Electronic cigarette parliament. IQOS: what's wrong with the new tobacco heating system

Created: 05/11/2017 12:45

Updated: 05/11/2017 13:55

Abroad, Philip Morris International operates a little differently than in Russia, presenting other lines of flavors to the general public. If in our country, as of May 2017, only 2 flavors of Parliament sticks are available, then other brands are being promoted around the world for IQOS. HEETS sticks for iQOS are a European brand, and Marlboro sticks are sold in Japan. As residents of Armenia write on Facebook, both HEETS and Parliament are available to them. In this article we will compare sticks for IQOS from different countries of the world.

Different countries - different sticks

In different countries, PMI promotes different brands sticks for iQOS. HEETS sticks are sold in England for £8 a pack. This is about 600 rubles at the current exchange rate. Three varieties of tobacco sticks were released on the Swiss market – Rich, Light and Menthol. They are also called Yellow Label, Amber Label and Turquoise Label, based on the color of the labels.

Japanese buyer about ParlIament sticks

For the Japanese, the native stick brand is Marlboro. Parliament sticks are a novelty for this market and therefore it is interesting to hear the Japanese opinion about sticks for Russian market. Translation from .


Let's talk about new tobacco sticks. I immediately decided to try them. The pack looks unusual, but comfortable. Simple and cool. The silver insert in the package is different from the insert in the Marlboro pack. The Parliament pack looks more elegant and feels denser.

The insert is decorated with Parliament logos and resembles gift paper.

Of course, this part of the cigarette pack is immediately thrown away, but such care appearance the product touches.

Having opened the pack, we immediately see a characteristic feature of Parliament sticks - a filter mouthpiece.

Filter mouthpiece. What it is?

If you take a puff of pure tobacco while smoking, without any filtering agents, its taste will be very bitter and disastrously tasteless. When smoking iQOS sticks, a certain interval is maintained, puffs are taken slowly, and even when the combustion temperature increases, the taste of the tobacco does not deteriorate. Parlament sticks have a filter mouthpiece - a small space is left in its upper part to help cool the smoke.

Rumor has it that if you smoke skillfully, a sun logo may appear on the filter of Parliament cigarettes, although this, of course, does not apply to tobacco sticks for iQOS.

Parliament Blue sticks for iQOS

Parliament Blue sticks do not contain menthol. This is carefully refined tobacco. In short, they are a pleasure to smoke. Personally, these sticks suit me better than the regular Marlboro Smooth Regular. The taste is more reminiscent of Lark Red than Parliament. They don’t hurt your throat like other iQOS sticks. I usually smoke menthol cigarettes, but I liked these sticks. Very similar to regular cigarettes.

Parliament Fresh sticks for iQOS

I have always preferred menthol cigarettes to regular ones. I like their taste. Parliament Fresh, in comparison with menthol Marlboros for iQOS, is not very rich, although it has a strong mint flavor. At the same time, the taste is cleaner and more pleasant than Marlboro Mint. I think if Parliament Fresh goes on wide sale, I will give them preference.

A horrifying statistic: Every year, more than 7 million people die from diseases caused by air pollution. In Russia, this figure reaches 80–140 thousand per year! Air pollution levels are excessively high. Reasons: harmful emissions from cars, landfills and factories.
Facts about vaping that will help you stop all the haters.

1. Exhaled vapor contains nicotine, but in very small quantities that cannot cause serious harm if passively inhaled. Published in Oxford Magazine December 2013.

2. Steam does not cause blockage of arteries, therefore it should not harm the aorta and heart. This observation was made by the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center.

3. Electronic cigarettes do not harm cardiac oxygenation. Renowned cardiologist Konstantino Forsalinos has long been researching the effects of electronic cigarettes to work of cardio-vascular system. He proved that e-cigarettes do not affect oxygen production and coronary circulation.

4. Vape devices are the most effective replacement for regular cigarettes. A team of scientists from the University of Geneva studied the effect of e-cigarettes on former smokers. They have proven that e-cigarettes help smokers avoid switching back to analog cigarettes.

5. “Smoking kills, and so does regulating the e-cigarette market.” — Dr. Gilbert Ross, Executive Director American Council on science and health.
The point of his thesis is that market regulation could ruin the popularity of a cheaper and significantly less harmful alternative to smoking.

6. Vaping does not instill a desire to smoke tobacco products in adolescents.
Dr. Ted Wagener (University of Oklahoma Health Research) studied the effects of vaping on 1,300 college students. Only 1 student admitted that after he tried electronic cigarettes, he began to smoke regular cigarettes. 1/1300< 0.1%

7. Flavored e-liquids help you quit smoking.
Konstantino Forsalinos also proved that it is necessary to find the right taste for a smoker in order to successfully cope with cigarette addiction.

8. After switching to steam, you feel better.
A team of independent scientists studied changes in well-being when switching from smoke to steam. They were able to prove that 91% of respondents had improved health, and in addition, 97% of respondents had lost their chronic cough.

9. Vaping does not create an analogue of passive smoking.
Professor Igor Burstin tried to prove that exhaled steam carries harmful toxins that are harmful for others to inhale. However, he could only prove the opposite.

10. Electronic cigarettes reduce the risk of deaths associated with tobacco addiction, which was proven by a team of researchers from Boston University of Public Health.

Having started vaping, most smokers come to the conclusion that the heater tobacco iqos Its characteristics are closest to those of a natural cigarette. Most experienced smokers, having initially tried vaping, eventually switch to the iqos electronic cigarette.

The Russian translation of this word means tobacco heating system. That is, in its characteristics it is closer to natural cigarettes, which is important for psychological addiction to smoking.

In addition, electronic smoking vaping devices require maintenance, which is sometimes quite difficult for an inexperienced user, which cannot be said about IQOS. In any case, this new product is closest to natural cigarettes and is easier to use. In addition, it is much safer for health.

What is iqos electronic cigarette?

Many people looking for an alternative to natural tobacco are wondering: “iqos, what is it?” Can the device replace a cigarette? Yes, it's quite possible.

Iqos are electronic cigarettes, that is, they are smoked without the help of fire. The device does not burn, but heats tobacco, releasing the nicotine vapor needed by the smoker. The iqos smoking device was developed in the laboratories of Philip Morris to replace natural cigarettes. For Russian-speaking device users, it is pronounced the same way as it is read. The abbreviation iqos is rapidly gaining momentum and popularity, as it is considered safe, especially for those who have health problems.

How does the tobacco heating system work?

Iqos is a system powered by a heating element built into the device. Principle of operation of this device pretty simple.

The iqos tobacco heating system makes it possible to release nicotine vapor into the stick (tobacco leaf 1 cm in size), which is why the mass does not enter the smoker’s body harmful products combustion. Thus, using the device is much safer than smoking smoke and the question “why do you need iqos” is automatically closed.

Main advantages

As already noted, the main advantage of smoking devices is their relative safety, since they are heated to a safe temperature. The technology of iqos electronic cigarettes does not use an aromatic mixture, as in vaping, but natural tobacco leaf, but only in a minimal volume. The technology makes it possible not to burn tobacco, but only to evaporate microscopic doses of nicotine from it for inhalation.

What are sticks and how to use them?

The composition of the “stick” is very similar to a regular cigarette. Inside it is a cut of a tobacco leaf 1cm long, soaked in glycerin. The remaining space is reserved for the placement of a complex filter.

It contains no impurities of xylene, toluene and benzene. The formation of smoke occurs due to the heating of the impregnations, since IQOS does not burn the stick, but only heats it, due to which smoldering occurs and not burning.

There is nothing complicated about using sticks. A few steps are all it takes to start smoking. You need to insert the stick into the holder, turn on the button on it and hold it until the blinking green light comes on. This signal indicates that the tobacco stick heating system is working and is ready for use. One refill is enough for 6 minutes of device operation. After finishing the operation of the device, you need to pull the cap up and remove the used stick from the holder.

The difference between iqos and regular cigarettes

The difference between IQOS and regular cigarettes lies in their health safety. Although the data from the tests proved that there is harm from “Heat Sticks”, since nicotine, although in much smaller volumes, is present here. Of course, there is a fundamental difference in the principle of heating tobacco in the iqos system. The device uses a microbattery heater rather than an open flame. In approaching the issue of maintaining one’s health and passive smokers, we must admit that the new method of smoking using an IQOS device is still better in terms of safety. The principle “choose the lesser of two evils” applies here.

iqos device overview

In this section we will pay some attention to the iqos smoking device, brief overview its technical characteristics, as well as its pros and cons.

The uniqueness of the device allows you to only heat tobacco, but not burn it. In fact, it is just steam that quickly dissipates and is not absorbed into the fabrics of clothing and interiors.

It has already been scientifically proven that this type of cigarette. While maintaining the familiar taste and smell of tobacco, they are 90% safer and do not have a negative impact on others. Today the line of flavors in Russia has two types, in Japan there are 6.

Despite all the undeniable advantages of sticks, there are some disadvantages, which are as follows:

  1. They have the same restrictions as tobacco cigarettes, that is, when using them, you must adhere to the same rules and restrictions that are accepted for regular cigarettes. You can't smoke on the street in public places. Selling them to minors is prohibited.
  2. It is not possible to smoke several cigarettes in a row, because before each smoking you need to charge the device again, and this takes at least 2 minutes. It is worth recognizing that continuous smoking does not have the best effect on your health, but for some heavy smokers this ritual is mandatory. Although the solution in this case may be to use two or more devices.
  3. The size and weight of the device is larger and more massive than usual. It is about 120 g. This is the weight of one regular pack of cigarettes with a lighter. That's why this indicator not critical.

The device is quite simple and consists of a heating element and a holder. A “hit stick” looks like half a regular cigarette, which is inserted into a holder and threaded onto a blade located inside and heated for 20 seconds.

Works iqos cigarette, thanks to the temperature of 300 degrees created by a microscopic battery. By the way, thanks to its simplicity and gaining increasing popularity in the world market, counterfeits began to appear, and therefore lovers of this type of smoking now have a problem with how to distinguish a counterfeit when purchasing and recognize counterfeit products that are practically no different from branded iqos. A counterfeit is recognized by these characteristics; the operation of the device must fully comply with them, as well as with the specified configuration.

The batteries must be present both in the charging container and in the holder. The holder battery is charged within 6 minutes. This charge is enough for 12 deep or 14 light puffs. For additional convenience of the smoker, a draft sensor is installed on the holder. When two puffs remain, the red indicator lights up. When you need to stop using the device, the stick is simply removed and the device turns off automatically within 6 minutes.

The device is quite ergonomic and convenient. The case is plastic. The lid opens with a button.


Let us briefly dwell on the configuration of this electrical gadget with a description of the tobacco heating system. The kit includes:

  1. Holder. This is a plastic case with a built-in battery, contacts removed from it, and a steel tube with a ceramic heated blade inside it and a removable cap.
  2. Portable charger. When not in use, it is latched. There are two buttons here - enable manual cleaning and the main one. On the reverse side of the case there is information about the manufacturer and the model of the device itself. At the bottom of the case there is a microUSB connector for charging from the network.
  3. Power adapter.
  4. USB cable.
  5. Cleaning kit.
  6. User's Manual.

The sticks themselves are purchased separately. Today, two types are used: tobacco-flavored and menthol. Externally similar to cut-off cigarettes. The composition contains tobacco leaves with glycerin impregnation.

What models are there?

Creating alternative offers for smokers is so financially attractive that the largest tobacco companies have taken up the solution to this problem. Let's briefly consider what the most popular devices exist today, and what differences there are among them.

Today the most popular are:

  1. Iqos from largest manufacturer Philip Morris. Latest models and .
  2. from British American Tobacco. The principle of operation is the same as in Iqos. The only difference is that here the barrel is used as a heater, into which the stick is inserted, and heating occurs not from the inside, like with IQOS, but from the outside. There are differences in design. The GLO body is made of high quality aluminum, a slide is used to insert the stick, and the charger port and cleaning hole are located at the bottom. The device is also easy to use and convenient. The usage time is slightly less, 3.5 minutes.
  3. LOGIC PRO from the Japanese manufacturer Japan Tobacco International. This device is a classic vape cigarette with all the components. The device body consists of a metal tube with a battery, a mouthpiece and a holder with status indicators.

All of these devices boast a stylish design, excellent quality and assembly. All three devices can be charged from any USB port, from a car port to a fixed home network. They feature excellent functionality, including remote control from a tablet or smartphone.

Is it possible to quit smoking using iqos?

For many experienced smokers, this issue is quite acute, especially when the doctor makes another disappointing verdict regarding health. There is no clear answer to the question of whether IQOS will help you quit smoking. The fact is that only the person himself can solve this problem; everything depends on his desire, determination and will.

Relying only on some kind of miracle pills, patches and even the iqos smoking device is, to say the least, naive. Smoking devices such as IQOS can reduce the harmful effects of the habit and reduce the amount of inhalation when smoking harmful substances, but getting rid of the habit itself is unlikely. Although, if a person intends to quit smoking, he can act as aid in achieving this goal.

Features of the taste of tobacco when using iqos

This is perhaps the most difficult section to compare, since there is no clear opinion on taste and color. The taste sensations when using an iqos tobacco heater can be very different. It all depends on the taste buds of each individual smoker.

According to user reviews, at first the taste is reminiscent of smoking light cigarettes, but over time the feeling of fullness of taste comes. More recently, three new flavors of IQOS sticks have become available to customers: light, with the usual tobacco flavor, and menthol.

Ultimately, the decision to use one flavor or another rests with the users of the devices. Same as the question - smoking with electronic device iqos or not smoking at all.