The main character of the story is the little prince. Analysis of the work “The Little Prince” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Speaking about such a deep and truly complex work as “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, you need to know about the very personality of its author. This would be the same difficult person with a completely unique outlook on life.

Surprisingly, without having children himself, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry managed to preserve the child within himself, and not at all as deeply as many adults. Therefore, he saw the world through the eyes of a growing person, he understood and accepted the child’s worldview. This is the success of his work “The Little Prince”.

So we come close to this amazing, living and such a magical creation of a French writer, whose main occupation was a military pilot.

Reading The Little Prince, it’s hard to believe that it was written by a man of such a harsh profession: it is such a deep, tender and extraordinary work. But his heroes are especially interesting and unusual. About them and we'll talk.

Human heroes: one layer of storytelling

The Little Prince is a fairy tale, and it becomes so partly because the main characters in it are not only human. Here the reader will meet a wise tamed fox, an insidious snake, and even a capricious rose. But still there are more human characters.

The first and, of course, the main thing is, of course, the Little Prince himself. And here the first riddle awaits us: since this is the son of rulers, it means that there must be both a king and a queen in the fairy tale. After all, without them there can be no prince. However, nowhere in the story is there any mention of the Little Prince's parents.

We see his portrait: indeed, there is a crown and a cloak, but then what does he rule over? Or what do his mom and dad rule? There is no answer to this question, and no answer is expected. We perceive the world through the prism of worldview small child, and at that age the status of parents is not important to anyone. All children take each other for granted. And even the Little Prince for them is just a child, and no one is interested in his origins. This is a statement of fact.

However, this baby is already responsible and wise even more than any adult. He takes care of his planet, every day, without forgetting this for a moment, he takes care of the capricious rose, saving it from all possible adversities. He loves his friends and is sincerely attached to them. But, like any child, the Little Prince is curious and imprudent. Having quarreled with a rose and become bored, he, without thinking twice, leaves his home planet and goes on a long journey to see how others live? This is so childish! Well, who didn’t want to run away from home at least once?

Adult child
True, this child is also an adult at the same time. He has no parents, and he builds his own life. There is nowhere to wait for help, and it is not expected. Therefore, the Little Prince is wise beyond his years, although he allows himself simple childish pranks.

So, having been torn away from his tiny home planet, this child sets off on a journey to other worlds. Until he ends up on our mortal Earth, he will meet other planets on his way, and there will be no less amazing characters on them. Each of them is the personification of some passions. Everyone is busy with one thing and cannot tear themselves away from their work, even though, in fact, no one needs it. This already represents the structure of our adult world: many people do what no one needs, wasting their lives on nothing.

So is the king, who alone rules on a planet where there are no other people. All his passion is power, completely empty and unnecessary. So is the lamplighter, who every day turns on and off the only lamp on the planet where there are no other people. On the one hand, it’s like a responsibility, but on the other, it’s a waste of one’s own life. So is the drunkard who drinks all day long, and the accountant who cannot see beyond his numbers.

Disappointed in his neighbors, the little Prince flies further and finally ends up on our planet, where he meets the author-narrator. And surprisingly, for some reason these two people, big and small, find mutual language and understand each other. Maybe this happens because the image of the Little Prince is the author’s longing for a bygone childhood, this is the same Small child, living not very deep in the soul of Anutan de Saint-Exupéry.

However, the image is not autobiographical. There are echoes of little Tonio in it, but the fact that the author speaks on his own behalf does not allow us to identify the little prince with himself. This different people. And a child is just a projection, a kind of collective image, echoes of childhood memories, but not Antoine de Saint-Exupéry himself.

There are other heroes in the book, but they are not people. However, they play a very important role in revealing both the whole meaning of the work and its details.

Animal Heroes: Very Significant Characters to the Story

The Little Prince is a child, and first of all he remains one. Therefore, for him, as for any child, great value have animals. Everyone knows how little children love their kittens and puppies, and main character this amazing tale needs four-legged friend. And he manages to tame the Fox.

Fox is very important character, it helps to reveal the very essence of the philosophy of the entire fairy tale, helps to look into the very depths of the narrative. And it guides the plot.

So, gradually the Fox is tamed, and, in the end, becomes dependent on the boy. And it is to him that the immortal words belong: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” This is the first lesson of love, devotion, trust. And the Little Prince gratefully accepts it and assimilates it with his whole being. And it is then that the longing for the rose appears: after all, she is there alone, among the baobabs that are tearing apart the planet, scared and so defenseless. And tamed. And he, the little Prince, is responsible for those he tamed. So it's time to go home.

And here the Snake appears. This image is easy to read and is recognizable from the biblical canons. The tempting serpent that was there continues to perform the same function in almost all literary works. And then, as soon as the boy’s desire to return home appears, this same tempter appears, offering his help. In the Bible it was an apple, and in the work of a French writer it was a bite.

The snake says he can send the child home, which he has magic remedy and of course it is poison. In the biblical story, after communicating with a snake, people ended up on Earth, but in Exupery’s fairy tale, everything happens the other way around - the boy disappears. Where, there is not a word about this in the work, but the snake promises to return him to his home planet. And since there is no body, the reader can only hope that this is what happens. Or does the Little Prince go to where Adam came from - to heaven?

The tamed fox and the insidious snake are important, plot-shaping heroes of this work. Their importance in the development of the narrative cannot be overestimated.

Capricious rose: beauty that has thorns

If the Fox is the personification of devotion and trust, the Snake is deceit and temptation, then the Rose is love and inconsistency. The prototype of this hero was the author’s wife Consuelo, a very capricious, hot-tempered and, naturally, capricious person. However loving. And the Little Prince says about her that his Rose is capricious, sometimes unbearable, but all this is protection, just like thorns. But in fact, she has a very soft and kind heart.

Longing for the flower, the boy agrees to the snake's offer. For the sake of love, people are capable of much. And even die, only to be reborn again somewhere beyond the stars, somewhere on a completely different planet, tiny, but in an embrace with a beautiful rose.

Snakes have always had a special gift of instantly transporting people to a completely different world. And, who knows, maybe everything was as that snake promised the Little Prince, and he really ended up on his planet with his flower.

The fairy tale does not provide an answer. But since this is a fairy tale, we can all hope for a happy ending!

The main characters of Exupery's The Little Prince

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The Little Prince is the main character of the fairy tale, who flew from his small planet to Earth. Before that he committed long journey on a variety of planets that were inhabited by “strange adults.” The Little Prince has his own world, so a collision with the world of adults gives him a lot of questions and bewilderments. The pilot who suffered the accident is busy troubleshooting the plane. At dawn, the dozing pilot hears the thin voice of a child: “Please... draw me a lamb!” This is how the narrator introduces the reader to the Little Prince, who so miraculously appeared among the sands of the Sahara. The journey of the Little Prince, which he undertook after quarreling with his rose, meetings with a king, an ambitious man, a drunkard, a business man, a geographer - the only inhabitants of small planets - allowed the author to conclude: “Yes, these adults are a strange people! Trifles seem important to them, but they do not see the main thing. Instead of decorating their home, cultivating their garden, their planet, they wage wars, tyrannize other people, and dry out their brains with stupid numbers, and amuse themselves with pathetic tinsel, and with their vanity and greed insult the beauty of sunsets and sunrises, fields and sands. No, that’s not how you should live!” The little prince did not meet anyone on the planets who could be his friend. Only the image of a lamplighter differs favorably from other images in that he is faithful to his duty. And this loyalty, although meaningless, is reliable. The little prince meets the Fox on Earth and, at his request, gradually tames him. They become friends, but break up. The words of the Fox sound like a wise commandment: “ are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose." The most precious things in this life for the Little Prince are the Fox and the rose he left behind, because they are the only ones in the world. The appearance of the Little Prince in the desert, his appearance to a pilot who suffered an accident, is a symbolic reminder to an adult of his “inner homeland,” and his “death,” disappearance and the grief caused by this is the tragedy of an adult, in whose soul a child dies. It is the child who embodies all that is good, pure, and beautiful. Therefore, the writer says with bitterness that adults, parting with childhood, often forget about eternal, imperishable values; they are preoccupied with important, in their opinion, things and lead a boring, dull existence. But people should live differently, they need pure water deep wells, we need the bells of stars in the night sky. And because Saint-Exupery is not sure whether he will be able to inspire people with his own - their own! - the truth is, the fairy tale is so sad, so sad.

The scarlet prince is the main character of the fairy tale, who flew from his small planet to Earth. Before that, he made a long journey through a variety of planets that were inhabited by “strange adults.” The Little Prince has his own world, so a collision with the world of adults gives him a lot of questions and bewilderments. The pilot who suffered the accident is busy troubleshooting the plane. At dawn, the dozing pilot hears the thin voice of a child: “Please... draw me a lamb!” This is how the narrator introduces the reader to the Little Prince, who so miraculously appeared among the sands of the Sahara. The journey of the Little Prince, which he undertook after quarreling with his rose, meetings with a king, an ambitious man, a drunkard, a business man, a geographer - the only inhabitants of small planets - allowed the author to conclude: “Yes, these adults are strange people! Trifles seem important to them, but they do not see the main thing. Instead of decorating their home, cultivating their garden, their planet, they wage wars, tyrannize other people, and dry out their brains with stupid numbers, and amuse themselves with pathetic tinsel, and with their vanity and greed insult the beauty of sunsets and sunrises, fields and sands. No, that’s not how you should live!” The little prince did not meet anyone on the planets who could be his friend. Only the image of a lamplighter differs favorably from other images in that he is faithful to his duty. And this loyalty, although meaningless, is reliable. The little prince meets the Fox on Earth and, at his request, gradually tames him. They become friends, but break up. The words of the Fox sound like a wise commandment: “ are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose." The most precious things in this life for the Little Prince are the Fox and the rose he left behind, because they are the only ones in the world. The appearance of the Little Prince in the desert, his appearance to a pilot who suffered an accident, is a symbolic reminder to an adult of his “inner homeland,” and his “death,” disappearance and grief caused by this is the tragedy of an adult, in whose soul a child dies. It is the child who embodies all that is good, pure, and beautiful. Therefore, the writer says with bitterness that adults, parting with childhood, often forget about eternal, imperishable values; they are preoccupied with important, in their opinion, things and lead a boring, dull existence. But people must live differently, they need clean water from deep wells, they need the bells of stars in the night sky. And because Saint-Exupery is not sure whether he will be able to inspire people with his own - their own! - the truth is, the fairy tale is so sad, so sad.

The content of “The Little Prince” is difficult to convey, because either you need to write one line, since the scenery for all the dialogues of the characters in the story is simple, or you need to rewrite the entire book, if not word for word, then a few sentences for each chapter. It’s better to quote in whole paragraphs. In a nutshell, these are Exupery's memories of the Little Prince and the several days they spent together, lost in the Sahara Desert, until the death (or liberation) of the Prince.

Star Boy met typical characters during his journey and talked with them and the author (the book is written in the first person). Love for one's only life partner is the main theme. "The Little Prince" also appeals to the most issues of concern human existence. If you list them in a list, it will seem boring - so much has already been written. Fear of death, confrontation between fathers and sons, materialism, the world of childhood - who will be surprised by another fairy tale about all this? What is the amazing secret of the popularity of the story "The Little Prince"? A review of it can be briefly expressed as follows: it is among the ten most published works of art of the twentieth century.


As Exupery himself admits at the beginning of the book, he finds it difficult to determine the genre of The Little Prince, calling the book a fairy tale. There is a generally accepted classification for literary works, which is focused on plot, volume and content. "The Little Prince", according to her, is a story. In more in the narrow sense- an allegorical tale with illustrations by the author himself.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the Little Prince

The story is largely autobiographical. But not in the literal sense, although Exupery’s life included long flights, plane crashes, disastrous desert and thirst. This is the book because the Little Prince is Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, only in childhood. Nowhere is this stated directly.

But throughout the story, Exupery mourns his childhood dreams. Easily, without drama, even with some humor, he retells comical stories from his interactions with older relatives in childhood. He would like to remain the child that he is new friend, but gave in and grew into a down-to-earth and pragmatic pilot. This is such an oxymoron. A pilot who is forced to return to a sinful, war-torn earth from the sky, and his soul still yearns for the stars. After all, all adults were children at first, but few of them remember this.


Consuelo, the author's wife, is the prototype of the Capricious Rose. main character The story is simple-minded, if not narrow-minded, beautiful and very inconsistent, probably like all women. If you choose one word to describe her character - manipulator. The prince saw through all her tricks and cunning, but cared about his beauty.

Reviews of Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry, of course, cannot be so one-sided. One thing speaks of her generosity, that, despite frequent life apart and constant fear before the death of her desperately brave pilot husband, she stayed with him. His character was difficult. Not in the sense of anger and aggression, but precisely in excessive openness, which numerous mistresses took advantage of. Despite all this, the marriage did not break up until death separated them. After many years, their correspondence was published, from which it is clearly clear that Consuelo was Exupery’s muse, the haven where his soul took refuge. And although the temperament of Consuelo herself, whom her friends called the “Salvadoran volcano,” did not always fit into the image of a quiet home, the love between them was all-forgiving.

Book publication

It seems that the book was easy for Exupery. But the translator of the first edition into English, Lewis Galantier, recalled that he rewrote each sheet of the manuscript many times. He also drew wonderful gouache pictures for the story. Exupery wrote the book at a time of acute political confrontation throughout the world - Nazi Germany began the Second world war. This tragedy resonated vividly in the soul and heart of the patriot. He said that he would defend France and could not stay away from the battlefield. Despite all the attempts of friends and superiors to protect the already popular writer from hardships and danger, Exupery achieved enrollment in a combat squadron.

In 1943 the book was published in the USA on English language, where the writer then lived in New York, forced to leave Germany-occupied France. And immediately after this, the story was published in French - the author’s native language. Only three years later, “The Little Prince” was published in Exupery’s homeland; the author had been dead for two years. And Exupery, and Tolkien, and Clive Lewis created amazing fantasy tales. All of them worked in the first half of the terrible twentieth century for Europe. But they never learned how much their works influenced generations after their lives.


The miracle created by Exupery in The Little Prince is the dialogue between the heroes and the Prince. The conversation with the Drunkard on the next planet on the boy’s journey, very short compared to others, is a clear example of this. Just four questions and answers, but this is the best presentation of the theory vicious circle guilt, famous psychological phenomenon, on the explanation and justification of which eminent psychologists spent many pages, but it was necessary to include a quote from “The Little Prince” in their works.

This best therapy for addicted people. The language of the story is simple and clear, but mercilessly reveals the full depth of the problem, causes pain and heals. This is the magic of the book “The Little Prince” - a deep disclosure of the most hidden but pressing problems of all humanity through the example of one conversation with one individual. It is not customary to talk about these difficulties of the human race publicly or with children.

Blind leading the blind

And these dialogues are conducted by a child and different adults. The little prince and the heroes are blind people who also want to teach others about life, and they are pure children. The child is merciless in his questions, hits where it hurts, sees the point. At the same time, he only asks the right questions. Most of the opposing characters remain blind and continue to lecture everyone around them, not seeing their own weakness.

But the reader of the story begins to see the light and recognizes himself in one or another character. The author of "The Little Prince" also begins his path to the light.


The lamplighter is the only representative of the adult world who, although grumpy, is a positive character. He is true to his word, even if he no longer needs to fulfill it. But still, after meeting him, there remains an aftertaste of doubt and hope. It seems that it is not so wise to blindly follow a promise that has lost its meaning. Although the Lamplighter’s sacrifice is respectable. But examples of mothers come to mind who burn for their children, but suffocate them with love, never ceasing to complain about fatigue, doing nothing to find an opportunity to rest. And yet, every time a lantern star lights up, there is hope that someone will look at it. The prince especially singled him out among all his acquaintances from different planets, appreciating the beauty of his work.


The most famous quote"The Little Prince" belongs to this character. “You are forever responsible for those you tamed!” - he said to the Prince. The Fox is the source of the main lesson the Prince learned. They met after the bitter disappointment of the main character - the beautiful Rose turned out to be one of five thousand like her, an unremarkable flower with a bad character. The distressed child lay down on the grass and cried. After meeting with the Fox, the Prince realized that it was important for him to return to his small asteroid to his beloved Rose. This is his responsibility to her, and to fulfill his duty, he must die.

The second important truth that the Fox revealed to his new friend: only the heart is vigilant, but with your eyes you cannot see the main thing. It was after a conversation with the Fox that the Prince repented of his attitude towards Rose and realized that it was in vain to take her words to heart. You had to love her for who she is, without being offended by simple-minded antics.

Geographer and others

It is worth being grateful to the Geographer at least for telling the Prince about the Earth. As for the rest, he is another chicane who believed that his work was fundamental and eternal. They are all alike - these stupid, important, over-aged people. Business man, Ambitious, King, Geographer - these heroes of "The Little Prince" with significant view did useless things and couldn’t stop and think. “But no, I’m a serious person, I don’t have time!” One word - adults.

A planet with a good reputation

This is the review given by the Geographer in “The Little Prince” about planet Earth. Exupery is much less enthusiastic about her and is ironic. Two billion adults who are bloated with their own importance are lighter than emptiness compared to their big planet.

Yellow snake

Snake is the first Living being which the Little Prince met on Earth. She is death itself. It is so poisonous that after its bite life lasts half a minute. An amazing collective image. Speaks in riddles, like a sphinx. The snake is the image of the ancient tempter from the Bible, who sowed death and is still doing this. An evil, harmful creature who took pity on the Prince. But only for the time being, having predicted that they would meet again, and the pure Boy from the Star would look for her of his own free will.

The Prince learns, the reader learns

After each meeting of the Little Prince, the reader comprehends a new truth about himself. The prince also went traveling to study. Only two facts are directly stated in the book - he became unhappy due to the nagging of Capricious Rose and decided to travel with migratory birds. There is an impression that he was tired of his beauty and ran away. But, although she thought so and apologized before his departure for his bad behavior, the reason for his departure was the search for knowledge.

What did he learn at the end of the journey? He learned to love his beautiful, but the only prickly flower in the whole world with a difficult character. This is the most the main idea“The Little Prince” - to love the only one who was sent to you by fate, despite everything, even the bad in him. So that love makes him perfect.

Fathers and Sons

Another main idea of ​​the Little Prince is the confrontation between the worlds of adults and children. The first is represented mainly by its worst members - from the drunkard to the greedy. He is openly condemned by Exupery, whose childhood memories are sad. The older he got, the more he hid his inner world, learned to be “like everyone else.” He constantly emphasizes that being an adult and being a hypocrite are the same thing. The adult world constantly surprised the Prince throughout the story. This is a subtle and significant moment - the Prince was amazed and did not always understand, and once he became angry to tears, but he never condemned anyone. And it really helps to let yourself inside your heart and take lessons from it. Both children and adults learn better and happily change for the better only in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance.

Christian parallels

To broaden your horizons and perceive new ideas that, due to a different worldview, do not come to mind naturally, it’s interesting to read the review of “The Little Prince” by Christians.

The book "The Little Prince" is similar to the Bible in its allegorical nature. She also teaches gently and unobtrusively, through parables. As daring as it may sound, at times the Prince resembles Christ. But this is not surprising. When the Lord was asked to name the most important person in the Heavenly Kingdom, he placed a two-year-old child in front of a crowd of arguing men. The prince, as a collective image, absorbed all the childish spontaneity, openness, trust, and defenselessness.

Exupery's last conversation with the Little Prince on the topic of death as liberation from the shackles of the body is sad and bright. A light, weightless soul flies into better world(to the place desired by the Prince - to his Rose). The prince teaches an over-aged pilot lost in the desert that there is no need to be afraid of death.

It's worth spending just a little time reading this wonderful piece of art, but you should prepare to meet the reflection of your soul. Because best review about "The Little Prince" - this is a mirror of the heart, because the most important thing can only be seen by it.

The fairy tale "The Little Prince" is the most famous work A. de Saint-Exupéry.
Main part
The work is based on a traditional fairy tale plot.
Characteristics of heroes:
- A little prince;
- Rose;
- Fox.
People submitted to the vanity of earthly life, forgetting about the joy of communication, friendship, love, and human happiness.
The fairy tale “The Little Prince” is the most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Saving humanity from the coming inevitable catastrophe is one of the main themes of the fairy tale “The Little Prince”. This poetic tale is about the courage and wisdom of an artless child’s soul, about such important “non-childish” concepts as life and death, love and responsibility, friendship and fidelity. Saint-Exupery takes as a basis a traditional fairy tale plot. Prince Charming leaves his father's house because of unhappy love and wanders along endless roads in search of happiness and adventure. He tries to gain fame and thereby conquer the unapproachable heart of the princess. Prince Charming is just a child who suffers from a capricious and eccentric flower. The little prince faces all kinds of trials. In wanderings a little prince meets not with fairy-tale monsters, but with people bewitched, as if by an evil spell, by selfish and petty passions. But that's only outer side plot. Despite the fact that the Little Prince is a child, he discovers a true vision of the world that is inaccessible even to an adult. And the people with dead souls that the main character meets on his way are much more terrible than fairy-tale monsters. The relationship between the prince and Rose is much more complex than the relationship between princes and princesses from folk tales. After all, it is for the sake of Rose that the Little Prince sacrifices his material shell - he chooses physical death. There are two in the story storylines: the narrator and the related theme of the world of adults and - the line of the Little Prince, the story of his life.
The Little Prince is a symbol of a person - a wanderer in the universe, looking for the hidden meaning of things and his own life. The soul of the little prince is not shackled by the ice of indifference and deadness. A true vision of the world is revealed to him: he learns the value of true friendship, love and beauty. He leaves his own planet, not knowing that what he will look for on different planets, will be so close - on his home planet. The little prince is a man of few words - he says very little about himself and his planet. Only little by little, from random, casually dropped words, does the pilot learn that the baby has arrived from a distant planet, “which is the size of a house” and is called “asteroid B-612.” The little prince tells the pilot about how he is at war with the baobab trees, which take such deep and strong roots that they can tear apart his little planet. You need to weed out the first shoots, otherwise it will be too late, “this is a very boring job.” But he has a “firm rule”: “...get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.” People must take care of the purity and beauty of their planet, together protect and decorate it, and prevent all living things from perishing. The little prince from Saint-Exupery's fairy tale cannot imagine his life without the love of gentle sunsets, without the sun. “I once saw the sun set forty-three times in one day!” - he says to the pilot. And a little later he adds: “You know... when it becomes very sad, it’s good to watch the sun go down...”. The child feels part of the natural world. The boy is active and hardworking. Every morning he watered Rose, talked with her, cleaned the three volcanoes on his planet so that they would provide more heat, pulled out weeds... And yet he felt very lonely. Looking for friends, hoping to find true love He sets off on his journey through alien worlds. He is looking for people in the endless desert that surrounds him, because in communication with them he hopes to understand himself and the world around him, to gain the experience that he so lacked. Visiting six planets in succession, the Little Prince on each of them encounters a certain life phenomenon embodied in the inhabitants of these planets: power, vanity, drunkenness, pseudo-learning...
The images of the heroes of A. Saint-Exupery's fairy tale “The Little Prince” have their own prototypes. The image of the Little Prince is autobiographical.
Another hero of the fairy tale is Rose. Rose was capricious and touchy, and the baby was completely exhausted with her. But “but she was so beautiful that it was breathtaking!”, and he forgave the flower for its whims. However, the Little Prince took the empty words of the beauty to heart and began to feel very unhappy. The little prince did not immediately discern the true inner essence of beauty. But after a conversation with the Fox, the truth was revealed to him - beauty only becomes beautiful when it is filled with meaning and content. “You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. -
You won't want to die for your sake. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But for me she is more valuable than all of you...” Telling this story about a rose, little hero He admits that he didn’t understand anything at the time. “We should have judged not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks one had to guess the tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young and didn’t know how to love yet!” The prototype of the capricious and touching Rose was the wife of a French writer.
Another hero of the fairy tale “The Little Prince” is the Fox. The Fox has long been a symbol of wisdom and knowledge of life in fairy tales. The Little Prince's conversations with this wise animal become a kind of culmination in the work, for in them the hero finally finds what he was looking for. The lost clarity and purity of consciousness returns to him. The fox reveals to the baby the life of the human heart, teaches the rituals of love and friendship, which people have long forgotten and therefore lost friends and lost the ability to love. People have forgotten how to look at the stars at night, admire the beauty of sunsets, and experience the pleasure of the fragrance of a rose. They submitted to the vanity of earthly life, forgetting about the “simple truths”: the joy of communication, friendship, love and human happiness: “If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many million-dollar stars - that’s enough: you look at the sky and you feel happy." And it is very sad for the author to say that people do not see this and turn their lives into a meaningless existence. The fox says that for him the prince is only one of thousands of other little boys, just as he is for the prince only an ordinary fox, of which there are hundreds of thousands. “But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be the only one for you in the whole world... if you
If you tame it, my life will be illuminated by the sun. I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others...” The fox reveals to the Little Prince the secret of taming: to tame means to create bonds of love and unity of souls.
This is how I imagine the heroes of A. Saint-Exupery’s fairy tale “The Little Prince”.