Capricorn horoscope for april love girl.

Most of Capricorn's attention in April 2017 will be occupied by issues related to home, real estate, and family. Probably showing interest in the roots of your origin. April is a favorable month for starting renovations or building your own home.

The purchase of luxury items, antiques and simply large expenses on beautiful things should be canceled in April 2017 for Capricorns. The most unfavorable period for such spending is the first half of the month. The ideal time to make such purchases will be after May 5, 2017.

Capricorns should not succumb to the admonitions of advertising. The April 2017 horoscope for Capricorn says that a car purchased before May 5 runs the risk of getting into an accident and being damaged.

Favorable days for April 2017 for Capricorn: April 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 2017.

Love horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn

According to the April 2017 horoscope for Capricorn, there will be a good period for love and relationships of Capricorns in April. There will be a place for renewal, reboot, and overcoming conflicts. Time is good for analysis, changes in yourself and your behavior. In April 2017, it will be important for Capricorns to learn not to criticize, not to scold, but to talk and discuss.

The time after Orthodox Easter will be wonderful for giving up quarrels and overcoming long-standing controversial situations. If there are personal problems that have been bothering you for a long time, try sitting down and talking about them. If necessary, invite a psychologist.

Favorable days for love in April 2017 for Capricorn: April 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25.

Capricorn financial horoscope for April 2017

The financial horoscope for Capricorns for April 2017 is not very successful. Negative phenomena will manifest themselves in the areas of communications, consulting, transport, and trade. The action of Venus will affect all areas of life of Capricorns under its control. So, you shouldn’t invest in design, fashion, culture, or jewelry. Otherwise, it will be impossible to avoid disappointment.

Important aspects for Capricorns in financial terms in April 2017 will be the completion of started projects. However, do not worry if there are delays in payments, they will stop bothering you after the second week of May.

Favorable days for money in April 2017 for the Capricorn sign: April 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28 in 2017.

Capricorn health horoscope for April 2017

In April, Capricorns should not have serious interventions in their appearance - they will most likely be unsuccessful. Buying expensive things and changing your style will have to be postponed until the beginning of May, so that there are no regrets later. The health horoscope for Capricorns for April 2017 recommends not placing too much trust in serious diagnoses that may be made - there is a high probability of mistakes. If there are no serious health concerns, then it is better to postpone examinations and tests until the second half of May.

Capricorns will have a chance for success in April 2017. They can fully express themselves, but some uncertainty will prevent representatives of this zodiac sign from fully realizing themselves.

Oddly enough, Capricorns do not always realize that they are capable of much, even despite early successes in their careers and personal lives. The stars advise not to be afraid of change and move forward. Your intelligence and inner strength are beyond doubt, as those around you have long been convinced of.

Do not pay attention to the actions and words of ill-wishers. The reason for the negative attitude towards you most likely lies in ordinary human envy. However, Capricorns should be more careful in crowded places: your ability to use the collective energy of people for personal purposes is not always justified.

Rely more on your own strengths, you have enough of them to achieve everything on your own. Your ambitions in April can literally go off scale, this applies to both new goals and impressive acquisitions.

There is no need to be afraid to raise the bar for yourself; you will definitely achieve everything you set out to do if you put in some effort.

Family life and personal relationships of Capricorn in April 2017

In family life and personal relationships, everything will work out just fine for Capricorns.

April 2017 is a favorable month in all respects.

You radiate positivity and attractiveness, therefore, even in those cases when Capricorns are wrong in something, those around them are not inclined to reproach them for this.

Circumstances are in your favor, so you may well demand something from a loved one with a successful outcome for you. Relationships with loved ones can reach a new level. Now you will achieve more and give less.

For Capricorns whose relationships have stood the test of time, the stars advise being more relaxed in intimacy. If you've been feeling like you've been missing something in your personal life lately, it's time to strengthen your relationship with your partner.

If single Capricorns want to meet their soulmate, April 2017 is the time to start a serious relationship. Here, too, it wouldn’t hurt you to focus on the intimate side of life together. This approach will provide a solid foundation for further mutual sympathy, and at the same time will help to avoid many problems in the future.

Significant changes await Capricorns here. They can be expressed in different ways:

  • the situation will completely turn around, and if you overcome difficulties with dignity, this will be a significant achievement for you;
  • your boss will receive a promotion, which will have a beneficial effect on your career;
  • Relationships with colleagues will change dramatically, you may become an object of envy;
  • your ambitions will be completely unexpectedly satisfied.

Capricorns must remember that even if the situation at the moment is not quite as successful as they would like, your diligence will soon bring results.

People around you are used to the fact that you take your work seriously; you don’t need to change your habits. In April, you can show yourself as an excellent employee, which will have a positive impact on your career.

You may feel some loss of energy due to constant overwork.

But now is not the right time to relax. You should pull yourself together, soon the situation will not seem so difficult.

Addressing some professional issues will cause problems. This will only aggravate the tension in communication with colleagues.

But don’t give up, you won’t be in the shadows for long, and your ability to solve various problems will definitely be appreciated by your superiors.

The financial situation in April 2017 will not be difficult, but large profits are not expected either. Help from relatives is possible, or income from a successful real estate and financial transaction. But even in this case, you should refrain from serious spending now.

Capricorn health in April 2017

Capricorns should be careful in terms of health. There is a possible onset of a tumor or a serious infection, so a routine examination by a doctor will not hurt you even if you feel fine. Possible problems in urology and gynecology.

This month you are prone to gaining excess weight: think about going on a diet that is healthy for you. Rest more and spend time outdoors; April is a good month for morning jogging or active games.

Try to take a short vacation, it will help avoid serious overwork and depression.

In April 2017, Capricorns will have many opportunities that will open almost all doors for them. Now it is important not to be lazy and put into practice the rules that you preach in theory. Become a role model, an example for others and prove to the whole world that you are capable of achieving more. Towards the middle of the month, Capricorns will expect several tempting offers; most likely, these will be job offers in an area of ​​activity unfamiliar to you. Don't be afraid or doubt your own abilities. You now need to raise your self-esteem in any way and strengthen your self-confidence. Only then will you be able to accept this gift of fate with dignity and with open arms.

In the first ten days of April 2017, be creative and do not restrain your creative impulses. It is very likely that there is some talent sleeping within you, thanks to which you will be able to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. You may think that a new lifestyle and new responsibilities are too much for you, but this is not at all true. Just try to do a few things every day that will make you better and take you a few steps closer to your goal. If you act in this way, then at the end of the month you will notice serious changes in your life and your inner world, you will see how you yourself, your beliefs and principles have changed. You will be proud of yourself and this feeling will not allow you to stop there.

The second ten days of April 2017 will be the most favorable period for ambitious and creative representatives of your zodiac sign. Capricorns will be able to concentrate all their attention on achieving the most important and priority, as a result of which their productivity will increase several times. By setting your priorities correctly and getting rid of all prejudices and stereotypes, you will free yourself from the cage whose framework has held you back at the level where you have been until now. Finally, you will be able to show your most positive qualities and establish yourself as a versatile and competent specialist in your field. You will prove to everyone who doubted you that the most important thing on the path to success is a strong desire. Nothing can stand in the way of your goal or affect the course of your thoughts. Under the influence of Saturn, Capricorns will enjoy their newfound freedom, improve their experience and skills. For those Capricorns who dreamed of changing their type of activity, it’s time to think about this issue. You now have a chance to discover new talents and abilities that will help you realize your dream. To cast aside all doubts about the upcoming choice of activity, Capricorns should listen to their hearts. Intuition during this period will be especially sharp and will not let you down.

In the third ten days of April 2017, Capricorns will have incredible luck in their personal life. Lonely representatives of your zodiac sign under the favorable placement of Venus will be surrounded by close attention from representatives of the opposite sex. They didn’t experience any particular attention deficit before, but now they will react to you like bees to honey. Among those interested, there will also be those who will be ready to do the craziest things just to receive in return a sincere smile or a kind word of gratitude. Family representatives of your zodiac sign will also not be bored. Your loved one will be ready to do anything to win your trust, give you gifts and surround you with care. Of course, you will not be able to remain indifferent and will reciprocate your feelings. For many married couples, a period of tender romance and wild passion will begin. But don't bother each other. Remember that each partner should have their own personal space and this place is sacred. Respect the opinion and desires of your chosen one and your relationship will be filled with harmony and pure love. The April horoscope recommends that Capricorns engage in self-development and broadening their horizons at the end of this month. Try your hand in various directions, discover new talents. It will be nice if you have a new hobby and interest that will help you realize your creative potential.

In April 2017, your ideal in relationships becomes calm and measured. You will prefer a traditional, conservative approach to love relationships. For Capricorns, the need for intimacy with a loved one comes to the fore.

Venus, the planet of love and partnership, remains retrograde until April 16, 2017. This may be a sign of refocusing on the past. For example, there will be a reunion with someone significant to you after many years of separation, or you will reconsider your attitude towards a former love affair and decide to give someone another chance.

Also, Venus retrograde indicates a special interest in issues related to joint money, real estate and property of a couple or family. Perhaps some problems that have a long origin will be resolved.

Until April 21, 2017, energetic Mars remains in Capricorn's house of love, so things can turn for the better thanks to your passion and love of adventure. Acquaintances or relatives will be involved in your amorous affairs.

The new moon on April 26, 2017 in the house of love foreshadows the emergence of something new. You will look at the world around you with fresh eyes and understand what you really want from life. Maybe it's time to renew your existing relationship. Single representatives of your sign have a good chance of meeting a special person, so a love affair will begin. You may even become a little more frivolous, but this will benefit Capricorns, who are very serious by nature. It will be easier for you to relax and feel joy.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for April 2017

The month creates a strange situation - Jupiter in Capricorn's career house calls for starting something big, while Venus, the ruler of your career house, moves in a closed area, pushing you towards the past and preventing your ambitions from being realized.

In practice, it may look like you want to accomplish important things, but there are constraints. Or you take one step forward and then two steps back to work out details or get a better understanding of the situation at hand.

In addition, family matters can interfere with work and business matters, which will have an undesirable effect on your professional responsibilities.

On April 21, 2017, fiery Mars moves into Capricorn’s work sector, which means that urgent tasks or additional workload are expected at work. If any projects have been moving slowly, or you have encountered obstacles and hiccups, then now everything is becoming more dynamic thanks to the energy of Mars.

The topic of finance requires careful study. Money will come, but all expenses must be thought out. Circumstances become more clear in the second half of the month, and then your financial situation improves.


In April 2017, Capricorns are recommended to pay more attention to health. Most of the problems are related to stress at work, so find more time for rest and avoid overload. It's a good idea to strengthen your immune system. If you feel signs of illness, you should not leave things to chance.

Buy a beautiful thing for your home! A good choice would be something from an antique or even a second-hand one.

Capricorn women will have a hard time adjusting to sudden changes in the home. More responsibilities will appear, problems with elderly relatives may arise, and relationships with parents will become more complicated. However, thanks to the conjunction of Venus and Mars in Taurus, children will delight you.

On the new moon, you may feel especially acutely that you did not receive something important, that you did not achieve what you deserve. This is due to the fact that lately your career has been stalling, something or someone is preventing you from moving forward. Your family will actively support you, instilling confidence that everything will work out in the end.

Horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn woman

  • Favorable days for Capricorn women in April 2017: April 1, 6, 11, 16, 20, 27.
  • Difficult days for Capricorn women in April 2017: April 4, 17, 28.

Love. Much in family life may not suit you now, especially if you have a long-standing and established relationship.

  • From 1 to 10 April. The emotional background this week is very unstable. You will either fly on the wings of love, or suddenly decide to give up everything.
  • From 11 to 20 April. Relationships can become more harmonious. You will finally find a common language with your partner and start from scratch.
  • From 21 to 30 April. A new romance may not develop as quickly as you would like. But you shouldn’t rush things, your loved one wants to take a closer look at you, excessive activity can push him away.

Health. Whatever you do this week will turn out very well. Haircut and coloring, for example, will be beyond praise and will help create the image of a housewife.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Pay attention to the state of your nervous system. It's time to consult a good specialist.
  • From 11 to 20 April. If you've been reproaching yourself for a long time for rarely being outdoors, it's time to take action. To begin with, try to make it a habit to walk part of the way to work.
  • From 21 to 30 April. Sports play an important role in your life, so don’t neglect your activities. Be more attentive to the trainer's recommendations, he can tell you something really useful.

Finance. Much will depend on your relationship with your superiors. If they leave much to be desired, it’s time to tighten your belt - you won’t see any raises or bonuses.

  • From 1 to 10 April. There is a possibility of a quarrel at work, and you can conflict with the person on whom your income depends.
  • From 11 to 20 April. This week, expect unexpected profits not related to work. This could be an expensive gift or simply a large sum of money that will be given to you for free.
  • From 21 to 30 April. There will be a good chance to spend or invest money wisely. The question will arise: what to do if this money is not yours or not really yours? Answer: it's better not to take risks.

Horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn man

  • Favorable days for Capricorn men in April 2017: April 2, 7, 12, 16, 20, 22, 28.
  • Difficult days for Capricorn men in April 2017: April 3, 18, 30.

Love. Only you can help your loved one avoid problems now. Your support will be incredibly valuable, and her gratitude in return will be sincere and passionate.

  • From 1 to 10 April. You are surrounded by exceptionally nice girls, meeting whom is the ultimate dream. But don't be scattered.
  • From 11 to 20 April. During this period, you will show a true southern temperament in your relationship with your partner. The main thing is that she appreciates it and plays along with you correctly and subtly if necessary.
  • From 21 to 30 April. If you don't break someone's heart this week, you'll consider time wasted. But if you have more serious goals now, try not to be distracted by such nonsense.

Health. Be careful when driving, when working with sharp objects or electrical appliances, and when playing sports. There is a high chance of injury this week.

  • From 1 to 10 April. The emotional background is very unstable, there is a danger of quarreling with family. Leave all your problems at work.
  • From 11 to 20 April. You shouldn’t eat your sorrows with unhealthy foods and drink strong (or not so strong) alcohol. It’s better to keep fruits and vegetables ready - then you have a chance to avoid stomach problems.
  • From 21 to 30 April. If possible, go to the pool, a good sauna or steam bath: this will have the most beneficial effect on you.

Finance. You are responsive and people often turn to you for help. But now someone will try to use you.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Look around more carefully - during this period you will be unusually absent-minded. Don't trust strangers.
  • From 11 to 20 April. Try to say a firm “no” in response to tempting ideas from friends about how to spend your “millions.” In reality, the business will not be so profitable.
  • From 21 to 30 April. Don’t be upset if at work your initiatives and personal projects are rejected by your superiors right out of the gate. Act not directly, but through third parties.

Horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn child

Daughter. If you are demanding and want the Capricorn girl to obey you unquestioningly, she will not openly protest, but deep down she will distance herself from you. Be careful when discussing various family problems with her - relationships with relatives, grandparents. Your child has a hard time with family scandals. Go with your daughter to the theater or a concert, it will bring you closer.

Son. A Capricorn boy will show interest in family history. Don’t let this attitude towards matters of bygone days scare you, you just need to take a very balanced approach to your answers. Perhaps your son is unhappy with something about himself and he just wants to make sure that it’s all “hereditary.” Give him positive examples from the lives of relatives who have achieved a lot.

Read the horoscope for January 2017 for other zodiac signs: