Hematogen instructions for use. What is hematogen made from: composition

Sweet bars with the inscription “Hematogen” are familiar to many from childhood. You can see many products with this name on sale, but they all differ in taste and composition. How to navigate their diversity and choose a truly useful product?

First of all, you should remember what exactly makes hematogen useful, and understand what in its composition it is better to do without.

What do we know about hematogen

Hematogen is perhaps the most popular means of preventing iron deficiency. When consumed correctly, it stimulates hematopoiesis and helps avoid the development of anemia. Hematogen is sold in the form of brown bars, bars and lozenges that look like toffee or chocolate. Condensed milk and sugar add sweetness to this product. However, despite the pleasant taste, we are not talking about candy, but about a dietary supplement (dietary supplement). Like vitamin complexes, sweet hematogen bars should not be consumed in large quantities without adhering to the system. To achieve a healing effect, hematogen is taken in a course, in small portions. The product also has contraindications, so when planning a course of use for yourself or for a child, it is better to consult a doctor. In addition, you should not rely on dietary supplements to treat anemia. Hematogen is not a cure, but rather a prophylactic agent.

The beneficial qualities of hematogen are due to the use of defibrinated cattle blood purified from microorganisms in its composition. Blood protein is dried using a special technology, and the same black food albumin is obtained, containing bioavailable iron, which is easily absorbed by the body.

The prototype of the modern hematogen first appeared in Switzerland in 1890. It was a mixture based on bovine blood. The drug turned out to be very effective, and its recipe was preserved until the middle of the 20th century, until the USSR began to solve the problem of preventing anemia in children at the state level. It was then that instead of the mixture, the taste of which no one had previously cared about, they began to produce sweet bars that looked like chocolate. Now they are known and loved in almost every Russian family, both adults and children.

Dietary albumin, which forms the basis of hematogen, retains the value of the red blood cells from which it is made. Due to this ingredient, hematopoiesis is stimulated in the body and the required level of fatty acids, cholesterol, and bilirubin is maintained. Sufficient vitamin A content has a beneficial effect on vision and promotes normal growth and development of the body.

Previously, hematogen was sold only in pharmacies, but today it has also appeared on supermarket shelves. The price of one tile ranges from 13–50 rubles. However, hematogen supplied to retail chains may not meet the requirements of regulatory documents that impose requirements specifically for dietary supplements. Hematogen on store shelves is usually just a delicacy with a familiar name. Its cost is higher due to flavoring additives, but the benefits are usually less. Sometimes you can find bars that don't even contain albumin.

What is hematogen made from: product composition

In the USSR, liquid hematogen was produced according to GOST, but GOST was never developed for the classic recipe for hematogen, from which lozenges, bars and bars are made. So varieties of hematogen are produced according to technical specifications (TU). However, all components of hematogen are manufactured according to GOST standards.

The first hematogens were produced from whole cattle blood mixed with egg yolk. Today, instead of blood, hematogen contains black albumin powder. The classical technology for the production of hematogen implies the following basic composition:

  1. Black food albumin (GOST 33674-2015. Blood and products of its processing).
  2. Starch syrup (GOST R 52060-2003. Starch syrup. General technical conditions).
  3. Sweetened condensed milk (GOST ISO 6734/IDF 15-2012. Sweetened condensed milk. Determination of total solids content (control method)).
  4. Granulated sugar (GOST 33222-2015. White sugar. Technical conditions).
  5. Vanillin (GOST 16599-71. Vanillin. Technical conditions).

The calorie content of hematogen made according to this recipe is one and a half times lower than the calorie content of chocolate, and is 376 kcal per 100 g.

Modern manufacturers follow the classic recipe, but try to make improvements to it, following the achievements of modern medicine. For example, the composition may contain vitamins B and C, as well as trace elements that help the body absorb iron from black albumin.

However, not all changes to the classic hematogen formulation are justified for health reasons. Flavorings such as nuts or raisins can not only cause allergic reactions, but also often interfere with iron absorption. The benefit of such a hematogen remains questionable. That is why you should choose hematogen, produced according to the classic recipe and without flavorings. In such a hematogen, at least 5% of the mass will be black albumin, that is, in a 50 g lozenge its share will be 2.5 g.

The benefits of hematogen

So, black albumin, which is part of hematogen, provides the body with iron, which is well absorbed and stimulates hematopoiesis. In addition, this valuable component is rich in amino acids and vitamin A. It has a general strengthening and tonic effect at any age, so Hematogen is useful for both children and adults.

For children, for whom hematogen was actually adapted, it is especially important to receive a sufficient amount of iron from food. This microelement is necessary for the normal development of a child and is actively consumed due to rapid growth. Hematogen covers up to 40% of children's daily iron needs, helping to avoid problems associated with its deficiency. Women also often require additional sources of iron. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the female body loses many microelements, and hematogen (though not everyone) helps to get in shape faster after the birth of a child. An unbalanced diet and a busy schedule are common problems in the life of a modern person, and it is they that lead to iron deficiency, so men should also take Hematogen to prevent and maintain the vitality of the body.

Is there any harm?

Despite the fact that Hematogen looks like a regular chocolate bar, it is a dietary supplement. It must be taken in a certain volume, in limited courses lasting 4–8 weeks, between which it is advisable to take a break. When consuming Hematogen daily, you should remember that for children aged 3 to 11 years it is enough to eat a small 25 g bar, and for older children, teenagers and adults - 50 g per day.

If this rule is violated, the development of symptoms of iron overdose cannot be ruled out: gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, difficulty breathing, and menstrual irregularities. Excess iron in the human body can “thicken” the blood, promoting blood clots, fragility of blood vessels, and lowering blood pressure. And although this is extremely rare and only with prolonged abuse, it is important to remember that all good things should be in moderation.

Hematogen also has contraindications. Because it contains large amounts of condensed milk, molasses and sugar, it should not be used to prevent iron deficiency in diabetes or overweight.

So, hematogen is a time-tested prophylactic remedy for compensating for iron deficiency in the human body. Despite all the benefits of this product, it has its contraindications, and if used uncontrolled, it can cause side effects. The basis of hematogen is black food albumin, its content in the classic product is approximately 5%. Additional flavoring additives, which manufacturers often add to bars to increase sales, can inhibit the absorption of iron in the intestines. When using hematogen for prevention, you should remember that this is a dietary supplement and follow the rules for its use.


1 SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food additives (BAA)

2 Gusel V. A., Markova I. V. Pediatrician’s Handbook of Clinical Pharmacology / Gusel V. A., Markova I. V. - 1st ed. - M.: Medicine, 1989. - P. 156-159. - 320 s.

Hematogen is a widely known dietary supplement for replenishing iron reserves in the body. The drug was invented more than a century ago abroad. The recipe has changed frequently, and now it has become even more effective and healthy.

Read the article and find out whether Hematogen is useful for children, the elderly, adult men and women, and whether it is worth using the product when losing weight.

Selection rules

Bars with additives taste better, but the opinion of doctors has a downside. A good hematogen should be clean, without unnecessary impurities. Confectionery ingredients can negatively affect the absorption of iron, although the product is purchased specifically for this purpose.

Hematogen is high in calories, and additives make it more filling. To achieve results, you must take the course for 30-60 days. Eating sweet briquettes can affect body weight.

When choosing a product, study its composition. The main thing is that the list of ingredients is small. Ideally, there will be nothing but:

  • albumin;
  • Sahara;
  • condensed milk;
  • molasses;
  • vanillin.

Undesirable ingredients include dyes and flavor additives. There is no benefit from them. Some manufacturers add vitamins, nuts and similar ingredients. It is tasty, but when mixed with albumin, some components lose their effectiveness. Therefore, a bar with a composition that contains a minimum of additives is healthier.

An important indicator is the presence of albumin. For the hematogen to begin to act, the black food product must be up to 5%. Then one such tile will cover almost 40% of the iron in the body. With a smaller dosage in the tile, its quality and benefits can be questioned.

If the hematogen is real, then it should be indicated that the composition contains food-grade black albumin.

Composition and calorie content

The iron in the bar is in a form that is quickly absorbed without causing irritation to the mucous membrane. The main ingredient is defibrinated blood (hemoglobin powder).

The composition may contain additives such as:

  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • honey;
  • cocoa;
  • sugar.

The calorie content of the tiles ranges from 340 to 504 kcal, depending on the manufacturer. 355 kcal - for Hematogen without additional additives. Fat in the bar - 3 g, carbohydrates - 75. Glycemic index - 55.

The benefits of real hematogen are enormous. The secret is in the unique composition of the product: iron, lipids, valuable carbohydrates, fat-soluble vitamins. There are vitamins and useful minerals.

Thanks to such rich components, the dietary supplement is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia and any blood diseases. Deliciousness is prescribed to children to normalize metabolism and increase appetite. This is especially true for those children who had a poor diet without fruits and vegetables.

Impact on the body

So, what are the beneficial properties of hematogen? The bar normalizes metabolic processes and vision, improves digestion, and strengthens the mucous membrane of internal organs. Positively affects the respiratory system, increasing the stability of the membranes. It is especially useful for teenagers and sick children whose appetite is significantly impaired.

Hematogen is useful for iron deficiency. The product is used as a preventative measure if a person has poor nutrition, low hemoglobin levels, or poor vision. If the child is stunted, he will also be prescribed hematogen.

Bars are recommended after:

  • ARVI;
  • infectious disease;
  • chronic disease and exacerbation.

Hematogen tile will be a good addition for stomach problems and peptic ulcers. Valuable minerals in the composition renew the blood, and the body begins to work harmoniously, with rhythm. Organs are nourished with amino acids and vitamins.

Hemoglobin contains the daily requirement of vitamin A. This is probably why it is recommended for children during their development. The product contains minerals that have a beneficial effect on hair and nails.

Watch an excerpt from the famous medical TV show dedicated to hematogen:

Read more about the benefits and harms of hematogen for humans below.

How is it useful for humans?

All children love this healthy bar. Hematogen is also useful for women and men.

During pregnancy

Is it possible to use Hematogen during pregnancy? When carrying a fetus, doctors recommend that women use hematogen with caution. An increase in hemoglobin leads to blood thickening.

This will provoke thrombosis and clog the capillaries. The benefit to the fetus is minimal.

During pregnancy, hormonal levels change significantly, so allergies and hypersensitivity may develop when consuming the bar.

It is better for pregnant women to give up hematogen and try to replace it with more natural products. For example, beef or liver are useful.

Adult men and women

Hematogen also increases sexual activity by normalizing blood circulation. Increases immunity. Promotes the production of healthy sperm, relieves drowsiness.

For the elderly

Hematogen contains vitamins and helps improve vision in older people. By thinning the blood, the bar helps older people “renew” their body. Your mood will improve and your general condition will return to normal.

For children

What is the benefit and what is the harm of hematogen for children? If a child has an iron deficiency, it means that he cannot resist infections. He can be lethargic, pale, and gets tired quickly.

One hematogen bar (25 g) will provide the child with 25% of the daily iron requirement. This applies to children from 4 to 6 years old. Recommended for children who are underweight due to poor nutrition.

The product benefits children after flu or cold.

It is advisable to give the tiles to the child in the postoperative period, for example, some time after the removal of a baby tooth.

You can treat them to a record when your child has scraped his knee or broken his palms. The healing process will be faster.

For special categories of people

The bar contains a lot of carbohydrates that are easily digested. Therefore, people with diabetes and excess weight cannot consume it. If you regularly take dietary supplements, an allergic reaction and stomach upset may occur. You should not eat hematogen if problems with the pancreas are detected.

How is Hematogen useful for adults in sports? For athletes, the product will be a good addition due to its protein content and essential minerals.


Despite the benefits of sweets, it has contraindications.

Real hematogen is now difficult to find. Pharmacies sell bars that can be compared to chocolate candy in terms of health benefits.

You should not abuse this medicine, otherwise it can lead to undesirable consequences for the body.

For example, a sweet briquette can disrupt the intestinal microflora, causing fermentation in it. It will cause nausea, lightheadedness, and diarrhea. It is strictly forbidden to take if you are anemic.

Instructions for use

Hematogen, like any other medicine, should be used carefully. Preferably as prescribed by a doctor, who must indicate the dosage schedule, calculate the timing and dosage. The right approach will eliminate possible harm to the body. It is not recommended to give tiles to children under three years of age.

There are exceptions to the prescribed dosages, but many factors are taken into account here - height, body weight, chronic diseases, acute pathologies.

Hematogen is prescribed three times a day as follows:

  • children from three to seven years old - 15 g;
  • children from seven to twelve years old - 20 g;
  • teenagers and adults - 30g.

Although the bar contains animal blood, children and adults love it. Its similarity to chocolate/taffy makes it possible to use it as a children's sweet. But you need to be careful and avoid overeating.

Hematogen is a drug for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia, sold without a prescription in pharmacies and some retail chains. It looks like a small chocolate bar and has a specific soft and pleasant taste.

What is hematogen

What hematogen is made from is no secret. It is made from bovine, pork and calf blood, which has been treated to remove fibrins in order to purify and eliminate possible infection. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates and a complex of minerals necessary for the human body.

Hematogen contains iron, milk, honey, ascorbic acid and (optionally) all kinds of natural additives. Hematogen contains 12 mcg of iron per 100 g (for comparison, apples contain only 2 mcg).

Hematogen composition: dried blood - 5%, ascorbic acid - 0.12% and sweeteners. This is enough to literally get a person losing strength from exhaustion back on his feet.

However, not any hematogen that is sold under this name is beneficial, but only one that contains black food albumin, the main protein of blood plasma. In real hematogen, albumin according to GOST should be 2.5%. The best hematogen is classic, without additives; black albumin in the composition must be indicated on the wrapper.

Domestic hematogen has been produced for almost a hundred years. Factories producing the drug in the last century were opened throughout the Soviet Union: in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia and the Urals, so great was the need for the health of a nation weakened by food shortages and epidemics. First of all, hematogen was prescribed to children and supplied to the army, recommended to the elderly and shock workers.

Indications and benefits of hematogen

Hematogen is useful for:

  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • malnutrition and dystrophy, especially in children;
  • vitamin A deficiency and visual impairment;
  • ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, but only when we are not talking about an exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • during the period of recovery from serious illnesses.

It has a beneficial effect on nail growth, hair and skin condition; the beneficial microelements it contains help with kidney diseases with a decrease in erythropoiesis (hematopoiesis level).

Many adults and most children today are ready to consume this tasty medicine just like that, as a snack or instead of a chocolate bar for tea. In principle, you can replace chocolate and cookies with hematogen, but you should not mindlessly eat it every day as a treat. Hematogen has its own benefits and harms, indications and contraindications, which are especially strict during pregnancy and lactation.

Use of hematogen during pregnancy

Let's start with whether it is possible to use hematogen during pregnancy. Anemia in pregnant women is a common phenomenon, and it is dangerous both due to the deterioration of the mother’s condition and the risk of oxygen starvation of the fetus. Hematogen can increase hemoglobin. It is known that iron molecules are transporters of oxygen to cells, which guarantees the proper development of the child. In case of maternal toxicosis in the early stages, hematogen restores the level of glucose in the woman’s blood, saturates it with amino acids necessary for muscles, and stabilizes metabolism.

But there is one thing. There should be enough red blood cells in the blood. If you absorb hematogen tile by tile, it can raise hemoglobin, but thickening of the blood is ensured. And this is dangerous due to thrombosis, which will disrupt the blood supply to the fetus and even lead to thrombophlebitis in a pregnant woman. This recommendation is relevant for anyone who experiences problems with veins.

Hematogen can be used during pregnancy to increase hemoglobin, but only as prescribed by a doctor and in courses, and not several times daily.

Is it possible to eat hematogen while breastfeeding?

After childbirth, the mother's body experiences enormous stress. The metabolism is rearranged again, and often one has to observe such consequences as problems with teeth, nails, hair, and weakened immunity. Hematogen can compensate for the lack of useful substances that cause the disorder, but it is undesirable to get carried away with it during breastfeeding. The baby's body may react with an allergy or stool disorder to changes in the composition, smell and taste of breast milk. Therefore, a few pieces are enough for the mother, while monitoring the baby’s condition. It’s better to replace hematogen for the first time with hematogen with vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor, and return to your favorite candy bar only 5 months after birth.

When hematogen is undesirable for hepatitis B

Hematogen is essentially a dietary supplement, and its use by a nursing mother is not compatible with some products. Here are the features of taking hematogen while breastfeeding:

  • Separate the intake of vitamins from the use of hematogen by 2-3 hours;
  • do not eat hematogen on a salt-free diet;
  • exclude it if Norfloxacin, Minocycline, Levofloxacin, painkillers, diuretics and heart medications are prescribed;
  • Avoid combining hematogen in the diet with cereals, bread, fish and liver, as well as foods containing calcium in large quantities.

You will have to give up hematogen while breastfeeding if you have or have developed intolerance to the components.

Hematogen for children

Children's hematogen is no different in basic composition and purpose from an adult, but for children it is produced in a greater variety: with the addition of dried apricots, nuts, prunes, sesame seeds, chocolate, with iodine, vitamin C, with coconut, raspberries, raisins... How much does it increase from Its therapeutic value has not been studied, but it certainly does not cause harm with moderate use.
Doctors have determined how much hematogen is allowed per day for children. Neither an infant nor a one-year-old child is given hematogen, the drug is also not recommended for a 2-year-old child, and only starting from 3 years old can the baby be given hematogen little by little, but only under the supervision of a doctor. From 3 to 6 years of age, the norm of use during therapy is 5 g per day in the morning, afternoon and evening, from 6 to 11 years - 10 g twice a day, from 12 to 18 years - 15 g per day twice.

Other contraindications of hematogen

  1. You should not use Hematogen if iron-containing medications have already been prescribed: this restriction applies to everyone. Excess iron leads to atherosclerosis and digestive disorders.
  2. With excessive consumption, hematogen increases blood pressure.
  3. Hematogen is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. Diabetes - insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent - is always associated with the risk of excess, which can pose a threat to life.
  4. Hematogen is not indicated for metabolic disorders due to its high calorie content, especially if you are overweight. It is very easy to recover from hematogen,
  5. You should not abuse hematogen for varicose veins and other vein diseases.
  6. Hematogen is also not prescribed for anemia not caused by iron deficiency.
  7. is a contraindication for the use of hematogen, since carbohydrates in such quantities can simply destroy the inflamed pancreas. However, in the chronic course of the disease in very small doses, hematogen is not harmful.
  8. For constipation, hematogen does not have a strong effect on peristalsis, however, in case of an overdose, stool disorder may occur.
  9. In case of an ulcer, hematogen has a regenerating effect on the gastric mucosa, so it can be eaten in reasonable doses.

Hematogen with diet

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to add hematogen to the diet when losing weight. For all its benefits, hematogen is very high in calories, and it is very easy to gain weight on it. But in small doses, even on a diet, it provides support to the body. Those who know how to count calories will be able to adjust their diet to hematogen.

Hematogen for animals

Is hematogen used in veterinary medicine? Can it be given to a cat or dog? Human - no, especially with additives. Sugar is very harmful to cats and dogs. Another type of hematogen has been developed for animals and is used as a treat or feed for weakened animals.

Hematogen is a drug intended to correct metabolic processes occurring in the body. It is a source of minerals, carbohydrates, complete protein, fats, which are contained in proportions close to the composition of blood.

What is the composition and release form of Hematogen?

The drug is produced in relief tiles, which are divided into small plates, brown in color, they taste sweet, have a consistency similar to iris, with a faint aroma of vanilla.

One tile contains 2.5 grams of food albumin, which is the active substance of the drug. Auxiliary compounds Hematogen: condensed milk with sugar, added starch syrup, vanillin, and granulated sugar in the required volume.

Hematogen is produced in pharmaceutical production from dried cattle blood, and sometimes various flavor enhancers are added, as well as honey, pine nuts, and ascorbic acid. Externally, this drug resembles small chocolate bars.

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light; it is recommended to keep the drug away from children. Temperature conditions must be observed; they should not exceed 25 degrees. Shelf life is six months, after which the tiles cannot be used. You can buy them without a prescription.

What are the properties of Hematogen?

Hematogen stimulates the process of hematopoiesis, promotes better absorption of iron in the intestines, in addition, affects the increase in hemoglobin in the blood, and also regulates redox processes in the body.

The biologically complete protein present in the preparation contains all the important amino acids in the optimal ratio. The drug increases the amount of ferritin directly in plasma. It is a source of fats, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. All substances are in a balanced state.

The wide variety of medicines that can now be seen in pharmacies have practically replaced Hematogen, which used to be very popular among both children and adults.

Iron, which is absorbed by the body, is present in animal protein, which is precisely what is in this preparation. Symptoms such as pale skin, lethargy, fatigue, weakness, decreased performance may indicate a deficiency of this mineral compound.

Hematogen began to be produced in the form of tiles back in the last century; it was developed as a unique drug containing iron, which is freely absorbed into the bloodstream.

What are Hematogen's indications for use?

Hematogen is prescribed as a complex treatment if the patient has anemia of various origins; the drug is especially effective in the posthemorrhagic and iron deficiency form of this disease, when the body experiences iron deficiency.

In addition, it is recommended for use in conditions that are accompanied by muscle wasting; the drug is effective for debilitated so-called cachectic patients. In addition, it is prescribed during the period of convalescence, when the patient has suffered any serious illness.

In addition to the listed indications, visual impairment can be considered, in this case the drug can also be used, since it is rich in vitamin A, in addition, Hematogen has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair and nails, and also improves the condition of the skin.

What are the contraindications for use of Hematogen?

The instructions for use of the drug Hematogen prohibit its use in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, it is not used for impaired carbohydrate metabolism, since the composition contains a certain amount of sugar. It is contraindicated for anemia that is not associated with iron deficiency.

What are the uses and dosage of Hematogen?

The medicine is taken enterally, that is, orally, the tiles are chewed and swallowed, it is not recommended to drink them. For preventive purposes, adults and children over two years of age are usually recommended to consume one or two tablets three times a day. A similar course is carried out over 30 or 60 days.

During the period of convalescence, after the patient has suffered from iron deficiency anemia, it is recommended to prescribe the medicine two tablets per day, and the period of administration is designed for two months.

A doctor can prescribe this remedy, depending on the indications for use. Repeated courses of treatment should also be agreed with the doctor. It is better to refrain from unauthorized use.

What are the side effects of Hematogen?

Overdose of Hematogen

No cases of overdose have been reported.

Special instructions

Patients suffering from endocrine pathologies such as diabetes should first consult a doctor. It is worth remembering that Hematogen contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which can negatively affect the health of patients with this disease.

What are Hematogen's analogues?

Hematogen L, Hematogen with pine nuts, Hematogen new, Hematogen S Vita, Hematogen with hazelnuts, the listed drugs are analogues.


Before you start using Hematogen, it would be useful to consult a specialist.