If arsenic is not removed from the tooth in time. It's time to get arsenic out of a tooth - should you do it yourself?

It is not for nothing that young children are afraid of going to the dentist, because most operations are quite painful. In order to avoid discomfort during procedures, doctors use various anesthetics. Arsenic also has a similar ability, which is now freely used by specialists in dental offices.

Why do they put arsenic in the tooth?

Arsenic is given for one purpose - to kill the nerve. The need for such a procedure may arise due to various reasons. These mainly include serious tooth damage, as well as in other situations where the removal of a diseased tooth is required. Arsenic is a poison, and in large quantities it is deadly to humans. Today, this chemical element is used in dentistry in very small quantities and mainly in diluted form.

The effect of arsenic can be compared to local anesthetics, since the drug also begins its work from a small area. The toxic element has a destructive effect on cells: first of all, the blood supply is disrupted, which leads to a prolonged lack of oxygen. At the same time, a small part of the nerve is isolated from the system: and the nerve endings lose sensitivity, since the brain does not process the information that comes from this area. Accordingly, all pulp killing processes are painless. Ultimately, the isolated nerve, which does not receive an influx of oxygen, dies, which makes it possible for further dental procedures on the anesthetized area.

How long can you keep arsenic in your tooth?

You can only hold arsenic for a limited time. Exact time the dentist can tell, who immediately after installing the drug prescribes the next session. Usually chemical element It takes 16 to 48 hours to kill a nerve, the number of hours depending on the patient's age, dental condition, general health, method of application of arsenic, and the product used, since arsenic is in pure form They are not used anywhere in dentistry. After the “work” of arsenic, mechanical work is performed.

For adults

Adult conditional healthy person the product is installed for a period of 1 to 2 days. In this case, an important role is played by the fact on which tooth the arsenic paste is installed, as well as what treatment method is used. Arsenic balls can be placed either on top of the closed pulp or inside after it has been opened. The first method is not very popular today and is practically not used, since very often such treatment only led to increased toothache. In such cases, arsenic could be given for 3 days, and sometimes more.

For 2 days, the paste is placed in a tooth with 2 roots, since it is necessary to remove large quantity nerve endings, in other cases 24 hours is enough.

For children

Children are more susceptible to poisons, so young patients under 18 years of age are given arsenic for less than a day. Typically, the time allowed for arsenic to act in children's body, ranges from 16 to 24 hours. Therefore, it is extremely important for parents to take their child to next appointment during.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the use of arsenic for dental pain relief is contraindicated, since the introduction of poison into the body, even in small doses, can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

You should also avoid using arsenic-based dental products if breastfeeding, since together with mother’s milk the substance enters the child’s fragile and unprepared body, which also causes serious harm to health, because up to 1.5 years of age, use potent drugs Arsenic based is prohibited.

What happens if you leave arsenic in your tooth?

Depending on the drug used by the dentist, the maximum time that arsenic paste can remain in the tooth is from 3 to 5 days. Exceeding this period leads to the fact that the product expands its zone of influence, destroying the nerve endings of neighboring healthy teeth, which leads to their natural destruction. Also, leaving a toxic agent for too long leads to inflammation and swelling of the tissues. oral cavity. There is a possibility of dentin destruction, which primarily manifests itself in the form of discoloration.

Poisoning with arsenic paste, which is used for dental treatment, is almost impossible, since extremely small doses are used. However, if the temporary dentin that holds the paste is damaged, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with water and soda, and also drink a glass of milk, since it completely neutralizes the effects of the poison on the body.

How to get arsenic out of a tooth?

In some cases, when it is not possible to visit the dentist at the appointed time, it is necessary to remove arsenic from the tooth yourself in order to avoid negative consequences influence of the element on the body and oral cavity. This is quite simple to do, since the paste is fixed only with a temporary, rather unstable filling.

Maximum hygiene must be observed, so before self-deletion arsenic, you need to brush your teeth and treat your hands with an antiseptic. A temporary filling is easily broken by anyone sharp object. It is safest to use a wooden toothpick, additionally disinfected with alcohol. The arsenic paste in the pulp looks like a grayish ball; it must be taken out without crumbling it. If the integrity of the shell is damaged, the product will turn the tissue blue. This dye is specially added to the product for cases of filling loss. The pulp cleared of arsenic must be rinsed with any antiseptic. Even a decoction of chamomile will do. The pulp can be covered with cotton wool, and then make an appointment with the dentist as quickly as possible.

Is arsenic in the tooth harmful?

Although arsenic itself is a poison for the body, which can cause fatal outcome, its use in dentistry is practically harmless. Modern means based on arsenic do not cause poisoning of the body even if the capsule enters the stomach.

In fact, such a remedy will not be able to cause fatal damage, however, there are a number of points that indicate that arsenic cannot be called absolutely safe means. First of all, this is noticeable by the fact that the use of an arsenic ball has a clearly limited time frame. Failure to comply with these deadlines will lead to the destruction of even healthy teeth, which, without a doubt, is quite unpleasant consequence, which disrupts the functional part of the oral cavity. At the same time, the destruction of crowns is not comparable to deadly consequences ordinary arsenic, therefore arsenic pastes can be called conditionally safe.

Indications and contraindications for the use of arsenic

Arsenic is an aggressive pain reliever, so the main indication for use is fast and reliable pain relief. It is most often used when a patient comes in at night with severe pain. Also, such a remedy can become an alternative if the patient is allergic to the components of other anesthetics, as well as in cases where the body is resistant to the effects of other drugs.

A rarer indication for use is the person’s health status at the time of application. In some cases, it is not possible to use other anesthetics. For example, with strong blood pressure or if there is alcohol in the blood.

Since arsenic is a toxic agent, there are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • Arsenic pastes are not usually used on primary teeth. If there is one emergency, That minimum age should be between 1.5-2 years;
  • The presence of an allergy to any component of the paste also excludes the possibility of its use for the treatment of toothache;
  • Diseases of the eyes, urinary and reproductive systems;
  • Problems with root canals: curvature, unformed, disconnected.

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Before dentistry reached high level development, very often arsenic was used to remove dental nerves. Nowadays this practice is used very rarely, but has not been completely eliminated. There are cases when the patient, for certain reasons, cannot visit the dentist, but the period of action of arsenic is already quite long and it needs to be removed. In such cases, it is necessary to remove the substance from the tooth cavity yourself, as it is very harmful. You need to know how to remove a filling.

Arsenic in a tooth is usually a blue lump of paste

Why is arsenic used in dentistry?

In order to kill the nerve, the dentist can use arsenic in his work. This medicine has a necrotic effect on the nerve, which leads to its death. And it also has toxic effect, which requires its short-term use.

IN medical practice The remedy is used to relieve toothache that is caused by an exposed nerve. This can occur as a result of caries, periodontitis, pulpitis and other dental problems.

Arsenic occupies number 33 in the Periodic Table and has another name - arsenum. It is a brittle non-metal substance with toxicity. It has an immunotoxic effect on the human body. Dangerous dosage- 5–50 mg, depending on the individual sensitivity of the body.

The element arsenic is a strong poison

Arsenic in the tooth should not last long.

By doing dental work, the substance falls into the tooth cavity, providing a necrotic effect on the nerve endings and pulp. As a result of this impact, the following processes occur:

  • direct cytotoxic effect on cells;
  • disruption of cellular respiration and their death;
  • denaturation of protein pulp;
  • cessation of blood supply to the pulp;
  • blocking impulses from nerve endings.

As a result of such processes, the nerve completely dies and becomes insensitive.

The substance is used in the form of a paste, the main component of which is arsenic. As a rule, this is an anhydride: Septodont, Kaustinerv, Pulparsen, Caustitsin, etc.

Arsenic paste for dentistry

The composition of such drugs includes arsenic anhydride, which provides a necrotic effect, as well as a substance that has an anesthetic effect, which allows you to quickly cope with painful sensations. The latter include: novocaine, dicaine, lidocaine.

The components of the paste include substances that ensure the disinfection of dead pulp and the destruction of pathogenic microflora. This may be thymol, carbolic acid and others. Thanks to the astringent components, the diffusion of the main substance is slowed down, as well as the effect of the paste is prolonged.

No matter what type of paste is used, it should not be in the tooth long time. Sometimes there are times when you need to get pasta at home. If a person removes a filling, you should try to immediately contact a dentist.

How long should arsenic remain in a tooth?

Installing arsenic takes a little time. The dentist performs the following actions:

  • pulp opening;
  • removal of damaged dentin;
  • laying the paste;
  • ensuring sealing using artificial dentin.

Previously, the substance was placed with a closed pulp, but now this practice is not used, as there is a possibility of pain and swelling. Arsenic, depending on which tooth is being treated, is set for the following period of time:

  • single-rooted – 24 hours;
  • the rest – 48 hours.

It is very important to visit a doctor on the day of your appointment, as prolonged exposure to the substance becomes dangerous.

A temporary filling over arsenic has fallen out - you need to see a doctor urgently

Arsenic should not be kept for more than 62 hours.

There are substances that can be kept for up to two weeks, these include depulpin. It is necessary to clarify with a specialist which particular drug was used. If it is not possible to visit the dentist at the appointed time, you need to extract the substance yourself. You need to be very careful with arsenic so that it does not enter the gastrointestinal tract when extracted. You need to remove it yourself for certain reasons.

Why might you need to extract arsenic yourself?

Arsenic paste has high rate toxicity. It needs to be taken out in time. If it remains in the tooth for more than a week, inflammation of the soft dental tissues and other negative processes develop, which include:

  • swelling of the pulp;
  • darkening of dentin;
  • drug-induced periodontitis;
  • death of the periosteum and bone;
  • necrotic effect on adjacent teeth.

Need to keep the substance set time and not violate the terms of its withdrawal. Just in case, you need to know how to remove arsenic from a tooth yourself. With prolonged exposure to the paste, complete intoxication of the body can occur. And also negative phenomena may occur with an incorrectly calculated dose.

Due to such great risk adverse reactions, the drug is used very rarely, although it used to be quite common.

The patient should be attentive to the timing of use of arsenic paste and do not forget to visit a doctor. You need to know when to get the pasta. Despite its necrotic and analgesic effect, the substance located in the tooth can cause pain, which also requires its immediate removal.

A tooth with arsenic hurts - it needs to be removed

The causes of pain are the following:

  • the substance does not kill nerve endings, since it is not concentrated enough;
  • long duration of action of certain drugs;
  • inflammation of tooth tissue;
  • necrosis in the area of ​​the periosteum or jawbone;
  • substance intolerance;
  • incorrectly inserted paste.

Any of these reasons causes pain, which should alert the patient and remove the substance. You need to immediately consult a doctor or, at first, get the paste yourself. When a person removes a substance himself, he must understand that subsequent treatment cannot be avoided.

How to extract the substance yourself?

After the doctor places the arsenic paste, a filling is placed on top, which prevents it from falling out of the tooth cavity. Sometimes it falls out on its own, which requires immediate attention to the dentist.

Removing arsenic paste yourself is dangerous. In addition, if you open the filling, the pain may only intensify. If painful sensations stopped and fixed time wearing the substance has expired, you can still try to remove it, if it is not possible to visit a specialist. There are certain steps that need to be taken.

  1. Brush your teeth well.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and treat with an antiseptic.
  3. Prepare a tool: a syringe or sewing needle, thin tweezers, and a toothpick will do. The item must be treated with an antiseptic. You can use alcohol, vodka, and potassium permanganate solution.
  4. Stand in front of the mirror and lightly pick up the filling without touching the gums. Do not insert the needle too deeply, as this may cause pain.
  5. After removing the filling, you need to try to get the substance out so that it does not crumble in the oral cavity.
  6. After completely cleaning the tooth from the drug, you need to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic or chamomile infusion.

A visit to the dentist for dental cleaning and treatment is mandatory.

Many people ask: if I remove the substance itself, what will happen. Nothing fatal will happen, but without further treatment not enough. After arsenic has been removed, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since during the period of its action, the walls of the tooth have become thin, like its other parts, which can lead to its rapid destruction.

It is recommended not to plan long trips if arsenic has been detected, so that at the first appearance of negative symptoms you can consult a specialist. And it is also better to choose a method of treating dental nerves that does not use such a substance.

Very often, teeth that are treated with arsenic paste quickly crumble, which requires the installation of a crown.

Removing arsenic is very simple, but the consequences after it are very costly and long-lasting. You need to constantly visit the dentist to avoid moments when the tooth can no longer be saved except with the help of arsenic paste. It is recommended to use a good toothpaste, which protects against caries.

Dental treatment is complicated by the severe pain of many procedures and manipulations. For this reason, the problem of pain relief is very acute. One of the common painkillers is arsenic, which is used to depulp a tooth. Thanks to its analgesic effect, the patient easily tolerates the therapy process, tooth sensitivity is completely disabled. You need to keep arsenic in the tooth for some time, during which the drug gradually kills the nerve. How advisable is the use of this substance and how long is it kept in the tooth?

Why is arsenic used?

This substance is used to kill the nerve in the tooth. The nerve causes severe pain during caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and other diseases. This drug is strong toxic substance high hazard class. Necrotizing pastes with arsenic are used if the application modern anesthetics impossible: if you are allergic to anesthesia and if emergency therapy is necessary, which requires killing the nerve. Arsenic can destroy the neurovascular bundle in the tooth and kill the pulp.

Interesting: As - Arsenicum (arsenic), a brittle non-metal that has a pronounced toxic effect. The substance received this Russian name because of its former use to eliminate mice and rats. In humans, the drug disrupts the metabolism of phosphorus, sulfur, and selenium. The dangerous dose depends on weight and individual sensitivity, ranging from 5-50 mg.

It has a necrotic effect on the nerve and its endings due to a direct cytotoxic effect on cells, disrupting their respiration and death, denaturation of pulp proteins, cessation of its blood supply, blockade of impulse transmission from nerve endings. In dentistry, devitalizing medications based on arsenic anhydride (Kaustinerv, Kaustitsin and others) are used. Typically, such products have the following composition:

  1. Arsenic anhydride.
  2. Anesthetic for quick fix pain: lidocaine hydrochloride or novocaine.
  3. Antiseptic substances that destroy microflora and disinfect necrotic pulp (camphor, carbolic acid or thymol).
  4. Tannin is an astringent that prolongs the action of the paste, allowing it to remain in place for up to two days, slowing down the diffusion of arsenic into the pulp tissue.
  5. A filler that allows the paste to be produced in single doses in the form of balls.

Contraindications and harm

Arsenic is a toxic and aggressive substance. Contraindications for use:

  1. Allergy to components.
  2. Children's age up to one and a half years.
  3. The roots of the teeth are dissolving or have not formed.
  4. It is impossible to widen or clean dental canals.
  5. Perforation in the roots, their separation.
  6. Glaucoma.
  7. Diseases of the reproductive or urinary system.

Modern dentistry is trying to move away from the practice of using the drug. If the substance is overexposed or the dose is incorrectly calculated, the following complications may occur:

  1. Dentin turns black.
  2. The pulp swells.
  3. Drug-induced periodontitis (periodontal tissues swell).
  4. Arsenic osteonecrosis (death of the periosteum and bone).
  5. Intoxication of the body.

Such pastes are almost never used for dental treatment in children and pregnant women. Moreover, there are many other ways of necrotizing the pulp and nerves of the masticatory organs, which are less dangerous and harmful. Arsenic during pregnancy and childhood not used for the following reasons:

  1. The effect of toxins on the fetus and the likely consequences have not been studied.
  2. For children, it is difficult to calculate the required dose.
  3. A child can independently extract the paste and swallow it, which is dangerous for poisoning.
  4. Dentin is gradually destroyed after using this medicine.

Despite all these disadvantages, dentists still use arsenic pastes if the patient is allergic to local anesthesia. Government dental clinics continue to use arsenic because it is cheap.


The nerve is removed using arsenic in two stages. Doctor opening carious cavity, removes necrotic tissue, cleanses inner surface. Paste is injected into the cavity, and the doctor places a temporary filling on top.

The duration of action of the composition is determined by the dentist. The second stage is characterized by removing the temporary filling, extracting the medication, and cleaning the tooth wall. The product usually contains dyes. If dye remains on the walls of the organ, the paste is not completely removed.

Duration of action

How long should you keep arsenic in your tooth? The period of exposure to the composition depends on the condition of the patient’s teeth, his age and the components of the product. The method of placement also plays a role: is it an exposed pulp or an unopened pulp chamber. Standard time is days. If a multi-channel tooth is treated, up to two days. If an arsenic drug is treated baby tooth with roots, the effect of the product lasts from 18 hours to a day. If the composition is used latest generation, it is left for up to 5 days.

The longer the toxic substance is inside, the deeper it penetrates into the surrounding tissue, causing inflammation. Typically, the dentist puts in a paste the size of a pin needle. But people have different reactions to the drug. For this reason, it is necessary to be able to extract this composition in time.

If you overexpose it, not only periodontal inflammation will occur, but also gum death. If the patient is hypersensitive, intoxication will occur. The liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract will be affected.

Arsenic is a dangerous and toxic substance. Doctors try to use it in negligibly small doses and observe safety measures: adhere to clear treatment periods and dosages. It is necessary to preserve the integrity of the temporary filling. It should ensure the tightness of the tooth and prevent the paste from leaking into the oral cavity. If you neglect safety measures, your health will be harmed.

Why does pain occur?

If there is arsenic paste in the tooth, the pain should subside. The composition contains novocaine, dicaine or lidocaine, which have an analgesic effect. The toxin blocks the nerve endings of the pulp, and the tooth stops transmitting pain impulses to the brain. But sometimes pain syndrome may intensify, become tearing and unbearable. Why?

  1. The doctor did not put in enough paste, and the medicine does not work.
  2. High threshold of individual sensitivity to the drug.
  3. Arsenic can act for a long time, and the pain will go away only on the third day.
  4. Drug-induced inflammation of the periodontal tissues occurs: periodontitis, periostitis, pericoronitis. The tissues in the area of ​​the chewing organ swell, body temperature rises, and an abscess forms in the gum. A visit to a specialist should be immediate.
  5. In the area of ​​the periosteum, the jaw bone, tissue necrosis begins - arsenic osteonecrosis. This condition is dangerous and requires long-term therapy.
  6. In the patient individual intolerance components of the product. Allergic swelling around the tooth and other reactions begin, even anaphylactic shock. If swelling increases, it is necessary to call ambulance.
  7. Arsenic was installed incorrectly on the closed pulp, causing swelling and severe pain.

If the pain is truly unbearable, it is not worth enduring. Regular painkillers will help temporarily. When saving pain, especially at night, you need to show up early for an appointment with the dentist.

How to remove paste yourself?

Such manipulations are usually not recommended. This is dangerous and, moreover, problematic. But sometimes it is necessary to remove arsenic, but the clinic does not work for one reason or another. They remove the product independently and urgently when the temporary filling falls out for various reasons.

The seal is removed using a sewing needle or a syringe attachment. Typically, the compositions of temporary fillings are not too hard. Arsenic paste is also pulled out with a needle or tweezers. Tools are subject to mandatory and pre-treatment alcohol. Add iodine or hydrogen peroxide to the soda solution and rinse your mouth. The open tooth cavity is covered with a cotton swab.

Interesting: A glass of milk may also help. This product converts the main active ingredient of the composition into an inactive form.

Important: Do not drink alcohol while there is arsenic paste in the tooth! Alcohol will enhance the effect of each component.

You cannot put off visiting a doctor for a long time. If there is no qualified dental care, an inflammatory process may develop. The risk of complications will increase significantly.

Why might a temporary filling fall out?

  1. The doctor used poor quality filling material. Some materials are outdated. For example, cements cannot withstand high blood pressure, crumble and fall out.
  2. The sealing technology was broken. If the filling is placed incorrectly, a gap will appear inside the cavity into which food particles and bacteria can get trapped. This will lead to secondary caries and organ destruction.
  3. The doctor did not clean the carious cavity well, violated the rules of asepsis, and saliva got into the filling area.
  4. The enamel is too fragile. The enamel becomes thinner after pulpitis, periodontal disease, due to calcium and fluoride deficiency.
  5. Mechanical tooth trauma, love of too hard foods, poor oral hygiene, smoking and other bad habits.

If a temporary filling falls out, the load on the diseased tooth should be limited, and oral hygiene should be carried out with caution.

The use of arsenic is a somewhat “outdated method”, but it is still used in public or private clinics. If you go to a good dental clinic and follow the doctor’s recommendations, the procedure for killing the nerve with arsenic paste will be painless, effective, and without complications.

About arsenic in the tooth - video

Then the doctor uses a medication called arsenic for these purposes. This substance has direct toxic properties and has a necrotic effect on nerve fibers tooth However, exceeding the dose of arsenic poses a danger to human life. Therefore, it is necessary for every person to know about the consequences of such treatment. In addition, you also need to be able to correctly extract arsenic from a tooth in case of danger. How to do it right? You will find the answer in our article.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

Note that the amount of arsenic used in dentistry does not cause significant harm to human health, but has a certain effect on nerves and tissues dental system. This medicine is placed on the tooth when it is necessary to kill the nerve to eliminate further painful sensations. Using a small amount of arsenic on a tooth for the right amount of time is not harmful to the patient. However, before starting any procedures, the dentist must make sure that the patient has no contraindications to such therapy. There are not many of them, but a qualified doctor is obliged to take into account all the nuances of using arsenic in a particular patient.

This medicine is not placed on the tooth in the following situations:

  • in the presence of serious illnesses genitourinary system;
  • in case of intolerance to any components of arsenic paste;
  • in children under 2 years of age, during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • in case of limited access to the dental canals and the inability to apply arsenic topically.

It should be emphasized that arsenic paste is used in many methods of dental treatment. As a rule, arsenic is used in the treatment of caries, especially deep caries, which has reached the pulp tissue and is accompanied by severe pain. Before starting treatment, the dentist must explain to the patient why this medicine is placed on the tooth and how long to walk with it.

In order for the arsenic paste to stay inside the tooth and not enter the oral cavity or gastrointestinal tract, the doctor closes the tooth with a temporary filling. After the time prescribed by the dentist has expired, the patient must come to the clinic for arsenic removal and subsequent dental treatment. As a rule, exposure for two days is enough for the nerve to die. Maximum time The length of time a dentist can leave a necrotic compound inside a tooth is one week. If after this time the medicine is not removed from the oral cavity, it can negatively affect the structure, internal microflora and further functioning of the tooth. Sometimes a filling with arsenic falls out on its own. In such a situation, you need to seek help from a doctor.

What are the dangers of keeping arsenic in the tooth for a long time?

Let us remember that arsenic paste is a highly toxic medicine. If you keep it inside a tooth for more than one week, it can trigger the development of inflammatory process inside the soft tissues of the tooth, necrosis of the incisor bone; swelling of the pulp and even the spread of necrosis to nearby teeth. Therefore, it is very important to follow the recommendations of your doctor and remove arsenic from the tooth in a timely manner. Otherwise, general intoxication of the body may develop.

How to remove arsenic from a tooth yourself?

If a situation arises in which you cannot visit a doctor and remove arsenic paste from a tooth in a clinic, then you can do it yourself, without outside help. First of all, you need to brush your teeth and wash your hands. To remove arsenic paste, it is better to use a toothpick. The tip must be treated with alcohol.

After removing the temporary filling, you should try to get the arsenic out in one piece so that it does not crumble in your mouth. By the way, arsenic paste differs in color and looks grayish.

When the tooth is completely cleansed of drugs, rinse your mouth with chamomile solution or any other antiseptic. For further treatment of the tooth, you must seek help from a doctor. Otherwise, the diseased tooth may collapse. So, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

A person is given free teeth only twice in his life, and he has to pay for subsequent ones not only with money, but also with his own feelings. The fear of dentists is generated by the high morbidity of all dental procedures, therefore, especially when the patient needs to stop a nerve, specialists put arsenic into the cavity of the masticatory organ.

What kind of substance?

How long you can keep arsenic in a tooth depends on the disease, because the substance has a strong analgesic effect, completely killing the nerve. Today such a remedy is considered obsolete, but its popularity in dental clinics still not lost.

Arsenic is a highly toxic and brittle non-metal. His Latin name sounds like Arsenicum, and the remedy received its domestic nickname due to its popularity in baiting rodents. This tool can completely disrupt metabolism important microelements in humans when the dose is exceeded. Calculated correct amount depending on weight and personal sensitivity to active substance. That is why the question “How long can you keep arsenic in your tooth?” Only a specialist can answer for sure. Dangerous doses this drug measured in the range of only 5-50 grams.

Need for use

How effective is arsenic in the tooth? Why do they put it and how much can you put it in? Use is necessary to completely poison the dental nerve endings, because it is they that provoke strong pain symptoms for diseases such as:

  • periodontitis;
  • caries;
  • pulpitis and so on.

During an overdose or hypersensitivity together with the necessary arsenic, it can damage the bundle of blood vessels in the tooth or its pulp. Modern therapy uses this substance only in extreme cases, since it has high class toxicity. If it is possible to use other anesthetics, the choice of a specialist will be directed in their direction.

How long should you keep arsenic in your tooth? It depends on the individual characteristics body, because the drug affects the cells of the tissues in it, disrupting their blood supply, respiration and protein metabolism. Blocking of pain occurs due to complete killing of the nerve.

Modern dentistry

Today, arsenic is not used in its pure form, but is included in various devitalizing drugs.

Regardless of their name, the composition is often the same:

  • fast-acting anesthetic;
  • a substance that allows you to roll the paste into balls;
  • antiseptic;
  • an astringent component that slows down the absorption of arsenic into the pulp - tannin;
  • arsenic anhydride itself.

Prohibitions on use

How long can you keep arsenic in your tooth? The drug is used strictly individually; if at least one of the listed conditions is present, it is strictly contraindicated.

Prohibitions include:

  • individual intolerance to the substance and additional components;
  • glaucoma;
  • resorption or incomplete formation of tooth roots;
  • ailments of the genitourinary system;
  • inability to clean channels;
  • separation or perforation of tooth roots;
  • children's age up to 1.5 years.

Ignoring these restrictions can lead to serious complications, among which:

  • pulp swelling;
  • blackening of dentin;
  • poisoning of the whole body;
  • necrosis of the jaw bone;
  • swelling of the periodontal tissues.

Pregnancy period and childhood

Since in practice this substance is not used in the treatment of the oral cavity in pregnant women and children, no one can say for sure how long arsenic can be kept in a child’s tooth. At this time, dentists use, if necessary, more loyal methods of removing nerves, which are less toxic and dangerous. This is due to the fact that when pregnant women are exposed to arsenic, the substance can penetrate into the fetus and negatively affect its development.

In any case, after using the drug, dentin is destroyed over time, which is unacceptable for children whose bodies are just developing.

Of course, when asking the question of how long you can keep arsenic in your tooth, you should understand that everything depends on the characteristics of the body. The drug is prescribed to adults quite often. Reason: cheapness of the substance or if there is negative reaction for other means of local anesthesia.

Carrying out the procedure

The entire killing process nerve ending always takes place in two stages. On initial appointment The specialist opens the tooth cavity that requires treatment and cleans its inner surface. After this, arsenic paste is placed into the cavity of the chewing organ and a temporary filling is placed on top so that the toxic substance cannot penetrate the body with food.

How long you can keep arsenic in your tooth depends on the disease. The doctor prescribes next visit after a certain time period. At the second appointment, the filling is opened, the drug is removed, and the tooth cavity is thoroughly cleaned. For precise definition Where there is still some product left, dyes are added to the paste.

Duration of exposure

Only a doctor can tell you how long arsenic can be kept in an adult patient’s tooth.

The specialist takes into account not only the specifics of the diagnosis, but also general state the patient himself:

  • his weight;
  • age;
  • microflora of the entire oral cavity and so on.

Besides, an important condition to determine the duration of exposure is the method of laying the substance. How long can you keep arsenic in your tooth? Usually the drug is given for a day. When treating a multi-canal tooth, this period can be doubled. Treatment of molar milk teeth with a potent toxic compound lasts about 18 hours. It is important to know that the longer the drug is in the dental cavity, the more tissue it kills, provoking new inflammation. That is why experts try to use the paste in balls no larger than a pin needle. Modern medicines based on arsenic contain it in minimum quantities, so they can be embedded in the tooth for up to 5 days.

It is very important to remove it in time toxic substance until it provokes poisoning of the body, periodontal inflammation and necrosis of the entire gum.

Pain after applying the product

For how many days is arsenic administered during dental treatment? For every person this question should be considered individually, but in any case, the substance should relieve pain almost immediately after installation. Fast anesthetic effect The paste is provided with lidocaine, novocaine or dicaine included in the composition. If, even after a visit to the dentist, the pain does not subside, and sometimes manifests itself with even greater force, then, most likely, the doctor put an insufficient amount of the drug into the tooth or did it on a closed pulp, which provokes severe pain and swelling.

Of course, in addition to the possibility medical errors Pain can also occur for other reasons, for example:

  • with an increased individual sensitivity threshold;
  • slow effect of the drug;
  • drug-induced inflammation;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the paste.

The latter is fraught with serious consequences, so if swelling begins to increase along with pain, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Drug-induced inflammation also accompanied by swelling and increased body temperature. It provokes an abscess on the gum. The painful area should be immediately examined by a specialist.

Pain may not occur immediately after laying. Most often, they indicate the beginning of the death of the jaw bones, so the drug must be immediately removed from the tooth cavity. In any case, you shouldn't endure the pain. It is better to immediately contact a specialist for help.

Self extraction

If the doctor incorrectly calculated how many days you can keep arsenic in the tooth, then he Negative influence on the body will begin before the time comes for re-administration. Very often, patients are unable to get an appointment ahead of schedule due to days off at the clinic or with the specialist himself, which provokes the need to independently remove the paste from the tooth.

To do this, you first need to remove the seal. They are most often soft and easily removed with a syringe or sewing needle. The paste itself should also be removed with a sharp instrument or tweezers. It is very important not to swallow it at this time. After extraction, the oral cavity is rinsed with a soda solution with the addition of iodine or hydrogen peroxide. Regular milk will also help neutralize the remains of arsenic, which also needs to be thoroughly rinsed out of your mouth.

All needles or other work equipment must be disinfected, and open dental cavity After the procedure, cover with a cotton swab. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while there is toothpaste in the tooth, as it enhances the effect of the toxic substance.

A visit to the dentist should be made at the first opportunity, since with the lack of qualified assistance there is a risk of complications.

Why might a filling fall out?

Premature opening of a tooth cavity with arsenic embedded in it most often occurs due to the use of low-quality materials in its manufacture. In addition, the dentist himself can violate the technology: position the filling incorrectly, leave a gap between it and the tooth, poorly clean the carious cavity, and so on. Any medical violation is fraught with consequences; a filling can fall out even without them. For example, if the patient has very thin tooth enamel and it lacks calcium and fluoride or when frequent use eating solid food. Loss of a filling can be caused by poor oral care, mechanical damage And bad habits. In any case, you cannot postpone your visit to the dentist.

To prevent the filling from falling out, you should reduce the pressure on the tooth and carefully maintain oral hygiene.


If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and take precautions, the procedure for removing a nerve using arsenic will be quick and painless. To be sure, you should only seek help from qualified professionals wide list recommendations and experience in the field of toxic substance use.

It's no secret what to endure toothache very difficult. To avoid it, try to visit the dentist regularly, and then your teeth will always be in perfect order.