Friendship between Aquarius and Gemini. Sexual compatibility of signs

The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius is a rare harmony of two air signs, but even in this almost ideal union, misunderstandings and contradictions occur. The element of Air gives them common aspirations, as well as a love of novelty, lightness and insight. But in the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Gemini, a certain feature is clearly visible, namely, a different understanding of the truth. The first sign is looking for the only truth - simple, clear and precise. In contrast to him, for the second, absolute truth does not exist at all; he is sure that the false can become true and vice versa.

When the Sun, Moon and ascendant of both partners are in a favorable position, the question of whether the signs Aquarius and Gemini are compatible does not arise at all. They fit each other perfectly, literally breathe and live in unison. If Venus or Mercury is unfavorable, serious character inconsistencies are possible. But more often than not, Aquarians love Geminis very much, and they reciprocate their feelings, because these are kindred spirits who are destined to be together.

AQUARIUS + GEMINI - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Gemini man and Aquarius woman

Gemini and Aquarius. Compatibility Horoscope Love and Sexual Horoscope

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Gemini woman

Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius

Compatibility of the Gemini sign with the sign of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces


In addition to the location of the luminaries, it is worth paying attention to the year of birth of each partner. By influencing the characters of these zodiac signs, the year of birth leaves an imprint on the relationship between Aquarius and Gemini. Thus, Geminis born in the year of the Tiger sometimes turn out to be real owners in love, and those born in the year of the Pig - with age they begin to feel a craving for stability that is unusual for this sign. In the same way, Aquarians born in the year of the Snake are distinguished by their ability to establish relationships with lightning speed and are prone to excessive jealousy.

In general, for these signs of the Zodiac, any option will be successful: compatibility he is Aquarius she is Aquarius, he is Gemini she is Gemini, as well as compatibility he is Aquarius and she is Gemini, he is Gemini and she is Aquarius.

Gemini man and Aquarius woman – compatibility in relationships

IN this union The Aquarius girl finally finds her soul mate. It is rare that any of Gemini's dreams, aspirations and desires do not find responses in her heart. And what the partner is exposed to frequent changes These aspirations - today one thing, and tomorrow another, do not discourage her - she herself is inquisitive, active and has an inquisitive disposition. In comparison with the Gemini man, the Aquarius woman will always be a little wiser, but this will not hurt, but rather will help her love and respect her partner with all her heart.

It will be difficult for her to come to terms with infidelity and deception, since she herself is very faithful and open. But her attitude to the truth will seem somewhat strange to her partner - she says what is there, but very often does not finish telling it. IN sex life They have the same mutual understanding as in all other areas. The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius in sex is a harmonious balance, often healing all the mistakes and failures of the past.

Even if the relationship in marriage or love exhausts itself, the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman always maintain friendship and remain close people to each other. So what makes them compatible? love relationships and family life?

  • The Gemini man and the Aquarius woman belong to the same element, they are very similar and understand each other very well. As related Aquarius and Aquarius, Gemini and Aquarius are perfectly compatible - they are connected by spiritual and intellectual closeness.
  • They are quite tolerant of their partner’s shortcomings - due to their easy nature and the similarity of these shortcomings.
  • They base their love and marriage not only on mutual passion, but also on strong friendship, which gives high chances for a long and happy union.

Gemini woman and Aquarius man – compatibility in relationships

Compatibility between an Aquarius man and a Gemini woman often reaches the highest percentages, ensuring bright, harmonious and long-term relationships. It doesn’t cost a charming Gemini anything to make a man fall in love with her - he will like her lightness and liveliness, her desire for change and novelty. In turn, she will find in her partner exactly the kind of friend she dreamed of - someone who can share with her the most unexpected plans, travels, and adventures. He is also attracted to change, but with only one difference - he loves when the outside world changes without affecting him.

A misunderstanding may arise between them when a man, who had previously happily fluttered along with the Twin, suddenly becomes stuck in one place, not wanting to give up a position that is important to him. Do not forget that in essence he is one of the permanent signs of the Zodiac. The Twin will not be able to move him from his place no matter how hard he tries and will get bored. However, she needs to take a closer look - despite his commitment to some kind of stability, throughout his life he will remain unpredictable and full of surprises.

Sexual compatibility Gemini women and Aquarius men are in complete harmony, but still it is not the most significant aspect of them life together. Their relationship in bed is a cheerful game, one of the entertainments that brings light, almost childish pleasure. However, communication between them is sometimes captivating and gives even more pleasure than the most passionate intimacy.

So what makes the Gemini and Aquarius union so successful?

  • Mutual understanding between partners based on similarity of characters, common goals and worldview. Both are satisfied with approximately the same rhythm of life, with some exceptions that can be easily survived.
  • For a Gemini, the innate qualities of her partner are simply an ideal mixture, because he is unpredictable and agile in his actions, but faithful and constant in love.
  • Small inconsistencies in their characters also turn into a plus: both partners are smart, observant and prone to analysis - trying to understand each other, they learn, develop and improve unnoticed.

Both signs will get along well with each other. Geminis attract partners with their versatility, and Aquarius with their love for everything new. The couple will love traveling around different countries and meet with strangers. As the compatibility horoscope for Gemini and Aquarius says, they are able to create a harmonious union, although their relationship will not always be smooth.

Each partner treats each other with understanding. They are always unpredictable and therefore the couple will be able to constantly travel and fill their lives with interesting events. Their love will grow stronger, and even if the moment comes when they part, these two signs will forever remain best friends.

Misunderstandings in their family can arise only because their birth charts are not compatible. Geminis do not like the truth, and this will become their stumbling block. Aquarius seeks the truth in everything and does not like to be deceived.

Sincere feelings arise between the signs at the beginning of a relationship. Their life is always filled with adventures, new scams and romance. From time to time, disputes will arise in the couple about the truthfulness of each partner. Mostly, conflicts are provoked by the conservative Gemini, who does not understand the pedantry of Aquarius. However, how quickly quarrels arise, so quickly they end.

In life, a Gemini and Aquarius couple will have ups and downs. They experience all this together and support each other. The latter are rather strange natures, and it is sometimes very difficult for their partners to grasp the mood and thoughts of Aquarius.

The patron saint of these signs is the Sun. It influences both the character and mood of the couple. Partners try to live in an imaginary world that is far from reality. They happily look for people who have similar life concepts. If they find such congenial people in a partner, the zodiac signs can create a perfect union.

At the beginning of the relationship, the couple will be a single entity. As soon as they quarrel, they immediately run away and a few hours later again look for a meeting with their partner. All their lives, both signs are fascinated, sometimes they behave like big children. Their relationship is always full of curiosity, love and sincerity. And when they separate, even for a few hours, they already miss each other.

In a Gemini-Aquarius pair, the compatibility of the zodiac signs indicates the similarity of these signs and the possibility of creating an ideal union in 70 percent of cases. They both love to lead others by the nose and come up with confusing phrases that no one but themselves can understand. And if one needs to repeat something after the other, he will do the same thing, but in a completely different way. And every partner likes this, as they can become an interesting unsolved mystery for their loved ones.

Despite its mystery, their union has a lot of friends who are impressed by the complexity of character and unpredictability of the Gemini and Aquarius couple. There is always fun around them, a lot of noise and joy. They love feasts and chatting with friends.

Both signs love to earn money together and spend money together. They never have conflicts on financial grounds. They love to wander around the shops and choose their tenth blouse, hundredth tie or trousers. The couple lives prosperously and just as easily money comes to them, they part with it just as easily.

The union between these signs is harmonious and romantic. They know that they have loved each other forever. Throughout their entire life together, Geminis learn from their partners to be wise, and Aquarians easily trust all their secrets only to their loved ones.

Compatibility Gemini Woman – Aquarius Man

Compatibility of Gemini women and Aquarius men in love is 90 percent. They understand each other and try to prevent even small conflicts from turning into a crushing storm.

In their actions, both partners act at the behest of reason, not feelings. Together they can achieve success in business or at work. They are connected not only by love, but also by friendship, so they always feel good together.

The Gemini woman is a frivolous person; she loves to flirt with men and requires constant attention and admiration. Aquarius men can steadfastly withstand all flirting, and will never blame a woman for this. And even if, when talking with the opposite sex, a woman allows herself to make eyes, her partner will not be jealous. Such relationships are worthy of respect.

Compatibility Gemini Man – Aquarius Woman

According to the horoscope, Gemini and Aquarius have 80 percent compatibility in love. The woman is not jealous, and the man does not give any reason to doubt his own feelings. They will never be bored together, as they will always find a topic for a sincere conversation.

The man in this union is very sociable. He does not think that he is behaving inappropriately when he flirts with other women, and his passion will never reproach him for such behavior. She trusts her partner and forgives small pranks on his part. In general, a couple can create a strong and reliable union.

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Gemini paired with Aquarius is an almost ideal, harmonious union. There is complete mutual understanding between them, which can become a solid foundation for creating long-term Serious relationships, be it business cooperation, strong friendship or family. These two signs have a lot in common; they are like two magnets, drawn to each other. The desire for freedom, readiness for any changes and unpredictability unite them into one whole. Perfect Compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius signs based on the sea positive emotions, entertainment and jokes. Every day they are ready to arrange small holidays and big surprises for each other. This is the meaning of their coexistence.

They are quite ready to forgive each other some liberties: for example, Aquarius often turns a blind eye to Gemini’s desire to communicate with the opposite sex. Despite the fact that the love between these signs is like a fire that burns everything around, truly crazy passion does not arise between them. Few are able to marry such a freedom-loving partner as Aquarius. After all, he does not tolerate any attempts at coercion against him. Geminis are excellent psychologists; they can convince their chosen one that he is eager to get married. The understanding between partners is simply amazing, but there are also stumbling blocks that prevent Aquarius and Gemini from feeling truly happy. Such an understandable and natural compatibility of the signs Gemini and Aquarius does not extend to the material side of life; here the partners find themselves at a dead end, because none of them is ready to take care of the organization of life and the financial support of the family. It is quite possible that both of them will be satisfied with a certain creative chaos reigning in the house, as well as thoughtless spending. They earn money together and also suffer losses together. And does it matter whether they make a profit or suffer a loss? After all, they strive to enjoy everything that happens in their lives!

The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius is largely explained by the fact that both signs belong to the same element - the element of Air. Although Aquarius literally means “carrying water.” Perhaps this is where its inconsistency and unpredictability lie?

Gemini and Aquarius go a little crazy, but this happens to them in absolutely the same rhythm. They feel, live, think on the same wavelength. The compatibility of the signs Gemini and Aquarius characterizes them as two pages of one book, closed to all other people.

Sexual compatibility between Gemini and Aquarius

The bedroom of these partners is more about unbridled fun than unbridled passion. Aquarius will rule here; he is the author of sometimes crazy erotic ideas, and Gemini will gladly bring them to life. Meanwhile, the latter should not meekly wait for instructions from Aquarius. Sometimes for Aquarius, love and sex are two completely different substances, and Geminis don’t always get what they want. Therefore, Gemini should not be inactive. After all, as already mentioned, this is the only sign capable of influencing Aquarius with impunity.

Gemini man - Aquarius woman: compatibility

The Gemini man has one small, but quite significant drawback - his insatiable desire to flirt with the opposite sex can make others blush. The Aquarius woman is not the jealous type and will not keep her beloved man on what is called a “short leash.”

She will easily turn a blind eye to his pampering, at the same time freeing up her personal space a little from the constant attention of her partner. In these relationships, the rule of the “golden mean” prevails: for the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman, both independence and devotion are equally important. In addition, partners are very interested in spiritual communication, their intellectual level quite high. The stars predict a comfortable and long-lasting union for this couple.

Gemini woman - Aquarius man: compatibility

The Aquarius man amazes the consciousness of the Gemini woman, wooing her, winning her heart with insanely beautiful actions. A relationship with an Aquarius man is a constant novelty, primordiality in everything: be it a simple conversation, walks under the night sky or stunning love caresses. At the same time, the Gemini woman does not feel excessive pressure and intrusiveness, leaving a little personal space for herself. Such a union promises to be, if not ideal, then very fruitful for both partners.

Business Compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius

Gemini and Aquarius will work well together, such a union can give rise to a large number of bright, fantastically tempting ideas. However, they both lack a certain earthiness; they cannot soberly assess risks and work out algorithms for solving problems. Business Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius signs will bring good results if they cooperate with signs of other elements - Fire or Earth. Then their activities will be coordinated and directed in the right direction.

If a union consists of two people of the same element, then sometimes a more beautiful couple simply cannot be found. They don’t need to prove anything, adapt to their partner, re-educate themselves, make excuses, because their characters are in many ways similar. Representatives of the Air element will become a particularly quiet, friendly and understanding couple, because they do not initially have excessive passion or jealousy, and they do not hold anyone back by force. Therefore, astrologers consider the compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini to be favorable and have a chance for long term relationship.

Both signs are intellectually developed, so future spouses can meet at exhibitions, seminars, libraries and other similar institutions. They are interested and fun together, Gemini knows how to work with ready-made information, and Aquarius is great at generating it, fishing Interesting Facts. Looking at the situation from a non-standard angle will undoubtedly interest a curious Gemini. Besides this fickle sign very greedy for feminine beauty, and not passionate and hot, but royally cold. And this is exactly what Aquarius women have.

The couple always supports each other, the spouses are interested in the hobbies of the other half. The compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini is so obvious that even relatives and friends note the similarity of characters, unity of thoughts and actions. They usually rest separately or together, but not on their own. Air signs love to visit, visit restaurants, excursions, just walk in the park and enjoy nature. The compatibility of an Aquarius woman with a Gemini man is manifested in their friendly relationships. These are two dreamers who can come up with their own perfect world and hide from problems in it. They raise children in a friendly atmosphere and develop their intelligence.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini, although favorable, is far from ideal. This couple can often have problems with money because both are bad hoarders, but they don't get upset about it. They may break up due to misunderstandings and strained relationships. It should be understood that Geminis do not leave for someone, but because of something, so it is important to keep them, to maintain the union. They do not plan a long-term relationship, but still live for many years with their soul mate and remain faithful to her, this is the merit of only the woman.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini is obvious, but still there are troubles in their life together. Both know how to flirt and are not going to give up this activity, but usually they never go further. they are not attracted to others because air signs are cold and unpassionate and treat flirting as an intellectual conversation. But still, Aquarius women should refuse to invite girlfriends to their house, try to visit only men or married couples, because Geminis themselves will not start relationships on the side, but if they are offered, they will not refuse.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini is favorable not only in terms of married life. They will also make excellent friends, and the other halves should not worry about romance developing between them. Business relations, most likely, it will not work out, because both lack constancy and the desire to complete the work.

Love doesn't come according to plan. And friendship is learned long years. And not everyone finds their soul mate, even if they passionately dream about it. But waiting and doing nothing is also not an option. Horoscopes help to understand how compatible people are, because the wisdom accumulated over centuries is intended to help people in difficult situations.

Compatibility in love relationships for Gemini and Aquarius

The ability to love is not taught in school. The mysterious Gemini and the contradictory Aquarius, born under the auspices of the element of Air, also do not know universal recipe, but have every chance of a long-term relationship. Similar views on life with all their mutual love for independence bring them closer from the first minutes of their acquaintance. The romantic stage of a relationship lasts a very long time, because both signs are constantly in search of new sensations. But Aquarius's desire for originality can puzzle the emotional but reasonable Gemini.

Compatibility in love for Aquarius women and Gemini men can be called ideal. Their romance contains depth of feelings, mutual trust, and mutual passion. But a man’s excessive emotionality can frighten even a sociable woman. The Aquarius woman’s receptivity to everything new, which the Gemini man likes so much at first, can later become the cause of misunderstandings. How could it be otherwise, because the contradictory Geminis themselves cannot always understand their desires. But they highly value the spiritual qualities of their partner, and this is an important fact for strong union further.

The stars are in great spirits, uniting the Gemini woman and the Aquarius man. This is exactly the case when partners don’t waste words, they already understand each other. And if love happened for the first time for them, then the couple will definitely be compared with romantic heroes books. Spontaneity of feelings is replaced by mutual understanding. An Aquarius man must be strict with himself, because it is very difficult to find such an ideal partner. If a Gemini woman learns to control outbursts of emotions, then the couple will have a happy future and a strong union.

Sexual Compatibility for Gemini and Aquarius

Gemini and Aquarius never deny themselves pleasure, and sex is for both healthy need. The concept of “abstinence” is absent from their vocabulary, because the seductive Gemini and the experiment-loving Aquarius simply cannot pass by each other. The rapid convergence is also facilitated by the fact that a man and a woman are attractive to each other both physically and spiritual level . The couple makes decisions at the level of reflexes, although the loving Gemini is far from simple in his desires and perceptions of his partner.

An Aquarius girl and a Gemini guy can check their compatibility in bed on the first evening of meeting. After all, they both worship the same element. The desire for experimentation and the desire for freedom are developed in equal measure, so no one will try to put their partner in a “golden cage”. The erotic experiments of the Aquarius girl will help turn even the most dull evening into an exciting adventure. The duality of Gemini will help maintain a sense of novelty, and the alternation of stormy and tender relationships will benefit both.

Compatibility in bed for an Aquarius man and a Gemini woman is like a hurricane, like a funnel that sucks in both. Although for Aquarius, possession itself beautiful woman is already a victory. For a woman, scenery or long romantic foreplay are not so important; she she is skilled in creating an intimate atmosphere. At the same time, she is demanding of her partner and will never forgive him for having an affair on the side. The innermost desires of an Aquarius man are so diverse that they are more than enough for several partners. But the insatiable temperament of the Gemini woman will not leave him the strength to even think about possible betrayal.

Marriage Compatibility for Gemini and Aquarius

Each couple is unique in itself, and the union of two air elements is no exception. Living together enhances the temperament of partners to an incredible intensity of passion. But when the first stage of “grinding in” passes, then the energetic Gemini and emotional Aquarius suddenly find desire to create a quiet family haven. But this does not mean that both partners are ready to give up like that, without a fight. A stormy showdown can quickly replace a quiet family evening. But true love and willingness to change make this marriage very strong.

Marriage compatibility for zodiac signs where the Aquarius woman and Gemini man do not seek to change their partner is quite high. After all, the main thing for spouses is to love each other. And the Gemini man’s desire to make his wife an ideal housewife as soon as possible will bring nothing but scandals. The Aquarius woman will perceive this as an encroachment on her own freedom, and her failure to follow through will only make the problem worse. The woman is seriously hurt by the lack of attention from the Gemini man, although she understands that her husband is doing everything possible to provide for the family.

An Aquarius man and a Gemini woman feel their compatibility in marriage from the first days cohabitation. But not all people are classic representatives of their zodiac signs. And sexual harmony does not guarantee idyll in family relationships. Excessive frankness of Gemini and natural secrecy of Aquarius can bring dissonance to relationships. But no, not even loving woman will not be able to understand all the desires of his partner if he does not learn to express them himself. On the other hand, a Gemini woman who tries to tell her husband everything that her relatives say about him may get the opposite effect than expected.

Friendship Compatibility for Aquarius and Gemini

Everyday communication between Aquarius and Gemini at first often develops into a strong friendship. Common interests and views on life are not an obstacle even to friendship at a distance. They have nothing to share and no need to stoop to showdown. Their friendship is determined at the level of internal vibrations. This is not hindered by the unpredictable nature of Gemini or the emotional assertiveness of Aquarius. Such friendship is a rare holiday for people that needs to be cherished.

A Gemini man is capable of calling a friend in the middle of the night in order to express his mental anguish. But also ready to rush to help at any time. For the Aquarius woman, with her subtle psychological organization, listening to a friend is not difficult, but she will definitely appreciate devotion and readiness for self-sacrifice. A woman perceives a quarrel as a disaster, so the Gemini man must learn to apologize, because his straightforwardness can sometimes do a disservice. But communication with a friend creates a spiritual state, so friendship is mutually beneficial.

Gemini girl and Aquarius man confirm social compatibility through long years of communication and friendship. Simply put, the ups and downs of one friend or the family troubles of another cannot break friendships. Regardless of gender, all people need partners for communication. And sociable Aquarius men are able to get a Gemini girl talking even in those moments when you don’t want to share your secrets with anyone. But both know how to keep secrets, even if their love affairs intersect at some points.

Compatibility at work for Aquarius and Gemini

Workaholics Gemini often cannot understand the lack of ambition in Aquarius, who value comfortable conditions At work. Freedom-loving Aquarians do not tolerate pressure from colleagues and management, which leads to conflicts with categorical Geminis. Then the entire team watches the battles, dreaming only that neither side will be distracted from the internecine war. Although monotonous work will not suit any of these signs, nor physical work, they are very creative.

The Gemini man at work is a living hell for anyone who dares to get in their way. Aquarius women, who by nature are not very friendly with discipline, often fall under hot hand" But employees devote themselves entirely to work if it brings moral satisfaction. But if they don’t like work, then Aquarius girls don’t even try to pretend that they are working. And they certainly will not tolerate the encroachments of Gemini men, who are not averse to shifting part of their responsibilities to them.

An Aquarius man and a Gemini woman will find compatibility at work only if their areas of interest overlap minimally. Although women have such a gift of persuasion that will be able to win over the most unfriendly colleagues. And the charm of an Aquarius man ends where it awaits him overtime work. Such situations often bring colleagues closer together, and Gemini and Aquarius are no exception. The willingness to help and to come together at the right moment unites the team.

How justified do you think real life prerequisites for an ideal relationship between Aquarius and Gemini? Share your observations, we will be grateful to you.