Fasting according to the Bragg field system. Therapeutic fasting according to the Bragg field

There are many weight loss programs in the world based on complete or partial abstinence from food. Not all methods can boast of real popularity. The body cleansing program created by Paul Bragg is known all over the world. It is based on the promotion of healthy eating. Although the essence of the program is similar to the others - fasting, the goal is not only to reset excess weight. Fasting according to Bragg is,.

The main reason for refusing to eat is to save the body from self-poisoning. Over the course of his life, a person takes many medications, breathes air saturated with exhaust gases and other chemicals, does not always drink clean water and eat foods different quality. Entered the body harmful substances, decay products remain in it forever, causing diseases.

Fasting according to Paul Bragg cleanses and heals not a separate organ, but the body as a whole. According to his theory, during fasting the digestive system rests. The body starts backup processes for self-cleaning and healing. Toxins are removed, and accumulated decay products self-decompose and are digested by the body itself.

Paul Bragg's fasting system is a set of principles of natural healing. In addition to fasting, it includes: physical activity, proper nutrition, hardening, psychological adjustment. You can regain your health only by adhering to all these principles, without stopping at just one chosen one.

Rules for preparing for fasting

Before you start fasting according to Bragg, you need to prepare yourself psychologically. Fasting should begin with positive attitude, this way it will be easier for the body to accept the new state and be saturated with the right energy.

The author of the technique urges you not to share your decision with anyone in order to avoid other people’s opinions. The absence of biased advice from outside will not lead you astray from your chosen path. Paul also teaches not to let the body control life; the amount of food consumed should be controlled by the person, not his body.

How many times a year can you fast?

The number of therapeutic fasts according to Paul Bragg depends on the type chosen. The author himself adhered to the following intervals:

    24-hour – once every 7 days;

    7-day – once every 3 months;

    21 days - once a year.

24 hour miracle fasting according to Paul Bragg

Paul advised mastering the system with a daily miracle of fasting on distilled water.

The Breg 24-hour miracle fast is a refusal to eat food for a day in favor of water. If you have a persistent feeling of the need to eat something, you can dissolve one third of a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. This mixture dissolves toxins and mucus well (according to the author of the system, the presence of mucus is the main cause of diseases). Dissolved toxic substances and poisons leave the body more easily and are filtered through the kidneys.

The successful outcome of a hunger strike depends on the amount of fluid consumed, the author believes. The more clean water enters the body, the more toxins will leave it. Paul assumed that even particles of medications taken in childhood would be eliminated from the body with regular fasting. It is difficult to start daily fasting; you may feel dizzy and nauseous. With regular use of the technique, the body is cleansed of toxins, gets used to the absence of food and the process is easier to tolerate.

Therapeutic fasting for 10 - 35 days

The process of a healing fast according to the Field for one week or 10 days should be accompanied by medical supervision and being in conditions of complete comfort. Recreational activities, physical activity and talking on the phone should be stopped or limited. It is allowed to go out into the fresh air, especially in sunny weather. The fasting person must be able to listen to the reactions of his body. If you feel unwell, you should stay in bed.

There is no need to feel afraid for your body. The intestines are endowed natural antiseptics, he himself knows how to deal with toxins.

The author does not accept longer fasting from 10 to 35 days. It is believed that this process can cause serious harm to the body. Exacerbation of hidden diseases against the background of general weakening, gastritis is just small part possible problems with health. Even a healthy person may not be able to withstand the process.

If the patient still adheres to the method of long-term fasting, diagnostics should be carried out the day before to confirm the body’s capabilities. The entire process must be carried out under the strict supervision of doctors, with periodic samples taken. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the kidneys, since they take the brunt of poisons and toxins.

Exit rules

The way out of daily fasting according to Paul Bragg is quite simple. You should listen to your body and start by taking light foodvegetable salads. Over time, you can gradually replace vegetables with your usual foods.

Breaking a long hunger strike requires some preparation and getting used to food. The digestive system is weakened and accepts only small amounts of food. Paul recommended the following exit sequence:

    The last day of fasting, end with a peeled tomato scalded with boiling water;

    In the morning next day, eat cabbage salad with carrots, dressed orange juice. You can also eat a couple of slices of whole grain bread. The evening meal should consist of a salad of boiled peas, cabbage and carrots;

    Start the second day of release with fruit. Lunch - cabbage salad with carrots and orange dressing plus a hot dish of vegetables. Dinner - a dish of vegetables plus a tomato and green salad;

    On the third day, usually, the digestive system starts to work. full force, so you can eat as usual.

During the fasting period, the body becomes weaned from eating food, so there may be no appetite for some time. It’s not scary, when the body is rebuilt, the appetite will return.

What after: health rules

The effectiveness of any diet depends on eating behavior upon completion. The same rules apply to hunger strike. You shouldn’t rush into all the products in a row, this will reduce the effectiveness of the process to nothing.

You should structure your diet in such a way that most of it consists of fruits and vegetables, and limit your salt intake. Replace sugar with honey or eliminate it altogether. Sausage, flour products, dairy products, according to Paul Bragg, should not be consumed by adults at all. Eggs in the amount of 3-4 pieces per week are allowed. If you want meat, you shouldn’t deny yourself it, just the portion should be small and once a week. Over time, the body will get used to this diet, which will only bring benefits. You can prepare a wide variety of dishes from vegetables, you just have to try.

Many works have been written about therapeutic fasting, one of them belongs to one of the founders of the healthy eating movement, Paul Bragg. At first, his works caused misunderstanding. But over the years, Paul Bragg's fasting system has acquired a whole army of fans. Besides fasting Paul Bragg promoted a special breathing technique, which also helps to increase protective forces body.

Paul Bragg's book "The Miracle of Fasting" - bestseller romance of fasting

Paul Bragg (1895-1976) - American promoter of a healthy lifestyle, naturopath - romantic of fasting. Paul Bragg’s book “The Miracle of Fasting” became a bestseller, because he proved from his own experience and the experience of his students that fasting relieves the digestive system and gives it the opportunity to rest, serves as a preventive measure various diseases, eliminates the causes of acquired diseases, rejuvenates, improves blood circulation, thinking and functioning of the senses, increases adaptive abilities and, finally, promotes spiritual cleansing. The author emphasizes that fasting does not cure any specific diseases, but helps the body adapt to self-healing and self-renewal.

Interesting personal story P. Bragg. Since childhood he was very sickly; at the age of 16 he suffered from a severe form of tuberculosis, doctors considered him hopeless. Bragg was saved by the Swiss doctor August Rollier, who treated him for two years in the Alps with the help of sunlight, fresh air and natural nutrition. Critics call this story a beautiful legend. Paul Bragg fasted every week for 24 or 36 hours and 7-10 days, four times a year. He acted like this for many years, maintaining health, youthfulness, strength, endurance, and flexibility into old age. The age at which Paul Bragg died, according to various sources, is 81 or 95 years. Such a significant difference is explained by the accusations of the naturopath from his critics that he allegedly added an extra 14 years to his age. Opponents of Bragg's system say he died of heart attack, fans support the story of his death while surfing.

Bragg wrote:

“...99 percent of all diseases come from improper and unnatural nutrition,” he blamed toxic substances from external environment, consumption of multiple medications.

Bragg opens dire consequences unhealthy diet of most people, first of all it is autointoxication, which causes many of the diseases known to science and premature aging. Fasting according to Bragg involves exclusively distilled water, since the author of the book is sure that hard water provokes hardening of the veins and arteries from saturating their walls inorganic substances, kidney disease, kidney stones and bladder. After a 10-day course of treatment Bragg fasting spoke about the release of approximately 1/3 cup of mercury from his body, accumulated since childhood due to frequent use for the treatment of the drug "calomel" containing mercury.

The compounds that make up drugs are another type of poison that accumulates inside us.

Fasting in solitude according to Paul Bragg

Fasting according to Paul Bragg is fasting in solitude, in such conditions that you can lie down and rest, feeling weak and unwell, until your health improves. At the same time, do not watch TV, do not listen to the radio, relax, banish unnecessary thoughts, sleep more. Walk on fresh air and you can sunbathe if it allows physical state. Bragg writes that during fasting a person is “on the operating table of nature,” which cleanses “...from everything unnecessary: ​​mucus, toxins and other foreign substances...”, so one should not neglect bed rest, it will help maintain strength for detoxification.

Optimal therapeutic fasting according to Paul Bragg should last from 3 to 10 days. At this time, you can do just fine without laxatives and enemas, since “the intestines have their own sanitary and antiseptic properties.”

Paul Bragg advised beginners to start with a weekly fast of 24-36 hours on distilled water. He was convinced that regular short fasts could completely cleanse the body of toxins, but between fasts it was necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Bragg stated that some people's bodies are so contaminated with toxins that fasting for more than 3 days causes them severe intoxication, at feeling unwell he advises switching to a fast and trying again in a few weeks, after eating natural foods before that. The author says that modern people have become weaker due to an incorrect lifestyle, so not everyone can endure fasting for more than 10 days.

Bragg fasting for weight loss and diet after fasting

With a 24-hour system of therapeutic fasting according to Paul Bragg, it is allowed to consume 1 teaspoon per glass of distilled water. lemon juice or 1/3 teaspoon of honey as a solvent for mucus and toxins. But he still considers fasting only on water ideal. After fasting for 24-36 hours, Bragg advises starting with a salad of cabbage and grated carrots, dressed with lemon or orange juice. Then you can eat boiled or. Next Techniques food may already include animal protein. The author advised to be optimistic and to believe in the miracle that happens in the body during the fasting period.

Bragg advises ending a fast of 7 days like this: on the evening of the seventh day, eat 4-5 peeled tomatoes (they must first be cut and placed in boiling water). On day 8, in the morning, eat cabbage and carrot salad with orange juice dressing. Then you can eat stewed greens with two toasts and eat vegetables until the evening. Day 9 is also fruit and vegetable. From 10 days - healthy eating.

Paul Bragg was sure that every person has nine “doctors” at his disposal: sunlight, fresh air, pure water, natural nutrition, fasting, physical exercise, rest, good posture, intelligence. These doctors were given to us by nature; they will help improve our health and gain longevity.

After fasting for weight loss according to Bragg, it is recommended to design the diet so that 50-60% consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, including in the form of salads. He advised cooking vegetables with a small amount of water for a short time. Meat (veal, beef, lamb, turkey, chicken) with removal fatty parts, eat fish and seafood up to 3 times a week, eggs - no more than 2-3 pieces per week. Do not eat salted herring and smoked fish due to their high salt content. In addition to legumes, get proteins from seeds and nuts. Dry the bread to reduce the starch content. Bragg advised people with sedentary jobs to consume no more than two slices of bread per day, and those who want to lose weight to exclude bread from their diet. But people employed in hard work in the fresh air, you can eat bread without any special restrictions. In general, the author believed that bread of any kind should be used in the diet with caution. Bragg valued sprouted wheat grains as a fortified food.

The fasting specialist suggested consuming vegetable oils without artificial additives and not subjected to thermal effects when manufactured as a storehouse of healthy fatty acids. He wrote that it is not easy for a person to immediately switch to natural nutrition, and proposed to gradually reduce the share of “unnatural food”, replacing it fresh fruit and vegetables.

Bragg's work, The Miracle of Fasting, is emotional and inspires fasting. The author proposes a system of short systematic fasting to cleanse the body. Fasting according to the Paul Bragg method has proven itself well among many of his followers around the world. Not everyone agrees with Bragg's opinion that it is better to fast alone, without introducing relatives if they are negative. Close people should be aware of your endeavors, so that if your health worsens or you faint, they know what’s wrong with you and understand how to help. Giving up TV and other benefits of civilization is not a very good idea; on the contrary, a good movie, book, or favorite music will distract you from your hungry thoughts. Bragg fears consequences from using mineral waters, but correctly selected, in dosed course application they have therapeutic effect. The need for enemas is also controversial. More recent studies show that enemas help remove toxins from the body faster and more effectively.

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People who adhere to the principle of eating natural products, are called naturopaths or naturists. One of the founders of the movement advocating the use of only natural products in food was Paul Bragg. Paul Bragg's book "The Miracle of Fasting" was a real bestseller of its time, and Paul Bragg himself lived until he was 95 years old, leading an active lifestyle and having no money. chronic diseases. Every day he jogged, took long walks, played tennis, danced and could even surf. He believed that a person was able to lengthen his life by leading a reasonable lifestyle and, in particular, by eating in a certain way. His nutritional system was based on miracle fasting.

While a person is not fasting according to Paul Bragg, he should still adhere to certain rules in food. At least 60% of the total food should be fruits and vegetables, mostly raw. Chemically treated products should be avoided whenever possible. industrial processing. All food is preferable in its natural form and should contain a minimum of salt and sugar, as well as any synthetic components.

However, Bragg did not insist on the complete exclusion of such products. It’s just that their volume should be minimal.

In most cases, the nutrition he advocates corresponds to the recommendations of any nutritionist. But it was Bragg’s fasting that was the basis of his healing method. According to Paul Breguet, only during such fasting is the body cleansed of all decay products and poisons that are formed in it every day. And that is why miracle fasting must be done weekly, and once every 3 months it is worth fasting for 7-10 days. During such fasting, the body completely changes its energy supply mode, using internal energy reserves instead of those obtained from food. However, the restructuring of the body does not go the same way for everyone. In many cases, it is very difficult to adjust to such a regime (in the form of a crisis), people are frightened by their condition, and they are simply forced to stop the miracle of fasting.

Preparing for miracle fasting according to Paul Bragg

Bragg himself said that when a person is internally disposed to fasting positively and views it as a method of cleansing from waste and toxins, then success is guaranteed. In his opinion, such an attitude will lead to the fact that every cell of the body will “meet” fasting with joy and accept it.

When starting a Bragg fast, you should not inform many people about it, you should not ask unnecessary advice. You just need to tune in correctly, listen to your body and sensations. And the main thing is to firmly believe in the success of the miracle of fasting.

Fasting according to Paul Bragg

Those who are fasting for the first time should not refuse food for more than 10 days at once.

Miracle fasting should begin with a complete 24-hour fast, during which you can only drink distilled water. The first time during fasting you need to see a doctor.

According to Breg, one must prepare carefully for more than ten days of fasting. Fasting for 21 or 35 days can be fatal even for practically healthy person. Therefore, during such fasting according to Paul Bragg, not only medical supervision is necessary, but also a number of specialized studies. Mainly, it is necessary to control the functioning of the kidneys, because they are responsible for removing toxins and poisons from the body. If the doctor notes during the study that the load is extremely high, then the fast must be interrupted. During miracle fasting, you also need to monitor your feelings. Naturally, it is impossible to starve and feel 100%, but also sharp deterioration general condition there shouldn't be.

According to Paul Bragg's book The Miracle of Fasting, long period hunger needs to go gradually. First, you can practice a 24-hour fast, then a 3-4 day fast once a month. And only after completing 5-6 such courses, you can easily reach a week-long fast, and after a year or two move on to lengthening this period.

Bragg's 24-hour miracle fast

You can fast at any time: from dinner to dinner, or from breakfast to breakfast. You can only drink distilled water. If it is absolutely impossible to stay without food all this time, then a small indulgence is allowed: 1/3 teaspoon of honey or 1 spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, dissolved in water. Bragg believed that the greater the thirst and water consumption, the better the body rids itself of toxins.

Also, during the miracle of fasting according to Bragg, it is important to constantly be in high spirits. He advised repeating certain words several times and tuning in for the good. These phrases can be found in Paul Bragg's book The Miracle of Fasting:

On this day I handed my body into the hands of nature. I turned to higher powers for internal cleansing and renewal.

Every minute of fasting I expel dangerous poisons from my body. Every hour I fast, I become happier and happier.

Hour after hour, my body cleanses itself.

How to get out of fasting

After the end of fasting it is important correct transition to a normal diet. The first food eaten was a salad from fresh vegetables: cabbage, carrots with lemon or orange juice. Salad will stimulate the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

After this, you can prepare boiled vegetables (for example, tomatoes).

And only later can you eat some meat, milk, cheese or butter. But it’s worth remembering Bragg’s attitude towards these products in general.

Long-term fasting according to Bragg

Any long-term fasting must be carried out in a state of complete psychological comfort and calm. It is necessary to stop watching TV, unnecessary conversations and actions, i.e. from everything that prevents you from concentrating on the miracle of fasting. If possible, privacy in comfortable conditions. Physical activity and even walking, as well as sunbathing, should be completely excluded. This can only be done if you are in stable good health.

You should listen to yourself, but try to drive away fear and self-doubt.

A thoughtful way out of any prolonged fast is necessary. Bragg suggested the following option: on day 7 of fasting, eat 4-5 medium-sized tomatoes, scalded with boiling water or thrown into boiling water. Tomatoes should be peeled and eaten cold.

On the eighth day, for breakfast you can prepare a salad of fresh vegetables: carrots and cabbage with the juice of 1/2 orange. After that - some stewed greens with wheat bread.

For lunch, the same salad and 2 vegetable dishes: you can boil cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, green peas.

On the ninth day, any fruit with 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat with honey (up to 1 tablespoon) is suitable for breakfast. Lunch may consist of a salad with boiled vegetables. Dinner is similar to lunch on the seventh day.

From the tenth day you should switch to regular vegetarian cuisine.

It should be remembered that after a long miracle of fasting there may be no appetite. There is no need to be afraid of this. After some time, everything will fall into place.

Also, after fasting, it is important to properly “start” the bowels. According to Breg, laxatives or enemas should not be used. With balanced and proper nutrition the body itself will cope with this task.

Paul Bragg - activist alternative medicine, actively promoted the idea of ​​fasting to improve health. In his book “The Miracle of Fasting” he touched on the topic of healthy eating in general. Expressed a view on what is useful for human body and what is harmful. The idea was new and caused a strong reaction in society. Paul Bragg didn't have medical education However, his technique was a success.

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The best proof of the action was the author himself, who lived to the age of 81 in perfect health.

The peculiarity of fasting according to Paul Bragg is the intake of liquid in unlimited quantities. The author recommends abundant use of distilled water.

The preferred period of fasting is a week or 10 days, the system is carried out without supervision by a doctor or specialist.

4 theses of fasting according to Paul Bragg:

  1. Lots of distilled water;
  2. None – it’s harmful to health;
  3. The best place for hunger is nature. It is better to adhere to the technique in solitude, while leading an active life.
  4. A favorable way out of hunger is to eat liquid food and then give up meat.

The system that I followed myself

  • One-day cleansing – once every 7 days;
  • Seven-day fast - once every 3 months;
  • Fasting for 21 days - once a year.

Most importantly, remember that fasting is a voluntary refusal to eat. If the technique is perceived as a difficult and unnecessary undertaking, it is difficult to achieve favorable results; nervousness and self-pity are more likely to occur.

Why distilled water?

Distilled water, according to Bragg, is most suitable for fasting, since it is pure and does not contain impurities of inorganic minerals. Water containing impurities negatively affects the kidneys and creates stones. But it is the kidneys that have to work a lot and hard. For the sake of your own favorable condition, it is better to cleanse with distilled water.

Paul was convinced: distilled water does not wash away organic matter from human body. On the contrary, it is good for health, supports vitality and youth.

How long does hunger last?

In his research, Paul Bragg came to the conclusion that few people can give accurate information about the timing of fasting. Nutritionists in this area have not developed a common point of view; opinions differ greatly. IN different countries your deadlines.

Thus, English doctors claim that optimal time- 30 days. Cleansing takes place with a low-active lifestyle, in supine position, doing exercises and giving the body physical activity is not recommended. The Germans fast for 3 weeks, and the French for 2, while the Americans adhere to a method that lasts a month.

Paul Bragg believed that 3 weeks (or more) of unforced fasting is sheer nonsense and should be resorted to in case of emergency.

In his book, Paul Bragg wrote that fasts lasting >10 days should be avoided by unprepared people. You should start small, from one day. It is not recommended to fast for 3 weeks until you have completed 6 ten-day cycles with breaks of 4 months, then the body will be more or less prepared for further cleansing. But even experienced practitioners are not advised to extend the fast beyond 15 days.

Paul Bragg considered ten-day fasts 4 times a year sufficient for himself, while during the 3-month breaks the author of the method did not eat much. Paul advised not to eat until you feel very hungry, no eating of emotions. Eating out of nothing to do is the body’s worst enemy.

Bragg was confident that it was possible to cleanse and heal the body with the help of one-day fasts, provided that there was a healthy lifestyle during the breaks.

Paul’s book “The Miracle of Fasting” is interesting and easy to read; it’s worth reading all the author’s thoughts about healthy eating, and not just with the section on therapeutic fasting. It describes a case that confirms the cleansing properties of hunger: as a child, Paul was sick a lot, he was often treated with mercury-based medications. One day the author had a terrible stomach ache, and his body expelled all the substances that had accumulated while taking medications in childhood.

Fasting for 1 day

During fasting, you are allowed to drink pure distilled water, you can add 5 grams of natural raw honey and 10 ml of lemon juice, these products will help cleanse the body. After the expiration date, the first meal will be a salad of grated carrots and white cabbage seasoned with citrus juice. No salt or spices.

For the first 2 days after 24 hours of drinking distilled water, you should not take acidic foods.

Fasting for 3, 7, 10 days

During a three-day fast, it is important that you have the opportunity to rest. It is better to adhere to the system in solitude. The body will begin to remove substances that poison it, and your health may worsen. Do not overload your brain at this time. extra work– read, have fun with friends, watch TV, you will have to give up this for 3 days. It is not necessary to withdraw from society and become a hermit for 3 days; it is enough to remain in complete peace, solitude and in nature.

Bragg believes that poisons are eliminated through the kidneys, so they need to be protected and not overloaded in everyday life. Your health will improve as soon as your body gets rid of stagnation and toxins.

The gastrointestinal tract does not work during hunger; it has nothing to process. This fact worries most people, because then the functions of the intestines and stomach will have to be resumed, and this can cause discomfort. With the right approach and exit from cleaning, this will not happen.

Paul Bragg had a negative attitude towards enemas and did not believe in their benefits. The author believed that food residues should not be removed by taking laxatives; this can harm the digestive system.

The intestines have antiseptic properties, so food residues are neutralized during hunger without additional intervention. After completing the cycle and starting normal nutrition, The gastrointestinal tract will begin to work regularly and better than before cleansing.

At the right way out out of hunger, your food should (at least) 1/2 consist of vegetables and fruits. It is not recommended to consume animal products >3 times every 7 days. You can achieve protein balance in the body with the help of nuts, seeds and other plant proteins, and eat sprouted wheat.

Bragg calculated that he had 75 days of fasting per year, which is quite enough to restore the kidneys, pancreas and other internal organs.

Paul Bragg's book describes in detail examples of the effects of hunger on his patients. After complete cleansing the body eliminates bad breath caused by high content toxins. The author believed that it is better not to bring the body to a state where so many poisons have accumulated that the whole body emanates bad smell. It is better to prevent contamination of the body and begin the fasting system while the body is still healthy.

A way out of a week's hunger

At the end of a seven-day fast, both the stomach and intestines are greatly reduced in volume, so it is necessary to return to the usual diet gradually. On the last day, closer to afternoon tea (5:00 p.m.), take 4 medium-sized tomatoes, cut into large pieces and place in a saucepan with boiling water so that the water covers the tomatoes. When the water and tomatoes have cooled down and become room temperature, then you can eat them. There are no restrictions, you can use 4 pieces.

The next morning, prepare a cabbage and carrot salad with a citrus juice dressing. This dish also helps cleanse the body, after which you can eat steamed greens or 2 crackers (toast) for breakfast. During the day, do not forget about distilled water. For lunch, eat carrots with celery + 2 boiled vegetables. Skip dinner.

On the 2nd day after fasting, breakfast can consist of fruits; it can be sweetened with honey. Lunch is the same as the previous day. For dinner (no later than 18:00) - lettuce with lemon juice, toast, a couple of tomatoes and boiled vegetables.

Breaking a Ten-Day Fast

The difference between a week-long cleanse and a 10-day fast is not great, but it is there. The yield is generally the same, stewed tomatoes on day 10, 11 and 12 correspond to 8 and 9. Important: do not eat more than what you think is necessary; food for the sake of food is not what your body needs. The psychological desire for food should not confuse you; focus on your stomach.

Because digestive tract is reduced in volume, it does not need a large number of food. It will take some time for the body to adjust to its daily routine of digesting food.

Don't worry about your gut

Restoration of bowel function may not begin immediately, but you should not worry about this. People who adhere to the method have small stools after the first meal, however, everything is individual. There is no strict schedule for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after the cessation of hunger; digestion returns to normal after 3-4 days (provided that it is done correctly).

Bragg advised not to have breakfast immediately after waking up, wait about an hour and eat some fruits and greens. Prunes and dried apricots work well. An hour later, the author recommended eating something else of the same type, perhaps with boiled vegetables.

Paul Bragg argued that by consuming raw vegetables and fruits at the beginning of each meal, body tissues will be renewed, and the body as a whole will receive an antioxidant effect.

Bragg allows the consumption of animal protein, but no more than 20% of all food (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products); overdoing it with nuts and seeds is also not recommended. 60% of food should come from raw vegetables and fruits, the remaining 20% ​​includes cereals, oils, natural sugars in the form of dried fruits and honey.

Paul Bragg's attitude to fasting

In the book “The Miracle of Fasting,” the author devoted an entire section to hunger as a healing system, but fasting is not a means of treatment serious illnesses. The author did not believe that fasting was therapeutic, to the fullest extent of the word. However, cleansing the body and maintaining it natural processes in itself leads to improvement.

The body cleansing system will help get rid of bad habits, addiction to nicotine, alcohol, sweets by getting rid of excesses.

Today there are simply an incredibly huge number of fasting methods. This article will focus on therapeutic fasting according to Bragg, who achieved incredibly great results in his aspirations.

Paul Bragg’s book and the technique itself bore the simple name “Miracle fasting for health.” It was this slogan that attracted many newcomers who wanted to get healthier, but not everyone succeeded. The basis of therapeutic fasting according to Bragg is the consumption of large quantities of distilled water, one might say in unlimited quantities. As a result, the miracle of fasting was very well received and was practiced many times by users.

Modern therapeutic fasting according to the Bragg field has lost its relevance due to the fact that the use of distilled water by doctors is prohibited. It does not contain any components, it is just a pure liquid without minerals, there are not even microorganisms in it.

You simply flush your intestines, but the body does not receive anything, especially most of micronutrients produced by the organs are also carried out. Therefore, it is worth more thoroughly considering all the nuances of applying Bragg’s theory.

Developing your own wet fasting, Paul Bragg emphasized four fundamental theses:

  • During the entire period you should drink only distilled water.
  • Do not resort to any enemas or other medical procedures
  • It is best to go to the village, as being in nature makes it much easier to endure difficulties
  • Be active as much as possible, take a lot of baths, go to the bathhouse or sauna.

Based on all four parameters, we can say that wet fasting really helps those who know what to do and how to do it. Currently, you are faced with a big task to achieve the results that form the basis of the developed methodology.

Many people are interested in why the Bragg fast for weight loss is based on distilled water. This is very interesting and actual question, which has arisen more than once among experts. According to Paul, distilled water does not contain various mineral components, bacteria and microorganisms that create problems for the kidneys. After all, it is this organ that is most susceptible to the formation of stones and other negative diseases. That is why distilled water does not leave any traces in the human body.

Exiting a 7-day fast and its other varieties should only be carried out in strict compliance with all rules and recommendations. You can verify all this by reading positive reviews about those people who have been using “Miracle Fasting” for many years.

Fasting technique

The technique itself is very simple and is based on the principles that were presented above. The daytime fasting technique for beginners should begin with a little preparation. Throughout the whole year, you need to do short-term seven-day fasts with breaks of 120 days. This will allow you to achieve the required preparation for subsequent more serious changes and difficulties.

Paul Bragg himself believed that for even the most ardent fan of fasting, it is harmful to eat nothing for almost three weeks. That's why maximum term should not exceed 21 days. It is better to fast more often and with longer breaks.

All his words helped a considerable number of people restore the functioning of their body and make it become healthier. Every day during fasting you need to remember that taking a step back or giving up on it, you simply cannot achieve good results.

Currently, almost all methods of fasting that were studied earlier have become widespread in the world. Russian Internet space, although few practice them.

Features of the technique

The peculiarity of fasting for health by Paul Bragg lies precisely in the consumption of large amounts of distilled water. Many techniques are more prone to the dry type than to the wet type. But Paul fully substantiated his method and proved from his own experience that his miracle fasting is much more effective than its other varieties. Being in nature allows you to eat clean air, that is, harmony is formed, you think about something completely different. A large number of bathing procedures also allows the skin to receive the required amount of nutrition.

Today, Paul Bragg and his fasting have become popular in many countries. He simply paid an incredibly large amount of attention to helping people. Suffering from cancer, problems with digestive system, found exactly what they needed. So, if you want to get exactly these benefits and positive properties, then there is no need to waste time. Fasting treatment should be carried out only under strict supervision; in solitude you can protect yourself from the influence of other people.

The most important thing is the way out of fasting, which should be formed on certain aspects. Paul Bragg believed that treatment and practice show that the miracle fasting technique helps those people who believe in it and know what they want to get. Restoring the body is Long procces, so you need to fast throughout your life.

One of important rules The field was to eat food only when you really wanted it. He could eat only 12 times a week, and this did not stop him from going to work every day, studying medical issues and so on. That is, the most important thing here is understanding the problem and finding ways to protect your body from harmful influence food. What really brought him great popularity was the video in which he shared his advice. It was from this moment that the popularization of his fasting began.

Breaking out of fasting

This stage is the most important for the human body. During the period of fasting, almost all organs begin to work in their own way, the stomach decreases in size several times and it is simply impossible to eat as much food as you ate before, especially meat or gift. Therefore, for a complete study medical rules Dietetics need to learn several recommendations:

  1. Paul Bragg advised starting with tomatoes, but for unknown reasons many refuse them. You only need to eat a few boiled tomatoes a day to feel full.
  2. Everything needs to be steamed only, and it’s best to boil it. In this way, the products are completely given a structure that is beneficial for the intestines.
  3. After fasting of this type, it is best to give up meat altogether in the future.

Today, the Bragg miracle fasting has become quite popular in a number of countries, but in Russian Federation still try to adhere to their creators of new theories. Of course, there is simply an unusually large amount of information on the Internet about Russian representatives of alternative medicine, who have achieved incredibly high results in developing new types of fasting.

Correct therapeutic fasting according to Bragg should bring a person only positive emotions every day. You need to understand that it is enough to start exiting it on the seventh day after fasting, and you will be able to see subsequent changes.

For those losing weight, this is a fundamental rule that will allow you to achieve unusually high results. The effect of the miracle of fasting is so significant that you can read about it in the reviews of people who have used it more than once.