Gorbatenko Nikolai Petrovich general. Method of surgical treatment of bone tumors

Gorbatenko Vasily Petrovich

head of the Kaliningrad branch of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Russian Federation

Vasily Petrovich Gorbatenko born in the city of Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region in 1957. In 1979 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Border Command Red Banner School of the KGB of the USSR named after Mossovet, in 1991 – from the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin.

Since 1991, in the border service of the Republic of Belarus: deputy head of the department for work with personnel of the Brest border control detachment, deputy head of the Brest border group for moral and psychological support. Since 2003 – Head of the Department of Ideological Work State Committee border troops. Between 2006 and 2010. – in diplomatic work in a position official representative State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus at the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation. Since January 2008 - member of the board of the Border Committee of the Union State.

Awarded state awards of the USSR, the Republic of Afghanistan and the Republic of Belarus.

On June 8, 2010, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus - Head of the Main Directorate of Ideological Work and Personnel Support. By decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 2, 2011 V.P. Gorbatenko was awarded the rank of major general. Since April 2013, he headed the Kaliningrad branch of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation. Married, has a daughter and son.

It so happened that you arrived in Brest in 1991, a few months before the events that radically changed the life of the country. Did you regret your choice, or did you have any doubts?

– During the Soviet Union, getting to Brest was considered a great success; many dreamed of serving here. What helped me get the appointment was that I had previously served in the Far East and Afghanistan.

Of course, the current city and Brest in 1991 are, as they say, two big differences. But I loved it, my children grew up here. My daughter graduated from Brest state university them. Pushkin, and his son is at the Kaliningrad Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, he is a senior lieutenant, serving in the Brest border group.

The collapse of the Soviet Union made its own adjustments to everyone’s personal life, and it was not easy to serve on the border then. What was the most difficult thing for you during that period?

- Everything was difficult. I remember the times when the salary was 30 dollars. Many then could not stand the test of service; they lacked fortitude. Some began to abuse and lost everything. In these conditions, it was necessary to protect people from harm, reduce crime and create normal conditions for the life and service of border guards. How far we succeeded is not for me to judge. But time passed, the country rose, the worldview changed, we all changed, and in the end we survived those years together with honest and decent people, who were the overwhelming majority.

It could not be any other way, and especially in Brest, on the ground stained with the blood of the defenders of the Brest Fortress. And the Brest Red Banner Border Detachment named after Felix Dzerzhinsky has always been exemplary. Legendary people served here. An example for young border guards at all times will be such names as Varlam Kublashvili and Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Barsukov, who went through the Afghan war and saved the lives of hundreds of his soldiers. I am sure that these people have left an indelible mark on your life.

– I am grateful to fate for meeting them. It really was amazing people. Varlam Mikhailovich Kublashvili was remembered as a very modest and very decent person. “What matters to me is not what cup of goodness I leave in the house, but what people will say about me after my death,” he told me these words before his death, and they touched me deeply. When this legendary border guard passed away, we, together with Colonel Anatoly Pavlovich Pinchuk, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Leonidovich Dekusha and my other colleagues, immortalized his words on a granite slab of a monument erected at the Garrison Cemetery.

The years of joint service with the Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the Brest border detachment Ivan Petrovich Barsukov, also left indelible impressions. Together with the command of the unit and the State Border Troops Committee (and I was then deputy head of the Brest border group), we did everything to preserve the good memory of him and all other border guard heroes in monumental art. The result of our work was the memorial complex “To the Border Guard Heroes”, a sculptural composition at the outpost named after Ivan Petrovich Barsukov, and a tombstone on his grave.

On behalf of the Chairman of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Igor Rachkovsky, I also worked on the project of the sculptural composition “To the Heroes of the Border, Women and Children, Who Stepped into Immortality with Their Courage,” which was opened on June 22 with the participation of the head of state. A piece of my work remains in this memorial, invested as a gift to the city and the Brest Fortress. We created it with the entire border world, various organizations and departments made their contribution. Therefore, in Brest there is a piece of my soul and my heart.

Border troops are not the easiest choice. To do it, you need to have a very vivid and convincing example of serving the Motherland.

– I’m sure that there is nothing accidental in our lives. I was born into a front-line family. My father Pyotr Yakovlevich Gorbatenko was called up for active service in 1940 military service and sent to the Far East, and in the fall of 1941 they were delivered to the Moscow region. My father took part in the legendary November 7 parade on Red Square and the battle of Moscow, where he was first wounded. He took part in many battles, was seriously wounded in 1944 near Polotsk and was discharged. His military impressions, satisfaction with service in the Red Army, desire to become an officer - all this was passed on to us, his sons. My older brother Mikhail entered the Irkutsk Military Aviation Technical School, became a pilot, and is now a reserve colonel.

So my choice of profession is a derivative of many circumstances. Perhaps one fleeting episode in life had an impact. The year was 1963. Our family then lived near Lake Baikal, and at that time one of the units of the Soviet army was training in the area. One day my twin brother Kolya and I were returning from a taiga village. An open GAZ-69 car stopped nearby, and a stately senior lieutenant called out to us: “Hey, guys, do you need a lift?” We went. The officer sat in front of us - with a sword belt, a cap, and a weapon. Behind is a senior sergeant-major. The senior lieutenant told him: “Fyodor, give the guys a treat!” He took out 2 packs of biscuits and two cups from his duffel bag and poured tea into them. The taste of these biscuits is still with me. The episode was remembered, and the image of a wonderful combat officer sank into my soul...

In 1973, my brother Nikolai entered the Minsk Suvorov Military School, and then together with me he graduated from the Moscow Higher Border Command School of the KGB of the USSR, served in the Far East, he is now a major general in the border service of the FSB of Russia. We were assigned together to the Red Banner Pacific Border District, then I went to serve in Afghanistan. He spent about three years there, from 1985 to 1988. Provided assistance in the arrangement and protection of the border with Pakistan and Iran. Then - the Lenin Military-Political Academy in Moscow and assignment to Brest in 1991.

What do you remember about your service in the capital of Russia?

– In Moscow, I represented the interests of the State Border Committee at the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Russia from 2006 to 2010, worked with the Border Service of the FSB of Russia, with the coordination service of the Council of CIS Commanders and the Permanent Committee of the Union State. He supervised the training of Belarusian cadets and students at universities of the FSB and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It is important for me that in those years we did not lose a single cadet or student - no one was expelled from universities. More than 30 people received diplomas with honors. Many of the graduates today continue to serve in the border service in high positions. These are not strangers to me, I feel comfortable working with them, we understand each other well. In short, the years of service in Moscow left me satisfied with the work done.

Was the new appointment to the State Border Committee unexpected or predictable?

- Of course, unexpected. Over the 4 years that I spent in Moscow, a lot has changed in Belarus: the State Border Committee has taken its place within the framework of the implementation of the country’s border policy. All work on the border and in the border areas today is carried out in close cooperation with regional executive committees in the interests of the development of regions, their infrastructure, economy, and tourism. IN recent years The area of ​​the border zone has been halved, and now we are resolving the issue of direct access for Belarusians to the Western Bug River. The border guards are supported in this matter by the chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, and the president has more than once expressed his desire to make the border accessible to honest and decent people. I believe that the time will come when we will completely remove engineering and technical complexes from state borders.

When might this happen?

– I think this time is not far off. Perhaps in a decade. By at least The head of state thinks so. And that's right. Even though the European Union has completely different plans. Its representatives today want us to protect the EU border using the iron fence method more than us.

Will there then be a need for a border service?

– Of course it will, although staff reductions are inevitable. Our strategy involves using assistance from the border population.

Felix Dzerzhinsky, who was at the forefront of the creation of the USSR border guard, said: “To achieve success in protecting the border, you need to win the sympathy of the population.” Belarusians know: no matter what happens, border guards are ready to provide them with any assistance - medical and even with housework. The Chairman of the Civil Procedure Code made it the duty of every medical worker at the border unit - be it an outpost or a border service department - to help the elderly. There are examples when a border aviation helicopter took off to provide assistance to the population. Working as part of the Republican outreach group, I heard a lot good reviews from people and local authorities.

What is your biggest dream?

Free time. After all, it’s practically non-existent. Saturday, for example, is a regular working day for the entire leadership of the State Industrial Committee. Day off, if not used, is only Sunday.

A " personal corner» what are you doing?

– I’m re-reading the classics. Now – “Anna Karenina” by Tolstoy. Perception changes over time. Today I'm more attracted to my husband main character, as a statesman who sincerely loved her and worried about his family. A woman has no right to abandon her child to the mercy of fate. A classic is a classic because over the years you find new facets of perception in it.

What about love? Do you believe in love at first sight?

- I believe. I tested it. My love is my wife Marina. By profession, she is a piano teacher, she worked at music school No. 1 - the best in Brest, and our children received a music education there. I also have favorite songs; I play them on my accordion during leisure hours.

Have you made many friends in recent years?

– I still have many old friends in Brest. I am grateful to the former general director of Brest Carpets OJSC Sergei Kharitonovich Fedoruk and his deputy Nadezhda Yashchuk, who in 1993 created normal living conditions for my family by providing a hostel. Warm memories remain about the deceased Mikhail Leonidovich Moshensky. Mikhail Fadeevich Ioffe, the former general director of Brestgazoapparat, who patronized the Tokari outpost and created excellent conditions there, did a lot for the border guards. A wonderful person is the former director of Brestbytkhim, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Solovey, who headed the patronage of the Kazimirovo outpost, and other people who selflessly helped create normal conditions for the life of border guards at sponsored border outposts. I maintain warm relations with them, they still help people on the border today. Not only we, but also the parents of the border guards are grateful to them.

What do general shoulder straps oblige you to?

– They give a new quality of life and new responsibility. The general must be an example for the people. Even physical fitness must not be lost under any circumstances. General means first. The presidential ski race took place and I took part in it. Now I’m preparing for the new season, training on the bike paths. I have a good sports bike, I’m even glad that it’s our Belarusian “Stork” - titanium, fast, it’s a pleasure to ride it.

Has your attitude towards life in a new quality changed?

– The psychological load has increased, the problems have increased significantly. A lot of people turn to us, their problems have to be solved, but here the responsibility is before the individual, and before the commander, and before the head of state for every step, for every decision. Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and think: did you do the right thing?

Sometimes you make a mistake about a person. But every time I am sure that he will change in better side. There are only a few dishonest people. Today specialists come to the border with higher education, with great intellectual potential. We pay a lot of attention to the culture of communication: after all, how a guest was greeted at the border is the impression he will have about the country.

Unfortunately, there is still such a thing as cross-border crime, and this includes drug trafficking, illegal migration, human trafficking, and much more. Although today we talk less about them, because a lot has been done in this direction. The border control system should be strict, but we are trying to make it comfortable in the interests of the safety of the people of Belarus, the Union State and the common customs space.

Former deputy chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Vasily Gorbatenko has been appointed head of the branch of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Kaliningrad.

Vasily Petrovich, you have gone from private to general. What prompted you to come to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

Vasily Gorbatenko: On the eve of my 56th birthday, I submitted my resignation, although earlier the president, by special decree, extended my service to 60 years. But I decided that something needed to change in life, that I could use my experience and skills for the benefit of the state and in another position. By the way, I already worked in the diplomatic service - I represented the interests of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus at our Embassy in Moscow.

There is one more point. Kaliningrad is familiar and close to me, it corresponds to the state of my soul. My son studied at the Kaliningrad Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, and my twin brother served here as the deputy head of the regional border department. Moreover, in Kaliningrad region More than 70 thousand people from Belarus live there, which is about 8 percent of the region’s population. The Belarusian community here is the strongest in Russia.

Do strong spiritual ties have a positive impact on economic relations?

Vasily Gorbatenko: Undoubtedly. Belarusian trolleybuses ply along the streets of Kaliningrad. If we win the competition, we will receive about 50-60 modern school buses from Belarus. A Belarusian tram should also appear in the city. The manufacturer has already developed a basic trolley and basic elements of electric transport specifically for the Kaliningrad narrow rail gauge. It is planned to establish the production of high-speed electric trains that will run from the Northern Station to Khrabrovo Airport. A Belarusian company will manufacture rolling stock using Swiss technology.

In Belarus, in turn, Kaliningrad fish products are in demand. 85 percent of fish in our country is imported from the westernmost Russian region.

What are your main tasks as head of the Embassy office?

Vasily Gorbatenko: We will continue to provide support to our citizens living in the Kaliningrad region and Russian citizens of Belarusian origin. There are many mixed Russian-Belarusian families in Kaliningrad. It’s nice that not a week goes by without young people, citizens of Russia and Belarus, who want to become husband and wife, turning to the Embassy office. We cook for them necessary documents. Elderly citizens of Belarus who moved to Kaliningrad to be with their children also need support.

Case No. 2-3612/13


Judge of the Kalininsky District Court of Novosibirsk Nadezhkin E.V. under secretary E.N. Gribanova Having considered in open court a civil case on the claim of Gorbatenko Nikolai Petrovich, Gorbatenko Ekaterina Fedorovna against the Federal State Institution "Siberian Territorial Administration of Property Relations" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for recognition of ownership of an apartment in the manner of privatization

u st a n o v i l:

The court is considering a civil case based on the claim of Gorbatenko N.P., Gorbatenko E.F. to the Federal State Institution "Siberian Territorial Administration of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" on the recognition of ownership of an apartment in the manner of privatization.

Plaintiffs Gorbatenko N.P., Gorbatenko E.F., having been duly notified of the time and place of consideration of the case, twice failed to appear in court without good reason, they did not submit motions to postpone the consideration of the case to the court, nor did they ask the court to consider the case in their absence.

The representative of the defendant FGKU "Siberian Territorial Administration of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation", acting on the basis of a power of attorney, did not appear at the court hearing, was duly notified of the time and place of consideration of the case, asked the court to consider the case in his absence, and did not file a motion to consider the claim on the merits.

Representatives of third parties did not appear at the court hearing, they were duly notified of the time and place of the consideration of the case, and they did not inform the reason for not appearing in court.

The court, having examined the written materials of the case, considers it necessary to leave the statement of claim without consideration for the following reasons:

o d e f e l i n g:

The statement of claim of Gorbatenko Nikolai Petrovich, Gorbatenko Ekaterina Fedorovna to the Federal State Institution "Siberian Territorial Administration of Property Relations" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, for recognition of ownership of an apartment in the manner of privatization, shall be left without consideration.

Explain to the parties that the Kalininsky District Court of Novosibirsk, which issued a ruling on leaving statement of claim without consideration, at the request of the plaintiff or defendant, cancels its decision to leave the application without consideration if the plaintiff or defendant presents evidence confirming the validity of the reasons for failure to appear at the court hearing and the impossibility of reporting them to the court.

The ruling to refuse to satisfy the petition to cancel the ruling to leave the statement of claim without consideration may be further appealed to the Novosibirsk regional court, by filing private complaint within 15 days from the date of the ruling through the court of the Kalininsky district of Novosibirsk.

Judge (signature) E.V. Nadezhkin

"The copy is correct"

The original is in case No. 2-3612/13 in the Kalininsky District Court of Novosibirsk

The definition did not enter into legal force on ____________201__.



Kalininsky District Court of Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk Region)

The invention relates to medicine, namely to surgery, and can, in particular, be used for surgical treatment bone tumors. Prevention of the formation of hematomas and suppuration in the residual bone cavity after tumor removal is achieved. The method consists in removing the tumor by resection followed by plastic surgery of the defect with bone grafts using a drainage system. After removal of the tumor, holes are formed in the walls of the residual bone cavity, depending on the size of the bone cavity, sufficient for the free outflow of blood into the surrounding area. soft fabrics.

The invention relates to medicine, namely to surgery, and can, in particular, be used for surgical treatment of bone tumors. From practical medicine there is a known method of marginal bone resection during surgical interventions for benign tumors bones (Zatsepin S.T. Preservation operations for bone tumors. M. Medicine, 1984, p. 66-67), consisting of the following stages: the bone is exposed over a greater extent than the length of the tumor focus, and, if possible, more widely, than the length of the tumor lesion, and, if possible, wider than the diameter of the lesion; use a chisel or saw to resect the affected area of ​​the bone in one block; Carry out thorough replacement of the defect, preferably with combined auto- and allografts. However, the disadvantage of the known method of marginal resection is poor drainage of the residual bone cavity, despite its filling with grafts. There is also a known method of bone excochleation surgery (Dmitriev M.L. Bairov G.A. Ternovoy K.S. Prokopova L.V. Osteoplastic operations in children. - Kyiv: "Zdoro"ya", 1974, p. 106), consisting of that the tumor is curetted with a sharp spoon or a spherical electromill. Inner surface the remaining walls should be smooth and bleed well. The formation of a hematoma in the residual bone cavity and the danger of its suppuration are serious disadvantages of the known method of bone excochleation surgery. The closest method to the proposed one is resection of the bone lesion by opening and removing tissue from inside the lesion

This surgical intervention is performed within healthy tissue. The lesion is opened, the pathological tissue is removed with a sharp spoon, and then removed with a conventional or ultrasonic chisel inner wall formations within healthy bone. The residual bone cavity is filled with bone grafts. To prevent hematoma formation, a system of active aspiration of blood from the surgical wound is used. However known method has the following disadvantages:

Blood accumulates in the residual bone cavity and a hematoma is formed (to some extent this is facilitated in the first day after surgery, as a rule, horizontal position operated limb);

The introduction of a drainage tube into the bone cavity in the presence, for example, of allografts undoubtedly increases the risk of suppuration and rejection of the latter;

Not all parts of the bone cavity filled with grafts can be drained with one tube. The purpose of the invention is to prevent the formation of hematoma and suppuration in the residual bone cavity after tumor removal. This goal is achieved by the fact that after removal of the tumor, holes are formed in the walls of the residual bone cavity, depending on the size of the bone cavity, sufficient for the free outflow of blood into the surrounding soft tissue. Preventing the formation of a hematoma is the responsible task of the surgeon. After the tumor is removed, a cavity is formed in the bone in which blood accumulates. To evacuate it, it is necessary to form several holes in the walls of the cavity without reducing their proper strength. Then the blood will drain from the cavity into the surrounding soft tissues, the drainage of which is well known to practical surgeons and is less dangerous than installing drainage into a bone cavity filled with grafts. Using the proposed method allows you to achieve positive effect, which consists in eliminating the accumulation of blood in the residual bone cavity after surgical intervention about the tumor. The method is simple, non-traumatic, and does not require special surgical instruments. In this case, there is no need to insert a drainage tube into the bone cavity filled with grafts, but it is enough to install a drainage system for the outflow of blood from the soft tissues of the surgical area. Patient K. born 1956 with a diagnosis of giant cell tumor of the left tibia. In connection with this disease, on April 9, 1993, she underwent intralesional resection and alloplasty of the upper third of the left tibia. Under endotracheal anesthesia, after applying a tourniquet to the thigh, soft tissues were cut through a longitudinal incision passing along the anteromedial surface of the upper third of the leg. The length of the incision is 12 cm. The tumor has completely destroyed the cortical plate of the tibia over an area of ​​​​about 5 cm 2. The tumor tissue is brown. Using an electric cutter and osteotome, a resection of the cortical plate of the tibia measuring 8x2 cm in the projection of the tumor was performed. The tumor masses were removed using a Volkmann spoon, and the walls of the cavity were treated from the inside with a chisel. The volume of the cavity remaining in the bone after tumor removal is 60 cm 3 . The diagnosis was confirmed by express biopsy. The cavity is processed with electric cutters with various shapes working surface (in the form of a sphere, cone and cylinder). Using a drill, 5 holes with a diameter of 3.5 mm were formed in the walls of the residual bone cavity, sufficient for the outflow of blood into the surrounding soft tissue. A drainage tube is connected to one of these holes through a counter-aperture in the surrounding soft tissues. After which the residual bone cavity is densely filled with allografts. The wound is sutured in layers. An aseptic dressing is applied. Immobilization of the circular plaster cast. Postoperative period proceeded smoothly. The wound has healed primary intention. The formation of a hematoma in the residual bone cavity and its suppuration were not noted. A year after the operation, the patient has no complaints. Function knee joint restored. The radiograph shows the process of transplant reconstruction, which is close to completion. There is no evidence of tumor recurrence. Example 2. Patient V. born in 1961 On December 21, 1993, she was admitted with a diagnosis of chondroma of the pentacarpal bone of the left hand, a healed pathological fracture. Due to this pathology, on December 29, 1993, she underwent intralesional resection and alloplasty of the pentacarpal bone of the left hand. Under intravenous anesthesia After applying a tourniquet to the upper third of the forearm, a longitudinal incision is made along the dorsum of the hand in the projection of the pentacarpal bone, soft tissue is dissected. The pathological fracture has healed, but the cortical layer of the pentacarpal hand is thinned and has a grayish tint. Using an osteotome, a resection of the pentacarpal bone was performed in an area of ​​1.5x0.6 cm. A cavity was found filled cartilage tissue. The latter was removed with a Volkmann spoon, the walls of the cavity were processed from the inside with a chisel. At this stage, refracture of the thinned cortical layer of the pentacarpal bone in the area of ​​the tumor focus occurred. The fragments were reduced. Using a drill with a diameter of 1 mm, 5 holes were formed in the walls of the residual bone cavity for the free outflow of blood from the cavity into the surrounding soft tissue. The bone defect is densely filled with allografts. Wound protection in layers. Drainage in the form of a rubber cavity. An aseptic dressing is applied. Immobilization with a double splint plaster cast. Tumor tissues were sent to histological examination. The diagnosis of chondroma was confirmed. The postoperative period proceeded without complications. There was no evidence of hematoma formation in the residual bone cavity. The wound healed by primary intention. Follow-up examination after three months: the fracture has healed, the reconstruction of allografts is going well. Thus, the proposed method, in comparison with the known one, makes it possible to prevent the formation of a hematoma in the residual bone cavity and its suppuration. The method is technically simple, does not require special training, and can be performed by any surgeon with experience in bone surgery. No special tools are needed to carry out operations.


A method of surgical treatment of bone tumors, consisting of removing the tumor by resection followed by plastic surgery of the defect with bone grafts using a drainage system, characterized in that after removal of the tumor, holes are formed in the walls of the residual bone cavity, depending on the size of the bone cavity, sufficient for the free outflow of blood into surrounding soft tissues.

Former deputy chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Vasily Gorbatenko has been appointed head of the branch of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Kaliningrad.

Vasily Petrovich, you have gone from private to general. What prompted you to come to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

On the eve of my 56th birthday, I submitted my resignation, although earlier the President, by special decree, extended my service life to 60 years. But I decided that something needed to change in life, that I could use my experience and skills for the benefit of the state and in another position. By the way, I already worked in the diplomatic service - I represented the interests of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus at our Embassy in Moscow.

There is one more point. Kaliningrad is familiar and close to me, it corresponds to the state of my soul. My son studied at the Kaliningrad Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, and my twin brother served here as the deputy head of the regional border department. In addition, more than 70 thousand immigrants from Belarus live in the Kaliningrad region, which is about 8 percent of the region’s population. The Belarusian community here is the strongest in Russia.

Do strong spiritual ties have a positive impact on economic relations?

Undoubtedly. Belarusian trolleybuses ply along the streets of Kaliningrad. If we win the competition, about 50-60 modern school buses will come from Belarus. A Belarusian tram should also appear in the city. The manufacturer has already developed a basic bogie and basic elements of electric transport specifically for the Kaliningrad narrow gauge rail system. It is planned to establish the production of high-speed electric trains that will run from the Northern Station to Khrabrovo Airport. A Belarusian company will manufacture rolling stock using Swiss technology.

In Belarus, in turn, Kaliningrad fish products are in demand. 85 percent of fish in our country is imported from the westernmost Russian region.

What are your main tasks as head of an embassy office?

We will continue to provide support to our citizens living in the Kaliningrad region and Russian citizens of Belarusian origin. There are many mixed Russian-Belarusian families in Kaliningrad. It’s nice that not a week goes by without young people, citizens of Russia and Belarus, who want to become husband and wife, turning to the embassy office. We prepare the necessary documents for them. Elderly citizens of Belarus who moved to Kaliningrad to be with their children also need support.