Flux dental symptoms. Forecast, consequences, preventive measures

Inattention to your health, to your teeth in particular, as well as a reluctance to visit a dentist can cause the appearance of a disease such as gumboil. It is popularly called a condition that occurs due to diseased teeth. In medicine, this disease is called periostitis.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease will help you understand what flux is. First of all, inflammation appears directly around dead tooth. It begins to spread beyond the bone into the facial soft fabrics. Therefore, puffiness occurs and the face becomes rounded on the side where the problem is located. There is an increase in body temperature, gum temperature and an aching pain in the jaw, which can radiate to the ear. If the purulent sac is present, the eyelids may also become swollen. What flux is in its acute form can be understood by the fact that after a period of time, pus begins to spread between the muscles and affects not only the facial tissue, but also the cervical tissue. This neglect can be fatal.

The chronic form proceeds slowly and leads to thickening of the jaw bone on the affected side.

Etiology of occurrence

Before understanding how to cure gumboil, you should study the causes of its occurrence. The appearance of the disease can be caused by teeth affected by caries, damage to the mucous membrane of the skin or mouth, inflammatory process between tooth and gum and other reasons. However, to solve the question of what flux is, you need to understand that its occurrence is associated with infection. If treatment is not started on time, then formations are created in the oral cavity. favorable conditions to increase the number of bacteria that quickly corrode the pulp and periosteum.

Flux treatment

In order to relieve the resulting inflammation and other symptoms, you should decide how to rinse the flux. Works well Two tablespoons pour 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. In the event that home medicine cabinet If there is sage or eryngium, then their tincture with vodka will alleviate the pain and have a disinfectant effect.

The use of rinses is an integral part of the treatment of this disease. However, most often it is not enough, and medical intervention cannot be avoided. The dentist will not only explain what flux is, but will also eliminate the purulent focus. The surgeon will perform this action after which the pus will come out. For outflow, drainage is left in the incision, which is made of a rubber tube.

In order for recovery to be more successful, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and physiotherapy that will help relieve inflammation and fever.

It is worth remembering that some treatment methods cannot be used in the treatment of gumboil.

For example, a warm compress can lead to the rapid proliferation of bacteria and, as a result, the patient's condition may worsen. It is not recommended to use bandages on sore spot, since you can accidentally press on a purulent sac, as a result, pus will penetrate into other areas, and this is fraught with the occurrence of phlegmon. The use of antibiotics should be strictly regulated by a specialist, since not all drugs in this group may be effective.

You should not take it a couple of hours before visiting a doctor. This will help the doctor make a diagnosis more easily and, accordingly, more accurately create a treatment regimen.

After your dental surgeon has opened the abscess, you should not take medications that contain aspirin, as they increase the risk of bleeding.

If, 10 hours after the elimination of the purulent sac, the pain does not decrease, then you should immediately run to the doctor.

Majority dental diseases accompanied painful sensations, which you want to get rid of as soon as possible. Flux is no exception. In addition to severe pain, affecting not only the area of ​​the affected tooth, but also capable of spreading throughout the entire half of the jaw and head, with this inflammatory process the appearance person. Due to swelling, the cheek with tooth flux looks swollen.

What is flux?

Flux is usually called a disease of the oral cavity such as periostitis, in which the periosteum of the jaw bone becomes inflamed. The development of dental flux is caused by an infection that comes from root canal into the pulp chamber and damaging tissue near the root. As a result of the inflammatory process in the intraosseous canals of the periosteum, due to the presence of pathogenic microflora in them, the jaw in the area of ​​the diseased tooth thickens, and swelling of the cheek occurs. Over time, purulent formations appear, swelling increases, and throbbing pain appears.

Reasons for the formation of dental flux

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Flux on the gums is purely infectious in nature. However, there are many reasons that provoke the penetration of bacteria into the space between the gum and molar and, accordingly, the development of flux. Among them:

How the disease begins: the first signs of gum inflammation

In order to consult a doctor in a timely manner, you need to know the first signs of gumboil. The main symptoms indicating that periostitis begins in the oral cavity are as follows:

Depending on how old the patient is, on his work immune system And individual characteristics body, the severity of symptoms may vary. In any case, when characteristic symptoms tooth flux, you should not put off going to the dentist.

Flux stages with photos

A disease such as flux has several stages of development. It happens:

Treatment of the disease

When gumboil appears in a person’s mouth, its treatment directly depends on the severity and severity of the disease, which should be assessed by the dentist, and not the person himself, based on descriptions and photos on the Internet. When timely appeal see a doctor when pus has not yet begun to form; treatment of flux may be limited to the prescription of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, rinses and topical ointments.

When pus appears, you usually cannot do without surgical intervention and opening the abscess. In order for the suppuration of the gumboil to break through, the doctor makes an incision in the gum and pumps out the pus. Relief occurs almost immediately after such a procedure, and the pain goes away.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs

Applicable in early stages traditional treatment flux, which will allow you not to remove the tooth. Also, these treatment methods are also relevant after tooth extraction due to gumboil for faster wound healing. They include:

  • Taking antibiotics. These medications are prescribed in injections or tablets to eliminate pathogenic microflora. The most popular: Amoxiclav, Tsiprolet, Tsifran, Amoxicillin, Lincomycin.
  • The use of antibacterial ointments. For example, Levomekol ointment turns out to be very effective in treating gumboil (we recommend reading:).
  • Antiseptic rinses. This helps remove product residue and speed up the healing process.
  • Use of anti-inflammatory drugs. They can quickly relieve swelling, pain and redness.

As for anti-inflammatory drugs, the most effective are:

How to quickly cure gumboil at home?

There are a number of ways to cope with pain and other symptoms of periostitis at home before going to the doctor:

  • Mouth rinses. You can use the disinfectant Chlorhexidine, prepare soda or saline solution in the proportion of 1-2 teaspoons of salt or soda per glass warm water. Infusions of sage, calendula, lemon balm and green tea are also relevant.
  • Compresses. Vishnevsky ointment is ideal for this. It is applied to a cotton swab, which is applied to the site of inflammation for several hours. The balm disinfects and draws out pus.

However, when treating periostitis at home, it is important not to do anything that could negatively affect your health. Do not heat the flux, as heat only promotes the growth of bacteria. No dressings of any kind are permitted except those made by a dentist.

Dental care

In dentistry, periostitis is treated in three ways with surgical intervention:

  1. Removal of a tooth. Typically, baby teeth and wisdom teeth are subject to extraction. In the first case, this is done to avoid the spread of inflammation to the primordia of permanent molars, in the second - due to the impossibility of providing adequate therapy as a result of the inaccessible location and structure of the root canals.
  2. Periostotomy. Allows you to save the tooth. In order to remove the pus, a special incision is made, then drainage is installed in the form of a rubber strip. After the abscess has burst and the inflammation has subsided, the dental cavity is treated. To do this, the root canals are opened and cleaned of purulent contents. Drainage is installed for a couple of weeks and at the end the root tip is removed (we recommend reading:).
  3. Combined method. Applicable if additional pumping of pus is required after tooth extraction.

Can flux go away without treatment?

Periostitis is severe inflammation, which results in the formation a large number of pus, and acute pain appears. Without highly qualified treatment, the flux will not go away on its own (see also:). It is important to seek professional help immediately to avoid unpleasant problems and complications.

Attempting to remove flux at home yourself can only worsen the condition. On initial stage, in the absence of the opportunity to immediately go to the dentist, various traditional methods can relieve severe pain, but not cure the disease itself. For this reason, you should not put off going to the dentist’s office, even if there is a temporary improvement or the inflammatory lesion does not hurt.

Complications and consequences of the disease

Flux on the gum is enough serious illness. Without timely or appropriate treatment, it can lead to dangerous complications. The main consequences of flux include:

  1. Abscess. Most often, it appears if the hood over the wisdom tooth is not removed in time - a limited appearance occurs. purulent formation.
  2. Phlegmon. It may appear after opening the gumboil if all the dentist’s recommendations for wound care are not followed and refusal to take prescribed antibacterial drugs.
  3. Jaw osteomyelitis (we recommend reading:). Possible in a situation where the flux remains very strong a long period. As a result, inflammation spreads to the bone tissue of the jaw.

Prevention of flux

Instead of thinking about how to treat gumboil, it is better to do everything necessary measures to warn him. Prevention of this disease is not much different from preventive methods for other diseases of the oral cavity and includes:

  • regular visits to the dentist 1-2 times a year;
  • twice daily brushing of teeth;
  • rinsing your mouth with water after every meal;
  • It is advisable to use dental floss;
  • If possible, professional cleaning;
  • timely treatment of caries;
  • enriching the diet with fruits, vegetables and solid fiber products;
  • restriction on the menu of sweets and carbonated drinks.

When swelling of the cheek appears, people begin to be tormented by the question of how to quickly remove the swelling at home and cure gumboil without going to the dentist, since the fear of these doctors in most people develops even with early childhood. But gumboil is not a condition where you can cope with the disease on your own.

Refusal dental care may have significant consequences. Dental flux not only changes a person’s appearance, but can also be accompanied by severe pain in the tooth area, as well as in the jaw area or even the head. Due to the anatomy of the maxillofacial part and the large network nerve fibers And blood vessels, only a doctor is obliged to treat the disease, since self-treatment will not bring success.

What is tooth flux?

In common parlance, tooth flux is called periostitis. This inflammatory process of the periosteum of the jaw bone which is developing due to infection from the periapical area and root canal Therefore, in the projection of the problem tooth, a thickening of the jaw occurs, and swelling of the cheek is also noted.

The initial cause of the disease can be considered to be caries. It is after this that the tooth begins to decay and pathogenic microorganisms enter the pulp chamber and areas that surround the root.

Odontogenic flux is usually cause streptococci, staphylococci, pyogenic bacilli and pathogenic bacilli species.

If the periodontal tissues contain infectious focus, then pathogenic organisms can pass into the periosteum through intraosseous canals and cause an inflammatory process in it.

Causes of the disease

The etiology of the disease is infectious in nature, and there are several factors that lead to pathogens entering the periosteum:

Initially, the inflammatory process passes without the appearance of pus. It forms after a few days, at the same time a throbbing pain occurs and swelling of the cheek increases. In a day without the help of a dentist, the condition can significantly worsen due to intoxication of the body, which leads to the development various complications(sepsis, abscess, phlegmon).

Flux symptoms

The severity of flux symptoms differs depending on the person’s age, the structural characteristics of the jaws, as well as his immune status.

Calm unpleasant symptoms in a diseased tooth begins to occur after the development of the process itself. Moreover, the pain is diffuse in nature, it also becomes aching and constant, and can affect half of the head or face.

Characteristic signs that accompany inflammation of the periosteum:

It should be noted that at the serous stage of flux the appearance clinical symptoms not as pronounced as at the purulent stage.

Surgical treatment options

There are several methods of surgical intervention:

How to treat gumboil at home?

Using folk remedies, as well as self-medicating to relieve swelling of the cheek, is dangerous due to the risk of worsening the disease and the appearance of various complications. The disease will require mandatory dental intervention, since it is impossible to treat gumboil at home.

Application of methods traditional treatment can only slightly reduce the severity of swelling and pain, but will not get rid of the main cause of the inflammation process.

Then, when first aid is provided to open the gumboil, the dentist, as a rule, sends the patient home with a list of recommendations, including ensuring hygiene care behind oral cavity, rinsing and taking medications.

The use of treatment methods at home without consulting a doctor is prohibited in certain groups of the population.

  • Children.
  • During pregnancy.
  • Allergy sufferers.
  • Adult patients who suffer from immunodeficiency conditions.


In order to eliminate hyperthermia, reduce the severity of edema and quickly remove the source of infection, one cannot do without the use of antibacterial drugs. After surgical intervention the doctor prescribes tablets, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating purulent discharge and bacterial contamination. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed for treatment.

  • Lincomycin.
  • Amoxiclav.
  • Biseptol.
  • Doxycycline.
  • Ampiox.


The use of various liniments and creams can ensure the release of pus, eliminate swelling of soft tissues, and also relieve swelling. The use of ointments is allowed only after examination by a dentist, since self-treatment rarely leads to the required results.

To reduce the symptoms of the inflammatory process of the periosteum, the following drugs are used:

How to rinse your mouth?

In order to get rid of postoperative swelling, as well as provide fast healing and speed up the process of pus release, you can use different infusions and solutions for rinsing:

How to quickly remove a tumor?

The first thing to do when your cheek is swollen is to rush to the dentist, because if acute periostitis delaying treatment can lead to complications and spread purulent infection. After surgery, the dentist will tell you how to remove swelling and also prescribe medications to combat the disease.

  • Avoid significant physical activity.
  • Warming the problem area is prohibited.
  • In order to reduce the swelling of the cheeks, you can apply cold lotions to the skin of the face.


With adequate and timely treatment The prognosis for the inflammatory process of the periosteum is usually positive. If a person with a swollen cheek postpones a visit to the dentist for several days, does not follow the dentist’s recommendations, or self-medicates, then the appearance of serious consequences which sometimes result in death.

Most a common complication is the progression of the inflammatory process and its transition to nearby bones or soft tissues.

  • Abscess.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Mediastinitis.
  • Sepsis.
  • Phlegmon.

Preventive actions

Main preventive measure, which prevents the inflammatory process of the periosteum, is timely treatment of caries. By following the usual recommendations, you can reduce the risk of periostitis and maintain dental health.

These methods of prevention are available to anyone, as they are quite simple. But their use in Everyday life makes it possible to avoid such occurrence unpleasant condition, like tooth flux.

If a person’s cheek swells, a swelling appears in the area of ​​the mucous membrane, this may indicate gumboil. It is accompanied by severe pain, can be complicated by purulent contents, grow and affect the nerves. Find out how to treat flux, what is included in first aid when it occurs, what medications are useful in treating the disease.

What is flux

Periostitis, known to the general population as gumboil, is an inflammatory process in the periosteum of the jaw bone. The disease develops due to infection from the periapical area and root canal. Because of this, the thickness of the jaw in the area of ​​the problem tooth increases and swelling of the cheek develops with damage to the tooth cavity.

The cause of the disease is advanced caries. Pathogenic carious microflora gradually penetrates the pulp chamber and affects the tissue around the root. Periostitis of odontogenic etiology is mainly caused by streptococci, pyogenic bacilli, staphylococci and pathogenic species of bacilli. If the infectious focus of the wound develops in the periodontal tissues, then the pathogens begin to leak into the periosteal zone through the intraosseous canals and provoke an abscess (destruction and inflammation).

Flux treatment

Since the process is associated with intramaxillary inflammation, you cannot rely only on folk remedies: this can lead to serious complications. On early stage After seeing a doctor, a course of antibiotics will suffice. To treat an advanced purulent form of gumboil, you need professional medical intervention, which will neutralize the cause of the purulent-inflammatory process. It involves surgically opening the abscess and releasing the contents out. Next, you need to combine medication with hygiene procedures oral cavity.

Treatment at home

You should know that it is impossible to heat such a formation, as this will provoke a spillage of pus. Tight bandaging in self-medication is prohibited because it can aggravate purulent process. In cases where it has not reached the formation of a purulent form of gumboil, it is permissible to treat the disease traditional methods that will ease suffering and help prevent the development of negative symptoms:

  1. To reduce swelling and hyperthermia from the flux, you need to use an ice compress. To do this, wrap a piece of ice in a towel and apply a compress to the swelling. Lotions with onion juice help treat tumors well. The onion must be chopped using a meat grinder or grater, and the pulp must be squeezed out. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting juice and apply to the affected area for 15 minutes.
  2. Black radish juice is effective in combating gumboil. It will help eliminate pain and will draw pus out. It is necessary to chop the radish fruit and squeeze out the juice, soak cotton wool or a piece of gauze in it, and then apply the lotion to your cheek. Repeat the procedure several times at intervals of 15 minutes. The third or fourth time the swelling decreases, and pus sometimes begins to come out.
  3. To get rid of swelling, pain and inflammation, you need to use the following recipe. In a small container, mix a pinch of salt and pepper, add a teaspoon of sugar and 6 drops of vinegar. Dilute the resulting mixture with one spoon of water. Next, pour the contents into a tin bowl, heat and cook until foam forms. The resulting liquid is used for lotions and perfectly eliminates the symptoms of flux.

These folk recipes effective only in two cases. The first is that if the process has just begun and the inflammation is minor, it can be treated. The second case is if the operation to remove the purulent formation has been completed, homemade compresses and lotions will help significantly speed up recovery. But it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of serious flux by rinsing or compresses.

How to rinse your mouth

An important part of flux treatment is correct mode rinsing the mouth, which allows you to wash out pathogenic microflora and helps regenerative processes. For rinsing, it is recommended to use herbs such as mustard plaster, St. John's wort, angelica, peppermint, lilac and periwinkle. To treat gumboil, it is also recommended to use the following remedies:

  1. Soda: has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the breakthrough of the abscess. A teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rinse is applied 4-5 times/day.
  2. Miramistin: pharmaceutical drug, which does not require additional preparation. Rinsing occurs with a product in a volume of 15 ml. Repeat 2-3 times/day.
  3. Propolis: pharmaceutical alcohol infusion. Diluted with water 1 to 10. Rinse 2-3 times/day after meals.
  4. St. John's wort, sage, oak bark: relieve inflammation, suppress pathogenic microflora. Dried plants are poured into a thermos, filled with boiling water, after which the contents are infused for one hour. Next, the mass is filtered and placed on the tooth.
  5. Birch buds, calendula, chamomile, burdock: mix in equal parts with a total mass of 50 g and add a liter of water. Boil and leave for half an hour, then rinse with a strong broth three times a day.

Treatment with soda

Baking soda perfectly relieves inflammation during flux. It can treat diseases only at the initial stage or after surgery:

  1. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of warm water, rinse your mouth every half hour.
  2. Add a drop of iodine to the previous solution of soda and salt and rinse 2-3 times a day, this will relieve the inflammatory process.


Lotions and compresses have an analgesic effect, prevent the chronic inflammatory process from spreading, and kill pathogens in the lump. Popular Recipes:

  1. With dimexide - take 80 ml of warm water for 20 ml of the drug. Moisten a sterile napkin with the liquid, apply to the cheek, and leave for 1–2 hours. Repeat twice a day.
  2. WITH sea ​​salt– Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of salt in half a glass of warm water, moisten a cotton swab, and place it between the sore gum and cheek. Replace every 2 hours with a new salt compress.


First aid for flux at home is to use mouth rinses. They can also be used to get rid of postoperative edema and accelerating the process of release of purulent exudate. If the cheek is very swollen, then you need to visit a dentist as soon as possible to prevent the development of complications and the spread of purulent infection. The following methods will help remove the tumor:

  • apply cold lotions to the tumor;
  • can't be warmed up problem area, apply a bandage;
  • avoid excessive physical activity.

Drug therapy consists of the use of antibiotics, special ointments and antiseptics for mouth rinsing. Antibacterial therapy is aimed at destroying pathogenic microbes; medications prevent the formation of pus and prevent the infection from penetrating deeper. At the early stage of flux development, antimicrobial agents suppress the inflammatory process and will not lead to surgical intervention:

  1. After surgery, antibiotics will help relieve inflammation and prevent relapse. Medicines are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Ideally, the patient submits a smear for microflora analysis, doctors determine the sensitivity of the bacteria and prescribe treatment. If there is no time for this, antibiotics are used wide range actions - Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Cifran, Ampiox, Lincomycin.
  2. To antibacterial therapy did not harm the liver, at the same time it is worth taking a course of probiotics to restore healthy intestinal microflora. Solutions of Chlorophyllipt, Vinilin, Hexoral and Hepilor are suitable as antiseptic rinses. If you don’t have these, you can dissolve crushed Furacilin tablets (half in a glass of water). External treatment consists of applying Vishnevsky or Levomekol ointment to the gums. These products disinfect the mucous membrane and prevent inflammation in the mouth and throat.
  3. Additionally, it is good to use sprays for sore throat or inflammatory diseases ENT organs. Tantum Verde, Ingalipt, Hexoral will help with pain. For severe pain, it is better to use Metrogyl Denta and Kalgel ointments. They are also suitable for use by children. At the same time, creams reduce the sensitivity of the mucous membrane. Ichthyol ointment used for purulent abscess, softens tissues and has antiseptic properties, helping to speed up the release of exudate.
  4. If the disease is accompanied elevated temperature, it can be treated by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Nimesil with flux reduces the temperature and relieves pain. At severe pain You can use painkillers - Analgin, Ketonal, antihistamines - Suprastin, Zyrtec to relieve swelling. All medications are effective in the first stages of the disease, then only surgery is required.

Treatment of flux at home with antibiotics

To treat flux, you need A complex approach. Popular means therapy are broad-spectrum antibiotics:

  1. Amoxicillin - capsules, tablets and granules for solution preparation. Contains amoxicillin, which is part of the group of semisynthetic penicillins. Contraindications for use are Infectious mononucleosis And increased sensitivity to the components. Dosage: 500 mg three times a day at intervals of 8 hours between doses. The course lasts 5–12 days.
  2. Lincomycin – capsules and solution for injection based on the component of the same name. Render antibacterial effect, in high doses – bactericidal effect. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, age under 3 years, hepatic or renal failure. Directions for use: 1–2 hours before or within 2–3 hours after meals, 2–3 times a day. Adult dose– 500 mg, children – 30–60 mg/kg body weight. The course lasts 7–14 days.
  3. Ciprofloxacin – antimicrobial agent from the group of fluoroquinolones, contains ciprofloxacin. Contraindications for tablets: hypersensitivity, renal or liver failure, past tendinitis, age under 12 years, pregnancy, breast-feeding. Directions for use: 200–500 mg twice a day for 7–14 days.
  4. Ampiox – combination drug, containing ampicillin and oxacillin. Directions for use: dosage 500–1000 mg for adults in 4–6 doses. The course of treatment lasts 5–14 days. Contraindications: history of toxic-allergic reactions to penicillin preparations.
  5. Amoxiclav tablets contain two components: amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Belongs to the group of penicillins. Treatment: 1 tablet every 8 hours for a course of 5–14 days. Contraindications: cholestatic jaundice, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia, hypersensitivity to components.
  6. Doxycycline - capsules based on the substance of the same name. Directions for use: 200 mg on the first day, 2 doses, then 100 mg/day. The course of treatment lasts 5 days. Contraindications: lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance or constituent components, porphyria, leukopenia, age up to 12 years, weight up to 45 kg.
  7. Biseptol - sulfonamide medicinal product. Capsules are taken 960 g twice a day for 5–14 days. The longer the treatment lasts, the lower the dose. Contraindications: impaired renal function, liver function, hematopoiesis, pregnancy, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, age up to 1.5 months.


To relieve edema, swelling of soft tissues, and improve the removal of pus, creams, ointments and liniments are used. Periostitis can be treated and signs of inflammation of the periosteum can be reduced by:

  1. Levomekol for flux - contains chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which have antimicrobial properties. Apply to the problem area using sterile wipes several times a day. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment – ​​contains Castor oil, tar and xeroform. Apply to a sterile cotton or gauze swab and apply to the affected area for 20–30 minutes. Contraindications: hypersensitivity.
  3. Metrogyl Denta for flux is a specialized dental gel containing metronidazole benzoate and chlorhexidine digluconate. Apply after meals twice a day using cotton swab. Afterwards you cannot eat or drink for half an hour; it does not require rinsing. The course of treatment is 7–10 days. Contraindications: age under 6 years, hypersensitivity to components.
  4. A mixture of ichthyol and streptocide ointment helps relieve swelling and redness of the gums. Repeat the procedure several times/day until recovery.

Opening the flux

If the gumboil starts to develop, it will have to be treated by opening the gums. The operation is performed by a doctor under local anesthesia. Before going to the doctor, you should not take painkillers, because they can complicate the diagnostic process. Stages of the operation to open the tumor:

  1. Examination, diagnosis, local anesthesia Lidocaine or Novocaine.
  2. Antiseptic treatment (Miramistin).
  3. An incision next to the flux, releasing pus. If necessary, bone tissue incision.
  4. Antiseptic treatment.
  5. Drainage to speed up the flow of pus if necessary.
  6. Antiseptic treatment.
  7. With a large incision, sutures are applied. With small ones, the gums heal on their own, tightening in a few days.
  8. With large flux and extensive damage bone tissue, the tooth is removed.
  9. Prescribing antibiotics and antiseptic rinses.
  10. The healing period lasts several days, they may be accompanied by mild inflammation and soreness.

Folk remedies

If the tumor is small and there is no pus on it, then it is possible to treat the gum with gumboil folk remedies. These include the use medicinal plants and their combinations. Most methods are suitable for use by young children and pregnant women - for whom many are contraindicated. medical supplies. Rinses, lotions, decoctions and herbal infusions are popular. Healthy recipes:

  1. Similarly, decoctions of mustard plaster, St. John's wort, oak bark, elderberry, chamomile, lemon balm, and rue are used as rinses. Take a tablespoon of plant material per glass of water and rinse your mouth up to 10 times a day.
  2. The prepared infusions can be used in the form of compresses. To do this, fold several layers of gauze, soak it in liquid and apply to the area of ​​swelling for 10–15 minutes. Repeat every 2 hours.
  3. Clean thick sheet white cabbage Boil in water for 2-3 minutes until soft. Cool and apply to cheek for 10 minutes.
  4. Squeeze the juice from one onion, moisten a piece of bandage, apply a compress for 0.5–1 hour.
  5. Mix one egg with a spoon of sugar, vegetable oil moisten a gauze swab with the mixture and keep it on the gumboil for up to 20 minutes.
  6. Antibacterial ointment - heat a piece of iron wire or a nail with rust over the fire, place it in fresh honey on a saucer. The result is a black mass that has antiseptic properties. Apply it to the area of ​​inflammation several times a day, do not swallow.


The flowers and leaves of the sage herb have anti-inflammatory properties. Several recipes for using the plant:

  1. Brew 2 tablespoons of sage herb and a tablespoon of mustard herb with 1.5 cups of boiling water, cool, strain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting infusion every 2 hours.
  2. Combine 50 g of sage herb, oak bark, St. John's wort, pour in a liter of boiling water, cool, strain. Use the mixture to rinse every 1.5 hours.
  3. Mix 60 g of sage herb with an equal amount of leaf green tea, brew with a liter of boiling water. Wait until the mixture becomes warm, use for rinsing.


with their own antibacterial properties Garlic is also famous. Fresh spice helps treat flux. Use the recipes:

  1. Chop a few cloves of garlic, squeeze out the juice, mix in equal proportions with honey. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting substance and apply to the sore spot for 10 minutes.
  2. Crush a clove of garlic, wrap it in gauze, and apply a compress to the tumor for 20 minutes.

What is dental flux and how to treat it correctly? The scientific name of the disease is periostitis of the jaw. It is classified according to the cause of its occurrence, the nature of its development and the degree of damage. Depending on these factors, therapy also varies. It can be aimed at preserving the tooth, and if it cannot be preserved, at removing and cleaning the wound from purulent exudate. Surgery is always complemented by antiseptic rinses, anti-inflammatory medications and reparative agents.

Flux – pathological condition, in which the periosteum of the alveolar arch or body of the jaw becomes inflamed. Translated from German, fluss means “flow” or “current”. This popular name diseases. Doctors use the term.

Regardless of the causes, periostitis always develops due to the penetration of infection through the tooth cavity or periodontal pocket. It penetrates through the root tip into the bone tissue. Pus, trying to come out, accumulates under the periosteum and forms a cavity filled with exudate on the gum.

The contents of the abscess are represented by aerobic and anaerobic pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci, putrefactive microbes, gram-negative and positive bacilli.

Flux is an inflammation of the periosteum.

Additional Information! Flux usually develops on lower jaw. It is 1.5 - 2 times less common in the upper jaw.

Causes and varieties

Periostitis is classified according to several parameters. They differ in the way the disease develops, its course and nature.

Types of flux due to their occurrence

Odontogenic periostitis of the jaw. Occurs due to dental diseases. He is called:

  1. Chronic pulpitis and periodontitis– up to 73% of all clinical cases. If caries is not treated for a long time, it develops into pulpitis. From the root canals, the infection spreads beyond the apex into the tissue surrounding the tooth. A cavity with pus is formed, which penetrates the soft tissues and leads to damage to the periosteum. The second option for the development of periodontitis is incorrect endodontic treatment. When the canals have not been sufficiently sanitized or sealed to the top, an inflammatory process will develop in them over time.
  2. Alveolitis– in 18%. Occurs due to the loss of a blood clot from the socket after tooth extraction. As a result, purulent inflammation develops, which develops into gumboil.
  3. Recurrent pericoronitis– observed in 5% of patients. Accompanied. It occurs especially often with dystopic (improperly positioned) and semi- and fully impacted (non-erupted) units.
  4. Periodontitis– about 2%. Infection gums, characterized by the formation of deep. They accumulate food debris that rots and leads to infection.
  5. Granulomas and root cysts– 2%. Cavities with fibrous walls filled with purulent exudate. When they grow, they develop into periostitis.

Flux often occurs against the background of untreated dental diseases.

Additional Information! In case of any dental diseases, hypothermia, stress, and physical overexertion become a kind of “trigger” for the development of gumboil.

Hematogenous periostitis. Develops when an infection spreads through the bloodstream or The lymph nodes. Acute viral diseases lead to it:

  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis;
  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • measles;
  • scarlet fever.

Important! Most often hematogenous occurs in children.

Traumatic periostitis. Appears when teeth and gums are damaged:

  • injuries and chipped crowns;
  • jaw fractures;
  • surgical intervention - after tooth-preserving operations or complex extraction;
  • infection through wounds on the oral mucosa.

Periostitis can develop against the background of injury.

Forms of periostitis depending on the nature of the course

  • Acute flux. It is typical for him sudden appearance and rapid flow. In just a few days it reaches its peak of development and causes complications: phlegmon, osteomyelitis. The acute form is:
    1. Serous. It affects the periosteum and is accompanied by a relatively small accumulation of exudate.
    2. Purulent. In this case, an abscess forms under the periosteum. It often breaks through fistulas on the gums.
  • Chronic periostitis. It is characterized by a sluggish course of the disease with alternating remissions and relapses. Divided by:
    1. Simple. A young one is formed bone, the growth of which can be reversed.
    2. Ossifying. The newly formed tissue quickly grows and ossifies.

Additional Information! In 95% of cases, periostitis occurs in an acute form. And only 5% are chronic.

Types of flux by degree of distribution

  • Limited. Localized in the area of ​​1–3 teeth.
  • Diffuse. Spread over the entire jaw or most of it.

In 95% of cases, periostitis occurs in an acute form.

Symptoms and possible complications

Can be divided into 3 groups:

External. Manifested by facial swelling:

  • as the disease develops in the area of ​​the upper incisors, the upper lip swells;
  • if the area of ​​the upper premolars is affected, the cheeks, cheekbones, and lower eyelids swell;
  • when periostitis occurs in the area of ​​the upper molars, swelling of the parotid-masticatory part of the face appears;
  • in case of damage to the movable jaw, they increase underlip and chin.

Oral. When examining the patient's oral cavity, the following is found:

  • causative tooth with large areas of destruction - if periostitis of the jaw has developed as a result of dental diseases or injuries;
  • hyperemia of soft tissues and mucous membranes;
  • painful compaction on the gum with purulent contents - subperiosteal abscess;
  • in some cases - fistula.

Flux can cause an increase in body temperature.

System. Characterized by general intoxication of the body. Can appear:

  • high temperature – from 38°C;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Additional Information! With flux, pain of a local or diffuse nature is always noted. They can radiate to the ears, temples, back of the head, forehead, and neck. Patients also have difficulty chewing food and speaking.

If you ignore pathology, it will lead to:

The pain cannot be tolerated; you need to go to the clinic as soon as possible.


The examination of the patient begins with collecting anamnesis and clinical examination. Already one by one external signs the doctor may conclude that this condition is caused by flux.

A full diagnosis of jaw periostitis necessarily includes an x-ray examination. It is carried out using a radiovisiograph, CT scan, or orthopantomograph. The photographs reveal signs of periodontitis, root cysts, impacted or dystopic teeth. At chronic form pathology, the formation of young bone tissue is noticeable.

Flux must be differentiated from abscess, phlegmon, sinusitis, lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis, periodontitis, sialadenitis.

It is important to differentiate periostitis from other pathologies.


How the flux will be treated directly depends on whether it is possible to save the affected tooth. The decision is made after the examination. The degree of destruction of the crown and root parts, patency of the canals, and structural changes are taken into account.

Important! The most favorable prognosis is for the acute serous form of the pathology. The worst case is if the patient develops purulent inflammation.

There are two options for what to do with the flux. Conservative or surgical treatment is carried out.

Conservative therapy

Therapeutic measures:

  • use a drill to clean areas affected by caries;
  • the tooth is depulped or the root canals are unfilled and re-cleaned if endodontic treatment was previously carried out;
  • the canals are left open so that pus can drain through them;
  • make an incision in the gum, ensure the outflow of exudate through the drainage and carry out antiseptic treatment wounds;
  • After a few days, stitches are placed, the canals are filled and the crown of the tooth is restored.

Dental-preserving manipulations. Carry out if only the lower third of the root is affected, there is a crown on the unit or. First, an incision is made in the gum and drainage is installed. After the pus drains and the acute inflammation(usually after 2 - 3 weeks) resection of the root apex is performed.

Additional Information! When the disease occurs due to periodontitis, therapy consists only of surgical and periodontal methods. There is usually no need to treat your teeth.


They decide to remove the tooth if it cannot perform its functions. Milk or heavily degraded permanent units are subject to extraction.

Surgical treatment is carried out in several stages:

  • anesthetize the operated area with infiltration or conduction anesthesia;
  • remove the affected tooth;
  • immediately after extirpation, the gum is incised and the periosteal flap is peeled off;
  • Periostotomy is performed - dissection of the periosteum and peeling of the abscess;
  • treat the cavity with antiseptics;
  • install drainage - this way the edges of the wound will not grow together, and pus will be able to escape;
  • After a few days, stitches are placed and the necessary medications are prescribed.

Drainage is installed in the wound to drain pus.

Recovery period

After the main flux treatment, you need to do:

  1. Mouth baths. Most often, a solution of soda and salt with two drops of iodine or chlorhexidine is recommended. Rinsing is carried out every 2 hours for 30 – 60 seconds.
  2. Take antibiotics. Dentists prefer Lincomycin, since it has many forms (tablets, injections, suspensions) and can accumulate in the periosteum. They can also prescribe Amoxiclav, Tsifran, Ampiox, Doxycycline.
  3. Lubricate the affected area with wound healing gels. Metrogil Denta, Levomekol, Levomethyl are best suited.
  4. Take anti-inflammatory drugs:“Nimesil”, “Nise”, “Affida Fort”, “Ibuprofen”, “Ketonal”.

Important! Exact dosage and course of treatment medications determined by the doctor. Self-medication can lead to relapses or complications.

The first 3 days after surgery are the most critical. At first, the swelling may increase slightly. But it should start to subside in the first 12 hours. If this does not happen, or if the flux grows, you should immediately contact the clinic.

After the operation, the patient is prescribed medications.

IN rehabilitation period forbidden:

  • warm the affected area;
  • eat hot, cold, hard, sour, hot, spicy foods;
  • independently start or stop taking medications, especially antibiotics;
  • sleep on the sore side - it is best to rest half-sitting or resting your head on a high pillow;
  • drink aspirin - it provokes bleeding.


There is no specific flux prevention. Preventive measures include:

  • careful oral hygiene - you need to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a brush and floss, then apply;
  • timely treatment of diseases of teeth and gums;
  • preventive examinations and professional cleaning semiannually;
  • inclusion of solid vegetables and fruits in the diet - they “train” the teeth and gums, strengthening them.

Periostitis is a disease of the jaw in which an abscess forms in the subperiosteal zone. It is accompanied by pain, swelling of the face, hyperemia of the oral mucosa, and general intoxication. The treatment method depends on whether the tooth can be saved. Conduct conservative therapy or surgery followed by taking medications.