Filtered water: benefits and harms. Filtered water: chemical composition, benefits and harms of purified water

Update: October 2018

Water is a unique inorganic substance that determines the possibility of life on earth. It is a universal solvent, the basis for biochemical processes. The uniqueness of water lies in the dissolution of both organic and inorganic substances.

Water accompanies a person from birth to death. Back in school, we were taught that the human body consists of approximately 70% water. Accordingly, without this natural resource, human life is impossible.

What kind of water should you drink?

Water must be physiologically complete for health, that is:

  • have a natural origin from an underground source;
  • do not contain artificial additives;
  • not subject to deep purification by osmosis;
  • be slightly mineralized (0.5-0.75 g/l).

Only drinking water of natural origin contains all the necessary macro- and microelements. This is the most valuable drink for the body, determining health! For information on how to properly drink water in the morning and what temperature the water should be, see the article

How healthy and safe is drinking water in Russia?

Modern purification and disinfection systems bring the water in our taps to safe levels in terms of microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators. However, deterioration of the water supply leads to the fact that the water may contain excess iron, chlorine, and even organic substances and bacteria.

If water enters the water supply system from an underground source, this is a big plus. But most large cities receive water from above-ground sources - rivers, reservoirs and lakes. Yes, it reaches our taps after multi-stage purification, but its quality indicators are far from those of artesian water.

Boiled or raw?

Raw water is preferable for the body because it contains trace elements in the form of salts. It has a peculiar structure of arrangement of water molecules. I often call it alive, and for good reason - only such water helps cells regenerate and prevents the formation of free radicals. But it is not recommended to drink raw (unpurified) water due to the risk of harmful bacteria and toxic compounds in it.

Boiled water is not only useless, but also harmful. “Dead water” - some experts call it this frightening phrase:

  • when boiled, useful salts precipitate into an insoluble precipitate;
  • oxygen content is significantly reduced;
  • chlorine contained in tap water, when boiled, turns into toxic compounds leading to urolithiasis and cancer pathology (see);
  • The structure of water changed as a result of boiling contributes to the fact that within a day this water becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

But the issue of water safety does not go away - it is impossible to guarantee that raw water does not contain harmful microorganisms.

If, for safety reasons, you prefer boiled water, let the raw water sit for 2 hours, then boil and turn off the kettle at the very beginning of boiling: such water will be disinfected, and most of the minerals will remain in an accessible state for absorption. Drink only fresh boiled water, do not allow it to be stored or used for a long time.

What kind of raw water do you need and can you drink?

Tap water

This is raw water, purified at the water utility and brought to the requirements of regulatory documents. Not the best option for health. If there is no other option, then you can drink it after pre-treatment in one of the following ways:

  • boiling with mandatory adherence to the above recommendations;
  • filtering, which we will discuss below;
  • letting it sit for 2 hours and then using only the top half of the liquid. But this method will not protect against germs and toxic substances.

Bottled water

This is raw water, industrially purified, but meeting all safety requirements. It is packaged both in large bottles and in plastic bottles, which are sold in stores. There are first and highest categories.

  • The first is artificially purified water (tap, from a surface reservoir) using the deep purification method
  • The highest is water from an artesian well, purified using gentle methods and disinfected with ultraviolet light.

How useful is it? When properly purified, such water is truly healthy and safe; it does not need to be boiled before use. However, manufacturers often skimp on water purification steps, with the result that the product sold is far from what the label promises.

How to choose a reputable manufacturer:

  • The longer a company is on the market, the more reliable it is;
  • A reputable manufacturer does not skimp on packaging;
  • There will always be a popular rumor about good water;
  • Advice for the most demanding customers - take the purchased water to a special laboratory and check its quality and safety.

Spring water

This is natural water that has undergone natural purification through layers of soil. Each spring is unique. As a rule, such water not only does not contain harmful impurities, but is also enriched with useful minerals as it passes through the soil. Of course, springs located near cities or within their boundaries are of little use. In Russia there are many springs protected by the state, the water from which deservedly belongs to the highest category. These water bodies have official passports and access is limited.

Spring water can also be seen in retail sales - the manufacturer packages it in the same way as bottled water. However, some of them, for the purpose of profit, sell ordinary artesian water, or even tap water, under the guise of spring water. To avoid being deceived, you should follow the recommendations regarding the choice of bottled water. Also, the specific location of water intake must be indicated on the bottle, i.e. spring.

If you take water from a spring yourself, do not forget to do it in a clean container and periodically check the quality of the water in the laboratory.

Mineral water

This is natural water with a high content of microelements and salts from deep layers of soil. Mineralization of water occurs when it passes through soil rocks. Based on salt content, mineral water is divided into:

  • medicinal (mineralization >8 g/l);
  • medicinal table (mineralization 1-8 g/l);
  • dining room (mineralization less than 1 g/l).

Which mineral water is best to drink?

  • Table mineral water. You can drink table water without any health risks. This water is especially good after prolonged exercise, during the recovery period after poisoning, diarrhea, and acute intestinal infection. But still, you shouldn’t drink it all the time.
  • Medicinal mineral water can only be prescribed by a doctor in a strict dosage and for a certain period of time. It (like medicines) has both indications and a sufficient list of contraindications for use; it cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Medicinal table mineral water is also prescribed by a doctor, but subsequently the patient himself can take a course of this water.

By the way, only in a few countries do people drink mineral water instead of drinking water without restrictions, including Russia. Well, healthy children under 12 years old should not even be given table mineral water.

Filtered water - harm and benefit

A household filter for water purification can be found in every home. This is an economical way to obtain purified water from regular tap water. There are flow-through filters, which are built into the water supply system, and jug-type filters, i.e. mobile.

Since each filter has its own cleaning base, you should initially analyze the water from your tap to know what exactly needs to be purified from the water (excess chlorine, iron, sulfates, etc.). Filtered water is beneficial if the following points are observed:

  • correctly selected filter system for a specific problem;
  • timely replacement of cartridges, and you should not wait for the resource declared by the manufacturer - it is better to reduce this time by half;
  • periodic examination of water obtained after filtration.

Universal filters

The benefits of such water- They completely purify tap water from impurities, incl. viruses and bacteria. Their work is based on the reverse osmosis mechanism; as a result of purification, only water molecules remain.

Harm - Salt-free or distilled water is not very beneficial for the body, so this filter is used mainly in industrial facilities. With regular consumption of such water, demineralization of the body occurs - water deprived of salts will take them from human organs and tissues. All this threatens diseases of the bone and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders and premature aging.

Sophisticated filters are equipped with a system for artificial mineralization of already purified water. The digestibility of salts added artificially to water leaves much to be desired. The best water comes from nature, and artificial additives are a blow to the urinary system and metabolism! The next danger is that carcinogenic chlorine compounds easily penetrate through the membrane back into the water. And this is the risk of developing cancer.

Jug filters

As a rule, water is purified only from specific pollutants. The widespread fashion for jugs that are supposedly suitable for any water is fundamentally wrong. Without a preliminary water analysis, the filter may be useless in your particular case. Microorganisms caught from water can multiply in filter cartridges, contaminating drinking water with sources of infectious diseases.

Is it healthy to drink melt water?

Not long ago, there was a real boom among the population about the benefits of melt water. It is impossible to obtain true melt water at home. This method is comparable to settling - after defrosting, only the upper part of the melt water is used, and the harmful sediment is drained into the sewer. But, alas, not all impurities will end up in this sediment.

Myths about well water

Many people bring drinking water from wells from their relatives living in villages. It is supposedly both tastier and healthier. In fact, well water is the most common source of unsanitary water. In the best case, the content of iron, nitrates and sulfates will go off scale; in the worst case, pathogenic microorganisms will be detected.

Well water is obtained from surface aquifers that are most susceptible to contamination by wastewater. Rainwater also often ends up in wells, contributing to pollution. For those who still doubt it, we note that when cleaning wells, the remains of animal corpses, empty bottles and other garbage are often found at the bottom - obviously additives that are not healthy for health.

What kind of water should I give to children?

Children under 3 years of age should use bottled water of the highest category for drinking and cooking, after boiling it in accordance with the boiling rules. Children over 3 years old can already drink bottled water of the highest category without boiling, but by reducing the shelf life of an open bottle by half.

But many doctors consider these restrictions to be somewhat excessive and advise parents to give their children proven, clean water without boiling after a year. As for special baby water, as a rule, it contains very few minerals (0.2-0.3 g/l), which means it will wash salts out of the body.

What is filtered water? What's good about her? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Today, tap water is almost unusable. Due to rusty old water pipes, a large number of bacteria enter it, which can become a source of illness.

There may also be tiny iron particles in the water that fall off metal pipes. Because of this, stones form in the kidneys over time. In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, water must be purified from various impurities and bacteria. Consider filtered water below.

Water from the store

Where can you find filtered water? Today, many people prefer to buy water in supermarkets rather than purify it. But it is not always possible to find out how long it was on the store shelf and until what time it should be consumed, since such information is often missing. And it is unclear how purified it is, because this can only be found out in the laboratory.

At the moment, water purification through filters is the simplest and most effective method. Today you can choose a filter version to suit every budget and taste. You just need to turn on the device, fill it with water and sometimes change the cassettes.

The use of special jugs and faucet attachments can also be considered one of the most simple, but not particularly effective methods. They purify water, but only from rough particles. They are powerless against microbes.

The nuances of filtration at home

How do you get filtered water at home? Tap water is purified using a home filter, which requires careful maintenance, otherwise it becomes a source of pollution. Its performance and cartridge life must be selected so that they are changed (mainly in the summer) at least once every three months.

When replacing cartridges, the filter housing should be washed and disinfected, and during a long-term break in operation (departure, vacation), the device must be preserved, for example, by filling it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The choice of version depends on the composition of the water in your water supply system, because imported devices are usually not designed for local water.

Chemical composition of high-grade drinking water

Does it clean well? When nutritionists discovered their basic canon “it’s better to overeat than not sleep enough,” they easily realized the concept of physiologically (biologically) healthy drinking water.

Its chemical components must be in a volume that, on the one hand, should not exceed acceptable values ​​from the “do no harm” position. On the other hand, for some chemical compounds there is a lower safety threshold.

If a person continuously drinks water deficient in magnesium, iodine, calcium, carbon dioxide, fluorine, he may develop various ailments. Examples with a disorder of the thyroid gland (lack of iodine) or caries (lack of fluoride) are known to everyone.

Tap water supplied from river basins is tasteless, slightly cloudy, and heavily polluted. But there is one positive point - for the most part, its salt composition is quite balanced and acceptable, which means it does not require adjustment.

Therefore, reliable and simple methods are suitable for purification that do not transform the salt composition of water, but solve the problem of purifying it from suspensions, particles (filtration) and the most dangerous chemical compounds (sorption treatment).

Porous media

There are many for water. This is a porous raw material for membrane and mechanical filters. Water is purified from chemical compounds using artificial and natural sorbents with the required qualities and a huge surface area of ​​internal pores. First of all, it is activated carbon.

Types of tap water and methods of its filtration

If you have a kitchen faucet for filtered water, feel free to purchase water purification products. Its diversity on the world market is staggering, but technical validity has reduced all this diversity to a few basic variations.

The simplest filter is a single-stage one. The optimal layout is two stages of cleaning: carbon filter and mechanical. It is best to have a three-stage one with two carbon cartridges: the first eliminates many easily sorbed compounds, and the second - especially dangerous and difficult to sorb organochlorine substances.

It is important to know that water in different cities and even city districts can be: river, artesian, or a mixture of both in established proportions. That is why the structure of the filter must be determined based on a test of specific water. In some places, the water may be so contaminated with rust, iron, and dirt from pipes that a special purification step is required.

If groundwater has high hardness, it will need to be softened. And here, without the participation of a technologist, you can simply throw money away.

It is especially important that the technique is microbiologically safe. Tap water is disinfected with chlorine, which absorbs activated carbon well. Therefore, after the carbon sorbent, the water in the filters should not stagnate. Purifiers must operate in accordance with sanitary, hygienic and economic usefulness.

We will not leave without attention those people who need to adjust the salt composition of their water during cleaning. Membrane technologies have developed rapidly, which has led to the development of reverse osmosis devices, the price of which is comparable to the best three-stage filtration and sorption systems.

Such purifiers can purify water from salts, inorganic and organic compounds, microbes and even viruses. This ultra-pure drinking water is quickly gaining fans, and it has one excellent property: it has no equal for making coffee, broths, tea, drinks, ice, and vodka.

Many hygienists claim that the lack of salts in water treated with such a system is more than compensated for by our traditional provisions. Be that as it may, ultrapure water is certainly the best solution if you do not have a real opportunity to provide yourself with physiologically complete water. In this case, all that remains is to think over the version of the filter, preferably together with a specialist.

The benefits and harms of purified water

A faucet for filtered water should be installed in the kitchen of every housewife. However, how acceptable and useful is such water? The absence of many harmful impurities, of course, is the most important factor. However, this is not enough for health, because the body does not fully receive everything it needs.

According to some reports, the memory and structure of drinking water is much more important than its chemical composition. After all, it is not ordinary clean water that is useful to a person, but water that has a certain design. This liquid is also called “living” water. Only it can replenish energy and benefit the body. Other types of water do not have the necessary information and energy, and therefore do not provide vitality, but only take it away.

The struggle for clean water has not only brought benefits to humanity, but also harm. After all, if you constantly drink only filtered water, the balance of salts in the body will be disrupted, and this can affect the occurrence of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia and other ailments.

It is obvious that water can cause both benefit and harm to humans. After all, this is energy, and we cannot predict whether it is good or bad. Studying the human body from different angles and as an energy system, understanding requires harmony in various spheres of existence, since water as a source of vitality occupies a central place. Giving it informational and energetic properties makes it possible to influence different areas of life and body functions.

Filtering rules

Filters can be flow-through (built into the water supply system) or jug-class (mobile). Since each device has its own filter materials for water purification, you first need to analyze the water from your tap to find out what needs to be purified from it (excess iron, chlorine, sulfates, etc.). Treated water is useful if the following rules are followed:

  • the system for the real problem must be correctly selected;
  • change the water filter element in a timely manner, and it is better to halve the time stated by the manufacturer;
  • Periodically test the water obtained after filtration.

Water purified by universal filters

Such filters remove all impurities, bacteria and viruses from tap water. Their work is based on a mechanism that after processing only water molecules remain.

Unfortunately, distilled and salt-free water is not very beneficial for the body, so these filters are used mainly in industry. If you drink such water regularly, demineralization of the body will occur: water devoid of salts will take them from the human organs. All this threatens metabolic disorders, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, skeletal system, and premature aging.

Sophisticated filters are equipped with a system of unnatural mineralization of already treated water. The digestibility of salts placed in water unnaturally leaves much to be desired. Good water was invented by nature, and synthetic additives are a blow to the metabolism and urinary system! Also, carcinogenic chlorine compounds easily get back into the water through the membrane. And this is the risk of cancer.

Purified water in a jug

If you do not want to install a filtered water faucet, you can purchase a pitcher-type filter. But keep in mind that it only purifies water from specific pollutants. The widespread fashion for jugs, which are supposedly suitable for any water, is fundamentally wrong.

In general, household filters do not completely purify water from nitrates and heavy metal salts, which increases the likelihood of creating organochlorine compounds that negatively affect human health.

It is very difficult to regulate all water standards using filters. This is a planetary issue, the complete solution of which no one yet knows. Optimizing multiple water parameters is very easy. But to do this without compromising the other qualities of water is a very difficult task.

2 in 1 faucets

Have you decided to purify your water? Do you want to buy a filtered water faucet? Now you can purify water in your kitchen conveniently without cluttering your workspace or installing two separate taps. Combination faucets have two functions:

  1. Tap water connection (for household needs).
  2. Connection of filtered water (for making food and drinking).

“2 in 1” faucets are much better than conventional ones and more efficient. It is better to purchase one such device than to punch an additional hole in the sink, buy another tap for drinking water, and take up the required space.

Combination faucets have an interesting design that will appeal to even the most demanding customer and is suitable for any kitchen.

Installing such a device is very easy. It has three holes for hot, cool and purified water. All necessary installation parts are included in the kit.

- great value on our planet. Without it, life in all its manifestations would not exist. In ancient times, people deified water as a source of energy and longevity.

A modern person faces a choice: drink from the tap, purifying with a filter, or use bottled water.

Filtered water: harm or benefit?

Let's try to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of water filters. When choosing, you need to take into account your need for a certain volume of liquid per day, the required quality of cleaning, the location of the filter and the convenience of the installation method.

Classification of filters by cleaning level

  1. Mechanical cleaning. The nozzle or filter is a jug. Mechanical impurities, dissolved chlorine and partially heavy metals are removed from the water.
  2. Medium cleaning. Cleansing using activated carbon contained in the cartridge. Chlorine compounds, chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria and viruses are removed.
  3. Deep cleaning. Purification through an ion exchange or membrane cartridge, as a result of which trace elements, hard metals, and lead are extracted from it. Activated carbon as an after-treatment.

There is an opinion that filtered water can be harmful to the body. Disadvantages of filters are changes in the composition of the liquid, leaching of minerals.

Preference is given to filters with a reverse osmosis mechanism, which completely purifies the liquid from all kinds of impurities, including bacteria and viruses.

With constant consumption of distilled liquid, the cardiovascular and skeletal systems suffer, and metabolic problems appear.

Purchased water: benefit or harm?

Drinking water is saturated with macro- and microelements: these are potassium, magnesium, sodium cations, sulfate - anions, chlorides, etc. Purchased water does not harm the body: its qualitative composition has a positive effect on all organs, improving health.

Advantages of purchased water:

  1. complete absorption due to natural composition;
  2. natural mineral balance;
  3. neutral acid-base balance;
  4. compliance with GOST and SanPin standards;
  5. different volumes of bottles: from 0.33 to 19 l;
  6. ready-to-eat product;
  7. long shelf life (1 year).

Drinking water at home is the most convenient way to solve problems. They often buy auxiliary devices with it: a cooler for cooling and boiling and

Water is an inorganic, inherently unique substance that determines the existence of life on our planet. It is the basis for all biochemical processes, a universal solvent. This substance is unique because it can dissolve both inorganic , so organic substances.

Throughout life, it accompanies a person, and our body mostly consists of it. Therefore, it is impossible to live without it.

The article below will talk about why drinking water is good for you, how to do it correctly, and why you need to choose certain water to get maximum benefits for your body.

The question of what kind of water you can drink is relevant for most people. Very often we drink it without thinking about its origin.

However, you should always ensure that the liquid consumed is physically complete and healthy. When discussing whether it is beneficial to drink water of a certain origin, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • natural origin is important - it must be extracted from an underground source;
  • it should not contain any artificial additives;
  • the absence of deep purification by osmosis is important;
  • it is desirable that it be slightly mineralized (0.5-0.75 g/l).

After all, only a liquid of natural origin contains all the elements necessary for the body. Accordingly, it is difficult to find a more beneficial drink for the body.

Of course, during the discussion, other questions arise - for example, what kind of water is better to drink - boiled or raw.

Which water is healthier - boiled or raw?

Since raw water contains many microelements in the form of salts, it is best to drink it. The molecules in it are arranged in a peculiar way. This is why raw water is sometimes called living water. It promotes cell regeneration and prevents the formation of free radicals . However, boiling water is often necessary, since the untreated raw liquid may contain toxic substances and harmful bacteria .

However, boiled water is practically useless for the body. Moreover, it is even harmful, which is why sometimes it is even called “dead.” This name is due to the following factors:

  • after boiling, the oxygen content decreases significantly;
  • beneficial for the body salt during the boiling process they form an insoluble precipitate;
  • If you boil tap water, then chlorine , which it contains, turns into toxic compounds, which can subsequently provoke the development of oncological pathologies;
  • Since the structure changes after boiling, bacteria begin to multiply in it after about a day.

But when discussing the questions of how “dead” water is useful, whether boiled water can be consumed, its benefits and harms must be assessed adequately. After all, there is always a very pressing issue of safety, and no one can guarantee that raw food does not contain substances harmful and even dangerous to the body. Therefore, those who ask whether drinking boiled water is healthy can be answered that the benefits of boiled water are at least in its safety.

But those who still choose boiled water should adhere to some rules. It is necessary to let the raw liquid settle for two hours, after which it is boiled. You need to turn off the kettle as soon as it starts to boil. Then the liquid will have time to be disinfected, but some of the minerals will still remain in a form in which they can be absorbed by the body.

It is also important to drink boiled water only fresh and not store it for a long time. But it should be clearly understood that only liquids of natural origin contain all the important health benefits. microelements And macronutrients .

Is drinking water safe in our country?

Is it possible to drink tap water? This is a relevant question for many modern people. And not only from the tap, but also spring or bottled.

Thanks to the use of modern disinfection and purification systems, from the point of view of sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators, the water in taps is safe. However, you need to remember that in most populated areas the water supply is worn out, which leads to an excess of chlorine and iron in the liquid that flows from the tap. And sometimes it even contains bacteria and organic matter.

It is more preferable when it comes into the water supply from an underground source. However, in most settlements, especially very large ones, the population receives it from various land sources - rivers, lakes, large reservoirs. Without a doubt, it is cleaned, but still it remains not as high quality as when it was raised from the ground.

What is the healthiest water to drink?

If we talk about raw, many people have different opinions. Some believe that it is better to buy bottled, even taking into account the rating of its manufacturers. Others calmly drink what comes out of the tap.

Let's take a closer look at which water is best for drinking.


It is pre-purified at enterprises that supply water to the population to such an extent that it meets all the standards specified in the relevant documents. But still it is not the best choice. If other options are not available, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • practice boiling taking into account the principles described above;
  • filter;
  • stand for two hours, and drink only the top half of the settled liquid.

However, the latter method will not provide protection against harmful microorganisms and.


A good choice is bottled water. What it is? This is raw water that has been previously industrially purified. It is safe for consumption. It is also packaged in large bottles of 5, 10, 19 liters, etc. If we discuss the rating of bottled water, we need to take into account that it can be of the first and highest category.

  • The first category is tap water purified by deep purification, taken from surface water bodies.
  • The highest category is purified using gentle methods, disinfected with ultraviolet light, from an artesian well.

But before you buy just such a variety for the whole family, you need to clearly know what bottled water is and whether it is healthy. Provided that the cleaning was carried out correctly, its benefits are undeniable, and there is no need to boil it before consumption. But the reality is that many manufacturers, trying to save money, carry out certain stages of purification in bad faith. As a result, the product is often not as high quality as the annotations on the label indicate. And often low quality is confirmed by test purchases.

To determine which bottled water is the best and choose a good product, you need to consider the following:

  • a manufacturing company that has been operating on the market for a long time is more reliable;
  • conscientious manufacturers use high-quality packaging and labels;
  • a kind of “rating” of the best bottled drinking water can be found out by talking with people - “popular” opinion is also important as an argument when choosing;
  • To fully verify the quality of the product, it can be taken to a laboratory and ordered to be tested for safety and quality.


Spring water, the benefits or harms of which are often discussed by users, undergoes natural purification, making its way through several layers of soil. In such a liquid, as a rule, there are no harmful impurities and, moreover, it is enriched minerals passing through the soil.

When choosing just such water for children and adults, you need to take into account that those springs that are located near large cities, highways or industrial enterprises are not suitable in this case, since they are not clean and safe.

But there are a lot of springs, both widely known in certain regions, and small but very clean ones, from which they take water that belongs to the highest category in all respects. Some of these springs tend to have official passports and access is restricted.

You can also find spring water on sale - it is also packaged and sold in bottles. But there are often cases when ordinary artesian water is packaged by unscrupulous manufacturers instead of spring water. Its benefits and harms have already been described above. But in any case, artesian water is not spring water, so you should be very careful in your choice. In addition to following the recommendations that have already been described, you need to ensure that the label indicates the spring where the contents of the container were taken.

Those who prefer to collect water from a spring themselves must ensure that the container is always clean. Periodically, samples must be taken from the source and tested in the laboratory.


Mineral water comes from natural sources and contains large amounts of salts and trace elements from deep layers of soil. As it passes through the soil, it gradually mineralizes. It is divided into three groups depending on the salt content in it:

  • medicinal – with mineralization more than 8 g/l;
  • medical dining room – with mineralization 1-8 g/l;
  • dining room – with mineralization less than 1 g/l.

You can figure out why mineral water is useful, and which mineral water is the healthiest, by learning more about each of its varieties.

Dining room

You can drink it without risk, since it does not have an active effect on the body. It is useful to drink such mineral water for those who have recently suffered poisoning, intoxication, or acute intestinal infection. However, it is still not recommended to drink it constantly. And under no circumstances should you completely replace regular drinking mineral water. It should also not be given to children under 12 years of age unless prescribed by a doctor.

Healing mineral

It is prescribed by a specialist, always determining the dosage and period of use. Like medications, it has both indications and contraindications. Therefore, you should not consume such water without a specialist’s prescription.

Medical dining room

This mineral water is also prescribed by a specialist. But later the patient himself can use it in the same courses, adhering to previously received recommendations.

Nowadays, filtered water is consumed very widely, and many homes have quick filters for purification. This is the most economical way to get quality liquid straight from the tap.

A specialist will help you choose the best filter for drinking water. You can purchase a flow filter that is built directly into the water supply system, as well as mobile jug-type filters.

But in order to get the most optimal result, you first need to analyze the water coming from the tap. Since each filter has a special cleaning basis, it is necessary to understand exactly what undesirable substances are in the liquid.

You can obtain a safe and healthy liquid at the output by adhering to the following conditions:

  • choose the right filter to filter out specific substances;
  • change cartridges in a timely manner, ideally without waiting for the time specified by the manufacturer to expire;
  • Have samples tested in the laboratory from time to time to determine if filtration is helping.

Universal filters

They completely clean the liquid from bacteria and other harmful substances. Their operating principle is the so-called reverse osmosis. Are there any harm or benefits to the body when using such filters?

This water is safe because it is completely free of impurities. However, at the same time, it is also cleansed from salts. And distilled (salt-free) water is not very healthy.

Distilled water: benefits and harms

If you regularly consume such liquid, demineralization of the body develops. Liquid without salts will gradually remove them from the body. As a result, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and skeletal system may develop. Premature aging of the body will also occur, and metabolic processes will be disrupted.

Some modern expensive filters are equipped with a system that provides artificial mineralization of purified water. However, those salts that were added to the liquid artificially are not absorbed as well as natural ones. In addition, they can adversely affect the function of the urinary system.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that chlorine compounds, which are carcinogenic, penetrate back through the membrane. And this increases the risk of developing cancer.

Jug filters

They purify the liquid only from specific types of contaminants. And if a laboratory test has not been previously conducted to determine the presence of toxins and pollutants, such filtration may be useless. And pathogenic microorganisms can multiply in the cartridges, which subsequently only worsen the condition of drinking water.

Melt water: harm and benefit

Relatively recently, information that melt water is very useful began to be widely disseminated in various sources. In particular, much has been written about the fact that the molecular structure of such a liquid ensures its positive effect on the body. It is believed that it activates, reduces blood levels, strengthens and improves physical and intellectual activity.

But in fact, under normal conditions it is impossible to obtain a useful “product”. After all, even if after defrosting the upper part should be separated, harmful impurities may still remain in it.


Wells are still often used in villages. But very often well water is not safe, and if tested in a laboratory, it will not meet sanitary standards. Often this liquid contains a large amount of nitrates, iron, and sulfates. And sometimes pathogenic organisms that are dangerous to health are found in it.

It is extracted from surface aquifers, which are heavily polluted by wastewater. Rainwater also gets into the wells, polluting it even more. In addition, garbage and carcasses of birds and animals often end up in wells. Therefore, unfortunately, there is no need to talk about the safety and benefits of such water.

Until the child is three years old, he should be given bottled water of the highest category. It must be boiled. When the child is three years old, he can drink it without boiling. But you need to buy only a high-quality, proven product.

However, there is another opinion, less conservative: after a year you can start giving your child clean, unboiled water, provided that the parents are completely confident in its quality.

Experts, as a rule, do not recommend buying a special one for children. After all, it contains few minerals and salts, and it can “pull” them out of the child’s body.

In any case, conscious people should ensure that the whole family consumes only high-quality and proven liquid. After all, health and well-being directly depend on this.

Date of publication: 03/02/2014

Many residents of our country are concerned about the question: how beneficial are water filters for health or are they harmful to it? The answer to this question is obvious - filtered water is good for human health. In this article we will not study a specific brand of filter and its features. All these are details that, although they deserve some attention, are not directly related to our question. The main thing for us is to understand how useful water filters are.

The belief that filters are actually more beneficial than harmful is based on the fact that filters from any company, any type and brand are designed to purify water from all kinds of impurities and harmful substances. All this is the main purpose of using filters. In other words, such a banal thing as a filter, in its essence, is an excellent assistant and saves humanity from various harmful impurities that are contained in tap water intended for drinking.

How do filters do their job?

We have already figured out that water filters are more of a benefit than a harm; all that remains is to figure out this question: how well do the filters cope with the task assigned to them, to what extent were their creators guided by the principle of “do no harm,” and are they safe? whether their design.
No one will argue with the statement that filters are more useful for humanity when they do an excellent job of achieving their goal - purifying drinking water from harmful impurities and substances.

Certified filters used at the household level, unfortunately, are able to purify water from only a few types of contaminants. In this regard, before purchasing any filter, you should find out what quality and composition of water flows from your water supply. All office and home water filters are capable of providing bacterial standards under the condition of constantly flowing (flowing) water. If the water stops, for example, during repair work or an overnight shutdown, uncontrolled growth of microflora on the filter cartridge begins. Microorganisms that are caught by the filter do not disappear anywhere, and even moreover, they can multiply in the filter material, thereby contaminating the water. It should also be noted that the consumer will not be able to independently determine the time when the filter expires and when it thereby becomes a source of infection.

To understand a little more about the reasons why this happens, you need to consider the types of filters offered on our market and the features of their use.

Flow filters

Such filters are supposed to be installed under the sink, and provide for the removal of an additional tap, from which, in fact, clean water will flow. Today they produce 1-2-3 flask cartridges. The first thing that happens to water when passing through the filter is that mechanical particles are removed, after which salts, chlorine and organic substances are bound. At the third stage, the last stage of purification occurs - the water is freed from unpleasant odors.
Such filters operate using pressure in the water supply. The speed of water purification (filtration) directly depends on the pressure in the water supply and ranges from 2 to 4 liters per minute. In this case, the degree of water purification is higher compared to pitcher filters. Flow filters have a long cartridge life, but at the same time require qualified installation. If the movement of water through the filters is stopped, pathogenic flora can multiply on the cartridges.

If necessary, household filters are supplemented with ultraviolet lamps, and the result is a filter of a more advanced modification. In such devices, at the last stage of filtration, water is disinfected by ultraviolet radiation.
At the same time, ultraviolet disinfection does not have a prolonged effect and ends at the moment when the contact of radiation with water stops. In other words, water from such a device, once in an unclean container, immediately becomes “enriched” with bacteria.

Storage filters (jug)

Cumulative filters, or jug ​​filters as they are popularly called, are autonomous systems for purifying and disinfecting water. Such devices do not require connection to water supply and electrical networks. Water first enters the receiver, then passes through the filter cartridges and drops into the storage tank. Most often, cartridges consist of activated carbon.
Such filters are convenient to use when large volumes of purified water are not required. The disadvantages of pitcher filters include, first of all, the slow speed of water purification, a small volume of clean water and a short cartridge life.
Storage filters purify water quite well from excess chlorine and mechanical impurities in water. But such filters are not able to work with ferrous and hard water.
When choosing a pitcher-type filter, you should pay attention to the brand of activated carbon; the best carbon is considered to be the one based on coconut shells.
The service life of such filters is limited to several months.
Jug filters, as well as flow filters, are not able to cope with bacteria and viruses.

Ion exchange filters

These devices are a special automatic system designed to reduce water hardness. Ion exchange filters work due to reversible chemistry. substitution reactions, it turns out that such equipment is highly sensitive to changes in pressure and temperature. They are necessary for the sale of ion exchangers - artificially created materials that have similar properties. When in contact with water, ion exchangers take away negative ions of hardness salts, and instead “give up” hydrogen or sodium ions.
The disadvantages of such devices include:
high water consumption required for washing the ion exchanger;
a large volume of wastewater, which, by the way, does not meet the requirements set forth in regulatory documents;
significant consumption of reagents.
Another disadvantage is the fact that after water purification, they lose their taste and become too soft.

Membrane filters

Such devices are based on passing water under significant pressure through a semi-permeable membrane, and then dividing the water into two streams. One of the streams contains filtrate, i.e. purified water, and the other stream contains concentrate (impurity solution). Thanks to such a concentrated solution of impurities, almost perfectly pure water is obtained.
This type of cleaning is superior in quality compared to other similar household appliances. Since the diameter of the reverse osmosis pore is 0.0001 microns, which provides reliable protection against the passage of bacteria and viruses. But there is also a second side to the coin: along with bacteria and viruses, calcium, sodium, potassium and other microelements necessary for the human body remain on the membrane. Drinking such water can lead to exhaustion of the body, diseases of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems, and metabolic processes are disrupted.
This problem is partially solved by additional mineralization of water.

All of the above suggests that water filters are a useful thing, but in order to prevent harm, you must follow the rules for their use. You should also purchase such devices from reputable manufacturers on the market.