Fruits high in vitamins. Which foods contain the most vitamin C and how to increase its absorption

It is difficult to find a person who has never heard about vitamin C. Since childhood, we have been familiar with “ascorbic acid” - a small round granule containing concentrated vitamin C. Why did mothers give us these little vitamins so diligently?

Benefits of Vitamin C

Its benefits for the body are enormous: it increases the body’s resistance to various kinds infections, strengthens the immune system, helps with intoxication, including alcohol. In addition, vitamin C has the ability to synthesize collagen - essential protein, which holds the tendons and vessels together, bone tissue, improves the condition of the skin and teeth, normalizes the level, increases the ability to absorb iron from food, is required to stabilize hematopoietic function, and is also necessary for many internal energy processes.

Vitamin C is of particular importance for athletes. The fact is that ascorbic acid promotes the production of adrenaline - a hormone responsible for blood flow to the muscles, bringing them into a state of “combat readiness”, increasing the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle (HR) and blood pressure during training.

Another function of vitamin C is antioxidant: “ascorbic acid” neutralizes the effects free radicals, helping the body fight aggressive influences environment and preserving the youth of cells.

The most important feature of vitamin C is that it is not synthesized by the body on its own. Meanwhile to an ordinary person per day, at least 70-100 mg of vitamin C is required. And in athletes, people experiencing strong physical exercise, constantly in a state of nervous tension, and even higher. Those whose bodies are weakened by illness, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers also need a higher daily dose of vitamin C.

Where is the most vitamin C?

The absolute champion among foods rich in vitamin C is: 100 mg of dried rosehip contains 470 mg of vitamin C! Include in your daily diet a decoction of rose hips, and your body will say “thank you.”

Other foods rich in vitamin C are, red Bell pepper, sea buckthorn, as well as garden strawberries, oranges and lemons. But animal products practically do not contain this important vitamin.

The following table will help you find out in more detail where vitamin C is most abundant.

Table of vitamin C content in foods

How to increase the absorption of vitamin C?

Vitamin C contained in rose hips and citrus fruits is best absorbed: the bioflavonoids they contain also help to retain it. Ascorbic acid is stable in acidic environment, therefore it is perfectly preserved in sauerkraut, pickled apples, etc. But oxygen and prolonged heat treatment are destructive for ascorbic acid, so when preparing homemade compotes, do not allow them to boil. The same is true if you decide to use other berries for this.

Valid Golden Rule: you need to cook with the lid tightly closed, and the less total time cooking the dish, the more vitamin will remain in it. Great option: a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice every day. You can read about this, as well as recipes for interesting mixes, on our website.

Also vitamin C in fresh vegetables and fruits are destroyed during long-term storage. Vitamin C lasts the longest in black currants, oranges, lemons and grapefruits.

Important point: when calculating daily requirement in vitamin C, keep in mind that just one cigarette a day “burns” 25 mg of ascorbic acid - a gap that needs to be filled.

Now that you know how much vitamin C is contained in certain foods and how to store it in ready-made dishes, you can analyze your regular diet and calculate whether you have enough of it essential vitamin You get it with food. If you are deficient in vitamin C, it makes sense to start taking specially formulated vitamin complexes.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can rightfully be called the driving force of the human body - so much important functions he fulfills. The deficiency even has a negative impact on your mood. In order to ensure daily dosage(from 75 to 130 mg), it is important to have an idea of ​​which foods contain vitamin C in the right amount.

A big plus is the fact that the rich ascorbic acid There is no need to import berries and vegetables from abroad - most of them grow in almost all regions of Russia, and they can be prepared for future use over the summer.

Barbados acerola cherry

100 g of these exotic berries contains the most vitamin C - up to 2500 mg, and according to some reports, up to 3300 mg. But on sale in fresh practically never found, most often in pharmaceutical preparations.

Rose hip

Rose hips are the leaders among available foods in terms of the amount of vitamin C - about 1250 mg per 100 g. To replenish daily dose 15 dried berries are enough. To preserve all the vitamin in the fruits, you do not need to boil them or leave them for longer than 12 hours.

Sweet pepper (bell pepper)

100 g of red fruits contain about 250 mg of vitamin C, with the main concentration in the area of ​​the stalk, which is usually cut out. This vegetable contains a small amount of enzymes that destroy ascorbic acid, so a significant part of it is retained even after heat treatment.

Black currant

A small handful of black currant berries is enough to provide the body with vitamin C for a day (200 mg per 100 g of fruit). Fragrant healthy tea can be brewed from twigs and leaves (they contain more “ascorbic acid” than fruits).

Sea ​​buckthorn

The fruits of this tree are called “golden berries” and not only for their color. Sea buckthorn has a mass healing properties, and the vitamin C content in it is not inferior to black currants. So as not to destroy valuable substances, this berry can be:

  • dry;
  • to freeze;
  • squeeze the juice and pasteurize it (it cannot be sterilized);
  • sprinkle with sugar and store in the refrigerator.


In terms of the amount of vitamin C, parsley is in the top ten - 150 mg per 100 g of leaves. Greatest effect for the body is achieved if the greens are fresh, but cut and stored in the freezer have the same composition. Summer frozen parsley contains 2 times more ascorbic acid than winter greenhouse parsley.

Hot pepper (chili)

The vegetable is aggressive, but it contains a lot of vitamin C - 144.6 mg per 100 g. It is used both in folk medicine, and as a seasoning for dishes.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are excellent dietary product, rich useful substances and fibers. 100 g of small heads of cabbage contain 120 mg of ascorbic acid.


This herb It is actively used as a seasoning, as well as in salads. A 100 gram bunch of greens contains 100 mg of vitamin C. Dill will not lose beneficial features, aroma and taste neither in ice cream nor dried form.


The shoots of this plant taste like garlic, so they are often used in various blanks. But the main value of wild garlic is in its composition: together with vitamin C (100 mg per 100 g), the stems contain a lot necessary for a person microelements.


Sweet juicy fruits are pleasant and tasty to eat, which simplifies the task of providing children with ascorbic acid. Contrary to the opinion established since Soviet times that citrus fruits are the fruits containing the most vitamin C, this group is not at all in first place.

Rich in ascorbic acid (approximate content per 100 g):

  1. “Chinese gooseberry”, also known as kiwi. In yellow fruits there is up to 182 mg, in green fruits – up to 80 mg.
  2. Guava (guava) contains 125 mg.
  3. Papaya – 94 mg.
  4. Oranges contain up to 74 mg.
  5. In lemons and tangerines up to 40 mg.

The problem with overseas fruits is delivery and storage. They are removed unripe and treated with fungicides, otherwise their presentation is lost very quickly.

Over six months of storage, the amount of vitamin C in any fruit is reduced by half, even if they are grown and collected according to all the rules. Moreover, regardless of what warehouse conditions are created.

A drugBenefits and features of receptionDosage
Kiddy PharmatonAn active complex of vitamins and minerals, which is prescribed to increase the protective properties of the body and eliminate hypovitaminosis. One of the ingredients of the drug is lysine (an amino acid that promotes bone formation).15 ml per day.
Alphabet SchoolboyAll vitamins and minerals are divided into categories based on compatibility and absorption. Nourishes the body essential vitamins and minerals. There are no dyes, flavors or preservatives in the composition. Recommended for children who have high mental and physical stress.Take 3 chewable tablets different color. The order doesn't matter.
JungleContains 10 vitamins. The manufacturer decided to please children and made the drug in the form of animals. Prescribed for frequent acute respiratory viral infections and viral diseases.1 tablet 2 times a day.
Multi-Tabs JuniorThe supplement contains 7 minerals and 11 vitamins. The product has a raspberry or fruit flavor, and there are no artificial colors or preservatives. Contains iodine, so it is used during serious exercise.Once every 24 hours – 1 tablet.
Pikovit Forte 7+Contains 10 vitamins and 6 microelements. The tablets have a pronounced tangerine taste. Please note that the product contains a high dose of B vitamins. There is no sugar.You should take 1 tablet per day.
VitaMishkiThe supplement is a chewable stick containing 13 vitamins and 2 minerals. Prescribed to improve memory and attention. Does not contain synthetic substances.1 record per day
Vitrum JuniorThe complex consists of chewable tablets, which have a fruity taste. Excellent for strengthening the body's resistance during the cold season, improves vision, and normalizes the body's condition during high intellectual and physical stress.Tablet per day
CentrumContains 18 ingredients that are great for children school age cope with increased loads. Used for iron and calcium deficiency. The tablets contain no sugar or dyes.1 tablet per day
Children's formulaThe supplement contains 14 vitamins and 14 minerals. Perfect solution for children who have recently started school, as the drug improves performance and reduces drowsiness.1 tablet in the morning and at lunch

How to store ascorbic acid

Vitamin C, no matter what products contain, tends to be destroyed upon contact with oxygen, so leave them cut into for a long time not worth it. The same applies to lettuce leaves and greens.

Vitamin C also goes by the following names: antiscorbutic vitamin, antiscorbutic vitamin.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble substance and does not accumulate in the body. It must be supplied to the body through food every day, otherwise you will not be in high spirits all day long, as it has access to the emotional environment of a person. Vitamin C helps maintain vitality for many years.

The meaning and role of vitamin C

What else is vitamin C useful for: it has a strengthening effect on bone tissue, skin, tendons, teeth, blood vessels, especially microscopic capillaries, increases elasticity and strength blood vessels, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, bleeding gums. Taking a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid has a positive effect on regulating metabolic processes. Vitamin C also improves performance and condition endocrine glands, digestive organs, adrenal glands and liver, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, has anti-allergic and anti-cancer effects, prevents the formation of ulcers in the stomach, has a beneficial effect on the eyes, removes toxins from alcoholics and drug addicts, helps with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, slows down the aging process of the body , eliminates folds and wrinkles, takes care of the slimness of our figure and beauty. Ascorbic acid is involved in the production of a number of hormones, including anti-stress ones. Calcium and vitamin C are natural dentists, say modern biochemists, because: Vitamin C fights bacteria that cause dental caries and strengthens gums, and calcium gives strength to teeth and jaw bones.

Daily requirement of vitamin C

The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is:
  • for adults 45.0 - 70.0 mg;
  • for pregnant women 70.0 - 90.0 mg;
  • for nursing mothers 70.0 - 100.0 mg;
  • for children, depending on age and gender 40.0 - 50.0 mg;
  • for infants 30.0 - 35.0 mg.

When changes climatic conditions, large muscle loads, diseases, stressful situations and for older people, you need to increase your vitamin C intake.

What foods contain vitamin C (sources)

Plant foods containing vitamin C:

Dried rosehip, barberry, fresh rosehip, sea buckthorn, black currant, parsley, pepper, Brussels sprouts, dill, wild garlic, hawthorn, broccoli, cauliflower, kiwi, rowan, orange, grapefruit, strawberry, horseradish (root), white cabbage cabbage, lemon, tangerine, pineapple, sorrel, green onion, green pea, tomatoes, radishes, potatoes, domestic apples, garlic, cucumbers, beets, carrots.

Vitamin C is found in foods of animal origin:

Horse milk.
The names of the products are written in descending order of the amount of vitamin C they contain. (the data is quite conditional, the content of vitamins and minerals may differ depending on the soil where the product grew)

Interaction and compatibility of vitamin C

Vitamin C promotes the absorption of aluminum, which can be toxic to you, so you should not take medications containing aluminum with ascorbic acid. Contraceptives and aspirin can reduce vitamin C levels in the blood. Vitamin C takes part in the absorption of iron and the neutralization of toxins, interacts with vitamins B2, B5. Ascorbic acid is necessary for the formation folic acid and protection of iron hemoglobin, as well as for stabilization, which in turn enhances the antioxidant properties of vitamin C.

Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency

Possible symptoms of vitamin C deficiency:

Symptoms of vitamin C overdose

It must be remembered that the symptoms of an overdose are not as terrible as with a lack of vitamin C. But still large doses can change the absorption of vitamin B12 and lead to its deficiency. Long-term abuse of vitamin C may cause itchy skin, urinary tract irritation, diarrhea. Also, pregnant women, those with increased blood clotting and diabetes mellitus should not abuse ascorbic acid.

In Edinburgh in the 18th century, a medical student discovered that citrus fruits were effective in treating scurvy. Only 2 centuries later they found out that the substance that treats the painful disease is ascorbic acid or vitamin C. It was possible to synthesize it only in 1928 from.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is important for the growth and restoration of tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth, promotes absorption by the body, accelerates recovery (calorizer). Its benefits and value are very great for protection against infections. It acts as a stimulator for the launch of immune processes.

As food additives denoted as .

Ascorbic acid is organic compound, related to glucose, in the form of a white crystalline powder with a sour taste. Performs the biological functions of a reducing agent and coenzyme of some metabolic processes, is an antioxidant.

Vitamin C is easily destroyed by cooking foods, light and smog.

Loss of vitamin C can occur due to improper food processing and long-term storage of prepared foods. food products. The preservation of vitamin C is ensured by proper culinary processing of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables should not be left peeled and cut in the air for a long time; when cooking, they should be placed in boiling water immediately after peeling. Frozen vegetables should be immersed in boiling water, as slow thawing increases the loss of vitamin C.

With hypovitaminosis (deficiency) C appear following symptoms: cardiac weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, decreased resistance to various diseases(calorizer). In childhood, ossification processes are delayed.

With an acute deficiency of vitamin C, scurvy develops.

Scurvy is characterized by: swollen and bleeding gums, loosening and loss of teeth, frequent colds, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, excess weight, increased fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, depression, insomnia, early formation of wrinkles, hair loss, blurred vision, hemorrhages. in muscles, skin, joints.

Excess vitamin C in the body

Vitamin C is considered safe even in large quantities, since the body easily removes unused vitamin residues.

But still overuse vitamin C can lead to.

  • There are not many elements about the benefits of which so many facts would be known. People are interested in what foods contain vitamin C, because it is a source vitality and immunity. Substance needed to the human body like water and air. If you allow it to be deficient, you can seriously harm yourself. To receive the element in sufficient quantity, it is enough to properly organize your diet and diet. During the period of colds the best option- vitamin complexes, but do not exclude healthy foods.

    Sources of Vitamin C

    It is known that a large number useful element found in berries, fruits and vegetables. In products, its amount varies widely - from 1 to 1500 mg per 100 g.

    If we take meat into account, then a person receives almost no vitamin C from it. There is only 1 mg of it in 100 grams. About 33 mg is present in beef liver, pork and chicken. In order for the body to receive the daily requirement, you need to eat a lot of meat.

    It's interesting that peoples Far North can get ascorbic acid in sufficient quantities from meat and fish, since they do not have vegetables and fruits. The fact is that they consume such products so much that not a single resident of European Russia would eat. Another source of vitamin C in their conditions is unpretentious cranberries, lingonberries, bearberry, blueberries and cloudberries.

    Fruits and berries richest in vitamins

    Although fruits contain a large amount, some vegetables are ahead of them. Berries popular in our country contain 200 mg each - sea buckthorn and black currant. This value is sufficient for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Also, this amount will be useful for those who have been struck down by a cold.

    As for fruits, vitamin C is most present in guava - 230 mg. The norm for children is only 45 mg. This amount of acid is contained in 100 grams of kiwi, melon, pineapple, mango and apples.

    There is an opinion that vitamin C is most abundant in oranges and lemons. But this is a misconception. Although tea with lemon is very beneficial for humans, citrus fruits are not record holders for the content of useful elements. You could even say they are at the end of the list. The numbers speak for themselves - 100 grams of lemon contains approximately 45 mg. vitamin C. The daily requirement for an adult is 70 mg. It is clear that it is impossible to eat the whole lemon. Most often, it is added a few drops to tea, and the dosage is very small. Even oranges are healthier - 100 grams contain 65 mg, and this is already close to the norm.

    Vegetables and mushrooms as a source of vitamins

    List of products with the largest number useful vitamin, in this case wider. Element C is present in any pepper (hot, sweet, red) and cabbage (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, sauerkraut). Lettuce leaves and greens are also useful. All this contains daily norm vitamin C (per 100 g). By the way, pepper contains 200 mg. During colds, you can save yourself with salads with plenty of this vegetable.

    A lot of useful elements can be obtained from mushrooms. Moreover, this also applies to dried ones - they contain more vitamins than fresh ones.

    Product table

    You can endlessly list those vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins. For greater convenience, you should take a look at the table where some products are listed. The right column shows the amount of vitamin C in 100 grams.

    Product Vitamin C content, mg
    Meat 0,1-1
    Milk, 2
    Peanuts, pistachios, grapes, 5
    Beef kidneys, peaches 10
    , salad, honey mushrooms 15
    , radish 20
    Chicken liver, radish, green peas 25
    , White mushrooms, 30
    , papaya 50
    Green 60
    Broccoli 90
    Cloudberries, dried porcini mushrooms 150
    Black/red 200/250
    Cilantro 500
    fresh 500-700
    Dried rosehip 1200—1500

    When preparing a diet with high content It is important to remember ascorbic acid: its excess is just as dangerous as its deficiency. But to achieve it, you will have to consume a huge amount of rose hips, herbs and pepper, and this is impossible.

    Features of assimilation

    Vitamin C absorption occurs in small intestine. Bad influence Some medications can affect this process. In most cases this is - oral contraceptives, barbiturates, tetracyclines. Also, ascorbic acid is poorly absorbed in the presence of diseases digestive tract and with increased consumption of alkaline drinks.

    The vitamin is well absorbed even in large quantities. Main symptom in case of overdose - diarrhea. WHO experts have calculated that the maximum permissible amount for a person per day is 7.5 mg per kilogram of body weight.

    If symptoms of vitamin C excess or deficiency appear, you need to reconsider your diet.

    In what cases is it necessary to exceed the daily norm?

    There are deviations in which there is an even greater need for the vitamin:

    • During illness the norm is changing. The body needs additional resources to fight infection. A cold is a case when a person should receive approximately 500 mg of the substance from foods. Sometimes the need increases to 1800-2000 mg.
    • a person needs a little more ascorbic acid than usual. The norm is 500-600 mg. The same amount is needed smoking people and those who live in unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions.
    • Pregnant women need better nutrition- they need up to 200 mg.

    How does deficiency manifest itself?

    If the body does not receive additional food required amount, this is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Bleeding gums.
    • Wounds and abrasions do not heal well.
    • General weakness and fatigue.
    • Sudden change of mood.
    • Irritability reaching the point of hysteria.
    • Depression without good reason.
    • Loss of appetite.
    • Nosebleeds.
    • Pain in muscles and joints.
    • Puffiness of the face.

    The difficulty is that all these signs do not always indicate a lack of acid. You should avoid self-diagnosis and always consult a specialist. If the problem really is a deficiency, then he will explain which foods contain more vitamin C, that is, he will advise you to eat more berries, fruits and vegetables.

    How to preserve vitamin?

    Under some conditions, the vitamins contained in foods are lost, so you should find out the details regarding storage:

    • In order not to destroy the ascorbic acid in the product,high temperatures must be avoided .
    • Cannot be stored for a long time , because then the amount of vitamin in the product decreases by 2 times.
    • Should avoid exposure to sunlight .
    • Avoid prolonged exposure to oxygen .
    • Avoid contact with metal .

    • Chopped vegetable mixtures should not be stored for a long time in iron and aluminum containers . It is better to use glass or enamel.
    • When cooking, immerse vegetables in already boiling water , they must be covered immediately.
    • Berries and fruits are best consumed fresh. rather than boil them. It is also advisable to eat vegetables as a salad, rather than fry or stew them.
    • It’s good to prepare cucumbers for the winter, sauerkraut and tomatoes .
    • In the autumn, it is worth drying the berries for future use. , this is especially true for rose hips.
    • Where is the most vitamin C found? In the peel . Therefore, if possible, you should not cut it from fruits and vegetables.

    It is impossible to describe all the benefits of ascorbic acid in a nutshell. It's too big for a human. Unfortunately, most people still lack this element. Thanks to our article, you can understand which favorite product contains a large amount of a useful element.

    Obviously, among vitamins C is one of the most vital. Subject to proper diet nutrition, healthy image life can significantly improve your well-being. Supplementing your body with ascorbic acid is not so difficult, and its contribution to health is invaluable.