Blue clay and leukoplakia of the external genitalia. Leukoplakia of the vulva: what is it, treatment, causes, signs, symptoms

Main symptoms:

  • White spots on the oral mucosa
  • Warts on the genitals
  • Discomfort in the external genital area
  • Microcracks on the labia
  • Unpleasant sensations when urinating
  • Irritation in the vulva area
  • Gray spots on the oral mucosa
  • Tightness in the vulva area
  • Scales on the oral mucosa
  • Erosions on the genitals
  • Ulcers on the oral mucosa

Leukoplakia is a disease that affects the mucous membranes in the human body and leads to keratinization of the epithelium. Typically, the disease manifests itself on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, larynx and genitourinary organs. In medicine, there are cases where a patient also developed leukoplakia of the esophagus.

The disease appears in the form of white-pink or grayish-white spots that have clear contours. Sizes, like shapes, may vary. Typically, the appearance of these pathological formations does not cause a person any discomfort. Therefore, the first signs of progression of the disease can only be noticed when examined by a doctor for a completely different reason.

The risk group includes people over 30 years of age. In children and the elderly, pathology rarely develops. Clinicians classify leukoplakia as a precancerous condition, since pathological foci can undergo malignancy under the influence of various unfavorable factors. It is for this reason that during the diagnosis of this pathology, a biopsy is necessarily taken from the lesions. Next, the tissue is carefully examined for the detection of atypical cells.

The most common forms of pathology are:

  • leukoplakia of the cervix;
  • oral leukoplakia;
  • leukoplakia of the vulva;
  • leukoplakia of the bladder;
  • leukoplakia of the tongue;
  • leukoplakia of the labia.

Leukoplakia of the cervix is ​​most often diagnosed in patients aged 20 to 30 years. Leukoplakia of the larynx accounts for 30% of all precancerous diseases in this area. But most often doctors diagnose oral leukoplakia. This is explained by the fact that the mucous membrane in this place most often comes into contact with most factors that can trigger the progression of this pathology. It is worth noting an important point - not all forms of pathology degenerate into malignant ones.


At this time, it has not yet been reliably established what is the main reason for the progression of leukoplakia of the vulva, larynx or other organs in humans. But the factors that contribute to the development of this pathology are already known:

  • virus carriage. This reason is often the basis for the progression of the disease;
  • mechanical trauma, thermal and chemical effects on mucous membranes;
  • bad habits. In this case, pathology may develop due to frequent smoking;
  • a common cause of the development of leukoplakia of the vulva or cervix is ​​the use of silicone or latex stimulators without special lubricants;
  • occupational hazards;
  • occupational pathology;
  • Iatrogenic reasons. For example, in 30% of women who previously underwent diathermocoagulation, cervical leukoplakia begins to progress;
  • STI;
  • decreased general and local immunity;
  • burdened heredity.


The classification of the disease is carried out according to the morphological principle - depending on the type of elements that form on the mucous membrane:

  • simple leukoplakia. If this form develops, a white-gray coating or spots with clear contours form on the surface of the epithelium;
  • verrucous form. It is also called wart. In its flow it is similar to a simple form. But with the verrucous form, specific nodules are already beginning to form. They tend to “crawl” onto each other. If it is not always possible to detect a simple form during examination, then diagnosing the verrucous form is not difficult precisely because of such characteristic elements;
  • erosive form. Erosion and ulcers are added to the elements that formed during the verrucous form. This type is the most dangerous and often leads to the formation of a cancerous process.

It is worth highlighting the mild form of the disease. In this case, pathological foci of keratinization appear, from which plaque can be easily removed. No inflammation is detected underneath. This form most often affects the cheeks and lips.

In medicine, there is also a specific form of the disease - leukoplakia of smokers. This type of pathology manifests itself in the form of pearlescent plaques located on the mucous surface of the oral cavity. More often, lesions form on the skin of the cheeks and the lateral surface of the tongue.

Hairy leukoplakia is also common. In some medical sources it is also called hairy leukoplakia. This form of the disease develops only with, as well as other immunodeficiency conditions. Hairy leukoplakia is often diagnosed in patients who have AIDS (75% of the total). Hairy leukoplakia is not an independent pathology. It develops against the background of other ailments. It is also called the first symptom that indicates that a person is developing an immunodeficiency state. Hairy leukoplakia can be located on absolutely any part of the mucous membrane, but most often it is diagnosed in the mouth, vulva, vagina and penis in men. As a rule, detecting hairy leukoplakia is not difficult. Diagnosis is carried out by an infectious disease specialist.


Symptoms of the pathology directly depend on where exactly the inflammatory process will be localized.

Leukoplakia of the cervix develops gradually. At the initial stage of development of the pathology, there may be no symptoms at all. Therefore, the patient does not seek help from a doctor. As the disease progresses and when it moves to the next stage, a woman may notice a feeling of discomfort in the genitals. The presence of cervical leukoplakia can only be confirmed with a gynecological examination. Whitish spots or nodules will be visible on the vaginal part of the cervix. In severe forms of pathology - ulcers and erosions.

Leukoplakia of the vulva has more pronounced symptoms, so it can be diagnosed in the early stages of the development of the pathological process. Main symptoms:

  • feeling of dryness in the vagina;
  • microcracks appear on the labia;
  • leukoplakia of the vulva is manifested by the formation of erosions and warts on the external genitalia, which can peel off or crack;
  • feeling of irritation and tightness in the vulva area.

Leukoplakia of the vulva can develop in both girls and adult women. It is not difficult to diagnose it, since characteristic symptoms clearly appear. A gynecologist diagnoses and treats leukoplakia of the vulva and cervix.

Oral leukoplakia usually manifests itself in places where the mucous membrane is constantly injured by the edges of the teeth, dentures or fillings. A pathological focus of white or gray color forms at the site of the lesion. Later it may become covered with scales. In severe cases of the disease, erosions and ulcers may form on the surface of the mucous membrane and tongue (this is often observed with hairy leukoplakia in patients with immunodeficiency).

Leukoplakia of the bladder appears extremely rarely. There are usually no symptoms. In some cases, the patient may complain of discomfort in the lower abdomen, as well as discomfort during urination. The diagnosis and treatment of leukoplakia of the bladder is carried out by a urologist.


When the first symptoms appear that may indicate the development of the disease, you should immediately contact a medical facility for a thorough diagnosis. The disease can be diagnosed by:

  • biopsies;
  • taking smears from pathological lesions for further examination under a microscope;
  • Schiller's test;
  • immunogram;
  • cytological examination of smears from lesions;
  • clinical


Treatment of leukoplakia should only be comprehensive. The first thing to do is to eliminate the factors that could trigger the progression of the disease. For example, you should stop smoking, not use metal dentures for teeth, etc. Treatment of leukoplakia also includes therapy for infectious and inflammatory pathologies that can develop in the human body.

A simple form of pathology often does not require any specific treatment. But patients will need to regularly visit the doctor so that he can assess whether the pathological focus is enlarging and whether new elements are appearing on it. If necessary, pathological lesions are destroyed using a laser or radio wave technique. Sometimes they resort to cauterization with liquid nitrogen, but after such therapy scars may remain. If leukoplakia is suspected of degenerating into a malignant process, radical surgery is indicated. After treatment for leukoplakia, the patient will need to visit the doctor for a period of time for a preventive examination.

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Leukoplakia of the external genitalia in women is accompanied by symptoms such as the appearance of whitish or gray plaque bumpy spots (single or merging into one), microcracks in the mucous membrane, dryness, itching and other unpleasant sensations that are especially “bright” at night.



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Leukoplakia is not just another annoying female “disease”, it is a precancerous condition (scaly and erosive leukoplakia), which requires the immediate intervention of an experienced specialist and the prescription of the correct treatment. Therefore, the appearance of an “indelible” plaque on the external genitalia (keratinized layer of mucosal epithelium) is a reason for an immediate visit to a gynecologist. I think there is no need to explain here that attempts to cure leukoplakia on your own using traditional methods that are written about on the Internet can be deadly.

Where does leukoplakia come from? Experts still cannot come to a consensus and name various factors that can trigger the development of this disease. Among these factors are hormonal changes (lack of estrogen, incorrect ratio of estradiol and other estrogens in the blood), amenorrhea, injury to the mucous membrane of the external genitalia and cervix (during abortion, cauterization of erosion), changes in the mucosa during chronic inflammatory processes and others. That is, the list is quite comprehensive and almost all representatives of the female half of humanity fall into the risk group.

Meanwhile, more than 90% of women who were diagnosed with leukoplakia are over 40 years of age. According to experts, the main factor “triggering the process” is age-related atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. The disease usually begins unnoticed and can occur “without the knowledge” of the patient for a long time.

Leukoplakia of the external genitalia in women: treatment offered at the DECA clinic

In our clinic, we approach the treatment of any disease, including leukoplakia, in a comprehensive manner. Experts suggest combining various treatment methods with each other:

  • hormonal therapy (the use of hormonal drugs according to a thoroughly prescribed scheme without harm to health);
  • radio wave method;
  • laser exposure.

Each patient can count on an individual approach and several treatment options, from which she can choose the most suitable one (in terms of frequency of visits, cost, contraindications, etc.). DECA clinic specialists guarantee a positive outcome of even the most complex case of leukoplakia. We successfully treat simple, scaly and erosive forms of this disease.

Leukoplakia of the outer floors. organs in women is a widespread gynecological disease, which is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane.

The disease manifests itself in the form of whitish growths on the mucous membrane.

Remember. Leukoplakia of the vulva in children is very rarely diagnosed, but recently there has been a tendency towards rejuvenation of the disease. In fact, leukoplakia of the labia can be considered a precancerous condition.

How and with what to treat vulvar leukoplakia will be indicated below. Analysis of statistical data showed that the pathology is diagnosed in approximately 5% of women, but its malignant transformation is observed in 15-30% of patients. The disease in women is most often detected by chance - during a medical examination.

Causes of the disease Leukoplakia of the external genitalia (kraurosis) is a polyetiological disease.

  • Until now, the etiology of the disease remains not fully understood. Doctors have been able to identify several reasons that contribute to the development of the disease:
  • mechanical damage to the genitals;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • hypo- and vitamin deficiencies;
  • genital herpes;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • neglect of basic rules of intimate hygiene;
  • papillomavirus and cytomegalovirus infections;
  • frequent stress;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • acquired and congenital immunodeficiency;
  • hormonal imbalance;

cervical dysplasia.

Advice! Since the pathology is regarded by doctors as a pre-cancer disease, it is impossible to delay the treatment of vulvar leukoplakia. If you notice the first signs, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Many doctors are sure that vulvar kraurosis is a psychosomatic disease

Clinic Symptoms of vulvar leukoplakia in the early stages of the disease are subtle.

As a result of atrophic processes, the labia minora and clitoris first begin to shrink, after which the inguinal folds, labia majora and perineum are drawn into the pathological process. The hair in the area of ​​the labia majora becomes very scarce.

Patients complain of dyspareunia - this is painful intimacy with a partner, which causes problems in intimate life. This is due to significant narrowing of the vagina. Next, cracks and scratches appear in the genital area, which become infected.

Note. In some cases, white spots that have an external resemblance to leukoplakia are one of the physiological norms. That is, this is an individual feature of a particular woman.

The diagnosis of vulvar leukoplakia is established on the basis of anamnesis, laboratory test results, gynecological and hardware examination.

Colposcopy is an informative research method that can tell a lot about the patient’s condition.

Treatment methods

Many readers are looking for answers to their questions: “Is vulvar leukoplakia in children curable?”, “How to cure vulvar leukoplakia?”.

Treatment of leukoplakia of the external genitalia in women and children is always a complex and lengthy procedure.

Modern therapy recommends several types of treatment for the disease.

Note. The main goal of therapy is to avoid the occurrence of complications, among which the most dangerous is oncological changes in tissue.

  • Treatment of pathology includes:
  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet therapy;
  • consultation with a psychotherapist;
  • proper hygiene procedures;

surgical intervention (if necessary).

Drug therapy Conservative methods of therapy are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, improving trophism in the area of ​​the affected organs and relieving psycho-emotional stress

  • . To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, the following groups of medications are prescribed:
  • antihistamines (Fenkarol, Loratadine, Tavegil, Clarisens);
  • local anti-inflammatory substances (“Baneocin”, “Clobetasol”, “Dermovate”);
  • hormonal drugs (“Testosterone propionate”, “Estriol”, hydrocortisone, prednisolone ointment);
  • antipruritic drugs (Triderm, Akriderm, Celestoderm);

To improve the immune status of the body, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed. If it is impossible to use the listed remedies, novocaine vulvar blockades are often recommended. In the presence of psychoneurological pathologies, patients are prescribed antidepressants, sedatives, muscle relaxants, and tranquilizers.

To enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of medications, physiotherapy methods are prescribed:

  • magnetophoresis;
  • sonophoresis;
  • darsonval;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • balneotherapy.

Advice. To reduce the severity of pathology, doctors recommend that patients perform daily toileting of the external genitalia and perineum. To do this, you can use boiled water with the addition of infusions of medicinal herbs.


Leukoplakia of the vulva can be cured surgically, but this is resorted to only if conservative methods are not effective.

  • The following methods can be used to eliminate pathological foci:
  • cryodestruction;
  • radio wave therapy;
  • laser ablation;
  • excision of pathological areas using a scalpel;
  • chemical coagulation;

vulvectomy (usually used in the presence of cancer).

Minimally invasive treatment is performed on an outpatient basis. The tissue healing process lasts from two to eight weeks, which depends on the extent of the pathological process, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the method of destruction. During the period of treatment, you should refrain from intimate life.

Cream "Iranian saffron vulva leukoplakia" is an excellent remedy for the treatment of vulvar hyperkeratosis


Is it possible to cure vulvar leukoplakia with folk remedies? The answer in this case will be positive only if the anomaly is treated at an early stage.

Important. Most medical practitioners strongly advise against doing this. Why? The fact is that leukoplakia is a precancerous condition, so any experiments are fraught with the loss of invaluable time and health.


Leukoplakia of the vulva is a serious disease that requires urgent treatment. Diagnosing this pathology is not very easy, since it practically does not manifest itself in the early stages of pathogenesis. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed already in the later stages of development.

Today, many women are faced with a diagnosis such as leukoplakia. What is this in gynecology? Why does such a disease occur? How dangerous can it be? What treatments does modern medicine offer? Many readers are looking for answers to these questions.

To begin with, it is worth saying that such a disorder belongs to the group of so-called precancerous pathologies. And today, many patients at the antenatal clinic hear the diagnosis “leukoplakia”. What is this in gynecology? How does it manifest? Which tissues are affected?

This disease is accompanied by thickening and subsequent keratinization of the reproductive organs. Most often, doctors in modern medical practice register lekoplakia of the cervix, which also affects the cervical canal. In addition, changes in the integument are often observed in the vaginal part of the uterus. Leukoplakia of the vagina and vulva is less commonly diagnosed.

This problem is not considered too common - according to statistical studies, about 5-6% of women experience a similar disease. However, it should never be ignored. The fact is that this disease significantly increases the likelihood of malignant tissue degeneration and the development of cancer in the future.

The main reasons for the development of the disease

There are some factors under the influence of which such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as leukoplakia can develop. What is this in gynecology? To begin with, it is worth saying that the cause of tissue changes can be the influence of both external and internal environments.

Internal causes include malfunctions of the endocrine system. background can lead to anovulation, hyperestrogenism, a sharp decrease in progesterone levels, resulting in hyperplastic processes in tissues.

Quite often, uterine leukoplakia is the result of an infectious-inflammatory process. In particular, risk factors are previous adnexitis, endometritis, and disturbances of the normal menstrual cycle. In addition, tissue changes can develop against the background of infections, including herpes, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus infections, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc. Nonspecific infectious diseases (for example, cervicitis, colpitis) can also be dangerous.

Chemical and traumatic damage to uterine tissue resulting from abortion, diagnostic or therapeutic procedures (curettage) also contribute to the development of the disease. Risk factors include decreased activity of the immune system and promiscuous sex life.

Types of leukoplakia

There are several forms of the disease called leukoplakia. Gynecology identifies three main ones, although in fact there are several classification schemes. However, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, a woman may experience the following types of pathology::

  • A simple form of leukoplakia. Considered one of the background changes. This process is characterized by thickening and gradual keratinization of the superficial layers of the epithelium - while the basal and parabasal layers are not susceptible to this disorder.
  • Proliferative forms of the disease. They are accompanied by a disruption of normal tissue differentiation, as a result of which changes in all cell layers and the gradual formation of atypical structures are observed. This form of the disease is regarded as

Depending on the course of the disease, there are flat (whitish films are formed on the surface of the epithelium), scaly (keratinized areas can be seen), erosive (cell changes are accompanied by the formation of erosions), warty and some other forms of lekoplakia.

What symptoms accompany the disease?

Many women are interested in questions about what signs are accompanied by leukoplakia. Reviews from doctors and patients, as well as statistical survey data, prove that most often this disease occurs without any symptoms. Most often, pathological changes and keratinization of cells are discovered by a doctor during a routine gynecological examination.

Only occasionally does leukoplakia cause some visible disturbances - most often only if it occurs against the background of inflammation. Women with similar problems complain of the appearance of a small amount of leucorrhoea with an uncharacteristic color and odor. Sometimes there is itching of the external genitalia. Some patients complain of painful menstruation and pain during intercourse.

What does the diagnostic process look like?

Quite a lot of patients today are interested in questions about what leukoplakia is. The symptoms and treatment of this disease, the complications that are associated with it, are also of interest to women. But no less important information is the diagnostic process.

As already mentioned, a doctor can suspect the presence of leukoplakia during a routine examination of the cervix using mirrors. If there are whitish areas and keratinized tissue, tissue scraping is performed (by the way, these areas can be either single or multiple).

During a laboratory study, a specialist may notice the presence of cells with parakeratosis and hyperkeratosis. In some cases, an additional knife biopsy of exocervix tissue is also performed - this makes it possible to determine the presence of deep proliferation and cell atypia.

Subsequently, an extended colposcopy is performed, during which the doctor is able to clearly examine the plaques formed on the tissues. In addition, it is extremely important to determine the cause of the disease, so patients are often prescribed hormonal, bacteriological, immunological studies and some other tests. Sometimes additional consultation with an endocrinologist and oncologist is required.

Drug treatment of leukoplakia

Only a doctor can diagnose a woman with uterine leukoplakia. Treatment in this case is selected individually, since everything depends on the form and severity of the disease, the causes of its occurrence, as well as the age of the patient and the characteristics of her body.

It is advisable if cervical leukoplakia is associated with infection or inflammation. In such cases, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or antiviral agents. If there are problems with the immune system, it is necessary to take immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, etc. If the disease occurs against the background of a malfunction in the endocrine system, then treatment with hormonal drugs may be necessary.

Therapy usually lasts about two months. During this period, the woman must carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations. By the way, during treatment you need to stop all sexual intercourse - this will speed up the process of restoring normal epithelium.

Other treatments for leukoplakia

Today, there are many methods for removing foci of keratinization and tissue thickening. But once again it is worth saying that first it is extremely important to find out and eliminate the cause of the disease, and only then begin to remove the affected areas. Today there are several popular methods:

  • Surgical coagulation involves cauterizing the affected areas using aggressive medications, for example, Solkovagina. The procedure is virtually painless and is rarely accompanied by complications. In addition, approximately 75-96% experience complete recovery after cauterization.
  • Electrocoagulation is a procedure in which areas of leukoplakia are cauterized using an electric current. This technique is associated with some serious complications, in particular bleeding and tissue infection, so it is rarely used in gynecology.
  • Another fairly effective method is cryodestruction, which also gives a 96% result. During the procedure, the affected areas are exposed to liquid nitrogen, which causes tissue death and rejection.
  • Laser removal of leukoplakia is considered the most effective and safe today. This technique allows you to quickly remove the changed areas and at the same time avoid contact with blood and tissues, which reduces the likelihood of infection to a minimum. By the way, in the presence of large lesions, the procedure is carried out several times until they disappear completely.
  • In the most severe cases, amputation of the cervix is ​​performed with further plastic reconstruction.

Leukoplakia and pregnancy

In some women, leukoplakia is detected already during pregnancy. It’s worth saying right away that the disease is not a direct threat to the child. Of course, there is a risk of premature birth, so the patient should be under constant medical supervision.

However, leukoplakia during pregnancy is a risk for women. The fact is that fluctuations in hormonal levels and changes in the functioning of the immune system can cause malignant degeneration. This is why it is so important to diagnose and eliminate the disease while planning pregnancy.

Preventive actions

Unfortunately, there is no medicine that can permanently protect against such a disease. Therefore, prevention of leukoplakia comes down to regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist. It is recommended to use protective equipment during sexual intercourse, promptly do tests and smears for various infections and inflammatory diseases, and, if they are detected, undergo a course of treatment in a timely manner. Naturally, he welcomes the strengthening of the immune system, as well as proper nutrition, a moderately active lifestyle and other health activities.

Prognosis for patients

In the absence of malignant tissue degeneration, treatment is possible - it is extremely important to determine and eliminate the cause of leukoplakia and only then remove the changed areas. Such therapy usually ends with complete recovery. For the first two years after treatment, the patient is required to undergo colposcopy every six months - this makes it possible to detect a relapse at an early stage. Unfortunately, if the root cause of the disease has not been eliminated, then there is a high probability that the disease will develop into cervical cancer.

Leukoplakia (treatment): reviews from doctors and patients

Today, many women go through the process of treating this disease. How quickly does the body recover after cervical leukoplakia has been diagnosed? Reviews indicate that removal of keratinized areas is the fastest and easiest part of the therapy. The process of identifying and eliminating the causes of the disease (hormonal therapy, correction of immunity, treatment of inflammatory diseases and infections) takes much more time and effort. According to statistics, most women manage to completely cope with the disease, especially if the process of tissue changes was identified in the early stages. After treatment, patients can most often count on fertilization, a normal pregnancy and a full sex life.

Diseases of the mucous membrane caused by the deposition of keratin - horny substance - in the cells are known collectively as leukoplakia. Most often they affect the genitals.

Under the influence of certain factors, the cells of the squamous epithelium lining the external genitalia begin to multiply too quickly - this leads to this kind of changes.

Although vulvar leukoplakia is traditionally considered a disease of the elderly, recently it is increasingly affecting women who are far from menopause, and sometimes children.

Risk factors

Modern medicine cannot say with absolute certainty what exact reasons were the impetus for the development of leukoplakia in each specific case, but the factors that provoke the onset of the disease are well known. This

  • chronic diseases: inflammatory processes in the genital organs, genital herpes, human papillomavirus,
  • genital injuries,
  • cervical dysplasia,
  • insufficient personal hygiene,
  • metabolic disorders, excess weight and diabetes,
  • lack of vitamins, especially those that are important for maintaining healthy skin and mucous membranes.

These factors are especially dangerous after the age of 40 and at the onset of menopause, however, in principle, they can cause changes in the vulvar mucosa in women of any age.

Vulvar leukoplakia is diagnosed much less frequently in children, however, given that girls up to a certain age do not undergo regular preventive gynecological examinations, you need to be very attentive to the appearance of its signs in order to immediately consult a doctor.

Signs of leukoplakia

The first signs that a woman feels when leukoplakia develops can easily be confused with the symptoms of many gynecological diseases: itching in the external genital area, which intensifies after urination, with intense movement (during sexual intercourse or when walking), sometimes in combination with noticeable swelling of the vulva .

The appearance of such symptoms means that there is an urgent need to visit a gynecologist. It is during a gynecological examination that specific signs of the disease are revealed - thin grayish-white films that are easily removed with a tampon, and later - spots of the same color and denser plaques, the thickness of which can reach several millimeters. At the next stage, individual lesions grow so large that they actually merge; cracks and inflammation are often found on them.

To make an accurate diagnosis, a visual examination is supplemented with colcoscopy and cytological analysis: this allows not only to determine the extent of changes and the boundaries of neoplasms, but also to clarify their nature, since leukoplakia is considered a precancerous condition.

Kraurosis and leukoplakia

In terms of subjective sensations and the course of the disease, kraurosis and vulvar leukoplakia are very similar, although with kraurosis there are no horny seals. It begins with a violation of blood microcirculation in the genital organs, gradually the tissues lose elasticity, the skin becomes dry, and the mucous membrane atrophies.

To correctly diagnose the disease, colcoscopy, cytological analysis, and biopsy are also used. Cases when kraurosis is combined with leukoplakia are especially dangerous for malignant degeneration.


The decision on how to treat vulvar leukoplakia is made by a gynecologist, often together with an oncologist. It depends on the degree and nature of the changes and pursues such goals as reducing the symptoms of the disease and preventing the malignant degeneration of plaques. As a rule, this is a long-term complex treatment that requires regular monitoring by a doctor. Often, along with traditional treatment, the doctor prescribes well-proven folk remedies.

Traditional Treatments

1. Drug therapy

First of all, this is the use of anti-inflammatory, anti-itch and antihistamines, most often in the form of suppositories, vaginal balls, creams, ointments. Based on the test results, the doctor may prescribe internal anti-inflammatory drugs: tablets or injections.

If hormonal correction is necessary, prednisolone, estrogen and estriol preparations are prescribed.

As a rule, vitamin complexes are prescribed, especially a course of vitamin A, which is responsible for the health of the epithelium.

2. Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses, normalizing metabolism and hormonal levels, and has an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

3. Surgery

Surgery is not always a last resort; sometimes such methods are used in the early stages if therapeutic treatment has proven ineffective. It consists in the fact that foci of leukoplakia are excised with a scalpel (sometimes a more gentle instrument is used - a radio knife). After healing and the formation of a healthy epithelium, it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

If the disease is advanced, vulvar extirpation is possible: this is a radical operation, which, however, does not serve as a guarantee against relapses.

4. Hygiene measures

When identifying and treating vulvar leukoplakia, careful hygiene of the genital organs is of great importance. It is important to prevent cracks from appearing and becoming infected, as well as to reduce irritation and itching.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use soap; it is more correct to perform hygiene procedures with warm boiled water, or even better with chamomile/calendula decoctions. A noticeable positive effect comes from avoiding synthetic tampons, pads, and underwear made from non-natural materials.

5. Catering

The diet recommended for leukoplakia is aimed at reducing the risk of allergenic and carcinogenic effects. It consists of avoiding fatty, smoked, spicy, black tea and coffee (green tea, on the contrary, is indicated because it has pronounced antioxidant properties), and alcohol.

Folk remedies

When vulvar leukoplakia is detected, treatment with folk remedies is not the main thing, but in combination with traditional medicine methods it gives a good effect.

In addition to chamomile and calendula, with their general sedative and anti-inflammatory effects, treatment with decoctions is practiced in folk medicine

  • Veronica officinalis (orally up to 300 ml daily, also douching and sitz baths),
  • boron uterus (drink 1 glass daily, the course of treatment is 1 month, after which a break of the same duration is necessary),
  • a collection of equal parts of Veronica officinalis, oregano, chamomile, yarrow, stinging nettle, knotweed and fireweed (this decoction is also taken orally: two glasses should be drunk during the day).

Even with timely detection of vulvar leukoplakia and an integrated approach, treatment requires time and patience, and after its completion, relapses of the disease are possible. Therefore, such patients should be regularly observed by a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examinations.