation of the OS due to the emergence of more technologically advanced and modern analogues, which leads to a reduction in production costs if they are used. This type of wear and tear is not always possible to predict, as it depends on the speed of technological progress. Sometimes equipment becomes obsolete after just a few years, and sometimes its use remains relevant even after decades. This parameter largely depends on the industry in which a particular fixed asset is used.

Physical wear and tear may coincide with service life. Then all costs of its acquisition will be fully amortized. If the wear and tear of the object occurred before the established period, then part of the cost will need to be taken into account when writing off.

Other reasons for decommissioning an OS

Wear and tear is not the only reason for writing off OS objects. For example, it may simply be sold to another company. In this case, not a write-off act is drawn up, but an acceptance and transfer act. If OS is used to make a contribution to the capital of another company, then the transfer and acceptance certificate is also used, in this case the cost of the objects is not included in expenses, but is recognized as financial investments.

An organization may lose fixed assets as a result of their theft or theft. Then further actions depend on whether it is possible to establish the responsible person and whether he is an employee of the organization.

There are many reasons for writing off fixed assets, each of them has certain regulations for further procedures, requires the attribution of incurred expenses to certain accounts, and, consequently, the preparation of appropriate entries.

Write-off of fixed assets due to their unsuitability for further use is not carried out without the use of appropriate documentary evidence. To provide evidence, the following documents are drawn up:

  • acts of write-off (they contain information confirming that the asset is being written off);
  • defective statements (they are needed to indicate the reasons and arguments indicating the impossibility of using the object by the enterprise).

Why do you need a defect sheet?

There may be several reasons why a defective statement for writing off fixed assets is used (the sample will help you correctly enter all the necessary information):

  • explains why it is necessary to write off an OS object, approaching the issue of its use from an economic point of view;
  • the use of information from it allows you to analyze the causes of failure of decommissioned equipment (this allows you to eliminate the identified causes in order to further avoid damage to the equipment and the need to write it off before the established service life);
  • is evidence of the validity of the write-off of fixed assets from an expert point of view (such a document may be requested by the company’s shareholders, its investors or other interested parties to verify the legality of the write-off).

Mandatory details of the defective statement

The most important part of the defective statement is the indication of the facts due to which the fixed asset cannot be used at the enterprise, and its write-off must be carried out as quickly as possible. In order for all mandatory information to be displayed in the document, it must be compiled in accordance with a certain structure.

A correctly compiled defect report should contain the following data:

  • name of the organization (full name is written);
  • the structural unit to which the fixed asset subject to write-off is assigned;
  • the composition of the commission that carried out the examination of the write-off object (information about all technical specialists is entered);
  • an entry is made about the impossibility of further use of the fixed asset;
  • information about all objects under study (the factory and inventory numbers are prescribed for each, the cost of the OS and the previously established planned period of its use are additionally entered);
  • information about detected defects and identified malfunctions for each object;
  • the commission’s conclusion on the need to write off objects due to the inexpediency of their further repair or sale due to the presence of serious faults.

After drawing up the document, all members of the commission must sign it.

Sample defect sheet


The write-off of fixed assets has many nuances and complexities that need to be studied before the start of the liquidation procedure for fixed assets. Knowing the procedure for writing off in accordance with specific reasons, drawing up transactions and the necessary documents, the organization will be able to correctly carry out the write-off, and in the event of an audit by the tax service, it will be able to provide all the papers confirming the legality and validity of the actions taken.

Fixed assets (FPE) may be written off over time for various reasons. OSes can simply become unusable, they can be sold or even donated. How to process various asset disposal transactions in accounting, see below.

First of all, any disposal of fixed assets must be documented and all details of the operation must be indicated in the documents.

When the asset is worn out, a write-off act is drawn up, which is signed by members of a specially created commission.

To register the disposal of fixed assets, there are unified forms of acts. The main form is OS-4, it is suitable for the vast majority of OS. If you need to write off a car, use act OS-4a. For group write-off of fixed assets, form OS-4b is used.

Write-off of OS as a result of physical or moral wear and tear

Wear and tear can be physical - this can include the failure of equipment due to a long period of use.

Obsolescence can be moral - for example, computer technology often becomes obsolete, so companies write off obsolete computers and replace them with modern ones.

The write-off of OS due to wear and tear is recorded with the following entries:

Debit 01 subaccount “Disposal” Credit 01 - the original cost is written off;

Debit 02 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - accrued depreciation is written off;

Debit 91 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - the residual value is written off.

Sale of fixed assets

Fixed assets may also be disposed of as a result of sale. For example, you can implement obsolete operating systems. Or, for example, a company decides to update equipment in a workshop and first sells machines that are physically worn out, and then uses the proceeds to purchase new equipment.

When selling a fixed asset, it is important to fill out all the documents correctly and make the correct entries.

It is customary to formalize the sale of OS using OS or OS-1 acts.

Example. OJSC MTZ sells Opel cars. Depreciation for Opel is 231,000 rubles. The initial cost of the Opel car is 783,000 rubles, the residual cost is 552,000 rubles (783,000 - 231,000). The Opel sale price is set at 512,000 rubles.

The accountant of MTZ LLC made the following entries:

Debit 62 Credit 91 - 512,000 - proceeds from the sale of Opel;

Debit 91 Credit 68 - 78,101.69 - VAT on proceeds from the sale of Opel (512,000 x 18/118);

Debit 01 subaccount “Disposal” Credit 01 - 783,000 - the original cost of Opel is written off;

Debit 02 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - 231,000 - depreciation accrued for Opel during the period of operation at MTZ LLC is written off;

Debit 91 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - 552,000 - the residual value of Opel is written off.

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Free transfer (donation) of fixed assets

When transferring free of charge, it is important to charge VAT. You can donate (transfer) the operating system either to your employee or to a third party. The OS must be donated according to the contract. A gratuitous transfer is reflected in accounting at the market value of the fixed assets on the date of donation.

Example. MTZ LLC presented an Opel car to employee of the year A.T. Burov. The Opel car had previously been used by the company for three years. Depreciation for Opel is 231,000 rubles. The initial cost of the Opel car is 783,000 rubles, the residual cost is 552,000 rubles (783,000 - 231,000). The market value of the Opel car on the date of gratuitous transfer is 512,000 rubles.


Debit 01 subaccount “Disposal” Credit 01 - 783,000 - original cost written off;

Debit 02 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - 231,000 - accrued depreciation written off;

Debit 91 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - 552,000 residual value written off;

Debit 91 Credit 68 - 92,160 - VAT is charged on the market value (512,000 x 18%).

Contribution of fixed assets to the authorized capital of another enterprise

It is legal to contribute a refrigerator, laptop, machine tool and any other OS object to the authorized capital instead of money. A third-party company whose founders are legal entities can receive such a contribution.

Such disposal of fixed assets is recorded in act OS-1. VAT on this transaction is restored.

The organization making the contribution records it with the following entries:

Debit 01 sub-account “Disposal” Credit 01 - initial cost written off;

Debit 02 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - accrued depreciation is written off;

Debit 58 Credit 76 - financial investments are recorded;

Debit 76 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - the residual value of fixed assets is written off from the accounts;

Debit 19 Credit 68 - VAT restored;

Debit 58 Credit 19 - VAT is included in the cost of financial investments;

Debit 76 Credit 91 - recorded income resulting from the excess of the established price of the deposit over the residual value;

Debit 91 Credit 76 - an expense was recorded that arose as a result of the excess of the residual value over the established price of the deposit.

The third-party organization will reflect the accepted contribution in its accounting with the appropriate entries.