Are there any side effects from glycine. Side effects of Glycine when taken by a child

Glycine is a drug and active substance that is considered nonessential amino acid, is a crystalline fine powder white, it dissolves quite easily in water.

pharmachologic effect glycine

The active substance glycine helps to normalize metabolic processes occurring in the body, has an anti-stress and nootropic effect, in addition, it has antiepileptic and sedative effect.

This compound penetrates freely into many biological fluids and tissues of the human body, including the brain. The active substance is quickly destroyed by the so-called glycine oxidase; this process occurs directly in the liver.

Glycine is a neurotransmitter of the so-called inhibitory type of action; in addition, it is considered a regulator of metabolic processes in the spinal cord and brain. Normalizes both the processes of inhibition and excitation in the nervous system, improves mental performance, normalizes sleep, helps eliminate depression and increased irritability.

This substance is effective as an auxiliary drug in the presence of epileptic seizures in a patient. It has a multicomponent so-called anti-ischemic effect, which is expressed in a decrease in the content of toxic products in the nervous system, such as aldehydes, ketones and some other compounds formed in biochemical reactions when acute ischemia occurs.

Indications glycine

I will list when the drug glycine is indicated for use, these will be the following conditions:

In the presence of stressful conditions;
With emotional lability;
With psycho-emotional stress;
This active substance is prescribed for increased excitability;
In the presence of neurosis-like conditions;
A remedy is prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia;
With the consequences of traumatic brain injury;
With neuroinfection;
In some forms of encephalopathy, including those of alcohol origin;
In case of sleep disturbance;
In the presence of ischemic stroke acute nature.

The drug glycine is prescribed to increase a person’s mental performance, including the drug used by adolescents with deviant (deviation from the norm) forms of behavior.

Contraindications glycine

Among the contraindications, only hypersensitivity to glycine can be noted; there are no other cases when the drug cannot be used.

Glycine intake and glycine dosage

A medicinal product containing glycine is recommended to be taken sublingually (under the tongue), for psycho-emotional stress, for decreased mental performance, as well as attention and memory, for delayed mental development The drug is usually prescribed at a dose of 0.1 gram up to two or three times a day for two weeks or one month. The daily dose should not be more than 0.3 grams.

For lesions nervous system functional or organic nature, which are accompanied by sleep disturbances, increased excitability, Besides, emotional lability, as well as children under three years of age, the medicine is usually prescribed at a dose of 0.05 grams per dose up to three times a day for a week or one month, while daily dose varies from 0.1 to 0.15 grams. If necessary, the therapeutic course can be repeated.

A glycine-based drug reduces the severity of some toxic effects of antidepressant drugs, anticonvulsants, as well as neuroleptics.

Side effects glycine

In some cases, the patient may develop an allergic reaction to the use of drugs containing the active substance glycine. In this case, the patient should consult a specialist.

Glycine overdose

Currently, there are no cases of overdose of the drug Glycine. If the drug is used simultaneously in large quantities, in this situation it is recommended to urgently begin the procedure of gastric lavage using boiled water, and the patient must drink at least one liter of liquid.

After which, especially if general health deteriorates, the patient is recommended to consult a qualified doctor.

special instructions

It is worth noting one feature that during the surgical intervention on prostate gland, in particular with transurethral resection, the patient is usually given local applications using glycine, which can enter the systemic circulation and negatively affect body functions such as the heart, kidneys and lungs, especially in people with cardiovascular pathology.

Preparations containing glycine

The active substance glycine is contained in the drug of the same name. It is produced pharmaceutical industry in the form of sublingual tablets. It is recommended to store them out of the reach of children; the medication should be used no later than the expiration date indicated on the package.


The use of the drug Glycine should be carried out on the recommendation of the treating doctor. If an allergy to this medication occurs, the patient should consult a doctor.

From the point of view of pharmaceutical science, “Glycine” is a drug based on one of the amino acids - aminoacetic, which is also called aminoethane. Similar acids are produced by the human body with the help of the liver, however, if their quantity is insufficient, the situation can be corrected by taking the necessary substance.

Action of "Glycine"

The pharmaceutical effect is based on the fact that the amino acid it contains affects the functioning of one of the most important parts - the pituitary gland. As a result. improve in the brain metabolic processes, which, in turn, leads to a general antidepressant effect on the body.

The doctor can prescribe the use of “Glycine” in the most various cases. For example, the group of common indications for its use includes a variety of stressful situations, which entail the emergence negative consequences such as insomnia, depressive state, irritability, decreased performance and others. Wherein this drug can be prescribed to both children, for example, when they display aggressiveness or symptoms of antisocial behavior.

However, in addition to eliminating common symptoms, which to one degree or another are characteristic of almost everyone to modern man, "Glycine" can also be used as a medicine in the composition complex therapy when treating more serious illnesses. Thus, it is used in the treatment of neuroses of various etiologies, as well as the consequences of neuroinfections, traumatic brain injuries and even strokes.

Side effects of Glycine

As is the case with any medicine, taking "Glycine" may lead to the occurrence of some unpleasant consequences, commonly called side effects. However, due to the fact that the action of “Glycine” is based on the content of an amino acid in it, identical to that which is independently produced human body, the nature and intensity of these side effects can be called minimal.

Thus, the drug contains mention of only one possible side effect from its use - the occurrence of allergic reactions, which may be the result of individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components included in its composition. Besides, additional effect when taking "Glycine" is that it reduces the intensity of the unpleasant side effects of other drugs that affect the nervous system.

Glycine is used to increase brain activity. IN Lately There are quite a few drugs that contain it in pharmacies. Most of them are affordable. But the question arises: are glycine preparations really as beneficial as the manufacturers claim?

Operating principle

Glycine is always present in your body, even if you have never taken glycine, do not know what it is for, or even know what it is. Another name for the substance is aminoacetic acid. It belongs to the class of amino acids and is produced by the human body, being one of the 20 essential amino acids, necessary for normal development and functioning. This amino acid has a lot important functions in the body, primarily in the nervous system.

The parasympathetic nervous system, which operates at rest, is responsible for many body functions. However, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is activated under stress, is also important. Modern people We are increasingly susceptible to stress - this is due to the rhythm of life - many of us are in a hurry, running, worrying about a variety of reasons. Such a life leads to stress, decreased concentration and mental performance, bad memory, worsening sleep.

Glycine is designed to solve these problems. It has the properties of a neurotransmitter and is part of the proteins responsible for inhibition processes in the nervous system. This amino acid also has alpha-adrenergic blocking, antioxidant and antitoxic effects. Glycine is also found in many foods, such as nuts and eggs.

What glycine can protect against:

  • Psycho-emotional stress
  • Aggressiveness
  • Conflict
  • Insufficient social adaptation
  • Bad mood
  • Vegetovascular disorders
  • Sweet cravings

In addition, the medicine can be used as one of the means in complex therapy of diseases such as:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Poisoning with alcohol and other substances that depress the central nervous system

It should be borne in mind that there is scientific evidence of the serious effect of glycine when used as a means of improving mental performance in healthy people, does not exist. And this is understandable, because since glycine is synthesized in the body, healthy nerve cells The extra amino acid is not really needed. Another thing is damage to the tissues of the nervous system when there is not enough substance in the body. The benefits of amino acids for various brain injuries are undeniable. In particular, glycine is important for children, especially infants, who have postpartum injuries that negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system. There are also studies showing improved sleep as a result of taking glycine preparations. However, in any case, taking the medicine in moderate doses will not harm the body, because this substance is even used as a food additives(as a sweetener).


Glycine is available in tablet form. Recommended method of use is dissolution under the tongue. Glycine has a sweetish taste (hence its name - “glycis” means “sweet” in Greek), and therefore children take it with pleasure. There is no need to take the tablet with water. The effectiveness of glycine does not depend on food intake. The shelf life when stored at a temperature not exceeding +25 ºС is 3 years.


The composition of the drug, in addition to the amino acid itself, includes excipients: 1 mg of methylcellulose, 1 mg of magnesium stearate. Weight active substance– 100 mg.

Glycine preparations are also produced, which contain B vitamins - B1, B6 and B12, as well as tablets with a different dosage.


Glycine also has analogues, but it is still the same drug with different names - Glycine Forte Evalar (300 and 600 mg tablets), Glycine-Canon (1000 mg tablets), Glycine-Bio, Glycine Active, Glycine-Vis (capsules 300 mg). Glycine Forte Evalar and Glycine-Vis also contain B vitamins, which are designed to enhance the beneficial effects of the amino acid on nervous activity. In addition, these products, like Glycine Active, are not medicines, but dietary supplements.

Indirect analogues of glycine can also include others nootropic drugs, such as tryptophan, phenotropil, piracetam, glutamic acid, Mexidol, etc. However, their mechanism of action is somewhat different and in most cases they will not be able to replace glycine.

Indications for use

A doctor may prescribe glycine in the following cases:

  • Deviant behavior of a child
  • Low mental performance
  • Neuroses and neurosis-like conditions
  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Perinatal damage to the nervous system
  • Ischemic stroke

Contraindications and side effects

Glycine has almost no contraindications. It can be prescribed to infants, adults and the elderly. The drug is approved during pregnancy and lactation. The most serious contraindication is individual intolerance substances included in the tablet.

Glycine also has few side effects. Rare side effects - lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, low blood pressure. Therefore, the drug should be taken with caution by people with arterial hypotension. No effect of the drug on concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions was found.

Since glycine is a natural substance for the body, it does not accumulate in tissues, but is quickly broken down and excreted from the body. From interactions with others medicines It should be noted that the effect of neuroleptics, antidepressants, hypnotics and anticonvulsants is weakened. The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Instructions for use by adults

When prescribing glycine tablets, the doctor gives instructions for use suitable for each specific case. The recommended dose depends on the disease.

When treating brain lesions with glycine preparations, the dosage is the same. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, but can be extended to 1 month.

For ischemic stroke - 10 tablets under the tongue within 3-6 hours after the stroke, then 10 tablets per day for 5 days, then 3 tablets per day for a month.

With narcotic alcohol addiction, toxic encephalopathy – 2-3 tablets per day for a month.

Instructions for use for children

When performance decreases, deviant behavior Children should usually take 2-3 100 mg tablets 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 2-4 weeks.

Glycine should be given to children under 3 years of age at half the dose (50 mg instead of 100).

If glycine is needed infant who cannot take the pill, the drug is given to the mother and the amino acid is supplied to children's body through breast milk.

The processes occurring in the human body are closely interconnected. All substances that are inside us are necessary and perform a specific function. Amino acids are integral part proteins - the main " building material» organism. They can be either irreplaceable or replaceable. The first are distinguished by the fact that they can only be produced endogenously. Nonessential amino acids can be introduced into the body from the outside, that is, with food or in the form of synthetic analogues. A striking example of such substances is glycine. The side effects of this drug are minimal, so it is produced in the form of tablets and is dispensed without a special prescription from a doctor.

Action of glycine in the body

Due to the fact that glycine is a non-essential amino acid, our body needs it. Its deficiency can lead to severe conditions, therefore, a synthetic analogue was developed that is easily absorbed and replenishes its deficiency. In addition to the fact that glycine is an integral part of the body's proteins, it at the same time performs another important function. It consists in its inhibitory effect on the nervous system. Based on this, glycine is one of the neurotransmitters that is on a par with adrenaline, acetylcholine and GABA. It has sedative, antidepressant and antioxidant effects. In addition, glycine improves metabolism in the brain. The amino acid acts on cellular level, delivers oxygen to body tissues. The use of the drug "Glycine" reduces toxic effect other medicines.

Indications for use

Due to its effects, glycine is prescribed for various diseases brain. It can be used at any age, including the neonatal period. The only contraindication is an allergy to glycine, which occurs in in rare cases. The drug is recommended for the following conditions:

  1. Sleep disturbance.
  2. Memory impairment.
  3. Increased emotional excitability, neuroses.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  5. Brain injuries and diseases.
  6. The period after a stroke.
  7. Frequent alcohol intoxication.
  8. Underachievement in children.

In the absence of these conditions, you can also use the drug "Glycine". The side effects of the medication are minimal, so it is also used to prevent stress.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is increased sensitivity. In addition, when using the drug in patients with certain chronic diseases possible side effects. Glycine should not be used if you have sarcoidosis, Alzheimer's disease, intestinal obstruction, diarrhea, recent stomach bleeding, or kidney stones. In addition, the drug is contraindicated in patients with increased content calcium in the blood. Since glycine is an amino acid normally present in the body, it is safe to use during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug "Glycine": side effects

Hypersensitivity to the drug occurs in rare cases, but it is possible. In this case, various allergic reactions as skin rashes, edema. In some cases, dyspeptic disorders may occur when using the drug "Glycine". Side effects in the form of a decrease blood pressure, increased heart rate and acidosis are observed extremely rarely, with a significant overdose of the drug. IN severe cases Symptoms such as heart pain and convulsive syndrome. Relief of side effects is achieved by discontinuation of the drug, as well as with the help of symptomatic treatment.

The drug Glycine, used in the treatment of various brain pathologies, like any drug, has its side effects, and the consequences of an overdose can be very serious.

Glycine is a medicine that acts due to the amino acid. The tablets also contain excipients:

  1. Magnesium stearates.
  2. Methylcellulose.

The medicine acts on the body as a whole and the brain in particular, by accelerating the metabolic process in neurocytes. When taking the drug regularly, a person feels:

  • Tone, mood, confidence.
  • Absence of such moments as aggressiveness, irritation, hot temper.
  • Makes it easier to fall asleep, strong and restful sleep.
  • Reduction of vegetative symptoms nervous disorders, including menopause and stress.

When is Glycine prescribed?

Doctors recommend treatment with Glycine in cases pathological changes in the functionality of the central nervous system and diseases associated with malfunctions of the brain. The usual prerequisites for prescribing this drug are:

  1. Chronic and prolonged overstrain, fatigue associated with intellectual work or mental stress.
  2. Deviations in behavior in adolescents and children from generally accepted interpersonal relationships in society, that is, as doctors say, deviant development.
  3. Psycho-emotional stress, for example, exams or conflicts with management.
  4. Decline in mental abilities and attention due to any brain diseases, for example, after meningitis.
  5. Emotional disorders And abrupt change moods.
  6. Dissociative disorders.
  7. Encephalopathy of the brain due to any reason.
  8. Neuroses and hysteria.
  9. Autonomic disorders and menopause.
  10. Consequences of strokes.

Also, doctors often prescribe the drug as a prophylactic ahead of the “hard times” ahead. For example, before entrance exams or a job change.

However, this medicine is not at all such a “rainbow panacea for all problems” as it might seem at first glance. It has many side effects, rather, on the contrary, and taking this drug can bring not only benefits, but also significant harm.

Side effects

Glycine tends to provoke side effects such as:

  • Allergic skin reactions - hives, itching, dermatitis, spots, butterfly mask, blisters, etc.
  • Allergic swelling of both limbs and internal organs, and the notorious angioedema of every allergy sufferer.
  • The drug reduces the effects of all antipsychotics, so those taking them experience convulsions and seizures.
  • The medicine causes mild condition euphoria, which reduces psychomotor reactions and can lead to an accident when driving.
  • In an individual reaction, a state of anaphylactic shock may occur.

Although glycine can be purchased at any pharmacy over the counter, before you start taking this medicine, which directly affects the brain, you must visit a neurologist and your own attending or supervising doctor.


Considering that officially the only possible contraindication for taking is individual intolerance of this medicine, cases of glycine overdose and poisoning are very common.

Even if all dosage instructions in the instructions were followed, the human brain has not been fully studied and it is not possible to predict how the body will react to the direct influence chemical substance on neutrocytes is simply impossible.

What may benefit ten people can cause significant harm to the eleventh. According to statistics, this happens in a ratio of 100:1, and, as a rule, with prolonged unauthorized use or dosage violations. All negative aspects go away on their own, within a couple of weeks after stopping the medication.

However, no matter what experts say, no matter how floridly this issue is described in the medical and pharmaceutical literature, one thing is clear - overdose and poisoning are possible, which means you need to be able to recognize this condition in time and provide assistance to the victim.

Signs of poisoning

There is no exact and unambiguous description of the symptoms of what will happen from an overdose of glycine. Common signs that the body has been poisoned by this medicine are:

  1. Sudden onset of general lethargy, falling asleep literally on the go.
  2. Severe dizziness.
  3. Complete discoordination, including a lack of understanding of where is up and where is down.
  4. Difficulty swallowing, that is, the person simply does not remember how to swallow.
  5. Inability to pronounce a long and complex phrase.
  6. Absolute apathy, a general absence of any reactions, even if there is a strong irritant nearby, for example, a fire.
  7. A rapid drop in blood pressure, to critical levels.
  8. Severe, “immediate” allergic reactions of any kind, from runny nose to swelling, even in those. who is not susceptible to allergies.
  9. Nausea, but this moment is most likely caused by dizziness.
  10. Sharp attacks of headache, as if the brain is being cut open.
  11. Complete immediate drying of the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx.
  12. Attacks of suffocation and coughing.
  13. Panic attacks due to “awareness of approaching death.”

It is impossible to confuse such symptoms with something else, the best solution There will be a call for doctors, and, of course, independent first aid.

First aid to the victim

You can help a person taking glycine when an overdose of the drug is obvious, as follows:

  • Rinse the stomach, usually incoordination begins approximately 40-50 minutes after taking the drug, so its remnants that have not yet dissolved in the blood must be urgently removed.
  • After the water from the stomach becomes relatively clean, give sorbents, the same coal, although it has little benefit in case of glycine poisoning, but coal will help the liver and kidneys cope with negative impact.
  • Take invasive medications.
  • Provide drinking plenty of fluids, horizontal position and fresh air.

Doctors who arrive on call hospitalize those poisoned by this drug only when the body is under threat of lactic acidosis. comatose state. However, you cannot neglect calling doctors. Because it is simply impossible to independently determine the severity of the patient’s condition and assess the harm caused by the drug.

In order to reduce the risk of similar situations, you must remember to consult with specialists before starting to take the medicine. And of course, follow the recommended dosage.

Video: amino acid glycine.

How to take glycine?

The recommended way to take Glycine is to dissolve the tablet under the tongue. However, it is precisely this point that is violated most often, for some reason believing that this method more dangerous and will cause harm than ingestion. Of course, when the drug is swallowed, the effect does not occur longer and becomes lower, which leads to an increase in dosage, and, as a result, side effects or poisoning.

The exact dose of the medication and the permissible duration of its use directly depend on both the type of disorder and the age being treated:

  1. For children over 3 years of age and adolescents, it is recommended to take 1 tablet of 100 mg no more than 3 times a day for a couple of weeks, in case of fatigue, mental retardation or behavioral disorders.
  2. Children over 3 years old with organic or other brain lesions, as well as brain injuries - 50 mg of the drug 3 times a day for a month.
  3. For all ages with sleep disorders, autonomic disorders and as a preventive measure – 1 tablet of 100 mg before bedtime.
  4. After a stroke - 10 100 mg tablets under the tongue within 6 hours after the crisis, then 10-15 tablets for 5-6 days, then 3 tablets per day for one month.
  5. For cerebral encephalopathy – a month, a couple of tablets per day.
  6. After neuroinfections - individually, depending on determined by the doctor treatment regimens.

Sold in any pharmacy, Glycine Forte can both help a person cope with the stress that has piled up and cause significant harm to his health. Like any other medicine. Therefore, you need to remember that “self-prescription” is inadmissible and be sure to consult with doctors before taking Glycine on your own or giving it to children.