Where can I get strength and energy for life? Life force. Human energy

Work, household chores, raising children - all this takes a huge amount of time and effort every day. At the end of the day you feel like a squeezed lemon. And strength for your favorite activities, creativity and leisure it just doesn't stay. Why does this happen and where can I get the energy to do everything and enjoy life? Good question!

Everything is energy

First, we need to remember that everything around us is energy, including ourselves. A word is energy, an action is energy, a thought is energy. Energy is everywhere: the whole world is an endless source of energy. Why then do we miss it so much?

It turns out that the quantity and quality of our internal forces depends on how open and developed our ability to draw energy “from thin air” is. In the article Chakras: what are they and what are they for? we talked about how a person receives energy from space with the help of energy centers - chakras. They, like small vortices, perceive energy from the outside and transmit a person’s internal energy into space. But the problem is that not everyone’s chakras are open and work in a balanced manner, which is caused by internal conflicts, complexes, and negative attitudes. For this reason, each of us has our own level of “energy conductivity.”

If you roughly compare yourself with an adapter or transformer, it turns out that someone passes through themselves energy of 20 volts, someone - 10, and someone - 40. And if one person only has enough strength to clean the apartment and go on a hike to the store, then another - he simultaneously conducts several creative projects in different cities and builds a business around the world!

Where does the energy go?

Watch what you spend your energy on. At the same time, pay attention not to physical actions, and on thoughts and words. What do your thoughts usually revolve around? If you criticize, condemn, blame everyone around you or yourself, the amount of your vitality drops significantly. If you constantly think about work, about your boss, about your colleagues, you give your energy to them, depriving yourself of it. If you cannot forgive someone and carry resentment in your heart like a burden, you feed it with yourself, grow and nurture it, instead of freeing yourself and leaving the burden of resentment behind. Free yourself from everything unnecessary, become free like a bird, spread your wings and soar! From above you will see how petty and absurd those things below are, to which you paid so much attention and devoted all your strength.

How to increase your own energy level?

The ability to draw energy from outside must be developed gradually, using the principle physical development bodies. When we begin to give the body loads, it does not become perfect in one day, only regular exercise lead to the desired result. Therefore, begin to gradually introduce meditation into your life, energy practices(for example, Reiki or yoga), work on yourself, get rid of fears and complexes. Be sure to study the chakra system and start developing them. You can read about how to do this in a series of articles devoted to each chakra separately, as well as in articles about comprehensive work with chakras: Balancing the chakras using Reiki energy, How to work with the chakras: the color meditation method.

Where can you get strength?

1. Strength can be drawn from those activities that we like. Notice that when you work on something that excites you, the work goes faster and you become more and more energetic. That's why do what you like! If you like to draw - paint pictures, if you like to write - create texts, if you like to observe - contemplate the beautiful, if you like to grow flowers - grow them.

2. Relax! Don’t accumulate tension in yourself, learn to free yourself from it and be sure to practice relaxation techniques. Read about how to relax properly in the articles The Art of Relaxation and Learning to Relax. Shavasana.

3. Draw strength from love - live in love, abide in love, look from love.

4. Good way to be imbued with strength is creativity. The process of transforming one thing into another, creating something new and unique is very interesting activity, which sometimes gives meaning to life. Right now, look at any item near you and find 10 creative uses for it. This way you activate your creative energy, desire for search and inspiration.

5. Eat right, eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts - this is a storehouse of “living energy”!

6. Chat with someone you like. Communication with like-minded people energizes and gives strength. You can read about this in the article Why is it so important to surround yourself with like-minded people?

7. Learn to give: new things come only where there is free space. Therefore, part with unnecessary things, free your space from everything unnecessary, get rid of the habit of hoarding. And be sure to open your heart - in closed door happiness will not enter. The more you give, the more you receive.

And the most main advice: Feel like the sun. Look at yourself in the mirror and say: “I am the sun!” Tell this to the sky, the stream, the violet. Remember that the sun is what gives light, warmth, good mood. The sun has a lot of energy, and it manages to send its rays to every corner of the earth. But the sun also needs to rest. Therefore, get up when the sun rises and rest when it sets. And you will see - there will be more strength.

This article is for people who want to feel joy and love. Those who have a desire to become better and make their lives happier, begin to prosper in all areas of life and find harmony.

The first sign of imminent illness and misfortune is a lack of energy. Ayurveda says that when a person develops spiritually, this can be seen in two ways:

“He’s becoming more joyful and happier every day.”

– His relationships with the world and with other people improve.

If this is not the case, then this means that the person is degrading, no matter what spiritual and religious practices he engages in.

We can feel love only by giving it. True happiness comes from giving our loving energy to the world and to other people. Envious and selfish people do not know how to love, do not know how to give, and, therefore, do not know how to be truly happy. They are dependent and attached. And give from pure heart It is possible only when there is no dependence on this world. The less attachments, the more we can give, the more we can love, the happier we are. If you take more than you give, then you are addicted. The giver is independent!

Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical systems. She simply amazes with her wisdom and depth and claims that the basis of all human misfortunes and illnesses are envy and greed, since these qualities enhance selfishness, self-interest and concentration on oneself.

Maintaining homeostasis for a better life

A cell that does not want to work for the entire body, but only consumes its resources, becomes cancerous. And if the body does not get rid of such a cell, it will die. There are the same laws in the Universe. She is trying to get rid of cancer cells(stingy and selfish people), ceasing to give them energy.

The basic principle of life harmony is the exchange of energies. Before you take something, you must give something away for balance and balance. You can’t just take it and consume it! This is how you make your life much worse than it could be. This topic is discussed in detail in the article. There are ancient canons in which enlightened arias indicate that civilizations perish not as a result of natural disasters and wars, but as a result of the fact that everyone begins to think only about how to take more, without giving anything in return.

Where can I get energy for life?

To achieve homeostasis, you need to learn to give more, and, therefore, not depend on the world. We must stop being just a consumer and give more on the emotional, energetic, physical and spiritual levels. But here the question arises: “In order to give something, you need to take it somewhere. And where is?".

Answer: “We can take energy only at the divine level, and in unlimited quantities.” This magical energy easily passes through us if we do not close or suppress the feeling of love in ourselves and clearly understand that only this feeling should control us. And it is important to preserve this feeling, despite the loss of something human (prestige, work, money, home, loved one, etc.).

It is when we feel unconditional love that we are filled with great power, divine energy, which is spent on everything. Yes, we are also filled with energy from food, of course. But it gives us energy only on the external plane and... takes it away from the internal. Surely you yourself have noticed that people who eat little and fast often are much more energetic than those who eat a lot. And that’s why we don’t feel like eating when we get sick, because through hunger the body cleanses itself and restores energy. Our society with its constant stress, as well as anxiety, promiscuous relationships, non-spiritual communication and junk food - take away energy. And solitude and fasting give it.

But, nevertheless, we can receive the largest, lion's share of energy only through a continuous feeling of love. And from this follows the most important rule of health, which we constantly forget about - to love yourself (whatever you are), love the world (with all its shortcomings) and love your life (with all its troubles). Make every effort to get rid of selfishness and selfishness. Let your most important life goal will be the acquisition of Divine, unconditional love.

Have you noticed that our society today lives under only one slogan: “Consume!” Number of healthy and happy people decreases every day, only problems grow both at the state and interstate levels. And nothing helps: neither new medications, nor new techniques on the topic “how to become healthy, successful and happy.” Almost every person suffers from “chronic fatigue syndrome”.

It cannot be otherwise. After all, the sages of absolutely all spiritual schools say that everything that comes from our false ego, from selfishness and selfishness (even if outwardly it looks like a good deed) leads to suffering and destruction! And everything that comes from our heart, from our soul (that is, from a feeling of unconditional love) leads to harmony, happiness and health.

I do not encourage you to become a monk and read prayers from morning to evening. Not at all. By the way, I saw people who fervently pray, fast and fulfill all the canons, but at the same time they are embittered and sick. Because they do this not at the behest of the soul and out of unconditional love, but simply because “it’s the right thing to do,” for show. This makes no sense. Meaning appears only when prayer fills the soul with joy and love.

Where else can you get life energy?

When else are we filled with energy? Then when we:

– we fast, we starve;

- we do breathing exercises(by the way, I advise you to master it, it combines breathing and physical exercise);

– we retire and remain silent;

– we are in nature, walking, contemplating beautiful landscapes;

– we are engaged in creativity;

- we rejoice and laugh;

– we eat natural food (cereals, fruits, vegetables, honey, etc.);

– go to bed no later than 10 pm (the best, most energizing sleep is from 9 pm to 2 am);

– do massage or self-massage;

– we walk barefoot on the ground;

- swim or shower cold water;

– we believe that everything is for the better and we see life lessons in everything, not punishments.

And we lose energy when:

– we fall into despondency, regret and dissatisfaction;

– we waste our time aimlessly;

- we are offended;

– we overeat;

– we achieve some goals out of selfishness or self-interest;

– we don’t know how to concentrate and allow our thoughts to wander uncontrollably, sometimes causing us a lot of negative emotions and sensations;

– we eat bad, low-quality or stale food, especially when it happens quickly and on the go;

– we smoke and drink alcohol;

– we carry on empty conversations, especially if they are very negative (criticism, complaints, condemnation);

– we strongly and constantly strain our body and mind;

– we don’t get enough sleep or, on the contrary, we sleep a lot;

– we are in direct sunlight from 12 to 16 hours;

– sleeping with partners without love, leading a chaotic life.

We can also be filled with vital energy from the elements

We can receive Earth's energy by being in nature, eating natural food walking barefoot.

We can receive Water Energy by swimming in the sea or in the river. It is also good to drink water from wells or streams.

We can receive Fire energy from the sun and by eating food that contains sunlight.

We receive air energy through inhalation clean air, especially forest, mountain and sea. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of energy.

But, you should understand that even if you live in nature, drink clean water and breathe fresh air, while being angry and irritated with everyone and everything, then you will not gain any energy. Or rather, you will be filled with it, but with this energy you will destroy yourself, since this flow will be negative. You conduct all the energy you receive through your heart and it is up to you to decide whether it will spread throughout your body as poison or as balm.

Every second of our lives we face a choice. We can smile, shine on the world, feel unconditional love, see the best, be filled with laughter and joy. Or we can be offended, envious, make claims, walk around with a dissatisfied face, show aggression and try in every way to line our pockets. And then, no matter how much money you have, you will still be gloomy and unhappy. And you will have less and less energy every day. And you will start looking for it and using artificial stimulants: fun companies, alcohol, sorting out relationships with people, cigarettes, coffee, energy drinks, walking from one bed to another, from one person to another. Yes, all this will give you a boost at first, but will ultimately lead to complete destruction. Because all this external will finally overshadow everything internal.

Every day ask yourself the question: are you giving or consuming, are you shining into the world or are you just absorbing light? And then you can quickly change the course of your thoughts, and then your actions, and your life will turn into a beautiful radiance filled with love. And then you won't wonder where to get energy, because you will always have it in abundance!

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Elena Vetshtein

Where can I get the strength to act?

In the morning I don’t have the strength to get out of bed, during the day I constantly want to sleep and eat, weekends are spent mostly in horizontal position, melancholy and apathy haunt you around the clock - all these are indicators of a lack of vital energy. To “recharge” you have to drink cup after cup of coffee, tea, have a snack or have a “heavy lunch”, then painfully struggle with sleep. But the state of good performance and lightness in the body does not return and, exhausted by painful fatigue, the person again heads to the bed or to the table. The truth is that food really is the most famous source of energy. But not everything is so simple.

One day, the truth, known to everyone (including me), suddenly became obvious to me that overeating is harmful to the body. It happened like this. My ten month old baby has allergic rash. In search of the cause, I had to take a blood test for allergens. This was a huge list of products, despite the fact that the diet of a child of this age is not yet very varied. The result for all items on the list was negative. I had a conversation with a doctor, as a result of which a hypothesis was put forward that the cause was not some component of the diet, but an excess of protein foods.

The fact is that after eight months, cottage cheese, fish, meat - foods rich in protein - are gradually introduced into the baby's diet. And when there are a lot of them, the child’s body begins to react to the extra protein as if it were an allergen, punishing very caring mothers (who actively put the “healthiest” things in their child’s mouth) with an extra headache. The treatment consisted of streamlining the diet.

The result was not long in coming. But what is valuable is that at that moment it simply dawned on me that even useful (by the standards modern medicine) food is not only a source of vital energy, but also the cause of a painful condition, due to the fact that we unnecessarily stuff ourselves with what the body does not require.

Being a food lover, I decided for myself a long time ago that moderate nutrition within a certain system is the best way to get myself into the desired shape and then maintain this shape. I am against diets and hunger strikes. I am for building a reasonable nutrition system that would provide energy for life, and not take away strength for digestion and disposal of toxins.

Do you want to feel lightness in your body? Conduct a simple experiment on yourself. Remove it from your diet for a month flour products, complex sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), sparkling water, beer, industrial sweets, minimize alcohol consumption. Make your afternoon snack and lunch entirely fruit and berry. There is no harm to the body in such a restriction; your body will thank you.

The next powerful source of energy is movement. Looking at children, we are surprised at how fidgety they are. The child cannot remain motionless for a long time: lie down if he wakes up, think for a long time, hugging a pillow in a chair. Very often you hear that one baby can become a powerhouse for an entire city. I think there is a lot of truth in this joke.

The child produces energy, stores a health resource that will be spent in mature age, When active image life will change to sitting and lying. This resource will last up to thirty years on average. And when it (the resource) runs out, the person will begin to experience obvious signs of ill health: fatigue, apathy,...

Our body is the most important component of a system called a person. In any system, all components are closely interconnected. Once we commit our body to being sedentary, our brain also goes into low-performance mode. Melancholy and boredom interfere with our lifestyle, we become irritable and bring resentment and dissatisfaction into our relationships with others and with the whole world.

Grumpiness, anger, irritability over trifles destroy consciousness, taking away the energy of life. The circle closes. The person begins to get sick.

Observing the lives of older people, I concluded that by limiting physical activity, a person loses interest in life. That's exactly how it is, and not the other way around.

Therefore, there is a simple answer to the question of where to get the energy to start doing something. Firstly, need to get off the couch, Secondly, let into your life regular physical activity.

I deliberately use the expression “physical activity” rather than the word “sport.” You need to start small so that the unbearability of your obligations does not lead you to disappointment from the inability to fulfill them. Accept that all useful transformations will come into your life gradually and little by little. The main thing in the process of mastering new things is regularity.

Where to begin the ascent to a new life? At the first stage, as physical activity A half-hour walk will do. It doesn't matter whether it's a park or a street. It is important not to get caught up in your own thoughts about work, children, current affairs, etc. Try to be “personally present” while walking. Pay attention to the details: whether the house numbers are written the same, whether their sequence is correct, what benches are installed in the park, what trees grow. “Turn on” awareness.

If you notice that you are immersed in the “stream of your thoughts,” return to your walk again. It is very important to change routes. This promotes the formation of new ones in the brain neural connections. This way you provoke your brain to work better. You don't need to think about where to get motivation to go for a walk. All you have to do is get up and do it. Basic rules: regularity, awareness, change of routes.

The most powerful source of energy is,. Although objectively this is just a product of our imagination, it is the understanding of what you want to have and in what ways to achieve the result that is a good impetus to action.

Another source of energy is passion. Passion comes not only when you do what you love, but also when you love what you do. It is the fuel that gives you strength. When you feel passion, you are immersed in the process of work instantly and for a long time, you can work all night long. Time and everything that happens around ceases to matter.

It is clear that it is easier to experience passion while doing what you love. But how to love what needs to be done? The answer is simple. Do. But do it better than anyone else. Do it consciously, improving yourself over and over again and overcoming the desire to do it according to the principle of “draws a stick along the road.”

It's hard for me to imagine that a surgeon feels passion when working with a scalpel. In my opinion, in this case, passion for work is manifested with the understanding that the quality of life (and perhaps the life itself) of the patient depends on the professionalism of the doctor.

If you do something better than initially seems possible, and not “just to do it,” you experience a powerful energy charge from the work done.

If you are an ordinary office employee, become an indispensable office employee, if you are a chef, become the creator of the most delicious dishes, if you are a document specialist, put the documents in such order that the old-timers do not remember.

The energy resources listed above are associated with vigorous activity. In addition, there are many sources of passive energy (working as a catalyst). We receive it in the contemplation of beauty, touching everything that carries harmony.

Views of natural landscapes, watching sunrises and sunsets, practicing plant growing, and communicating with pets are accompanied by the restoration of energy potential.

Works of art (architecture, painting, literature) are also capable of replenishing energy resources.

Communication with people, which becomes an impetus for further development, and communication with children increases energy potential.

For each person, the choice of sources of passive energy is individual, and the choice of active energy is universal.

You need to understand that we are not literally fueled by energy from external sources, it is all generated within us. We experience different emotions from one thing or another external influence. These emotions create energy.

Negative events, for example, divorce (if it is perceived negatively), loss, loss generate a strong negative energy impulse. Negative energy is always more powerful. But it can also (and should) be aimed at creation.

An example would be so-called activity “in spite of” or to prove one’s worth to someone. In this case, a person actively begins to work (create) and achieves incredible results. It's worse when negative energy finds a way out through hatred and anger.

It should be remembered that all sources of vital energy can carry creative or destructive force. This mechanism is implemented very simply. Energy needs an outlet through activity (creation or destruction). If there is no way out, stagnation and destruction occurs inside.

Organize your life in such a way that you do not experience a shortage of energy resources. Conscious management of them, as well as other elements of your life, is in your hands.

Have you ever wondered why some people have bursts of energy, they burst with health and happiness, their productivity is off the charts, while others’ lives are filled with gray, incessant everyday life and illnesses from which they cannot get out? Where can you find the strength for positive changes in life?

First you need to look at yourself and try to figure out where your vitality goes.

  • Negative emotions
    Life energy is everything around us, including ourselves, our thoughts and words. Often criticizing, condemning, blaming everyone around, accumulating grievances, we reduce the level of our vitality several times. Constant thoughts about work, boss, colleagues, “scrolling” various conflict situations in our heads also release our energy from us, like air from a balloon.
  • Overload
    It happens that the general tension of the body is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, and, being in a stressful state, it begins to absorb all energy reserves.
  • Lack of favorite things
    If a person does not have a favorite activity, an outlet that brings pleasure, he loses the opportunity to draw vitality from himself even in difficult moments.

At the same time, there are a lot of sources from which a person can draw his life energy and share it with others.

  • On the physical level these are the basics of it all: healthy sleep, proper nutrition, exercise, refusal bad habits. Proper use each source solves half of the problems and creates the basis for positive changes.
  • On a spiritual-emotional level This is working with thoughts, feelings, emotions, because mental energy has an order of magnitude higher power than physical energy. To support her:

1. Connect with like-minded people

Communication with like-minded people energizes and gives strength. Sometimes you can even just remain silent with such people and still feel how they give you a good mood.

2. Bring creativity into your life

Everything into which you invest a particle of your soul has a colossal energy charge. Even if you think that you are not creative person, try to start small - “visualize the good”: hang a motivating picture above your workplace that will inspire you every day.

3. Learn to relax

Don’t accumulate tension in yourself, learn to free yourself from it. Meditations and spiritual practices are designed to give strength to a person and help him find himself.

4. Educate yourself

Ask yourself some questions, for example: what do I want, what do I like, what will I leave behind, what do I have, what am I proud of. Even the questions themselves change a person’s consciousness in right side.. New knowledge about yourself can give impetus to positive changes.

In this topic, we touched on basic knowledge that is known to almost every person. But knowing is not enough, you need to be able to apply this knowledge and do it every day, regularly, even if just a little, but move towards replenishing your vital energy.

Today I want to touch on a purely female topic - where a business woman can take energy , so that there is enough for “everything.”

The issue of energy deficiency faces every person. But for business woman it is becoming a real problem. Sooner or later, a woman’s life is filled to capacity with “Shoulds” and “Shoulds.”

And she no longer knows where to get energy for life. As a result, there arises stressful situation, the woman is emotionally devastated. She no longer has enough strength for either work or family. And subsequently, all this can still turn into severe depression.

Let's look at how a businesswoman can practically increase her energy level.

3 main reasons
energy shortage

Energy deficiency can arise for only two reasons: either due to its weak replenishment, or due to its too rapid consumption. For women, the second is more relevant. They are unable to control their outgoing energy flow. And so they quickly empty themselves.

If we look at it in more detail, we can identify three main reasons that lead to this.

First .
Information overload.

Any business woman is forced to shoulder a large number of various matters. During the day, she has a lot of questions on which she has to make a decision. And all this requires energy.

In addition, when there is a large input flow of information, it is very difficult to divide it into separate components based on the principle of value, importance and urgency. Therefore, a woman grabs onto everything and is not enough for it all.

Uncontrollable emotions.

Women in general are very emotional creatures. They are naturally gifted with a wonderful gift - the ability to acutely sense the world. But in the business world, excessive emotionality plays a negative role. Not only can it generate conflict situations, she, moreover, energetically devastates the woman herself.

Emotions are a very strong signal about how well a person’s life is going, whether his needs are being met, whether his plans are being realized. Very often, what leads to emotional exhaustion is that a person’s life does not satisfy him.

Third .
Multiple social roles.

A business woman changes several times during the day. social roles, which are poorly consistent with each other. On the one hand, she is a leader and businesswoman, and on the other, she is a beloved mother and daughter. Often a woman cannot completely switch from one to another and this also takes away her energy.

What steals yours

Every person is an energetic entity. Everything we see, everything we experience, is all energy. And the effectiveness of our life depends on how strong the energy flows in our body are.

If a person has a lot of energy, he is healthy, cheerful, efficient and succeeds in everything. If there is little energy, he feels depressed and tired. Such a person does not want anything, he has no motivation to move anywhere.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to work with your energy at the most basic level. You need to know your own supply and be able to replenish it at the right time.

It is especially important to be able to do this at “key” moments in your life, when you want to change something in it.

To effectively change your life, first you need to check your energy level, and also figure out what exactly is depriving you of vitality.

The brochure “What is stealing your vitality” contains five very important tests. Test yourself with their tests so that you can take the necessary measures in time. These tests will help you:

  • Find out if you have enough energy.
  • Assess your energy level.
  • Determine the moment when you need to take care of yourself.
  • Find out what is stealing your vitality.

All this will help you find effective ways replenish your energy level.

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Where to get
energy for life

Many business women have learned to organize their day so that they have enough energy to do everything. Most best advice– do not push yourself to extremes and replenish your energy consumption in a timely manner.

It is important to be able to disconnect from everyday life in order to give yourself time to relax a little.

It is very important for a woman to find ways to replenish her energy that are associated with emotions. Works very well:

    • listening;
    • conducting meditations;
    • a walk in the park;
    • relaxing massage;
    • aromatic bath;
    • healthy sleep.

By the way, the inventive Japanese came up with a cafe where visitors are offered not a business lunch, but a business nap. Here anyone can relax on a cozy bed to the sounds of nature. Since we don’t live in Japan, we can replace business dreams with simple ones.

Another source of positive emotions for women can be a properly chosen hobby. Find something that brings you pleasure and be sure to set aside time for it.

Special techniques

You can use different techniques to replenish your energy levels. The most simple method, probably will be “ A walk into the past”.

To do this, remember and imagine a situation or a place where you felt really good, where you experienced positive emotions and felt a lot of strength and energy.

During such visualization, changes occur in the body at the physiological level (hormonal levels change). And this leads to restoration of energy.

And for those who still cannot stop the flow of their thoughts and relax, the best way will become or even .

Scientists say that to switch hormonal levels and only 20 minutes are enough to replenish the body with energy. If you introduce 20 minutes of meditation into your daily routine, then any woman will calmly have enough strength to do everything.

A little
about restrictions

Many business women suffer from lack of energy also because they have limiting beliefs that prevent them from being effective. Such beliefs increase stress and cause situations that additionally drain energy.

For example, if a woman believes that she does not have the ability to speak languages, then she does not see success. But he perfectly notices all the shortcomings, exaggerates them and then worries. And all this requires enormous energy expenditure.

Or this typically female belief that to succeed she must act better than a man. As a result, she is constantly dissatisfied with herself and strives to work more and more.

Therefore, in case of energy deficiency, you should reconsider your belief system to see if there are any among them that then lead to a loss of energy. But keep in mind that awareness of belief alone is not enough. It will still work, because it starts automatically. Therefore, all found beliefs are necessary.

As you can see, the question of where to get energy for life, in the case of a business woman, has its own characteristics. A woman is capable of a lot, but still her strength is limited. So don't bring yourself to this point extreme point and pay timely attention to replenishing your energy levels. Then you will have enough for everything.