The main money secrets of Feng Shui. Feng Shui tips for money

In order to attract money, change should be left in a visible place. The Chinese master Yang Yi embodied the ancient theory and experience of countless generations into the theory of Feng Shui, according to which all the events that take place in our lives depend on the breath of the dragon, awakening, searching for the area and home.

Foundations of the theory of Feng Shui.

At the end of the last century, an esoteric method appeared and received its maximum development, which is designed for primitive people and is based on the division of housing, for example, into a zone of wealth and money, a children’s zone and a zone of love with a career.

By creating an established sequence of amulets and talismans in different parts of the home, establishing order and cleanliness, it is possible to focus and redirect the life-giving Feng Shui energy of Qi, which permeates everything present on Earth, changing life and health for the better. Another name for this method is symbolism, based on images and actions associated with them. The main talismans from the Chinese school of Feng Shui are the dragon, the three-legged toad, the phoenix and the unicorn, as well as Budai and the dragon turtle.

One of the symbols of energy movement is the figure eight “on its side,” that is, the endless flow of life from Yang to Yin. The presence or absence of harmony is determined by the attributes of the elements with elements of nature in a certain habitat - water, metal, fire, wood and earth.

In Feng Shui, the concept of wealth is interpreted very broadly, that is, it will include both the abundance of money and spiritual, cultural and intellectual development, as well as human communication.

If you want to move forward to financial freedom, to prosperity with well-being, or are tired of continuous problems with creditors and live from advance payment to paycheck, then pay attention to the southeastern part of the room or house where you have been for quite a long time. To make the task easier, build a floor plan, determining the location of the parts of the world, and make a copy to eliminate the possibility of error. Here you can benefit from space, sunlight and the lack of concentration of things and furniture.

Feng Shui arrangement. The principle of interior organization.

Crystals from crystal or pyramids tend to accumulate and accumulate the flow of money energy according to Feng Shui. A living, fast-growing plant with round leaves in the shape of a coin, or oblong leaves in the shape of a bill, must necessarily occupy the appropriate place. For this purpose, indoor flowers of the money tree (genus of Crassula) will be great. It is possible to use the most intensive methods of replenishing energy according to Feng Shui. For example, an aquarium with beautiful fish frolicking happily or an indoor fountain with any arbitrary shape. An image of any stream of water rushing upward, a windmill, complemented by a zone for attracting wealth is suitable.

The color range of this corner is in the spectrum of green - blue-blue tone, and the furniture is only made of natural wood or wicker, and preferably unpainted.

The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so as not to frighten off your luck. A huge aquarium overpopulated with fish in a small space, a picture of Niagara Falls or a stormy ocean will do more harm than good. The abundance of images of rushing water can rather take well-being away from the house, rather than bring it into the home.

The presence of real money can be a good help for the interior in the wealth zone. According to your taste, place a certain number of bills in the most visible place, no matter what country or continent they belong to. Small change should be placed in the corners out of reach.

Feng Shui of an apartment. Hallway

Regardless of the geographical location of the hallway, it is also necessary to give it the proper appearance - remove any garbage and rubbish, do not throw away shoes and outerwear as necessary, take care of good lighting, and free up the entrance to the house for the passage of light energy. It is strictly forbidden to install a Feng Shui mirror in the hallway opposite the front door, since all the good things that rush into the house are reflected and leave it.

At the entrance, under the mat, you can put a handful of metal money, for example, Chinese coins, tied in threes with red thread. Amulets with symbols can be placed opposite or near the door.

Do not forget that Feng Shui methods are not a panacea for all ills. Absolutely all costs and efforts will be in vain if you don’t try to change yourself, don’t tune in to the best, luck with success, and don’t realize that you are already rich.

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Many people ask the same questions: how to attract money using feng shui? How to get rich? Why do some people get everything so easily? Let's try to highlight this problem from the point of view of Feng Shui. Of course, the Chinese metaphysics of Feng Shui does not seek to become the final authority in attracting monetary energy - but it can give good advice and look at this problem from a wider range.

According to Feng Shui, money is not just a valuable piece of paper printed by a bank in a certain country; first of all, it is monetary energy. You've probably ever noticed that money literally falls from the sky for some people, and they do nothing to attract it, and you've never even heard of Feng Shui. The fact is that according to Feng Shui, you and I are also a collection of certain types of energy - And that’s why some people simply love money.

If you do not consider yourself one of those lucky ones, then you will be interested in how you can attract money with the help of Feng Shui. The main problem of lack of money must first be looked for within ourselves, as it was said above that we are something other than a walking “Human QI”, and without realizing it we ourselves can block money energy or be in conflict with it. In order to understand this, we need to look deep inside ourselves and understand what the reason could be, and there can be many of them, right down to ancestral karma. In the latter case, we will not be able to significantly influence the situation, but with the help of Feng Shui we can soften this influence and attract material values ​​so that money can flow.

We have dealt with the first influence, now let’s move on to the next important one, which we can have a direct effect on, in fact this is the Feng Shui of the house and the surrounding space. With the help of which we will attract money, that is, monetary energy.

The influence of bad feng shui at home on money energy

The first step is to eliminate the negative factors of bad feng shui in the house that block the flow of monetary energy.

1. Pay attention to the front door of your house; if it squeaks, be sure to lubricate it. It should close and open freely. In Feng Shui, the creaking of a door can be compared as if you went fishing with a loud tape recorder on your shoulder, it is clear that you will not catch a fish.

2. There should be enough light in the hallway of your home. If there are burnt out light bulbs, do not hesitate, replace them as quickly as possible. Bright light in the hallway attracts qi energy, and with it monetary energy.

3. Check your pipes for leaks; they should be dry. After all, along with smudges, monetary energy can also flow away.

If you have at least one of the negative factors listed above in your home, it will be difficult to attract money using Feng Shui, so be sure to eliminate them.

Pay your attention to the South-Eastern sector, it is he who is responsible for wealth and prosperity in your home. If there are rubble there, clear them out and put everything in order; for this, read the article at the link.

Another strong factor that has a strong influence on all Feng Shui zones, and accordingly on the wealth sector, is the central health sector in your home. This sector is located in the middle, see. There should be no blockages or other negative factors in the Central Sector.

So we answered the question: how to attract money Feng Shui. As you probably already understood, we can only influence monetary energy by changing the interior and surrounding space. But what about our internal feng shui? And here we can also influence, with the help of ours. And if you want to delve into the study of Feng Shui in more detail, then you should turn your attention to Ba Zi - this is the highest aerobatics in Chinese metaphysics.

We all strive to increase our well-being and this is a completely normal desire: to surround ourselves with comfort, beautiful, pleasant things, eat delicious food and calmly go on a trip to where we would like to go.

Of course, money is not the most important thing in life, but one cannot but agree that a wallet full of banknotes can make this very life even more pleasant))

In Chinese culture, to which we owe our acquaintance with Feng Shui, prosperity is one of the main pillars on which human well-being is based. Feng Shui is not a religion, it is rather a teaching about the possibilities of using the power of the subtle matters around us, one of which is also wealth.

How to attract money using Feng Shui?

We are tightly interconnected with the space around us. We spend most of our time at work and at home, so how can we make sure that while we are in space, we can influence our well-being? Regardless of whether it is home or work, before you grab your compass and Bagua grid, take a close look at your surroundings.

If everywhere you look there are piles of unnecessary things, old papers, an unimaginable interweaving of wires under your feet and leaking taps, then this means that first of all you need to roll up your sleeves and sort out all this disgrace.

Favorable Qi energy should flow freely in the room. If the rooms are musty, there is literally nothing to breathe and there is dust in the corners, then this is a real breeding ground for negative energies that can ruin your best intentions in their infancy. After cleaning, you can fumigate the room with incense or ring a bell.

Now you can take a compass, apply a Bagua grid to the floor plan and determine the zones of Wealth and Career.

Wealth is a zone in the southeastern sector.

Career - zone in the north.

Now these areas should be arranged in accordance with their purpose.

Feng Shui for attracting money in the workplace

Since we spend a third of our time at the workplace every day, it would be foolish not to use Feng Shui at work to attract money.

Our salary depends on the position we occupy, and the availability and size of bonuses often depends on the mood of our superiors. The main task is to attract favorable energy to your side and protect yourself from unwanted influences.

Calculate your Gua number, which is calculated from your date of birth. It will help you determine which direction is the best source of Qi for you and which should be avoided. Since many of us are not so familiar with Eastern teachings to be able to determine the Gua number on our own, so you can do this by following the link .

Turn your face to the source of Qi when you work, make plans, make decisions, in this case you will make the most of your cosmic resources. Of course, there are no guarantees that you will be allowed to rearrange your workplace according to your personal map of favorable directions, but knowing the location of your source can seriously make life easier.

It is imperative that you feel supported, so if possible, place an image of mountains or other landscape behind you, but without water.

It is also believed that a portrait of the president, or another influential person whom you respect, is quite capable of providing energy protection to the rear (and I naively believed that the tradition of placing such portraits on the wall in the office is a tribute to respect))

It would be wise to place a crystal pyramid and Chinese coins tied with red braid on the table, which will attract career growth and increase income.

How to attract money to your home using Feng Shui

We are free to arrange our home as our soul desires, which means that in this case we can make the most of it.

Attracting money to your home using Feng Shui is an extremely exciting activity. Having found out exactly where the wealth zone is located, you need to arrange it by placing the appropriate symbols that attract wealth, in other words, activate it.

Use green and purple colors in the design, decorative elements symbolizing gold, in addition, growing wealth is symbolized by a tree. Ideally in this regard, place a “money tree” or a crassula in the zone; in addition, I already wrote about it in the article “What flowers must be in the house” .

The most powerful talisman of wealth is an aquarium with 8 gold fish and 1 black fish. If suddenly the fish dies, it means that misfortune has been removed from your home. Be grateful and buy another fish to replace the one that died.

Under no circumstances should you allow water leaks in your house - this is how your money literally flows away, watch this carefully.

In addition to material components, feng shui experts advise taking care of the purity of your karma, because according to the laws of the universe, like is attracted to like. You can spend a lot of time and effort on bringing your home in accordance with harmonious Feng Shui, but your negative thoughts will simply cancel out all your efforts.

It is very important that there is harmony not only outside, but also inside; for this, do not neglect the benefits of meditation and positive thinking. Whenever possible, work with affirmations aimed at easily receiving money and enjoying it, you should be determined to calmly accept the flow of wealth that you attract into your home.

How to keep money at home according to Feng Shui?

If there is a need to keep cash in the house, then it is better if you place it in a special box or red box, on which the gold hieroglyph “wealth” will be inscribed. You can also purchase (order) a special banknote holder decorated with the same hieroglyph.

In addition, depending on the purpose of the money, it is better to put it in envelopes and sign the goals in accordance with positive attitudes:

  • justice - on

What should a Feng Shui wallet look like to attract money?

According to the doctrine, a wallet is not just a container for banknotes - it is their home. According to Feng Shui, in order for money to flow, they must like their home, then they will not only strive to return to it, but will also pull “friends” with them)) that is, they will attract other financial opportunities.

So, what should you pay attention to when choosing a wallet?

  • Its quality. The wallet should be made of good material, it is better if it is suede, leather or other expensive material. The stitches should be straight and the fasteners should work properly.
  • Wallet size. Banknotes should not be twisted or bent. They should be comfortable in the wallet.

Feng Shui for attracting money works only if the owner maintains cleanliness and order, ensuring the free circulation of energy flows of well-being and wealth. Therefore, it is necessary to remove checks, pieces of paper, photographs from your wallet - everything that is not related to money, away! Place the banknotes evenly, in ascending order of denomination, face up. During this procedure, you can repeat positive attitudes aimed at increasing cash flow.

  • What color should a wallet be to attract money according to Feng Shui? Traditional colors that attract money are all shades of red and gold. However, among Feng Shui experts, there is an opinion that the color of the wallet should be chosen based on the element and its elements to which the owner belongs. You can find out your element and elements by calculating the gua number based on your date of birth, as already written above.

How to save money according to Feng Shui?

Is it possible to use the power of Feng Shui to attract money for specific needs and how to save according to Feng Shui?

It is believed that in order for money to come to you, you need to let it go. This is energy, it should not stagnate, let it flow like a ringing spring stream. Accept and give money with pleasure and gratitude.

Another rule: it is customary to return a tenth to heaven as gratitude for your wealth - that is, spend it on charity. Keep in mind that if you give money to relatives, these are expenses for the family and have nothing to do with charity.

Indicate your goal positively and put aside some of the funds in an envelope specially designated for it, without compromising your other needs. The more specific the goal, the better.

You can also use the power of money talismans to increase your flow and help you achieve your desired goal sooner. Visualize the desired purchase, place its image on the envelope, and drop mint or patchouli oil inside, as their smell is attractive to money.

Inexhaustible cash flows to you!

How to attract money? How to become rich? These questions excite the minds of millions of people. Some turn to Feng Shui to find answers to these questions. But does he have magical powers and is able to make sure that everyone can get rich? Or is this fiction and delusion?

The truth, as always, is in the middle.

Before using Feng Shui to attract money, be sure that you are really ready for this.

Money is not so much banknotes or coins, it is, first of all, a certain type of energy. And this energy can be blocked due to internal problems. And if you do not solve them, but only try to increase wealth using methods, then you may encounter serious problems.

In other words, in order to constantly “be in money”, you must first of all work on yourself.

The best way to acquire knowledge is to ask yourself questions and find the answers yourself.

So if you want to learn how to attract money, then come up with as many questions as possible on the topic of money and be sure to write them down on a piece of paper. The longer the list of questions, the better.

By writing down a question, you move it to a higher rank and pose a specific task to your mind. The mind, seeing the goal set, turns on the subconscious to find the answer.

Here are examples of some common money questions.

  • Where can I find money?
  • What to do with money?
  • How to get more money?
  • How to make sure there is always money?
  • How to solve a money problem?

Gradually, your brain will begin to find answers to them, and suddenly new great ideas will come to mind that you had not noticed before.

After answering, come up with new questions about money and write them down again.

Record your expenses and income every day.

If you can’t remember the exact amount, then write down at least an approximate amount. You can keep a notebook for these purposes or use special computer programs. There are many convenient applications for computers and smartphones.

Why does this work? Perhaps because the money element is something that is controlled by the personality element. Thus, monetary energy is symbolically taken under control, as it should happen in nature.

The habitat is important.

The environment shapes a person. If you want to learn the secrets of attracting money, then more often be around people who already know and can do it. This is how the energy exchange between them and you will take place.

So, becoming rich is not just about getting a lot of money. This is another level of personality development. Therefore, it is advisable not only to strengthen monetary energy with the help, but also at the same time to grow as a person.

Feng Shui talismans and attracting money

The most common and popular money talismans in Feng Shui are the three-legged toad, the money tree, Chinese prosperity coins, and the sailing ship of wealth. There are also various pictures, rugs, envelopes, red wallets and other amulets.

If Chinese souvenirs are your thing, you can buy Feng Shui talismans in esoteric stores. There are quite a lot of them now, they open in almost every city. And there are even online stores where you can order and buy unusual souvenirs to attract wealth.

But don’t think that the more Feng Shui talismans you buy, the more money they will bring you. There is no need to make your home look like souvenir shops selling esoteric goods.

Feng Shui money symbols attracting wealth performs a more stimulating task. If they are constantly in sight, they motivate you to work better and, as a result, earn more money.

Therefore, symbols require faith and careful care. If you do not believe in the power of Feng Shui money talismans, then you do not need them to attract money. Classical Feng Shui does well without them, since it works directly with Qi energy.

How to place Feng Shui money symbols in your home? In which zones and sectors should I place a frog and a money tree to attract money?

According to the classical rules of Feng Shui, there are no recommendations of this kind - place a three-legged toad in such and such a sector, or place a money tree in a certain area - and then money will flow like a river.

Keep it simple - when placing money symbols, adhere to the principles of beauty and appropriateness in a given place. Trust your feelings. True, it would be preferable to place them in better sectors rather than in bad ones. Because to some extent this is activation. But this is not a prerequisite. Figurines, pictures and, for example, flying stars are completely different levels of Feng Shui, and they do not intersect with each other.

By activating the wealth zone, you can earn money

What is in feng shui wealth zone? The money sector of wealth is the place in the home where favorable energies gather. The Feng Shui wealth sector will not make people millionaires overnight, but it enhances abilities, helps you see better prospects and move towards your goals.

There are different approaches to finding the monetary sector of wealth. Let's consider one of them - the simplest one - to determine the money zone with the help of a prosperous feng shui star.

What does it mean? In Feng Shui, time is divided into a repeating cycle of nine twenty-year periods. Currently, from 2004 to 2024 is the eighth feng shui period. During this period, the prosperous star is the White Eight.

Where is it?

Qi energy is dynamic and changes from year to year. Therefore, the prosperous star of the period moves from one place to another every year along a trajectory according to the rules of the magic square of Luo Shu. Therefore, the annual sector of wealth is where the annual star Eight lives.

How to properly activate the money sector

It is advisable to stay in this zone more often. For example, use it as a work office or as a gathering place to discuss important matters. The more often you go there, the greater the likelihood of falling under the influence of positive energy - and, as a result, making money.

If it is not possible to visit the sector often for objective reasons, then you can activate it with constantly moving objects - for example, mobiles. A wind-up mechanical toy or a clock with a pendulum would also be suitable. The stronger the activity in the monetary sector, the more favorable energies will be activated.

An additional touch is to organize your place in such a way as to look at a good flying star or in the personal favorable direction of Shen Qi - “Success”. It depends on the person’s personal Gua number and is calculated based on the year of birth.

Feng Shui monetary activations

Another way to attract money using Feng Shui methods is to regularly carry out various money activations.

Monetary activations consist of “stirring up” favorable energies. To do this, you need to install an active object for a short time (2 hours) at a strictly defined time and in a strictly defined place - light an ordinary candle, or turn on a fountain or fan. Depending on the type of activation performed.

In this way, you can attract additional monetary luck - namely, receive unexpected one-time money, orders, or an increase in your permanent salary. The nature of attracting money will depend on your working style.

To receive dates of monetary activations, subscribe for monthly feng shui forecasts. And then every month you will receive by email the dates of Feng Shui monetary activations absolutely free.

Using the above or any other Feng Shui methods, remember the important points.

First, excessive wealth is harmful to human relationships and health. Therefore, it is important to maintain a yin-yang balance and not try to get too much money, more than you really need.

Secondly, Feng Shui is not a magic pill, but only a tool that needs to be applied to something real - abilities, skills, efforts. And then he will be the springboard that will help you take off. This is the correct approach to using Feng Shui to attract money.

And finally - a video with symbols of wealth and money affirmations. Repeat them so that your thoughts will help you attract money!

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui! Have a good time on the site

Money is a very important concept for modern Feng Shui, because being poor and happy at the same time is very problematic, so let's find out how to use Feng Shui to attract money.

Habitat for attracting money according to Feng Shui

The first rule of Feng Shui is that the environment shapes a person. If you want to learn how to attract money, then more often be around people who already know and can do it. This is how the energy exchange between them and you will take place.

So, becoming rich is not just about getting a lot of money. This is another level of personality development. Therefore, it is advisable not only to strengthen monetary energy with the help of Feng Shui, but also at the same time to grow as a person.

To attract money according to Feng Shui
get rid of trash

Money in Feng Shui is not only a material concept, but also a philosophical one. Feng Shui believes that money can only come to a collected, hard-working person who knows how to create a harmonious space around himself where monetary energy will live. How can money energy live in a house where there is dust on the shelves, old books and magazines in the pantry that no one will ever read, clothes in the closet that you will not wear, and for some reason cracked plates have been hiding in the depths of the kitchen furniture for years? cups, teapots. These things, according to Feng Shui, carry energy debris that interferes with attracting money. You need to ruthlessly get rid of them, throw them away, take them to the library, give them to a church or charity foundation - anywhere, but so that there is no old stuff in the house. After this, do some general cleaning, then you will have a clean space where Feng Shui can attract money.

If you want money, think only about it

Feng Shui says that those who think about money always have money. What are you thinking about? According to Feng Shui, you cannot want everything at once, that is, there is no point in wanting money, love, long hair and a beautiful figure at the same time. The energy you send will not be enough to attract money, because you spend it on solving your other problems. Therefore, you need to decide what is most important to you at the moment. If you want Feng Shui to work to attract money, set it only this task, temporarily abandoning everything else. That is, stop thinking about how to take the boss’s place, lose weight and meet a tall, broad-shouldered brunette. And if this is difficult, Feng Shui advises combining business with pleasure, that is, introduce money into your other thoughts. For example, don’t just want to sit in the manager’s chair, but sit because there is a higher salary, an opportunity to earn money, not just to lose weight, grow long hair and meet a man, but if I am slim and beautiful, with long hair, I have excellent chances meet a tall, WEALTHY man who will give me the money I need. Thus, you will give the higher powers options for resolving the issue, and let Feng Shui choose the easiest way to attract money to you from all possible ways.

Attract money
using monetary symbols

Money symbolism is the most important part of receiving money in Feng Shui. It connects the previous two laws into a single cycle, creating a money trigram. In terms of ordinary life, it looks like this. Constantly catching your eye, Feng Shui money symbols remind you that you need money, you think about it, that is, you release a certain energy that works to attract money. This is the work of the second law. And when do you see money symbols? When they stand in a clean place, they look bright, not covered with dust, and not cluttered with other objects. That is, in order for these items to catch your eye more often, you must have a clean house, a harmonious interior, where all things are in their places, where there is nothing superfluous. Here is the relationship with the first law of Feng Shui: money. When they connect, they create a very strong energy vortex that you can use to solve any issues.

What are the feng shui symbols?
will bring you money

Feng Shui has many talismans that can help you get money.

The most famous of them are - aquarium with goldfish and the cup of wealth. Another great feng shui accessory used to attract money is the money tree. You can read more about plants that attract good luck and money from a Feng Shui point of view in the material "How to choose the right flowers and plants according to Feng Shui"

Three-legged frog- perhaps the most popular symbol representing money in Feng Shui. She usually holds one or three coins in her mouth, but if there is only a slot, then you have to insert the coin into her mouth yourself. To ensure that money goes into the house and not out of the house, Feng Shui advises placing it “facing” inside the house, but not on the front door, and always in the living room. Whether the frog looks like a real one or not, what color it is, does not play a special role, the main thing is that you like it, so that you want to see it as the conductor of your monetary desires. This item works most successfully for people who want to improve their well-being through hard work.

Another Feng Shui symbol that brings money is Hottei (or laughing Buddha). It personifies well-being, fun, communication and carelessness, so it is preferred by those who want to get money the easy way - get married successfully, win the lottery, receive an inheritance. Also, according to Feng Shui, it will bring money to people of creative professions who need bright emotions and inspiration for their work - these are artists, painters, writers, interior designers, clothing designers. He is often depicted sitting on a three-legged toad, thus the general background of the symbol seems to double. In order for money to fall into his bag, Feng Shui advises placing it in the southeast of the living room, office, or even the table at which you work.

Chinese are also often used prosperity coins, sailing ship of wealth. There are also various pictures, rugs, envelopes, special wallets and other amulets.

But don’t think that the more Feng Shui talismans you buy, the more money they will bring you. There is no need to make your home look like souvenir shops selling esoteric goods.

Activate the wealth zone
feng shui in your home

Ritual to attract money during the Full Moon

To attract good luck and money, on a night when there is a full moon in the sky, you need to go out into the open sky with a coin and say:

"Silver coin, silver moon,

give me success and wealth, give me in full.”

When you say these words, look closely at the moon, absorb its energy, its light. Drink this energy to the fullest, and then return it to the moon. Feel like a flashlight shining back. Moonlight should be seen as pure energy of success and money, then everything will definitely work out. You can read about rituals for the New Moon that attract good luck and money in the material “Money rituals for the New Moon”

Feng Shui elements to attract money

With the help of 5 elements arranged in the right order, you can also attract money. These elements are: wood, water, metal, fire and earth. You need to take things related to each element and arrange them in a circle on any convenient surface. After everything is established, it must be said: the earth gives birth to metal, which gives energy to the water that feeds the tree, and the tree kindles the fire that gives birth to the earth. You should feel how the energy moves, because it is precisely this that is necessary to activate the wealth zone. Objects can be left in this state for a long time, the main thing is to monitor the cleanliness of the water.

But what objects are the elements necessary for the ritual? Here are some examples:

  • Wood - a twig, any wooden object (preferably not painted):
  • Fire – a candle will do, preferably a red one;
  • Earth – any stone or lump of earth;
  • Metal - a coin or any metal object, a bell works well;
  • Water - in any open container.

Use any of them and good luck will follow you.

You can find out more about the elements of Feng Shui in the material “Elements of Feng Shui Five Elements”

Place money traps in your home

The most important places for luring money according to Feng Shui are the kitchen and the front door. Place 10-50 kopeck coins with the heads facing up on the clean floor under the door mat inside the apartment.

The same coins, wrapped in paper or a bag, should be placed in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer!), in the bread bin, in cereals - they will take care of you never going hungry. It is necessary to carefully ensure that coins placed among the food do not become moldy - then, on the contrary, they will interfere with the well-being of the family. If this happens, the coins should be immediately replaced with new ones.

You can hide “treasures” of coins, of any denomination, in other closed places - in closets, under carpets, among books. This is prohibited only in the bathroom, bedroom, toilet.

“Treasures” are good to carry on yourself - a coin in each pocket, in each compartment of a handbag, in a cosmetic bag.

The meaning of such feng shui tricks is that money attracts money.

The abundance of money hidden everywhere symbolizes the rich person that you should become!

Be rich and don’t forget that all the most valuable things are inside you!