The lime fruit has the valuable qualities of its closest relative, the lemon. Lime: benefits and harms, composition, properties, contraindications

Lime. What kind of fruit?

Lime is not a green lemon, but a completely independent type of citrus fruit - they are simply genetically similar, like brothers. The lime tree is evergreen and reaches a small height - only about 4.5 m; Its leaves are beautiful - oval, dense and smooth, but the thorns are very sharp. Lime may also be a shrub, and its fruits are almost the same as lemons, but not so large, and not yellow, but green - pale, bright or almost dark.

Warm countries are considered the birthplace of lime, although botanists disagree, calling either Southeast Asia- Malaysia or India - Indian Himalayas, but today limes are grown wherever the climate is close to tropical or subtropical - in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), West Africa and Italy, in America - in Venezuela, Brazil, Florida and Cuba.

Lime and lemon

Lime owes its popularity in Europe to alcoholic drink, also exotic for us - tequila, which is prepared not from cacti, as many people think, but from a special blue agave - today this plant is also specially cultivated. Tequila is usually drunk with a slice of lime - that’s how we learned about it, although its scope is much wider, and its beneficial properties are no less, and even more, than its fellow lemon. The taste of lime is not as sour as lemon, although this depends on the type: there are even almost sweet fruits, and there are also bitterish-sour ones.

Lime composition

The composition of lime is also close to lemon, but it contains more useful things: it contains only 30-36 kcal per 100 g, quite a lot of carbohydrates and dietary fiber, some protein and fats - including fatty acids; essential oils, organic acids and phytoncides; vitamins - beta-carotene, A, C, E, K, PP, group B; minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium.

There is more vitamin C in lime than in lemon and orange, so its use prolongs youth: in combination with potassium - there is also a lot of it in lime - ascorbic acid prevents premature aging of cells and the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the walls blood vessels, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, stimulates the process of collagen production - the skin remains firm and elastic longer.

The healing properties of lime

Lime can be used to treat varicose veins - it relieves swelling and eases the course of the disease. In the evening, you need to apply thin slices of lime to the sore spots and fix them with film and elastic bandage. When varicose veins begin, this procedure is especially useful - it can stop the development of the disease.

For supporting normal operation nervous system lime is also very useful: it has calming properties and improves mood - it is even called a natural tranquilizer. Scientists have found that drinking lime relieves causeless irritability, reduces nervousness, eliminates tearfulness and depression as well as many medicines, so for depression, many experts recommend taking the juice of these fruits.

Appetite and digestion are noticeably improved if you regularly consume limes: the intestines begin to work better, thanks to the action of organic acids, essential oils and pectins - constipation subsides, food is easier to digest, and toxins are more actively eliminated from the body.

High content of vitamin C and others active substances burning fats, allows you to successfully use limes for weight loss. Typically, lime juice (from 2-3 fruits) is diluted with a glass of clean warm water (200 ml) and drunk 2 times a day - the drink should be consumed immediately after preparation. After 1-2 weeks, the figure becomes much slimmer, but this recipe for losing weight is unacceptable when inflammatory diseases stomach or intestines.

Lime in cosmetology

The same properties of lime make it possible to make capillaries more elastic and durable, and then our skin is better supplied with blood - cell work is activated, and fine wrinkles disappear, and deep ones become less noticeable.

You can whiten your skin with lime juice and honey: squeeze the juice of two limes (or one large one) into a glass container and mix thoroughly with 100 g of honey. Gauze napkins are soaked in this mixture and applied to areas of the skin with freckles and age spots. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash off any remaining mixture. warm water. If your skin is highly pigmented, you can do such masks and compresses every day for a month - then you can achieve a positive result.

For erysipelas, skin inflammations and irritations, and insect bites, lime juice is also used - it is applied to the affected areas of the skin.

Benefits of lime

Lime, in addition, can improve the composition of the blood: of the organic acids, it contains the most citric and malic acids - they play an important role in the body’s absorption of iron, thereby stimulating the process of hematopoiesis.

If you fall in love with limes, you will not have to remember for a long time the need for regular visits to the dentist: calcium and phosphorus are contained in these fruits in active form, and they prevent the formation of plaque and tartar, prevent tooth decay, destroy bacteria, strengthen enamel, whiten teeth and even heal existing damage. When children eat limes, their teeth grow faster and become more even and beautiful.

The “union” of phosphorus and calcium also has a good effect on the condition of the gums: inflammatory processes are eliminated and bleeding disappears. If we compare lime with lemon, which is also known for its whitening properties, it is less aggressive, does not corrode tooth enamel and does not cause harm. beneficial microflora oral cavity. In England, these properties of lime were well known back in the 18th century - these fruits were often included in the mandatory diet of sailors of the British Navy, and saved them from very dangerous disease- scurvy.

For colds, flu, pneumonia and other diseases associated with weak immunity, limes help you endure them easier and recover faster. At the same time, the immune system is strengthened, and the body becomes more resistant to infections and negative impacts environment.

How to choose a lime

Lime is an exotic fruit for us, but today it is grown and sold in many countries, so in Russia you can buy it at any time of the year. When purchasing, you need to choose fruits that are elastic, dense and evenly colored, with shiny, strong and smooth skin. There are many varieties of limes on the market - on packaging with juices and drinks the Mexican one is usually depicted, and it is also popular, but most often you can find Persian (they are also called Tahitian - apparently they grow in Iran and Tahiti) and Florida. These varieties are large and seedless (or few seeds), and this is convenient, especially when squeezing juice - it is known that the seeds of citrus fruits are poisonous. The pulp of a good lime is juicy and tender, with clearly visible granules, and a slightly bitter taste.

How to store limes

If you store high-quality limes correctly - in a dry and cool place, then they do not lose their properties for about 3 weeks, but at room temperature the fruits can be stored for only a week. There is no need to buy limes for future use - from lying for a long time, their skin will dry out, become rough and covered with spots - and then the fruits will simply have to be thrown away.

You can preserve limes in another way: squeeze the juice and grate the zest - pour the juice into regular ice cube trays, and then put it in plastic bags, fastened with a zipper, and stored in the freezer for up to six months; The grated zest can be immediately put into the same bags and frozen.

To get more lime juice, you need to keep the fruits at room temperature for a while, and then make them softer - put them on a table or cutting board and roll them, pressing them with your palm.

In cooking, lime juice and its fruits are used in the preparation and consumption of many drinks, most often alcoholic ones - in some countries they are even served with beer. Flatbreads, pies, fish, meat and other dishes are prepared with limes - usually in Latin American or Asian cuisine, but today they also do this in Europe.

Contraindications for consuming limes

Lime is very healthy, but not everyone can use it. Children under 2 years old should not be given fruits so as not to cause allergic reactions; at acute jade, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis, enteritis, stomach ulcers and 12 duodenum It is not recommended to consume limes and their juice, but you can consult your doctor - limes do not contain as much acid as lemons.

Lime is a citrus fruit, genetically and externally similar to lemon, but differing in taste and number of beneficial properties. This difference is expressed in the fact that lime pulp is more sour than lemon, and it is also a little spicy. In terms of vitamin content, both fruits are very similar, but the concentration of vitamins in lime is much higher, so it is valued more than lemon.

Lime grows in countries with a mild tropical climate, mainly on islands. For the purpose of sale, lime plantations are cultivated in India, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt and other warm countries.

There are several varieties of fruit that differ in taste, shape and shade of the peel.

Composition of limes: calorie content, chemical composition, vitamins

The fruit is considered low-calorie, since it contains only 16 Kcal per 100 grams of weight, and in this it is completely similar to lemon. In lime contains a record amount of ascorbic acid(29 mg), as well as citric and malic acid. In addition, the fruit contains vitamins A, E, K, PP and almost everything B vitamins.

Lime rich in minerals: manganese, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium, iron. It contains a large number of calcium (33 mg), copper (64 mg) and potassium (101 mg). This high potassium content makes it possible to use lime to treat heart disease.

In lime virtually no fats and carbohydrates, but at the same time in it there are organic acids alimentary fiber, and a lot of enzymes, capable of breaking down fats and improving the digestion process.

The peel of the fruit is rich in esters and oils, which is extracted by cold pressing and used in perfumery.

Beneficial features

With absence chronic diseases which may recur from exposure to acid, lime can be considered a panacea for pathologies of almost all systems and organs. The benefits of fruit for the body are due to the high content of nutrients, which have the following effects:

  • enhance functions immune systems s;
  • normalize the digestive process and increase appetite;
  • improve the condition of blood and vessel walls;
  • renew the skin cellular level, slows down the aging process;
  • remove harmful substances from the body;
  • prevent diseases of the teeth, oral cavity and gums - effective in the treatment of scurvy, stomatitis and other pathologies;
  • have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms - when regular use can prevent such serious illness like cholera;
  • effectively combat stress and nervous tension, improve mood, and give vigor.

In cooking, lime is often used as a salt substitute, as it contains a considerable amount of sodium.


Limes are similar in appearance to lemons, only slightly smaller and green in color. Under the thin skin there is juicy pulp, very sour in taste. The characteristic feature of lime is that there are no seeds in its pulp. It is almost impossible to find seeds in the fruit, and this is why it is superior to lemon.

Because of increased acidity the pulp of the fruit is used mainly as part of other dishes: salads, sauces, marinades for meat or fish, desserts, baked goods, alcoholic cocktails. They drink tea, tequila with a piece of lime, and the well-known mojito is made from it.


Fruit peel has a rich chemical composition : pectin, minerals, solid fibers, flavonoids and esters. The essential oil extracted from the peel is used in medicine and cosmetology.

  • Peel has antibacterial properties.
  • Contained in it fiber helps break down carbohydrates in organism.

The strong aroma allows the peel to be used in cooking as a spice, both fresh and dried.


  • The drink contains a lot of ascorbic acid (7-8%), this gives it antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Juice in medicine used to eliminate warts, papillomas, to treat herpes, colds and viral diseases.
  • He has laxative properties, due to which it effectively cleanses the intestines.
  • This low calorie drink promotes weight loss Drinking it in the morning it gives vivacity and energy, and in hot weather it is wonderfully refreshing.
  • Juice has whitening and cleansing properties, therefore it is successfully used in cosmetology as part of masks and for wiping the skin.
  • Juice or essential oil added to the bath, invigorates and improves well-being.


Lime slice enriches tea useful microelements : calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, which are so necessary for teeth. If the acid is in pure form can harm the enamel, then in the tea its properties will become less aggressive, and the body will receive the necessary benefits. Tea with lime quenches thirst well and refreshes.

It is believed that he has a positive effect on kidney function and eye health.

Dried lime

Both the peel and pieces of fruit can be dried. Such a product contains almost everything useful material contained in fresh fruit except carbohydrates.

Dried lime can be consumed by people who are contraindicated fresh fruits. In the countries of the East and Asia, dried and crushed lime is present in spices.

Honey with lime

The combination of these two products is considered the most effective means from sore throat, flu, colds, diseases respiratory organs. Lime with honey effectively treats coughs and thins phlegm.

Honey mixed with lime juice used as skin masks.

This healing drink, drunk in the morning, renders unique effect on the entire body:

  • restores acid and alkaline balance;
  • removes waste, toxins, accelerates metabolism;
  • prepares the stomach and intestines for work;
  • improves the production of enzymes by the liver;
  • helps cleanse the intestines;
  • improves activity internal organs.

Several glasses of the drink a day help you lose weight, protect cells from aging, and eliminate depression and stress.

Why is it good to eat lime?

This exotic fruit It is useful for everyone, as it can not only maintain the body normally, but also treat serious diseases.


Like all citrus fruits, lime contains folic acid and many other vitamins necessary for a woman’s health that improve skin condition.

Is lime juice effective? for diseases of the female genitourinary system.

Lime is the best remedy from varicose veins, to which women are more susceptible. Applying pieces of fruit to a sore spot on early stage The disease allows you to completely stop its development.

For men

The disinfectant properties of lime and its ability to remove harmful substances allow treat such male disease like prostatitis, resulting from deposition in urinary tract calcium. Regular consumption of the fruit helps prevent this pathology and increases a man’s ability to conceive.

For children

It should be noted that due to the high concentration of vitamins Lime is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.. Older children simply need it for normal development and growth.

Children need calcium for strong bones and teeth, magnesium and B vitamins for the nervous system, potassium is necessary for normal heart function. Lime juice has a calming effect, reduces tearfulness and moodiness.

Benefits for weight loss

In its pure form, lime can lead to increased acidity, so for weight loss it is recommended to use juice, preferably diluted with water. This drink is low in calories, but contains a lot of acids, antioxidants and enzymes that successfully break down fats. Lime juice speeds up metabolism, which makes it indispensable for weight loss.

Application in cosmetology

The large amount of flavonoids and acids allows lime to be used in the production of skin care products. Substances contained in the fruit rejuvenate the skin, renew cells, reduce wrinkles, whiten and cleanse, reduce oiliness, which is the cause of many skin diseases.

Hair care products with acids helps fight dandruff, make hair lively and shiny.

Harm of lime, contraindications for use

Excessive consumption of lime can cause rashes, itchy skin, swelling and even fever.

Lime consumption contraindicated in peptic ulcer, gastritis and other pathologies of the stomach and pancreas, which can worsen due to increased acidity.

In its purest form fruit or its juice is harmful to teeth. To avoid damage to the enamel, dentists recommend rinsing your mouth well with warm water after eating lime.

Lime is a type of citrus plant in the Rutaceae family and is genetically similar to lemon. The Mallaka Peninsula is considered to be its birthplace.

The name comes from the Persian word limu. It was brought to the territory of the Mediterranean lands in the 1st millennium BC. e. How food product was first discovered in the 19th century in the 70s on the island of Montserrat. Millions of lime plants are grown in Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Venezuela and Brazil. Grows in tropical zones up to 1 thousand meters above sea level. The plant is unpretentious to the soil, capable of producing crops even in sandy and dry places.

Lime is represented by a not very tall tree or bush from 1.5 to 5 meters. The crown of the tree is lush, evergreen, directed upward. The leaves on the branches are alternate, dark green with a waxy coating. The fruits are not very large, green, salad or yellow color, up to 6 cm in diameter. The pulp is juicy, fine-grained, very sour. The peel of ripe fruits is thin. Contains minimal amount seeds, there can be a maximum of 4.

Lime is mainly used to make citric acid, soft drinks, soft drinks, and ice cream. Widely used in cosmetology and medicine, traditional treatment.

Calories (100 g)

Lime is considered a low-calorie product, but it is beneficial not because of its low fat and carbohydrate content, but because it contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Vitamins Content mg ​​(µg)
A 2 mcg
E 0.23 mg
TO 0.5 mcg
WITH 29.5 mg
IN 1 0.04 mg
AT 2 0.03 mg
AT 5 0.23 mg
AT 4 5.2 mg
AT 6 0.05 mg
AT 9 7 mcg
RR 0.3 mg

Content of macro- and microelements (100 g)

Beneficial properties of lime for the body

  • Contains greatest number vitamin C among its comrades in the Citrus family, this property is considered the most useful and valuable;
  • Ascorbic acid promotes collagen production, which is useful for rejuvenation and prevention premature aging body;
  • Lime is useful in lowering cholesterol, as it speeds up this process;
  • Improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels, prevents fragility and clogging;
  • The presence of iron in lime will help fight anemia;
  • Normalizes intestinal function;
  • Lyme is an excellent antirheumatic agent;
  • Has tonic, bactericidal, antiviral, restorative effects;
  • It is useful due to its antipyretic properties, it can reduce the temperature during fever, it is also often used for treatment colds(both for inhalation and as warming compresses);
  • Lime is an excellent assistant in the processing of fats, which promotes weight loss;
  • Shares its beneficial properties in the fight against viral and infectious diseases, strengthens the immune system;
  • It will be useful for improving the condition of the nervous system, especially during stress and mental stress;
  • Lime is used to combat varicose veins veins;
  • In ancient times, sailors used lime to combat illnesses such as scurvy; this fruit is useful for strengthening gums and tooth enamel, and preventing caries.

Contraindications for consumption

  • lime should not be consumed by people suffering from peptic ulcers, increased acidity;
  • will cause harm during exacerbation of such diseases: pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis;
  • Contraindicated for consumption in case of frequent allergic reactions (especially to citrus fruits).

The use of lime in cosmetology

  • struggling with the problem oily skin(lime-based masks will tighten pores, relieve irritation and redness);
  • regulates sebum production, which in turn will help get rid of blackheads and comedones (especially if you wipe your face with an ice cube based on lime juice and zest);
  • has a whitening effect, eliminates pigmentation especially well on the face and neck;
  • useful for rosacea, eliminates redness;
  • strengthens hair, nails, teeth and general state skin;
  • in folk treatment, lime juice is used to combat warts and herpes;
  • is able to quickly restore healthy color and tone of the skin; this property will be especially valuable for young mothers after childbirth.

Lime belongs to the family of citrus fruits. Outwardly, it is similar to a lemon, only it is smaller in size and a different color, and also varies in taste qualities. The difference lies in the fact that lime pulp has stronger sourness and spiciness. By cluster valuable substances Citrus fruits are similar, but lime has a little more vitamins. Let's consider its benefits and harms for the human body.

Calorie content and composition

Lime is a citrus fruit with a relatively low calorie content. In 100 gr. the fetus concentrates only 17 kcal. Moreover, it is interesting that it is not only the pulp that benefits, but also the zest.

Lime is rightfully considered the record holder for the accumulation of vitamin C, 100 grams. as much as 29 mg. this element. Malic and citric acids are also present.

Among other things, the composition of the fruit concentrates vitamin K, nicotinic acid, retinol, tocopherol, all (or almost all) B-group. The latter includes riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acids, and other substances.

From mineral elements It makes sense to highlight calcium, iron, manganese, sodium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium. It contains a lot of potassium and copper. In combination, these minerals ensure proper functioning of the heart and kidneys.

Lime is practically devoid of carbohydrates and fats. However, this is compensated by the presence of dietary fiber, organic acids, and other substances that enhance digestive processes and break down fats.

The peel contains a lot of essential oils, they are responsible for the characteristic aroma of lime when peeling it. During this process, aromatherapy is carried out, the psycho-emotional environment is normalized, and joy hormones are produced.

Benefits of lime

The usefulness is determined by the large accumulation of minerals and vitamins, which have the following actions:

  • production of red blood cells, improvement of blood circulation;
  • gentle dilatation of blood vessels, their cleansing;
  • promotion protective forces body;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system, increasing cravings for food;
  • tissue renewal at the cellular level;
  • removal of radionuclides, heavy metals, toxic substances;
  • slowing down premature skin aging;
  • colon cleansing and weight loss;
  • resistance to stress, control over the psycho-emotional environment;
  • giving strength and vigor for the whole day;
  • stimulation of brain neurons;
  • improvement of memory and vision;
  • combating bad breath and stomach odor;
  • treatment of bleeding gums, prevention of stomatitis;
  • prevention and relief serious illnesses such as cholera;
  • promotion blood pressure(valued by hypotensive patients);
  • treatment of respiratory ailments, sore throat, flu.

Benefits of lime zest

  1. Peel citrus fruit includes in its chemical list minerals, pectin, coarse dietary fiber, essential oils, flavonoids.
  2. Esters are responsible for the pleasant aroma of lime. On their basis, oils are produced, which are subsequently used in cosmetology for treatment. acne, purulent acne, skin and hair treatment.
  3. The zest has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. If you pre-dry it and then add it to tea, you can greatly strengthen your immune system during the off-season period.
  4. Dietary fiber is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. These substances prevent glucose from being transformed into fat and stored in hidden places.
  5. In fresh and dried form, lime peel is used for culinary purposes as a spice. The seasoning increases appetite and normalizes natural digestion.

  1. Freshly squeezed juice contains much more vitamin C than the pulp or peel. This feature gives fresh juice special qualities: bactericidal, anti-inflammatory.
  2. IN folk healing The juice is applied to warts and papillomas to eliminate them. The composition treats viruses and colds.
  3. Fresh juice based on lime pulp is an excellent laxative. It cleanses intestinal tract from stagnation, removes toxins and heavy substances from the cavities of the stomach and liver.
  4. The diuretic property allows the use of fresh lime juice to combat swelling of the tissues of internal organs and limbs.
  5. A drink with a low number of calories is responsible for weight loss. If you drink it on an empty stomach in the morning, you will be energized and alert for the whole day. And cold fresh juice also refreshes and quenches thirst.
  6. Like all citrus juices, lime juice whitens the skin. Due to this property it is used in for cosmetic purposes to remove freckles, age spots, purple acne marks.
  7. You can add citrus juice to your bath during water procedures. For 200 l. 0.5 l is enough. fresh. This way you will rejuvenate and tighten your skin, begin the fight against cellulite, and perform aromatherapy.

Lime for children

  1. Lime, which is oversaturated with microelements, is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. After reaching this age, in the absence of allergies and contraindications, citrus is necessary for good development.
  2. Lime is rich in calcium and vitamin D, enzymes necessary for building bone tissue. A subgroup of vitamins B and magnesium take an active part in the development of the central nervous system. Cardiac activity is normalized.

Lime in cosmetology

  1. Cosmetologists value citrus for its high content of ascorbic acid and flavonoids.
  2. Active substances protect the skin from oxidation. As a result, the dermis becomes velvety, gains radiance, and sweating decreases. So the cells skin protected from various kinds infections.
  3. Fruit acids have proven themselves well as peeling compositions. Enzymes exfoliate and cleanse the epidermis of dead cells. Cosmetic shampoos with citrus extract eliminate dandruff.
  4. One of the most pleasant procedures A relaxing bath with lime juice can rightfully be considered. During manipulation, tissue rejuvenation and skin disinfection occur. The likelihood of developing infections is reduced, and the aging process slows down.

  1. Modern foods are loaded with sodium ( table salt). Such compositions carry potential harm body. The problem is that people have no idea how much they consume harmful substances when preparing your favorite dishes.
  2. If you completely or at least partially give up salt, you can significantly improve your health and prolong your life. Lime has been proven to be an excellent alternative to table salt.
  3. Cooking favorite dish, add juice instead of salt. The finished product will acquire a new aroma and unique taste. In this case, human receptors do not understand that the dish does not contain the usual salt.

Lyme for weight loss

  1. Lime juice is very popular among the fair sex. The composition is mixed with warm purified water. The drink is enriched with antioxidants and acids.
  2. The latter substances normalize and accelerate metabolism, resulting in the burning of fat layers. The drink is low-calorie, pleasant to the taste, and refreshing. The juice should be drunk twice a day.
  3. Visible results are achieved in just a week. In the diet, lime can be used instead of various sauces. Citrus goes well with white meat and fish. This way you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to consume harmful sodium.

Harm of lime

  1. Unfortunately, the benefits of lime are not available to everyone. Remember, kids have high probability development allergic reaction on the product. It is worth knowing that lime seeds are poisonous and in most cases cause poisoning.
  2. Rich in essential oils and organic acids Citrus fruits often provoke an exacerbation of existing gastrointestinal ailments. Therefore, use is contraindicated for nephritis, hepatitis, enterocolitis, ulcers, etc.
  3. If you have the above diseases, consult your doctor. In some situations, taking lime may be beneficial. In any case, this citrus is less dangerous than lemon. The latter is oversaturated with natural acids.

If there are no chronological diseases that appeared due to exposure to acid, lime can be safely used for the treatment and prevention of most ailments. In order to derive only benefits from consumption, you need to exclude contraindications before taking it and make sure that you are not allergic to citrus fruits.

Video: lemon vs lime

Beneficial features and its closest genetic relative, the lime, have many similarities. Many people confuse these two citrus fruits; some believe that lime is an unripe lemon. Although this is far from true. There is ongoing debate about which fruit is healthier. Both citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid, belong to the same botanical genus and are used in cooking, but that’s where their similarities end. Let's figure out, looking at the photographs, what their main differences are.

What is the difference between lemon and lime

In addition to size and color, fruits have other distinctive features:

  • Lemon is stored in the refrigerator for two months without loss of quality, and lime is only two weeks.
  • Lemon is sour, and lime is even more sour and has a bitter aftertaste.
  • Lemon is larger than lime, although some varieties of the latter are as big as lemons.

Lime and lemon are two different fruits

  • The lime pulp has green color, and the lemon pulp is greenish or yellow.
  • Limes bear fruit all year round, while lemons bear fruit once a year.
  • Vodka is enjoyed with lemon, and drinking tequila is incomplete without lime.
  • The homeland of lime is the tropics, and lemon is an inhabitant of the subtropical zone.
  • Lime has a more pronounced flavor.

Advice. When choosing citrus fruits, pay attention to the weight; the heavier the fruit, the more juice it contains. The lime peel must be green; the greenish color of the lemon indicates that the fruit is not ripe and will be very sour. The skin of the fruit should be firm.

What unites them

Citrus peels and seeds contain substances that interfere with the development cancer cells and lower cholesterol. Both citrus fruits contain a high dose of vitamin C, so consuming these fruits helps improve immunity.

Both citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamins.

Vitamin P increases the elasticity of blood vessels. It also contains fruit acids, pectins, micro and macroelements, and B vitamins. Essential oils give them aroma and have phytoncidal properties. However, it cannot be said that they have the same effect on the body.

The healing properties of lemon

The fruit pulp contains citric acid, carotene, sugar, pectins and vitamins. In the 16th century, lemons began to be taken on long sea voyages as a remedy for scurvy. Later studies showed that almost half daily dose Vitamin C is found in one lemon. Minerals are richly represented in lemon; not every juice contains such an assortment of substances.

Lemons are consumed to prevent vitamin deficiency or, conversely, hypervitaminosis. For the treatment of gastrointestinal tract, scurvy, atherosclerosis, sore throat and gout. The indication for the use of lemon is a violation mineral metabolism, arterial hypertension, urolithiasis disease. Lemon stimulates digestion and stimulates appetite. The substances contained in lemon help the body absorb Ca and Fe. There is evidence that lemon lowers blood cholesterol levels. A glass of water with lemon juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, helps remove waste and toxins from the body, and also helps fight excess weight.

Lemon is widely used in cooking and cosmetology.

IN for cosmetic purposes lemon is used in face masks to remove freckles and age spots, and heal small cracks in the skin. They make hair balms, lotions and creams.

Beneficial properties of lime

Lime is used in a similar way to lemon. It is also a storehouse of vitamin C, but lime contains five times more of this vitamin than lemon. Lime contains folic acid, but lemon does not. Folic acid participates in the development of the circulatory and immune systems; the consumption of lime is especially important during pregnancy, when the fetus is formed. Lime also helps with toxicosis.

It has a beneficial effect on the excitability of the nervous system, has a calming effect, relieves fatigue and irritability. Fresh Juice Lime with a glass of warm water on an empty stomach helps burn excess fat.


Lemon and lime have restrictions on consumption:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;

You should be attentive to contraindications when eating citrus fruits

  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • acute nephritis, colitis, enteritis;
  • individual intolerance.

Advice. A cut lemon very quickly loses its beneficial properties, as well as during heat treatment. It is recommended to use fresh citrus fruits.

Use in cooking

Lemon juice is poured over fish (especially fatty types), dressed in salads, and served with barbecue. Lime and lemon are used in making cocktails. Mojito with lime is very popular. Both the zest and pulp are used in baked goods. Candied fruits are made from the zest and added to teas in dried form.

Lemon and lime are used both for preparing main dishes and in desserts and drinks

Lime works great with red pepper. It is used everywhere in Asian cuisine. Lemon is used to season food before serving to preserve the citrus flavor, and lime is added at any stage.

To extract the maximum juice from a citrus fruit, roll the fruit on the table, pressing firmly on it. It will become softer and release juice easily. Freeze the juice in the refrigerator, add it to water or mineral water and delight your body with a tasty and healthy drink.

What you need to know about lime: video

What is the difference between lime and lemon: photo