If leucorrhoea is not white, what does it mean? And what should they be normally? We get rid of women's discharge at home without any problems.

Discharge in women can be physiological or pathological. The first type is transparent, consists of mucus and lactic acid bacteria. The liquid is watery, viscous, with particles of dead uterine and vaginal epithelium. Pathological discharge indicates inflammation. They have a brown, green or yellow tint. Discharge white can be both physiological and pathological. The consistency and smell will help determine what type they are.

Common reasons

Transparent mucus turns white before ovulation. This happens on days 12–14 menstrual cycle. The discharge develops a sour smell and becomes thick and profuse. The genitals of a healthy woman produce up to 4 ml of secretion per day. A spot with a diameter of 4.5–5 cm forms on a panty liner or underwear. Small soft lumps of a white or yellowish tint are found in the mucus. This physiological secretions which every healthy girl and woman has.

The mucus turns white due to stress and frequent douching. A milky discharge is produced if a woman:

  • regularly uses lubricants or lubricants;
  • takes hormonal contraceptives;
  • doesn't follow the rules intimate hygiene;
  • changes underwear every 2–3 days or less;
  • leads sedentary image life, due to which blood stagnates in the pelvic organs;
  • treated with antibiotics wide range actions;
  • protected by vaginal suppositories;
  • buys only synthetic underwear.

White discharge occurs due to stress, syndrome chronic fatigue and depression. They appear if the vagina or uterus begins inflammatory process. Only a gynecologist will determine the exact cause of the secretion after examination and tests.

White discharge without odor

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the physiological secretion is transparent and viscous, like raw chicken protein. On days 12–14, the uterus begins to prepare for ovulation. The mucus secreted by the cervix becomes liquid so that sperm can penetrate the fallopian tube and fertilize the egg. In the second half of the menstrual cycle female body produces a watery, whitish secretion. This is normal if the girl is not bothered by unpleasant symptoms such as itching or burning after urination.

5–7 days before the start of menstruation, the discharge, called leucorrhoea, becomes abundant and thick. Sometimes lumps come out along with mucus. The uterus prepares for the detachment of the epithelium and is cleansed of infections and microbes, which is why a sour smell appears. There is no reason to worry if no more than a teaspoon of secretion is produced per day.

The mucus turns white after defloration. The girl’s body gets used to her partner and his microflora, tries to protect herself from infections and bacteria that can enter the vagina during sexual intercourse.

White mucus appears in women who have had an intrauterine device installed. Patients who notice strange discharge are advised to consult a gynecologist. Perhaps the uterus does not accept contraception, and you will have to choose another option for protection against unwanted pregnancy.

White discharge without odor and unpleasant symptoms does not need to be treated. A woman should wash herself regularly, use panty liners and wear only breathable underwear made from natural fabrics.

Discharge and itching

The mucus becomes white and has a sour smell due to inflammation in the appendages or vagina. Infected tissues secrete lymphocytes and leukocytes, which destroy microbes and fungi, turning the secretion milky. Heavy discharge and itching may indicate various gynecological diseases:


Every second patient encounters candidiasis. it occurs due to the Candida fungus. It affects the vaginal mucosa. The discharge from thrush is thick, similar in consistency to thick sour cream, and has a sour smell. The mucus contains lumps and flakes. Itching appears after urination, and occurs during sexual intercourse. painful sensations.

Bacterial vaginosis

Refers to non-communicable diseases. Develops when long-term use antibiotics or antibacterial drugs. Appears due to spermicides, oral contraceptives and hormonal disorders.

Trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis

Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted to a woman from her partner during unprotected sexual intercourse. Symptoms resemble candidiasis. In patients who did not receive timely medical care, infertility develops.


Refers to sexually transmitted diseases. Accompanied by copious discharge and itching in men and women. Transmitted only through sexual contact. Causes inflammation of the cervix, leading to the development of erosion and malignant formations.

White discharge and itching may indicate illness thyroid gland and diabetes. Due to hormonal imbalance, a woman produces thick mucus with a sour smell. Sometimes curdled or watery discharge a milky hue and itching indicate cancer. Patients who suspect they have thrush or malignancy, they advise you to contact a gynecologist and get tested.

Discharge with odor

The physiological secretion of a healthy woman is odorless. White thick discharge, reminiscent of sour milk, indicates thrush. The Candida fungus begins to actively multiply when immunity decreases due to stress, colds or taking broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Whitish translucent mucus that foams and smells unpleasant indicates chlamydia or trichomonas. Milky discharge with a grayish tint indicates vaginosis. If they smell like rotten fish, the girl should immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist and get tested for gardnerellosis.

White secretions with a sour odor may indicate HIV. Some patients become infected with the virus from a regular sexual partner during unprotected sexual intercourse.

Discharge after sex

The body of an excited woman produces a watery, transparent or white mucus. This is a lubricant that is needed for the male genital organ to slide into the vagina. A thick milky secretion appears in a girl after unprotected intercourse, even interrupted. This way the vagina is cleansed of the partner’s microbes and his sperm.

The uterus produces white secretion if:

  • the patient had sexual intercourse with a new man;
  • a woman inserted suppositories, gels or spermicides into the vagina to prevent an unwanted pregnancy;
  • the partners used lubricant.

Glands located in the uterus and vagina produce milky mucus when you are allergic to condoms. If a girl is intolerant to latex products, the labia minora and majora swell, the skin turns red, and itching appears.

Discharge after menstruation

Over the course of 2–5 days after menstruation, the vaginal mucosa is restored and repopulated beneficial bacteria. During this period, a woman may notice white spots on her underwear or sanitary pad. If the discharge is watery, not thick and loose, and does not smell of sour milk, there is no reason to worry. This is a physiological secretion called leucorrhoea. They take on a milky hue due to bacteria living in the vagina. You need to worry if the discharge is accompanied by itching or burning, or if it has streaks of brownish or pink color.

White discharge during early pregnancy

Leucorrhoea in expectant mothers is a normal and natural phenomenon. You can say what it is. A plug is formed that closes the cervix and protects the embryo from infections and bacteria, so the discharge becomes abundant.
White or milky mucus is one of the early signs pregnancy. The discharge should be copious and painless. Not accompanied by itching, discomfort, redness of the genitals or irritation. After week 12, the mucus becomes watery and translucent.
Thick curdled discharge– a symptom of thrush, which appears due to hormonal imbalances and decreased immunity. Candidiasis is accompanied by burning, itching and pain when urinating. A pregnant woman should not treat the disease on her own. Only a gynecologist can choose the right medications that will not harm the child.


A patient who suspects she has inflammation or thrush is advised to undergo examination:

  • do an extensive blood and urine test;
  • take a smear;
  • undergo colposcopy to exclude erosion and dysplasia;
  • do an ultrasound of the appendages and uterus;
  • donate blood for hormones.

The gynecologist may order a bacterial culture from the vagina to rule out infection. The woman is checked for STIs, and if the leucorrhoea does not disappear, she is advised to take an HIV and oncology test.

Female discharge is conventionally divided into two types - physiological and pathological. The former are the norm and their appearance is not accompanied by any discomfort. And the latter occur only in cases where infections and inflammation appear in the vagina.White, creamy, odorless dischargerefer to physiological type, but only if there are no other symptoms characteristic of various pathologies.

The secretion secreted from the vagina ensures the maintenance of a balance between lactic acid bacteria and opportunistic microorganisms, as well as cleansing the organs reproductive system from dead epithelium. Its quantity depends on the work of the glands, which are located on the mucous membranes. Their activity is influenced by both internal and external factors. When exposed to them, the amount of mucus produced increases, which is a natural protective reaction of the body.

Discharge is considered normal only if it:

  • They do not have a specific smell.
  • They are released in small quantities.
  • Do not cause skin irritation on the labia.

Depending on the menstrual cycle, these indicators may change, which does not at all indicate pathologies. For example,creamy dischargeQuite often observed in young girls and women:

  • If there is a hormonal imbalance.
  • Before menstruation.
  • During the period of ovulation.

Hormonal disorders

White thick dischargewithout signs of infection or inflammation, they quite often occur in girls during puberty, when hormonal levels are developing. As a rule, they are sparse in nature and do not provide a feeling of moisture. As soon as girls have their first period, the discharge becomes almost unnoticeable and after 2-3 cycles it becomes normal.

In adult women the appearance thick leucorrhoea may be caused by the following factors:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Taking oral contraceptives.
  • The onset of menopause.

All this is also accompanied by changes in hormonal levels, which have a direct impact on the functioning of the reproductive system. It should be noted that during pregnancy abundant white discharge can be observed instead of menstruation and this is the absolute norm.

Before your period

Usually, white creamy discharge in womenappear at the moment when the uterus is preparing for the upcoming menstruation. This happens a few days before menstruation and the discharge itself does not cause discomfort in the perineum. Distinctive feature Such discharges are that they may contain streaks of blood, which is why they may turn pink or brownish (the appearance of the latter is caused by oxidative processes).


White discharge in womencan also be observed on days 12-16 of the menstrual cycle, which is caused by the onset of the period of release of the egg from the follicle (ovulation). During this period, the cervix produces a lot of mucus in order to cleanse itself of harmful microorganisms and protect the fertilized egg from infections (if it suddenly penetrates the uterine cavity).

Depending on the microflora of the vagina, this mucus may turn white. But! In the absence of pathology and infectionsmid-cycle dischargeThey do not smell or irritate the skin!

Other reasons

Thick white dischargein women they are quite often observed after unprotected sex. Their occurrence is caused by the body’s cleansing of male ejaculate that has entered the vagina during sex.

Male sperm contains protein and when it enters the acidic microflora, this protein coagulates, which causes the appearance ofwhite discharge, sometimes thick. They can be observed within 12-24 hours after sexual contact with a man.

Vaginal dischargemay also arise due to the fault of the woman herself. Wearing tight synthetic underwear, using intimate hygiene products that contain a lot of alkali (for example, regular toilet soap), frequent douching, poor personal hygiene - all this can cause discharge white , since under the influence of these factors it changes acid-base balance in the vagina.

Discharge without odor or itchingmay also occur due to:

  • Frequent stress.
  • Abrupt climate change.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Promiscuous sex life.

Important! In any case, in the absence of infections and inflammations, the secretion that is released from the vagina does not have a sharp specific odor and is not accompanied by itching, burning or irritation. If other symptoms appear, then you should not delay going to the doctor, since in this case there can be no talk of any normality. The woman needs careful examination and treatment.

Signs of infection and inflammation

Every woman should know the signs of infections and inflammations, since only in this way can she identify the problem in time and begin treatment, preventing complications from occurring. As a rule, in the presence of pathological processes, the appearance of vaginal discharge is always accompanied by additional symptoms.

For example, viscous and bad-smelling discharge may occur due to inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Most often they are profuse and accompanied by acute pain in the lower abdomen during movements. The appearance of an unpleasant odor is caused by the accumulation in fallopian tubes purulent exudate, which penetrates the uterine cavity and then exits through the cervix.

The discharge is white and unpleasant smelling may be a sign of the development of endometritis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the uterus. In this case, no itching or burning in the perineal area is observed. However, a woman may periodically observe painful sensations in her lower abdomen, which intensify with strong physical activity or sexual intercourse.

Cervicitis is another disease in which a stringy white mucous discharge appears. It is characterized by inflammation of the cervix, which most often occurs during implantation pathogenic bacteria in the vagina. IN in this case also noted aching pain lower abdomen and discharge, which may contain streaks of blood.

If in the discharge there are lumps, dense white clots or flakes, which causes irritation in intimate area, itching and burning, then this already indicates the development of a disease such as thrush. As a rule, during it very copious discharge with a sour smell, the labia swell and a whitish coating appears on their surface. The skin itself turns red and begins to peel.

The main reason for the development of thrush is active growth Candida fungi, which are part of the natural microflora of the vagina. Activation of their growth can occur for the following reasons:

  • Decreased immunity.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Taking certain medications.

The same reasons can provoke active reproduction in the vagina of opportunistic microorganisms - gardnerella. In this case, white discharge is also observed, only it becomes more liquid and depletes the smell of rotten fish.

Important! If a woman has a whitish-green or yellow discharge, then this is already a sign of the development of an STD, for example, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis.

When whites occur thick discharge from the vagina, you need to contact a gynecologist. Only he can answer accurately Why they appeared and what needs to be done. To make a diagnosis, you just need to take a smear for bacterial culture and undergo an ultrasound examination, which will confirm/refute the presence of inflammatory processes.

Usually, odorless and itchy discharge, pain and other symptoms that occur during certain periods of the cycle do not require treatment. But for those conditions where other symptoms are present, treatment is selected strictly on an individual basis, depending on the cause of their occurrence.

For example, thrush is treated with special antifungal drugs. In this case, not only women, but also their sexual partners are treated. They are prescribed antifungal ointments, which they must apply to the penis several times a day.

When inflammation is detected, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs are used. If STDs have been identified, specific therapy is carried out with the participation of antibacterial agents.

It is impossible to say exactly how to treat discharge in women. It all depends on the cause of their occurrence and individual characteristics body. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and if you suspect the development of infectious or inflammatory diseases, it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

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Surely many women have observed discharge on their underwear that resembles the structure of raw egg white. This discharge is called leucorrhoea. There are many reasons for the appearance of discharge, but how can one determine whether the appearance of whiteness is normal or is it a symptom of some disease? Let's try to understand this issue and give the most complete answers to the most common questions in this article.

Many women consider the appearance of leucorrhoea to be quite normal. physiological process however, this is not always the case. In most cases, gynecologists consider such vaginal discharge abnormal and recommend not postponing the treatment of this disease. It is worth considering that leucorrhoea may indicate a gynecological or venereal disease, and about anemia, the approach of menstruation.

Leucorrhoea often appears in teenage girls during puberty. In addition, the causes of discharge can be hypothermia, stress, food oversaturated with protein, intestinal bacteria, intoxication of the body.

Women should be attentive to vaginal discharge, both in themselves and in their daughter. Improper hygiene genital area is one of the most popular causes of leucorrhoea.

When discharge should not be a cause for concern

The appearance of leucorrhoea in the second half of the menstrual cycle is normal if this discharge is odorless and does not cause discomfort (burning, itching, discomfort, etc.). Besides, increased secretion vaginal mucus is considered normal if a woman is aroused.

Pregnant women are also often concerned about the appearance of leucorrhoea. Doctors explain the increase in discharge during pregnancy by the degree of fetal development, that is, the longer the pregnancy, the more vaginal discharge becomes.

However during pregnancy You should especially carefully monitor the amount and nature of the discharge: the appearance of an unpleasant odor, discomfort, darkening of the discharge are good reasons for a visit to the gynecologist. In principle, all of the above symptoms apply not only to pregnant women; any woman who experiences changes in vaginal discharge should consult a doctor for tests and appropriate treatment.

What is the normal range of vaginal discharge?

The answer to this question is quite difficult to give, because not a single woman can measure the amount of discharge per day in milligrams. The vagina of a woman who does not have inflammatory processes or diseases of the female reproductive system contains about 335 milligrams of leucorrhoea - this is the norm. That is, small discharge is normal, but thick and abundant discharge is a serious cause for concern.

Pathological leucorrhoea

As a rule, they appear during the recovery process after illnesses, as well as in diseases of the vagina, such as trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, thrush. A subtype of vaginal leucorrhoea is cervical leucorrhoea, they are provoked by chronic gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, and may also indicate cervical cancer.

Uterine leucorrhoea occurs due to polyps and other neoplasms in the uterus, as well as endometritis. At first they are watery, but over time they become purulent; when the disease is advanced, the color of the leucorrhoea becomes brown.

Less common than others are tubal leucorrhoea, which is caused by inflammation of the fallopian tubes and cervix. Such discharge is usually watery with a yellowish tint.

How does the color of leucorrhoea depend on the disease?

The color of the discharge can be quite varied and vary depending on the disease that the female body suffers. If the leucorrhoea has acquired a yellow-green tint or pinkish leucorrhoea with ichor appears, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist. Inaction can lead to the development of the disease, damage to the genital organs, the development of tumors and other troubles.

Often, it is enough for a gynecologist to see the color of the leucorrhoea to make an accurate diagnosis. White curdled leucorrhoea, for example, is characteristic feature thrush, and green leucorrhoea occurs with purulent diseases.

Yellow ones are characteristic of trichomoniasis, while gray ones are a sure sign of vaginosis (this disease also causes a sharp, unpleasant fishy odor). With chlamydia, the leucorrhoea is transparent.

Changing the color of the discharge during treatment allows the doctor to monitor the progress of the patient’s disease.

When to see a doctor

As mentioned above, at the slightest suspicion that leucorrhoea has been taken pathological character, you should consult a doctor immediately. Any change in the consistency, color or smell of discharge, accompanied by itching, pain, or discomfort should be the reason for a visit to the gynecologist.

After inspection and taking necessary tests and smears, the doctor will prescribe you treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.


Many women neglect to visit a doctor and try to cure themselves external manifestation diseases. This is a huge mistake. First of all, you should establish the cause of the discharge and treat the underlying disease.

Local treatment in some cases can bring some relief or disappearance of symptoms of the disease for a while. The true disease continues to progress during this period, provoking more and more new complications.

As a rule, for complex treatment whiter, gynecologists prescribe antibacterial and hormonal drugs, physiotherapy, vaginal rinsing solutions, suppositories and anti-inflammatory ointments, vitamins, diet. In addition, there are many recipes traditional medicine to treat this disease, but you should not use anything without consulting a specialist.

Pregnant women with increased vaginal discharge are advised to avoid tight underwear, maintain personal hygiene, do not use aromatic gels for intimate hygiene, soaps and oils, and use daily sanitary pads, stop douching. And during a routine visit to the doctor, you must report the problem and undergo the appropriate tests to rule out the presence of infection.

Remember that your health largely depends only on you, do not neglect the disease and regularly visit your gynecologist to avoid dangerous complications.

Every girl probably paid attention to the abundant white discharge that appeared on her underwear after menstruation or before menstruation. Such leucorrhoea is a special vaginal secretion that changes its specificity in one or another phase of the cycle. Is this discharge harmless? Or does the body signal in this specific way about the development of pathological processes within? It is absolutely correct to ask such questions, because the menstrual cycle is an important component of the female reproductive function, on which the lady’s health largely depends.

Predominantly whitish cervical fluid, subject to a full sexual life and regular menstruation, is considered normal. However, in certain situations, such vaginal discharge can be a harbinger of pregnancy or be a symptom of the development of a number of gynecological/infectious diseases or pathological processes.

Signs of healthy discharge

A moderate amount of odorless vaginal secretions a couple of days before the arrival of menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon. This way the genital tract is cleared of bacteria and excess mucus.

Non-pathological, they are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Small volume. Based on the day of the cycle, their number can range from 0.06 to 4 ml/day (within one teaspoon). If the secretion stain on the pad/underwear does not exceed 5 cm, this is considered normal.
  2. Exclusively white. The shade of leucorrhoea can vary - from transparent to creamy, milky. Yellowness appears when the secretion interacts with oxygen and its further drying on the fabric.
  3. No smell. It either shouldn’t be there at all, or it will be light and slightly sour due to the pH characteristics of the vaginal microflora.
  4. Homogeneous consistency. Density may vary from phase to phase. So, with ovulatory secretion it is viscous, with luteal secretion it is watery, with follicular secretion it is creamy.
  5. Specific structure. It contains minor lumps and transparent veins - all these are rejected epithelial tissues.
  6. Lack of redness and swelling on the external genitalia. Such phenomena are not characteristic of naturally secreted secretions.

Such heavy discharge in women can be observed from two to 4-5 days. Duration and hormonal background directly proportional.

What are normal leucorrhoea?

Beli is a kind of protection of the girl’s reproductive system from various kinds bacteria. The specificity of secretion is regulated by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which thin the vaginal mucus or make it thicker. Whites are distinguished by their natural composition, which is characterized by cervical mucus, particles of epithelium, fluid from the glands of the vagina and uterus, leukocytes in single volumes, etc.

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Normal leucorrhoea:

  • do not cause discomfort to the woman;
  • do not emit stench;
  • do not cause itching in the vagina;
  • do not last longer than three days (for minor deviations + 2 more days).

If there is any unpleasant symptom, whether it is the appearance of foam, change in color, sour smell, and also when the secretion is accompanied by a burning sensation, it is considered as pathological types discharge.


Gynecologists associate abundant leucorrhoea in women with the activity of the hormonal system. In the absence of a specific odor and genital itching, there are no signs of concern. In the opposite situation (the discharge stinks, a burning sensation in the vagina is annoying), and also when clear traces of blood are found in the cervical fluid, prompt medical consultation is recommended.

Profuse leucorrhoea before Women's Day may be a sign of an imbalance in the vaginal microflora as a result of stress, hypothermia, hormonal imbalances, etc.

When white discharge suddenly increases in volume after ovulation, this is considered an abnormality and may indicate the presence of cervical erosion. There are other reasons for the abundance of vaginal secretions: gynecological diseases(some of them can occur simultaneously with each other):

  • candidiasis;
  • vulvitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • types of colpitis/vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis.

Thick or liquid

The concentration of mucus secretions depends on the phase of the cycle and the prevailing hormone:

  • estrogen makes vaginal secretion liquid, which occurs in the first phase;
  • After ovulation, progesterone thickens it.

Excessive sexual activity, eating disorders, overvoltage, bad habits, a long course of taking contraceptives, etc. can provoke thick, abundant secretions, independent of the concentration of the dominant substance this moment hormone.

Gynecologists associate a sharp increase in white cervical fluid with cervicitis, diabetes, and helminth infection. A consultation with your doctor and a detailed laboratory analysis of a smear will help to identify the pathology in time.

With and without scent

Natural discharges are considered to be exclusively odorless leucorrhoea, healthy women before menstruation they may smell slightly sour. When vaginal secretion smells strongly, an immediate gynecological examination is recommended.

Signs and causes of pathological leucorrhoea

Signs of abnormalities can be identified by color, smell, and consistency of discharge. A curdled structure, foamy leucorrhoea and those that are accompanied by itching, burning, redness in the vagina, an unpleasant sour (rotten) odor may indicate diseases of the genital organs.

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The structure, color, and volume of vaginal secretion on the eve of menstruation can be changed by:

  • harmless enough hormonal imbalance induced by reception medications or exposure to the external environment;
  • reproductive system failures;
  • disturbances in the vaginal microflora;
  • excess of pathogenic substances (fungi, bacteria).

Reasons pathological discharge There may also be serious gynecological diseases:

  1. Thrush, familiar to most women ( medical name– vaginal candidiasis). For her, it is the curdled leucorrhoea that causes severe itching and vaginal irritation. Gain similar secretion happens before the start menstrual bleeding, heavy discharge of an identical nature also accompanies the end of menstruation.
  2. Cervicitis. This inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​characterized by thin, watery secretions. The cause of greenish and thick whites is chronic stage diseases.
  3. Hyperplasia or endometrial polyps. These inflammatory processes manifest themselves as bloody-brownish discharge, which occurs 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation.
  4. Endometriosis. It is characterized by spotting thick leucorrhoea (often stringy) on the eve of menstruation. May acquire a brownish tint.
  5. Cervical erosion. It provokes the appearance of a liquid, colorless or white-streaked secretion; its quantity is usually considerable. After gynecological examination or sexual contact, a bloody admixture is added to the secretion.

It happens that the discharge before menstruation is not white at all. For example, purulent-bloody secretions may be observed; they are provoked by inflammation of the endometrium (endometritis). Pus in vaginal secretions can also be a sign of gonorrhea.

Some women experience pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by brownish-red rotten smell vaginal discharge, the cause of this phenomenon is inflammation of the reproductive organ.

Should I go to the doctor?

It is important to understand that the above information is only a kind of assistant for the correct assessment of healthy/pathological leucorrhoea. If you have white discharge of a dubious nature, you should not try to independently diagnose infections and inflammations. The same symptoms may occur various diseases arising due to a variety of reasons.

Mucous droplets secreted from the female genital organs are called leucorrhoea. The presence of such a disease indicates possible problems in the field of gynecology and other diseases. By appearance leucorrhoea resembles drops egg white sometimes appearing on women's underwear.

The reason for the appearance of drops may be the approach of the menstrual cycle or anemia. If you have such problems, then you can not worry and continue to do your business. In such cases, doctors recommend limiting physical activity, increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits, and making your diet more complete and balanced.

Leucorrhoea that often appears on your underwear is the first alarm bell for your health. The disease must be treated to prevent the possibility of more complex diseases. One of the methods for treating leucorrhoea is enhanced nutrition. This is the most easy way treatment of leucorrhoea and if it does not help, you need to start more serious treatment using douching with astringent solutions. In any case, consultation with a specialist is simply necessary.

It’s bad when leucorrhoea is red or yellow in color. This alarming symptoms, which cannot be left without control and treatment. The whiter color is the first and main feature the presence of inflammation, which can develop with cancer, fibroids, sarcomas and other serious diseases.

Signs of Healthy Vaginal Discharge

The amount of normal vaginal discharge and its consistency may vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the woman's condition. Vaginal secretions increase in certain time menstrual cycle (around the middle of the cycle, at the time of ovulation), during breastfeeding, or during sexual arousal. An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge in healthy women can be observed due to stress, due to changes in climatic conditions or taking certain medications (for example, hormonal contraceptives). Distinguish normal discharge possible based on the following criteria:

  • They are liquid, transparent (mucus, jelly-like);
  • The amount of discharge is insignificant;
  • No noticeable odor;
  • They do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs and are not accompanied by any symptoms of the disease (itching, temperature, pain, discomfort in the genital area).

An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge (more abundant and thin) is observed during pregnancy and gradually increases towards the end of pregnancy. The intensification of vaginal discharge in pregnant women is explained by an increase in the concentration of sex hormones during this period. An increase in the amount of secretion, an abnormal odor or change in consistency, or pain, itching or burning that accompanies vaginal discharge may be signs of infection or other more serious illnesses.

Leucorrhoea - excessive or unusual in nature (smell, color, consistency, quantity) discharge (profuse milky-white, yellow-green, bloody, liquid or thick, smelling, etc.), causing itching, burning and constant feeling humidity.

Pathological vaginal discharge - leucorrhoea - can be very diverse in color (red-bloody, brown, gray, black, whitish, greenish, yellowish, pink), consistency (jelly-like, curdled, foamy) with or without odor. Leucorrhoea may be accompanied by other symptoms (itching, irritation, pain) or may be the only symptom of the disease.

Unlike leucorrhoea, physiological vaginal discharge is light and light. Usually they do not cause irritation to the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs; their number increases slightly before menstruation, during pregnancy and in postpartum period, and in girls - during puberty. The total amount of secretion that accumulates in the vagina during the day does not normally exceed 1 ml and is not felt.

Symptoms of leucorrhoea

Every woman has genital discharge. They usually become larger before the menstrual cycle begins and become much smaller after the menstrual cycle ends. The secretion of leucorrhoea increases during puberty, during pregnancy and after it. This discharge is considered completely normal. In the case where a woman does not belong to any of the described categories, her leucorrhoea should not exceed 1 ml per day.

Need to pay Special attention in cases where:

  • strong mucus secretion unpleasant smell and opaque color;
  • copious discharge with a certain color;
  • copious watery discharge.

All discharge is accompanied by burning or itching and a feeling of discomfort. The presence of purulent discharge on underwear means that there is an infection in the body and an inflammatory process is already underway. Treatment must be started immediately so that the inflammatory process does not develop into a serious gynecological disease. The development of a tumor is indicated by the presence of red colored leucorrhoea.

Causes of leucorrhoea

Beli is one of the most common symptoms gynecological diseases, associated with a quantitative or qualitative change in the secretion of the genital organs. Causes of discharge: inflammatory processes, infections, injuries, tumors various localizations. The nature of leucorrhoea is determined by its origin (tubal, uterine and vaginal leucorrhoea is liquid, cervical leucorrhoea is mucous). An admixture of pus usually indicates an inflammatory process, and blood - the development of a tumor.

Leucorrhoea often appears with various gynecological (for example, adnexitis, vaginitis, colpitis) and other diseases. Abnormal discharge can occur when the vaginal walls prolapse, perineal ruptures, douching with concentrated antiseptic solutions, long-term use of chemical contraceptives, congestion in the pelvic organs caused by constipation and a sedentary lifestyle, violation of personal hygiene rules.

Pathological discharge from the female genital organs - characteristic symptom diseases of the reproductive system or general diseases of the body.

  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Cervical cancer;
  • Chlamydia;
  • Human genital warts (HPV);
  • Menopause;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Vaginal bleeding;
  • Vaginitis;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Candidiasis (thrush);
  • Urogenital trichomoniasis;
  • Vaginal cancer;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Cervical polyps;
  • Cervicitis;
  • Atrophic vaginitis;
  • Foreign body (for example, you forgot a tampon);
  • Hormonal changes.

Roughly leucorrhoea may indicate the character pathological process, For example:

  • yellow, yellow-green discharge occurs with gonorrhea;
  • liquid yellow, foamy - with trichomoniasis;
  • white, crumbly - with thrush.

Most common reasons secretion disorders are inflammatory diseases genital organs, tumors of the genital organs, foreign bodies in the vagina, mustache intrauterine devices, contraceptive caps, pessaries, venereal diseases, sexual dysfunction, interrupted coitus, masturbation, diabetes, diseases of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, cystitis, urethritis, long-term use chemical contraception, sedentary image life calling congestion in the pelvic organs, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, especially hygiene of the genital organs, etc. Leucorrhoea, regardless of the individual reaction to them, negatively affects nervous system women, lead to maceration of oozing, decreased libido, and sometimes to infertility.

Changes in the color, clarity, consistency, or odor of vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of certain diseases or conditions.

Treatment of leucorrhoea

Treatment of leucorrhoea is carried out only as part of the treatment of the underlying disease. A symptomatic approach, that is, influencing only the external manifestation of the disease, which is exactly leucorrhoea, is a dangerous decision. Often women do not visit a doctor and use it on the advice of friends or from personal experience local means, which can eliminate leucorrhoea. First of all, these are all kinds of candles, which contain many components. Sometimes local treatment is quite acceptable and brings the desired result, and sometimes, on the contrary, it simply suppresses the symptoms of the disease for a while, allowing it to progress.

For example, if cervical dysplasia exists, the use of local treatment, which eliminates leucorrhoea, can do a disservice when a woman postpones a visit to the gynecologist. This way you can miss, for example, the malignant transformation of dysplasia. It is better to adhere to the rule: the appearance of leucorrhoea in an unusual large quantities or with discoloration is always a reason to visit a doctor.

Treating leucorrhoea at home

To treat vaginal discharge, decoctions and tinctures prepared from medicinal herbs are used. For a week, you need to douche every day at room temperature with a decoction of calendula and celandine. For the decoction, take a tablespoon of herbs and pour 2 tbsp. boiling water. Leave the broth to infuse for an hour. After regular douching, the result of excellent cleansing of the body is achieved. It is good to use this decoction in the treatment of colpitis.

A wonderful decoction obtained from oak bark, yarrow, sage and rosemary leaves give an equally weak effect in the treatment of leucorrhoea. Prepare 3 liters of water in a saucepan and add 40 g of oak bark and 20 g of other herbs. Boil the broth for 10 minutes. Leave aside to cool. Strain and douche twice a day.

Herbal decoction for treating leucorrhoea

Regularly washing the vagina with a homemade herbal decoction can help with this disease. Washing should be done in the morning and evening. For the decoction you will need oak bark, lungwort root, rose petals and chamomile flowers according to Art. l. You also need 2 tbsp. l. mistletoe and St. John's wort herb. Add 6 tbsp water to the herbs. and on fire for 20 minutes. Let cool and strain. Rinse with the cooled broth.

Calendula flowers for treating leucorrhoea

A wonderful remedy for treating leucorrhoea should be prepared from calendula flowers (2 tbsp.) and a bottle of vodka. Place calendula flowers in a bottle of vodka and leave for 14 days away from direct sunlight. You can put the bottle in the nightstand. The product needs to be shaken every two days. Strain the tincture and keep it in the cupboard. For douching and compresses, add seven parts of water to one part of the tincture. For internal use During menopause or frequent headaches, you need to drink just a teaspoon of tincture before meals.

Herbs for treating leucorrhoea

Must buy the following herbs: nettle, urban gravilat, common mantle, horsetail and mistletoe leaves. Take 2 tsp. all herbs and grind. To stir thoroughly. At 2 tbsp. 2 tbsp of water is enough. l. collection In the evening, pour boiling water over the herb and leave overnight. Strain and consume 100 ml before morning, lunch and evening. At the same time, you can use chamomile infusion for douching. For half a glass hot water you need to take 2 tbsp. l. daisies.

An excellent treatment option is homemade tampons. Place parsley seeds in three-layer gauze and make a tampon. Place a tampon in a glass of alcohol, and then leave for 24 hours olive oil. When the tampon is infused, you can use it.

Don't forget for full complex treatment, take a bath with pine needles. Pine needles are added to a hot water bath. Pharmacies sell an extract made from pine needles. Add to the complex a mandatory visit to the bathhouse every three days. These recommendations must be followed to successful treatment whiter.


Prevention consists of observing hygiene measures, carrying out preventive examinations with the aim of early detection diseases of the reproductive system, timely and adequate treatment common diseases body.

If you are concerned about the unusual nature of discharge from the genital tract - the amount of leucorrhoea, its color, smell, consistency, etc. - you should not try to solve the problem by increasing the number of gaskets or intimate means hygiene is, to say the least, naive. Leucorrhoea is a reason to visit a gynecologist and conduct a full laboratory diagnosis.