Hazelnuts are a healthy hazelnut in the diet of women. Can hazelnuts be harmful if consumed in excess? Hazelnuts: benefits and harms, contraindications for use

Hazelnuts, or hazelnuts, are large fruits hazels obtained during many years of breeding work by many breeders around the world. In Russia, the first person to begin breeding cultivated varieties of hazel was biologist I.V. Michurin. Thanks to his work, hybrid plant varieties were obtained that can grow in frosty winters. Wild hazel fruits have been known since ancient times. For example, the Greeks thought that happiness and wealth came to the house with hazelnuts, and the Romans believed that these fruits made a person stronger. And this is not without reason, because hazelnuts make a person stronger, more cheerful and energetic.

Calories and nutritional value

The kernel is very high in calories, since more than 50% consists of fat(100 g of product contains 67 g). The share of carbohydrates is 13 g, which makes it possible to use nuts in dietary nutrition, and they contain almost 20 g - for the product plant origin this is quite a large number.
This protein content has allowed hazelnuts to take one of the first places in vegetarian nutrition; the product is also popular among people who fast. 100 g of nut kernels contain 704 kcal, which is very important for a growing body, people weakened by diseases and vegetarians.

Did you know? In terms of calories, hazelnuts not only surpass all existing nuts, but they are 7 times, 3 times more filling. Chocolate, which is used to eat for recovery vital energy, is 8 times inferior to hazelnut. 200 g of peeled kernels provide half the daily calorie intake.

Chemical composition

Hazelnut is rich in such biologically active ingredients , like beta-carotene, vitamins and. From very wide list mineral components , which are part of hazelnuts, you need to highlight , and . This miracle product also contains essential health benefits. amino acids– arginine, leucine, glutamine and others.

What are the benefits of hazelnuts?

Unique chemical composition, energy value make this product useful, and Eating hazelnuts daily will help:

  • get rid of cholesterol plaques, downgrade "bad" ;
  • and normalize blood pressure;
  • cleanse the blood, liver and small intestines;
  • strengthen the heart muscle and bone tissue;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • balance the functioning of the nervous system;
  • increase sexual activity.

Hazelnut is used as a complementary element in the treatment of: chronic fatigue, exhaustion, various nervous disorders and colds, dysentery, urolithiasis and others.

Important! Hazel contains paclitaxel, an antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body and serves as a preventive measure. oncological diseases.

For men

Hazel contains vitamins and minerals essential for health strong half humanity:

  • vitamin E – the body, has a positive effect on the reproductive organs;
  • zinc – increases testosterone production;
  • iron – renews blood;
  • potassium - supports in good condition heart and blood vessels due to the removal of cholesterol from them;
  • calcium – strengthens.

A few nuts before bed have a calming effect on nervous system and allow you to sleep peacefully. Hazelnuts also relieve painful symptoms of prostate inflammation and increase male strength.

Exists folk recipe impotence treatment: Chop 3 pieces of nuts and pour into a glass. Take 3 times a day, 60 ml.

For women

  • is decreasing bad cholesterol, and hemoglobin, on the contrary, increases. The work of the heart is strengthened;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, it goes away, sleep is normalized, the syndrome goes away;
  • brain function improves, immunity strengthens;
  • are displayed free radicals, which is the prevention of cancer;
  • beneficial effect on skin and hair;
  • libido increases;
  • when the volume of milk increases.

For children

Doctors believe that children should be given hazelnuts as food starting from the age of 3 years. At this age, the child’s body can fully absorb the beneficial substances of hazel.
Nuts are essential for a child’s growing body:

  • they increase immunity and serve as a prevention of childhood diseases;
  • help the development of skeleton and muscles, accelerate metabolic processes.

The first time you need to give no more than 2 pieces for testing. For a baby, the daily norm is equal to the number of nuts that fit in his palm.

Not worth it give this product to children with chronic diseases liver and diabetes mellitus .


Important! To get maximum benefit, you needThere isnuts during breakfast and before that they need to be kept for 30 minutes in cold water. This manipulation will speed up the digestion process.

In cooking

The nut, due to its delicate sweet taste, was found wide application in preparing various dishes. Ordinary everyday vegetable and fruit salads with the addition of lightly roasted nuts they acquire an unusual festive taste. Morning porridge with hazelnuts becomes just a treat.
Hazelnuts are also used:

  • ground - an exquisite additive for mushrooms;
  • combined with berries, fruits, and fermented milk products;
  • cook, oriental sweets, crumbly;
  • added to chocolate, bread products, puddings;
  • make flour for confectionery, oil adds flavor and nutrients to dishes, nut butter- an excellent solution for sandwiches;
  • flavor creams, sweets, liqueurs. They make jam and preserve it in honey.

In dietetics

Due to its high calorie content, hazelnuts are used in dietetics, as they provide energy and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. It contains 20% more vitamin E, potassium, iron and cobalt than. Nutritionists recommend the nut for those who want to lose weight, since it contains almost no carbohydrates, which means it is simply impossible to gain weight.

Important! 100 g of peeled nuts per day helps saturate the body with energy.

In folk medicine

Since ancient times, folk healers have used nut kernels, shells, leaves and shrub bark as medicinal raw materials. Based on these ingredients, the following products are made:

  • A decoction of nucleoli is recommended to increase lactation during breastfeeding, and for an infant - to reduce gas formation in the intestines. Nut milk is used to treat bronchitis with severe cough;
  • boiled bark is used for prostate disease in men;
  • infused nut shells are used to raise blood pressure in hypotensive patients;
  • A decoction of the leaves is used for problems with the heart and blood vessels, and also as a tonic.

In cosmetology

Walnut oil is used to produce various cosmetics. Quick absorption into the skin, saturating it with moisture and cell restoration makes the oil a popular component for creams and milks.
It can also be used in its pure form:

  • for problematic skin – cleanses and tightens pores, treats acne;
  • for the skin around the eyes and treatment vascular network on the face;
  • For older women it is recommended for the skin of the lips and bust;
  • after exposure to the sun or frost, to avoid redness and peeling of the skin;
  • as a massage: regular use makes skin healthy, reduces cellulite;
  • use as a make them strong and shiny, their loss is reduced;
  • in homemade creams and masks it is used as a rejuvenating and tonic component. Smoothes out wrinkles and prevents new ones from forming.

Did you know? In Ancient Babyloncommon peopleIt was forbidden to eat hazelnuts because it was believed that it had a positive effect on brain activity, but it was harmful to commoners.

How much can you afford

Since the nut is very high in calories, so as not to overload the stomach and pancreas, the daily requirement is should not exceed more than 50 grams.

Is it possible for pregnant and nursing mothers

Having a balanced composition, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and the developing fetus. When taking no more than 7 pieces of nuts while breastfeeding, the taste qualities milk, the fat content increases, and its production by the woman’s body also increases.

Contraindications and harm

  • diseased liver;
  • excess weight;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • allergy.

The nut is contraindicated for children predisposed to allergies; who have severe diabetes and chronic illness liver.

Overeating hazelnuts can cause severe headaches, stomach upset and an allergic reaction.

If you decide to supplement your diet with this storehouse of vitamins, then you need to buy an unshelled nut, since destruction occurs in the kernels without a shell nutrients. Peeled nuts should be stored at low temperature in a tightly closed, opaque container. It should also be noted that the shelf life of hazelnuts is about 7 months. Nuts usually ripen in September, but in March the fruits dry out and lose their healing properties.

Good afternoon Dear friends! In this article we will look at beneficial features and contraindications of hazelnuts. We will also find out whether they are beneficial or harmful.

Cashews, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts are nuts whose benefits and harms are known to few. Every second woman loves chocolate with whole hazelnut kernels. But at the same time, she has no idea that she saturates the body with unique substances, acids and minerals that preserve youth and beauty.

Every third man buys salted nuts for beer. But he doesn’t even know if hazelnuts are healthy. Meanwhile, the nut is actively fighting against the increase prostate glands stronger sex. There are several types of hazelnuts in the world, and they all have not only amazing taste, but also medicinal properties.q

Variety of varieties

Hazel, hazelnut or Lombard nut are closely related to hazelnuts. During the selection process, large hazel nuts turned into noble hazelnuts, which today are divided into three varieties:

- Crimean, badem and kerasund. They can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

— the fruits of the Crimean hazelnut are distinguished by the round shape of the kernel and have a thin shell;

— badem kernels have an oblong shape and flattened on the sides;

- nuts that resemble a cone in shape with a very thin shell are called kerasund.

This is interesting: the kernels of a large cultivated plant reach 1.5–2 cm in length and 1.2 cm in diameter.

What is the fruit rich in?

The health benefits of hazelnuts for children, men and women are due to their rich composition, which includes:

Oleic, stearic and palmitic acids , which normalize metabolism, participate in the renewal of damaged cell membranes, reduce cholesterol levels;

Vegetable white k – promotes the formation muscle mass and maintaining general muscle tone;

Vitamin E– slows down the aging process, improves immunity and barrier functions of the body;

B vitamins – take an active part in the metabolic process, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, saturate the blood with red blood cells and oxygen, are responsible for the beauty of nails, hair and skin.

The composition and beneficial properties of hazelnuts are taken into account when creating menus and vegetarian food, despite its high calorie content. Its kernels contain a small percentage of carbohydrates and no sugar. Therefore, women who are watching their weight can eat up to 10 fruits a day without harming their figure.

For the same reason, kernels can be included in the menu for diabetics. The product is also useful for vegetarians, as it contains up to 20% protein. It helps saturate the body and participates in vital important processes body.

This is interesting: The energy value of nuts is 2725 joules, which corresponds to 651 calories per 100 grams. High calorie content promotes rapid saturation.

How to use hazelnuts

Depending on the form in which nuts are used, the degree of their effect on the body of women and men changes. The kernels are eaten dried and raw, crushed, ground into flour, and oil is squeezed out of them.

Roasted nuts acquire a more pronounced smell and aroma, which is why they are highly valued in cooking. Roasted nuts are easier to digest. This is the benefit of hazelnuts, but the harm is that you can get carried away and eat more delicious fruits than you need.

Overeating is at risk possible allergies, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, weight gain. Excessive consumption of oil in food is also harmful, since its calorie content is higher than that of kernels.

Advice: per day you can eat no more than a handful (30 - 40 g) of peeled kernels, raw or fried. It is in this quantity that hazel is useful for pregnant women.

Useful properties of kernels and leaves

Hazel- it is not only valuable and delicious product nutrition, but also a fairly effective medicinal supplement to the diet of patients. Nuts render positive influence on

— Work of cardio-vascular system. They reduce the amount of cholesterol due to the acids they contain;

— Treatment of incontinence and cystitis. Decoctions from the leaves help cope with diseases urinary system due to the targeted action of tannins;

- Skin condition. The vitamins E and B included in the composition improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin, maintain lipid balance, increase protective properties, and preserve youth;

- Increased immunity. Microelements and vitamin E strengthen the barrier functions of the body of children, women and men.

- Preservation men's health. Tannins contained in hazel kernels and leaves reduce the likelihood of prostate enlargement;

– Memory improvement and strengthening brain activity. This is facilitated unsaturated acids and B vitamins.

This is interesting : Paclitaxene, which is the main element of anti-cancer drugs, was found in hazel kernels. Previously, this element was extracted from yew bark. However, it is contained in the same amount in hazelnuts.

Benefits of oil

Hazelnuts, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are listed, are often consumed in liquid form. Valuable vegetable oil is obtained from mature hazel kernels, which for a long time does not age, has a pleasant taste. The benefits and harms of hazelnuts in the form of oil are as follows:

1) oil mixed with egg white is used in folk medicine for the treatment of burns;
2) to increase hair elasticity and shine, trichologists recommend rubbing oil into the scalp once a week and applying to the ends of dry hair to nourish it;
3) systematic use of hazelnut oil helps normalize blood pressure;
4) various oils are enriched cosmetical tools– from face cream to hair shampoo;
5) however, excessive consumption of oil in food can be harmful, since it has a high calorie content (899 kcal).

Harm to hazel fruits

Eating too many nuts a day is harmful for both women and men.

Firstly, the high calorie content of the product will affect weight gain, especially if you abuse nuts daily.

Secondly, possible cerebral vasospasm or headache.

Third, intestinal function may be disrupted in both men and women.

Fourth, pregnant women should definitely eat hazelnuts, but in moderation. Otherwise, the rich composition of the product will affect the development of the fetus and the well-being of the mother.

Let those who love hazelnuts not be frightened by the benefits and harms of the product, but help them to use it correctly - with health benefits. That's all for me, thank you for your attention, bye!

Hazelnut. What kind of fruit? Or not a fruit...

Hazelnuts have been known to mankind since ancient times. The benefits and harms of this interesting plant have been studied by more than one generation of people. Nuts helped ancient people survive lean years and provided them with valuable food products. Today, hazelnuts are used in cosmetology, cooking, and dietetics. In medicine it is used as a means of preventing various diseases. However, we should not forget about some contraindications that hazelnuts have. The benefits and harms of any food product depend on his correct use. Therefore, it would be useful to consider the main properties of this plant.

Vitamins and microelements in hazelnuts

The richest warehouse useful substances, inexhaustible reserves of vitamins and microelements - this is what hazelnuts are for the human body! The benefits that the fruits of this plant bring to people are truly enormous.

The effects of nuts on the body

Hazelnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help normalize blood cholesterol levels. Hazelnuts also contain the amino acid choline, which has a beneficial effect on brain function. The benefits of hazelnuts in the prevention of cancer have been proven! Scientists have determined the presence of paclitaxel in nuts. This substance prevents the formation of cancer cells in the human body.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

It is difficult to overestimate the useful nutritional properties hazelnuts Its energy value is 8 times higher than that of milk, and 2-3 times higher than the value of bread! 100 g of nuts contain 650-700 kcal. Even fish and meat do not reach this figure. In this case, hazelnuts are included in various systems dietary nutrition. It is very low in carbohydrates and does not promote weight gain.

Nuts contain large amounts of potassium and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the walls blood vessels And circulatory system the body as a whole. Therefore, hazelnuts are recommended for use for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other vascular problems.

What's the harm?

Can a plant like hazelnut pose a danger to humans? Benefit and harm are two sides of the same coin. It all depends on the measure. Excessive consumption of nuts can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the body, even leading to an allergic reaction. It is also possible that headaches may occur due to cerebral vascular spasms. It is worth significantly reducing the consumption of nuts for people suffering from diseases of the liver, intestines and pancreas.

In conclusion…

Such is the hazelnut! The benefits and harms are determined by its correct use. And its nutritional properties make it, without a doubt, the most interesting representative of the plant world.

Nuts are very healthy. Every kind of this nutritious product valued in its own way. One of the most common nuts is hazelnut. It has great benefits for humans, but if used incorrectly, it can cause harm. You need to know what kind of product it is and what it is used with. It is part of sports nutrition, is very useful for men, but has a number of contraindications.

Meet Hazelnut

Hazelnut or hazelnut is the fruit of the hazel tree or common hazel bush. This plant is unpretentious and grows well in the Middle East, the Caucasus, and throughout Europe. Hazel can be found even beyond the Arctic Circle. This plant is very tolerant of a lack of sunlight, grows quickly, and reproduces by root suckers. Often places of forest fires or clearings are overgrown with hazel.

Over many years of cultivation, varieties with thin shells and large kernels have been developed. The most popular varieties are “badem”, “kerasund”, “Crimean hazelnut”, they all grow in Russia.

Hazel has been grown for a long time, not only for its valuable nuts. Everything about this plant is beneficial to humans. Nut kernels are used to make sweets and chocolate. It comes from seeds aroma oil. It is used in food preparation, as well as in the production of perfumes and the paint and varnish industry. And after pressing, the cake is used as a raw material for making delicious halva.

Pleasant hazel wood white with a brown tint. It is very flexible and multi-layered. These properties allow it to be used for bent furniture parts. After burning such wood, coal is used to prepare hunting gunpowder and pencil leads for drawing. Sawdust is used to clarify wines. Even the bark has benefits; it has good tanning properties and is used for processing and dyeing leather.

The plant itself with powerful roots is planted to strengthen slopes near ravines and slopes, especially where other plants do not grow. And beekeepers collect nutritious hazel pollen for the bees so that they have something to feed them in the winter. Even fallen leaves have benefits; thanks to the large supply of calcium salts, they improve soil fertility.

Useful video No. 1:

What's hidden under the shell

This nut contains: large quantities useful material. Its nutritional value is comparable to meat and fish, which is why vegetarians love hazelnuts so much.

Hazelnuts contain:

  • organic acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, which stimulate the growth of new cells)
  • vitamin E (helps skin regenerate);
  • B vitamins (strengthen the nervous system, protect reproductive system women);
  • potassium and magnesium (supports good condition vessels);
  • copper (helps the production of collagen - this is beneficial for joints).
  • monounsaturated fatty acids (reduce harm from “bad” cholesterol, stimulate weight loss).
  • Paclitaxel (a plant substance that has "anti-cancer" properties)

Their high nutritional value makes nuts a favorite delicacy for everyone and a favorite ingredient for chefs. But do not forget that this is a very high-calorie product. Per 100 grams there are almost 67 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates and 17 grams of protein.

Hazelnuts have 5 times more calories than pork, and almost 8 times more calories than dark chocolate. For an adult, it is enough to eat 50-100 grams of hazelnuts per day; to obtain the daily requirement is not saturated fat and other useful components.

Hazelnuts - beneficial qualities

At all times, nuts were valued for nutritional properties. In years of crop failure, they saved people from hunger. For children, this is not only a treat, but also useful substances for growth and development. Nuts provide good support to the health of men and women. Even people with diabetes can eat hazelnuts because they are low in carbohydrates.

Human benefits from hazelnuts:

  1. Thanks to potassium, the functioning of the heart muscle improves
  2. The elasticity of blood vessels is preserved, they help in treatment varicose veins veins in women.
  3. High content of vitamins and minerals– helps strengthen the immunity of adults and children.
  4. The composition of the blood improves and is used in the treatment of anemia and low hemoglobin.
  5. Natural properties allow you to suppress decay processes, so hazelnuts help cleanse the body.
  6. Thanks to active plant components, the growth of muscle tissue is stimulated.
  7. Helps dissolve stones in bladder and kidneys.
  8. Reduces gas formation in the intestines.
  9. Hazelnuts included in a nursing mother's diet will increase the amount and fat content of breast milk.
  10. Is prophylactic in the treatment of cancer, since the extract of this nut is included in one of the recognized medicines in oncology.

Very often, hazelnuts are used in ground form. If, after grinding, you mix it with milk or water, you can drink it for lung diseases (bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia). Pounded nuts with honey will help a person with anemia and rheumatism. Great benefit from hazelnuts with milk or honey during the recovery period after illness.

Walnut oil is good for people with epilepsy. And if you mix it with egg yolk, then it will work out excellent remedy for burns. It is applied to damaged skin and left until dry.

IN for cosmetic purposes use nut oil with egg yolk as a hair mask. After several procedures, your hair will become shiny, smooth and healthy. These masks are especially useful for girls with blond hair, because it is naturally brittle.

Walnut oil is also used to care for nails. It is rubbed into the nail plate after treating the nails. Vitamins will nourish the skin around the nail and help strengthen it. Girls apply hazelnut oil to their eyelashes if they want to increase their thickness.

Possible contraindications

You cannot get much harm from the nut if you follow the rules healthy eating. But you should use hazelnuts with caution if you have a diseased liver, since their high calorie content puts a serious strain on this organ. For metabolic diseases, you should eat any nuts in limited quantities. If you have problems with digestive tract There are contraindications for eating hazelnuts. It is difficult and takes a long time to digest, and in some diseases it is completely prohibited.

Hazelnuts can also cause allergic reaction. To prevent such properties from appearing, you should not eat raw nuts. It is enough to heat the nut kernels in a dry hot frying pan for 5 - 7 minutes, and then they will be easier to digest. Children under 2 years old should include nuts in their diet only after consulting a doctor to avoid diathesis and allergic manifestations.

Uncontrolled consumption of hazelnuts may cause headache caused by spasm of cerebral vessels. In order not to harm the body, you should eat no more than 100 grams at a time.

We select and store correctly

It is very convenient to buy already shelled nuts. But the beneficial properties are better preserved under the shell, where the kernels are reliably hidden from mold and damage. Also, under the shell, the kernels are protected from light, which harms the nut because fat oxidation begins. When buying unshelled hazelnuts, you need to choose medium-sized nuts, without visible damage, and without traces of mold. It's good if they are about the same size. When the size of the nuts differs, it means they are mixed from different batches - it is not known where and how long they were stored.

If you have to buy already peeled kernels, then you need to choose lighter nuts (they are fresher). They shouldn't have unpleasant odor and shine. The kernels shine after rubbing vegetable oil, which hides traces of damage and rotting.

It is advisable to dry the purchased hazelnuts, so they will retain their valuable properties longer, then store them in a dark and dry place. But hazelnuts cannot be stored for a long time. Nutrients decrease with shelf life. In six months, only half of them will remain. And eating spoiled kernels is dangerous to health; they can cause poisoning or other harm to the body.

Nuts and slimness

Although hazelnuts are high in calories (700 kilocalories per 100 grams), when consumed wisely they do not lead to weight gain. Nuts are good at satisfying the feeling of hunger that constantly accompanies weight loss. Can be replaced during feeding butter to nuts, which will also have a positive effect on health and weight.

For followers of vegetarian nutrition, hazelnuts are a substitute for animal protein in the diet, which is very important for normal operation muscles and blood vessels. When losing weight, the body does not normally receive nutrients, but hazelnuts in the diet can make up for this deficiency.

It is not the caloric content of nuts, but the high content of vitamins and beneficial elements that make them so tasty and nutritious.

Useful video No. 2:

Hazelnuts occupy a special place among nuts. It is valued for its high taste and valuable chemical composition. Hazelnuts are considered one of the most healthy nuts. This nut will help improve health and enrich the body with many important microelements.


Hazelnuts contain a huge amount useful elements: vitamins, antioxidants, valuable fatty acids, vegetable proteins, minerals. Moderate use this nut will improve your health, support wellness. That's why this product especially useful for people who engage in heavy physical activity.

Other beneficial properties of hazelnuts include:

  • increasing immunity;
  • improving the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • strengthening muscles and bones;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • stimulation of brain function.

This product also provides a general strengthening effect for the whole body, stimulates the production of hemoglobin, and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Eating this nut helps lower cholesterol levels and minimizes the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Introducing hazelnuts into the menu will help simplify the process of removing waste and toxins from the body. A low level The sugar content of this nut allows people with diabetes to include it in their diet.

Thanks to the paclitaxel contained in this product, introducing this nut into the diet helps combat cancer diseases and reduces the risk of developing cancer.

The antioxidants contained in this nut help the body fight free radicals. As a result, hazelnuts contribute premature aging, increases protective functions body, prolongs the youth of the skin, improves hair structure, strengthens nails.

Hazelnuts must be included in the diet vegetarian diets, because this product contains a lot of valuable fatty acids And vegetable protein. This nut helps strengthen muscles and maintain tone.

During pregnancy, eating hazelnuts will have a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous and skeletal system fetus This nut also stimulates lactation and helps increase milk production.


Hazelnuts contain moderate amounts of saturated fat and minimal carbohydrates. This nut does not contain harmful substances and carcinogens, but only in the case proper storage hazelnuts

Only nuts can be eaten High Quality which were stored under optimal conditions. If there is mold or other growth on the hazelnut, it is better to throw the nut away without regret. After all, such a product is only harmful to health.

Excessive consumption of hazelnuts can cause tension in the stomach and intestines, cause spasms in the brain and headaches.

Calorie content

100 grams of hazelnuts contain 651 kcal (32.55% of the daily value).

The nutritional value


You should not eat hazelnuts or reduce their consumption to a minimum if you have liver disease. Also, due to its high calorie content, this nut is not recommended for people with overweight. It is better to avoid hazelnuts for people with metabolic disorders.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers will find it very useful. But, due to their high calorie content, the daily intake of hazelnuts should be no more than 3-4 kernels.

It is better not to add this nut to food for infants: it is enough that the nursing mother eats this nut. In addition, hazelnuts require a lot of energy to digest and are therefore a heavy product. Children can be given this nut after two or three years.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin name Quantity (per 100 g) % Daily Value
Vitamin A (Retinol equivalent) 2 mcg 0,2
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 20.4 mg 136
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.3 mg 20
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.1 mg 5,6
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 1.1 mg 22
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.7 mg 35
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) 68 mcg 17
Beta carotene 0.01 mg 0,2
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 1.4 mg 1,6
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 5.2 mg 26
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone) 14.2 mcg 11,8
Vitamin B4 (Choline) 45.6 mg 9,1

The amount of minerals in hazelnuts sometimes exceeds daily norm, which makes this nut a particularly valuable food product. If you consume no more than 35-50 grams of nuts per day, you can provide your body with complete and balanced nutrition.

Hazelnuts are a source of many beneficial substances and have a huge amount valuable properties, which improve the functioning of the body and improve health. Regular and moderate introduction of hazelnuts into the diet will provide the body with health, energy and well-being.