Furuncle in the groin in women treatment. Reasons for the formation of boils in the intimate area

Furunculosis is a purulent disease that causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. It is especially unpleasant when a boil occurs in an intimate place. Not only does this cause acute pain, but not every one of us decides to go to the doctor in this case.

Furuncles usually appear in places where the skin is delicate and prone to constant moisture. Most often, such acne occurs in the armpits. A boil in the groin is also a fairly common occurrence. It needs to be treated urgently to prevent more serious consequences.

Causes of the disease

Why do boils occur? Doctors say that the cause of the appearance is considered to be the bacterium staphylococcus, which provokes an inflammatory process in the hair follicles. Furuncles most often occur in places where there is hair. That is why we are forced to suffer from such ailment on the genitals or groin.

The harmful bacterium causes inflammation not only of the hair follicle - the tissues surrounding it suffer. As a pimple forms and matures, pus accumulates. This explains the fact that the boil hurts so much.

Various factors can cause the activation of staphylococcus. What are the main causes of the disease?

  • Weak immunity. One of the main reasons. The body's defenses are weakened, it cannot resist and independently repel the attack of bacteria.
  • Poor living conditions. Lack of comfort also adversely affects your health and immunity.
  • Contaminated skin. A boil on the labia most often occurs precisely because of this. Neglecting hygiene will serve you badly. And if you go on a trip, you need to be extremely careful here.
  • Hypothermia. This phenomenon can also cause furunculosis. If you know that boils constantly plague you, try to avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  • Increased sweating. Humidity is a favorite environment where a boil in an intimate place feels comfortable. Therefore, again, do not forget about hygiene; try to use special powders (talcum powder) or other deodorizing agents. This applies to both women and men.
  • Metabolic disease. Metabolism has a huge impact on our body. Pay attention to your diet, it should be balanced and correct.
  • Vitamin deficiency (especially lack of vitamins A, C). This factor follows from the previous one. Make it a rule to take vitamins daily, then you will not be afraid of this disease.
  • Another reason for the appearance of the disease, which is more relevant for women, is cuts during shaving. Don’t forget to use special disinfectants after depilation.
  • If furunculosis occurs on the labia, it may be due to inflammation of the Bartholin gland. It is caused by diseases such as trichomoniasis and gonorrhea.

These are the main causes of unpleasant boils.

Symptoms and stages of the disease

Having an abscess in an intimate place is always unpleasant. Moreover, this statement is true for both women and men. How does a boil manifest itself? What are its symptoms? Furunculosis has several stages of development.

The first stage is characterized by the appearance of redness on the organs - the labia minora or in the groin. In addition, swelling is felt, especially around the hairs. You will feel painful itching in your intimate area.

The second period is characterized by more painful symptoms. After all, in an intimate place everything is felt with much greater force. The boil on the pubic area begins to thicken. Elevation appears, swelling increases, and pulsation is felt at the epicenter of inflammation. A boil is a pimple whose diameter varies from 1 to 3 centimeters. Over time, a purulent core matures on the genitals, the surface of which becomes covered with blisters. A boil in an intimate area can cause fever (usually rises to 37.5-38 degrees), muscle pain or headache. In addition, some patients who are tormented by a boil on the labia may have inflammation of the lymph nodes. And this threatens more serious troubles. Therefore, treatment cannot be started.

The third stage, for both men and women, is the final stage. The boils ripen, the pustule opens, and the tissues of the genital organs are freed from accumulated pus.

The fourth stage is a step towards recovery, but it requires special hygiene in an intimate place. Don’t look at the fact that the boils in the pubic area have disappeared, there is a healing period going on. It is up to you how long it will last. On average, furunculosis goes away in 8-12 days.

How to cure furunculosis

Agree, a boil in the groin or on the labia minora is an unpleasant phenomenon, which means it needs to be treated as soon as possible. Here the advanced stage of the disease should be taken into account. If you have recently felt discomfort in a sensitive area, wash the painful area with salicylic alcohol. It is better to repeat the procedure several times. A boil on the pubis or groin can be cured by applying compresses with ichthyol ointment. Vishnevsky ointment is very effective, but because of its specific smell it is rarely used, especially when it comes to the labia. Traditional medicine advises treating furunculosis with baked onions. They say that it draws out pus well, so the disease can be cured quite quickly. But the best way is to consult a doctor, who will prescribe treatment appropriate to the case.

What do doctors usually advise? Treatment can be both therapeutic and surgical.

Therapeutic treatment

Various means are used here.

  • Local treatment. Warm compresses with warming ointments (ichthyol) and antibacterial agents (hydrogen peroxide, ethyl alcohol).
  • Prescribing antibiotics. This treatment is faster. Dicloxacillin is most often prescribed. The drug belongs to the penicillin group and is very effective in the fight against staphylococci. Long-acting antibiotics are sometimes used. For example, tetracycline, erythromycin.

Surgical intervention

In particularly advanced cases, when therapeutic treatment causes deep intoxication, the surgeon dissects the boil. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, so pain is minimal. This method allows you to cure furunculosis on the labia or pubic area very quickly. Additional treatment prescribed afterward, for example, physical therapy, increases the effectiveness. Procedures such as electrophoresis with zinc and copper salts, darsonvalization, and UHF help very well. The only drawback that an internal boil has is that after its removal, small scars remain.

As you can see, a boil in an intimate place can cause a lot of trouble. That is why it must be treated in a timely manner. It’s even better to take care of prevention: strengthening the immune system, constant hygiene, protection from hypothermia.

Causes and treatment of boils in the groin in men and women.

Furuncle is a painful inflammation of the hair follicle and adjacent tissues, which is accompanied by a purulent process. At first, the boil may look like a regular pimple that does not require attention. But, as a rule, approximately 12 hours after its appearance, inflammation of the sebaceous glands begins, which manifests itself as swelling and pain.

If you do not start taking action at this stage, the boil may begin to grow inward, and this can lead to blood poisoning. Therefore, if you suspect that you have a boil in your groin, then do not hesitate, but immediately take adequate measures.

Furuncle, boil in the groin in men and women: symptoms, causes, photos

Initial stage of furunculosis

Ripe boil

Opening a boil

Scientists have found that the most common cause of boils is the bacterium Staphylococcus. Once on the skin, it almost immediately begins to inflame the hair follicle, thereby provoking the development of a purulent process.

Therefore, if you notice that abscesses appear in your groin with enviable regularity, then be sure to get tested and find out if you have become infected with staphylococcus. If this is the case, then you will need to fight both the pathological bacterium and the furunculosis that it provokes.

Other causes of boils in the groin in men and women:

  • Poor immunity. If the body's defenses are at zero, then even the slightest injury to the skin in the groin area can lead to inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous glands.
  • Poor nutrition. Due to the fact that the internal organs do not receive the substances they need, the body works for wear and tear. And this leads to the fact that a person’s defenses are catastrophically reduced, and as a result, various inflammatory processes are activated.
  • Untimely implementation of hygiene procedures. If a man or woman does not wash their genitals every day, sooner or later this will lead to the formation of boils in the groin area. This will happen due to a banal blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  • Uncomfortable underwear. Tight or simply too small panties can seriously injure the skin in the groin. From constant friction, cracks will appear on it, into which pathogenic bacteria can enter and this will also lead to the appearance of boils.
  • Excessive sweating. In this case, a so-called greenhouse effect is created under the underwear, which contributes to clogging of the pores and inflammation of the hair follicle.
  • Hypothermia. If a person freezes for days on end (sits in a draft, washes with cold water, or simply dresses poorly), then this greatly affects his immunity and, as a result, he no longer has the resources to fight furunculosis.
  • Shaving. Incorrect or careless shaving of the groin area can lead to the appearance of wounds, which can subsequently become infected with the same staphylococcus or other pathogenic bacteria.

Symptoms of a boil in the groin

Symptoms of a boil in the groin:

  • At the first stage, you may feel only slight discomfort in the area where the boil will subsequently appear. A noticeable change in the color of the skin can complete the picture.
  • After some time, the pain begins to intensify, and a hard-to-touch seal appears inside the red spot. At this stage of the disease, quite severe itching and noticeable tingling in the area of ​​inflammation may appear.
  • At the next stage, blood, lymph and pus begin to accumulate under the skin. All this leads to the fact that the pain intensifies, the compaction increases in size and the so-called white head appears. If furunculosis is very acute, then fever may be added to all the symptoms described above.
  • After the boil breaks out, blood, pus and rodents come out of it. If you carried out the correct treatment, then after the follicle is cleared of all excess, only a crater-shaped pit with slightly inflamed edges will remain on the skin. As it heals, the soreness of the skin will also go away.

What antibiotics should I take for boils in the groin?

Antibiotics for furunculosis

As you probably already understood, a boil is a pathology that requires serious and timely therapy. If you do not self-medicate and at least consult a doctor, you will find out that a large list of antibiotics are currently used to treat this problem. The substances contained in such medications help to kill pathogenic microflora in the shortest possible time and relieve the inflammation that it provokes.

And if earlier antibacterial treatment was prescribed exclusively for complicated furunculosis, which was accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, now experts prescribe such therapy even if there is only one boil on the body. Most often, topical antibiotics are used to treat an inguinal abscess. They are good because they do not need to be taken orally, but can simply be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Similar products are sold in the form of ointments, gels and creams.

The main advantage of such drugs is that they can promote the release of pus faster than tablets. In order to achieve a positive result, it will be enough to apply a sterile bandage to the boil 3 times a day (in this case it will be attached with a plaster). If such therapy does not produce results, and the number of boils in the groin only increases, then the patient must be prescribed internal antibacterial therapy.

Types of antibiotics for the treatment of furunculosis in the groin :

  • Penicillin group. They very quickly penetrate the cells of our body, find damaged ones there and begin to intensively suppress their growth and reproduction.
  • Group of cephalosporins. This type of antibiotic fights well against those microorganisms that are not noticed by drugs of the penicillin group. Also, such means are quite effective in stopping the spread of the purulent process, preventing it from penetrating deep into the tissue.
  • Group of macrolides. In their action, they are similar to all those groups of antibiotics that we introduced you to a little higher; their only advantage is that they can be taken for quite a long time without harm to health.
  • Aminoglycoside group. More than other drugs are suitable for treating boils in the groin. They fight purulent abscess and sepsis very well, which is why specialists most often prescribe them for the treatment of purulent wounds.

List of antibiotics for external use:

  • Levomekol
  • Mupirocin
  • Bactroban
  • Fusidine sodium
  • Tetracycline ointment
  • Erotrimycin ointment
  • Baneocin

List of antibiotics for internal use:

  • Lincomycin
  • Cephalexin
  • Amoxiclav
  • Ospexin
  • Cefaclor
  • Erothromycin

What ointment should be used to treat a purulent abscess with furunculosis in the groin in men and women?

Ointments for furunculosis

If you want to get rid of a purulent abscess that has arisen in the area where the boil appears as quickly as possible, then treat this problem comprehensively. If you missed the right moment and a core has already formed under the skin, then taking tablet antibiotics may not be enough. In order for the boil to open as quickly as possible, you will need to stimulate this process with special ointments.

Moreover, you must remember that any purulent abscess is treated in several stages. First, you will need to help the boil ripen, then draw out the pus from it as soon as possible, and after the wound is completely cleansed, do everything to prevent pathogenic bacteria from getting into it again. In view of this, to effectively treat a purulent process, you will need at least three different ointments.


  • Pulling ointments. Similar drugs, regardless of price and manufacturer, act on the same principle. Once on the skin, they begin to irritate it, thereby increasing blood flow to the inflamed hair follicle. Against the background of this process, metabolic processes in the dermis increase quite noticeably and this leads to the fact that the abscess first matures and then opens without outside help. In addition, pulling ointments have a weak analgesic effect and slightly reduce itching. Such products are applied under a sterile bandage to a boil treated with antiseptic agents. Medicines with a pulling effect include Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol, syntomycin and heparin ointment.
  • Antibacterial ointments. This type of ointment contains substances that disinfect the wound and kill pathogenic microflora that remains on the skin after using pulling preparations. But remember, if you want antibacterial agents to have the correct effect on the boil, then before using them, be sure to treat the inflamed area with hydrogen peroxide. It will help remove remaining pus and blood from the wound, thereby facilitating faster relief of inflammatory processes. This group includes the following ointments: Oflokain, Fastin, Streptonitol, Levosin Hinifuril.
  • Healing ointments. You can start using such remedies only after all the pus has come out of the wound and the redness and swelling have decreased slightly. With proper and regular use, healing ointments will help reduce itching, which almost always appears when an open wound heals, and will also help to enhance regeneration processes in the dermis, which will allow the skin at the site of inflammation to recover as quickly as possible. At the last stage of treatment of a boil, you can use Solcoseryl, Rescuer, Povidone Iodine or Liniment Aloe.

Prevention of furunculosis

Prevention of furunculosis
  • If you do not want boils to appear on your body ever again, then even after they disappear, try to take measures that will help you avoid the reoccurrence of this problem. First of all, take charge of your immunity. Try to ensure that your body receives the maximum amount of nutrients it needs all year round. To do this, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits every day. In addition, review your daily routine.
  • Try to go to bed not too late and get at least 8 hours of rest. Even such simple measures will ensure that the body’s defenses will be at a high level and can easily fight all pathological processes occurring in the body. And, of course, do not forget about everyday hygiene of the intimate area. Daily washing will ensure that pathogenic bacteria, which most often cause the development of furunculosis, will not linger on the skin.
  • In addition, try to depilate the groin area as correctly as possible. Before you start removing hairs, be sure to wash your skin with soap and treat with any antiseptic. After you complete the depilation procedure, repeat all the manipulations again.

A boil in an intimate place is a purulent formation with damage to the hair follicle. There is a rod inside it. Usually in colloquial speech a boil is called a boil. At first it looks like a round red spot, dense to the touch. Then the rod appears, and the tissue around it swells, which causes discomfort. Most often, such formation is single. If there are several of them, we are talking about furunculosis.

Causes and symptoms of boils

Causes of acne in the intimate area:

  • Bacterial infection with staphylococcus;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Violation of personal hygiene;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Vitamin A, C deficiency;
  • Sloppy shaving, and, as a result, cuts.

The appearance of a pimple on the labia is a manifestation of inflammation of the Bartholin gland. It can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, for example, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.

Frunculosis has several stages of development, each stage is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • The appearance of redness in the pubic area, perineum or labia. A slight swelling around the hair is palpable. This is accompanied by itching.
  • In the next stage, swelling begins to increase, it rises above the surrounding tissues, and pain appears.
  • A purulent core forms, its surface becomes covered with bubbles. At this time, the body temperature rises. If a pimple occurs on the labia, there is an increase in the inguinal lymph nodes.
  • After maturation, the boil opens. The recovery stage begins. At this point it is necessary to provide proper care.

You cannot try to remove the abscess on your own; the infection enters the bloodstream through the venous vessels, which leads to complications.

The groin area is one of the most dangerous in this case, as it is well supplied with blood. If the infection spreads, it can be fatal.

Furunculosis can be not only acute, but also chronic. Then the process drags on for several weeks or months. This is explained by the fact that as soon as one abscess disappears, another appears after it.

Traditional treatment The skin around the boil is treated with hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol.

  • During the ripening period, a bandage with ointment is applied to the site of the pimple:
  • erythromycin;
  • gentamicin;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • Levomekol;


Twice a day, dry heat is applied to the site of inflammation for 15-20 minutes. This speeds up the process and relieves pain. After the breakthrough, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound. The dressings are changed daily until complete recovery.

Dimexide compress. This is one of the available pharmaceutical products. A solution is used to treat ulcers. Dimexide relieves inflammation and pain, acts as an antiseptic. Before use, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and apply it to the abscess.

For severe pain, painkillers are used under the supervision of a physician.

Surgery is a last resort. It is prescribed for severe intoxication, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and if the boil does not open on its own. This is a quick way to cure an abscess. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures (ultraviolet irradiation) are prescribed.

Traditional methods of treatment

Compress with burdock. A paste of fresh burdock leaf is applied to the site of the abscess. It is advisable to apply at night. The procedure is repeated daily until cure.

Phytotherapy. An infusion is made from mint, calendula, celandine, and St. John's wort. All herbs are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture are poured with boiling water and left for 4 hours, after which it should be strained. Lotions are applied at night.

Aloe compresses draw pus out of pimples and relieve inflammation. It is preferable to use fresh leaves; they should be crushed to a paste and applied to the boil.

A good remedy is honey. It is used both in pure form and in combination with aloe. It is used for the occurrence of boils on the pubis.

A mixture of onions and laundry soap will help remove boils. Onions are baked in the oven. After it has cooled, it is necessary to remove the pulp from each layer with a teaspoon and stir it with grated or crushed soap. A compress with this mixture is applied for 20 minutes.

A boil is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissues. It can appear anywhere there is hair, and in any case it causes significant discomfort. But a boil in the groin is especially painful. Why does it occur? How to properly treat a boil in an intimate place?

A boil in an intimate place in both men and women is in most cases caused by staphylococcus.

Secondary reasons that can trigger its appearance:

  • decreased immune defense;
  • microtraumas, cuts when shaving (more often in women);
  • low level of hygiene;
  • hypothermia of the legs or genital area;
  • metabolic disorders and diseases (for example, diabetes);
  • moisture in the groin and pubic area due to increased sweating;
  • avitaminosis.

Also, the appearance of a boil in an intimate place in women may be associated with inflammation of the glands, which is caused by infection with certain sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).

Developmental stages and symptoms

In both men and women, a boil in the groin goes through four successive stages of development. Each of them has its own symptoms.

Symptoms of the first stage:

Maturation of the boil

  • redness and slight swelling in the groin or pubic area - where a focus of inflammation will subsequently form;
  • slight soreness;
  • itching in an intimate place.

Symptoms of the second stage:

  • the inflamed area thickens and rises slightly above the skin;
  • swelling increases;
  • there is a feeling of pulsation;
  • a pimple up to 3 cm in size appears, and a purulent core forms in the center over time;
  • it is possible to increase the temperature to high values;
  • headache or muscle pain is common.

Often at this stage, inflammation spreads to the lymph nodes located between the legs. This complication is quite serious and requires urgent specialized care.

Symptoms of the third, final stage:

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  • the boil on the pubis opens, pus comes out;
  • sometimes the boil opens inward - then there is a danger of developing sepsis.

The fourth stage is recovery. With proper treatment of a wound in an intimate area, gradual healing occurs, but there is a risk of re-inflammation if there is even the slightest violation of hygiene rules.

Treatment methods

In most cases, symptomatic and local treatment is sufficient for complete recovery. The drugs and methods that need to be used vary slightly depending on the stage of development of the boil:

  1. Treatment of a boil at the first stage of development is to accelerate its maturation. To do this, make compresses containing ethyl alcohol or ichthyol. You can use ichthyol ointment.
  2. Treatment at the second stage depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. Sometimes it is enough to treat the affected area with antiseptics and ointments (ichthyol, Vishnevsky). In some cases, antibiotics or even surgery are prescribed.
  3. At the third stage, when the abscess has opened, treatment consists of proper treatment of the wound, as a result of which the remaining pus should be completely removed. If treatment is not done thoroughly enough, there remains a high risk of relapse. If the boil opens inward, surgical intervention is indicated.
  4. While the wound is healing, it is equally important to regularly treat it with antiseptic agents and carefully monitor hygiene in the groin area. In this case, the boil on the pubis or groin is completely cured within 8-12 days.

Let's sum it up

A boil in an intimate place occurs as a result of infection with staphylococcus. The sensations are very unpleasant: pain, itching, pulsation in the area between the legs.

Each such abscess on the pubis or groin goes through certain stages of development. Moreover, in some cases the boil disappears with virtually no treatment, while in others it requires urgent surgical intervention.

A boil in an intimate place - on the pubis or in the groin - is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Therefore, it is better to follow the recommendations of doctors and prevent its occurrence than to endure pain and discomfort later.

  • always keep your genitals clean and adhere to the rules of hygiene;
  • if there is a problem with increased sweating, use special powders;
  • avoid hypothermia, drafts, do not sit on cold surfaces;
  • do not hesitate to go to the hospital if you experience discomfort, redness, pain or itching in your intimate area or upper legs;
  • After depilation, be sure to use special products with disinfectant properties every time.

Furunculosis is an unpleasant disease of purulent origin, causing severe pain. Most often, boils form in areas of the body where the skin is thin, soft, and constantly moist. Favorite places for ulcers are the armpits and groin area. It is necessary to get rid of boils immediately, since they have a negative effect on many structures of the body.

Article outline:

Reasons for the formation of boils in the intimate area

Boils often appear in intimate areas, as they develop primarily on skin that is exposed to excess moisture. These purulent formations, which go through a long period of maturation, are also called boils.

A boil is a painful abscess that causes great discomfort.

The pain stops only after the mature boil opens. Treatment of furunculosis should not be delayed, otherwise complications will be inevitable.

The causative agents of the disease are Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis. These pathogenic bacteria provoke an inflammatory reaction in the hair follicles. These microorganisms constantly live in small quantities in the human body, but begin to multiply intensively under the influence of negative factors.

The following factors cause active proliferation of bacteria:

Symptoms of the disease at different stages of development

Boils on the pubis and other parts of the body mature rather slowly. Medical specialists distinguish three stages of development of skin formation.

Treatment of furunculosis in the groin area

If not treated promptly and appropriately, furunculosis can cause an abscess and blood poisoning. The method of removing a boil on the pubic part in women is determined by the stage of development of the disease.

Therapy is usually carried out at home. The patient is admitted to the hospital only if an abscess or other complications occur. Treatment is carried out mainly with external medications.

The main therapeutic procedure is regular treatment of damaged skin with antiseptic drugs. Usually 2% salicylic alcohol, 3% boric alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide are used.

The boil is lubricated with medicine from the edges to the central point, this helps prevent the infection from spreading to healthy areas of the skin. It is recommended to remove hair in the area of ​​infection. Treatment methods for different stages of the disease are described below.

Therapy at the first stage

A thick layer of ointment is applied to the boil, and a piece of cotton wool is applied on top. Ultraviolet and laser therapy are useful.

Therapy at the second stage

The main task is to accelerate the maturation and rupture of the boil. Inflamed skin is treated with Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins or macrolides, or in severe cases, rifamycins.

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications can be used to relieve pain and inflammation: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  2. Sometimes doctors practice injecting a Novocaine solution into the affected area of ​​the skin.

Sometimes one injection is enough for the abscess to disappear. Compresses based on a 1% solution of silver nitrate help a lot.

Treatment at the third stage

After the boil opens and the purulent mass comes out, the main task of treatment is disinfectant treatment of the wound. Only the rod that has completely come to the surface is removed.

The cavity remaining after the pus is released is cleared of residual contents using saline solution or hydrogen peroxide.

Every two days, gauze with Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the healing skin. Ichthyol ointment should not be used after the boil has opened, as it prevents the rod from coming out.

Surgical removal of the boil is performed when complications arise or drug treatment is ineffective. The surgeon opens the abscess with an instrument, pulls out the rod, and treats the wound with salicylic acid. For three days, a special rubber band is placed in the cavity; it clears the way for purulent and lymphatic fluid to flow out. When the pus and lymph are completely out of the cavity, the gum is removed.

During the period when the skin is healing and the cavity is tightening, a woman should observe intimate hygiene as carefully as possible. At this time, it is undesirable to physically strain yourself to the point of excessive sweating, play sports, or visit public baths and swimming pools. It is recommended to lubricate the healing area of ​​skin with Contractubex cream.

This drug accelerates skin regeneration and helps smooth out the scar in the area where the boil was located.

Formation of a boil in an intimate place during pregnancy

The formation of boils in the groin area is often observed during pregnancy, since the body of women carrying a child is predisposed to the effects of negative factors. Expectant mothers experience hormonal imbalances, immunity is significantly reduced, metabolism deteriorates, which leads to the appearance of ulcers on the skin.

If a pregnant woman has a boil in her intimate area, she should immediately go to the doctor.

You cannot postpone visiting the hospital, since during pregnancy furunculosis is accompanied by pronounced symptoms and often provokes serious complications.

It is highly not recommended to treat pregnant women with antibiotics, since potent medications negatively affect the development of the embryo in the womb. Antibiotic medications are prescribed to young mothers in extreme cases, when other methods cannot get rid of the boil.

If there are no complications, then standard therapy with external drugs is used. Apply to damaged skin:

  • Solutions of Chlorhexidine and Miramistin;
  • Ointments Ichthyol and Levomekol.

Surgical removal of boils in pregnant women is extremely rare.

Complications of the disease

Furunculosis rarely causes complications. Problems arise only with untimely or incorrect treatment. When a boil develops in the groin area, the following complications may appear:

It is also possible:

  1. The transition of the disease to a chronic form, observed with poor quality treatment or clogging of the cavity remaining after the opening of the boil;
  2. Disseminated furunculosis, in which, due to insufficient treatment, purulent formations spread throughout the body;
  3. Abscessing boil is a severe form of the disease in which the infection penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and affects the fatty tissue.

Prevention of the development of furunculosis on the pubic part

To prevent the appearance of boils in the groin area, a woman should follow the following rules:

A boil can appear on any part of the female body, but it causes the greatest torment in the genital area. There is no need to be embarrassed to go to the doctor with a delicate problem. To prevent the disease from becoming more complicated and the ulcers from spreading throughout the body, it is necessary not to delay a visit to a medical specialist.

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