Financial transactions on lunar days. Full Moon is good for the wallet

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina does not hide the fact that she used to use the power of the Moon for her well-being. The lunar calendar for attracting money helped her increase her material well-being and save your savings. We will talk about how to increase your finances.

Vasilisa Volodina often recommends paying attention to the lunar calendar. Unfortunately, not many people still believe that the Moon can have a strong influence on all areas of human life. And this is true. And in order to attract good luck and get rid of troubles, you just need to follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar. And to attract money you can also use special rules and rituals.

So, in order to avoid ending up in a debt hole, you should always try to make payments (loans, utility bills, large purchases, etc.) only during the waxing phase of the Moon. The growth of the Moon will keep the budget balanced, which will allow you not to be left without a livelihood.

If you made a big profit during the waxing moon, you should not spend all the money at once. It is necessary to set aside at least half of this amount for later. According to Vasilisa Volodina, while the Moon is growing, the money put aside will attract even larger sums.

During the new moon, it is best to start planning your income and expenses. It's calendar time lunar phases great for thinking further strategy of its development.

Waning Moon period lunar calendar marked by an outflow of monetary energy. Therefore, at this time you should not make serious financial transactions or operations. Must be avoided large purchases and all endeavors related to increasing income.

The period of the waxing Moon, according to Vasilisa Volodina, should be devoted to new achievements, deals, important meetings - everything that can bring profit.

In addition, the zodiac signs through which the Moon moves can also affect the financial situation. So that's it active actions and plans regarding increasing income are best started during the period when the Moon is in Sagittarius, Aries or Leo. These zodiac signs belong to the fire element, so achieving your goal will require confidence and fortitude.

Moon in Libra, Aquarius, Gemini– this period is successful in the financial sphere for those involved in public speaking, trading or communicating with big amount of people. The Moon with the signs of the air element favors everything related to social activities, commerce and creativity.

Moon in Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio– this time provides an excellent chance to earn money for creative people. The Moon in the signs of the water element promotes all those who use creative and innovative thinking in their work.

Moon in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn– this period should be used by those who are engaged in practical activities or analysis. The Moon in the signs of the earth element is aimed at helping all persistent, hardy and patient people.

The lunar calendar of money, according to Vasilisa Volodina, can help everyone who dreams of material wealth. The main thing is to follow the advice of the lunar phase calendar and not go against the Moon. Useful article? Then be sure to put

12.09.2013 13:30

Financial problems are one of the most serious obstacles to a happy and harmonious life. ...

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  1. Reconsider your own attitudes towards Money. Do they contribute to the influx of Finance and Luck into your life?
  2. If there are blocking attitudes in our minds, any efforts to improve our financial condition will be fruitless. Therefore, write down all the associations about money that come to mind: sayings, thoughts, words of parents, etc. Analyze all Money Associations
  3. . If the meaning of any phrase you write has a negative connotation or suggests that Money is evil, or money cannot be earned honestly, then you should work to eradicate such thoughts, replacing them with the opposite, Useful affirmations (I am a Money Magnet! I Always have Money for all my needs. Money Always comes to me easily. Money Loves me and comes in the right amount. God Grants me Abundance, Success and Prosperity. My life gets better and better every day). Determine under whose influence your current attitudes have developed. Which Life principles were with your family, with your parents. What phrases about Money have you had since childhood? Think about how the people around you influence you and what level of income they have, because your environment shapes your way of thinking. Try to communicate with those who have formed The Right Attitude
  4. to Life and Money, as well as read articles and biographies about Successful people.. All sad situations related to money (deceived, robbed, etc.) should be considered as life experience, which will help to avoid similar problems in the future. It is necessary to leave all negative emotions associated with past experiences, and also stop allowing others to “vent” their complaints about lack of money or any problems related to money.
  5. Create a Two-Way Flow of Abundance in your life. Money comes to those who give it easily and with pleasure. By saving them excessively, we close the energy flow of abundance on ourselves. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with Beautiful things that Attract Prosperity and thoughts of Success into your life.
  6. Make your dreams concrete. First of all, it is necessary to remember that words like “a lot” and “enough” in relation to Money occupy an abstract position in the subconscious, therefore it is important to operate with Specific, Clearly Formulated desires. (For example, my salary is 50 thousand rubles, I live in a three-room apartment).
  7. Having formulated your Desires, Make a Plan for Achieving them, and Give yourself a Commitment Every Day to Take Steps, no matter how small, towards the Realization of Your Goals.

Money days: when will Financial Luck come into your hands?

There are days in every month that are favorable for everyone. financial transactions. Astrologers call them Money. During these days Money Luck will come into your hands on its own. They can be determined using the lunar calendar.

  • Money days according to the lunar calendar:

There are two most successful days - 14 and 20 lunar day. These days you can safely buy, sell, sign business contracts, invest, invest, win.

If you just want to attract good luck to For a long time, then on these Money Days it is better to go to the hairdresser and get your hair cut. The Moon, as you know, interacts with a person through his hair, and in order to accept All the Gifts of this planet, it is enough to cut your hair on a Favorable lunar day. These days are also called Money Haircut days.

  • What day of the week is the most money-rich?

There is also a Money Day in the week. It's Thursday. It is ruled by Jupiter, the Patron planet of business, money, work. On Thursday you can resolve any material issues aimed at increasing wealth.

On Thursday you can turn any circumstances to your advantage.

Jupiter will help Active, Active, ambitious and Determined people.

  • The most dangerous money days according to the lunar calendar:

There are days when it is better to stay away from financial matters. In the lunar calendar these are 3, 5, 12, 15 and 29 lunar days. These days are dangerous for your wallet, so it's best to keep it with you.

  • The most dangerous money day of the week:

Sunday is considered the most unfavorable day of the week for financial transactions. This day is aimed at Spiritual Benefits, so you cannot engage in matters that will concern money.

The Moon has a powerful influence on our lives, including our finances. A money calendar based on the lunar calendar helps to calculate the most favorable moments for various financial transactions. On what day is it best to make large purchases or sales, lend or take out a loan?

There are two most favorable financial moments - 14 and 20 days according to the lunar calendar. They are best suited for matters related to finance: purchases, sales, long-term contracts, investments, deposits, currency transactions. Thursday is also celebrated, which patronizes business, finance and career. If you want to increase your money, it is better to resolve all issues on this day.

There are many more unfavorable days for working with money - 3, 5, 12, 15 and 29. On these days, any expenses and transactions with money in general are not advisable. They also advise you to keep an eye on your wallet. During the week, the worst day for money matters is Sunday. It is believed that on this day all planned financial affairs will go wrong.

When to take and repay debt?

You need to take out a loan on the waning moon. If you take it to the growing moon, the debt will grow with the moon. But you need to lend money when the moon is waxing; if you decide to lend money when the moon is waning, the debt may not be repaid. If we consider the days of the week, then it is undesirable to lend on Monday, and borrow on Tuesday evening.

Plan your affairs in advance, check the prosperous days according to the monetary calendar and financial success you are guaranteed!

Even the most selfless people would like to live in abundance and without need. But prosperity is not a lot of money; it is, first of all, the ability to manage your income and expenses, as well as your time. But how can one learn this skill - the ability to correctly distribute one’s cash and guess lucky days? In particular, the Money Calendar will help you with this. When to lend and when not to lend money, when to borrow according to the lunar calendar and when not to borrow. Favorable days For money transfers, deposits and investments, obtaining insurance, loans and concluding contracts, for making large purchases, exchanging or purchasing currencies and working with documentation. Even when to buy a wallet, and when it is better to reduce your financial activity or beware of losses. For all these questions, you can find a detailed money calendar, as well as several recommendations on how to maintain and increase your income.

Almost every family has its own superstitions related to money and wealth. Many believe that this can help them escape poverty and lack of money. But is it? Many of these signs came to us from our distant ancestors, but will they bring wealth to the house?

When to lend and when not to lend

There are a lot of superstitions associated with debts. For example, everyone knows that you cannot lend money on Monday. But why? Everything is quite easy to explain; Monday is one of the most hard days in a week. The weekend is still a long way off, and there is still a lot of work to be done. That’s why everyone’s mood is not the best, but monetary transactions activities carried out on this day are doomed to failure. After all, you see, any business that is done with bad mood does not work and successes are usually negligible. Therefore, it is better to lend on another day, when there is an atmosphere of joy, a desire to work and conquer heights.

When to borrow and when not to borrow

But, according to the superstition, you can’t borrow on Friday. But everything is clear here, no magic. After all, we all know that most often from this day rest begins after working week. The money taken on this day can be spent on something that is not needed, and it will be extremely difficult to give it back later. Therefore, it is better to borrow in the middle of the week in order to wisely distribute your finances.

Favorable days for deposits and investments

On Monday you can’t not only lend money, but also make large deposits and investments. The reason is still the same, it is on this day that people are most in the mood for business. Everyone is just getting started. Also, some major holidays are not the most better days for transactions, deposits, investments and so on. Signs suggest that when making large purchases, or indeed any investments, you should not leave your pockets empty. But here everything is clear, because life is quite unpredictable and it is unknown for what needs you may need money in this moment. I didn’t want them to end at the most inconvenient moment. That’s why there was such a sign that leaving an empty wallet is a bad omen.

Currency exchange

The same applies to foreign exchange transactions. It is better not to carry them out on Monday, Friday and major holidays. All because of those reasons. For example, during the holidays your thoughts are far from allocating finances and you may simply be inattentive. This, in turn, may lead to you losing some of your money.

When to buy a wallet

Favorable days for this purchase are associated more with lunar cycles, but the signs only tell you which wallet is best to buy so that it contains money. It is believed that you cannot buy the cheapest one. But this is easily explained, because when meeting people they usually judge by their clothes. And therefore the wallet must be respectable in order for an opinion to be formed about you business man. This will help you in attracting profitable deals.

There are a lot of similar signs, for example, a coin found on the sidewalk promises wealth. The origins of this superstition are clear, because previously even one coin -
it's a fortune.

There is also a sign that you can’t give money in the evening, and you can’t lend it either. This is due to the fact that, firstly, by this time our attention has become dull, which means that the likelihood of error and miscalculation is high. secondly, it is in the evening that the activity of thieves and scammers is higher than during the day and in the morning. And if a person lends money, that means he has money.

A similar sign exists with garbage. We all know that you cannot take out the trash at night. But she appeared completely naturally and has nothing to do with magic at all. Previously, the garbage was taken out by men and most often it contained waste from cutting up chicken and other livestock. Naturally, this attracted wolves to the yard, where the living creatures were usually located. This could also lead to hunger, and therefore they tried to take out the garbage during the day.

It was also believed that the money received should not be spent immediately on the first day. You must wait one night. But here, too, everything is clear, because to celebrate, you can buy a lot of unnecessary goods. When a person thinks about everything and judges, then purchases will be the most useful.

Not only signs, but also the Money Calendar will help you in distributing finances. Here you can adjust all your financial transactions, understand when it is better to carry them out, and when it is better to refrain from them.