Headache how to get rid of it. For constant headaches, with vegetative-vascular dystonia

Headache can vary from mild, not distracting from daily activities, to unbearably painful. Whatever it is, you should not tolerate it. There are many ways to relieve headaches. But in order for the process of getting rid of it to be more effective, you need to know the reasons for its appearance. And they can be very different. A headache may indicate serious problems with health. And if you cannot get rid of it in the simplest ways, it is best to consult a doctor.

Causes of headaches. The most common causes of headaches are disturbances in the activity of cerebral vessels, when they are either dilated or subject to spasms. A person may suffer from attacks of headaches in the back of the head, parietal, frontal and temporal parts.

A headache may be the result of poisoning from low-quality foods or an excessive dose of alcohol. It may accompany or be a consequence of severe head trauma. Increased intracranial or blood pressure can also cause an attack of pain in the head.

The cause of sharp and excruciating pain in one side of the head can be a migraine. This neurological disease, characterized by sharp, throbbing pain in the temples and forehead.

Migraines affect a huge number of people. The reasons for its appearance may be: hereditary factors, transmitted mainly through the female line, and stress, nervous overstrain, large physical exercise. If you are prone to this disease, the body may react to weather changes and climate changes (for example, when traveling to a resort). Migraines are also provoked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages, primarily beer and champagne; cheese, chocolate, some types of nuts.

Headache, no matter how intense it is, negatively affects a person’s ability to concentrate, work efficiency and negatively affects his emotional condition. Experts do not recommend leaving it unattended.

Surprisingly, sometimes the ways to quickly get rid of a headache are very simple. If the pain is not severe, and you are at home and there are no urgent matters, try to sleep for an hour and a half. There is even such a concept: “Pain must be slept through.” Very often during such a short, but good sleep the body “reconfigures” and, upon waking up, the person feels that the pain has subsided. But how to get rid of a headache if over time this method stops working or if it is so strong that it prevents you from falling asleep? Then you can try other ways to deal with it.

The simplest thing you can do is soak a towel in cool water and place it on your forehead for 5-10 minutes. If you feel it helps, make the compress even cooler and apply the towel 2-3 more times.

A massage of the entire head, including the area of ​​the temples, forehead and neck, if it does not completely remove it, will significantly reduce the pain. It is better if someone close to you does it, so that the patient can completely relax all the muscles of the shoulders, neck and head. Light rubbing in the shoulders, neck; soft circular (spiral) movements from the neck, from the ears, temples and forehead to the crown will help relieve spasms and improve blood circulation. The massage should be performed with slow movements with the fingertips for 10-15 minutes.

Soak a napkin in vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice, slightly diluting them with water. Rub the temples and bridge of the nose with slow circular movements. Repeat 2-3 times.

Among the folk remedies for pain relief, the following deserve attention:

  • When walking through a park or forest, choose a healthy, strong tree - birch or linden (for a woman), oak or elm (for a man). Go up to him, hug him, complain about your headache and ask him to help him get rid of it. Trees are powerful sources of healing energy that can purify a person’s energy and heal him.
  • Relaxed and sitting comfortably in a chair or on the sofa, slowly drink a glass of strong, hot tea with lemon and honey.
  • Rub your ears vigorously. This should be done for 2-3 minutes until you feel warmth in them. On a surface ears there are many points, the impact of which activates the work of many organs and can improve blood circulation.
Headache prevention.
Like any disease, headaches are easier to prevent than to get rid of them. For this purpose, it is necessary to avoid factors that provoke attacks.

Nervous and physical overloads are contraindicated for people predisposed to it. chronic lack of sleep(sleep should not be less than 8 hours a day), abuse of nicotine, alcohol and caffeine.

It is necessary to monitor nutrition and exclude from the diet foods that negatively affect the condition of the blood vessels of the brain. First of all, these are animal fats, products containing coconut oil, and preservatives. This also includes fried foods. The diet must include vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat and dairy products, which contain a sufficient amount mineral salts and vitamins necessary for normal functioning body.

The use of antioxidants, vitamins A, E, C, coenzyme Q10, natural preparations containing magnesium and chamomile and ginger based products will be an excellent preventive measure and will significantly reduce the intensity of headache attacks.

If the headache does not go away.
If simple ways Fighting constant pain in the head does not bring results, and even analgesics do not always save you from it, it’s time to see a doctor. Pain is most often a consequence of a disease of a single organ or an entire system of the body, such as hypertension, mental illness or nervous exhaustion, infectious diseases, osteochondrosis and even a brain tumor. The sooner it is delivered accurate diagnosis, the easier it will be to cope with the disease.

A headache can happen for many reasons - due to a cold, stress or some other reason. Sometimes a headache occurs so often that it becomes unsafe to use medication, or it takes you by surprise in a place where there is no pharmacy with the drugs nearby.

Sometimes there is an allergy to painkillers or a ban on taking them for health reasons. What then to do, how to relieve a headache without resorting to medications - improvised and folk methods?

Of course, the recipes given are not 100% effective for getting rid of pain, but they often bring significant relief and are not harmful to health.

Aromatherapy for pain

Fragrances essential oils various plants They were used in ancient times and were used to treat many diseases. Aroma helps relieve headaches lavender– it relaxes, relieves tension and calms, helps to sleep.

If you don't like lavender, this will help. mint– it also relieves stress and calms the nerves that sometimes cause headaches. It is recommended to rub peppermint oil into the scalp for ten minutes. If not peppermint oil, you can use fresh mint leaves: grind them into a paste and apply, gently rubbing, to the area of ​​the temples, back of the head and crown.

You can drink mint tea with honey . Place a bottle of mint or lavender oil in your purse, and at the first sign of pain, open it and breathe in the aromas for about a minute through each nostril.

Saving cold

For headaches due to overexertion, allergies, cramps or colds, cold helps. Wrap the ice in a towel or soak a linen napkin in cold water and apply to your forehead and temples. If your entire head hurts, you can also apply cold to your neck and shoulders.

Attention: Do not use ice without wrapping it in a towel. This will cause vasospasm and, after some relief, increase the pain.

Soothing warmth

If the headache is associated with poor circulation due to cervical osteochondrosis or muscle spasm, the blood supply to the head is disrupted. It is necessary to dilate the blood vessels by applying a heating pad to the neck area. hot water or take a hot shower on the neck area.

By the way, the shower itself perfectly relieves headache attacks, especially in contrast. If there is no heating pad or shower nearby, circular rotation of the head to warm up the muscles and lightly rubbing the back of the neck or wrapping the neck in a woolen scarf helps.

Fresh air

Often, headaches arise from banal hypoxia in apartments, especially during the heating season, when heaters burn out the oxygen we need so much. Ventilating every hour for five minutes or walking for half an hour helps. If you don’t want to go for a walk, go out onto the balcony and breathe deeply and slowly for 10 minutes. Quit smoking at least for the evening: nicotine and cigarette smoke contribute to hypoxia and headaches.

Healthy sleep

How to get rid of headaches without drugs

Often headaches occur due to lack of sleep and overwork. Then just lie down and close your eyes, try to fall asleep or at least take a nap for a couple of hours. Open a window (window) while you sleep, or simply pre-ventilate the room, and make sure that the bedroom is damp and cool.

Acupressure and general massages

It has long been known that if you apply intense pressure to certain points of the body, you can correct many ailments.

  • Massage the area where the large and index fingers hands . Spread your fingers to the sides, if there is pain when pressing - this is active point at the fork of the tendons. Massage it intensively for 5 minutes, the headache will quickly subside.
  • Massaging the point above the bridge of the nose, on the eyebrow growth line, helps relieve pain.
  • There are two symmetrical points - these are small dimples in the places where the eyebrows end; they must be massaged at the same time.
  • Also massage the points where hair growth makes a light corner with your index fingers.
  • Rubbing or massaging the earlobes until a feeling of warmth or sharp compression of the earlobes often helps.
  • Sometimes massage of the collar area, neck and head, especially in the scalp, helps. Rub them until they feel warm, and it’s also useful to run your fingers into your hair and massage your hair roots with pads until you feel relief.

Drink plenty of water. Dehydration often causes headaches. This is because lack of water leads to decreased blood flow and oxygen to the brain. As soon as you feel a headache coming on, try drinking a glass cool water. If your headache is caused by dehydration, drinking water will relieve or even cure it within minutes.

  • To prevent dehydration, you should drink eight glasses of water a day.
  • Drinking water is especially important after drinking alcohol, as it causes dehydration, which leads to headaches and hangovers.
  • Use lavender oil. Lavender products are well known for their relaxing properties, but did you know that lavender oil is also very effective in treating headaches? Simply take a bowl of hot water and add a few drops of lavender oil. Bend over the surface of the water and place a towel on your head. Breathe deeply with lavender vapor.

    • Alternatively, you can apply lavender oil externally. Try massaging your temples with lavender oil for a few minutes while breathing deeply.
    • Keep in mind that lavender oil should not be ingested.
  • Use rosemary. Rosemary can be very helpful in treating headaches. Try massaging your head with a little rosemary oil (which has anti-inflammatory properties) for instant pain relief. In addition, to relieve headaches, you can drink Herb tea from rosemary and sage.

    • To make rosemary and sage tea, add one teaspoon each of chopped sage and rosemary leaves to a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to room temperature.
    • Drink this tea two to three times a day.
  • Use cloves. Cloves can be used in several ways to relieve headaches. Here are some tips:

    • Gently crush a few cloves and place the pieces in a linen bag or a clean handkerchief. Inhale the scent of crushed cloves to relieve headaches.
    • Mix clove oil with sea salt and massage onto your forehead and temples. Clove oil produces a cooling effect and sea ​​salt enhances the massage.
  • Use basil oil. Basil is a very aromatic herb that can be used effectively to treat headaches. Basil acts as a muscle relaxant, so it is useful for treating headaches caused by tension and tight muscles. Drinking basil tea twice a day is an excellent home remedy.

    • Place a few fresh, washed basil leaves in a glass and let steep for a few minutes before drinking. Sip the tea slowly and your headache will gradually go away.
    • During headaches, you can chew fresh basil leaves or massage your head with pure oil basilica
  • Use ginger. Ginger reduces inflammation blood vessels, so it is often used in the treatment of headaches. Try adding an inch of fresh chopped or grated ginger root to a cup of tea and let steep for a few minutes before drinking. You can add milk or sugar to taste. Marvelous, ginger tea, is said to relieve headaches and reduce inflammation as quickly as aspirin.

    • Alternatively, you can steep fresh or dry ginger in water and inhale the steam to get rid of headaches.
    • Ginger candies can also help relieve headaches.
  • Use cinnamon. Cinnamon can help relieve headaches, especially those that accompany a cold. The easiest way to use cinnamon is to make a paste from freshly ground cinnamon and large quantity water. Apply this paste on your forehead and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes. The headache should go away soon.

    • Alternatively, you can make a soothing drink by adding two teaspoons of cinnamon powder to a cup of hot milk. Add a teaspoon of honey for sweetness if needed.
  • Use peppermint. It is known for its calming properties, but can also be very effective in treating headaches. Use oil peppermint when massaging the forehead, temples and even jaws. Alternatively, apply fresh crushed peppermint leaves on your forehead for 15 minutes while breathing deeply.

    • From fresh leaves Peppermint can also be used to make a soothing tea. Simply place washed mint leaves in a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for a few minutes.
    • You can also inhale mint by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to boiling water.
  • Eat an apple. Apples help with headaches as they can balance the alkaline and acid levels in the body, thereby providing relief. Try eating an apple (with the peel) as soon as you feel a headache coming on.

  • Simple remedies to get rid of headaches without pills. " Nice head does not hurt!" - so it says folk wisdom. But who hasn’t had it at least once in their life? It is not necessary to resort to painkillers every time. Simple remedies will help you get rid of headaches.

    The causes of headaches are varied and sometimes difficult to determine. Therefore, remedies for headaches are selected individually for each person and in each situation.

    [b]Simple remedies for headaches

    [b] Cool water. You need to wet your head with cool water, in rare cases helps warm water. You can quickly determine the desired water temperature yourself by feeling which water relieves your headache. Usually the headache disappears after 1 - 3 procedures.

    [b]Cool bandage on the forehead. If it is not possible to wet your head with water, let’s say you are at work, soak a cloth in cool water and apply it to your forehead. Relief is felt immediately.

    [b]Vietnamese balm Star. All you need to do is spread the whiskey with Zvezdochka balm, based on natural essential oils. To get rid of a headache, just 1 time is enough. Repeat if necessary.

    [b]Lemon juice or vinegar. Wipe your forehead and temples with lemon juice or vinegar. It helps a lot.

    [b]Cold pure water. The most the best remedy, even for the most severe headache - cold, clean water. Traditional healers It is recommended to drink 1 glass every hour cold water and walk after that for about three minutes.

    [b]Massage that won't let you down. Getting rid of headaches is very simple: massage for 5-10 minutes. lightly, without pressure, rubbing the bridge of the nose. This massage is especially good at relieving headaches resulting from overexertion.

    [b]Take a shower! During a migraine attack you can take cold and hot shower, changing water from cool to warm every 20-30 seconds ten times.

    [b]It’s also a good idea to do a colon cleanse. For frequent headaches, cleansing enemas in the morning and evening are recommended. Especially for those people who suffer from constipation or have hemorrhoids. If enemas are not suitable for you, for some reason, use our tips for colon cleansing without enemas.

    [b]Heating pad on the forehead. You can drink hot tea or cold water, but you need to be careful with coffee, it can relieve pain or aggravate your suffering, depending on the reasons.

    [b]Lemon peel will save you. You need to take a fresh lemon peel with a diameter of 2 cm (for this case I always have a couple of lemons in the refrigerator), peel it with inside from white fibers and apply to any temple with the wet side. After some time, redness appears under the lemon peel, accompanied by itching and burning. But the headache soon goes away!

    [b]Amber will cure. You need to wear a thread of real yellow amber around your neck without taking it off. Soon the pain will become less frequent, and then it will stop bothering you completely. Tested, it works!

    [b]Universal cinnamon. Cinnamon is a completely unique spice. In addition to using it for culinary purposes, it is universal remedy. For example, it helps to get rid of headaches quite quickly if 1 tsp. Brew a glass of cinnamon powder hot water, let it brew for half an hour, sweeten it and take 2 sips after an hour. You can also make a compress on your temples using cinnamon infusion.

    [b]Take cabbage... For headaches, fresh cabbage leaves applied to the temples, back of the head, forehead for about half an hour, an hour help.

    Do not turn on the TV, radio or tape recorder - sit in silence, in a darkened room.

    By the way, medications during an attack are less effective; it is better to take them before a headache attack, when you feel like your head is about to hurt.

    [b]If you experience headaches very often, an examination is recommended!

    Migraine attacks do not necessarily mean a person has a serious illness, but if they occur frequently, you should visit the hospital. Rare headaches are best not treated with medications, but rather treated with effective and safe folk remedies.

    How to get rid of headaches with massage

    You can quickly relieve headaches through massage. To do this, rub your temples and the bridge of your nose with light circular movements. In addition, a massage of the frontal area using a balm helps relieve migraines. Golden Star" To achieve therapeutic effect, massage is carried out for at least 2-3 minutes. If the cause of headaches is the presence cervical osteochondrosis(the disease is often diagnosed in people who sit at the computer for a long time), you should ask loved one stretch your cervical-collar area.

    Another way to relieve pain without pills is acupuncture. Thereby unconventional method treatment can effectively relieve migraines without the use of drugs. The technique is to perform acupressure by pressing on certain areas of the body with your fingers. How to quickly get rid of headaches without pills:

    1. Massaging the yongquan point. Exactly in the center of the foot there is a point, when exposed to which a person’s pressure decreases. If a headache occurs, it is recommended to massage this area on both legs using thumbs hands You need to massage, moving towards the toe, making 100 pressures (this takes about 2 minutes).
    2. Massaging the point above the nose. Apply at least 30 pressures to the area located directly above the bridge of the nose and parallel to the eyebrows.
    3. Massaging points near the eyes. It is necessary to simultaneously press two symmetrically located small depressions near outer corners eye.
    4. Massaging a point on the head. If you draw a line from ear to ear through the crown, then the desired point will be in the middle. It is necessary to press on it until slight pain appears.

    Aromatic remedy

    It is possible to combat migraines with the help of aromatherapy, which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Aroma oils are removed muscle tension and vasospasm. To relieve headaches, you can add products to water when bathing, use them for massage, or simply breathe in their vapors, heating them with an aroma lamp. Which aroma oils help cure migraines:

    • almond;
    • eucalyptus;
    • mint;
    • lavender;
    • rosemary;
    • chamomile;
    • coconut

    Treatment of headaches with compresses

    If painful sensations were caused by overexertion or overwork, it is worth making wet compresses. Depending on the nature of the pain, warm or cold lotions are applied to the head. What to do if you have a migraine:

    1. When pulsating. Apply ice, previously wrapped in a towel/cloth, to your temples. It will also help lower your body temperature without the use of medication.
    2. When covering. Apply an ice pack to your forehead for 2-3 minutes.
    3. With pressure. Apply a warm, wet compress to the back of your neck.
    4. For migraines caused by stress. Fold a couple of paper napkins in half, place gauze soaked in a solution of valerian tincture (2-3 drops per 1/3 cup) between them and apply to the forehead/temples.
    5. At severe pain. Grind a cinnamon stick into powder, add a little water and lubricate your forehead and temples with the resulting mixture. This remedy effectively relieves vascular spasms, which often occur in winter due to the cold.

    Folk remedies

    How to relieve headaches at home without medications:

    1. St. John's wort infusion. Remove migraine and increase arterial pressure will help this remedy: pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 250 ml barely boiling water. When the liquid has stood for 15-20 minutes, take 80 ml three times a day.
    2. White willow infusion. Herbalists recommend preparing and taking the following remedy: tbsp. l. plant bark, pour 500 ml of fresh cool water. After 8 hours, the infusion can be drunk, and half a liter should be consumed throughout the day. If necessary, prepare the product again the next day. Its properties are similar to those of aspirin.
    3. Wine of Hippocrates. Add finely chopped lemon with zest and 1 tbsp to 500 ml of red wine. l. natural honey. The drink effectively relieves pain and replaces sedatives.
    4. Mint tea. Doctors recommend drinking mint teas with honey to combat migraines. It is better to drink the drink at night, as it has a light sedative effect.
    5. Juice chokeberry. Squeeze the liquid out fresh berries and consume 2 tbsp daily. l. the night before each meal.

    How to get rid of migraines during pregnancy

    Periodic pain in the head of many pregnant women. Severe migraine is poorly tolerated during pregnancy, and it is not possible to eliminate it with the help of conventional medications. This is because a pregnant woman is prohibited from taking most types of pills. However, you should not endure migraines, because there are alternative methods. The most effective among them are:

    • compress from cabbage leaf(it needs to be tied tightly to the head);
    • a cup of strong, sweet coffee or tea (not suitable for hypertension);
    • coolness is an excellent cure for migraines, so a cold shower or an ice pack helps a lot;
    • rest and complete peace (you should curtain the windows, turn off all appliances and try to fall asleep);
    • drinking large amounts of water (pain often occurs as a result of dehydration);
    • exclusion from the menu of foods that provoke headaches (smoked meats, cheese, onions, nuts, canned food, pickles).

    Pregnant women can use all the methods described above to combat migraines. Massage, acupuncture and reflexology help a lot, and a woman can seek help from a specialist or perform the described procedures on her own. It is extremely important during pregnancy to often be in the fresh air and do exercises. breathing exercises. But you should be careful when using aromatherapy, since many strong odors can provoke even worse migraines due to hypersensitivity pregnant women.

    How to relieve a child's headache

    Headache in children does not necessarily mean they have serious illnesses and does not always require the use of painkillers. There are many harmless methods for treating migraines in children, for example:

    • ice compress to the neck or head;
    • nap;
    • massage of temples, shoulders and neck;
    • breathing exercises (deep breaths and exhalations with a delay of several seconds);
    • drinking cool water (a couple of glasses of liquid often helps relieve migraines).
