Purulent sore throat in children - treatment at home. Signs of purulent sore throat in children

Purulent sore throat, caused by streptococci and staphylococci, is diagnosed more often in children in preschool age. Infectious inflammation with damage to the tonsils of the palate, it is observed mainly in the off-season (spring and autumn).

Streptococcal sore throat poses a great danger and leads to complications, large accumulations of pus and melting of tissue in the laryngeal cavity under the influence of microorganisms. Parents should be attentive to the health of their children and study this insidious disease in more detail.

Why can children develop purulent sore throat?

Ingestion of streptococcus, staphylococcus or adenovirus inevitably leads to development bacterial infection in the oral cavity or purulent sore throat, in particular, changes in lymphatic tissue and various kinds complications in children's body. The immune system of babies is weak and unstable.

Of course, the body begins to fight the infection and produce antibodies, but they are not enough to completely suppress the harmful microflora under the influence of microbes and viruses.

They are quickly starting to take root into tissue cells, leading to their melting and serious damage to the tonsils. As a result, antibodies begin to fight not only staphylococci and streptococci, but also their own cells, leading to disruption of the functionality of the heart and joints.

The body begins to perceive its own tissues as a foreign object. Thus it happens vicious circle, treatment becomes difficult and lengthy

In the fall, during times of stress and vitamin deficiency, a person’s immunity weakens, which is why it is so important to strengthen it. The drug is completely natural and allows you to a short time recover from colds.

It has expectorant and bactericidal properties. Strengthens the protective functions of the immune system, perfect as prophylactic. I recommend.

Purulent sore throat in children, symptoms

First signs directly depend on the form of development of angina (follicular, lacunar). It is important for parents to understand that severe cases can lead to complications and irreparable consequences. That is why it is important to notice in time initial symptoms illness and if suspected, immediately consult a doctor.

For tonsillitis begin to become covered with yellow-green pustules like millet grains. Lacunar tonsillitis is fraught with breakthrough of pus in the follicles, entry into the tonsil canals, development inflammatory process.

Fibrous tonsillitis with weakened immunity leads to filling with pus almost the entire surface of the pharynx. For purulent sore throat with acute course under the influence of the inflammatory process in the tissue near the tonsils, suppuration occurs on one side, and the so-called “unilateral” swelling of the palate is revealed. The tonsils become covered with a yellow coating.

Children experience:

  • dyspnea
  • loss of consciousness
  • fever up to 42 degrees, chills
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • convulsions
  • bouts of diarrhea
  • aching joints
  • enlarged lymph nodes under the jaw
  • headache
  • weakness, malaise
  • sore throat and pain when swallowing, radiating to the ears and lower jaw
  • necrosis of individual areas
  • enlarged tonsils
  • the appearance of small plugs and deposits of dirty green plaque on the tonsils with a foul odor
  • lack of appetite
  • difficulty speaking
  • swelling of the larynx.

It is especially difficult for children under 3 years of age to bear signs of intoxication, and an increase in temperature above 39 degrees can lead to convulsions and spasms in blood vessels.

Take care of your health! Strengthen your immunity!

Immunity is a natural reaction that protects our body from bacteria, viruses, etc. To improve tone, it is better to use natural adaptogens.

It is very important to support and strengthen the body not only by the absence of stress, good sleep, nutrition and vitamins, but also with the help of natural herbal remedies.

It has the following properties:

  • In 2 days it kills viruses and eliminates secondary signs influenza and ARVI
  • 24 hours of immune protection during infectious periods and epidemics
  • Kills putrefactive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
  • The composition of the drug includes 18 herbs and 6 vitamins, plant extracts and concentrates
  • Removes toxins from the body, reducing the recovery period after illness

Types of purulent sore throat

According to the types of angina there are:

  • primary in the development of acute inflammation
  • secondary as a complication of another infectious disease: diphtheria, specific mononucleosis.

Sore throat, depending on the nature of the lesion on the tonsils, can be: lacunar, follicular, fibrinous, phlegmonous, catarrhal, not leading to suppuration. All other forms of sore throat have an exclusively purulent course.

Stories from our readers!
“After pneumonia, I drink to maintain immunity. Especially in the autumn-winter periods, during epidemics of influenza and colds.

The drops are completely natural and not only made from herbs, but also with propolis and badger fat, which have long been known as good folk remedies. My main function does it perfectly, I recommend it."


Diagnosis starts with visual inspection child. The ENT doctor will study all previous contacts and identify signs that are clearly expressed for this disease.

It usually begins immediately with an increase in temperature, a pronounced intoxication syndrome, a sore throat, and a headache.

Primary diagnosis for a doctor it won't be difficult. Differentiation must be carried out in order to identify differences from other forms of sore throat, in particular influenza.

  • Smear for bacterial culture with the accumulation of pus on the tonsils to identify the type of microorganisms and the degree of sensitivity to antibiotics
  • Antigen test if you suspect streptococcal sore throat
  • PCR analysis to establish the type of microorganisms based on their DNA
  • Pharyngoscopy as main method
  • Blood test (general). With the development of purulent tonsillitis, the ESR will be increased, the number of microbial rods will be increased, in particular white leukocyte cells
  • Blood test for biochemistry to determine the percentage of C-reactive protein.

Purulent tonsillitis is similar to a fungal infection of the tonsils, Although distinctive feature the fact that with the latter the temperature does not rise and there is no plaque. With a sore throat, almost the entire pharyngeal surface in the mouth is affected by plaque.

The main cause of bronchitis accompanied by sputum is a viral infection. The disease occurs due to damage by bacteria, and in some cases, when the body is exposed to allergens.

Now you can safely buy excellent natural preparations, which alleviate the symptoms of the disease, and in up to several weeks allow you to completely get rid of the disease.

How to cure a sore throat?

Treatment- comprehensive and severe course- in a hospital setting. From the first days, the baby needs to drink plenty of fluids every 2-3 hours; the doctor will also prescribe antibiotics, antihistamines and antipyretics, and vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

Attention! The use of warming compresses and steam inhalations for children with purulent sore throat is unacceptable!

Treatment is mainly antibiotic to relieve inflammation and signs of intoxication. Gargling and detoxification procedures using Methylprednisolone and Dexamethasone are indicated. For children under 2 years of age, it is better to use aerosols and sprays to irrigate the throat cavity and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Children should not self-medicate! Possible allergies while taking a number of antibiotics penicillin group.

For angina:

  • Antihistamines(Suprastin, Zodak, Cetrin);
  • Faringosept, Ingalipt, Lugol spray for injection into the throat;
  • Rinse pharmaceutical compositions children over 3 years old (Lugol, Hexoral, Ingalipt, Rotokan, Miramistin (solution 0.01%), hydrogen peroxide, Iodinol, potassium permanganate, Furacilin tablets;
  • Gargling with herbal infusions from chamomile, calendula.

Just a few drops on your cheek is enough With inside and be sure to read the instructions for using a particular drug before use, and also take into account all the doctor’s recommendations and instructions when treating at home.

Many parents prefer Bioparox in the treatment of sore throat in children for quick removal unpleasant symptoms. But the composition can lead to allergic reaction, so monitoring the baby’s well-being should be constant.

Many medications are not suitable for infants under 1 year of age and can lead to irritation in the mouth. If there is no fever, then it is best to sanitize the tonsils using gentler means: herbal infusions, saline or soda solution.

Course treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics are prescribed to children if they have streptococcal infection, purulent plaque has appeared on the tonsils, the lymph nodes in the neck hurt and the high temperature bothers me.

Sore throat is considered infectious disease and is often difficult. The main thing is to take timely measures to alleviate the child’s condition and prevent the development of complications. For children under 3 years of age, antibiotics are prescribed in suspensions, and in hospital settings - in injections.

If penicillin is poorly tolerated by the body, then it is possible to prescribe antibiotics from the group of macrolides in order to suppress pathogenic microflora: Erythromycin, Summed, Zitrolide, Hemomycin, Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, Salutab.

In addition to antibiotics, probiotics will be prescribed to maintain normal intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbiosis: Linex, Lactobacterin, Bioflor.

Usually, when taking antibiotics, after 3-4 days the temperature subsides, the soreness in the throat decreases, and after a week the symptoms disappear completely. The kids are recovering quickly after completing a pathogenetic treatment course.

Treatment with antiseptics

Antiseptics for children are prescribed locally for irrigation and mouth rinsing: Tantum Verde, Angal spray, Ingalipt, Miramistin, which can eliminate sore throats and remove infections from the oral cavity.

Typically, the following preparations are used for rinsing:

  • potassium permanganate (0.1%)
  • Furacilin (solution)
  • baking soda + salt (1 tsp each) + iodine 2-3 drops per 1 glass of water
  • boric acid (1%)
  • Chlorophyllipt, Stomatolin to lubricate the throat.

Babies under 1 year old cannot gargle themselves, so you can remove purulent plaque from the tonsils with a swab soaked in a medicinal composition


Rinsing is very useful for purulent sore throat and preferably every 2-3 hours.

Pharmacy antiseptics are suitable for these purposes:

  • Stomatidin
  • Obsessed
  • Lugol
  • Chlorophyllipt
  • a mixture of soda and salt + 1 2 drops of iodine
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%)
  • Iodinol (1%)
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate
  • Stomatophyte
  • furatsilin (1 tablet per 1 glass of water).

Children under 2 years of age find it difficult to rinse due to swallowing. a large amount of medicine, so the use of lozenges is recommended: Strepsils, Doctor Mom, Faringosept, Septolete.


Inhalations are effective for sore throat with pus by affecting the inflamed areas to relieve painful sensations And quick relief symptoms. Inhalations should not be carried out only when high temperature.

A positive effect can be achieved by immediately exposing the throat to antiseptics and hot vapors. by preparing a decoction of chamomile or a soda solution, Chlorhexidine.

The temperature has risen, how to bring it down?

You should not resort (especially to children under 3 years old) to antibiotics and antiviral drugs if there is no high temperature.

But purulent sore throat with the addition of a viral one, bacterial infection often begins with sharp increase temperatures up to 39 degrees, so Ibuprofen can be used to relieve symptoms and the drug is sold without a doctor's prescription.

However, you should follow the doses and conditions of administration prescribed by your doctor and adhere to all recommendations in order to avoid bleeding in the stomach

If the temperature is not high, then you can give the baby Paracetamol, but it is best to limit it to plenty warm drink, moistening gauze bandages with water and applying to the forehead and chest.

Purulent sore throat in a 1 year old child

Infants under 1 year of age have purulent sore throat occurs most severely and many children therapeutic methods impossible to carry out.

To speed up recovery, only local treatment is indicated, with an emphasis on drinking plenty of fluids, warm drinks, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions to relieve inflammation.

Chamomile infusion is also useful warm milk with honey. In addition, gentle nutrition and bed rest are mandatory. For treatment purulent sore throat In a 1-year-old child, parents need to approach things more responsibly.

The immune system is unstable and not yet fully formed, Therefore, it is better to give antibiotics to infants up to one year old in the form of syrup, suspension, and in hospital conditions doctors give injections: Ampiox, Amosin, Amoxicillin.

It is advisable not to use strong antibiotics when the temperature rises below 38 degrees; it is better to give an antipyretic agent such as Nurofen, Ibuprofen in syrup.

When the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, candles are recommended, in particular sprays, antiseptics

If the temperature is not high, then it is better not to use medication, but to wrap it on your finger gauze bandage, soaked in Lugol's solution, and wipe the affected areas in the mouth on the tonsils with it.

Folk remedies, treatment

Folk remedies and recipes for children with purulent sore throat at home can only be used with the permission of a doctor. It is recommended to apply compresses with honey, propolis, beets, and onion peels.


  • Drink warm milk with honey (you can add butter)
  • Eating chocolate
  • Treatment of tonsils with propolis (dissolved in water)
  • Gargling with infusion of calendula and chamomile
  • Lubricating with eucalyptus and oleaginous oils.

It is hardly possible to cure a purulent sore throat with herbs alone and without antibiotics. In children, complications and undesirable consequences are possible.

It is important to provide special care to speed up the healing process, isolate a sick child from other people to avoid further spread of infection.


The course of purulent sore throat can be completely unpredictable.

Complications for children aged 3-5 years are extremely dangerous and can lead to the development of:

  • Purulent sinusitis;
  • Cervical lymphadenitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Peritonsillar, peripharyngeal abscess, when urgent hospitalization is necessary and surgical intervention to open an abscess and cleanse the cavity of purulent contents.

In addition, sore throat can lead to disruption of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys, breakthrough of pus into the nearby tissues and organs

When the disease develops against the background of arthritis, glomerulonephritis, post-streptococcal infection treatment becomes complex and difficult. Complications can cause partial disability, and treatment is simply useless.

Prevention of purulent sore throat in children

Parents should be especially careful about the health of their children.

The main preventive measures include:

The consequences of a sore throat with pus can be unpredictable and unexpected. Even after taking antibiotics, complications occur and can flare up unnoticed.

Angina - This infectious disease and if not treated on time, weakened children's immunity can become a trigger for the development of diseases in the genitourinary, bone, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

It is important to get vaccinations and vaccinations for children on time. If such unpleasant symptoms appear as swelling of the lymph nodes, pain in the joints and chest, shortness of breath, high temperature, you need to urgently contact specialists. Only timely appeal to an ENT doctor will help avoid serious complications, which are fraught with purulent tonsillitis.

It should be taken very seriously. Otherwise, the disease threatens dangerous complications on cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Since the affected palatine tonsils are no longer able to perform their direct function - to create protective barrier for pathogenic microflora from penetration into the body.

As a result, many organs and systems of the child are susceptible to dangerous diseases.

For gargling, a soda solution is often used - 1 tsp. soda per glass warm water.

An infusion of chamomile flowers is strong natural antiseptic. To prepare it you should take 4 tbsp. l. flowers and pour 1 liter of boiling water.

Cover with a lid and let steep for 15-20 minutes. Cool, strain and gargle throughout the day.

Treat sore throat in children it is possible using a compress. To do this, moisten gauze in heated 40% alcohol solution, squeeze it out and put it on your neck, wrap it with polyethylene and a warm scarf. It is better to do the compress at night.

Regime and nutrition. Effective treatment purulent sore throat will be achieved with bed rest and proper nutrition.

The baby's food should be warm, soft, low-fat, but nutritious. Porridge, fruits, and vegetables are very good during this period.

Parents should make sure that their child drinks plenty of fluids. Then there will be increased sweating and urination, along with which toxins, waste products, etc. are removed from the body, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Disease prevention

If a child has suffered a purulent sore throat, then to prevent its recurrence, parents must harden the child.

This is facilitated by long walks on fresh air, outdoor games. The throat should also be strengthened - wiped damp towel, is in summer period ice cream, rinse with cool water.

We hope that the material in the article will help you protect your child from purulent sore throat, and may your children always be strong and healthy!

If a child is diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis, parents should always be prepared for hospitalization. This is explained by high temperature and not always the expected effect of taking antipyretics. In addition to temperature, the following at least unpleasant symptoms purulent sore throat in children:

  1. tearfulness and moodiness;
  2. drowsiness;
  3. salivation;
  4. lack of appetite;
  5. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  6. weakness;
  7. complaints of headache;
  8. sore throat accompanied by attempts to swallow, eat, or speak;
  9. When examining the throat, the main sign of tonsillitis is visible: enlarged tonsils covered with a white or yellowish coating.

Causes of sore throat

Most often, purulent tonsillitis in children appears when the child begins to actively learn the world and visit children's groups. As a rule, this is the age of 2-3 years and also up to 7 years. The disease does not have a clear seasonality; you can get sick even in the summer.

The cause of purulent sore throat is called, in the most frequent cases, streptococcus. Because Tonsillitis is a contagious disease; a child can receive the pathogenic agent through airborne droplets or household contact (through dishes, personal items used by another patient, as well as unwashed hands, unprocessed foods).

The very fact of infection occurs due to weakened immune system, the reason for which: frequent ARVI, “greenhouse” lifestyle, the presence chronic diseases, poor nutrition, passive smoking.

What is the incubation period for sore throat?

The incubation period is the interval from the moment a bacteria or virus enters the body to the first visible symptoms.

In case of purulent sore throat in a child, incubation period lasts from 2 to 5 days.

When does a sore throat become non-contagious?

Already on the second day of taking the antibiotic, we can talk about the non-contagiousness of tonsillitis, but, despite noticeable improvements, purulent tonsillitis, its symptoms and treatment last for at least another week.

How to find out what is causing tonsillitis?

In order to verify the nature of the microorganism that causes the development of the disease, tests are required. Diagnosis of sore throat in children occurs using a smear. The procedure is extremely unpleasant for children and parents, who are forced to hold them tightly during the analysis, but, nevertheless, necessary to determine the causative agent of the disease and its vulnerabilities.

Why is a sore throat so scary?

Why is sore throat so afraid? It's all about probable complications that the disease can bring. The “simplest” of them are otitis media and laryngitis. The situation is more complicated develops when streptococcus affects other systems, causing other, more serious diseases:

  1. endocarditis;
  2. pericarditis;
  3. pyelonephritis;
  4. glomerulonephritis;
  5. arthritis;
  6. paratonsillar abscess, etc.

Treatment of purulent sore throat in a child

In order to treat purulent sore throat in children productively and without complications, you need to contact a pediatrician and otolaryngologist at the first sign. They will choose the right one effective way treatment with medications, will also tell you how to quickly cure the disease and which antibiotics are best to take. Self-medication and treatment folk remedies purulent sore throat in a child is completely excluded.

When should you go to the hospital?

Of course, hospitalization is needed in the following cases:

  1. high temperature (39-40ºС);
  2. if at the time of illness the baby is 1-2 years old;
  3. follicular tonsillitis;
  4. fainting;
  5. vomiting more than 3 times per day;
  6. when the treatment chosen by the pediatrician does not bring any results, 72 hours after the first dose of the antibiotic;
  7. unusual, in the mother's opinion, lethargy and drowsiness, which is characterized by difficulties with speech, holding the head, as well as confusion.

When can treatment be done at home?

It is possible to treat a sore throat under the supervision of a doctor at home in the case of the lacunar type of the disease. But, as practice shows, in in this case, the line between home and hospital treatment is so thin that at any moment you can find yourself on the opposite side.

Basic principles of treatment

Treatment of purulent sore throat in children requires, first of all, strict bed rest and antibiotics. As a rule, a suspension form of the drug is used in pediatrics. In cases where it is necessary to provide urgent help, the drug will be administered by injection (intramuscular or intravenous) or infusion (using a drip system). This will help not only to quickly cure a child’s purulent sore throat, but also not to acquire new, dangerous diseases.

In most cases, antibiotics containing are prescribed; if they are ineffective, it is allowed to switch to cephalosporin drugs, for example. If a child is allergic to Penicillin, a suspension with Azithromycin, for example, or Ormax, will be effective.

You can also help your child by gargling. The attending physician will also help you decide what to gargle with a purulent sore throat, but it is better if these are herbal, harmless solutions, such as or. Of course, rinsing should be offered to the baby from the age when he is able to fulfill the request. It is logical that a one-year-old baby will not do this, but a 2-year-old child may be able to carry out the procedure.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the treatment of tonsils with brilliant green and iodine. Doctors are divided on whether to treat the tonsils or leave them alone?

In modern medicine, “lubricating” the tonsils is considered useless and even dangerous due to the likelihood of burns from solutions and severe discomfort during a procedure that looks more like mockery than treatment.

  • Bed rest;
  • Feed the child according to his appetite, without forcing him to eat, while Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky emphasizes that food should be of liquid or puree consistency;
  • Increase the amount of fluid you drink;
  • How long tonsillitis lasts directly depends on how to treat purulent tonsillitis in children; only antibiotic therapy in the form of penicillins or macrolides, in an adequate dosage, can shorten the period. Moreover, Dr. Komarovsky points out that “1 tablet two to three times a day” is not at all what is needed during therapy;
  • Do not assign local treatment the main role, Dr. Komarovsky reminds that rinses, tablets and sprays are not a panacea, but they can relieve a sore throat;
  • Accompany treatment with antipyretic drugs, according to symptoms.

In addition, Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that sore throat does not occur in a child of the 1st year of life. This is due to the peculiarity of the tonsils, which complete development only after the child turns 1 year old.

But a sore throat in a 3-year-old child, if it is organized, is streptococcus obtained from outside with dishes, towels and food in the garden.

Prevention of sore throat

In children, the purulent form of tonsillitis is a consequence of weakened immunity and direct ingestion of the microorganism. Therefore, in order to avoid the symptoms of a sore throat, you need to follow some preventive rules, which are equally easier to implement than treating the disease itself would require.

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Give your child only washed fruits and vegetables.
  • Subject food products to proper processing before consumption.
  • Avoid contact with someone with tonsillitis.
  • Temper the child and his neck.

When a baby complains that it hurts to swallow, and his tonsils are visible white coating and pus is alarm signal. Purulent sore throat in children - enough serious illness caused by streptococci or staphylococci, and treatment should begin immediately.

A baby under one year old is not able to complain about a sore throat, so you need to focus on external signs diseases. So, in addition to a sore throat, the child usually exhibits following symptoms: the baby may have a high temperature, the sky and back walls the pharynx turns red, but such symptoms are characteristic of ordinary sore throat, while with purulent sore throat, purulent plaque on the tonsils is clearly visible.

At the same time, the disease progresses differently in each person; there may be no symptoms, for example, a child does not have a fever. Other signs of the disease are enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, general weakness, an unpleasant gray coating on the tongue. Infants often experience a decrease in appetite.

Who is to blame for the problems?

The causes of sore throat often lie in hypothermia and decreased immunity. Perhaps the baby got his feet wet and was in a draft. When the immune system is weakened, various viruses are activated and after a while symptoms of purulent sore throat begin to appear. It is difficult to say how much time passes between hypothermia and the onset of the disease, but often the disease manifests itself the very next morning.

We fight bacteria

Whatever the reasons, the first thing that helps cure the disease at home is complete rest. Bed rest in this case plays an important role. Your baby needs to drink as much as possible a large number of liquids to reduce intoxication of the body.

Antibiotics are prescribed by the pediatrician

Causes of purulent sore throat - pathogenic bacteria, and the disease is treated using antibiotics. One year old baby It is difficult to swallow a tablet, so it is recommended to treat the smallest children with antibiotics in the form of syrups and drops. Medicines that reduce fever, for example paracetamol-based products, are also made in the form of syrup.

Traditional methods

But, of course, there are many ways to treat purulent sore throat at home. Methods used at home complement the treatment prescribed by the doctor and often completely relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Time tested

You can cure a sore throat with solutions of furatsilin or lugol. Most likely, mothers remember these remedies from childhood. These solutions are applied to the child’s tonsils. The solution is applied to a finger pre-wrapped with gauze. The procedure should be carried out several hours later, about 3 times a day, after rinsing.

Bee medicine for any ills

Propolis is one of the most famous and frequently used in our country natural remedies that can cure various ailments at home. Mix a few drops of propolis tincture (sold at the pharmacy) with half a glass of warm water. This liquid is intended for gargling. It is necessary to drink frequently during a sore throat. How many times is it better to rinse? A procedure carried out 2-3 times a day will not give the required effect, for quick results it must be done every half hour.

Other simple rinses

Rinsing with solutions of sea or iodized salt is recommended, but if this is not available, ordinary table salt will do. It is useful to add a little soda to the solution.

Calendula and chamomile can be found in any home. They are brewed and gargled with the resulting decoction.

It is recommended to alternate various compositions for rinsing the throat. It is advisable to use warm liquids, so it is better to store them in a thermos. Otherwise, reheat the mixtures as many times as needed.

Warm compresses and inhalations

Due to the patient's illness, the lymph nodes are enlarged; in addition to rinsing, warm compresses are useful.

The simplest compress is made using vodka. Soak gauze in vodka and place it on the baby's neck in the area lymph nodes and wrap it in a warm scarf or down shawl. After some time, remove the compress. During the procedure, the child should be comfortable and not hot. Warming compresses often help cure illness much faster.

Garlic helps fight bacteria well. Place the chopped garlic in a liter of water and bring to a boil, after an hour, remove from the heat and give the child inhalation.

How to avoid throat problems?

Prevention of this unpleasant disease is to strengthen the immunity of children, including very young children under one year old, because sore throat also occurs in infancy. Timely treatment diseases like sinusitis prevent the infection from penetrating further, so they must be treated immediately and fully. Prevention also comes down to taking the vitamins necessary for the child’s body.

The pediatrician will advise you on the course of treatment and the vitamins your baby needs. So, to effectively treat it at home, regardless of the causes of its occurrence, you need to use regular gargling, drinking as much fluid as the body requires, warm compresses and medications prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment in combination will help get rid of the disease in a short period of time. It is better to treat babies under 12 months under the constant supervision of a doctor. Each type of disease has general symptoms , but has its own characteristics. Purulent tonsillitis in children is quite simply determined by appearance - characteristic pustular lesions of gray-yellow color appear on the tonsils. The pustules may look like small rash

or merge into large lesions. Sore throat, or tonsillitis, is the most common disease among children of any age. He is being provoked pathogenic microorganisms

(pneumococci, staphylococci, adenoviruses, streptococci), the tonsils are most often affected.

Sore throat is divided into several types: herpetic, purulent, necrotic, catarrhal.

This type of tonsillitis is divided into lacunar and follicular. Purulent tonsillitis usually affects preschool and younger children school age

and it is quite difficult.

The disease begins with a sore throat, pain when swallowing, weakness, and an increase in temperature to critical levels. A cough, runny nose, swelling and soreness of the tonsils and lymph nodes may also appear. Another companion to the disease is joint and muscle pain, as well as pain in the heart. In addition, the baby appears bad smell from the mouth and grayish coating

on the tongue.

ICD-10 code

J03 Acute tonsillitis

Causes of purulent sore throat in children

Purulent tonsillitis in children most often occurs due to bacteria (staphylococci, pneumococci, diplococci, streptococci, etc.). All these microorganisms are present in small quantities in the nasopharynx of every person, which is the norm. Can lead to illness increased activity

pathogenic microflora, which can be provoked by influenza viruses, adenoviruses, as well as weakened immunity.

It is usually provoked by microbes that live on the tonsils and throat mucosa, so after removal of the tonsils the disease practically does not develop. In addition, there are a number of factors that can increase the likelihood of developing purulent sore throat in children: hypothermia, sudden changes bad conditions accommodation, unhealthy diet, fatigue.

Symptoms of purulent sore throat in children

Purulent sore throat in children has several main symptoms, including general weakness, pain and sore throat, difficulty swallowing, high temperature (up to 400C).

When examining the throat, you can notice enlarged tonsils and purulent plaque on them. In severe form, plaque affects the entire surface of the tonsils. It should be noted that in the first day after the disease there may simply be enlarged tonsils.

Purulent sore throat in children infancy may occur due to hypothermia, especially if the baby’s immunity is not sufficiently trained. Most of the pathogenic organisms that provoke the disease are normally present in the body, but unfavorable factors such as hypothermia, fatigue, poor nutrition, can activate the growth of bacteria.

U one year old child it may develop after viral infection or due to adenoids.

Frequent purulent sore throat in children can occur with weakened immunity, especially against the background of an unhealthy diet and an inactive lifestyle.

In addition, one of the causes of pathology may be frequent colds or availability chronic focus inflammation, most often in the nasopharynx (sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, adenoids, carious teeth).

Frequent illnesses and intoxication of the body caused by tonsillitis significantly affect the immune system, so it is extremely important to pay attention recovery period(sufficient sleep, good nutrition, walks in the open air). If during the recovery period the baby becomes hypothermic, eats poorly, and gets little rest, then the likelihood of frequent repeated episodes of sore throat increases.

Complications after the disease are difficult to treat. Among frequent complications, which may appear after tonsillitis are blood poisoning, heart disease, kidney disease, rheumatism, arthritis, toxic shock.

If the pathology develops again or if treatment is incomplete, the child may develop chronic inflammatory diseases. It is also worth noting that long-term use antibiotics leads to a decrease protective function body.

Diagnosis of purulent sore throat in children

Purulent tonsillitis in children is diagnosed primarily during examination by a specialist. The child's eyes and face turn red (which is typical for high fever), a coating appears on the tongue, the lips become dry, the tonsils are enlarged and reddened. The tongue may take on a bright crimson hue. Also, when palpating, the doctor can detect enlarged and painful lymph nodes and a rapid pulse.

To confirm the diagnosis, additional tests (blood, urine, throat swabs) are prescribed, which will help identify the pathogen and prescribe effective treatment.

With an untreated disease, purulent sore throat develops into chronic form, with which clinical symptoms not so strongly expressed (usually nausea, upset stool, enlargement of some lymph nodes, low fever, poor appetite).

Treatment of purulent sore throat in children

As already mentioned, purulent tonsillitis in children is divided into follicular and lacunar. Both forms of the disease greatly worsen the baby’s well-being. One of the differences between follicular tonsillitis is yellow pustules on the tonsils; in the lacunar form, the lacunae located between the almond lobes are affected; the pustules in this case have a white-yellow tint.

Treatment in both cases is almost the same, the main task is to choose the right one antibacterial drug.

For tonsillitis, a specialist must prescribe a culture, which will determine the sensitivity of the microorganisms that provoked the disease to a particular drug.

In very severe conditions or when it is impossible to do a bacterial culture. Antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions.

As a rule, children from 1 to 3 years old are prescribed hospital treatment under the supervision of a specialist, also the basis for placement in a hospital is serious condition child, concomitant diseases.

At high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed (paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc.); at high temperatures (more than 38.50 C), you need to give the baby an antipyretic and call ambulance. Small children are prescribed drugs in the form of syrup or cuts, for older children - in the form of syrup or tablets.

Other drugs for the treatment of sore throat are prescribed by a specialist, usually this includes an antibacterial drug, means for local impact(inhalation sprays, lozenges, rinsing solutions, etc.), as well as a vitamin and mineral complex.

Antibiotics that are often prescribed are penicillin, phenoxymethyl, clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and erythromycin. First of all, antibiotics of the penicillin group are prescribed; if there is an allergy to these drugs or the pathogen is not sensitive to them, drugs from the macrolide group (erythromycin) are prescribed. Cephalosporin drugs (ceftriaxone) are prescribed when the first two groups have not shown the desired effect or the pathogen is resistant to antibiotics of this group.

The course of antibiotics is usually 7-10 days.

Gargling is considered one of the main methods of treatment. You can prepare rinsing solutions yourself or purchase the mixture at the pharmacy.

Often, for a sore throat, a soda solution with the addition of salt and iodine is prescribed, which helps reduce painful sensations(200 ml of water, 1 tsp each of salt and soda, a few drops of iodine). Rinsing with soda solution can be done five times a day. Furacilin solution is well suited for rinsing and can be used an unlimited number of times.

A solution with propolis tincture (200 ml of water and a few drops of tincture), a manganese solution (200 ml of water and manganese on the tip of a knife), stomatodin, eucalyptus tincture (15 drops, 200 ml of water) helps well.

For purulent sore throat, rinsing helps remove pus from the tonsils, which poisons the blood and reduces the effectiveness of drugs; in addition, pustules lead to severe intoxication body.