European Shepherd development. East European (VEO) Shepherd: breed characteristics description care

The East European Shepherd (also East European Shepherd, abbreviated VEO, English East European Shepherd) is a breed of dog obtained in 1930-1950 in the Soviet Union for the army, police and service in border areas.

They have also been used as guide dogs and therapy dogs. In the territory former USSR, East European Shepherds have become popular for their intelligence and loyalty, but outside its borders they are rare and little-known.

  • This service breed, designed for work and loads. Because of this, it is less suitable for living in an apartment, preferably a private house and a large yard. If the owner keeps the dog busy enough, he will be able to live in an apartment.
  • VEOs are smart, but they only listen to those whom they consider to be higher in status than themselves.
  • They are attached to one person and can completely ignore others.
  • They shed a lot.
  • They are not particularly suitable for families with children, as they avoid them and often do not understand them.
  • They get along with other dogs, but can attack small animals.

History of the breed

Story East European Shepherd began long before the creation of the breed. In 1914, Serbian revolutionary Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Ferdinand, ruler of Austria-Hungary.

The Russian Empire, which considered itself the elder brother of this country, came to the defense of Serbia, and its allies, including Germany, supported Austria-Hungary.

This is how the First begins World War, and, it would seem, what does shepherd dogs have to do with it? Among the new products that the Russian soldier had to deal with were dogs. , schnauzers, and shepherd dogs.

The ones that stood out in particular were: fast, smart, versatile, they were used in various tasks and worried opponents a lot. The Russian troops of that time did not have specialized military dog ​​breeds, although there were quite a lot of ordinary ones.

When the Bolsheviks came to power, they began to rebuild the structure of the country and the army. Many of the military leaders of that time learned from the experience of the First World War and remembered German shepherds.

Unfortunately, these dogs were not able to work throughout the entire territory of the USSR and were not universal.

It can be cold in Germany, especially in the mountainous regions of Bavaria, where German Shepherds originated, but these cold temperatures cannot be compared with Karelia, Siberia, and Kamchatka. froze to death, and in more temperate climates they had to be warmed up every 4 hours.

In 1924, the “Red Star” nursery was created, which will breed new breeds for the Soviet Army. It is there that the Russian Terrier will later be bred, and first work on the East European Shepherd will begin. The task that was set for the kennels was difficult: to obtain a large, manageable dog, capable of working in different climates, including very cold ones.

However, the material support left much to be desired, and work really began after the end of World War II. Together with Soviet troops, the country was a large number of purebred German Shepherds.

As a result, the Germans still became the basis of the East European Shepherd, but the blood of huskies was added to them, Central Asian Shepherds and other breeds. The authorities needed large dogs capable of guarding camps and new breed turned out to be more than classic German ones.

First VEO standard approved in 1964 by the Canine Council of the Ministry Agriculture THE USSR. The East European Shepherd will become one of the most popular dogs among the military and other security forces, but will also find its fans among private individuals.

Together with the army, it will go to other countries of the Warsaw bloc, but will not achieve the same popularity. Interest in VEO will decrease significantly only with the collapse of the Union, when new, exotic breeds pour into the country.

Although VEO is still represented in many countries of the former USSR, the number of purebred dogs is steadily falling. For the most part, this is due to indiscriminate owners crossing them with other Shepherds.

The efforts of clubs and amateurs cannot save the situation and, although the future of VEO is still cloudless, in the distant future they may cease to exist as a purebred breed.

Description of the breed

East European Shepherds are similar to, and ordinary people cannot distinguish them from each other. Among the obvious differences between the VEO and the German Shepherd: larger size, thicker coat, different back line, different type movement and fewer colors. But, since many dogs have crossed with each other and with other breeds, VEOs can vary significantly in appearance.

This is average large breed, males reach 66 - 76 cm, females 62 - 72 cm. Since tall dogs They look better in a show rig and are preferred by breeders. Weight depends on the gender, age and health of the dog, but usually an adult East European Shepherd weighs between 35-60 kg for males and 30-50 kg for females.

However, they are prone to obesity and some dogs weigh significantly more. VEOs have a less inclined back line than German Shepherds and because of this they differ in the type of movement.

The head is proportional to the body, although rather large. When viewed from above, you can see that it is wedge-shaped, with a smooth but pronounced stop. The muzzle is half the length of the skull, although both are long and quite deep. Scissor bite.

The ears are medium in size, pointed and pointed forward and upward, erect. The ears of East European Shepherd puppies go up at 2 - 4-5 months. The eyes are medium in size, oval in shape, and their color is brown, amber or hazel. General impression of the dog: confidence, seriousness and hidden threat.

Wool middle length with a well-defined undercoat. The standard color is scoop with a mask (let's say deep) or black. Zone-gray and zone-red colors are acceptable, but not desirable.


East European Shepherds are a service breed that works in the army and police, and its character corresponds to the tasks performed. This breed is known for its loyalty and devotion; they form such a bond with their owner. strong relationships that it is almost impossible to give them to another family.

This is definitely a one person dog that bonds with one family member and ignores others.

Although she may be affectionate with him, she is not servile. Most breeders do not recommend VEO as a family dogs, since they are not particularly attached to children (unless they choose a child as their owner) and some do not tolerate them well.

Although socialization helps build relationships, VEOs play with children with exactly the same intensity as they would play with adults. But, the main thing is that they cannot stand rudeness and can bite back if the limit of their patience has come to an end.

East European Shepherds are extremely suspicious of strangers. Without training and socialization, they are usually aggressive towards them, but even well-mannered ones are distrustful and aloof. If the dog is not prepared, then aggression towards humans is very likely. Moreover, these dogs need a lot of time to accept a new person in the family, for example, a spouse. Some may ignore them for years.

Despite the fact that VEOs are very sensitive, they are not the best guard dogs, as they work in silence and do not warn the owner about strangers. But they are excellent watchdogs; they will defend their territory and family until their last breath.

Only owners need to remember that they bite first and then sort themselves out. Naturally, this is an ideal bodyguard for the owner; anyone who wants to offend him must first deal with a powerful, purposeful and heavy dog.

If the East European Shepherd has been raised correctly, they get along well with other dogs, as they are designed to work in pairs or in packs. However, there are also aggressive individuals, especially males. They are characterized by dominant, possessive and same-sex aggression.

But in relation to other animals, it all depends on the character of the particular shepherd. Some attack any four-legged creature, others are not interested in them at all. They can live quietly in the same house with a cat if they grew up together and attack unfamiliar cats.

In terms of learning ability, they are excellent, how could it be otherwise if they served in the army and special services? This is one of the smartest dog breeds, there are practically no tasks that VEOs cannot cope with. But at the same time, for beginning dog breeders, raising a VEO is a difficult and thankless task.

They are dominant and will not listen to the commands of someone they consider below them on the social ladder. The owner needs to take the role of leader, and people who have not had dogs do not always know how to do this. In addition, they can ignore commands if they are not given by the owner. An experienced trainer who works with the East European Shepherd will have it perfect, although even they think it is a tough nut to crack.

Built for hard, long hours of work, this dog is active and energetic. The level of physical activity required for her is at least an hour a day, and preferably two.

Those dogs that cannot find an outlet for energy in running, playing or training find it in destructiveness, hyperactivity, even aggression. Moreover, physical activity alone is not enough; they also need mental activity.

General disciplinary training, a general obedience course in the city, agility and other disciplines are desirable and necessary for the education of a controlled VEO.

Due to their load requirements, they are poorly suited for keeping in an apartment; they need a private house, yard, aviary or kennel.


The East European Shepherd does not require special care. Regular brushing and occasional baths are all she needs. Naturally, you need to check the cleanliness of the ears and trim the nails, and you need to train a puppy, not an adult dog.

VEOs shed, and they shed thoroughly and profusely. If there was a top 10 shedding breeds, she would definitely be on it. Wool can cover carpets, furniture and clothing throughout the year, and becomes even thicker as the seasons change.


Since no studies have been conducted on the health of East European Shepherds, it is difficult to say so confidently. However, these dogs inherited the genes of several breeds, and they were created for serious needs.

VEO are considered healthy breed, especially in comparison with modern, purebred dogs. This opinion is shared by dog ​​owners, saying that special diseases didn't notice. The lifespan of the VEO is 10-14 years, which is excellent for a large dog.

They are characterized by diseases that large dogs suffer from - dysplasia and volvulus. And if the first causes changes in joints and pain, then the second can lead to the death of the dog. Volvulus occurs more often in large dogs with deep chests than in small ones.

A common cause is activity after heavy feeding. To avoid it, you need to feed the dog in small portions and not load it immediately after eating.

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The East European Shepherd is a working dog, specially bred as an improved version of the German Shepherd.

East European Shepherd: frontal photo.

East European Shepherd: photo with a ball in its mouth.


The country in which the breed was bred is the Soviet Union. Purposeful selection work, which began in the second half of the twenties of the last century, began with the creation of a special nursery. The breed that served as the basis for the selection of the East European Shepherd is the German Shepherd. It should be noted that in the Union exclusively purebred German shepherds were used for this work.

Breeders needed to develop a breed whose individuals would be more versatile and hardy dogs than the “Germans” and would differ from them in their behavioral reactions. They could also be used for the needs of the army and the national economy in various climatic zones throughout the country. And this work was successfully completed by the dog handlers.

In nineteen sixty-four, a standard was approved that established the requirements for individuals of the breed, and twelve years later its second edition was adopted. In the newly created Russian state, the breed is recognized by various cynological organizations. The breed has also gained fame internationally: it is recognized by organizations such as the UCI and IKU. But until now the breed has not received recognition from the FCI - the International Federation of Cynologists.

East European Shepherd in the snow.

Photo of an East European Shepherd.

Character of the breed

Devotion to the owner and focus on him is fundamental characteristic behavior of individuals of the breed. Unquestioning submission to the will of the owner, willingness to sacrifice oneself and boundless courage for his sake. The East European Shepherd is a confident, balanced dog. She has strong nerves, therefore she does not show excessive aggression even towards strangers and does not show her power and strength unnecessarily. However, the instinct of a protector and guard forces her to instantly react to any threatening situation.

Individuals of the breed do not strive for independence and do not even try to dominate in relationships with the owner; they never show unforced aggression towards other pets. These shepherds are friendly, disposed towards children, play with them with pleasure and are not capable of offending them. All these excellent properties The character of breed dogs, determined by genetic heritage, needs to be reinforced by proper education and training. Otherwise, the dog acquires character traits that are not characteristic of the East European Shepherd.

East European Shepherd and girl.

East European Shepherd with a puppy.

Description of appearance

The dogs of the breed are represented by large-sized individuals: the height measured at the withers varies for males from sixty-five to seventy-five centimeters, for females from sixty-one to seventy-one centimeters. Weight varies from thirty-six to sixty-one kilograms for males and from thirty-one to fifty-one kilograms for females. Although the bones are large, the dogs do not have a coarse body build. Its length exceeds the height at the withers by an average of fifteen centimeters. The muscles are well developed and have a prominent appearance. Gender easily determined by appearance, since males are much more massive and larger than females.

The head is proportional to the body, quite massive and moderately long, has the appearance of a not particularly pointed wedge, and is located on a muscular, powerful neck. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark, average size, set askew. Nose with a black nose. The ears are set high, erect, triangular in shape and medium in size.

Photo of an East European Shepherd.

East European Shepherd with a wheel.

Cool photo of the face of an East European Shepherd.

Dogs of this breed have a rather hard, close-fitting coat. The guard hair is medium length, straight. The thighs and forearms are covered with relatively long hair, and the rest is covered with medium length hair. The thick undercoat is well developed, but does not extend beyond the outer coat. Individuals of the breed have the following color: saddleback or black with a dark-colored mask on a light background, the color of which can range from pale gray to fawn. Gray-zoned and red-zoned colors are possible, but not desirable.

Unknowing people often confuse the East European Shepherd (VEO) with the German one. They have common roots, but VEO is a breed bred in the USSR, a loyal and reliable friend.

The breed is not recognized by the International Canine Union and the International Canine Association. All characteristics are given from the standard of the Russian Canine Association.

Male height at withers: 66-72 centimeters,

Height of the bitch at the withers: 62-72 centimeters.

Male weight: 35-65 kilograms,

Bitch weight: 30-60 kilograms.

Color: shabby with a mask on the main, lighter background. Interspersed zonal coloring is allowed. Shepherds usually have a transition from beige to red or dark brown, or from gray to black. This color will reduce points at the exhibition, but it is acceptable. Possible black color.

Important: zonal coloring is characteristic of wolves. With this color, the color at the root of the hair is lighter than at the tip.

Additional characteristics: the eyes are only black, almond-shaped, with a rim. The ears are erect, form an isosceles triangle, and are set high. The nose should not be any color other than black.

The tail is long and wolf-like, otherwise you will be disqualified. The muzzle should also be similar to a wolf. The physique is strong and muscular. In this case, the length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. The photo shows the difference between the VEO and the German Shepherd.

History of the East European Shepherd

In the 1930s, they were brought to the USSR for police service. Russian dog handlers began breeding, crossing “Germans” with local dogs. The most talented puppies were kept, the role was always a priority service dog. Those who quickly found drugs, weapons and explosives were selected. The selection went on for about thirty years, after which in 1964 the Soviet Cynological Association developed the first breed standard.

It must be said that East European Shepherds not only expose crimes, these attentive and sensitive dogs have become wonderful guides. In Russia, about 60% of guide dogs are VEO.

Character and temperament

East European Shepherd - calm, and her character is an indicator of the perfect balance of strength and restraint.

This bodyguard squared: VEO acts like a relaxed dog, but can attack an enemy at any time with a light jump. The reactions of this dog are not always even recorded by the human gaze: we are not able to react to such speed.

East European Shepherds do not show aggression, except in cases where it is really necessary. Such cases include an attack on the owner or trespassing.

As a child, he is an ordinary playful puppy. Even after the dog has grown up, it remains attached to children's toys. Leave with her those plush creatures with which she played in her youth, otherwise VEO will start chewing shoes or furniture instead of toys.

Dog and man

Large dogs need physical activity, you cannot force such an animal to wear a diaper and sleep all day long. You must be prepared for the fact that in any weather your shepherd needs walk at least twice a day.

VEO is suitable active And mobile people. She will be happy to join you on jogging walks, bike rides and roller skating.

East European Shepherd treats children well and usually has nothing against other animals. Puppies and kittens will become the object of your pet's tender love.

It is better to keep an East European Shepherd in the house, but not on a chain or in an enclosure, but free-range. She will not run away from her beloved owner and will not let a thief pass her by. It is also possible to keep such a dog in an apartment, but you should prepare in advance for inconvenience due to the large size of the pet.

You need to walk twice a day, for at least 40 minutes.

Sheepdog in autumn and summer sheds a lot, and her fur needs to be brushed once a week. Other care is minimal. If your dog's claws click when walking on the floor in the house, you need to trim them carefully.


You need to feed your shepherd either premium dry food or natural food.

If you feed your dog natural food, then approximate diet such:

  • Protein– share in the diet 50%. Meat or fish. The meat is pre-frozen for a couple of days, then treated with boiling water or boiled. WITH river fish do the same, and sea ​​fish may be served raw. Pork and lamb should not be given.
  • Cellulose– up to 20% in the diet. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers.
  • Fats– up to 1 tablespoon per day. Vegetable oil: olive, pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseed.
  • Additionally: rice porridge, buckwheat. Semolina is served only in recovery period after illness.

Include it in your pet's diet periodically fish fat And vitamin complexes.

You should absolutely not give your dog animal bones.


You need to establish contact with the East European Shepherd. This smart breed who loves the owner and wants to please him. VEO understands everything quickly and grasps it clearly.

Teaching should be firm, but also full of love and patience. Reward, not punishment, will work with her.

Health and life expectancy

The main reason for the selection of East European Shepherds was the susceptibility of German Shepherds to dysplasia. With VEO this was avoided. It was also possible to exclude ear diseases typical of Germans.

VEO are exclusively susceptible infectious diseases, which they often cope with themselves, thanks to their strong immunity.

Representatives of the breed in good conditions live from 12 to 14 years.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

There is a National East European Shepherd Dog Club in Russia, where there are contacts of all reliable breeders.

Puppy price: 15,000 - 35,000 rubles.

Breed photo

Photos of beautiful and strong East European Shepherds.


If you ask which dog would be the best in the service, almost everyone will immediately say that these are shepherds. Indeed, both the German and Eastern European breeds are famous for their courage, devotion, and precise execution of commands even on the battlefield. In peacetime, this dog is an excellent guard, true friend and an obedient “servant.”

Description of the breed

The dogs are quite large: the height of a male at the withers is 67−76 cm, that of a female is 62−65 cm. The height of the dog should be only 14−15% less than the length of the body. Weight adult 36−45 kg for a female and 36−50 kg for a male.

It is important to note that the German and East European Shepherd are two different breed, although the eastern one originates from dogs imported from Germany. But the work done by Soviet dog handlers and mating with other breeds gives the right to separate the two different breeds.


Head proportional body, large, wedge-shaped when viewed from above. Wide, rounded forehead, the transition from it to the muzzle is smooth but clear. The size of the muzzle and forehead is approximately the same, only a slight difference is possible, with the forehead being wider than the muzzle. Under the eyes is not a damp space, filled. A hump on a straight bridge of the nose is allowed. The lips do not droop, but fit tightly to the muzzle; they are dry and moderately thick. Black pigmentation of the gums and extreme lip line.

Teeth smooth, white, stand close to each other. According to standards, the number of incisors and canines is 42 teeth. In the practice of breeding work, individuals with remote medical indications teeth. This is the only reason for the absence of teeth in an individual. Bite without gap, scissor bite.

Nose - classic shape, rectangular, slightly protruding beyond the line lower jaw. The nostrils are open and large in size.

Eyes - shape oval, have an oblique shape, in which the outer corner is raised upward towards the ear. The eyelids completely hide the whites, they are dry and dense. Black pigmentation of the eyelid line that remains visible.

The ears are triangular and regular in shape. Only standing, moderately wide, set high and not too large are allowed. The fur on the ears is moderate.

Body - body shape harmonious, slightly elongated, long back with strong withers and an oval-shaped neck. Convex croup that curves towards the tail.

When standing, the height of the dog in the shoulder line is higher than the croup line. Muscular and strong chest with moderate width. The ribs are elongated, slightly convex, and the depth of the chest is approximately half the height of the dog when measured at the withers.

Limbs - top part muscular, and the lower one is strong, sinewy, harmonious in shape. The front paws, evenly shaped, are pressed to chest elbows and parallel to each other. The angle of the blades must correspond to strictly 45 degrees. In the rack hind legs set back a little. Any position of the paws other than strictly parallel is considered a fault for the breed. The paws are strong and gathered into a ball long fingers. Fifth toes are also considered a defect. The claws and pads are black.

The tail is long, reaching to the hock joints or slightly longer, saber-shaped. The tail is carried down naturally or between the hind legs.

Coat color

The coat type of the European breed is determined standards. An even guard pile of medium length should fit snugly to the body and be hard to the touch. The felt-like undercoat is also dense and may differ in color from the outer coat. At the withers the hair is somewhat longer, but on the head, on the back of the ears and on the paws it is much shorter. In the breeches area the hair is also longer.

It is worth adding that long-haired representatives of the East European Shepherd are not standard, but belong to modern species. According to the 1920 standards, the classic breed has semi-long hair.

Several valid colors:

History of the breed

The history of the breed dates back to Soviet cynology; starting in the 1930s, the goal was set to breed a guard dog to maintain order or perform security functions in places of detention. The basis was the gene pool of the German shepherd, however, Soviet breeders had to not only get a dog with improved qualities. The number one goal was to literally defend the honor of the country by presenting the perfect dog.

As a result, representatives of the Eastern European breed became larger their relatives, and the enormous work carried out on selecting and mixing the blood of the best led to an increase in the versatility of shepherd dogs.

It is worth noting interesting feature East European Shepherds - if they have strength and speed of reaction, aggression with proper training, they can nevertheless easily learn to be sensitive and caring guides. Which only adds to the number of fans of this breed.

Shepherd dogs in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904−1905. served as delivery men sanitary medical supplies and liaisons.

The East European Shepherd is unpretentious and can live both in an apartment and in a private house with a large plot. True, because large sizes Keeping a dog in the house is still preferable. She needs a spacious enclosure with a warm kennel for her pet; it is recommended to let the dog into the house during severe frosts. Separately, we note that you need to make a decision about the dog’s place of residence immediately; if the puppy was raised in a house and then moved to an enclosure, it will howl.

It is especially worth pointing out friendliness dogs, they are comfortable both in a large family and with a single person, even teenagers listen well, it is only important to build a relationship with the pet.

The dog is required to exercise, so even living in a house with adjacent territory will not save you from walking. You need to walk at least once a day, adding loads and working on commands.



The average lifespan of shepherd dogs of this breed is 13−16 years.

Typical diseases, according to Soviet canine reference books, are the following: ailments:

  • Gastric volvulus - typical pathology official and simple active dogs with a broad chest. During big physical activity overlap of the intestinal loop or stomach occurs due to increased elasticity of the ligaments. The first symptoms appear as bloating and lead to rapid development a disease that often ends in the death of the dog.
  • Arthritis - due to lagging regeneration of bone tissue, which is a disease of the joints, received this collective name.

Here is a list of diseases modern East European Shepherd is more extensive:

  • rickets;
  • dysplasia;
  • injuries to tendons, muscles and ligaments on the paws;
  • enteritis.


Caring for a shepherd is classic and consists of combing the coat with a comb and combing out the undercoat during the shedding period. Combing produces a massage effect, which has a good effect on general condition dogs, so experts insist on the regularity of this procedure. You should bathe your dog 2 to 5 times a year, more often only if necessary. Claws are trimmed as they grow approximately once every 3 weeks. It is important to examine your ears, eyes, and teeth daily and clean them to prevent disease.

Periodically it is necessary to treat the dog's fur with flea preparations, especially in May - June. Don't forget about anthelmintic drugs. At serious symptoms or sharp deterioration health, you should definitely contact a veterinarian.


Before describing the features of training a shepherd dog, it is worth telling a little about its character. The East European Shepherd is true and a brave dog with an exceptional mind. Therefore, dogs respond well to training. If the owner cannot devote time to raising a pet, then it is better to send it to a professional trainer in a kennel. In other cases, it is much better to raise and train the dog yourself.

There are no particular difficulties in training; you can watch relevant videos from nurseries and conduct regular classes. It is important not only to teach the shepherd the basic commands, but also to educate it so that it does not damage furniture, jump on its owner, or dirty shoes.

Before purchasing an East European Shepherd puppy, you should clearly define what the dog is for. There are three possible option:

Price of puppies

The price of an East European Shepherd puppy with a pedigree starts from 15,000 rubles. You can buy 2-3 times cheaper without a pedigree.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its behavior. If the baby is active, runs around a lot, wants to play with others and bullies them, then most likely he will grow up to be a brave and smart dog. But you shouldn’t take a lethargic, timid or passive puppy, no matter what its cost and other external characteristics.

It is better to choose a puppy not in the market, where they are unlikely to provide a pedigree, but in kennels with a good reputation, specializing in raising and training dogs. In addition, you can reserve puppies of a certain manufacturer at the nursery.

Differences East European Shepherd from German:

  • the former have a larger build;
  • the German breed proved to be a guard or a shepherd, but the Eastern European breed is a wonderful friend and sensitive companion;
  • the East European Shepherd, thanks to its developed intelligence, is able to make decisions based on the situation, but the German is good at learned manifestations;
  • the East European Shepherd is immensely devoted to a person, they are ready to face bullets if there is a person there who needs their help;
  • There are also clear differences in the breed description indicators between the “Germans” and the East European Shepherd.

A pet raised with love will become a wonderful friend and a true protector.

The East European Shepherd is one of the breeds that were bred in the former Soviet Union - thus dog handlers wanted to give rescuers, military and law enforcement agencies worthy helpers.

If you look at a photo of an East European Shepherd or meet a live dog, an association with German breed– similar build, muzzle, color. In this case, you will not be mistaken - to breed the East European Shepherd, it was the Germans who were used as the starting step.

East European Shepherd dog standing

A little history

As mentioned above, the East European Shepherd was created on the basis of the German breed, but it is still different from it. The difference lies in a stronger body build, mental stability and balance of temperament, as well as the ability to more easily endure harsh winter conditions.

The appearance of the first German shepherds dates back to the beginning of the last century - they were used as service dogs and orderlies in the Russian-Japanese and First World Wars.

As a result, they were recognized high quality this breed, and in 1924, the breeding of a new species based on it began - it was planned that the newly bred breed would participate in border troops, search activities and rescue operations. And after the Great Patriotic War The East European Shepherd became one of the most common service breeds in the Soviet Union.

The East European Shepherd is one of the breeds that originated in the former Soviet Union.

The breed was officially recognized by dog ​​handlers in 1964 - and a lot of discussions arose about the properties of the bred dogs. There were many dog ​​breeders who claimed that the “newbies” were inferior in characteristics to the Germans.

At one time, some breeders tried to improve the breed by crossing new Germans with Eastern Europeans, but these attempts were essentially unsuccessful. Classic VEOs significantly surpassed the German breed in their characteristics, so additional crossings did not yield anything.

In the 90s, after the Soviet Union ceased to exist, there was a certain crisis situation in this regard - after all, the East European Shepherd is recognized only in Russia - they refuse to recognize it abroad. In this regard, there was a sharp drop in demand and a decrease in the number of people willing to engage in this breed.

Today the situation looks somewhat better - within the country, the East European Shepherd has many connoisseurs who are ready to make every effort to provide it with the necessary conditions for its continued existence.

The East European Shepherd is recognized only in Russia

Description of the breed

Compared to the German breed, the East European Shepherd has a somewhat elongated body with well-developed bones. She has a strong athletic build with well-developed muscles. The large head has high erect ears and a scissor bite.

Males of this breed are significantly larger in size than females. The height of a male at the withers is on average 66-76 cm, females - 62-72 cm, weight of a male is 35-60 kg, females - 30-50 kg.

Thick, coarse coat with dense undercoat. Colors come in the following types:

  • Black;
  • Black and tan;
  • Black and tan;

Males of this breed are significantly larger in size than females
  • Zanarny gray;
  • Zonar-red.

It should be noted that East European Shepherd puppies grow very quickly - at 2 months they weigh 8-13 kg, at 3 months - 13-18, and at 5 months - 23-28 kg. Babies gain 2 cm in height and 5 kg in weight per month.

Character and temperament

I would like to immediately note that East European Shepherds have highly developed guard instincts - they are suspicious of strangers and are always on the alert. At the same time, such dogs have an extremely balanced character - they are self-confident, friendly to their owner, and obedient. Such a dog does not attack without a reason - for this he needs good reasons or a command from the owner.

Since the East European Shepherd was bred as a working breed, it has all the properties necessary for this. She is loyal, brave and smart - these qualities of VEO are emphasized by all dog breeders.

I would like to note right away that East European Shepherds have highly developed guard instincts.

At the same time, Eastern European dogs are extremely unpretentious to living conditions - they can easily tolerate harsh winters, frosts, and snowfalls. Such a dog can cope with any difficult conditions and will survive - the breeders took care of this.

Representatives of VEO are distinguished by high intelligence, nobility and good learning ability - they are easy to train and educate. In addition, such a dog gets along well with children - he is able to become their friend and caring nanny, of which many examples can be found.

If there are other animals in the family, you don’t have to worry at all about possible jealousy on the part of the East European Shepherd – this simply won’t happen. Such dogs do not want to waste time and energy on sorting things out and useless fights.

VEO representatives are highly intelligent

When deciding to get yourself a VEO, you must realize that you need leadership qualities to cope with the dog. You will have to spend a lot of time on his upbringing, training and training. In addition, such dogs are not suitable for living in a city apartment - for them ideal place residence can become a country mansion.

A dog of this breed becomes strongly attached to its owner - you can count on loyal and sincere friendship on his part. Do not try to keep it on a chain - this may lead to serious problems with character and uncontrollability.

Raising a puppy - necessary condition so that he grows into a smart and loyal dog. If you find mutual language with a dog and take the time to train and educate it, there is no doubt that it will fully reveal the full potential inherent in nature. In this case you will receive faithful assistant and a friend who will not let you down even in the most difficult situations.

Raising a puppy is a necessary condition for it to grow into an intelligent and loyal dog.

Learning to choose a puppy

Before choosing a puppy Eastern European breed, ask yourself what you need it for - for home, for work, for security, or to win medals at exhibitions. In the first case, you don’t have to worry about the pedigree - if you need good friend, buy yourself a cute and cute East European Shepherd puppy, even if he doesn’t have well-deserved parents.

If you need a puppy to train as a champion or for a rescue service, you will have to be more picky. Study his pedigree well - if the parents showed good results in the professional sphere, these skills are most likely to be passed on to the baby.

To participate in exhibitions, you will need to seek advice from dog handlers - they will help you choose deserving parents and show which of the puppies has a chance of becoming a celebrity.

Choosing an East European Shepherd puppy

The lion's share of caring for an Eastern European pet falls on the care of the coat, ears, eyes and claws - no difficulties are expected here. As already mentioned, such dogs are unpretentious, so you will need basic procedures.

You will need to brush his coat twice a week - when the dog sheds, do this more often. To do this, use the following tools:

  • Puhoderka;
  • Rubber brush.

If the dog moves a lot, his nails will wear down on their own - if this does not happen, start trimming them. Otherwise, they will begin to peel and even bleed.

Slicker brush for dogs

Examination of his ears is very important - it helps to identify early stage various diseases. It is extremely important to start these procedures on puppies at a very young age to give them time to get used to it. Otherwise, you may have problems if you approach for the first time with hygiene procedure to a mature dog.

Frequent washing is contraindicated for dogs - do it as needed. If you still decide to buy an East European Shepherd, use special shampoos and detergents protein based.

In order for your dog to easily get used to you brushing him, examining him, or cutting his nails, start doing this as a game. Then everything will happen naturally, naturally, which will relieve the dog of stress and discomfort.

Metal comb for dogs

Feeding rules

Every dog ​​breeder knows that proper nutrition Not only the health of the dog depends, but also its appearance and even character. Therefore, it is very important to feed your dog as recommended. experienced dog handlers– the breeder from whom you are taking the dog can first advise you on these issues.

To begin with, the Eastern European dog is fed exactly the same type of food that he received from the breeder - this is done in order to alleviate, as much as possible, the stress caused by separation from his mother and moving to a new home.

After a month, you can gradually transfer the dog to a new type of food - while you need to carefully monitor his well-being. Any threatening symptoms - nausea, intestinal upset, vomiting, lethargy - are good reasons to return to the old type of diet and consult a veterinarian.

Dry dog ​​food

Regarding the number of meals for the East European Shepherd, there are the following recommendations:

  • 6 times a day in one month;
  • 5 times a day every two months;
  • 4 times a day for three months;
  • 3 times a day at four months;
  • Twice a day for six months and beyond.

When reducing the number of feedings, do not forget to increase the portion size - this is necessary. Leave the bowl of food for about 15 minutes - then remove it, even if there is uneaten food left on it.

For Eastern Europeans, there are two types of food:

  • Dry food is ready-made mixtures with a ready balance of all essential vitamins and minerals. For the owner, this approach is much easier - there is no need to rack your brains over creating a balanced menu.
  • Natural products – this option is more interesting and varied for your pet. However, its owner bears the responsibility for the correct preparation of the diet - it must contain full complex all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a dog's health.

Whatever feeding method you choose, remember that your dog should always have a bowl of clean food. drinking water– don’t forget to change its contents regularly. So that the dog has correct posture, purchase bowls for food and water on tripods - this will allow the pet not to reach for food and will not damage its spine.


University: Moscow state academy veterinary medicine.
Year of release: 2010.
Specialty: Veterinary medicine, Veterinary medicine.


I have experience in veterinary clinic more than 7 years.


FSBI "All-Russian state center quality and standardization medicines for animals and feed"