Food for weight loss. How best to distribute BJU throughout the day

So, now, as promised, we move on to the desired distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day. And again, first of all, let’s go to the “100,000 why?” section. and find a topic about the rules of rational nutrition. We carefully read, study, write down and remember.

And I will comment further. So, there are only a few rules:

Most of carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day. Why? Well, look. We are going on a trip by car. Well, of course, we checked the serviceability of all systems, and, of course, filled the gas tank until it was full. Let's get going, let's go. It’s not very far to go, we’ll probably go back and forth in one day, but we’ll have to refuel a couple of times, since we don’t know when the next gas station will come. But we don’t refuel too much so as not to return home with a full tank. I am sure that the situation described is quite common and understandable to most.

So, what are carbohydrates in our body? That's right, carbohydrates are a source of energy, essentially our gasoline. But this is not ordinary gasoline, but “magic” gasoline. Just like in the fairy tale about Cinderella, he turns into a pumpkin at midnight. Well, it doesn’t exactly smell like pumpkin, of course, but it definitely doesn’t smell like violets either. Simply put, all carbohydrates eaten and not used during the day are joyfully and happily stored as fat. Therefore, having eaten most of these insidious “two-faced Janus” carbohydrates in the first half of the day, we have every chance to use them completely throughout the day. Well, what if we load up on carbohydrates in the afternoon, and especially in the evening? Where should the poor souls go? No one will allow them to hang around in the blood just like that - the hormone insulin is there on guard, glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver are filled to capacity, especially if not motor activity. Where else? Yes, it only remains to turn into fats from lack of demand. In general, unclaimed theater and film artists become drunkards, and unclaimed carbohydrates are consumed, that is, turned into fats. And believe me, they are not really to blame, it’s you and me. After all, it is often enough to correctly redistribute carbohydrate intake throughout the day so that your well-being improves and your body composition begins to change in better side. It turns out that carbohydrates are the very spoon that is good for lunch and you need this spoon either in the first half of the day or in small quantities before physical activity. So we remember - we eat porridge, cereals, bread, pasta and fruits mainly in the morning and a little less at lunch, just a little for the afternoon snack, and for dinner - no, no!

Now a little about fats. In principle, fats can be competitors for carbohydrates in one separate meal, if only because they can also act as sources of energy. Therefore, the ideal situation would be when in one meal, the more carbohydrates, the less fat, and the more fat, the less carbohydrates. It turns out that there is less fat in the morning, and more in the evening, although, to be honest, those are 40-60 grams. fats per day, which you obtained when calculating, will be distributed among meals in fairly small quantities. But anyway, you already know the principle of their distribution.

Squirrels. With squirrels, an interesting picture also emerges. On the one hand, they do not compete with other nutrients and, it seems, can be safely distributed among meals in equal quantities. But this is on the one hand. On the other side of the scale, we have the fact that proteins themselves require many times more energy for their absorption than the same fats and carbohydrates. This time. And two, is that in the evening our metabolic rate drops, that is, our energy expenditure decreases somewhat. Hence the conclusion - taking protein in the evening can support the metabolic rate by more high level. This is cool! In addition, let me remind you that protein is building material in our body, which means the need for it also increases after physical activity, i.e. when muscles need it for recovery. Therefore, small portions of protein in the amount of 15-30 g can be present on the menu immediately after physical activities, within 30-40 minutes after.

So, well, in order to finally consolidate the material on the distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, let’s sketch together sample menu for a day.

So, breakfast: carbohydrates and some protein. Most likely, this is porridge, an egg, some bread and a little butter. Fruits are also possible.

Second breakfast: fruit, maybe a little more carbohydrates.

Lunch: Low-fat soup, side dish - pasta, cereals - carbohydrates. Some vegetables. And meat or fish as protein.

Afternoon snack: we finish with carbohydrates, so a small piece of fruit or something light.

Dinner: Protein in the form of lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, etc. Vegetable salads with a small amount vegetable oils on the side

Well, it is clear that this entire set of products must fit into the required calorie content and the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

I really hope that you have figured it all out and understood how to create a menu for yourself and monitor your nutrition. Once again, I’ll just remind you that as you lose weight, don’t forget to recalculate on calculators required quantity calories and convert them into nutrients, i.e. into proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Remember one simple rule: if we want to weigh, for example, 60 kg, then we should ultimately eat for these same 60 kg. And it happens that someone wants to weigh 60, but eats 100 kg, and then they are surprised that nothing works out for them.

And the second point - remember what you typed extra pounds fat not in a week, not in two, or even in a month, don’t you agree? Then why does everyone have such an irresistible desire to get rid of them in short terms? Look - climbers slowly climb up the mountain and just as slowly descend from it, no one jumps off the mountains or runs away, because they know that it is dangerous. Remember, in this situation, losing weight is the same as mountain climbing! We lower our weight slowly and carefully, without breakdowns or painful falls, and you will be happy and lose weight.

Of course, this practical guide is not able to cover all aspects and nuances of losing weight, it is intended only to show where to start after reading the materials on the site and how to begin to put what you read into practice.

In addition, only aspects of nutrition are reflected here, but there are still a huge number of questions regarding not only the correct intake of energy (calories), but also their correct expenditure. I mean physical education classes. Well, welcome to the section

Michael McCormick
IM No. 7, 2000

Strategy for achieving mass and relief

They taste good and help achieve phenomenal<накачки>muscle and is widely believed to be the healthiest of all nutrients. What are the disadvantages of carbohydrates? Downside The silver lining here is the accumulation of fat. A consistent carbohydrate-dominated diet stimulates the release of insulin, which in turn causes body fat levels to rise. Of course, as a bodybuilder you need to consume a large amount of carbohydrates. But the art is to find the right relationship between the type and timing of intake, since not all carbohydrates are created equal.
Consumption large quantity <неправильных>carbohydrates in<неверное>the time of day can turn even a genetically gifted bodybuilder into a kind of fat-filled endomorph. Let's try to offer an effective method of consuming carbohydrates that easily fits into your daily routine. As already mentioned, this consumption certain type carbohydrates at a certain time. This strategy will allow you to achieve maximum<сухой>muscle mass at minimum quantity fat
IN general outline The method is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates as the day progresses. In the morning hours, the percentage of calories obtained from them should be maximum, and glycemic index products - average. About six hours after waking up, it is time to reduce this percentage and switch to foods with a low glycemic index.
The glycemic index (GI) divides all foods into groups depending on their effect on blood sugar levels when measured 3-4 hours after consumption. The goal is to optimize the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins at each meal, thereby establishing a balance between the release of insulin and its antagonist, glucagon. It's all about the anabolic effect of insulin on fat cells - too many carbohydrates in wrong time- and you will make them increase in size.
Insulin is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas in response to increased blood glucose levels. It regulates glucose metabolism and processes necessary for the normal metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Insulin lowers glucose levels and ensures its transport and penetration into muscle and other fibers. Eating carbohydrates increases insulin levels and decreases glucagon levels, a hormone produced by the alpha cells of the same islets of Langerhans that stimulates the conversion of glycogen into glucose in the liver. Its release is caused by hypoglycemia and growth hormone. Protein and fat increase glucagon levels, suppressing insulin.

Glycemic index of foods

Low glycemic index foods

Peanut 21
Soybeans 25
Rice bran 27
Red beans 27
Cherry 32
Fructose 32
Dry peas 32
Brown beans 34
Barley 36
Grapefruit 36
Red lentils 36
Whole milk 39
Dried beans 40
Sausages 40
Lentil 41
Beans 42
Green lentils 42
Black beans 43
Apricots 44
Split yellow peas,
boiled 45
Skim milk 46
Low-fat yogurt
fruity 47
Rye 48
Vermicelli 50

Medium Glycemic Index Foods

Yogurt without flavor
fillers 51
Spaghetti, boiled
5 minutes 52
Fresh pears 53
Spaghetti made from flour
coarse 53
Apples 54
Brown beans 54
Fish fingers 54
Barley bread 55
Plums 55

Ravioli with meat 56
Apple juice 58
peas with meat 58
Spaghetti white 59
Fresh peaches 60
peas 60
Oranges 63
canned 63
Thin noodles 65
boiled 1 minute 65
Grapes 66
Pineapple juice 66
canned 67
Quick vermicelli
cooking 67
Green peas 68
Grapefruit juice 69
Chocolate 70
Ice cream
low fat 71
Barley flakes 72
Sweet potato 73
Orange juice 74
Canned beans 74
Green lentils
canned 74
Wheat cereal
instant cooking 77
Bananas 77
Sweet potato 77
Oat bran 78
Buckwheat 78
Sweet corn 78
Brown rice 79
Oatmeal cookies 79
Fruit cocktail 79
Popcorn 79
Mango 80
Boiled potatoes 80
Pita bread 82
Honey 83
Rice vermicelli 83

Pizza with cheese 86
Pea soup 86
Hamburger 87
Oatmeal 87
Ice cream 87
Buns 88
Raisin 91
Beetroot 91
Rye bread 92
Macaroni and cheese 92
Black bean soup 92
Sucrose 92
Potatoes, boiled
steamed 93
Pineapples 94
Semolina porridge 94
Pies 95
Bagels 96
Corn tortillas 98
Wheat bread 99
Mashed potatoes 100

Products with high
glycemic index

Carrot 101
White wheat bread 103
White flour bagels 103
Watermelons 103
Wheat flakes 105
Corn chips 105
French fries 107
Donuts 108
Waffles 109
Wheat bread 112
Dry rice breakfast 117
Quick potatoes
cooking 118
Cornflakes 119
Baked potato 121
Instant rice,
boiled 6 minutes 128
Glucose 137
Maltodextrin 137
Maltose 150

Glycemic index

Some foods have a high glycemic index, others are digested more slowly, releasing glucose into the blood gradually, and are rated as carbohydrate-containing foods with a low glycemic index. Thus, GI shows how quickly a given nutrient is converted into glucose and ends up in the bloodstream. Simple sugars raise glucose levels no faster than some complex carbohydrates. The glycemic index of some foods may be a revelation to you. For example, the GI of baked potatoes is significantly higher than table sugar.
The lower the GI, the slower the absorption. Some carbohydrates are digested very quickly and can raise your glucose levels to significant levels almost instantly. These are the foods with the highest glycemic index. And, accordingly, low GI foods<срабатывают>much slower.
Bodybuilders are able to build lean muscle mass when their diet is planned to minimize<всплески>blood sugar. In general, foods high in fat and protein have a lower GI than foods high in carbohydrates. But in practice, the concept of the glycemic index does not apply to them.

How to burn fat:
10 best advice
1) Gradually reduce daily consumption calories (every week by 50-100 kcal).
2) Do not reduce your daily caloric intake below 2000 kcal.
3) Once you reach 2000 kcal per day, gradually increase your activity, which will burn more fat.
4) Weight train 5 days a week to speed up your metabolism.
5) Eat small, but more frequent meals - 6 times a day to maintain a constant blood sugar level and prevent starvation. Use a meal replacement or protein supplement, preferably a mixture of whey protein and casein.
6) Try not to eat the same thing every day. Vary your menu so that your calorie intake varies slightly.
7) Every meal should contain some amount of protein. Try to consume most carbohydrates (especially carbohydrates with a high glycemic index) in the first half of the day.
8) To avoid insulin spikes that promote fat storage, never eat carbohydrates on their own.
9) Don't eat after 19.00. Taking growth hormone stimulants before bed can also help burn fat.
10) Use fat burning supplements containing norephedrine, caffeine and yohimbine. Also, increase your activity thyroid gland, consuming gaglsterones and phosphates. These two supplements, taken in combination, will speed up your metabolism and activate fat cell receptors.

Steve Holman

Power structure

As the glycemic index shows, foods have very different effects on blood sugar levels. Even different types vermicelli have different GI, for example, some are 95, while others are 45-50. So, if you create a diet taking into account the GI of carbohydrates, then various variations are possible, which will help avoid monotony. The time will come - and quite soon - when the increased muscle mass will push your appetite to a new level. No type of healthy food should be neglected.
Here is how the GI value is divided:
low - 21-50;
average - 51-100;
high - 101-150.

Most people have the most low level sugar is observed in the early morning. After all, a person<пережил>seven to nine hour abstinence from food during sleep. Research has shown that a healthy adult stores the most carbohydrates as muscle glycogen when they consume them within 4-6 hours of waking up. As the day progresses, the body's ability to store carbohydrates in the form of glycogen decreases, and the tendency to convert them into fat and store them in this form increases.
Hence, the right tactics there will be a gradual decrease in the carbohydrate content of food throughout the day with a simultaneous increase in the amount of protein in it. Most bodybuilders find success by dividing their intake of various nutrients as follows:
The first 6 hours after waking up: 30% proteins, 30% fats, 40% carbohydrates with an average GI;
From 6 to 12 hours after waking up: 40% proteins, 30% fats, 30% low GI carbohydrates;
From 12 to 17 hours after waking up: 50% protein, 30% fat, 20% low GI carbohydrates.
In simple terms, this means that you should eat the bulk of your carbohydrates in the first half of the day. For more stable level blood sugar, give preference to foods with lower GI. The exception is that short period (2-3 hours) when you have just finished training. Now is the time<закачать>high glycemic carbohydrates and proteins into your muscles. Post-workout<окно>allows you to take advantage of all the benefits increased ability muscles to absorb high-glycemic carbohydrates.
Here are some rules to remember when creating a carbohydrate intake plan:
We cannot give any guarantees in achieving progress using this nutrition strategy, since success depends on many factors. Even the best workout program or miracle diet, if not followed carefully enough, will produce less results than serious approach to a not-so-good workout program or diet.
A diet with decreasing levels of carbohydrates throughout the day, in addition to good, sculpted muscles, also brings health benefits that are associated with insulin levels. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, improved oxygen supply to tissues, thanks to better microcirculation, and a constant level of mental energy throughout the day. A low-carbohydrate diet will give you a lean physique and good health.

According to statistics, to lose weight, 70% of people go on diets, 50% honestly try to go in for sports, 30% get hooked on pills. And only 10% consider the daily calorie content of food and how much protein, fat and carbohydrates it contains. The last figure is so insignificant because most people do not understand how important they are for losing weight.

Indeed, fasting and training lead to results, but they are often short-term and have a negative impact on well-being. But those who understand these formulas and percentages get rid of extra pounds for a long time and without any harm to health.

What is it?

Surely everyone knows what the abbreviation BZHU stands for - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the same “golden three” that are present in any product. Once in the body, each of these substances performs certain functions, affecting well-being and work. internal organs, a person’s weight and his overall health. Sometimes this term is modified and becomes KBJU - more calories are added, which are most directly related to this triumvirate.

Each product has a calorie content - a certain amount of energy that a person receives by eating it. The lower it is, the more intensely the body has to burn fat. Almost everyone who loses weight knows about this concept. But few people suspect that another indicator is important for weight loss - the percentage of BJU in each separate product. The closer it is to normal, the more correct the nutrition. To lose weight, some parameters need to be changed.

There are certain formulas for calculating the maximum daily calorie content and the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Moreover, all this is calculated individually - taking into account height, weight and even gender. In accordance with the results obtained, you will need to form your menu so that the required amount of KBZHU is collected within 24 hours.

On the one hand, this is reminiscent of a diet, since you have to give up something. On the other hand, this has nothing to do with hunger strikes, since the body receives all the substances necessary for its normal functioning. The diet turns out to be balanced and maximally beneficial for health, but at the same time promoting weight loss. And if you suddenly “got too far” with the daily amount of calories, you can always use them up in the gym or at home.

If BZHU are so important, then why are people not in a hurry to arm themselves with formulas and calculate this “golden ratio” for themselves? Many people are intimidated by mathematics, because the computational operations, although simple, require a thorough understanding of the sequence of actions. However, now this is no longer a problem, since there are a huge number of applications for gadgets that will do everything themselves, you just need to enter your age, height, weight and other individual indicators into the program. There are also online services offering similar services. It's much faster and more accurate than sitting and calculating all those fractions yourself.

Here's what the resulting BZHU ratio figures will allow you to do:

  • create a balanced diet;
  • eat right, without harm to health, unlike many diets;
  • control appetite;
  • get rid of weakness and lethargy, which are frequent accompaniments of weight loss;
  • lose weight and maintain results;
  • achieve recruitment muscle mass, if necessary;
  • for male athletes - prepare the body for drying;
  • sharpen your figure;
  • improve health.

About squirrels. Many people mistakenly believe that protein in the body is found mainly in muscles. In fact, it is present in all tissues - both skin and bones. And the human brain is also a protein substance. And from a scientific point of view, it is easy to explain why alcoholics degrade: under the influence of ethanol, the protein denatures.

Role in weight loss

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates, when entering the body, perform certain functions that lead to weight loss. However, it’s worth making a reservation right away. Firstly, results can only be achieved if they are present in the diet at correct ratio. And secondly, great importance has the type of those organic compounds that you will absorb.

For example, animal proteins are much healthier than plant proteins. To lose weight, you need slow carbohydrates, not fast ones. And fats should be predominantly unsaturated omega-3, -6 and -9. Only with them will it be possible to achieve significant results.


Perform the following functions:

  • have a beneficial effect on skin body, providing it with tone and elasticity - this guarantees the absence of stretch marks and sagging after losing weight;
  • force the body to spend a lot of calories digesting them;
  • take a long time to digest, guaranteeing a long-lasting feeling of satiety - this allows you to avoid harmful snacks and breakdowns;
  • regulate blood sugar and insulin, excluding their sudden jumps - glucose is thus not transported to fat depots, replenishing already excess reserves;
  • protect the body from premature aging, which means that a slowdown in metabolism (this is the main reason excess weight after 35) will happen much later;
  • improve metabolism;
  • form muscle mass, protecting it from breakdown and promoting the consumption of fat reserves, rather than muscle fibers.

If the percentage of BJU in the diet is correct, if you are able to create a menu of products with animal proteins, slow carbohydrates and omega acids, you are guaranteed permanent weight loss without the slightest harm to health.

About carbohydrates. There is a widespread belief that people get fat because of them. This statement underlies most diets, which significantly reduce the daily intake of carbohydrate-containing foods. In fact, excess weight is gained due to overeating and a lack of understanding of the boundaries between fast (unhealthy) and slow (healthy) carbohydrates.


First you need to figure out what the balance of BJU should be in proper nutrition (without the goal of losing weight yet). Until recently, the fraction 1:1:4 was considered the norm. It is still indicated in many sources. However, not so long ago, experts doubted the correctness of this proportion. There is a lack of proteins and an excess of carbohydrates. The latter will accumulate in the body and go into fat reserves. And due to a lack of protein, muscle fibers will begin to break down and metabolism will slow down.

In this regard, they began to carry out additional research and not so long ago, experts proposed another optimal BZHU ratio - 4:2:4. It is still rechecked, questioned, and only not many begin to practice it in practice. This daily norm For ordinary people. If the work is intellectual activity, experts suggest changing the amount like this - 2:1:2. If you have to work hard physically every day, then it’s 2:2:5.

For those who want to lose weight, the ratio is significantly transformed and turns into the following fraction - 5:1:2. This option It will allow you to lose weight, build muscle, and dry out your body. Naturally, when summing up your menu according to these numbers, you definitely need to play sports.

Nutritionists and fitness trainers talk about the relativity of these proportions. And if a neighbor carved a figurine using BJU 5:1:2, this does not mean at all that this formula will allow you to do the same. For example, a number of sports publications offer completely different options:

  • for women - 2.2:2:4.5;
  • for men - 3:2:5.

Which of these percentages will help you lose weight, no specialist will probably say. Only by trial and error will you be able to identify your “golden fraction”.

About fats. Fat cells are quickly destroyed due to physical activity. And without them they are able to live another 10 years even after the death of a person.

Daily calculation

In order to calculate BZHU, you will need a daily calorie intake, which is also calculated individually. There are several ways to find out this indicator.

Mifflin-San Geor calculation formula

For men

  1. Weight in kg multiplied by 9.99.
  2. Height in cm multiplied by 6.25.
  3. Add both results.
  4. Age in years multiplied by 4.92.
  5. Subtract the fourth from the third number obtained.
  6. Add 5.
  7. Multiply by coefficient A.


  1. From the first to the fifth steps are carried out according to the same scheme as for men.
  2. Next subtract 161.
  3. Multiply by coefficient A.

Coefficient A is an indicator of physical activity, which is determined by the following parameters:

  • low physical activity(sedentary lifestyle): A = 1.2;
  • insignificant (sedentary work, rare walking, performing certain exercises, 2-3 times a week): A = 1.4;
  • average (training in the gym several times a week): A = 1.6;
  • high (daily exercise): A = 1.7.

For a 30-year-old man with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 90 kg with average physical activity:

  1. 90 kg x 9.99 = 899.1
  2. 180 cm x 6.25 = 1,125
  3. 899,1 + 1 125 = 2 024,1
  4. 30 years x 4.92 = 147.6
  5. 2 024,1 — 147,6 = 1 876,5
  6. 1 876,5 + 5 = 1 881,5
  7. 1,881.4 x 1.6 = 3,010.4

It turns out: the daily calorie intake for a man with these parameters is 3,010.4 kcal.

For a 25-year-old woman with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 80 kg with little physical activity:

  1. 80 kg x 9.99 = 799.2
  2. 175 cm x 6.25 = 1,093.75
  3. 799,2 + 1 093,75 = 1 892,95
  4. 25 years x 5 = 125
  5. 1 892,95 — 125 = 1 767,95
  6. 1 767,95 — 161 = 1 606,95
  7. 1,606.95 x 1.4 = 2,249.73

It turns out: the daily calorie intake for a woman with these parameters is 2,249.73 kcal.

Disadvantages of the method: the amount of calories is too high, and rarely can anyone adequately determine the coefficient of their physical activity.

When losing weight, the resulting value should be reduced by 20%. It turns out that for a man you need to consume 2,408.32 kcal per day, for a woman - 1,799.784 kcal. Anyone who has ever worked on the calorie content of their diet for weight loss knows that these are quite large figures.

Harris-Benedict formula

Formula: BMR ( basal metabolism) is multiplied by AMR (active metabolic rate).

Female BMR: 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years).

  1. Weight in kg multiplied by 9.247.
  2. Add 447.593 to the result.
  3. Height in cm multiplied by 3.098.
  4. Age in years multiplied by 4.330.

Male BMR: odds 88.362; 13.397; 4.799; 5.677 respectively.

  1. Weight in kg multiplied by 13.397.
  2. Add 88.362 to the result.
  3. Height in cm multiplied by 4.799.
  4. Add the third to the second resulting number.
  5. Age in years multiplied by 5.677.
  6. From the number obtained in the fourth step, subtract what was obtained in the fifth.
  • at sedentary life - 1.2;
  • with moderate activity - 1.375;
  • with average activity - 1.55;
  • for athletes - 1.9;
  • for building muscle mass - 1.2;
  • for weight loss - 0.8.

We leave the same man that was taken for the previous example (30 years old, 180 cm, 90 kg, for weight loss):

  1. 90 kg x 13.397 = 1,205.73
  2. 1 205,73 + 88,362 = 1 294,092
  3. 180 cm x 4.799 = 863.82
  4. 1 294,092 + 863,82 = 2 157,912
  5. 30 years x 5.677 = 170.31
  6. 2 157,912 — 170,31 = 1 987,602
  7. 1,987.602 x 0.8 = 1,590.0816

And a woman with the same parameters (25 years old, 175 cm, 80 kg, for weight loss):

  1. 80 kg x 9.247 = 739.76
  2. 739,76 + 447,593 = 1 187,353
  3. 175 cm x 3.098 = 542.15
  4. 1 187,353 + 542,15 = 1 729,503
  5. 25 years x 4.330 = 108.25
  6. 1 729,503 — 108,25 = 1 621,253
  7. 1,621.253 x 0.8 = 1,297.0024

The second formula is closer to reality than the first. It turns out that to lose weight, our average man needs to consume about 1,600 kcal daily, and a woman needs about 1,300 kcal. These are the numbers that nutritionists usually call.

Calculation of BZHU

Now, having our own daily calorie intake in hand, we calculate the BJU for the day, based on the optimal ratio and the following data:

  • 1 g protein = 4 kcal;
  • 1 g fat = 9 kcal;
  • 1 g carbohydrates = 4 kcal.

For men

Based on the proportion 3:2:5 we get: 3 + 2 + 5 = 10 parts.

We divide the daily calorie content (1,600 kcal) into 10 parts, it turns out that 160 kcal falls on 1 part.

  • for proteins 160 kcal x 3 = 480 kcal;
  • for fats 160 kcal x 2 = 320 kcal;
  • for carbohydrates 160 kcal x 5 = 800 kcal.

We calculate BZHU in grams:

  • 480 kcal / 4 = 120 g (protein);
  • 320 kcal / 9 = 35.6 g (fat);
  • 800 kcal / 4 = 200 g (carbohydrates).

For women

Based on the proportion 2.2:2:4.5 we get: 2.2 + 2 + 4.5 = 8.7 parts.

We divide the daily calorie content (1,300 kcal) into 8.7 parts, it turns out that 149.4 kcal falls on 1 part.

We multiply the resulting quantity by the data from the proportion:

  • for proteins 149.4 kcal x 2.2 = 328.7 kcal;
  • for fats 149.4 kcal x 2 = 298.8 kcal;
  • for carbohydrates 149.4 kcal x 4.5 = 672.3 kcal.

We calculate BZHU in grams:

  • 328.7 kcal / 4 = 82.2 g (protein);
  • 298.8 kcal / 9 = 33.2 g (fat);
  • 672.3 kcal / 4 = 168.1 g (carbohydrates).

But the calculations of those losing weight don’t end there. Now, when purchasing any product, you will need to carefully study the packaging of the product and see how many calories and dietary supplements it contains (there are special tables for this). And only after that add it to your diet, taking into account the resulting indicators. But such a serious and meticulous approach to losing weight will result in excellent results.

To properly distribute proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day (and this is quite a difficult task), follow the following recommendations from nutritionists.

  1. Give up diets and use formulas for calculating BZHU - this is both more effective and healthier.
  2. In the morning, you can treat yourself to something sweet to burn off the calories you acquired during the day. But it’s better if breakfast consists mainly of slow carbohydrates. Options: cereal porridges and egg dishes. Let the bread be whole grain.
  3. It is better to give up sugar in favor of honey or at least sweetener substitutes.
  4. You can eat a small piece of fruit for lunch.
  5. Lunch should be complete, i.e., consist of two courses: the first (soup) and the second (fish, meat, vegetable side dish).
  6. For an afternoon snack - something from low-fat dairy: natural yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk.
  7. Dinner's calorie content should be 25% of daily ration. It consists of foods rich in fiber.
  8. Before going to bed, you can eat an apple or a glass of kefir.
  9. Study the labels of the products you purchase more carefully: their calorie content and dietary supplements.
  10. Try to avoid frying.
  11. The menu should be varied.
  12. You need to record the number of calories consumed per day every day and not exceed the daily allowance.

If the problem of excess weight is not an empty phrase for you, it makes sense, before exhausting yourself with hours of training and grueling fasts, to understand what BZHU is, how their daily norm is calculated and learn how to create a menu in connection with the resulting numbers.

At first it will be hard: counting every gram, every calorie, looking at calorie tables and constantly looking at the packaging of what you buy and eat. But soon you will know, without prompting, how much protein is contained in boiled chicken breast, and how many slow carbohydrates are in brown rice. But the most important thing is that you will achieve your dream figure, which with constant maintenance proper nutrition will no longer be overgrown with fat folds.

Most fitness professionals tend to eat smaller meals up to 5-6 times a day (depending on gender/weight). On average, food digestion time is 2-3 hours, so take such intervals and do not snack between them. The principle of frequent and fractional meals rather, it means that you don’t feel hungry longer; the portions become a little smaller, so they don’t stretch your stomach as much.

In principle, there is no evidence that frequent split meals increase metabolism, and if you can eat, for example, only four times a day, or three, then do so! I personally feel more comfortable eating 50% of my diet in the first half of the day.

● Breakfast: 7:00 - 400 kcal
● Lunch: 10:00 - 300 kcal
● Lunch: 13:00 - 300 kcal
● Afternoon snack: 16:00 - 300 kcal
● Dinner: 19:00 - 200 kcal.

Accordingly, for men it is twice as much. It is advisable to add one more meal and eat with a break of 2.5 hours.

Example: height - 171 cm, weight - 54 kg, age - 23 years, activity level - 1.55 (high activity: intensive exercise 3-5 times a week).

For this example, we will calculate the basal metabolic rate using the formula that you can read about:
655+ (9.6 X 54) + (1.8 X 171) - (4.7 X 23) = 655+518.4+307.8-108.1 =1373.1 kcal - basal metabolism.
Next, let’s multiply the basal metabolic rate by the activity factor, because our girl from the example works out 3-5 times a week:
1.55 * 1373.1 = 2128 kcal - this is exactly how many calories a girl should eat to maintain her weight in a stable state.
Let's calculate the calorie content of a girl's diet if she wants to gradually lose weight. To do this, she must add a 20% calorie deficit. Let's multiply the calorie intake by a factor of 0.8, calculated as (100%-20%)/100:
2128 * 0.8 = 1702 kcal - this is exactly how many calories a girl should eat in order to gradually lose weight.


when training four times a week, as well as the balance of calories and the proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (hereinafter BJU) by day:

● 1 day
● 2 day
● 3 day- without a calorie deficit - 2100 kcal, BJU 30/20/50 (training day: strength + cardio);
● 4 day- with a 20% calorie deficit - 1700 kcal, BJU 30/20/50 (rest day);
● 5 day- with a 20% calorie deficit - 1700 kcal, BJU 30/20/50 (training day: strength + cardio);
● 6 day- with a 20% calorie deficit - 1700 kcal, BJU 30/20/50 (cross-training + long stretching);
● 7 day- without a calorie deficit - 2100 kcal, BJU 30/20/50 (rest day).


A day with a 20% calorie deficit (1700 kcal) on the day of training (from 19:00 to 21:00):

07:00 - 450 kcal
10:00 - 400 kcal
12:30 - 400 kcal
17:00 - 350 kcal
21:00 - 100 kcal

A day with a 20% calorie deficit (1700 kcal) on a rest day:

07:30 - 450 kcal
10:00 - 400 kcal
12:30 - 300 kcal
15:30 - 300 kcal
18:30 - 250 kcal

A day without a calorie deficit (2100 kcal) on the day of training:

07:00 - 500 kcal
09:30 - 300 kcal
12:00 - 500 kcal
14:30 - 350 kcal
17:30 - 350 kcal
21:00 - 100 kcal

Rest day with loading + 20% calories (2500 kcal):

If you are losing weight, then once a week you can allow yourself a fasting day, which can play a positive role in losing weight and even speed up your metabolism, as the body gets used to everything - including a strict diet. But on the day of loading, you should also not overdo it: do not eat more than 20% of the base value. To do this, we will add a 20% increase in calories to the calorie content to maintain your figure. Let's multiply the calorie intake by a factor of 1.2, calculated as (100%+20%)/100:

2100 * 1.2 = 2520 kcal - exactly how many calories a girl can afford to eat on a busy day.

This means that on a loading day I can allow myself to eat about 2500 kcal, but no more.

08:00 - 700 kcal
11:00 - 400 kcal
14:00 - 700 kcal
17:00 - 400 kcal
19:00 - 300kcal

We have shown you a complete example of how the distribution of calories and the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can look schematically with the right balanced diet aimed at losing weight. Depending on your individual parameters (height, weight and age), you can calculate your system, which will help you realize your goals, while consistently helping you lose weight and not feel constant hunger. In the next article we will tell you and show you an example of a diet in pictures.

Thanks for your attention and stay fit!

Distribution in the body, association with proteins

Communication with blood proteins. Many medicinal substances have a pronounced physicochemical affinity for macromolecules, and therefore, once in the blood or lymph, they bind to proteins and are present in the blood in the form of two fractions: free and bound. Most drugs (salicylates, penicillins, sulfonamides and many others) bind to the main serum protein - albumin. To a lesser extent, globulins, acidic alpha 1-glycoprotein, lipoproteins, and formed elements take part in this process. Some drugs bind to multiple structures at the same time.

Only the free, unbound fraction of the drug is pharmacologically active. Only she is able to penetrate cell membranes, influence specific targets, undergo transformations under the influence of enzymes, or are excreted from the body. The bond between the drug and the protein is quite weak, and the formation and disintegration of the drug-protein complex occurs quickly. Thanks to this, the free and bound fractions are in equilibrium: in bound form the substance circulates in the blood until the concentration of the free fraction decreases, after which part of it is released, which ensures the stability of the plasma concentration. In other words, by contacting blood proteins, the drug forms a depot.

Protein binding becomes clinically significant if it exceeds 80-90%. Thus, a decrease in the bound fraction of the drug from 98% to 96% can increase the free fraction from 2% to 4%, that is, by 2 times, which can lead to an overdose. This can develop under various physiological and pathological conditions, in which the amount of protein in the blood decreases (for example, newborns and especially premature infants, the elderly, malnourished patients, patients with impaired protein-synthetic function). The bound fraction decreases in chronic renal failure, chronic diseases liver, sepsis, burns, protein starvation not only due to hypoalbuminemia, but also as a result of the accumulation of metabolic products that compete with the drug for protein.

Under pathological conditions, changes in the value of the bound fraction can occur in both directions. For example, at antiarrhythmic drug quinidine, this figure, which is normally 87-92%, decreases in congestive heart failure to 82%, and in chronic respiratory failure increases to 96%. During myocardial infarction, a 1-acid glycoprotein accumulates, which promotes increased binding of lidocaine, quinidine, etc. An increase in protein levels in the blood, for example, with oncological diseases may reduce the amount of the free fraction of the drug, and therefore its effect will decrease.

Distribution in the body. During this phase of the pharmacokinetic cycle, the drug is carried by the blood throughout the body, penetrates the interstitial spaces, reaches the cells and accumulates in various tissues and organs. As a result of distribution, the drug reaches its target, binds to it and exhibits an effect. The distribution process continues until the speed of movement medicinal substance in the tissue is not compared with the rate of its return from the tissue to the bloodstream. When these speeds are equal, a state arises that is considered sustainable(steady state), and the concentration of the substance in the blood at this time is called equilibrium(C ss).

The distribution of drugs in the body is never uniform, which depends on a number of physiological (pathophysiological) and pharmacological factors.

Among the properties of a drug that determine the nature of distribution, one can identify factors on which the substance’s ability to absorb depends (overcoming biological barriers during the distribution process occurs according to the same laws as during absorption), affinity (affinity) for individual tissues (which determines the preferential accumulation drug), as well as binding to blood proteins. Hydrophilic substances have low volume of distribution(see below), lipophilic – large.

The distribution can vary significantly depending on a number of characteristics of the organism itself:

The intensity of regional blood flow under physiological conditions (the heart, liver, kidneys, glands are most actively supplied with blood internal secretion);

Permeability of membranes and corresponding barriers (for example, blood-brain, placental) for this substance in normal conditions and in pathology (see below);

Disturbances of hemodynamics and microcirculation during stress, shock, chronic heart failure, as a result of which the blood supply to organs intensively supplied with blood decreases (the inactivation of the drug in the liver and excretion in the urine are inhibited);

The presence of stagnant and inflammatory effusions in the cavities, in which hydrophilic medicinal substances can accumulate).

Blood-brain barrier- a mechanism due to which the exchange of substances between the systemic bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid is highly selective. The endothelial cells of the brain capillaries are closely adjacent to each other and do not have spaces through which water-soluble drugs could penetrate into the cerebrospinal fluid, which determines this selectivity. At the same time, fat-soluble substances easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier. At infectious inflammation meninges The permeability of the blood-brain barrier also increases for water-soluble substances. However, since the concentration of drugs in the cerebrospinal fluid decreases rapidly (due to the fact that approximately one tenth of its volume is renewed within an hour, that is, the drug is practically washed out), in this case it becomes relevant to administer drugs directly into the subarachnoid space (intrathecal) .

There are a number of characteristics to describe the distribution process, the most important of which are:

- volume of distribution (apparent volume of distribution)- this is the hypothetical volume of liquid required to uniformly distribute the entire amount of the drug in a concentration equal to its concentration in the blood plasma (the specific volume of distribution per unit body weight is usually calculated); it reflects the degree of capture medicine tissues from blood plasma and connects the amount of drug in the body with its concentration in the blood;

- equilibrium (stationary) concentration (С ss)– is established in the blood when the drug enters the body at a speed equal speed its elimination, which can be achieved either with constant intravenous infusion, or when administering the same dose at regular intervals; Moreover, if saturating doses are not used, then With ss usually achieved in 5–7 half-elimination period(see below); when taking a drug at certain intervals at the same dose, the lowest and highest concentrations that occur are considered as the minimum and maximum equilibrium concentrations, which may differ significantly from average therapeutic concentration(see below), which has great clinical significance for prescribing drugs with low therapeutic breadth(see below).