Enterofuril: effective analogues that cost less. Rating of the best cheap analogues of enterofuril

Advantages and features of using Enterofuril

The drug is available in the form of capsules and suspension. Taking Enterofuril is usually enough large doses: 2 capsules up to 4 times a day, in courses up to 7 days.

Among the advantages of this tool it is worth noting:

  • activity against a large number of pathogens;
  • high bioavailability;
  • rapid attack therapeutic effect;
  • the drug has no effect systemic impact(does not affect other organs, acts exclusively in the intestines);
  • the drug does not affect the normal intestinal microflora.

Among the disadvantages of Enterofuril, in addition to rare cases allergies, it is worth noting that it requires frequent use and is quite expensive compared to analogues and substitutes.

Enterofuril is effective against:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • clostridium;
  • salmonella;
  • shigella;
  • cholera vibrios;
  • a significant number of other infections.

The drug is ineffective for diarrhea caused by helminthic infestation.

What can replace Enterofuril?

Enterofuril's analogues active substance

Preparations based on the same active substance, which may be no different, differ in the composition of excipients or in the release form. Such analogues of Enterofuril include:

  • Ecofuril;
  • Ersefuril;
  • Nifuroxazide;
  • Stopdiar;
  • Lekor.

Loperamide-based drugs

Enough large group antidiarrheals with a pronounced effect. These include medications such as:

  • Diara;
  • Superilop;
  • Imodium;
  • Lopedium;
  • Diarex.


Drugs with a completely different mechanism of action that have positive influence on the intestinal microflora and contributing to its normalization. These include:

  • Enterol;
  • Bacteriophage;
  • Baktisubtil;
  • Hilak forte;
  • Yogulact.

These medications are most effective for diarrhea caused by intestinal dysbiosis.

Antimicrobials (Fthalazol)

Such drugs can be considered very conditionally analogues of Enterofuril; they do not have a pronounced antidiarrheal effect, but help fight infection.

Which analogue of Enterofuril is better?

There are no synonyms (absolute analogues) big difference, which drug to take, since the therapeutic effect is completely the same. Cheaper analogues of Enterofuril are Stopdiar and, the most expensive, Eresfuril. It should also be noted that enterofuril is available in dosages of 100 and 200 mg, Stopdiar - only 100 mg, Lecor - 200 mg, Nifuroxazide in tablets of 100 mg and in the form of a suspension.

Among loperamide-based antidiarrheals, Imodium is the most popular. Like all drugs in this group, it has a fairly rapid effect, but is intended to relieve acute symptoms and short (up to 2 days) administration. Does not have antibacterial activity. In addition, such drugs are contraindicated in severe violations liver and kidney function and have a number of side effects.

Preparations of the probiotic group are considered safe and have no obvious contraindications. They do not have a quick effect and require long-term use. Not suitable for treatment acute diarrhea, and are more often used as auxiliary, prophylactic agents or in combination with other antidiarrheal drugs. The most famous of this group is Hilak forte, which is a complex of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

How to take Enterofuril correctly?

During the holidays, with a change in climate zone and usual diet, it often develops acute disorder Gastrointestinal tract. Neither adults nor children are immune from intestinal infections. Therefore, it is advisable to study these instructions by application, which describes: what Enterofuril® treats, the method of administration for children and adults, how much the medicine costs and what available analogues it can be replaced.

Enterofuril®, an intestinal antiseptic based on nitrofuran, will find its place in every home medicine cabinet.

The range of action of the drug is quite wide and covers the main intestinal pathogens. In this case, the medication does not enter the systemic bloodstream and does not have a detrimental effect on beneficial microflora.

Depending on the dosage, it has a bacteriostatic (in small dosage) and bactericidal effect (high doses).

TO positive features The drug can be classified as a release form that is suitable for small patients from 1 month ( syrup), so for older children and adults ( capsules).

Active substance - nifuroxazide– can stop diarrhea and resist the activity of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, while there is no microflora resistance to the drug.

The positive effect develops due to the suppression of the ability of pathogens to reproduce and the direct destruction of pathogens of acute intestinal infections. In addition, the medication stimulates the work immune system and neutralizes toxins released by harmful microorganisms.

At viral infection intestines, the medication is used as preventive measures to prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection.

The remedy is withdrawn naturally during the act of defecation. The rate of excretion is directly dependent on the dose of medication taken and on the motor functions of the intestinal tract.

The therapeutic effect develops several hours after taking the medicine.

In what dosages is the drug released?

You can buy Enterofuril at the pharmacy in the following forms:

  • Capsules 100 mg No. 30;
  • Capsules 200 mg No. 8/16;
  • Syrup (suspension) 100 ml.

For ease of dosing, a measuring spoon is included with the liquid form.

According to the official description, 5 ml contains 200 mg of the working component.

Since the syrup is produced for children, the manufacturer took care of an acceptable taste: for this in liquid form added banana flavor, sucrose and citric acid.

What does Enterofuril help with? Indications for use

Indications for taking the drug are as follows:

  • chronic or acute diarrhea associated with pathogens sensitive to the drug spectrum;
  • chronic inflammatory process in the large intestine with background diarrhea;
  • frequent loose stools after antibiotic therapy;
  • infectious lesions gastrointestinal tract with manifestations of diarrhea;
  • chronic or acute intestinal disorder with an unclear reason.

As one of the components complex treatment, the medication is included in regimens for diseases such as:

  • gastroenteritis: toxic, allergic, due to radiation therapy;
  • colitis, including inflammation of an erosive nature;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • enterocolitis;
  • intestinal pathologies against the background of vascular disorders.

According to ongoing research, I use the drug in therapy chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract with signs of dyspeptic disorders.

Note! During treatment with Enterofuril, it is important to replenish the water and electrolyte balance, since as a result of vomiting and frequent loose stool dehydration develops.

How to deal with dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting at home

Dehydration has a particularly detrimental effect on a child’s body. Must be given a large number of liquids: clean drinking non-carbonated water, unsweetened compotes, herbal decoctions.

You should not try to pour in 150-200 ml at a time; it is better to give the child 1 tablespoon every 15 minutes. The liquid should not be too hot or too cold - this can irritate the walls of the stomach and cause vomiting.

For ready-made pharmaceutical powders for the preparation of water-reducing salt metabolism solutions include:

  • Regidron;
  • Trisol;
  • Hydrovit;
  • Orasan;
  • Gastrolit.

All of the above medications have a similar effect - eliminating electrolyte disturbances, replenishing fluid volume in the body, solutions can be used in adults and children.

If you don't have it at hand necessary medications, and there is no quick way to seek help, the World Health Organization recommends the following recipe for rehydration for diarrhea and vomiting:


  • 1000 ml water;
  • 30 g salt (st./l.);
  • 45 g granulated sugar (2 tbsp./l.);
  • 10 g baking soda(1 tsp./l.).

Before use, thoroughly dissolve all components in water.

Note that after taking Enterofuril you need to wait a while and only then take the solution.

Signs of dehydration to watch out for

Depending on the intensity of diarrhea and vomiting, symptoms of lack of fluid in the body are recorded. At mild degree dehydration in adults can be avoided drinking plenty of fluids. If vomiting and diarrhea appear in a child, you should immediately call emergency assistance, since in young children the condition gets worse very quickly, up to loss of consciousness and coma.

Another danger that comes with self-medication is misdiagnosis and assessment of severity. Acute stomach against the background of inflammation vermiform appendix, intestinal obstruction, volvulus has similar symptoms.

Signs of dehydration during acute intestinal infection look like this:

  • severe weakness;
  • rare urination, dark urine;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes.

In adults drinking regime should not be less than 2 liters per day; how much to drink for the baby is determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease and weight.

How to take Enterofuril? Instructions for use for children and adults

Medication dosages for adults and children

Depending on age, the drug is used as follows:

Children from 1 month to 2 years – 100 mg (2.5 ml) 3-4 times a day;

From 3 to 7 years – 200 mg (5 ml) 3 times a day.

Important! The syrup contains sucrose, which, in case of fermentopathy associated with the utilization of glucose, requires the selection of another drug.

From 7 years and in adults – 200 mg or 5 ml 3-4 times a day;

During treatment, the drug is taken at regular intervals;

Shake the liquid form before use.

After stool normalization, the medicine is taken within 24 hours.

Important! If the doctor prescribed additional enterosorbents for the treatment of acute intestinal infection, the interval between taking these drugs and Enterofuril should be at least 2 hours.

Enterosorbents include Polyphepan, Polysorb, Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smectu.

How to take Enterofuril® before or after meals?

In the official annotation there is no description regarding taking the product before or after eating. Accordingly, the intake regimen can be completely arbitrary.

Is it possible to take the medication during pregnancy?

According to the instructions for use, during pregnancy and breastfeeding evaluate the benefits of taking the medication and possible side effects. But given the fact that the active substance is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and does not have the ability to penetrate into breast milk, the medication is used in pregnant and lactating women.

When should the medicine not be used? Contraindications and side effects

The following conditions are contraindications to the use of the product:

  • individual hypersensitivity reactions;
  • some types of enzymopathies in children;
  • early neonatal period up to 4 weeks.

According to reviews from patients and specialists, the drug is well tolerated in most cases.

Side effects may include allergy symptoms varying degrees severity, which requires discontinuation of the drug.

special instructions

– the medication should not be taken together with alcoholic beverages;

How much does Enterofuril cost? Price in pharmacy

The cost of the drug is quite comparable to the effectiveness among drugs in its group. You can buy Enterofuril in any Russian pharmacy (over-the-counter drug).

What analogues of Enterofuril exist?

List of substitutes with similar effects:

  • Phthalazol;
  • Levomycetin;
  • Ersefuril;
  • Imodium;
  • Stopdiar;
  • Ecofuril.

We consider it necessary to give some explanations regarding the listed synonyms. Imodium should not be taken for acute intestinal infections, since slowing down peristalsis makes the evacuation of microbial pathogens from the body more difficult, which will lead to increased intoxication. The medication is used to prevent intestinal disorders due to stress: exams, flights, etc.

Levomycetin should not be given to children; it is a drug from the group of antibiotics. If taken uncontrolled, it can cause intestinal dysbiosis.

Stopdiar is a structural analogue of Enterofuril, but its price is from 380 to 410 rubles, which is quite comparable to the cost of the product in question. The same can be said about Russian analogue Ecofuril and French Ersefuril. They won't come out any cheaper in terms of price.

If you want to buy a drug with a minimum cost, then you can choose Fthalazol, the price starts from 20 rubles for 10 tablets.

The positive aspects of this medicine include the fact that 10–15 years ago Fthalazol was actively used to treat acute intestinal infections in children. Now many pediatricians are of the opinion that there are more modern and safer medications, which include Enterofuril.

Enterofuril is a drug for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract infections. The medicine has proven itself in the treatment of adults and children. But its cost is not the most favorable for many patients, so it is not surprising that most are trying to find analogues of this drug.

Indications for taking Enterofuril

To understand what analogues to look for, you first need to know for what symptoms and diseases Enterofuril is prescribed.

The medicine has a wide spectrum of action, copes well with gram-positive bacteria and does not affect the intestinal flora at all. Enterofuril is prescribed for diarrhea and stool disorders. After administration, the drug quickly manifests its effect and is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is excreted along with feces.

The manufacturer offers two forms of the drug:

  • Capsules - prescribed for adults and children over 14 years of age.
  • Suspension - recommended for the treatment of children.

The course of treatment is usually prescribed for a week. But the possibility of continuing the treatment period cannot be ruled out.

The main active ingredient of the drug is nifuroxazide. He actively copes with different types bacteria:

  • Clabsiella.
  • Staphylococci.
  • Shigella.
  • Streptococci.
  • Salmonella.
  • E. coli.

It is precisely on the basis of the name and spectrum of action of this substance that it is not difficult to find cheap analogue Enterofuril.

Offers from foreign pharmaceutical companies

Often used to create medications against diarrhea and various stool disorders. This substance is different high efficiency, promotes rapid recovery and has a gentle effect on the body.

Many foreign companies produce good medications based on this substance, which can be used instead of Enterofuril:

  1. - a Hungarian drug for the treatment of diarrhea. The product is completely harmless, since it is based on the same active substance. "Stopdiar" acts in the first few hours and is quickly eliminated from the body along with feces. The cost of Stopdiar tablets is almost two times lower than Enterofuril capsules. But the suspension has almost the same cost as Enterofuril for children.
  2. Ersefuril- a French drug based on nifuroxazide. Recommended for diarrhea and vomiting, including when symptoms are accompanied by fever.
  3. - considered an excellent analogue this drug. In case of acute and chronic disorders intestines is an excellent choice that will make you feel better quickly.
  4. Lopedium- an affordable drug that can also be taken for stomach upsets. But this medicine is not suitable for those who suffer from allergic reactions.

Analogues of Enterofuril from domestic manufacturers

If the analogue of Enterofuril is Russian, its price will be noticeably lower than the cost of foreign-made drugs.

This is for everyone known fact Therefore, many patients try to select medications from domestic companies.

  1. Sulgin - cheap drug, released in the form of tablets. The medicine is indicated for dysentery, colitis, and indigestion. Tablets should not be given to children under 3 years of age. Pregnant women should also take the medicine with caution.
  2. Levorin - medicine wide range action, which is produced in the form of tablets, as well as ointments and suppositories. Most often it is recommended to take it for gastrointestinal infections.
  3. Ecofuril - good analogue from a domestic manufacturer. Tablets containing nifuroxazide do an excellent job against intestinal bacterial infections.

Analogues of Ukrainian and Belarusian production

On the market of neighboring countries you can also find many interesting analogues of Enterofuril.

Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies offer the following drugs:

  • Nifuroxazide - good remedy, presented in the form of a suspension. It is highly effective, well tolerated and approved for the treatment of children.
  • Phthalazole - it can be called the cheapest analogue of the drug. It is available in tablet form, but is approved for use only by adults. It has good effectiveness, but there are also contraindications that need to be taken into account before you start taking it. It is not recommended to take the tablets if you have hepatitis, blood diseases, Graves' disease, or if you are likely to develop allergic reactions.
  • Lekor is a very worthy drug. Produced in the form of capsules that provide antimicrobial effect for the intestines.
  • Entoban - capsules with natural ingredients against intestinal disorders. The drug has good feedback, but is especially effective when complex therapy intestinal disorders.

Belarusian manufacturers also offer their list of good alternative products:

  • Bactolact- a solution for obtaining a suspension, very effective for disorders, appropriate for the treatment of both adults and children.
  • Bioflor- a substitute for Enterofuril helps cope with dysbiosis. Positive properties of the drug in the absence of contraindications for its use.
  • - the active ingredient is loperamide hydrochloride, but its effectiveness is no worse than that of Enterofuril. The drug is used for acute intestinal disorders.
  • Enterosept- this analogue is very close in composition to Enterofuril, but has a lower cost.

Not all drugs presented contain nifuroxazide. But they can be considered analogues of medicine, since they all have the same effect on the cause of the pathology.

Enterofuril is antimicrobial drug, which is used to combat intestinal infections of various origins. Costs this remedy quite expensive. That's why many people try to pick effective analogues Enterofuril. To solve this task, you need to study the characteristics of each drug.

Enterofuril is an antimicrobial substance that has a broad spectrum of action. The active ingredient is nifuroxazide. With the help of this element it is possible not only to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, but also to stop their subsequent reproduction. Enterofuril prices vary depending on the pricing policy of pharmacies and amount to about 300 rubles.

The medicine stops the synthesis of processes important for cells, which provokes inhibition of microorganisms. In addition, the product stimulates immune processes due to increased phagocytosis.

The substance has a number of beneficial effects:

  • Bactericidal;
  • restorative;
  • bacteriostatic;
  • antidiarrheal.

Enterofuril analogues of which are diverse, contributes to the preservation normal microflora intestines. The drug is available in the form of a suspension and capsules. It copes well with the causative agents of many infections - salmonella, coli, streptococci, staphylococci.

Many parents are interested in whether Enterofuril is an antibiotic or not. There's really no reason to worry. Enterofuril for children acts in such a way that it does not have negative influence on the condition of the intestines and does not lead to disruption of the microflora. Moreover, the product has pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial characteristics.

Categories of Enterofuril analogues

There are several categories of drugs that have similar properties. They are divided according to different criteria:

  1. Analogs for the active substance. Such products may have the same composition, differing only in the form of release or a set of additional ingredients. This group includes such products as Ecofuril, Ercefuril, Lekor. This category also includes Stopdiar and Nifuroxazide.
  2. Medicines based on loperamide. This is a fairly broad category of drugs for diarrhea, which has a pronounced effect. This group includes drugs such as Imodium, Diara, Diarex, Loperamide. They also include Lopedium and Superilop.
  3. Probiotics. These substances have a different principle of action. They have a positive impact on intestinal microflora. The group includes Bacteriophage, Enterol, Yogulakt, Hilak forte. When choosing Enterol or Enterofuril, it is worth considering that the first remedy and other similar substances are more suitable for combating diarrhea caused by dysbacteriosis.
  4. Antimicrobial agents. These include, in particular, Phthalazol. Such drugs are considered analogues of Enterofuril only conditionally, since they do not have a pronounced antidiarrheal effect. However, they cope very successfully with the infection. The drug that is closest in principle of action is Alpha Normix.

Separately, it is worth mentioning sorbents. Many people believe that Smecta, Enterosgel or Polysorb are also analogues of Enterofuril. Dr. Komarovsky claims that this is not so.

When choosing Enterosgel or Enterofuril, it is worth considering that the drugs help cope with diarrhea and help improve the patient’s condition. However, they have different mechanisms of action. Therefore, these means often have to be combined. The same can be said when choosing Enterofuril or Smecta.

Review of effective analogues

In order to select cheap analogues of the drug that are not inferior to it in effectiveness, it is very important to analyze their effect. There are quite a few remedies that help cope with diarrhea and restore intestinal microflora.


When choosing which is better - Enterofuril or Stopdiar, you need to take into account that these products have the same active ingredient. The Hungarian drug Stopdiar also contains nifuroxazide. The substance does not enter the blood and has local action, and therefore does not cause harm to health. The effect of using the medicine occurs within the first hours of use.

It is recommended to swallow the tablets and wash them down with water. This should be done at intervals of 6 hours, regardless of food intake. For adults and children over 6 years of age, 2 tablets of the drug or 220 mg are prescribed. If a suspension is used, shake the bottle well before use. Treatment should continue for 7 days.

Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited during therapy. This can cause nausea and vomiting, a sharp drop in blood pressure, fainting. The drug should not be taken if you have allergic reactions or during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is not prescribed for a child under 2 months old.

Note to parents. If treatment is necessary for a child under 6 years of age, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will give recommendations regarding the dosage of the drug and the interval of its use.


When choosing Furazolidone or Enterofuril, you should analyze their properties. Thus, Furazolidone belongs to the category of nitrofurans and helps to cope with gram-negative microorganisms and fungi. The product is effective against salmonella, streptococci, shigella, lamblia and other microorganisms.

The drug can be used to combat dysentery, paratyphoid, food poisoning And infectious diseases. Moreover, this analogue of Enterofuril can lead to adverse reactions in the form of nausea, vomiting, allergies.

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets. They should not be used by children under 5 years of age. If the doctor makes such a prescription, the baby is prepared water solution drug. But the dosage should be selected by a specialist depending on age and body weight.

When choosing between Enterofuril or Furazolidone, you need to take into account that the second drug has a greater number of contraindications. In addition, this inexpensive analogue can cause serious harm to the liver and kidneys. At the same time, Enterofuril has no effect on these organs.


What is better – Enterol or Enterofuril? To answer this question, the properties of the drugs should be analyzed. Enterol is made from single-celled fungal microorganisms. It belongs to the category of probiotics.

The ingredients of the drug are antagonists of many pathogenic microorganisms. These include clostridia, enterococci, salmonella, and intestinal lamblia. TO side effects carry a threat of developing fungemia in people with a weak immune system.

Also, do not use the product if you are allergic to the ingredients of the substance. It can lead to bloating, skin rashes and even angioedema.

Enterol is used for diarrhea, including stool disorders viral origin. However, unlike Enterofuril, the drug in to a greater extent used as a probiotic that regulates intestinal microflora.


When choosing Enterofuril or Ersefuril, it is worth considering the properties of these drugs. Thus, Ersefuril is recommended for use in cases of uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, which are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Adults and children over 14 years old are prescribed 2 capsules of 200 mg. The product should be used twice a day. For children 6-14 years old, the dosage is selected by a specialist.

On a note. The drug should not be used if you have an allergy or intolerance to the substance. Contraindications also include age less than 6 years, pregnancy and fructose intolerance.

Enterofuril is considered effective means, which helps cope with diarrhea and helps eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. To select at least effective analogue substances, you should consult a doctor.

Effective and inexpensive substitutes Enterofuril

Enterofuril® is medicine, which is effective against various infections gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by diarrhea. The medication can be purchased in two forms - capsules and suspension. average cost medicine from a Bosnian manufacturer – 360 rubles. This is quite expensive, so it is advisable to consider the list of the most available generic substitutes and find out their price tag in pharmacies.

Release form

There are 2 types of this drug on sale:

  • Capsules – 100, 200 mg. The package contains 30 and 16 tablets, respectively;
  • Suspension – packaging 90 ml.

Pharmacological action of the drug

The active ingredient Nifuroxazide, being effective antiseptic, provides treatment for the gastrointestinal tract, which is affected by infection and bacteria. It does not affect normal bacterial flora digestive system. In case of acute diarrhea, the drug is able to restore and stabilize intestinal function.

Indications for use

  • Stomach upset caused by bacterial infection;
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of infectious origin.

Contraindications of the medication

  • Intolerance to the main component of the drug – Nifuroxazide;
  • Allergic reaction to an auxiliary element of the drug - fructose;
  • Impaired absorption of simple carbohydrates.

Taking the medication in capsule form is prohibited for children under 3 years of age, and suspensions for children under 1 month. Use during pregnancy is permitted if the benefit of treatment is significantly greater than the risk of harm to the fetus. As for women who are in the lactation period, the use of the medicine is highly not recommended.

It is also important to consider special conditions during therapy with this drug. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

Possible side effects

During therapy, allergic reactions may occur in the form of possible negative side effects. These include hives and rashes on skin bodies. In addition, the occurrence of gag reflexes cannot be ruled out.

Rules for taking medication

  • Children from 1 month to 2.5 years – 100 mg suspension 3 times a day;
  • For children from 2 to 7 years old, the medicine is prescribed 200 mg, 3 times a day.

Adults, as well as children who have reached 7 years of age, are prescribed 200 mg of the drug at a time. You need 800 mg per day, which is a multiple of 4 doses of medication per day.

The duration of therapy should not last more than one week.

Characteristics of symptoms that occur during an overdose in official instructions for use, not described. If you take an excessive amount of this medicine, perform gastric lavage.

List of generics at a more affordable price in online pharmacies

Prices for medications in online pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg:

Based on the analysis of the most popular Russian online pharmacies, generics of the drug Enterofuril can be bought cheaper in St. Petersburg by ordering them on the Piluli.ru website.

All drugs presented in the above list have the same active substance– nifuroxazide.

Stopdiar – (Hungary)

These tablets are prescribed for acute or chronic diarrhea, which has bacterial origin. The drug also copes well with food poisoning.

Stopdiar is prohibited for people who are prone to allergic reactions, as well as for children under 7 years of age. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of this medication is also not recommended, due to the lack of accurate research data regarding the possible harmful effects on female body and fruit. However, if treatment occurs under medical supervision, it is permissible to temporarily stop breastfeeding and take of this medicine from diarrhea.

This drug is well tolerated. There are practically no side effects during treatment. It may very rarely occur allergic reaction, abdominal pain, gag reflexes.

Ecofuril – (Russian manufacturer)

This medicine copes well with diarrhea, the causative agent of which is infectious.

Exofuril should not be taken by patients with hypersensitivity to active and excipients, newborns up to 1 month, as well as premature babies.

The medication does not cause particularly negative reactions. Of the possible only manifestation of mild allergies - itching, skin rash and urticaria.

Nifural – (domestic analogue)

Doctors prescribe this, no less effective substitute patients with bacterial diarrhea, which occurs without significant deterioration, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as intoxication.

The medication is contraindicated for people with excessive sensitivity to its constituent components, pregnant women, and children under 3 years of age. For mothers undergoing lactation, taking Nifural is not recommended. Appointment is possible after consultation with a doctor.

Related negative reactions Allergy may occur in the form of rash, hives and swelling.

Adisord – (Russian cheap substitute for Enterofuril)

This medicine is able to cope with diarrhea, which is not accompanied by helminthic infestations.

Adisord should not be taken by people intolerant to nifuroxazide, which acts as a active component, as well as substances similar to nitrofuran. There is also age limit– Treatment of diarrhea with this medicine is prohibited for children under 3 years of age. Research regarding negative influence No medications were detected for pregnant women or milk produced during lactation. That is why taking Adisord is not prohibited if the assessed potential benefit for the mother expecting a child is greater than the potential risks for the fetus or child. In this case, talking to your doctor about taking this medication may help.

Based on the instructions, Adisord capsules have a number of side effects, however, in practice, they appear extremely rarely. Possible various allergies- rash on the skin, urticaria, Quincke's edema, shortness of breath and even anaphylactic shock, life-threatening person. Increased abdominal pain and diarrhea are also possible. In cases where certain adverse reactions, especially if they do not pass, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Conclusions on inexpensive synonyms for medicines

Enterofuril is a high-quality and effective medicine that is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diarrhea. In the pharmaceutical market, this medicine has a number of inexpensive analogues, both Russian and foreign production. It is important to consult with your doctor before purchasing an antidiarrheal medication to determine whether it is appropriate for your particular case.