Natural and abnormal discharge in men during sexual arousal. Discharge in men: normal or abnormal

Discharge in men when excited is a natural physiological reaction of the body. Normally, they are transparent, devoid of pungent odors, quite thick and sticky. The amount of liquid depends on the characteristics of the human reproductive system and can vary from a few drops to 4-5 mg. Partners who are not planning a pregnancy need to know that mucus contains active sperm. Therefore, protective equipment should be used even during interruption of sexual intercourse.

What is considered normal

After a night's sleep or during arousal, a little clear mucus is secreted on the head of a man's penis, which is medically called libidinal urethrorrhea. The functions of this lubricant include several important tasks. Thus, it facilitates the sliding of the penis when entering the vagina during sex. Another useful property of this viscous liquid is the ability to neutralize the acidic environment, which is harmful to sperm. By secreting pre-ejaculate, nature ensures that the remaining uric acid is washed away from the walls of the urethra of men and women. And during sexual intercourse, natural mucus acts as a protection for the semen from the aggressive environment of the vagina.

The transparent lubricant also contains smegma. This is the name of the fat-like substance that is secreted from the glands of the foreskin. Its main function is to ensure the safe exit of the head of the penis from the folds of the preputial sac during arousal. However, if this beneficial mucus is not removed in time, it mixes with dead epithelium and becomes a habitat for various pathogens. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex at any age must carefully perform hygiene procedures, change their underwear daily, and use condoms during casual sex.

What else do men need to do to ensure that libidinal urethrorrhea remains an exceptionally healthy fluid? To do this, you need to eat right, excluding alcohol, fast food, fatty, salty, and smoked foods from your diet. It is also necessary to exercise regularly to activate all metabolic processes and consult a doctor if the color, smell or consistency of the lubricant changes. Every guy should avoid promiscuity, but also make sure that there are no long periods of abstinence in his life.

In order for the libidinal urethrorrhea to remain an exceptionally healthy fluid, you need to stop drinking alcohol.

When to worry

Any changes in the characteristics of the mucus that is released during arousal should alert a man and become a reason to contact a specialist. Often, it is thanks to unusual discharge that dangerous diseases of the reproductive, reproductive and excretory systems can be identified at an early stage. You should immediately consult a doctor if the fluid is not released at all or if the abundant ejaculate has become greenish in color with a strong musty odor. Another negative factor of deviation from the norm is the appearance of blood impurities and curd-like sediment in the transparent mucus.

Why does the discharge turn gray-green when excited? This is how the body can react to the development of an inflammatory process in the pelvic area. The following accompanying symptoms can confirm this diagnosis:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Pain in the abdominal area.
  3. Swelling of the skin.
  4. Discharge of purulent fluid from the urethra without stimulation.

Such mucus is also released from the head of the penis when complications occur during the recovery period after operations on the prostate gland, urinary and reproductive organs.

Sticky clear discharge sometimes indicates infection with infectious diseases: staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli. Moreover, they can be released in men not only at the moment of excitement, but also in a calm state of the body. Associated symptoms include:

  • Itching in the genitals.
  • Hyperemia in the penis area.
  • Redness of the external genitalia.
  • Swelling of the limbs.

Similar pathological processes in a man’s body during excitement and during periods of rest are observed when infected with sexually transmitted diseases. How far the composition of the discharge has deviated from the norm can be determined using a diagnostic examination of the pre-ejaculate.

If the discharge has a gray-green tint, it may be caused by an increase in body temperature.

Men who, at the moment of excitement, secrete lubricant with white inclusions of a cheesy nature should immediately consult a doctor. This is how candidiasis manifests itself - a fungal disease caused by the milk fungus Candida. This microorganism is normally part of the human microflora, but when immunity decreases, it begins to multiply vigorously, leaving a white, cheesy coating on the penis and in the fluid that is released during arousal.

Probability of conception

Many couples are interested in whether the process of conception is possible during interrupted intercourse, that is, is there enough sperm in the mucus for successful fertilization? Experts do not exclude the possibility of pregnancy from the clear fluid that is released during arousal. After all, it is impossible to accurately calculate how many germ cells will be released with pre-ejaculate. So, the more active sperm in a man’s semen, the greater their number will be in the libidinal urethrorrhea.

What factors increase the likelihood of conception? First of all, the days of a woman’s ovulation. If interrupted intercourse occurs at a time when the cervical canal of the uterus is open and the egg has matured and left the follicle, even a single sperm released along with clear mucus is capable of fertilization. It should be clarified that this process is not the norm, and such cases are described very rarely.

Another factor that increases the possibility of getting pregnant is repeated sexual intercourse. So, drops of sperm always remain in the passage of the male urethra, and during the next intimate relationship they are released along with mucus. To reduce this likelihood, a man only needs to empty his bladder between sexual acts. The acidic liquid of the urine will neutralize all remaining semen, and subsequent discharges during arousal will again become almost safe.

There is a chance of getting pregnant from the mucus that is released from the urethra.

Remember that any type of abortion is extremely harmful to the female body. Therefore, if pregnancy is not part of your plans, take contraceptives or use all possible methods of protection (condom, IUD, vaginal cap). And if the composition of the mucus that is released during arousal is far from normal, that is, it has an unusual consistency, smell, blood or curd inclusions, then there is a high risk of infecting the partner with infectious or fungal diseases.

Discharge during arousal is a natural process that helps maintain active sperm. The color, volume, smell and consistency of a liquid can tell a lot about a man’s health. It is a visual deviation from the norm that can become a reason to consult a doctor and identify the disease at the initial stage, while other symptoms have not yet manifested in full force. Therefore, all representatives of the stronger sex need to not only carefully take care of the hygiene of the external genitalia, but also notice in time all changes in the secreted fluid.

When asked why wear a condom when intercourse is interrupted, experts answer that mucus contains sperm, and it can cause unplanned conception. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take care of protective equipment, especially during the onset of ovulation.

The appearance of a secretion excreted from the human body informs about both the norm and deviations. For example, with a runny nose or otitis media, the appearance of fluid clearly indicates illness. The human reproductive system is much more complex. Discharge in men when excited can indicate a normal state of health or, conversely, signal the development of a disease.

Should men have discharge during sexual arousal?

In men, the appearance of mucus in the urethra is in some cases a natural and necessary process. When an erection occurs, transparent discharge appears in the volume of several drops. They are called pre-seminal fluid; such physiological phenomena are completely normal.

The volume of mucus secretion depends entirely on the characteristics of the male body and must meet certain characteristics in order to be considered normal. In particular, there should not be excessive density, color, or specific odors.

The appearance of a secretion occurs in the following cases, leading to:

  • Masturbation;
  • Sexual caresses of a partner;
  • Thoughts about intimacy.

The frequency of occurrence of this phenomenon also depends on the characteristics of the reproductive system. Some men experience discharge with every arousal, while others experience it extremely rarely.

From the point of view of medical specialists, the presence of exudate during sexual arousal promotes conception - it plays the role of an additional guide for sperm in the process of reaching the egg and reduces the level of acidity in the female vagina, which destroys sperm. Accordingly, discharge from the reproductive organ takes an active part in the process of fertilization and is considered a significant mechanism of the male reproductive system.

Why is this happening?

  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • Chlamydia.

Also, ailments are confirmed by the presence of a high level of leukocytes in blood tests.

Milky mucous compartments with purulent streaks accompany diseases such as:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Ureaplasmosis

In the presence of these pathologies, fluid can be released in a calm state, after which it sticks to the head of the penis and dries out.

Purulent discharge

Evidence of gonorrhea. The leaking liquid is yellow with a greenish tint and has an unpleasant odor. The consistency is thick and sticky. When analyzed, a significant level of leukocytes is detected in the secretion.

Discharge during inflammation

Inflammatory diseases that change the composition of secretions are caused by:

  • Staphylococcus;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Candida fungus;
  • Streptococcus.

When nongonorrheal urethritis occurs—inflammation in the urethral canal, the secreted fluid is characterized by:

  • Turbidity and stickiness;
  • The presence of mucus;
  • Purulent contents.

Accompanied by pain, discomfort, itching.

The disease of the foreskin, balanoposthitis, is characterized by copious discharge containing a lot of purulent contents. Redness, swelling, and severe pain occur.

It is common to secrete mucus mixed with pus. Additional symptoms are pain, frequent urge to empty the bladder.

To determine candidiasis, it is enough to study the photo, which shows a secretion characteristic of it. It has the consistency of cottage cheese; this form of mycosis is accompanied by redness of the glans penis and unbearable itching.

Discharge with blood

  • Infectious diseases, in particular chronic urethritis of an infectious nature;
  • Injury to the urethral canal during medical procedures;
  • Removing sand and stones from the kidneys, blood is more noticeable when;
  • Malignant formations in the prostate gland, ovaries, genitals. In this case, the discharge contains brown or dark blood, often in the form of clots.
  • Possible changes in the usual menu;
  • Presence of concomitant diseases.
  • Do I need to see a doctor?

    An uncharacteristic secretion that stands out for a man requires an immediate visit to the doctor. Any changes in the structure and color of the liquid require examination to identify factors leading to such disorders.

    Diagnostic measures include:

    • Spermogram;
    • Urethral canal swab;
    • Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system;
    • Urine collection for general analysis;
    • Clinical blood test.

    Based on the diagnostic results, a treatment regimen for the underlying disease that caused the appearance of pathological exudate is prescribed. Ignoring such signs leads to a deterioration in health and the transition of the disease to a chronic form that is difficult to treat. A timely visit to a urologist will allow you to quickly cope with the disease and maintain health for a long period.

    A white discharge - a woman can observe every time she gets aroused - is called vaginal lubrication or fluid.

    This mucus is unusual in its composition: it contains cellular components, leukocytes and other microorganisms produced by the glands. Mostly, vaginal discharge is clear or has no color at all. In another case, if bad mucus appears, this is the very first sign of some disease. In this article, you need to understand what discharge is considered normal and learn more about female lubrication during arousal.

    When is white discharge considered normal?

    • Liquid in the form of mucus is typical for all girls. This is the most reliable indicator of a healthy body and stable physiological activity of the female body. Here are the main signs when female white discharge is considered normal:
    • jelly-like consistency;
    • a small amount of;
    • unusual smell, but without putrefactive impurities;

    There is no irritation or itching inside the vagina.

    A girl releases much more fluid after intercourse. It is worth remembering that this is the most common process that should always occur after contact. This suggests that the woman is very aroused and experiencing emotions after a sexual experience. This process cannot be controlled; the release of lubrication after sexual intercourse is absolutely normal, and most importantly, it is an indicator of excellent women’s health.

    As for the amount of discharge, it all depends on the period of ovulation. So, if menstruation has just passed, then there will be much less mucus than in the middle of the ovulation cycle.

    Active discharge during arousal in women begins to appear 7-10 seconds after stimulation of the most sensitive erogenous zone. As a rule, it is enough for a man to start by kissing the neck, slowly moving to the chest, and then lower to cause vaginal discharge in the woman. Usually, for girls, such a signal serves to make it clear that the body is ready for the insertion of the male sexual organ. After this, the clear liquid increases in quantity, and this is very good. As soon as the moment of the highest point of pleasure comes, that is, orgasm, the white discharge decreases. Thus, natural and natural lubrication is the healthiest and most indicative sign of real female arousal. This substance cannot be faked or simulated.

    What if there is not enough lubrication?

    A girl may experience some discomfort, feeling a slight appearance of natural lubricant, and sometimes it is not there at all. Dryness during sexual intercourse is very bad for the body of two people, since it is quite possible to damage the genitals. Lack of discharge is usually caused by the following:

    • daily use of strong hormonal drugs by a woman;
    • constant stress, agitation, physical and emotional overload;
    • use of latex-coated condoms during contact;
    • serious immune system disorders;
    • taking antidepressants;
    • smoking;
    • infectious or venereal diseases;
    • hormonal imbalance, severe imbalance;
    • problems with the genitourinary system;
    • lack of arousal due to insufficient duration of foreplay;
    • problems with blood circulation, impaired blood circulation;
    • breast-feeding;
    • problems with the nervous system, pathology.

    Copious discharge will never occur before sexual intercourse if there is at least one sign of vaginal dryness. In this case, it is best to go to a gynecologist and not delay your treatment, since this is all very serious. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-treatment; consultation with a doctor is extremely important. You can use lubricants that are sold in pharmacies only if the natural lubricant is constantly secreted in small quantities, and the woman is completely healthy.

    What if there is a lot of lubrication during intercourse?

    In fact, there is nothing wrong here. Basically, only severe tightness occurs if women have much more discharge than necessary. In some cases, for this reason, the girl refuses sexual contact. Men, on the other hand, regard excessive moisture in the female vagina as a sign of promiscuity and a constant change of sexual partner, which is considered absolutely incorrect. Each girl is individual in her own way, and strong fluid secretion only indicates that the libido is completely healthy. You can, of course, consult a doctor, but he will say the same thing: the main thing is that there is no dryness, and the body and sexual organ are completely normal.

    Discharge when excited with an unpleasant sour odor

    White fluid, vaginal irritation and endless itching are very bad. Despite the fact that this unpleasant symptom bothers the girl from time to time, it must be dealt with immediately. Typically, this may be thrush, lack of proper self-care (i.e. hygiene), constant use of intimate hygiene gels with fragrances, daily stressful situations, sudden climate change, abnormal unhealthy diet, uncomfortable underwear, constant douching. In all these described moments, the discharge will have an unpleasant sour odor. As soon as this is noticed, it is important to immediately consult a gynecologist in order to purchase all effective medications.

    Proper intimate hygiene

    These are 4 rules of intimate hygiene, very easy to apply:

    • A woman's wash should be done with a special product that contains lactic acid, which has the effect of normalizing the acid-base balance.
    • Regular soap, scented shower gel and intimate hygiene bottles are strictly for permanent use.
    • It is very important to constantly change panty liners, as that is what they are made for.
    • A woman should wash her face at least 2 times a day, i.e. in the morning and in the evening. It is also recommended to wash yourself before sexual intercourse.
    • No matter how attractive artificial fabric underwear may be, you should not wear it. You should give this up for the sake of your health.
    • Unpleasant vaginal discharge with a fishy odor

    If the acidity in the body is impaired, then the discharge will be curd-shaped with a fishy smell. Such strong-smelling, curd-like lumps may indicate a lack of healthy female health and an excess of bacteria. Also, a similar disease is called thrush, which must be treated immediately and not neglected.

    Fishy smell- the first sign that the vagina needs to be checked by a gynecologist with clear instructions on what to do next for a full recovery. During arousal, the discharge may be the same as always, but the smell will be completely different, specific, repulsive and unpleasant, and a huge amount of cheesy discharge will remain on the penis upon entry.

    Discharge when excited is normal. The main thing is that they are a healthy indicator of a woman's condition. If you experience any unpleasant sensation, it is better to consult a doctor, because the reproductive system is one of the most important organs that needs to be treated first, without delay.


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    For the continuation of the human race, a man’s ability to transmit his seed to a woman plays a huge role. Therefore, it is very important for him to take care of his health and masculine strength. Indicators of the condition of the genital organs are discharge from the penis. They are like alarm bells indicating normal internal processes or pathology. The discharge in men when excited deserves special attention. At this point, a small amount of fluid comes out of the penis. Its thickness, volume, shade and odor indicate the condition of the male reproductive organs.

    The emergence of natural secretion

    For successful procreation, it is important that during arousal, a special fluid is released from the canal of the male organ. It is she who promotes the movement of sperm to the female cell for fertilization. Once sperm enter the vagina, many obstacles appear in their path. First of all, this is an acidic environment in which most of the male cells die. It is the secretion formed during erection that helps reduce acidity. Thus, male cells have a chance to survive and achieve the main goal.

    Structure of the male reproductive system - click to view

    Usually the male secretion is absolutely transparent in color, without an unpleasant odor and in small quantities. A medium thick consistency is considered normal.

    The appearance of secretion occurs not only during sexual arousal, but also in the morning, when the organ is in a state of erection. In addition, liquid discharge appears during gentle caresses with the woman you love. This is how the body prepares for intimacy.

    Depending on the degree of excitement, mucus can be of different volumes. With strong sexual desire, more discharge occurs. In addition, the individuality of the male body should be taken into account. The volume of fluid released can reach up to 5 mg. In some cases - a few drops or none at all. A small amount of sperm is released along with the fluid. This is important to consider for those planning a pregnancy. Interrupted sexual activity is not always a guarantee of success. Along with discharge during arousal, a man may have sperm, which sometimes achieve their goal.

    Helpful advice.

    If a young man is bothered by heavy discharge during sexual desire, he should immediately consult a doctor. A thorough examination will help identify pathologies at an early stage of development.

    The natural secretion that comes out of the penis during sexual activity is, of course, sperm. It consists of sperm and the natural mucus of the male organ. It has a whitish color and a thick character. It comes out of the penis as a result of the release of sexual intercourse.

    Discharge indicators are within normal limits

    The volume of fluid that should be released when a man is excited varies. The physiology of the body influences a lot. Everyone knows their limits if they regularly look after themselves. But if a change in the amount and nature of mucus occurs, it is important to consult a doctor. By finding out the cause in a timely manner, you can really avoid problems. In most cases, such changes signal pathology, although there are exceptions.

    If a man has not had sexual intercourse for a long time, discharge during erection increases significantly. In addition, they become thicker than usual. And it looks a little cloudier. It is important that there is no yellow tint or blood elements. The norm of male secretion during arousal should correspond to the following characteristics:

    • transparent watery color;
    • without a clearly expressed unpleasant odor;
    • medium thickness.

    It is important to consider that such male discharge is influenced by lifestyle and physical illness. If a gentleman abstains from intimacy with a woman for a long time, this will certainly affect the discharge. Bad habits and dietary habits are also risk factors. Constant stress and emotional breakdowns lead to weakened immunity and weakness in the body.

    Sometimes discharge from the penis during strong arousal leads to defecation. From the physiological side, this is the norm. But the situation should not be a frequent occurrence.

    It is important to know.

    The secretion that comes out of the penis contains sperm. If they are of poor quality or the man suffers from inflammation of the prostate gland, the secreted fluid changes color. At the same time, its smell and consistency must correspond to the norm.

    A natural reaction to poor intimate hygiene is the appearance of smegma. This special type of discharge occurs in the folds of skin near the head of the male genital organ. Usually smegma leads to inflammation or infection.

    During adolescence, boys experience nocturnal emissions during puberty. As a result of erotic dreams, strong arousal occurs. This leads to an erection, after which voluntary ejaculation is observed. Wet dreams for representatives of the stronger sex are a physiological norm.

    Change in secretion as a signal of illness

    Sadly, men are not immune from sexual diseases. And since the body is created amazingly, the development of an infection can be determined by the secretion released. Some ailments are detected only by this sign. Therefore, men should carefully monitor changes in the nature of their sexual secretions.

    Unnatural discharge during erection often indicates the following changes:

    • inflammation of the urinary tract, which is caused by the proliferation of pathological microorganisms;
    • infections transmitted through intimate relationships;
    • malignant formations;
    • postoperative problems;
    • injuries of the genitourinary organs.

    Depending on the degree of the disease, discharge from the penis can be large or scant. In addition, pus or blood elements enter the clear liquid from the hole on the head of the penis. This causes a change in color and thickness.

    A viscous, colorless secretion that occurs in young people during sexual arousal often signals the presence of a pathological infection. In case of serious complications, pus appears in it, which collects on the head of the penis and sticks the foreskin together.

    Various infectious infections manifest themselves not only in changes in male secretions. They are accompanied by sensations of itching of the genital organ and its swelling. The causes of changes are the following pathologies:

    • prostatorrhea;
    • balanoposthitis;
    • hematuria;
    • nongonorrheal urethritis.

    If a man notices obvious changes in his fluid that occur during arousal, he should immediately consult a doctor. It is important to identify the disease at an early stage of development to avoid complications.

    A clear danger signal is changes in the secretion of sexually transmitted diseases. If the discharge becomes mucus-like, it contains many leukocytes. The appearance of pus indicates the development of trichomoniasis or ureaplasmosis. A thick, sticky, greenish secretion that smells unpleasant indicates gonorrhea.

    In order to respond in time to the emergence of an infection, men are advised to regularly monitor their discharge. This applies to both the calm state of the penis and sexual arousal. Regular visits to the urologist for preventive examinations serve as reliable protection for his virility.

    When the penis is in a state of arousal, a small amount of fluid is released from the urethra. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs in almost all healthy men. As diseases develop, the consistency and volume of the lubricant changes. There is an unpleasant odor, pain or burning sensation when urinating or having an erection. Such a clinical picture requires special attention from a person, since there is a threat to health.

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      Discharge in men when excited

      Discharge during arousal in men is called pre-ejaculate. It protrudes from the opening of the urethra at the moment when the guy gets excited. The pre-semen is secreted by the bulbourethral glands and the Littre glands, which are located throughout the entire section of the canal, from the external opening to the neck of the bladder.

      Discharges during arousal in men perform the following functions::

      • ensure free passage of seminal fluid through the urethra;
      • destroy bacteria;
      • moisturize and suppress the acidic environment in the urethra.

      Pre-semen can also act as a lubricant during intercourse, but in most cases the amount released will not be enough for this. Pre-ejaculate is one of the components of semen. It enters the seminal fluid during ejaculation and mixes with the semen, which helps protect sperm from the acidic environment of a woman’s vagina.

      Healthy discharge in men when aroused

      Normal amount of mucus

      The volume of pre-ejaculate directly depends on the guy’s degree of arousal. Maximum concentration is achieved with strong sexual desire. The normal amount of liquid is 5 ml.

      Some representatives of the stronger sex are physiologically unable to secrete lubricant. The absence of pre-ejaculation during an erection reduces the ability to conceive.

      Healthy pre-ejaculate has the following characteristics:

      • no odor;
      • transparency;
      • viscosity;
      • absence of lumps or inclusions;
      • does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations.

      Pre-seed performs cleansing functions, so its consistency can change. A man may experience clouding of the lubricant with repeated sexual intercourse, lack of hygiene, or before ejaculation. She will return to normal in 1-2 days. Otherwise, the development of a pathogenic process should be suspected.

      Signs of deviation from the norm

      Pathological mucus discharge in men differs from healthy ones in color, smell and consistency. They are almost always accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

      Symptoms indicating deviation of the lubricant from the norm:

      • the appearance of fluid from the urethra during the day;
      • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
      • pain when urinating;
      • formation of excessive amounts of mucus;
      • voluntary release of lubrication without sexual arousal;
      • presence of third-party inclusions;
      • change in consistency to too thick or liquid.

      These signs are characteristic of pathological processes indicating the development of diseases.

      Unhealthy discharge in men is divided into types:

      SpermatorrhoeaRandom leakage of sperm without achieving orgasm. The cause of the process is decreased muscle tone of the vas deferens. Pathology develops due to chronic inflammation
      HematorrheaDischarge of lubricant mixed with blood. Appears with injuries to the urethral mucosa
      Leukocytic urethrorrheaThe exudative phase of the inflammatory process, resulting from thermal, mechanical, chemical or viral damage to the urethral mucosa
      MucopurulentThey consist of a small number of leukocytes, serous fluid and gland secretions. This mucus is characterized by active formation at night. A man notices pus discharge in the morning, and yellow spots can be found on his underwear. Mucopurulent discharge appears when the urethra is damaged by bacteria: trichomonas, ureamicoplasma, chlamydia
      PurulentThey include a large number of leukocytes, urethral epithelium, mucus and serous fluid. They have a thick consistency and an unpleasant odor. They appear in the form of drops with a yellow or greenish tint. Evidence of the development of gonococcal urethritis, which is formed against the background of chlamydia and gonorrhea

      The volume of mucus released can be either copious or small. It can be quite difficult to notice poor lubrication. To do this, you have to press on the urethra so that fluid comes out of the opening. It dries quickly, forming a film on the membrane of the head of the penis. The viscous consistency causes the sponges of the urethra to stick together.

      Causes of pathological discharge

      The secretion of lubrication that differs from the norm is in most cases due to sexually transmitted diseases, but there are a number of other conditions.

      Sexually transmitted diseases

      If pathological discharge appears with unpleasant symptoms, one should suspect the development of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Such diseases develop under the influence of unfavorable microflora, which settles on the mucous membrane of the urethra, external areas and cavities of the genital organs, and in the glands.

      Classification of STDs:

      Other reasons

      The prostate gland plays a key role in the formation of sperm. It produces a secretion, without which the seminal fluid loses its functionality. When the prostate becomes inflamed, its production increases.

      Men suffering from chronic prostatitis may observe that when aroused, a copious amount of lubricant comes out of the urethral opening. This is a prostate secretion that has a fairly high similarity to pre-ejaculate.

      Excessive discharge during excitement may appear with the development of the following conditions:

      • inflammatory processes;
      • allergy;
      • hypothermia;
      • physical or chemical injuries.

      The appearance of clear mucus from the urethra can be observed after probing. This fluid is formed as a protective reaction of the body to the resulting microtraumas on the surface of the mucous membrane.

      A copious amount of clear discharge during ejaculation may indicate the development of infertility.

      To diagnose pathologies, not only the visual nature of the liquid is taken into account, but also its biological composition. The man needs to see a doctor for examination.

      Pathological discharge due to STDs

      Can lubricant fertilize?

      It is a proven medical fact that male lubricant contains a small amount of sperm. There is a small chance of getting pregnant if you leak pre-ejaculate during unprotected sex.

      The greatest chance of conception in this case occurs in the middle of the cycle, when the woman has ovulated and the cervix is ​​open. In other situations, the concentration of male germ cells in the pre-semen will not be enough. They will quickly die in the vagina, outside the nutrient medium of sperm.

      The likelihood of conception is much higher with repeated sexual contact, when the lubricant contains a fairly large number of sperm.

      To prevent unwanted pregnancy, a man is advised to urinate to wash away any remaining semen.