The eyes fester in street cats. The cat's eye is rotting

A cat is the most graceful creature in the world, and her amazing eyes reflect a range of feelings: anxiety, playfulness, interest, drowsiness. It is impossible to take your eyes off this animal, observing its behavior and facial expressions. His healthy eyes are distinguished by brilliance, clarity, and openness. There should be no discharge, redness or swelling; a small amount of exudate is observed only in some cat breeds. When a cat's eyes fester, this is a signal of a disease that requires immediate treatment. Which eye diseases occur in cats, how to distinguish their symptoms and how to treat your pet?

Why do my cat's eyes water and fester?

Nature has endowed cats with a unique structure. Surely each of us has observed how an animal’s gaze suddenly changes when the animal begins to hunt or becomes interested in the game. And how his eyes shimmer! This is a real extravaganza of shades: yellow, copper, orange, green, blue, lavender, brown. The cat perfectly sees objects at a distance of 60 meters, has a “third” eye and can distinguish colors. And compared to a human, her vision is 6 times sharper! In addition, she sees equally well during the day and at night.

For cats that are predators, it is very important sharp vision! If a cat's eyes are watery and purulent, this should alert an attentive owner. You need to understand the reason for this phenomenon, and there may be several of them. And only a veterinarian can determine the type of disease.

Conjunctivitis and its treatment

A cat's eyes fester - this happens when the outer mucous membrane is irritated or infected. The appearance of conjunctivitis is associated with several possible factors:

  • allergies (for example, to pollen);
  • bacteria or pathogenic microorganisms;
  • irradiation;
  • injury from foreign objects.

Conjunctivitis can be acute catarrhal, chronic, purulent, parenchymal and follicular forms.

Symptoms when acute course illnesses: swelling of the eyelids, cloudy discharge of a thick consistency accumulates at the inner corners of the eyes, which dries up and does not allow them to open after sleep. If this form of the disease is not treated, it will inevitably become chronic, which is also characterized by the formation of dried crusts and inflammation of the skin around the eyes, which leads to baldness in this area.

At purulent conjunctivitis the cat eats poorly, experiences a depressed state of the body and pain in the area of ​​the diseased visual organ, usually both eyes are affected at once. The cat may have a fever, dark yellow purulent discharge with unpleasant smell, the mucous membrane becomes red. The disease is fraught with complications in the form of a transition to the cornea of ​​the eye.

The next form of the disease is parenchymal, causing real suffering to the cat. The eyelids are swollen, the mucous membrane is red, any touch to the eye - and the conjunctiva begins to bleed. Without proper treatment, it can lead to complete blindness of the animal.

Follicular conjunctivitis causes the process of proliferation of lymphoid tissues, which lead to inflammation of the follicles. In this case, the following are observed:

  • photophobia;
  • profuse purulent lacrimation;
  • the slightest touch to the affected area causes pain;
  • the eye narrows;
  • a dull gray film appears on the eyeball.

Identification of microorganisms in purulent discharge from a cat’s eyes occurs on the basis of laboratory tests, although external symptoms conjunctivitis can be identified. One more visible sign is a squint of a sore eye, a “sideways” look in a pet. Soreness forces the animal to rub its eyes with its paws, bringing dirt onto the mucous membrane.

It is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible, otherwise the pet may go blind and even die. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. The specialist will take a culture (scraping) for analysis to determine the source of the disease and whether the animal can be treated with antibiotics (usually given only in difficult cases). Ointments, drops, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used as therapy. Treatment lasts from several days to two weeks until the cat’s eyes become healthy and shiny again.

When a cat's eyes fester, this is a signal of a disease that requires immediate treatment. Source: Flickr (Brock)

Treatment for other causes

Also, purulent discharge from a cat’s eyes can occur due to a bruised eyelid or injury to the conjunctiva. A foreign body in the eye will lead to irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane. The entry of a foreign particle is dangerous due to damage to the cornea or sclera and can lead to blepharitis, a difficult to treat disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus. That is why, in case of any damage to the eyes or eyelid, where viruses, germs and bacteria can penetrate, the animal must be urgently shown to a doctor and treatment must begin.

When treating blepharitis, the furry ward is kept in a ventilated and clean room, his diet is enriched with vitamins and useful microelements. The doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs, eye drops and antibiotics.

The formation of pus also causes keratitis - this is an inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye, in which redness is observed eyeball, lacrimation, pain. A dangerous outcome of the disease is a cataract or blindness.

A common cause of pus discharge is the presence of worms in the animal. If after the course of treatment anthelmintics the cat's eyes are festering, then treatment should be suggested by a doctor who has identified the cause of the disease.

It happens that increased lacrimation occurs due to epiphora caused by a bruise or infection.

Transparent discharge forms brown crusts, which are mistakenly mistaken for a symptom of conjunctivitis.

Note to cat owners

Summarizing the above, we can state the following:

  1. Do not diagnose your pet yourself, as it may be wrong.
  2. Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian who has examined the mustachioed patient.
  3. Under no circumstances should you give the patient “human” medicines, this can only worsen the situation.
  4. Regular deworming will make diagnosis easier.

Some tips for treating purulent eye discharge in a cat at home:

  1. Before using eye drops, you must first rinse them with chamomile infusion.
  2. When processing an animal's eyeball, you should use the services of a second person to help hold the pet in the desired position.
  3. All actions with the eyes should be carried out with the utmost caution so as not to damage the mucous membrane.
  4. The success of treatment depends on eliminating the cause - do not independently determine the origins of purulent discharge.
  5. All procedures prescribed by the doctor must be carried out until complete recovery.

Health to you and your furry pets!

Video on the topic

Cats are the cleanest pets, washing themselves thoroughly after each awakening. They lick the fur and use their paws to “remove” dried brownish crusts from the corners of their eyes. Usually the owner does not notice such formations, but when a cat’s eyes fester, discharge from them and souring become constant and clearly visible. This symptom is considered dangerous and should be eliminated under the supervision of a veterinarian. Why does such a pathology develop, what to do, what should be used to treat a pet whose eyes fester? Find out the answers to these questions by reading the article.

Causes and symptoms of eye suppuration in cats

A small amount of discharge from the eyes healthy cats considered the norm. Cat "tears" usually have a reddish or grayish tint and appear various reasons. Discharge from a cat's eyes can be sporadic and rare. Perhaps the animal’s eyes began to water because there was a defensive reaction to dust particles that had landed on the surface of the visual organ.

This situation is not dangerous, so the owner should not worry about it. It's another matter when the eyes pet fester, thick yellow or yellow pus oozes from them. Green colour. This is already a cause for concern.

In any case, it is necessary to understand the causes of the pathology, and then begin therapy. So, why do cats suffer from festering eyes??

  1. If a cat has purulent discharge from the eye that is characterized by a clear or watery consistency, then this symptom often indicates mechanical injuries visual organ or allergic reactions. A characteristic sign of such discharges are gray or reddish crusts that dry out in the inner corners of the eyes.
  2. Thick in consistency, yellowish or greenish discharge indicate that your pet has an infection (caused by bacteria or fungus). The animal definitely needs the help of a veterinarian, because such a pathology cannot be cured at home. Self-medication can further worsen the animal’s health.
  3. When a cat's eyes are very festered, it is necessary to check for systemic or eye diseases. They can provoke the appearance of suppuration in the area of ​​the animal’s visual organs. eye injuries, conjunctivitis, diseases of the eyelids or cornea. The cat’s eyes fester also because her body is affected chronic infections viral, plague or panleukopenia.
  4. Injuries or bruises to the eyelids also cause purulent discharge from the cat's eyes. An animal can injure the visual organ during a fight with another cat, while climbing trees (with branches) or as a result of careless games. Often inflammatory process after injury it spreads to the eyeball.
  5. Chemical, temperature or traumatic effects on the eyelids can provoke the development of blepharitis and, as a result, suppuration of the cat’s organ of vision. Viruses, microbes, and fungal infections, leading to the fact that the eyes fester.
  6. Poor nutrition, products household chemicals, poor quality sleep and even individual characteristics the structure of the cat’s muzzle - all these factors also become an explanation for why the pet’s eyes fester.
  7. Colds or allergies. If a cat sneezes and its eyes fester, this is a wake-up call. The animal probably caught a cold. This reaction of the pet’s body may be to an infection or allergic irritant that has entered the body. But sometimes sneezing in cats is caused by dust getting into the nose.

A good owner will quickly see that his pet's eyes are festering. He should definitely be alerted additional signs, indicating serious problems with the visual organ of a cat. These include the following:

  • the animal behaves restlessly, often rubs its inflamed eye with its paw, the cat loses its appetite;
  • the fur around the affected eye becomes brownish and matted;
  • sometimes the cat’s body temperature rises, he tries to hide in a dark, secluded place;
  • eyes that fester, become reddish or cloudy;
  • the animal blinks frequently;
  • in front of the cat’s eyes, due to the continuous leakage, a dense brownish crust forms, which does not allow the pet to open them completely;
  • increased sensitivity to light (the cat develops photophobia, characteristic of pathological processes in the cornea).

If a cat’s body develops viral diseases, then suppuration of the eyes is often accompanied by a prolonged and persistent fever.

As soon as the first ones appeared alarming symptoms, take the cat to the vet. He will prescribe a set of tests, make the correct diagnosis based on their results and prescribe treatment. To diagnose conjunctivitis, the veterinarian does tests on the mucous membranes of the affected eye.

Types of purulent discharge

If the owner of a furry cat notices purulent discharge from the eye of his pet, he first needs to determine its nature. This will later allow the veterinarian to put accurate diagnosis, differentiate less dangerous diseases visual organs of the animal from more serious ones. The type of discharge will also help determine whether pathogenic microflora is involved in its appearance.

Discharges from the eyes of cats are as follows:.

  1. Mucopurulent. They arise due to damage to the eye by bacterial infections. Color purulent fluid varies from dark yellow to green. Characteristic sign- the presence of a smell of heat.
  2. Serous. The discharge has a watery consistency and is almost always transparent and straw-colored. Sometimes they may have a pinkish tint. Serous inflammation is often initial stage the most complex pathologies. Also, the appearance of serous discharge may indicate the presence of allergic reaction or viral infections. The appearance of such secretions is associated with exposure to chemical substances or smoke from cigarettes.
  3. Mucous. Light and stringy discharge protein structure, odorless. Most often, mucous discharge indicates chronic type influence various stimuli or powerful allergens, pathological conditions cornea or tear ducts. If a cat has untreated eye injuries, then there is big risk development purulent inflammation mucous membranes of the eyes.

What should the owner do if the animal’s eyes are suppurated?

If a kitten's eyes are festering, the owner should visit a veterinarian with his pet. This is especially important in cases where the discharge from serous turns into mucous or mucopurulent. The owner of the animal must understand that the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye in cats are very delicate areas.

If pathological factors affect them for a long time, and no treatment is carried out, then these tissues undergo irreversible degenerative transformations. As a result, the cat’s vision is severely impaired. To prevent this from happening, the owner should know what to do at home when the cat’s eyes fester.

  • Pay attention to how long the cat's eyes fester. If purulent discharge continues for more than 2-3 days, and unsightly crusts constantly appear in the corners of your pet’s eyes, examine the animal’s condition more carefully.
  • See if the cat's eye is injured or if a foreign body has entered it. Only in such cases can the animal be treated at home, without the help of a veterinarian.
  • If you suspect that your pet's eyes are festering due to an allergy, you need to find out what caused the reaction. Perhaps the cat’s food has been changed or the animal is constantly near flowering plants with a pungent odor.

Actually, this is all that the owner of a furry pet can do to cure it at home. In more severe cases, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian.

How to treat festering eyes in cats?

Treatment for purulent eyes in a cat is developed depending on the reasons for which the problem arose. If an animal has a swollen eyelid and one eye is festering, this is likely due to injury or foreign body into the visual organ. The first thing the owner should do is rinse the affected eye, removing accumulated discharge and dried crusts. Such events are carried out every day until the cat’s eyes stop festering.

To wash a sore eye, you can buy a special solution at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. At home, you can wash your cat’s eyes with the following compounds.

  • A solution of distilled water and table salt. For 1 liter of liquid you need to take 0.5 tsp. salt and bring the mixture to a boil. Immediately before use, the composition is cooled. If a cat's eyes are festered, it is recommended to treat them this way. saline solution. The only exceptions are situations where suppuration occurs due to exposure to allergens. Then add salt to clean water it is forbidden.
  • Strong infusion of tea. To prepare it, it is better to use distilled water and whole leaves. Tea leaves have excellent disinfectant properties. In addition, it contains caffeine, which helps narrow blood vessels and reduces symptomatic manifestations for allergic reactions.
  • Are your cat's eyes festering as a result of a bruise? Use hydrogen peroxide to wash them.
  • In case of severe suppuration, before visiting the veterinarian, rinse the animal’s eyes with chamomile decoction, furatsilin or boric acid. Furacilin is taken at 0.02%, and boric acid is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water.

If you wipe your cat's eyes at home, separate the medicinal solution into 2 parts (each of them will go to one eye). Use a separate cotton pad for each eye. Soak the dried crusts so that the animal does not feel pain when you remove them.

If a kitten's eye is swollen and festering, rinsing should be done carefully, having first taken care of your safety. During the procedure, the pet will be nervous and struggle, so it should be well secured (or use the help of a second person who will hold the animal). The best option- This means swaddling the cat with a towel or diaper so that only the head remains outside. Follow the following recommendations.

  • Rinse each eye with solution from a separate container.
  • Twist the cotton wool into a tight rope, dip it in a warm broth (medicinal solution), and squeeze it onto the animal’s festering eye.
  • When the pet's eyes are completely cleared of purulent discharge, apply tetracycline ointment (1%) under the cat's eyelid. To do this, pull back the lower eyelid of the animal and, using a special spatula, place the composition on it. inner surface. Then close your cat's eye completely and massage it lightly. This will help the product to be distributed evenly. To further enhance the effect of using the ointment, preheat the tube with it in your hands. But if the cat is very nervous, then you should not apply the ointment under the eyelid (this can lead to injury to the organ of vision).

How to properly apply drops to a festered eye in an animal?

If your pet's eyes are festering, drops can also be used for treatment. IN in this case it is important to know which formulations are best to use and how to carry out them correctly this procedure. To treat the eyesight of a cat, use various options drops For example:

  • "diamond eye"
  • chloramphenicol;
  • sulfacetamide.

Even if an animal’s eye is very festering, you can help it with drops without leaving your home. Stick to it following rules to perform the procedure effectively.

  • Lay the cat on its side, turn its head up.
  • If your pet has a restless and violent character, it must be immobilized before eye drops are administered. Use a large sheet or towel for changing.
  • Bury medicinal solution, slightly opening the pet's eye. During the procedure, hold the cat's face with your hand so that he does not shake it.
  • When medicinal composition gets on the cat's eyeball, it will blink, and thereby contribute to the uniform distribution of the drug over the entire surface of the eye.
  • After instillation, blot your pet's eye with a dry cloth or cotton pad.

Remember that the above-described manipulations with drops will not help cure the underlying disease, but will help relieve acute symptoms suppuration of the eyes. If visual organs your cat is seriously festering; only an experienced veterinarian can cure this pathology. Eye treatment for cats should be timely. Only under this condition can your pet’s vision be saved.

Prevention measures

There are several useful tips that will help prevent suppuration of the cat’s eyes.

Constant care for your pet and timely treatment of eye injuries will help avoid serious consequences suppuration of the eyes.

The situation is worse if a thick yellowish or greenish discharge flows from the cat’s eyes. Most likely, the animal has infectious conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by microbes, fungi, bacteria or viruses. If My cat's eyes are rotting, what should I do? in this case to the owner? First of all, it is necessary to assess the general condition of the animal. If you find him:

  • elevated temperature;
  • nasal discharge;
  • cough, sneezing;
  • poor appetite;
  • diarrhea;

it is quite possible that conjunctivitis is a manifestation systemic disease caused by infection (viral, bacterial, etc.). Diseases such as herpes, mycoplasmosis or chlamydia can be transmitted to humans. If an animal is not vaccinated, then the likelihood of contracting an infection is quite high. In this case, you must urgently seek help from a veterinarian, who will begin to treat the underlying disease and prescribe necessary medications. You can alleviate the suffering of an animal with the help of rinses and lotions; how to do this is described below.

If your cat appears healthy outside of eye discharge, he may have follicular or catarrhal conjunctivitis. Follicular conjunctivitis – rare disease, associated with inflammation of the pet's middle eyelid. He is being treated surgically followed by the use of antibiotics and antiseptic lotions.

Infectious catarrhal conjunctivitis occurs as a result of infection in the eye canaliculi. This is facilitated by damage to the eye as a result of a foreign body or injury received in a fight.

Conjunctivitis in cats must be treated; if the disease is neglected, the cat may go blind. You should contact your veterinarian. The animal's conjunctival swabs will be analyzed, the cause of the disease will be determined - a virus, fungus or bacteria - and appropriate medications will be prescribed for treatment.

How to treat conjunctivitis in a cat?

If your cat does not have a fever, cough or other unfavorable symptoms, and you cannot get to a doctor, you can try to treat conjunctivitis at home. To do this, you need to regularly wash your pet’s eyes, instill drops in him and put ointment in his eyes.


Washing should be done as often as possible to alleviate the animal's condition. Antiseptic solutions can be used to wash your pet's eyes:

  • Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage);
  • strong tea;
  • solution boric acid(1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water);
  • solution of potassium permanganate (slightly pink);
  • furatsilin solution.

The eyes are washed from the outer corner of the eye to the nose with a gauze swab, wetting it generously and changing it often. If crusts have formed on your eyes, you need to put a swab with solution on your eyelid and wait until the pus softens. After this, rinse your eyes as usual. It is not recommended to use cotton wool for tampons, because small fibers can cause eye irritation.

How to put drops in your eyes

For instillation into the eyes, special drops are usually prescribed, you can use albucid (sodium sulfacyl) or chloramphenicol drops (antibiotic), they need to be dripped into each eye, 2-3 drops 5 times a day.

To apply drops to an animal's eyes:

  1. Lay the cat comfortably on its side.
  2. Turn her head so that the eyeball is pointing upward.
  3. Holding the animal's eyelids, gently drop a drop from the pipette into the eye.
  4. Release the cat's head, it will begin to blink and drop naturally distributed throughout the eyeball.
  5. Dry your eye with a gauze pad.

How to use eye ointment

For conjunctivitis, tetracycline ointment (antibiotic) helps very well. It should be placed in the eye twice a day, 40 minutes after instillation of the medicine. In order to minimize injury to the animal when performing this procedure, you need to do the following:

  1. Lay the cat on its side.
  2. Gently squeeze the ointment from the tube (a drop the size of a grain of rice) into the conjunctival sac.
  3. Massage the eye so that the ointment is evenly distributed.

You can prevent eye diseases in your pet if you do everything in time necessary vaccinations. It is advisable to wash your cat's eyes regularly. This is especially true for small kittens separated from their mother in infancy.

This is often observed in furry pets. unpleasant symptom, How purulent discharge from the eyes. In this case, the pus dries out and forms a solid crust, which can completely cover the organ of vision.

Pus in the eyes of cats can occur due to conjunctivitis.

For such unpleasant sign There are several reasons:

As a rule, such a symptom is precisely a complication of other diseases, and not a primary symptom.

So, with the development of conjunctivitis, if used Not correct treatment or the pathology was not diagnosed in a timely manner, the complication is usually manifested by the development purulent process .

Eye injuries and bruises

Pets often get involved in fights with other cats or dogs and, more often than not, get injured or bruised.

Cats often get eye injuries in fights with other cats.

Over time the affected area becomes inflamed, and this process can spread further to the animal’s eyeball. It is also possible that a foreign object gets into the mucous membrane of the organ, which also provokes inflammation. Often, foreign objects also injure the sclera and cornea, thereby creating a favorable environment for the penetration of purulent infection.

Often due to traumatic or chemical factor develops blepharitis, which is provoked by invading pathogens - bacteria, fungi, viruses. No less dangerous can be the appearance of keratitis - inflammation of the cornea.

Associated symptoms and causes

As a rule, the appearance of diseases is not limited to one symptom.

Yes, when bruises or wounds of the eyelids there is swelling in the area of ​​the eyes and eyelids, pain, and hyperemia. There may be small hematomas that form as a result of scratching by the pets themselves. But bleeding, inflamed eyelid cracks, and necrosis of adjacent areas are also possible.

With bruises or wounds to the eyelids, there is swelling in the eye area

Worm infestation

Helminthic infestation is characterized multiple symptoms– depends on the type of helminths present.

The main signs are expressed in dullness of the coat, general weakness cats. Disorder is common digestive system: alternation and bloated belly . An unpleasant aroma is often felt from oral cavity. In some cats you can observe increased appetite, other's - complete failure from feed. In both cases, the cat loses weight sharply.

At helminthic infestation alternating constipation and diarrhea are observed.

Fungal infection

Fungal infection, in particular coccidioidomycosis, is accompanied by dryness and lumpiness skin, .

Appears fever, loss of appetite, exhaustion . Less common symptoms include shortness of breath and poor coordination of movements – lameness. Possible nervous system disorders.

Fungal infection may be accompanied by shortness of breath.


With conjunctivitis, signs appear in the form of eyelid hyperemia and swelling. Excessive tearing, fear of light, or change in color. Possible inversion of the eyelid, immobility of the eyeball. The presence of a purulent process is indicated by the presence of yellow crusts sticking together the eyelids and constantly wet hair in the adjacent area.

With conjunctivitis, signs appear in the form of eyelid hyperemia and swelling.

How to treat if your cat's eyes are festering

In order to choose the right treatment for injuries and bruises, it is necessary to determine the degree of damage and nature.

  1. The first step is to collect information and visually inspect the cat.
  2. It is necessary to determine whether there are other injuries, for example, head contusion, facial fractures.
  3. You can examine the cornea using special staining.
  4. But they also consult a veterinary neurologist.
  5. An X-ray of the skull is performed ultrasonography affected area.
  6. Possible use computed tomography or MRI. The foreign object is removed in the hospital, possibly using a surgical method.
  7. Next, local treatment is carried out with antiseptic ointments and ophthalmic drops.
  8. To avoid further development of pathological microflora, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics are used.

Treatment of eyes in case of disease is carried out with ophthalmic drops.

Establishing diagnosis

Diagnosis is made by drawing blood for laboratory research.

Making a diagnosis if you suspect fungal infection carried out by drawing blood for laboratory testing. Implemented general analysis, . Urinalysis - urinalysis. Treatment of the pathology is carried out by prescribing drugs: ketoconazole, amphoteracin, itraconazole, fluconazole.


Keratitis is eliminated by prescribing antibiotics wide range actions.

Keratitis is a secondary manifestation of several factors that must be accurately identified and treatment initiated according to their identification.

Perhaps the only and effective research method is biomicroscopy . Eliminate the disease by prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics, most often in the form preparations for local treatment– drops, ointment, gel or medicinal film. Apply antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and immunostimulants. Severe ulcerative lesions are eliminated by microsurgical intervention.


Blepharitis is detected by visual inspection The animal's organs of vision are examined using a slit lamp, and rinses and scrapings are made from the eyelids.

Blepharitis is detected by visual examination of the animal's organs of vision.

Collect medical history information. When going to the vet for examination if blepharitis is suspected, the owner should wash the cat’s eyes big amount warm water. Next, as a precaution, you need to wear so that prevent scratching . Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.

Systematically remove accumulated purulent exudate, preventing it from drying out, for which they use warm compress , which is applied about three times per day. IN severe case resort to surgery.

How to treat at home

The first aid in the treatment of conjunctivitis is to wash the affected area with a solution of furatsilin or a very weak potassium permanganate solution , and dried crusts and pus are removed with great care.

The first aid in the treatment of conjunctivitis is rinsing with a solution of furatsilin.

Usually a sufficient measure will be the appointment complex therapy, which includes local treatment through antibacterial ointment or antibiotic injections. By influencing the root cause, antihistamines are used, antifungal drugs. For supporting general condition– immunostimulants, vitamins.

A cat's clean eyes look like this.

Video about treating a kitten

A cat is a neat and clean animal compared to other species, so it manages to “wash itself” in a timely manner in the morning before the owner finds in the corners of its eyes the consequences of a night’s sleep in the form of small dryish crusts, the presence of which is considered normal. But the presence is notdry discharge from the animal's eyes, which are observed throughout the dayand has been going on for several days now, may be a sign of danger, s forcing you to draw attention to yourself.

E If a cat's eyes fester, what to treat? When can the procedures be done?independently, and in which cases should contact veterinary clinic ? We'll tell you about the main reasons for outflows from cats' eyes, so our readers were able to distinguish complex pathologies from less dangerous ones, and we will also describe, how to wash your eyes correctly, How can you carry out this procedure at home?Let's take a closer look at this problem in kittens.

Read in this article

Types of discharge from the eyes

IN cat owners must have general idea Othe nature of eye discharge. It is on this basis that less dangerous diseases can be distinguished nia from more complex ones and say Does it have anything to do with etiology?pathogenic microflora.

Distinguish three main types discharge (exudate) from the eyes of cats:

  • Serous discharge. In the icey exudate is usually transparent th, straw color, sometimes pinkish. In the vast majority of cases, serous inflammation serves as the beginning of more complex pathological reactions, and may also be associated o with availability viral infection, allergies and impact aggressive environments– cigarette smoke, chemicals and others.
  • Mucous exudate. Mucoid viscous e expiration of lightcolors without significant odoroften a sign of chronic exposure to irritants, allergens, or dry eyes due to pathology of the lacrimal glands or cornea. Launched injuries can also cause mucous inflammation, turning into a purulent form.
  • Mucopurulente expiration most often p appear due to development bacterial infections. Liquid is released dark yellow to green colors with the presence of a characteristic ichorous odor.

Additional symptoms in an animal

Except about obvious Although there are signs of ocular discharge, many pathological conditions are characterized by additional symptoms, which can also be used to preliminarily assess the cause of the disorder:

  • . The cat increasingly tries to scratch the eye area with its paw or rub its muzzle against surrounding objects. Itching – classic symptom allergies and many viral infections developing in the eye area.
  • Frequent blinking.
  • Chronic mucous membranes and slimy -purulent discharge often causes the formation of dense crusts that dry to the eyelids.This condition makes it much more difficult to fully open the palpebral fissure.
  • Sneezing and discharge from the nasal cavity are symptoms of the development of a viral infection. In cats it is most often viral rhinotracheitis , the main pathogen which I eat there is herpes virus type 1 and calicivirus.
  • N bloodshot eyesand redness of the third eyelid - characteristic symptom all pathological processes in the eye area.
  • Pain in the periocular tissues is often associated leads to bacterial infections and injuries.

Among other things, during generalization bacterial infection and development viral diseases the cat may havehave a low-grade fever. ABOUT however, this phenomenon can be found in animals with severely weakened immune systems


Why do my cat's eyes fester? It’s worth emphasizing right away that the presence of foreign bodies in a cat’s eye can cause characteristic discharge, or flowing

  • as the pathological process becomes more complicated. Routinely, the causes of eye discharge in a cat can be: Blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids. Etiology: bacterial infection, allergies
  • and congenital anomalies. – open wound, like s, viral x, fungal x or bacterial x infections, dryness and x anomalies and foreign bodies.

Left in the picture: corneal ulcer (indicated by arrow), right: eye condition on the 30th day of treatment
  • D acriocystitis – inflammation of the lacrimal sacand mucous membrane of the tear ducts, leading to complete obstruction (pathological narrowing of the lumen) the latter. Mostprone to this pathologybrachycephalic breeds of cats, for example, Persians.
  • felines or cat flu - acute respiratory infection of the upper respiratory tract with the transition of the pathological process to the eye area.
  • inflammation of the conjunctivamucous membrane, which covers the front eyes . P Richin conjunctivitis at there may be a variety of symptoms, including infections, allergies, foreign object, injury atism and syndrome keratoconjunctivitis a (dry eye a).
  • Allergies can causeinfection and, as a rule, serousdischarge from the eyes. Common allergens for cats include pollen, whitefishrocket smoke, chemicals.
  • Uveitis – inflammation of the iris(choroid) of the eye and ciliary body. The etiology includes infections, diabetes, highsome blood pressure, tumors, and also in cats are often noted idiopathic uveitis (no known reason).
  • Epiphora – tear duct blockageany pathological agents.
  • Trichias abnormal growth eyelashes towards the eyeball with the development of corresponding problems. Trichias – a rare phenomenon among cats and occurs mainly among highly purebred animals.
  • Dry eye (dry keratoconjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome) – inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva because of abnormal decline in production tears.

U cat's eye is festering: What should the owner do?

In any case, progressive discharge from the eyes of the animal, noticeably passing from a simplerserous form into a more complex one mucous or slimy -purulent, require mandatory intervention by a veterinarian. The cornea and conjunctiva are extremely delicate tissues that long-term exposure pathological agent may succumb to the development of irreversible dystrophic degeneration. This, in turn, will lead to visual impairment in the animal.

So, if a cat has a purulent eye, there is simple algorithm of actions host:

  • Pay attention to the frequency of expirations. If their presence is observed 2- 3 days , and the formation of crusts is also noticeable - it is necessary to examine the condition of the animal’s eyes in more detail.
  • Visually determine the presence of injuries in the eye area and the presence of a foreign body. Perhaps these are the only conditions that the owner can “cure” at home on his own.
  • If present beforeadditional allergy symptoms, remember what could have changed in the environmentenvironment for the cat. Maybe, This change of food, flowering phase indoor plants and so on.

Perhaps this is all that a cat owner can do to independently “diagnose” the disease, the symptom of which is eye discharge. In all other cases, it is highly recommended to contact a veterinary clinic.

What to treat, e if your cat's eyes are festering

After removal foreign object, or upon discovery of a consequence th eye injury, the animal should be thoroughly washed by deleting all expirations , including dried crusts. Please note that this procedure should be carried out daily., right up until clinical signs completely disappear.

As a washing liquid, it can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.cial drugs, as well asmake them yourself.How to wash a cat's eyesat home:

  • A solution of table salt in distilled water. Per liter liquid dissolve half a teaspoon and salt and bring to a boil. Cool before use. Treatment is indicated for any type of expirations, with the exception of those arising from allergic etiology. In this case, no salt is added to the water.
  • Strong fresh tea infusion. Only loose leaf tea should be brewed, ideally with distilled water. In addition to its excellent disinfectant properties, tea leaves, thanks to caffeine, narrow blood vessels, which reduces allergy symptoms.

When it becomes necessary to wipe your cat’s eyes with home remedies, you need to remember that the prepared washing liquid should be divided into two equal halves, where each is applied to its own eye. You also need to use separate swabs or wipes for each eye. Before removing crusts, they should be pre-soaked. Forced separation is not permitted.

In kittens, all procedures are carried out similarly to adult animals.

How to wash a cat's eyes when inflammation bacterial in nature

If there are signs of bacterial infection in any of theThese washing solutions can dissolve the dry antibiotic powder. Well suited for these purposes"B icillin-3" or "B icillin-5" at the rate of one bottle of powder per liter of water.

H eat to treat the cat's eye for injuries

Usually in this case the owner’s first thought is about iodine or brilliant green. Similar wound treatment is acceptable, howeverit must be carried out exclusively veterinarian, since even minimal exposure of such irritating media to the conjunctiva will cause not only suffering in the animal and danger from its adequate defense reaction, but also the development of irreversible processes.

How wash the cat's eyes Right

Beforeany manipulations should be taken care ofworry about your own safety. For this animal must o be recorded. Betterwrap the cat tightly in a towel, leaving only the head outside.Help from a second person will be very helpful.As already noted, it is not recommended to rinse both eyes from the same container, with the same tampons or napkins.

We hope that we fully respondanswered the question from our readers,how to treat and what to do if at the cat's eyes fester. In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing once again that if there is additional symptoms you need to contact a veterinary clinic to diagnose correct diagnosis and destinations accordingly his treatment.