Federal list of preferential drugs. How and where to get subsidized medications List of subsidized medications for the year

Legislatively in the Russian Federation, certain groups of citizens have the right to preferential drug coverage. Today, about 20 million Russians have the opportunity to receive medicines free of charge.

The indicator is confirmed by official data from Rosstat. At the same time, about 15 million beneficiaries receive monetary compensation, and the remaining persons purchase drugs included in the list of free drugs approved by the state.

This article will focus on providing citizens with medicines free of charge or at a discount. We will consider the procedure for providing funds, and also compile a complete list of persons entitled to apply for this type of assistance.

Preferential groups of the population that have the right to obtain medications free of charge are enshrined in Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999. According to the provisions of Art. 125 of the law, the list includes:

  • disabled people and children with health restrictions;
  • military personnel who did not serve in active army units during the Second World War, as well as those awarded medals and orders from the USSR;
  • WWII participants and persons who became disabled as a result;
  • combat veterans and members of their families;
  • family of deceased disabled people and combat participants;
  • persons with the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • citizens who worked in the rear during the Second World War at military facilities;
  • Chernobyl victims.
The list does not end there, since benefits include patients suffering from various complex diseases. Examples include: multiple sclerosis, hemophilia, Gaucher disease, cystic fibrosis. In addition, persons who have undergone internal organ transplantation will be able to receive the medicine.

How is the list of medicines established?

First of all, it is worth noting that the list of free medicines is compiled by the Government of the Russian Federation. To approve the list, the Ministry of Health and Social Development issues a special order.

For the first time such a list was compiled back in the fall of 2006. Amendments are made to this list almost every year. Some drugs are removed from the register, while others are added.

The list of medicines for preferential categories of citizens for 2019 includes the following drugs:

  • opioid and non-narcotic analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medications used to treat allergic reactions, Parkinson's disease, gout;
  • anticonvulsants, as well as anxiolytic and antipsychotic drugs;
  • antidepressants, sleeping pills, antibiotics;
  • antiviral and antifungal forms;
  • compositions for the treatment of diseases of SSD, respiratory and digestive systems;
  • hormonal compounds.

In turn, each group includes individual medicines.

Amendments made to the list in 2019

This year, the Government of the Russian Federation reviewed and adopted a new list of preferential medications. Starting from April 1, 2019, an expanded list of drugs is in effect. The new list includes additional medicines, and now the number of items is 646 items. It should be additionally noted that six items are produced in the Russian Federation.

Certain categories of people can take advantage of an additional list of preferential medications, which has also been expanded by 15 units. The section of expensive items included one new name, and the necessary items were replenished with two units.

The cost of medicines is approved by the government and is based on average purchase prices. A special area of ​​medicines is the provision of clinics and other medical institutions.

Procedure for obtaining free medications

To clarify what rights different categories of citizens have, you should contact the attending physician or the management of the medical organization that pays for the patient’s treatment. Free medications are prescribed only by the attending physician on a special prescription form. Subsequently, the document is certified by the head of the department of the doctor.

It is important that the prescription indicates its expiration date. As a rule, the completed form is valid for 30 days. During this time, the citizen is required to obtain the drug from the pharmacy. If a prescribed item is not available, the patient should be offered a similar medicine. In this case, the validity period of the prescription is extended by 10 days. If a document is damaged or lost, the form must be reissued.

When writing a prescription, the doctor must be guided by the results of the patient’s medical examination. For example, for people with disabilities, medications are provided in accordance with the severity of the person’s condition.

A disabled person of group 1 can use expensive medications, and a disabled person of group 2 or group 3 has the right to receive medications that are included in the minimum permitted list, and some other drugs. Children also have the right to receive medications free of charge in the same manner as adults.


Free provision of medicines is considered one of the measures of social support for vulnerable categories of citizens. To provide this type of assistance, the responsible authorities use a special list of medications, which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a list of social groups of citizens for whom medications included in the list of preferential medications are issued free of charge. An important social protection measure was introduced in Russia as part of the priority federal program “Health”.

Who benefits from subsidies for medicines?

The list of persons entitled to receive drugs from the list of preferential drugs is extensive. First of all, we are talking about the so-called “federal beneficiaries” - persons entitled to social support measures in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 99 No. 178 “On State Social Assistance,” whose subsidies are compensated from the federal budget.

The list of preferential medications for 2020 applies to the following federal beneficiaries:

  • Participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • DB Veterans;
  • Family members of deceased military veterans, WWII participants and war veterans;
  • Victims of radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident;
  • Disabled people of groups 1-3;
  • Disabled children;
  • Prisoners of concentration camps;
  • Siege survivors of Leningrad.

The list of preferential medications for disabled people and other persons from the above list is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of July 30, 1994 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the supply of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions.”


According to the legislation in Russia, there is a list of preferential medications for children under 3 years of age. Strictly speaking, this is the same list as for other categories of citizens. The peculiarity of the list of preferential drugs for 2020 is that it includes all groups of drugs. That is, the Government did not create separate lists for different groups of the population, but compiled a single list that contains all the necessary minimum.

Please note that for families with many children, subsidized medications are prescribed until the child reaches 6 years of age.

Certain categories of citizens

The following also have access to free medicines based on special legal provisions:

  • Military personnel and officers transferred to the reserve.
  • Patients with the following diagnoses:
    • Dystrophy;
    • Oncology;
    • Blood diseases;
    • Leprosy;
    • Tuberculosis;
    • Rheumatism:
    • Asthma;
    • Those undergoing a recovery period after myocardial infarction;
    • Those who have undergone organ transplantation;
    • Diabetes;
    • Schizophrenia;
    • etc. (the full list is contained in the above Resolution).

Regional programs

In addition to the federal list, there is also a list of regional preferential medications. Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently approve an additional list of medications issued free of charge and expand the list of citizens who have access to free prescriptions.

The quality of regional lists of subsidized drugs directly depends on the region’s income level. Naturally, residents of such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Khanty-Mansiysk, etc. enjoy the greatest benefits. A regional list is established, as a rule, by decree of the department (or ministry) of health of a given subject of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that the regional program for the supply of free medicines can only expand the list of medicines and subsidy recipients, but does not have the right to reduce the amount of subsidies established at the federal level.

Who prescribes subsidized medications and how?

Persons receiving subsidies on the basis of the Federal Law dated July 17, 99 No. 178 (federal beneficiaries) must be included in the electronic register of recipients of social support measures. To do this, they need to contact the regional office of the Pension Fund or MFC with the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • A document confirming the right to a subsidy. For example, in the case of a list of preferential medications for people with disabilities, this is a certificate of disability.

You can also submit an application for registration of EDV online through the EPGU (Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services) or the “Citizen’s Personal Account”.

How to get discounted medications

Medicines from the preferential list are prescribed by the attending physician. A mandatory condition for admission to state medical care is the presence of medical indications.

It is important to know:

  • Subsidized drugs are not sold in all pharmacies. Typically, the regional health department determines a list of pharmacy chains (private companies) with which contracts are concluded to provide the population with free medicines. After receiving a prescription for free medications from your doctor, the patient must go to one of these pharmacies. Typically, a list of pharmacies where you can get subsidized drugs is posted on stands in clinics;
  • Preferential medications are prescribed for exactly one course of use, but not more than 1 month. The right to receive a subsidized prescription for up to 3 months is available to disabled people of group 1 and children under 3 years of age;
  • The attending physician is obliged to inform the patient about the possibility of receiving preferential medications;
  • A subsidized prescription is issued on a special form and must have the doctor’s signature and the clinic’s seal;
  • All children under 3 years of age have the right to subsidized medicines, regardless of health status.

Free medicines in 2020

You can check out list of preferential medications for 2020. This is a federal list and is valid throughout the Russian Federation. You can find out about special regional programs for drug support for the population at your clinic or on the website of the regional department (ministry) of health.

Almost 20 million residents of our country have the right to receive free or discounted medications. The list of such drugs is regulated by the government and undergoes changes every year - some drugs are added to the list, while others are excluded.

In 2018, the group of free medicines included all categories of medicines:

  • non-narcotic and opioid analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs for the treatment of allergies, gout, and parkinsonism;
  • anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic substances;
  • antidepressants, antibiotics, sleeping pills;
  • antiviral and antifungal drugs;
  • medications for the treatment of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems;
  • hormones and many other drugs.

Who can receive discounted medicine?

Receipt of free medicines is guaranteed for the following categories of the population:

  • Participants and disabled people of the Second World War, as well as combat veterans;
  • Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
  • Family members of Great Patriotic War veterans, deceased war veterans and combatants;
  • Military personnel of military units that were not part of the active army during the Second World War;
  • Military personnel of the Second World War who were awarded orders or medals of the USSR;
  • Persons who worked at military facilities in the rear during the Second World War;
  • Family members of deceased hospital workers in St. Petersburg;
  • Disabled people and disabled children;
  • Persons exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.

Patients with hemophilia, myeloid leukemia, Gaucher disease, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, pituitary dwarfism, those in need of immunosuspension, children under three years of age and children under six years of age from large families can also count on receiving preferential medications.

Who writes free prescriptions?

You can get a free or discounted prescription from your doctor, or you can also find out in advance from your insurance company what medications you can get in a particular case. A preferential prescription, like a regular one, is issued on the basis of medical indications and is additionally certified by the head of the department.

The prescription must indicate the expiration date, depending on the group of drugs. Typically, a prescription can be filled within one month from the date of discharge. Anyone can receive this prescription.

If the medicine is not in the pharmacy

Getting a discounted prescription is half the battle; you still need to find a medicine for this prescription. If the pharmacy does not have the required drug, the following actions are possible:

  1. The buyer will be offered a similar drug
  2. If replacement is not possible, the pharmacy administration must register the prescription and order this medicine as soon as possible. When the medicine appears in the pharmacy, the buyer is notified by phone. If the delivery of the medicine is delayed, the buyer has the right to write a complaint to the chief physician or to a higher organization.

List of preferential and free medicines in 2018

I. Anticholinesterase drugs

Galantamine - film-coated tablets.
Ipidacrine - tablets.
Pyridostigmine bromide - tablets.

II. Opioid analgesics and mixed action analgesic

Buprenorphine - solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration; sublingual tablets; transdermal therapeutic system.
Morphine - solution for injection; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Morphine + Narcotine + Papaverine hydrochloride + Codeine + Thebaine - injection solution.
Tramadol - capsules; injection; rectal suppositories; extended-release film-coated tablets; pills.
Trimeperidine - solution for injection; pills.
Fentanyl is a transdermal therapeutic system.

III. Non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Acetylsalicylic acid - tablets.
Diclofenac - gel; eye drops; ointment; rectal suppositories; enteric-coated tablets; extended-release tablets.
Ibuprofen - gel for external use; cream for external use; film-coated tablets; suspension for oral administration.
Indomethacin - ointment for external use; suppositories; film-coated tablets.
Ketoprofen - capsules; cream; suppositories; retard tablets; Forte tablets, film-coated.
Ketorolac is a film-coated tablet.
Meloxicam - tablets.
Metamizole sodium and combination preparations containing metamizole sodium - tablets.
Paracetamol - rectal suppositories; pills.
Paracetamol + Phenylephrine + Pheniramine + Ascorbic acid - powder for the preparation of a solution for oral administration.
Piroxicam - gel.

IV. Medicines for the treatment of gout

Allopurinol - tablets.
Colchicum splendid alkaloid - coated tablets.

V. Other anti-inflammatory drugs

Mesalazine - rectal suppositories; rectal suspension; Enteric-coated tablets.
Penicillamine - tablets.
Sulfasalazine - tablets.
Chloroquine - tablets.
Chondroitin sulfate - capsules; ointment.

VI. Means for the treatment of allergic reactions

Diphenhydramine - tablets.
Ketotifen - tablets;
Clemastine - tablets.
Levocetirizine - film-coated tablets.
Loratadine - tablets.
Mebhydrolin - pills.
Hifenadine - tablets.
Chloropyramine - tablets.
Cetirizine - drops for oral administration; film-coated tablets.

VII. Anticonvulsants

Benzobarbital - tablets.
Valproic acid - drops for oral administration; syrup; enteric-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Carbamazepine - tablets; extended-release tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Clonazepam - tablets.
Lamotrigine - tablets.
Primidone - tablets.
Topiramate - capsules; film-coated tablets.
Phenytoin - tablets.
Phenobarbital - tablets.
Ethosuximide - capsules.

VIII. Drugs for the treatment of parkinsonism

Bromocriptine - tablets.
Levodopa + Carbidopa - tablets.
Levodopa + Benserazide - capsules; dispersible tablets; pills.
Piribedil is a controlled-release, film-coated tablet.
Tolperisone - film-coated tablets.
Cyclodol - tablets.

IX. Anxiolytics

Alprazolam - tablets; extended-release tablets.
Diazepam - tablets.
Hydroxyzine - film-coated tablets.
Medazepam - tablets.
Nitrazepam - tablets.
Tofisopam - tablets.
Phenazepam - tablets.

X. Antipsychotics

Haloperidol - drops for oral administration; pills.
Zuclopenthixol - film-coated tablets.
Quetiapine is a film-coated tablet.
Clozapine - tablets.
Levomepromazine - film-coated tablets.
Perphenazine - film-coated tablets.
Risperidone - lozenges; film-coated tablets.
Sulpiride - capsules; pills.
Thioproperazine - film-coated tablets.
Thioridazine - pills; film-coated tablets.
Trifluoperazine - film-coated tablets.
Flupenthixol - film-coated tablets.
Chlorpromazine - pills.
Chlorprothixene - film-coated tablets.

XI. Antidepressants and mood stabilizers

Amitriptyline - tablets; film-coated tablets.
Venlafaxine - modified release capsules; pills.
Imipramine - pills.
Clomipramine - film-coated tablets.
Lithium carbonate - extended-release tablets.
Maprotiline is a film-coated tablet.
Milnacipran - capsules.
Paroxetine is a film-coated tablet.
Pipofezin - tablets.
Pirlindol - tablets.
Sertraline - film-coated tablets.
Fluvoxamine is a film-coated tablet.
Fluoxetine - capsules.
Escitalopram is a film-coated tablet.

XII. Medicines for the treatment of sleep disorders

Zolpidem is a film-coated tablet.
Zopiclone is a film-coated tablet.

XIII. Other drugs affecting the central nervous system

Baclofen - tablets.
Betahistine - tablets.
Vinpocetine - tablets; film-coated tablets.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid - film-coated tablets.
Hopanthenic acid - tablets.
Nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid - tablets.
Piracetam - capsules; oral solution; film-coated tablets.
Tizanidine - tablets.
Phenibut - tablets.
Phenotropil - tablets.
Cinnarizine - tablets.

XIV. Means for the prevention and treatment of infections

Azithromycin - capsules; film-coated tablets.
Amoxicillin - capsules; film-coated tablets; pills.
Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid - powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration; dispersible tablets; film-coated tablets; pills.
Gramicidin S - buccal tablets.
Josamycin - tablets; dispersible tablets.
Doxycycline - capsules.
Clarithromycin - film-coated tablets.
Clindamycin - capsules.
Midecamycin - film-coated tablets.
Rifamycin - ear drops.
Tetracycline - eye ointment.
Fosfomycin - granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration.
Fusidic acid - cream for external use; ointment for external use; film-coated tablets.
Chloramphenicol - eye drops; liniment; pills.
Erythromycin - eye ointment; ointment, for external use; Enteric-coated tablets.

Synthetic antibacterial agents

Co-trimoxazole - suspension for oral administration; pills.
Levofloxacin - film-coated tablets.
Moxifloxacin - film-coated tablets.
Nitrofurantoin - tablets.
Nitroxoline - film-coated tablets.
Norfloxacin - film-coated tablets.
Ofloxacin - film-coated tablets.
Pipemidic acid - capsules.
Sulfacetamide - eye drops.
Furazidin - capsules; pills.
Ciprofloxacin - eye drops; film-coated tablets.

XV. Antiviral agents

Arbidol - film-coated tablets; capsules.
Acyclovir - tablets; ointment for external use; eye ointment.
Interferon alfa-2a - solution for intranasal use.
Interferon alpha-2b is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intranasal administration.
Interferon gamma is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intranasal administration.
Ribavirin - capsules; pills.
Rimantadine - tablets.

XVI. Antifungal agents

Itraconazole - capsules; solution for oral administration.
Ketoconazole - tablets.
Clotrimazole - cream for external use.
Nystatin - ointment for external use; vaginal suppositories; rectal suppositories; film-coated tablets.
Terbinafine - cream for external use; spray; pills.
Fluconazole - capsules.

Mebendazole - tablets.
Metronidazole - tablets.
Pyrantel - tablets; suspension for oral administration.
Furazolidone - tablets.

XVIII. Antineoplastic, immunosuppressive and related drugs

Azathioprine - tablets.
Aminoglutethimide - tablets.
Anastrazole - film-coated tablets.
Bicalutamide - film-coated tablets.
Busulfan - tablets.
Granisetron is a film-coated tablet.
Calcium folinate - capsules.
Capecitabine is a film-coated tablet.
Letrozole is a film-coated tablet.
Lomustine - capsules.
Medroxyprogesterone - tablets.
Melphalan - film-coated tablets.
Mercaptopurine - tablets.
Methotrexate - tablets.
Ondansetron is a film-coated tablet.
Sehydrin is an enteric-coated tablet.
Tamoxifen - tablets.
Flutamide - tablets.
Chlorambucil - film-coated tablets.
Cyclosporine - capsules; solution for oral administration.
Cyclophosphamide - film-coated tablets.
Cyproterone - tablets.
Etoposide - capsules.

XIX. Drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis

Alfacalcidol - capsules.
Dihydrotachysterol - drops for oral administration; solution for oral administration.
Calcitriol - capsules.
Colecalciferol - drops for oral administration.

XX. Drugs affecting hematopoiesis and coagulation system

Aktiferin - syrup.
Warfarin - tablets.
Heparin sodium - gel for external use.
Dipyridamole - dragee; film-coated tablets.
Iron hydroxide polymaltosate - syrup; Chewable tablets.
Iron gluconate + Manganese gluconate + Copper gluconate - solution for oral administration.
Iron sulfate + Ascorbic acid - film-coated tablets.
Pentoxifylline - film-coated tablets.
Folic acid - tablets.
Epoetin alfa - solution for injection.
Epoetin beta - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration; injection.

XXI. Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

Amiodarone - tablets.
Amlodipine - tablets.
Atenolol - tablets.
Atenolol + Chlorthalidone - film-coated tablets.
Acetazolamide - tablets.
Validol - sublingual capsules; sublingual tablets.
Verapamil - film-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Hydrochlorothiazide + Triamterene - tablets.
Digoxin - tablets.
Diltiazem - film-coated tablets; extended-release, film-coated tablets.
Isosorbide dinitrate - dosed sublingual aerosol; extended-release tablets; pills.
Isosorbide mononitrate - long-acting capsules; retard tablets; pills.
Indapamide - capsules; film-coated tablets; modified release tablets.
Inosine - film-coated tablets.
Captopril - tablets.
Captopril + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Carvedilol - tablets.
Clonidine - tablets.
Corvalol - drops for oral administration.
Lisinopril - tablets.
Metoprolol - film-coated tablets; pills.
Moxonidine - film-coated tablets.
Molsidomine - retard tablets; pills.
Moexipril - film-coated tablets.
Peppermint oil + Phenobarbital + Hops cones oil + Ethyl bromizovalerianate - drops for oral administration.
Nebivolol - tablets.
Nitroglycerin - dosed sublingual spray; sublingual tablets; extended-release tablets; transdermal therapeutic system.
Nifedipine - capsules; extended-release, film-coated tablets; rapid retard tablets, film-coated; modified release tablets; pills.
Perindopril - tablets.
Perindopril + Indapamide - tablets.
Procainamide - tablets.
Propranolol - tablets.
Ramipril - tablets.
Reserpine + Dihydralazine + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Reserpine + Dihydralazine + Hydrochlorothiazide + Potassium chloride - film-coated tablets.
Rilmenidine - tablets.
Sotalol - tablets.
Spirapril - tablets.
Spironolactone - tablets.
Trimethylhydrazinium propionate - capsules.
Felodipine is a long-acting, film-coated tablet.
Fosinopril - tablets.
Furosemide - tablets.
Quinapril - film-coated tablets.
Cilazapril - film-coated tablets.
Enalapril - tablets.
Enalapril + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Enalapril + Indapamide - tablets.
Etatsizin - film-coated tablets.

XXII. Drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Drugs used to treat diseases accompanied by erosive and ulcerative processes in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum

Algeldrat + Magnesium hydroxide - suspension for oral administration; Chewable tablets.
Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate - film-coated tablets; pills.
Metoclopramide - tablets.
Omeprazole - capsules.
Rabeprazole is an enteric-coated tablet.
Ranitidine - film-coated tablets.
Famotidine is a film-coated tablet.


Bencyclane - tablets.
Drotaverine - tablets.
Mebeverine - long-acting capsules.


Bisacodyl - rectal suppositories; film-coated tablets.
Lactulose - syrup.


Activated carbon - tablets.
Loperamide - capsules.

Pancreatic enzymes

Pancreatin - capsules; film-coated tablets.
Pancreatin + Bile components + Hemicellulose - dragees; enteric coated tablets.
Cholenzym - film-coated tablets.

Drugs used to treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Ademethionine is an enteric-coated tablet.
Allohol - film-coated tablets.

Combined preparations containing phospholipids - capsules.

Pumpkin seed oil - capsules; oil for oral administration; rectal suppositories.
Ursodeoxycholic acid - capsules.
Phosphogliv - capsules.

Means for restoring intestinal microflora

Bifidobacteria bifidum - lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for oral and topical use.

XXIII. Hormones and agents affecting the endocrine system

Non-sex hormones, synthetic substances and antihormones

Betamethasone - cream; ointment.
Hydrocortisone - eye ointment; ointment for external use; pills.
Dexamethasone - eye drops; pills.
Desmopressin - tablets.
Clomiphene - tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium - tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium + Liothyronine - tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium + Liothyronine + Potassium iodide - tablets.
Liothyronine - tablets.
Methylprednisolone - tablets.
Methylprednisolone aceponate - cream for external use; ointment for external use; ointment for external use (oily); emulsion for external use.
Prednisolone - eye drops; ointment for external use; pills.
Somatropin - lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection; solution for subcutaneous administration.
Thiamazole - film-coated tablets; pills.
Triamcinolone - ointment for external use; pills.
Fluocinolone acetonide - gel for external use; ointment for external use.
Fludrocortisone - tablets.

Medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Acarbose - tablets.
Glibenclamide - tablets.
Glibenclamide + Metformin - film-coated tablets.
Gliquidone - tablets.
Gliclazide - modified release tablets; pills.
Glimepiride - tablets.
Glipizide - tablets.
Insulin aspart is a solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration.
Insulin aspart biphasic - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin glargine - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Biphasic insulin (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin detemir - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin lispro - solution for injection.
Soluble insulin (human genetically engineered) - solution for injection.
Insulin-isophane (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Metformin - film-coated tablets; pills.
Repaglinide - tablets.
Rosiglitazone - film-coated tablets.


Dydrogesterone - film-coated tablets.
Norethisterone - tablets.
Progesterone - capsules.
Estriol - vaginal cream; vaginal suppositories; pills.
Ethinyl estradiol - tablets.

XXIV. Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma

Doxazosin - tablets.
Tamsulosin - modified release capsules; controlled-release, film-coated tablets.
Terazosin - tablets.
Finasteride is a film-coated tablet.

XXV. Drugs affecting the respiratory system

Ambroxol - syrup; pills.
Aminophylline - tablets.
Acetylcysteine ​​- effervescent tablets.
Beclomethasone is an aerosol inhaler activated by inhalation (light breathing); nasal spray.
Bromhexine - syrup; film-coated tablets; pills.
Budesonide - dosed powder for inhalation; suspension for inhalation.
Dornase alfa - solution for inhalation.
Ipratropium bromide - aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol - dosed aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Cromoglicic acid and its sodium salt - dosed aerosol for inhalation; eye drops; powder for inhalation in capsules; solution for inhalation.
Naphazoline - nasal drops.
Salmeterol - aerosol for inhalation.
Salmeterol + Fluticasone - dosed aerosol for inhalation; dosed powder for inhalation.
Salbutamol is an aerosol inhaler activated by inhalation (light breathing); solution for inhalation; pills; film-coated tablets, prolonged action.
Theophylline - capsules with prolonged action; retard tablets
Tiotropium bromide - capsules with powder for inhalation.
Fenoterol - dosed aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Formoterol - capsules with powder for inhalation; dosed powder for inhalation.
Formoterol + Budesonide - dosed powder for inhalation.

XXVI. Drugs used in ophthalmology

Azapentacene - eye drops.
Atropine - eye drops.
Betaxolol - eye drops.
Idoxuridine - eye drops.
Latanoprost - eye drops.
Pilocarpine - eye drops.
Pilocarpine + Timolol - eye drops.
Proxodolol - solution-drops.
Taurine - eye drops.
Timolol - eye drops.
Cytochrome C + Adenosine + Nicotinamide - eye drops.
Emoxipin - eye drops.
Peginterferon alfa-2b is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration.
Raltitrexide is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for infusion.
Risperidone - powder for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action;
Rituximab - concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion.
Rosuvastatin is a film-coated tablet.
Roxithromycin - film-coated tablets.
Simvastatin - film-coated tablets.
Temozolomide - capsules.
Ticlopidine - film-coated tablets.
Tolterodine - extended-release capsules; film-coated tablets.
Trastuzumab is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for infusion.
Tretinoin - capsules.
Trimetazidine - film-coated tablets; modified-release film-coated tablets; capsules.
Triptorelin is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action.
Tropisetron - capsules.
Coagulation factor VIII is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection.
Coagulation factor IX is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection.
Fludarabine is a film-coated tablet.
Fluticasone is a dosed aerosol for inhalation.
Celecoxib - capsules.
Cerebrolysin - solution for injection.
Cefazolin is a powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
Ceftriaxone - powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration; powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration.
Cyproterone - tablets.
Exemestane - film-coated tablets.
Enoxaparin sodium - solution for injection.
Eprosartan - film-coated tablets.
Eprosartan + Hydrochlorothiazide - film-coated tablets.
Eptacog alpha (activated) - powder for injection solution

Purchasing medicines can seriously hit the pockets of even fairly wealthy citizens, not to mention vulnerable segments of the population. Therefore, at the state level, programs are being adopted to support low-income citizens and people in need of expensive treatment by providing free medicines. Read on to find out who is eligible for free medications and in what order, as well as the latest changes to the list.

Legislative regulation

Providing citizens with free medicines is carried out on the basis. In particular, it provides a set of social services for beneficiaries, which, in addition to the issuance of medicines, includes sanitary treatment and travel on intercity and urban public transport.

The categories of beneficiaries and the forms of providing them with medications are presented in more detail in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of July 30, 1994. Lists of free medications are annually reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with mandatory publication of the results on the official website of the department.

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to make additions to the procedure established at the federal level. Their powers include:

  • introduction of additional categories of beneficiaries;
  • expansion of the list of preferential medications;
  • financial support for pharmacy chains dispensing free medicines;
  • increasing allocations for budgetary institutions (clinics, children's boarding schools, nursing homes, etc.) for the purchase of medicines;
  • the appointment of preferential tariffs for utilities for medical industry enterprises in order to reduce the cost of their products.

All regional programs can be found on the website of the administration of your region.

Who is entitled to free medicines?

The list of persons entitled to receive free medicines is presented in. It includes the following categories of citizens.

  1. WWII participants, including disabled people. This category includes military personnel, civilian personnel, employees of military enterprises, partisans and other participants in the war. In addition to medications, they are entitled to free dressings, various medical products (urine and colostomy bags, applicators, medical belts, etc.), and dentures. Persons who received wounds in the orbital area of ​​the eyes during the war are additionally given free glasses for vision correction.
  2. Veterans of combat operations (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.). They are provided with free medicines and dentures.
  3. Family members of deceased combatants. The benefit is given to parents and spouses of deceased military personnel.
  4. Residents of besieged Leningrad. They can count on both medicine and free dentures.
  5. Heroes of Russia and the USSR, holders of the Order of Glory.
  6. Prisoners of concentration camps.
  7. Disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as minor children with disabilities. In addition to medicines, they are entitled to assistance in the form of free medical products and dressings. Group 2 disabled people are given medications only if they are unemployed.
  8. Persons exposed to radiation. Citizens, both those living in areas contaminated by radiation and those eliminating the consequences of radiation disasters, are entitled to free medicines and dentures.
  9. Children under 3 years of age. For children from large families, this period is extended to 6 years.
  10. Representatives of small nationalities of the Far North.

Persons who are not included in any of the listed categories can also receive preferential medications if they have a serious illness that requires expensive treatment. Such diseases include:

  • HIV infection;
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • recovery period after internal organ transplantation;
  • myocardial infarction (only during the first 6 months);
  • mental illnesses, etc.

Certain groups of citizens can also count on a 50% discount on the purchase of medicines. Their list is presented in and includes:

  1. pensioners with a minimum pension;
  2. employed disabled people of the 2nd group;
  3. unemployed disabled people of the 3rd group;
  4. victims of political repression;
  5. rear workers with at least 6 months of experience during the Second World War (with the exception of work in occupied territories).

Benefits for receiving medicines or purchasing them at a discount may additionally be provided by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to large families, labor veterans, pregnant women, low-income and unemployed citizens.

What medications can I get?

The initial list of free medicines has been approved. Since then, it has been revised and supplemented annually. The latest version, adopted for 2020, can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the section dedicated to the drug supply department.

In total, in 2017 this list includes 646 items. This is 42 positions more than last year. In 2020, the trend towards expanding the list of free drugs will continue, and it will be replenished with another 25 items. Among them:

  • antitumor agents “Panitumumab”, “Brentuximab vedotin”, “Afatinib”, “Aflibercept”, etc.;
  • immunosuppressants “Apremilast”, “Pirfenidone”, “Tofacitinib”, etc.;
  • medications for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract “Mesalazine”, “Eliglustat”, hemostatics, etc.;
  • hormonal drug "Lanreotide";
  • antiviral agents “Narlaprevir”, “Dolutegravir”, “Dasabuvir”, etc.;
  • diabetes medications Empagliflozin and Lixisenatide;
  • drugs for rheumatism “Dexketoprofen”, “Perampanel”, “Tetrabenazine”, etc.;
  • ophthalmic drugs "Aflibercept" and "Tafluprost";
  • other medicines.

Before you start applying for benefits, be sure to consult with your doctor about whether the medications you need or their analogues are on the benefit list.

How to get benefits for free medicines?

The registration of benefits for free medicines is carried out at the territorial branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. There you need to write an application and submit the following package of documents:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • documents confirming the right to receive benefits.

Supporting documents may include a certificate of disability, a combat veteran’s certificate, medical documents proving the presence of a serious illness (for cancer patients, diabetics, etc.), as well as other documents by which you can be classified as one of the preferential categories.

After checking the accuracy of the submitted data, the Pension Fund will issue you a certificate confirming your right to receive free medicines. There is also an alternative that allows you to monetize this benefit. In order to receive monetary compensation instead of free medicines, you must write a corresponding application to the Pension Fund and submit the above certificate, if it was issued previously.

The procedure for obtaining preferential medications at the pharmacy

Before going to the pharmacy for free medications, you must fill out a prescription at the clinic to receive them. To do this, the attending physician must provide a certificate received from the PRF confirming the right to the benefit.

Prescriptions are written out on special forms (usually forms 107/u-NP or 148 -1/u-88) and, in addition to the attending physician (paramedic), are certified by the head of the department. They must indicate the expiration date during which you need to get the medicine.

If the clinic does not have the required form, and the purchase of medications does not require delay, buy them at your own expense and keep the receipts. Later, when the doctor is able to write you a prescription, these checks will be able to reimburse you for the money spent.

To buy medicines, you need to go only to those pharmacies that are participants in the state program. Information about such organizations can be obtained from the clinic. In addition to the prescription, the pharmacist must present a passport and a medical extract confirming your diagnosis. If, for health reasons, the patient cannot visit the pharmacy on his own, any other person who has provided all the necessary documents can receive discounted medications for him.

If the pharmacy does not have the drugs you need or their analogues, you are required to order them and provide them within 10 days. The doctor, in turn, must extend the validity of the prescription. And if the prescription was lost, you are required to write it out again. In this case, a note is made in the patient’s outpatient record, and a notification about the loss of the document is sent to the pharmacy. These measures are necessary to ensure that those who find the recipe cannot use it.

There are no restrictions on the quantity or cost of medicines provided free of charge. Their quantity and dose are set by the doctor based on the patient’s diagnosis.

Features of providing regional benefits for medicines

Most regions of Russia have their own programs to provide the population with free medicines. The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to expand the federal categories of beneficiaries, adding low-income citizens and other vulnerable segments of the population. In addition, regions can completely change the approach to assigning benefits. For example, in St. Petersburg, it is not the categories of beneficiaries that have been approved, but specific diseases for which any citizen can receive free medicine, regardless of his merits or income level.

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to establish their own lists of free drugs. They are developed by territorial divisions of the Ministry of Health, taking into account diseases common in the region and the capabilities of the local budget. The most extensive regional programs for the provision of preferential medicines are presented in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

The same person cannot simultaneously be a beneficiary under both the federal and regional programs. Therefore, before you apply for benefits, you should find out at what level the medicines you need are provided.

Medical professionals are required to inform patients about the possibility of receiving free medications. But this does not always happen, so for information you can contact the insurance company from which you received your compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as the local divisions of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the social protection fund.

The right to a regional benefit is formalized in the same manner as for a federal one. To do this, apply to the Pension Fund branch with a similar package of documents. The issuance of free drugs is also carried out only according to doctor’s prescriptions in pharmacies participating in the regional program.

Drug prices are rising faster than the incomes of most of the population. At the same time, many citizens are unaware that they have the opportunity to receive free medicines from the state. Doctors don't always care to inform patients about their rights, so never hesitate to find out for yourself.

A special category of citizens who are provided with a large number of additional payments and benefits (EDV, DEMO, etc.) in addition to the due pension are federal beneficiaries. Monthly cash payments (MCP) are made by the Pension Fund and represent a separate type of social assistance, which is legally regulated by Federal Law , as well as by Presidential Decrees and Government resolutions.

According to statistics, in 2016 the number of EDV recipients was about 16 million people.

The system of additional social assistance is financed from the federal budget and is aimed at maintaining an acceptable level of material support for the most socially vulnerable categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, many of whom have significant merits before the Fatherland.

List of federal beneficiaries who are entitled to social assistance

The list of categories of citizens entitled to receive social assistance, as well as the procedure and conditions for its provision, are determined by Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 “On state social assistance”, Decrees of the President of Russia No. 363 of March 30, 2005 and No. 887 of August 1, 2005 and other regulations.

It includes:

Unlike other citizens, some federal beneficiaries have the right not only for insurance pension, but also for retirement. It is awarded to persons who have certain services to the state received during wars or other events related to hostilities.

Types of benefits provided

For citizens entitled to federal benefits, Pension Fund units provide the following social benefits:

The range of social services includes:

  • medical products and medicines, a set of specialized products for organizing therapeutic nutrition for disabled children;
  • vouchers for preventive sanatorium and resort treatment;
  • free travel to and from the treatment site.

Persons accompanying disabled children and disabled people of the 1st group to the place of sanatorium and resort treatment enjoy the same benefits in terms of transportation as their wards.

From February 1, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation established the size of the set of social services - 1121 rubles and 42 kopecks per month, including:

  • 863.75 rubles- provision of medications and medical products;
  • 133.62 rubles- sanatorium and resort provision;
  • 124.05 rubles- travel by suburban trains and intercity transport to and from the place of treatment.

Obtaining vouchers to a sanatorium for beneficiaries

The provision of social services to citizens in the form of sanatorium-resort treatment is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ, as well as departmental orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 of December 29, 2004, No. 256 of November 22, 2004 and No. 617 of 05.10.2005, defining procedure for medical selection and referrals of citizens for sanatorium treatment.

On issues related to the provision of vouchers for preventive treatment in sanatoriums and other specialized institutions, citizens must submit an application to the social protection authorities.

Vouchers are provided according to established priority. The duration of preventive treatment is 18 days, for disabled people with consequences of injuries and diseases of the brain and spinal cord - from 24 to 42 days, and disabled children stay in a medical institution for 21 days.

Right to free medicines

To obtain the necessary medicines, medical devices and products for organizing therapeutic nutrition for disabled children, you need go to a medical facility(district clinic).

You will need to have with you:

  1. passport;
  2. certificate of pension insurance;
  3. a document confirming the right to preferential security;
  4. a certificate confirming the right to receive NSO;
  5. medical policy.

The attending physician will prescribe treatment and write out prescriptions for the necessary medicines, medical devices or special food products that are included in annually approved Government list. Information boards in clinics usually display an address list with a list of pharmacies where you can get the drug prescribed by your doctor.

The list of preferential medications was approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2015 No. 2724-r and represents unified list of medications, containing all the necessary minimum.

Free travel on public transport

Free travel on commuter trains is available year-round and does not depend on the route or the number of trips taken. A citizen using this type of social services is issued by social protection authorities free travel ticket, valid only upon presentation of identification documents and the right to use it (certificate of the liquidator of the Chernobyl accident, certificate of disability, etc.), which cannot be transferred to other persons or exchange.

Free travel to and from the place of treatment is provided by compensating the costs of purchasing travel documents or by providing special coupons giving the right to receive travel tickets for travel on long-distance trains.

If a citizen needs to get to the place of treatment using several types of transport, then coupons are issued for each type separately and in two copies for travel there and back. Travel to the place of treatment can be carried out:

  1. public road transport;
  2. railway, with the exception of SV cars;
  3. by air transport (economy class).

Additional monthly financial support (DEMO)

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 363 of March 30, 2005 and No. 887 of August 1, 2005 establish the procedure for providing an additional type of social security for various individuals.

  • DEMO in the amount of 1000 rubles is due to disabled people and participants of the Second World War, as well as former prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention during the Second World War.
  • DEMO in the amount of 500 rubles assigned to military personnel in institutions that were not part of the army during the Second World War, widows of military personnel who died during the wars, and residents of besieged Leningrad.

a full list of which is indicated in the texts of the Decrees. The right to receive additional monthly financial support is enjoyed by only citizens of the Russian Federation. It is assigned and paid by the DEMO division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which made the payment of the pension.

If a citizen has any grounds for assigning monthly financial support, then it will be established according to the one that provides for the highest amount. The establishment of DEMO does not depend on the availability of rights to other payments provided for by law.

If the recipient is not a pensioner, then the payment is made by the Pension Fund body at the place of residence, and if he lives outside the Russian Federation, then by the Pension Fund. Citizens of the Russian Federation living outside the borders of Russia and having a residence permit on the territory of other states must provide the Pension Fund with proof of citizenship on the date of submission of the application for payment.

Payment of monthly assistance to federal beneficiaries

A citizen entitled to receive UDV must independently decide whether he will receive NSU in kind or in monetary terms. Moreover, an application for choosing a form of receiving social services is enough to write once and there is no need to notify the Fund body every year of confirmation of your choice. If the choice changes, the citizen must until October 1 submit an application to the territorial division of the Fund.

  • If the recipient of the EDV is a pensioner, then the payment will be received by him in the same way in which the pension is delivered to him.
  • If the recipient is not a pensioner, he will begin to receive the payment immediately after its appointment, and the delivery method is indicated in the application for the appointment of EDV.

List of required documents for registration

To receive EDV, you will need to submit it to the Pension Fund along with the application following documents:

  • passport;
  • documents that confirm the right to payment: certificate of disability, certificate of combat veteran, etc.

The recipient of the EDV has the obligation to timely and without fail report any changes in his status that may affect the amount of payment or its complete termination (for example, a change in disability group).

In 2005, after the issuance of Presidential Decrees establishing the procedure for additional monthly financial support, his appointment was made on the basis of documents were in pension cases Pension Fund. Currently, citizens who have the right to appoint DEMO, but have not yet exercised it, can submit an application with all the necessary supporting documents and payment will be made from the date the right to receive it arises.

Appointment and payment terms

The decision to appoint or refuse an EDV is made by the Pension Fund authority within 10 working days from the date of submission of the application and all necessary documents. Notifying a citizen about the decision made (regarding the appointment of EDV) takes 5 days.

The payment is assigned from the day the application is received by the Pension Fund, but not earlier than the right to receive it has arisen and is made simultaneously with pension through the same organization that delivers it. Changing the delivery method is possible only by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund.

If the recipient of the EDV is not a pensioner, then he chooses the delivery method on one's own and indicates it in the application for payment.


Monthly cash payments are paid to pensioners as a replacement for benefits, many of which the state is unable to guarantee. Payment of cash security, at least in part, compensates pensioners' expenses and maintaining their income level at an acceptable level.

Certain categories of pensioners, through payments of the EDV and those included in it, retain the opportunity to receive free medicines from the list, which is approved every year by the Government, medical products and food products for disabled children, as well as, in order of priority, sanatorium and resort preventive treatment and preferential travel on certain types of transport.